Talking Vision 619 Week Beginning 4th of April 2022

Published Apr 6, 2022, 1:14 AM

Vision Australia head of policy Bruce Maguire joins Sam to talk about the importance of ensuring voters who are blind or have low vision can enjoy the same rights and protections as their sighted peers, as well as the developments around the recently discontinued iVote system in NSW and what this means for the blind and low vision community.

Then later on in the show Sam catches up with Rhyce and Caren Ellis. They speak with Sam about their life together as a newlywed couple who are both blind or have low vision, from when they first went out together to the recent challenges and wins they faced when organising their wedding and honeymoon.

And finally before we wrap up this week Helen joins Sam to chat about April’s issue of For Your Information or FYI.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

Providing voting systems that are secure and which are also independent and sacred for people who want to have a vision. Is is a much more complex thing than it was even ten years ago. However, that complexity should never be used as a reason for denying people human rights.

Welcome to the show. That voice you just heard there was Vision Australia head of policy Bruce McGuire, talking about the importance of ensuring voters who are blind or have low vision can enjoy the same rights and protections as their sighted peers. Bruce joins me on the show this week to speak about this and the developments around the recently continued offer system in New South Wales. That interview is coming up next. Then later on in the show, I catch up with Grace and Karen Ellis. They speak with me about their life together as a newlywed couple who are both blind or have low vision from when they first went out together to the recent challenges and wins they faced when organising their wedding and their honeymoon. It's a great story, so make sure you stick around to find out more. And finally, before we wrap up this week, Helen Vasari's joins me to chat about April's issue of FOIR information or if I first saw short. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. I began the conversation with Pearse by asking him to give a brief overview of what Ivo was.

Yeah, look at I vote. Since 2011 has been, I guess, the gold standard in independent, secret and verifiable voting for people who want to have that vision. In Australia, I vote has been used mainly in New South Wales, was developed in New South Wales and the first time it was used was in the 2011 election and was then used in 2015 and 2019. And also two of the three elements of my vote were available during the the local government elections last year. The I vote has had three main components. There's an Internet component, so people have been able to to vote independently, secretly and verifiably using the Internet. There's also been an option to use a telephone keypad to do the same thing. And there's also been a human assisted telephone option for those people who prefer those that are up there, for example, who aren't comfortable using the the the Internet so that the three kind of components to I vote combine to give really a very good access to the voting process in in New South Wales as a very independent secret and verifiable so so people are vulnerable living in New South Wales have been able to to vote using I vote in the in the in those elections since since 2011.

However, I do understand, as I have mentioned, there have been some issues that I've has faced in New South Wales. So what's the current state of play with suspension?

Yes, that there have been issues with I vote, particularly as it has been made available to other groups of electors from the the initial initial group that was available in 2011. And there have been a number of security related issues. There have been a number of issues to do with the just the ability of the system to cope with the increased demand and the result of all those things combined with the fact that the vendors of the I vote or the developers of the I vote software who are not not in Australia, have released a new version that is substantially different from the one that that we've been using since 2011. The combination of those of those factors have has led the New South Wales Electoral Commission to take a decision basically to decommission the event software which which effectively means it's they're not going to use it anymore. So I vote is effectively gone.

For the benefit of the listeners out there. Bruce, what sort of impact does this have on voters who are blind or have low vision?

I think the the it's a significant step backwards for for voters in New South Wales who have been able to vote completely independently, you know, without completely secretly, without having to rely on a third, third person to either do the vote or know what know what your vote is and verifiably say with I vote, you can check to make sure that you voted how you think you have voted. So people have become used to that in New South Wales and now it's been taken away. I vote was introduced in in 2011 essentially to remove a barrier, a discriminatory barrier to participation in electoral processes. And with the removal of I vote, that discriminatory barrier has effectively been, you know, being brought back. So it's an extremely disappointing decision and I think people in New South Wales, people who want to have living in New South Wales are feeling rightly that they've been significantly let down by both the New South Wales Electoral Commission and the New South Wales Government.

So far, Bruce, we've obviously focused on New South Wales in particular, but what are some of the implications from I guess, your standpoint that this whole situation will have, especially on voters in other states?

Well, I vote hasn't really been used in in in other states. They've been different approaches to providing access to the voting processes for people who apply to have lives in other states. Western Australia has has come the closest to, to, to looking at looking at the vote system. And look, I think there are some positive and possibly some positive aspects of this in that now that the I vote software has been abandoned in New South Wales, there is an opportunity. For the the various electoral commissioners around Australia to work together to come up with something better and something that has more national consistency so that people who are blind, who have like vision anywhere in Australia will be able to vote in the same, in the same way in the future, that that's going to take time and it certainly won't happen in the next six months, 12 months, but hopefully we'll eventually see a more nationally consistent approach, you know, to to voting as new products come onto the market. And as you know, there's more collaboration between the different electoral commissions.

And both understand that there have been quite a few legislative barriers that have prevented some progress here and there in various Australian states. So what sort of the state of play with that currently.

Looking at it where it varies between the states, I know that in Victoria there are there are some legislative barriers that would prevent if I vote from from being introduced. I'm not quite sure whether those same barriers exist all around Australia, but I think for us as an organisation we're very keen to ensure that people who are blind, who have low vision, can vote independently in secret and and verifiably, which I vote has, has allowed. So we've been lobbying very strongly in this space for, you know, for a long time, and we'll continue to do that because until we until we can remove whatever legislative barriers there are and some of them go back a long you know, a long way, way before the the introduction of technology that makes independent, sacred and verifiable voting possible. Until we can remove those those barriers, we won't get full and equitable access to the voting process.

Now, let's go from a negative to a positive. Now, we've talked about what isn't available, so perhaps we can shift over to what is available. Now, suppose what options will voters who are blind or have low vision have especially as we lead up to the federal election.

In my yeah well in the in the federal election voters are blind have low vision will have the same option that we've had in previous federal elections. That is a human assisted telephone voting as you'll make a telephone call to a to a call centre and you'll be able to, you know, dictate your vote to the person on the other end of the phone. And they will write your vote on the ballot paper monitored by a second person who will be listening to make sure that what you're saying is what is being written down. And we've those of those of us who have participated in previous or voted in previous federal elections will be familiar with that with that system. In that way, that won't change. That is going to be exactly the same as what we've had before. And I might just add that in the 2023 election in New South Wales, even though there won't be a vote as such, the New South Wales Electoral Commission will be offering a similar to a similar service that is human assisted telephone voting. So it still will be possible to cast a vote, although not not with the same independence and secrecy and verifiability that we've had before.

And finally, Bruce, I might get you to bring out your crystal ball for a second. What's on the cards in terms of the future for accessible voting options in Australia?

Well, I think whatever that future is is going to require significant lobbying and advocacy from organisations such as Vision Australia, just as we've, you know, significantly lobbied and provided advocacy in this space. You know, for, for almost 20 years now since the Time Vision Australia was was formed, the environment has become much more complex. The cyber security environment is very, you know, is much more complex now. So providing voting systems that are secure and which are also independent and sacred for people of under our vision is a much more complex thing than it was even, you know, even ten years ago. However, that complexity should never be used as a reason for denying people human rights. And in a democracy such as Australia, people do have an expectation that they will be able to vote independently and in secret and verifiably. So we will continue to be very strong in our advocacy in this space and I hope that certainly within the next 3 to 5 years we will see not a not a resurrection of I vote as such, but the development of something that offers equal independence and equal secrecy and equal surety that you are free of your vote of how you wanted to vote. As as I vote has. I mean, every you know, all systems evolve. Nothing stays the same forever. I vote was good while it lasted, but we now have the responsibility to come up with something equally as good, if not better.

I've been. Speaking today with late policy adviser from Vision Australia, Bruce McGuire. All about the current options available to voters who are blind or have low vision as we approach the federal election. On some color. And you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia radio, associated stations of our age and the Community Radio Network. If you're enjoying the show and you'd love to find out more like where to find a local radio frequency or a good spot. To listen to some past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision Web page. Just search talking vision and it should come up as the first option. You can also find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now please enjoy my interview with Race and Karen. I begin by asking Race how he and Karen met while Path were working at Vision Australia.

That's definitely where it picked up. I find that we also used to run into each other at Flinders Street Train Station because obviously we were both public transport users. But as we sort of just saw each other, we didn't really know much about where we were both actually located at that time. And it wasn't until there was like a bit of an orientation of the Karen because when she was doing her library traineeship and she was being shown around most of the other areas that were associated with that, she was doing her traineeship and then sort of came across each other. And also I always find that her first seeing eye dog, Reba, was very much into me in some respects because it would always sort of come up to me and one part. And so I could almost and I always say this as kind of like a funny sort of gesture that I always find that Reba picked Karen for this. You know, I had.

No clue. Karen, what's your memory of the situation there?

Um, yeah, pretty much the same. So I would have literally said that Reba literally chose us to be with each other. It was lovely. Yes. She, um. She's not every other male who went to that other. Not race. Yeah. Yeah.

Okay. And when you started going out, what sort of considerations went into the activities she did and maybe the places you went to when you both started going out. And I guess what did you find worked well and maybe what challenges did you encounter?

Um, I find that when it came to cause I'd already been sort of used to going to theatre shows before that because I was actually part of the disability organisation kind of group that used to go out and do those sort of things. But obviously the major difference that I found there is that they used to have their own sort of mini sort of buses for transportation. So obviously being a group based kind of thing. But when it came to us actually going out to the places, especially with areas we were unfamiliar with, I found that using taxis to get to and from places definitely became more of a thing. And it still is. Yeah.

Yeah. And Karen, how about you? What were the sort of things you came across when you both started going places together? Was there anything that sort of sticks out for you?

Well, it's primarily like especially if we were going out to restaurants and stuff like that. I mean, of the inaccessibility of the menus for a start, I think I always.

Make think big problem.

So. So we are compensated for that by looking up the menus online. Yep. And just having a look to see what they had there so that we can just sit down and order getting the right to a waitress to come and read us out the menu. Yeah. Yeah.

So have you sort of either encountered that thing where you're sort of you're going out and you're maybe at the front desk somewhere or you're looking to, you know, talk to somebody and then they talk to somebody you're with who's more sighted and they talk to the sighted person. They don't talk to you. And you have to be like, well, no, actually, I ask the question, can you talk to me?

I found that mainly with one of the venues we were looking at for our reception. Right.

Okay. That's interesting you say that because that leads quite nicely into the next question. So picking the venues for the wedding and the reception. Well, it can be quite a big stressful decision with so many things to balance, you know, let alone for a totally sighted couple. So what kinds of factors went into your decision making process there? And I guess what sort of turn offs were there and sort of things that made you decide, okay, this other place is much better, we'll go here instead. So good of you first.

So one of the things that I found when it came to looking for. Reception is the communication of the staff, as in pointing out what we just sort of went through before. If they spoke to us and explained things in like a very good manner, like, you know, how the area where things where they showed you around. It's like they're trying to pretty much, you know, sell themselves to the point that they understand, yet you have a visual impairment or you are totally blind.

And Karen, I want to come back to your point before that you're just making.

Yeah. So, yeah, like I said, one of the venues we were looking at, we obviously we dragged our parents and other family members who are interested to have a look at the venues just from a visual perspective. And yeah, one of the venues, first of all, the planner didn't sound very interested.

Right. Okay. That's not a good start.

No, it was not. And secondly, he spoke directly to the sighted members of our party rather than talking to me and Reece directly. And I just found that really off putting because it was like, you know, we're the ones inquiring. We're the ones going to have to eventually pay. Yes. You know, so luckily luckily, everyone in our party said, no, it doesn't look good. And, you know, so we didn't end up going with that provider anyway. Not even if they'd said it would look good. I would have put my foot down because I'm like, That's not how you would treat someone who's dying to get married at your venue, even if they do have a disability. Mm hmm.

And Karen, also, could you tell us about how the planning and the decision making for the honeymoon came about? Understand, it was quite a lengthy process, but, um, you all reached an outcome you're really happy with, I guess. Tell us a bit more about how your planning went there.

Well, I know for a start that Reece wanted to do the Gold Coast stuff. I didn't realise I was marrying a thrill seeker. Yeah. You went all those death defying rides. I didn't go on that. And I know for myself that I wanted to do Hamilton just because I heard how beautiful it was. So I'm like, Oh, well, how am I going to plan this getting from point A to point B? So, um, I did a lot of Internet research online to see if there were like accessible hotels or transport, because I know first hand experience that you can't use your taxi card in Queensland if you're a Victorian taxi cardholder, right?


