Talking Vision 610 Week Beginning 24th January 2022

Published Jan 25, 2022, 3:40 AM

This week on Talking Vision Sam speaks with Vision Australia Career Start coordinator Melissa Rattle about the Career Start program for 2022, which is very shortly opening for applications on the 1st of February.

Then later in the show Sam catches up with director and past president of Blind Citizens Australia John Simpson to look back over his time with BCA and what he’s excited about for 2022.

And finally to wrap up this week Helen Velissaris has a chat with Sarah from the shop about some handy new gadgets for students heading back to school or uni in the next few weeks.

From Vision in Australia, this is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

The integration of have an understanding about the impact of vision loss in relation to people's mental health and so forth was something that, like many in the community, we hadn't paid much attention to before. But now, thankfully, over the last five years, we've developed a real regard and focus on ensuring that those things are dealt with.

Welcome to the program. That was director and past president of Blind Citizens Australia John Simpson. They're talking about just one of the things he's most proud of being involved with in his time with the organisation. I caught up with John recently to look back over his time with BCI, and that interview is coming up a bit later in the show. But first, I speak with Vision Australia Career Start co-ordinator Melissa Ratto about the Career Start programme for 2022, which is very shortly opening for applications on the first of February and then to wrap up the show this week. Helen Val SAS has a chat with Sarah from the shop about some handing you get tips for students heading back to school or uni in the next few weeks. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. I began the interview with Melissa by asking her to give a brief rundown of the Career Start program.

Sure, no problem for our careers. That program is a 12 month graduate program specifically targeted to graduates who are blind or have low vision that have completed either a diploma or tertiary qualification within the last four years, and the program is open to a whole range of different qualifications. As long as we can place individuals in a role that we have at Vision Australia and graduates can make their way to one of our Vision Australia offices across the country. That is, I guess, the main eligibility criteria, but it is a 12 month paid graduate program where nine month graduates are working within a team in Australia. And then the last three months we find an external placement for graduates in another organisation to help boost their skills and confidence in working for another employer. So that's probably the program, in a nutshell.

Okay, fantastic news. Very, very well wrapped up there now. You did touch on this a little bit with some the roles in Vision Australia. So what are the areas of the organisation where graduates can look forward to getting involved?

Yeah, there's a big variety of of roles available at Vision Australia. So whether we've got graduates that have got allied health studies, you know, okay, physios, those sort of allied health roles. But we do also have a lot of roles in more of a traditional back office area. So finance, marketing, communication. I take a whole a whole range of of roles in that space as well. So we really don't limit what kind of qualifications people have as long as there are things that can be transferred into one of those kind of roles in Australia. Mm-Hmm.

Okay. And when does this year's program kick off? Melissa, I understand that's a bit later than in past years. How much as sort of COVID thrown a spanner in the works with all that sort of preparation and things like that?

Yeah, sure. So this year, we're actually pushing back the program to begin in May, and the only main reasoning for that is so that we can time the last three months of the external placement at more of a start of the year for for organisation. So I sort of February, March, April. So kind of it actually hasn't impacted our program at all. It has been fantastic. Oh, that's that's very good news. Well, it's been great. So yeah, the the changing timing is more around our placements. I guess the only thing that it is where people being aware of obviously the carpet environment, the moment we do probably predominantly have more of a mix of working at home and in the office. But that's probably the only COVID related element to the grad program that that has shifted from previous years.

Mm-Hmm. Okay, fair enough. And when do participants in the program need to submit their?

Locations by authority applications open on the 1st of February, and they're going to be open until the end of February, so as long as they in before the end of February and that will be advertised on our website, on our careers page. So all applications will need to be submitted online by the end of February.

Okay, cool. And in regards to that, the careers page, if people are listing to this and they'd like to take part, or maybe they know someone who be perfect for one of the roles. What's the website for them to find out more and register?

Sure. So you can visit our Vision Australia website, Sorry, Vision Australia dot org. And then Flash Corea's. So if you navigate your way to our careers page on our website, that's where all the information will be to apply. Or if you want to ask further questions, probably best individual. Send an email to our career start at Vision Australia dot org email address.

Okay, perfect. Thanks very much, Melissa. That was Melissa Rattle that the Careers Start co-ordinator at Vision Australia chatting about the Career Start program, which opens up for applications on the first of February. I'm Sam Kelly, and you're listening to talking vision on Vision Australia, radio associated stations of Rupert and the community radio network. If you'd like to find out more about the program, like where to find your local radio frequency or listen to past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just stop talking vision into your search engine, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now back to the program up again, the interview with John by inviting him to tell the listeners a little bit about yourself.

Well, perhaps a little bit of the the background stuff for Sam and I was born with a vision impairment for those who are into these things congenital cataracts as my my condition. So I've lived with around eight to 10 per cent eyesight throughout my 74 years. I undertook primary school at a special school that the Education Department had running in Victoria at the time and then went on and did the secondary school at the local high school. In the days before the the availability of visiting teachers and and services of that nature and post-secondary education was mainly in areas around public relations, community education, media, those sorts of things. Early job history I worked in the international freight industry for a few years and then in 1972 had my first contact with now with what is now Virgin Australia. Arbib in those days when I joined the staff of their public relations team with specific responsibility as the event director for carols by candlelight and of course, in those days, carols by candlelight and allow. It was televised by the what is now the Ten Network, and all of the organisation was done by the sponsoring organisation A-fib. So my responsibilities were across both on stage and off stage areas of the festival. After leaving the vibe in about 78, I worked in various public relations and fundraising management positions with organisations like Australian Red Cross and a couple of the major public hospitals. I'm not sure if it's a commentary that neither of those two public hospitals are still the same, but that's another thing. And then various major community education projects on a consultancy basis, including the public education campaign, when the Victorian government first introduced disability provisions to its Equal Opportunity Act in the mid 1980s. And then I joined the staff of Blind Citizens Australia, the National Federation of Blind Citizens, as it was then in 1986. So that's the the history married. My wife is totally blind. My son dile, who's known to you and your listeners, is, of course, vision impaired. So they have the experience right throughout my life.

Well, they're gone. And we we did recently have a chat to Dale, who who's the recent recipient of an award. So a very, very proud moment for the Simpson family there, and it

meant as much pleasing to see that.

Yeah, absolutely. Now you spoke about Basia just briefly there. So could you tell us the story of how you got involved with blind citizens Australia? How did that relationship begin for you?

Well, originally as a member in the early 1980s and I was invited to speak at the 1982 convention, I was leader of an organisation called Vic Parr Vision Impaired Children's Parents Association and was invited to speak at a BCI at the BCA convention. On that basis, in 82, I guess things rolled on from there, and I joined the Melbourne branch of the organisation as a member of its committee and became an executive officer in 1986. And so that started my involvement on a more senior leadership basis, and I've held various positions both that paid and voluntary positions with the organisation throughout the rest of my adult life, along with involvement in other blindness related activities. I was executive officer for IPH Australia Radio for the print handicapped Australia in the 1990s. I worked as the original executive officer of. A body that was called the Committee of Australian Blindness Agencies, which was what ultimately led to the merger of various organisations to form Visions Australia.

And on that topic, John, I understand you've had quite a detailed involvement with Vision Australia over the years, particularly in regards to audio descriptions. Could you tell us a bit more about that?

So apart from the previous involvement that I talked about and some voluntary involvement, I was invited in 2007 to join the senior management team at Mission Australia to actually head up the audio description unit. At that stage, Vision Australia had separate groups of volunteers providing audio description in Melbourne and Sydney and Canberra, and a couple of regional areas. And Gerard Mensah's, the CEO at the time, really saw a need for the the. National approach in relation to audio description and the introduction of more sustainable training for the for the volunteers and such like and I came into to head up that process and then had a number of senior management involvements in the accessible information solutions division, as it was called then, including managing the radio service for a period of time and for the last 18 months. Up until I retired in 2012, I was the operations manager for the whole of the of the divisions, so part of the executive team at that stage.

Okay, fantastic. Now we'll get back to your involvement with blind citizens Australia. Now, as I mentioned in the introduction, we did ah recently speak with Sally Amrish, who is of course, taking over from Emma as the CEO of Blind Citizens Australia. And you're moving in the other direction as Fiona Woods steps up as president. But of course, you're still quite involved as a director. So what have been your experiences or your feelings, I suppose, about being involved with BCA at such a time of transition and change?

So I hadn't been actively involved for some time up until 2014 or very late in 2014, when the organisation underwent a pretty major crisis in that we lost the services of our executive officer at very short notice. At the same time, we lost our Commonwealth government core funding. Previously, the Commonwealth government had funded organisations like BCI to provide its core activities, not specifically project funding, as we see these days. And I got really involved at that stage, rejoined the board in 2015 and then became president. Soon after that and served for just over five years as president. Look, it was an amazing time to be back involved with the organisation because it was a time when we had to turn the organisation around from a fairly insular, inward looking organisation that had lost a lot of confidence in its ability to advocate effectively for the people that represented. And I guess the major highlights in my mind are, firstly, the fact that we were able to reengage with many of the organization's former leaders, people who had demonstrated a commitment to the organization and the energy to undertake the many advocacy projects and assignments that BCI had been successful with over its 40-Year history. And just to reengage those people and to create an atmosphere where current and emerging leaders could learn from those all the former members was was really important. I was also very proud of the way that the organization managed its involvement throughout this COVID period. And in fact, I think the BCI was able to increase its support for its members during that time. And of course, we did so using, you know, the wonders of modern technology, Zoom technology and the like. But, you know, through some pretty innovative processes, such as the establishment of our happy hours, the other online events and so forth, the communications improvements that particularly our CEO Emma was able to introduce all meant that we were far more in touch and far more able to respond to the individual needs of our members and the needs of the members as an overall group. And I think that the thing that finally I'd like to say is the organization developed its sensitivity to modern community expectations, and I think that that's probably its greatest achievement in the last few years, you know, considering the well-being of its members, its staff, its leaders and so forth. Respect for members and people that we dealt with increased dramatically and our agility and ability to address people's individual needs and to to learn from those processes. I mean, the integration of that have an understanding about the impacts of vision loss in relation to people's mental health and so forth was something that, like many in the community, we hadn't paid much attention to before. But now, thankfully, over the last five years, we've developed a real regard and focus on ensuring that those things are dealt with. So yeah, it's a pretty mixed bag, Sam, but a very rewarding time to be at the head of the organization.

That is a very auspicious list of achievements there, so lots of things you can certainly be proud of. So congratulations for all that you've done for the organization there. Now what is next for John Simpson in 2022? What are you most looking forward to getting involved with?

Well, it's very tempting when you, the immediate past president, to sit back and offer sage advice, and I've promised the owner and the directors that I'll try and avoid that. But seriously, I think my role as as immediate past president is really one to pick up on some of the things that time and other priorities haven't allowed us to to address. And the organization only has an immediate past present for the 12 months after the change in the presidency. So that means we've got an extra pair of hands this year, so I've agreed to undertake some specific project work around the governance of the organization. Our constitution needs some fine tuning to make sure it reflects modern needs and practices and the requirements of the Australian charities and not for profit commission. So I'll do those sorts of things. I'm doing a little bit more outside of B.C.. I have a fairly intense involvement in the local Uralla community. Uralla is where I live Sam in North Eastern Victoria and part of a community organization up there. And I'll also do a little bit of consultancy work, some governance consultancy and so forth to support other organizations. So not quite the intensity on BCA, but still giving, you know, adequate time to work as a director and to meet the particular needs of the organization.

Okay, thank you very much for your time today, John. That was John Simpson, their director. And past president of Blind Citizens Australia. And now his Helensvale Cyrus with terror from the shop.

Well, it's a new year and we are starting off with back to school, so we've got a few options available for kids or students. It could be, you know, a mature age you never know. But if you're looking for something for the starting the school year, we've got some amazing products in the store. Joining joining us today, we have Sarah from the Kooyong shop. Sarah, hello. How are you? I'm well, thank you. Good. So, