Talking Vision 621 Week Beginning 18th of April 2022

Published Apr 20, 2022, 4:25 AM

Sam catches up with Shannon Rees from the National Disability Insurance Agency to talk about the MyNDIS app for mobile, and some updates which NDIS clients can look forward to.

Then later on in the show Helen Velissaris speaks with Brisbane university student and Vision Australia bursary recipient Ambrose Bub, who shares his experience of vision loss and adapting to life at university.

Finally this week, Telelink coordinator Maria Markou joins Sam to share the latest news in the world of Telelink.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

I sort of grasped the idea that it could possibly happen to me, but I never fully connected it with my own everyday activities because to lose a sense really is a pain. But the difference with vision is most people rely on their vision for more than 90% of their daily activities.

Welcome to the program. That voice you just heard there was Brisbane University student and Vision Australia bursary recipient Ambrose Pub talking about his experience of vision loss and the impact it had on his daily life. Emperors caught up with Helen Bathurst to talk about his vision loss and adapting to life at uni, and that conversation's coming up later in the program. Up first though, I caught up with Shannon Rees from the National Disability Insurance Agency to talk about some updates to the My NDIS app from Mobile on Tablet, which launched in late 2021. Then finally on the show this week, Vision Australia telling coordinator Maria Mark, who joins me to have a quick chat about the latest news in Tele Link. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of Talking Vision. I'm speaking today with Shannon Reese from the National Disability Insurance Agency, who joins me to talk about the latest updates to the My NDIS app, which launched late last year. Shannon, welcome to Talk Condition. Thank you very much for your time today.

Lovely to be with you, Stefan.

Now firstly, Shannon, for the benefit of our listeners, could you perhaps give an overview of the My NDIS app?

I certainly can. So the agency identified last year when talking to participants that there was a real desire to have an app either on Android or on Apple Phone. So the agency took it upon themselves to start working with participants and developed what we call the My NDIS app. But you're right Sam, it came into play late last year and a couple of things that the app allows participants to do is to view their budget. They can see their current plan online, their plan goals and their plan statement. They can view their profile information. And for self management participants, they can also manage their clients. So really it's about ensuring participants have an easier and simpler way to engage with their plans in their budget and also to have choice so that they can also still continue to use the NDIS plan portal.

And what are the future development plans for the app, Shannon?

Well actually this week alone, which is very exciting, Sam. We've actually been able to extend the app so more participants can actually have access to it. So up until this week, it's really primarily been for self-managed plan users. But now all NDIS participants can access the Mindo app and see their plans and their plan budget. So we're continuing to look at ways that we can effectively enable participants to do whatever they can do on their My Plan portal to be able to it on the app. But the expansion of it is is definitely an exciting thing that shows that it's definitely heading in the right direction.

Shannon, you made mention of the portals just earlier in the conversation. So how does the app interact with both the old and the new portals? And is there any effect from the transition between the portals that people should know about?

The main thing to know is that really what what you do, particularly in regards to the climbing space. So anything that you're doing using the app will then be reflected in the portal and vice versa. So when you're using the portal, any claims or anything that you're doing within the portal will then be reflected within the app. So they're integrated, may take the 10 minutes or so for them both to reflect the usage, but they work lockstep together so people can have confidence that if they're using the app or using the portal or using a mix of both, they're both going to be working together.

Okay, there you go. That's very good news for our listeners out there. Now, Shannon, could you perhaps go into some of the ways you're committed to ensuring that the app continues to be accessible as design changes and the new features are added? As you've mentioned, there's some updates coming up quite shortly. So what sort of accessibility considerations have gone into all of that?

Well, primarily what we did hear from participants was that they wanted to be able to use their phones because it would actually enhance and tap into the accessibility features used on their smartphone. So that's one way we've been able to, you know, expand the accessibility of the app by the fact that it needs to be accessible within the phone features. We've also worked with a range of different organisations, including Blind Citizens Australia, to ensure that we're testing the app as we're going. So as you mentioned, it came online in December last year and what we're doing is making sure that we're looking at continuing improvement. So we encourage anyone who is interested to join the app improvement community, which you can do through the app, to be able to provide feedback or feedback that we get will go back into looking at what the future state of the app will be, and we encourage people to really take the opportunity to do that. I will note that over 30,000 participants have already downloaded the app and it's still continuing to get a four out of five rating from users. So while we're happy that we're getting that high positive feedback, we'd love to get it to five for anyone who has any feedback on the use of the app. And by all means, if they can join the app improvement community and. Get that feedback to us would be great.