So that for me was off putting. So I'm like, oh, well, you know, we're going to be paying totally out of pocket for taxis to get to and from places. And the biggest issue for us was, of course, the airport. So anyway, I did a lot of research and I came across this travel agency that catered for people with disabilities. They're called leisure options. And at first I'm like, how come I've never heard of this company before? So I went and contacted them just to make sure they weren't like, you know, phony or anything like that. Yeah. And then when they said that they were an NDIS provider and all that, I'm like, sweet, you know, perfect with you guys. Yep, we can get subsidised for this. So they practically said to us, Well, what do you want to do? Where do you want to go? Give us any links or any information you think is relevant and we'll book it. And so basically I just sent them, you know, links to the relevant websites that I was looking at. And the guy who actually planned out our honeymoon, he was a travel agent himself and he went out and looked at places to see if they're accessible because he does a lot of travel agency planning for other disabilities as well. And yeah, he basically planned our honeymoon and it went very smoothly for us. So we went there with support worker. Yeah, and Jen, she was just very lovely.

How wonderful and rested. You have anything to add there? Well, it's sort of the most accessible thing you notice when you're on the honeymoon. What sort of stood out that made the whole experience that much easier?

I think one of the things I noticed that was I'm pretty sure I noticed this last time, but there were actually a bit of tactile in Queensland with some of the places that we went and most notably and I was very surprised, especially when we went to Hamilton Island, the hotel that we actually stayed, that was actually the very wheelchair and just a. Be accessible because there were ramps just about everywhere. Oh, well, okay. So and if there wasn't that there was actually even in the lift like it did, actually. I mean, apart from I think the buttons were a little bit tactile on the lift, but it also did announce which floor you're at when you actually got there as well.

Oh yeah. Mhm.

So and so Hamilton Island I thought that's actually very interesting. Obviously they've had exposure to I know tourism but also they must have had exposure to disabilities before as well. So where when we were in the Gold Coast, I mean there was a bit of it. But like as I think the hotel that we stayed at in the Gold Coast, it wasn't supposed to be disability friendly, but because everything was accessible, like you had access to the beach just outside the hotel, like the restaurant was there, the pool was easy to find. You could have pretty much stayed at most of these hotels and you wouldn't have really had to go anywhere, even if you wanted to.

I've been speaking with recent Karen Ellis there, talking to me about being in a relationship as to people who are blind or have low vision. And finally, before we go this week, Helen Velez Cyrus joins me to talk about, for your information, otherwise known as a fly off, a shot over here, Helen.

We got lots of news this this time round, so and a lot lots of new podcasts and content that we're trying to get out. So you'll be very entertained by our Life Hacks series, which is which now has a series series too. So that is coming out in April, and it will feature some amazing life hacks from our clients. You know what they basically use every day. So how they, you know, get out and about all the like how to do the hair and makeup and also some really cool cooking hacks coming from a professional TV chef with vision loss.

So everyone.

That's pretty cool. We've also got we've also got some amazing podcasts. Let's talk about Vision Loss, which is a brand new podcast that features eight clients and they discuss, you know, their diagnosis, how they've gone through with dealing with blindness or low vision and, you know, the services that they've eventually connected with. It's it's quite heart wrenching, I must admit. So it's I would highly recommend it. It's called Let's Talk About Vision Loss. And you can actually access it from the Vision Australia website. So Vision Australia. Dot org. Slash, let's talk.

And if you want to find out more about let's talk about vision loss. You can also check out last week's episode which chatted with Paul Hadley. That was a great conversation. So do check that out if you're interested in finding out more. Now, Helen, with regards to articles and things that you've come across, there's something pretty cool about echolocation that came across your inbox.

Yeah, I find this really fascinating, Sam. So some blind and low vision people can can actually use echolocation. And yes, so we've got this amazing article written by the ABC that features Damien McMorrow, who's one of our fantastic colleagues at Vision Australia. And he actually uses echolocation. But more more than that, he noticed a change during the pandemic when he had to wear masks because, you know, he's he's echolocation, clicks and stuff weren't being vocalized or he couldn't hear them very well because they were muffled by this mask. So there's a few little ways of, you know, changing habits from the pandemic for people with disabilities. Damien also has a wonderful seeing eye dog. Unfortunately, the seeing eye dog was trained pre-pandemic, so the CSIRO doesn't really understand social distancing, but I think it's a fascinating read. Sam So if you want to see how, you know, some of some people from our community have been, you know, adjusting to COVID, it's it's a wonderful read.

And if you'd like to subscribe to Wi-Fi to read about all this content and more, head to Vision Australia dot org slash newsletters. That's Vision Australia oh one word dot org slash newsletters where you can sign up and receive the newsletter and the inbox every month. I've been chatting with Helen Vasari's today, author of Fire Information. Helen, thanks so much for your time today.

Thanks, Sam.

And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision Business Shire dot org. That's Talking Vision. Oh, one word at vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us any time during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia total.

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