On this week’s special International Women’s Day episode of Talking Vision, Ria Andriani has a chat with blind climate activist, journalist and disability advocate Aine Kelly-Costello about ways in which climate action can be made more accessible for people with disability, what people can do to bring change and encouraging people who are blind or have low vision to demand more from governments and organisations regarding not only the environment but also accessibility and the rights of people with disabilities. If you'd like to hear more from Aine, you can read her thesis here.
Then later in the show Tess Herbert catches up with Grace Fowler, creator of craft beer Nas XPA in collaboration with ABC disability affairs reporter Nas Campanella for International Women’s Day. Tess Herbert recently caught up with Grace to talk about the ways in which Akasha and Reckless have made the packaging accessible for customers who are blind or have low vision, including a QR code with an audio description of the can read by Nas herself.
From Vision in Australia, this is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
From my perspective, lack of someone who is not vision impaired. Look, I just look at the label. I read all the information on it. I say the beautiful colors like all that kind of stuff. And so just the more I delved into it, the more I realized how hard it must be. You know what I mean when you actually receive that information?
Welcome to this special International Women's Day episode of Talking Vision and that voice you just heard. There was Grace Fowler, creator of Craft Beer Nuts S.p.A, talking about breaking down her unconscious biases around accessible design when creating the beer in collaboration with ABC disability affairs reporter Nas Campanella for International Women's Day on the 8th of March. Tess, her butt recently caught up with grace in the lead up to International Women's Day, and you'll hear from them later on in the program. Up first, though, where Andrea ANI had a chat with blonde climate activist, journalist and disability advocate Anya Kelley Costello about whites in which climate action can be made more accessible for people with disability. What people can do to bring change and encouraging people who are blind or have low vision to demand more from governments and organizations regarding not only the environment, but also accessibility and the rights of people with disabilities. That interview is coming up next, so make sure to stay tuned. I hope you enjoyed this week's International Women's Day episode of Talking Vision. And now here's where Andrea Chaney with Anna Kelly Costello
on, yeah. Kelly Costello is a blind, chronically ill storyteller and campaigner from New Zealand, currently living in Norway. Welcome to talking vision on you. Thank you so much for being here. So tell me more about yourself for the talking vision audience.
Yeah, thank you, sir. I, as you mentioned, I've spent most of my life and culture in New Zealand and currently based in Norway. I studied a bunch of things at university like music and languages, most recently journalism, and I've spent most of my time working and volunteering and campaigns to do with disability, climate justice or the intersections of both of them, as well as some journalism and podcasting.
So many different fields there. That's wonderful.
I really like that. They intersect. I'm very interested in the ways that that media and climate justice and disability come together and intersect.
Yeah, which is really interesting because I wanted to ask you what made you go into climate activism as a blind person in the first place?
In a way, it was almost by chance. I found out about a talk that somebody I'd never heard of called Bill McKibben was doing at my university campus back in 2013, and some friends were going along and they mentioned that it was at this well-known environmental campaigner. And I thought, why not? So I went along to that. And Bill McKibben turned out to be the co-founder of a grassroots climate justice movement called 350.org, which was doing campaigns for fossil fuel divestment. So Bill McKibben was very much explaining that the fossil fuel industry would continue into still continue to this day to explore our prospect extract fossil fuels, coal and gas when we've already got extracted. Back then, in 2013, I think it was already four or five times over the amount that would take us to over two degrees. At the time, the target was two degrees of warming so very much that the fossil fuel industry is putting profit before the health of people on the planet. And so understanding climate change climate breakdown in the systemic light was kind of revolutionary for me. I'd never been exposed to that before. And at the time, I didn't really do anything about it. I just kind of liked the 350 page on Facebook. But then the next year, when 350 Altura. And so the New Zealand part of 350.org was setting up a divestment campaign at the University of Auckland. Then I was super interested, and I was a little worried that as a blind person who also knew next to nothing about campaigning, I might sort of be tell that, you know, we're good. We got everything. Can I cover it or that that was not the case at all, actually. They were just starting out. I went to the first meeting and I ended up getting super involved and helping to start at the student club philosophy your way. And yeah, we had a five year long air campaign, very successful movement building, and eventually we won and the university divested in 2019.
That's a really solid achievement. And you're currently doing a Ph.D. about the climate reporting in New Zealand at A. Is that right?
I did my masters on that. Yeah. So my thesis was exploring journalists, perspectives and so journalists who consistently cover climate change on how they practice climate journalism. So what are the responsibilities that are important to them when covering climate change? And what is some of the media context that they work with and when doing that? And if you're interested to find out more about that, you can read my thesis at Climate Journalism NZ at WordPress.com. I've written a kind of hopefully more reader friendly overview of the main findings there as well.
Yeah, I will definitely put the link as part of the notes for anyone that is interested. But my question, especially because we are part of the blind and low vision communities. Why should we care about collective climate actions?
A couple of things, one I think is not blind specific, and that is that joining together with other people to take action can just be incredibly uplifting, like if you're feeling very down about the climate crisis and a lot of kind of grief and anxiety about that. I've always sort of try to forget. About it, but it's the thing that's always there, I think taking action with other people, being able to forge really meaningful relationships with people who come at the issue from a systemic lens, as I do, that has been the single most helpful thing. It doesn't make sense that anxiety and grief go away, but it helps more than anything else, in my opinion.
I think it's like we for a lot of people, especially in Australia, it's not been, you know, it hasn't really been part of my lives. It seems like, you know, it's it's what's happening in the world out there, but it doesn't really affect us.
It's interesting that this that perception in Australia, because of course, the increasing severity of bushfires is fueled in part by climate change, and a lot of people are also affected by droughts. I know in parts of Australia and and other heatwaves is a massive one as well. And all of those things are really exacerbated by climate change. I think in terms of knowing how to prepare for that kind of extreme weather is really, really important as blind people, as disabled people more generally as well. And what that looks like for you in particular as individuals, because I mean, for example, for me, as someone who's blind and chronically ill as well, that would look quite different to somebody who's maybe blind and not chronically ill, but unlike me, has a guide dog. And so this, you know, and for people who are deaf, blind and thinking about the communication side of things as well, where are you going to be able to get information and if you need to evacuate? How are you going to have accurate? I think all of those things tie in. I think there's also a side to this story, which is about the planning that goes on on the governmental side, you know, conversations about what the economy's going to look like and what our transport systems are looking like. Increasingly, all of this kind of stuff should more and more, I don't know Australian politics very well, but theoretically, well, more and more come under a climate umbrella. And, you know, on the transport side of things, seeing the rise of micromobility, really needing to advocate for separated cycleways and end lines with bikes and e-scooters can basically they're not parked haphazardly and causing havoc on our footpaths where we can't hear them and making sure that there's minimum sound standards for electric vehicles. I'm not quite sure where that's up to in Australia. But all of these kinds of safety things are really important for for blind people and making sure that wider climate movements are actually calling for these things as well. Because climate movements have often been exclusionary, perhaps not intentionally, but it's still, you know, still hurts for disabled people, including including blind people. And on the environmental side, the sort of pushing the strawmen issue was really massive for disabled people who actually needed those particular plastic straws to be able to drink. Drinking is fundamental. Yeah, some people relied on them. So I think there are ways like that as well with it's been breakdowns of trust. If you can find people who are receptive within those movements and I was very, very lucky that people in the fossil fuel divestment movement I was part of were receptive. Then often I think over time, if you can make relationships, you can really make some headway there. And I was very fortunate to be able to work with 350 Terawatt, who now have an accessibility and inclusion manifesto and really incorporate that into their work at a board level, at a staff level, at a local campaigns level.
You've made some really good points that thank you so much on. Yeah. And yeah, it it is such an incredible achievement and I do I do agree with you that as blind people, we should get prepared. We should get information in the way we need it and we should be involved in all planning and all concept levels, basically.
So yeah, and I completely agree with you and I might just add there as well. I think one other thing that organisations and people with disabilities or disabled people's organisations not quite sure what they're called in Australia. But I think one very useful thing to be able to do is also be in touch with government, specifically through a climate lens. So and I'll tell you, at the moment, I am working with blind citizens and blind citizens will have a position on climate and the environment, a position statement about that that will help guide their advocacy. And I think taking those kinds of steps and potentially being just more connected to the climate movement, but also the climate policy discussions at a at a governmental level and even a local government level. If there's capacity for that for state level in Australia, I think that can be really, really useful as well because there's always lots of priorities. But the reality is that so much of the work that's already going on can be rechecked a little bit so that you are seeing that disaster and extreme weather preparedness and seeing the transport planning discussion through a climate lens.
Yeah, that's a really valid point. And the states where all the stuff in Australia are happening. So we should get. Definitely take your suggestion on board.
That was where Andrea Guinevere, speaking with blonde journalist, disability advocate and climate activist Anna Kelly, Castilla. I'm Sam Callie, and you're listening to talk condition on Vision Australia radio associate associated stations of our age and the community radio network. If you'd like to find out more about the program, like where to find your local radio frequency or listen to past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just stop talking vision into your search engine, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now his test herber with Grace Fowler.