Following on from that, Shannon, what are some other opportunities for people who are blind or have low vision to be involved in the testing of the app going forward?

And so if anyone would like to be involved, by all means reach out to us through the app itself in the improvement community. There was someone who actually gave us feedback through the process. They self-manage their plans and they're visually impaired and they really found that it was really great. They acknowledge that there's some things that they still like to improve, but they think it's a really functional and good way to manage their clients. Happy about seeing the budget and the breakdown of support makes it easier and quicker. You can do three or four steps to make a claim instead of ten. So I think this assists in cutting down administration time. So it's, you know, hearing from people who are visually impaired already using the app. We think it's a really great improvement for people with vision impairment, but anything that people can identify within the app that we can improve, we'd really love to hear from you.

And finally, Shannon, where can people find out more info about the Mayan dis app and perhaps how to download it and so on? All the features that are encapsulated and especially the updates.

The NDIS website that I sculpted, I was awake a really great place to start to get any information about the game so you can find general information about the app there. In regards to downloading app, of course, those with an Apple smartphone can download the app to the App Store and those with Android can go to Google the Google Play store. And what you're looking for is in my and I actually search that and then download the app from there.

And just quickly before we go, the indie, I have recently launched the Participant First Initiative to help improve aspects of the NDIS, including the My NDIS app. Participant first connects with participants, families, carers and non participants with disabilities to work together on improving the NDIS. And if you'd like to find out more about participants first or you'd like to take part in the initiative, just head to NDIS talk of a you that's NDIS talk of a year and search participant first. Help improve the NDIS. I've been speaking today with Shane Res from the National Disability Insurance Agency to talk about the latest updates to the My NDIS app, which launched late last year. Shannon, thank you so much for your time today. It's been a pleasure having you on the program.

Pleasure's all mine. Thank you, Sam, for taking the time. I'm looking forward to talking to you again.

I'm Sam Collie and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, associated stations of our IPH and the Community Radio Network. If you're enjoying the show and you'd love to find out more like where to find local radio frequencies or a good spot to listen to past programs. You can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just search talking vision and it should come right up as the first option. You can also find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now here's Helen Lazarus with Ambrose Bub.

I'm joined by Ambrose Bopp, who is a 20 year old student in Queensland. Emperors, how are you?

I'm very well, thank you. Helen, how are you?

I'm good, I'm good. We've got you on the line today. You are one of the successful bursary recipients of Vision Australia's bursary. Can you sort of explain what the bursary is?

So from my understanding, the bursary was an opportunity for legally blind or visually impaired students to receive some funding for assistive technologies or accessible technologies that might help them throughout their studies in 2022. Mm hmm.

And so you've had quite an interesting lead up to what you're currently now studying, which is a Bachelor of Business specialising in economics at Kuti. So tell me a little bit about how you got to the Bachelor of Economics.

Yes. In 2008, when I was in high school, that was my grade 12. I was the school captain at Brisbane Bayside State College, which is right on the bay in Brisbane. In 2019 I began engineering and science and I told myself there would be one of four pathways I would leave when I leave school, which is engineering, science, economics or theology and philosophy. And I have four engineers in my immediate family, so I taught engineering and science would be a stable pathway to choose. However, in October of 2019, I had a 50% engineering exam and I woke up that day with my right eyes vision being reduced to the stage it is now. I had not noticed any prior deterioration, but my left eye was still good enough to drive and so forth. I subsequently failed two of my four subjects that I was studying at Beauty and I didn't continue uni for 2020.

Wow. So your eyesight started to deteriorate. What was that like for you?

It was shocking. It was saddening. It was very difficult to describe. It felt like the walls were falling down, particularly loss of depth, perception and visual acuity to pick up details. Many people will say, Oh hey, and I don't recognise the voice because I haven't spoken them in a month or two and I don't know if they're talking to me and it's difficult to explain to people to introduce themselves by their name, as if I were talking to you in person. I would ask you to say, Hey, Ambrose, it's Helen. That way I would remember our prior conversations and it would be much easier for me. I took comfort in the fact that I have three brothers with the same condition. So my eldest brother lost his eyesight in 2007. He was 15 and I remember that was grade one for me, helping him through his struggles. And then my next brother lost his eyesight in 2014. He was ten. I remember after school coming home and reading books to him and then my next brother lost his eyesight in 2008. He was 18, and I remember helping him to decide what he wanted to do next. And then I started losing eyesight in 2000 and nineteenths, in October, six weeks after my 18th birthday. So I sort of grasped the idea that it could possibly happen to me, but I never fully connected it with my own everyday activities because to lose a sense really is a pain. But the difference with vision is most people rely on their vision for more than 90% of their daily activities.

Yeah, well you mentioned, you know, you were a great support to your your siblings, but was there anyone that supported you during your time of going through vision loss?

Yes, definitely. I would say the moral support came from my brothers who had lost their vision prior to me. We have a very close family friend who is his name's Shane Morgan and he's well, he actually did accounting at university, but now he works as a support. It was just happy to get on track and happy to help me through anything. His wife taught us touch type. He was organising the NDIS appointments for us, helping me sit through what potential career pathways I could choose now that I started losing eyesight. My eldest sister is a is a lawyer. She has her own firm in the city and she was very helpful for me to not lose hope and choose another path. I was speaking with some of the guidance counselors at the Uni and they were asking me, Well, why did you come to uni in the first place? And I shared about what happened in grade 12. I had an accident where my hand was cut open and I was in the hospital when everyone was doing the QC s exams. That's the big state level exams that everyone does for their OPI or ATAR. I think it's changed to now. And I had a scrub for the second half of year 12, but then I still managed to get into an engineering and science degree and it was very good for these guidance counselors to put into perspective the fact that I still had a zeal and a motivation to study despite not being able to write. And now I could potentially return to studying, not being able to see this is in, I'd say about June of 2020 when I first started exploring what could be done in uni. Mm hmm.

And so you've you've studied your more you've studied a little bit with engineering, and now you're in Bachelor of Business Economics. You've had a lot like a big change in between. What's it like getting back into uni? Has it been a bit stressful for you or are you finding it? It's it's good to kind of, you know, keep you motivated.

Yes. It's definitely a motivation to be able to say that I am actually striving towards something and not really just wasting away and not knowing what to do. I would say it was very difficult when I first went back to uni in late February or March 20, 21 last year, and I wasn't aware of what to expect, not being able to see anybody's faces or the graphs and equations that were on the board. And I would go and I would talk to the tutor and to the lecturer after class and ask them to explain the things that they would usually just visually explain to the class. And I needed the extra time. I would also say I'm very grateful to QCA. They have organised a disability participation assistant for me because assignments have to be formatted a certain way and I can't produce a certain font size and you know, referencing style and graphs and so forth with Jaws. I'm not up to that efficiency yet.

Now that's that's that's very helpful. Actually. You mentioned, you know, the bursary has been a help for you. What exactly have you been able to achieve with the bursary?

So I've purchased four things with the bursary and I'm very grateful to Vision Australia. I've mainly been in contact with the Brisbane team. Molly Lurch is an active technology person there and and Ireland as well. As I was in contact with Joey King from the Victorian office. She was the one organising the bursary for me. That's the first thing I got was a microsoft Word licence because I don't know when that will expire and it is a bit expensive to get and it is necessary for completing my studies. I got a booklet which is attached to my chain and what that is, is it vibrates. When there's an object in my path, I can set it to one metre, two metre or three metres and it will let me know if I'm about to walk into anything. It will assist the and so that I'm not having to stop. And there's a lot of people riding past on scooters around the uni and on the bridge from Southbank. So it's very, very helpful for me to be able to navigate through and just feel the vibration when I'm walking to a class or to the station and so forth. I've also selected a victor trek, which is an audio machine. It's got physical buttons, not a digital screen, and it records my voice. I can have notes recorded. It works as a GPS and it also works for audiobooks and podcasts. So it's got three settings. And these are useful for my university because I can have a conversation with a lecturer or the professor after class and ask for help with the assignment. And I may not be able to type it out on Jaws with the Jaws talk back or write it down because I won't be able to read what I'm writing, so I could just record it and come back to it. I could use the GPS to set up landmarks and specific routes to travel around the uni or. Travelling home and I could use the audiobooks and the podcast to listen to the textbooks or the recommended readings that the professor has given us. So that's the third item. And lastly, I've purchased a Jaws license for 2022, which is, as most of your listeners may know, JAWS is job access with speech. It's very commonly used for vision impaired.

Yeah, it's the it's the be all and end all. Screenwriter From what I can understand and peruse, it seems like you've been able to get some pretty amazing things through this bursary. Would you recommend it to other people?

Yes, I would definitely recommend it to anybody, especially someone who is visually impaired and doubting whether they could go back to study or not. Because it seems when you embark on studies for the first time or for the first time since losing eyesight, that there are a lot of stumbling blocks in your path. But through the bursary, I was able to purchase these four things which really alleviate some of the pain that was felt and mitigate some of the struggles that I would otherwise encounter, if that makes sense.

Yeah, definitely. Definitely. And so post post uni, what would you like to kind of how how would you see your career spanning or what would you like to do in your life?

I'm unsure at the moment.

I think I don't think many people know what they want to do after uni. That's all good.

No, I could continue my studies and potentially study PhD and work in the university as a lecturer, or I could work as a business analyst or I could work potentially in the Treasury or in a government agency like that, or I could work in financial advice and insurance and so forth. It's it's quite a quite a wide scope of options that I've allowed myself.

Of course, I think, like any person I say that does accounting or economics, I think everyone will be coming to you for tax advice and money advice, finance advice. So prepare for that, I think. Thank you very much. Ambrose.

Thank you, Helen.

I'm speaking today with Vision Australia telling coordinator Maria Marcoux about the latest happenings in the world of Tele Link. Thanks so much for joining us and welcome back to Talking Vision.

Thank you, Sam. Very good to be back.

Now, firstly, Maria, let's give our listeners a bit of a refresher. Could you give us an overview of the talent program and what it is?

Definitely. Tele Link is Regional Australia social and interest based program and we deliver our groups through the phone or online through Zoom. And we are a national program where available for people aged 18 and over and we have fantastic volunteers who facilitate the conversations and topics that we offer.

And Maria, what's what's the latest news in the world of telling quality, some exciting things for people to look forward to over the next couple of months?

Well, we came back from our break, obviously, after our January program, and that went really well. And regular groups that re-occurring week, fortnight or monthly have come back. We are starting to plan per our July special interest program, so we're trying to arrange different range of topics with different presenters, etc.. We've started a new women's world social telling group that meets via Zoom for ladies 18 and over, and it's just around different women's topics and the group get to choose with the facilitator what they'd like to talk and it meets fortnightly on a Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. Eastern time.

And Maria will go back to those July special interest groups for a bit. I know there are highlight for a lot of people out there. So what are some big names or big, exciting things coming up in in July that people can check out?

Well, like I mentioned, we are in the planning phase, so we haven't and I can't give much away. But we will have our three webinars in the Winter Webinar series on a monday at 2 p.m. We'll offer four of those through resume in the webinar format and they seem to be really popular and night. And people who are not part of tele link join those as just to do the webinars and that's fine and then they continue on and join other programs, which is really, really good. So we are in the developing phase of the program. We will be offering groups Monday to Friday, usually 10 a.m., 11 and 2 p.m., and sometimes we can we try maybe a pilot, a new program. And that way that if a program is popular, then we can introduce it into our regular reoccurring groups.

Mm hmm. They got a lot of exciting things in the planning there for July, so watch this space now. Maria, where can people find out more about telling, for example, where they could sign up as a participant or even if they'd like to volunteer?

Perhaps we have all our current groups or our schedule, as we call it, available on the Vision Australia website and to groups or community groups that people do a search all by searching, by tele link, by that word, and it will list all the current groups available in day, in time order and people can skip to whatever attracts their interest. We then we have a form where people can submit their interest and one of the team will be in touch and make contact. And we talk about what topics of interest or else we can reach. Send the information if people want to talk through details around a particular group. And we also include a description about each group to describe what it's all about before people make a decision around joining if it suits their need interest in day and time. We also will have our own email address so people can email telling me direct and the email there with tele link the full word info at Vision Australia dot org.

So that's telling info on word vision Australia dot org. If you'd like to give Vision Australia a call to find out a bit more about telling, you can get in touch on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466. To find out more, I've been speaking today with Vision Australia talent coordinator Maria Marcoux about the exciting plans coming up over the next few months for the Vision Australia Tell All Link program. Maria, thank you so much for your time today. It's been a pleasure having you back.

Thank you, Sam.

And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org. That's Talking Vision or one word vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org that's vision Australia dot or.

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