Today, it's a real pleasure to be speaking with Grace Fowler. Now Grace is marketing manager with the brewery Acacia and is also the founder of Restless, which is another great brewery so very, very impressive. And we're talking to now acacia and reckless. They've come together with fabulous women such as Nads Campanella to create an all new brand of beer, specially to celebrate International Women's Day coming up on the 8th of March. Bryce, thank you so much for coming.
It's my pleasure. I'm super excited to be here chatting with you guys
while I'm even more excited to be talking to you. So now tell me, you know, it seems like you've been working in the break in the beer brewing industry for quite a while now. So. So what got you into that? What what made you want to work with beer?
Yeah, I guess. Like, like most people, I fell in love with beer at university when Sydney Uni offered $7 jugs, so it was definitely more of a economical decision at the beginning. But yeah, just kind of fell in love and found craft beer and got more and more into it. And I was pretty lucky to be offered a job kind of randomly as a brewer. Many, many years ago, when a when a friend kind of reconnected and asked me if I knew anyone who wanted to brew beer for a living, I went, Yeah, sure, I'll give that a go. Why not? And yeah, so from there, I've worked with a couple of different breweries of fruit, lots of different views. And you know, the final piece of that puzzle was starting our own brewery, which we did about two years ago. So I did that with my husband and our best friend, Alex. So, yeah, like here we are today.
How wonderful. It's such a such an achievement to just, you know, go from our real love of beer to actually making your own, you know, I'm going to level with you now.
I'm not a beer person.
If it's mixed with lemonade to make a shandy, definitely more of wine and gin. Go and trust me if I knew anything about making wine or distilling and I'd be very happy one.
I think it will be we're going to talk about today would make the perfect Chandy accompaniment. So you're in luck. You think so? I reckon. Yeah.
So guys, tell me about this type of beer that you have created now. It's a collaboration with Acacia and Reckless, which is your baby, as you were telling me. Yes. And also not just Campanella, who's people who don't know is the disability affairs reporter at the ABC. So tell me about this beer and how how it all came about.
Yeah. So I guess it kind of started last year for International Women's Day. Reckless and Akasha collaborated on a beer called Frida, which was inspired by Frida Kahlo just as a specific International Women's Day kind of thing. Just to celebrate women, basically. And you know, all the amazing achievements that they've kind of done past and present. So this year we decided to do it again because it was so successful. And yeah, we're just thinking about who we could. You kind of, you know, dedicate it to this year. And we definitely wanted someone Australian this year of Australian woman and now is just kind of popped into my head as someone who I personally have found work quite inspiring to be over the top. That just, yeah, I've been listening to her on the radio when she was a Triple J news presenter. And then, you know, seeing her on the television with the with the ABC News and all that kind of stuff just really, really interesting. And she's she's a bit of a craft beer fan. She had been to a car show before, so I just reached out to her and, you know, kind of pitched this idea about, you know, an accessible beer, and she was all for it. So it was pretty. I was pretty stoked that she was so excited. Actually, it was really cool.
That's fantastic. And you, you guys, you have a history of dedicating beers to impressive women. This one's nez and the last one, the most recent one was Frida Kahlo. Is that right?
Yeah, that's right, that's right. So we've done two, and I really I really like this series, obviously for personal reasons and also it's just really cool. So I'd definitely like to see it continue. There's no plans for it to go away. That's for sure. Yeah.
Fantastic. And this this year, it's this type of it's it's it's been created and worked on by an all women team. Is that right?
You know, I mean, obviously, like most industries and especially in the alcohol world, most of that aim at Akasha is men. Yes. So we have had some men have some input, but not much. Yes. But the reckless state is three thirds owned by women, which I think is really cool as well. Also makes International Women's Day a little bit more kind of, you know, not not important to us, but like it's a bit more forefront of our minds in that kind of stuff. So the I have a background in actually being a brewer. So the recipe was was carried by me as well as the concept, I guess, as well. So it's kind of been all made with the support of a lot of amazing women, of course. But yeah, it's a little bit I guess it's a collaboration with myself, with the catcher and reckless as well, which is kind of cool. Not too many people telling me what I can and can't do, which is nuts.
And you were talking about International Women's Day. And of course, this theme, the theme for this year is breaking the biases. So how do you think this particular beer fits in with the theme, because I hear it's being released to coincide with International Women's Day? So, so how does that fit in with that?
Yeah, so I guess I think personally, like a lot of stereotypes, I think create a lot of like biases. So one of the kind of unintentional biases, I guess, that I personally have always lived with in a from a marketing and design world, is this let we create these beautiful images and labels and just kind of assume that everyone can can enjoy them? You know what I mean? So the yeah, the idea on this one was like, how can we actually like obviously with Nasir's as our person that we're dedicating it to? I can't just make this like beautiful beer label and then just say, like in here it is like, you know what I mean? So the idea of just like making something that that everyone could enjoy. And both raid and be able to access information and all that kind of stuff, because once you start, you know, from from my perspective, as someone who is not vision impaired like I just, you know, I look at the label, I read all the information on it. I say the beautiful colors like all that kind of stuff. And so just the more I delved into it, the more I realized how hard it must be, you know what I mean when you actually receive that information? So we went down a few different paths to make it as accessible as possible. So the first thing that we collaborated on was making sure that not only accessible for people with no vision, but people who have low vision. So we used really like bright contrasting colors. Yes. There's only so far you can go as well from a design point of view, obviously. Well, not obviously. I live. If we got some people that Vision Australia on board to kind of consult with us and make sure that we were kind of doing everything to the best that we could. One of the things that they pointed out was that black and white is kind of your best thing that you can do. That's not something that was really achievable in a marketing point of view to have a black and white label from. Yeah, just from how it's going to look on the shelf and look, the majority of people who are going to be buying this are buying it because it looks nice. Most other labels, all that kind of stuff. So yes, we have to kind of find a nice middle ground, which ended up with a beautiful kind of like really bright red and dark green, basically black colour palette. Yes. So that's the kind of the for people with low vision that's apparently have been told is, you know, a good contrast and they'll be able to enjoy the label and all that kind of stuff. But we also put braille on the front of the on the front of the label as well, which we I'm not a hundred percent sure this is correct, but I've been researching it and I can't find a single other buyer that has braille on the label. So we think that we're the first people to do it, which is really, really cool as well, obviously. Yes, but but yeah, the front of the label has the B and spelt out in braille for Nas X. And then on the back of the can, we've got a QR code. So this one was a little bit more tricky because the way we're told by people at Vision Australia that there is no kind of universal braille or like, you know, something tactile that you can feel that indicates QR code. Yeah. So we kind of worked with them and what they're kind of hoping to do in the future makes sense. Yes. What we did was we put like a raised box around the QR code, so you could feel that there's a square. And then next to it, it says QR in braille. So and then you can go ahead and say, you can scan that and that takes you to the Akasha website where there's very, very kindly recorded an image description and read that all of the text that's on the label basically so you don't have to navigate anything essentially like it just automatically plays and all that kind of stuff.
So when you scan the QR code, that's so it. Does it play when you are in the supermarket or does it? Is there a link to a
website and it will play by your device? Basically. However, you usually listen. Yes, that's automatically so you don't have to press play or anything like that. It's just it's just there. Basically, it also takes you to the web page, has more information. And Nas was telling me that most people who have vision impairment have, you know, technology on their computers that kind of reads all of the text that's on a screen and stuff like that. So we've also put a lot more info in basically kind of like a blog post, I guess, and that includes where you can buy the B, you know, how it made it all of the accessible features and all that kind of stuff. So yeah, it took a long time to kind of work on all those different pieces and bring them together. But I think it's it's all worked out really well and it's all working, which is always good as well. Yes, we had Vision Australia consult on the braille as well, make sure that it was readable because the people who do our labels had never printed braille, either. So yeah, there were lots of little first things that we had to kind of break through.
Now you mentioned your website because I'm quite sure many people will be really keen to to to, you know, get their hands on a can of this of this year. And I'm sure I will be to make shandy. Yeah. So what can you? I wonder, can you give me some details about how people can get to the website aside from the full scanning, the QR code that you are?
Yeah, for sure. Obviously, the easiest way to scan the QR code, but you could also just Google Akasha Brewing or you could Google Reckless Brewing, and it's on both of our websites so that no one is left behind. And yeah, just follow the link to the to the blog posts, basically, and you'll see that there's a the a blog post about accessibility. But I can also I'll send you some links so you can put it up in your program descriptions and all that kind of stuff, which
that would be fantastic. That would be great. Well, I'm sure people are really looking forward to visiting your website and and buying some of those because I know I am and happy. Thank you so much for coming and chatting with Bryce, and I'm happy International Women's Day.
Thanks very much to Tests and Grace, they're now finally to mark International Women's Day on the 8th of March, the Vision Australia Library has selected nine thought provoking feminist books all recent additions to the Vision Australia Library catalogue for years to sink your teeth into. To find out more and get some great new book ideas, head to Vision Australia dot org that's visionless shire or one word dot org and search fierce females for International Women's Day 2022. If you're not a member of the Vision Australia Library, membership is free and available to anyone with a print disability. Find out more at the Vision Australia Library web page at Vision Australia dot org slash services slash library. That's Vision Australia dot org slash services slash library, or you can call one 300 six five four six five six. That's one 300 six five four six five six. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision, Talking Vision. It's a production of Vision Australia radio, thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org that's talking vision or one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.
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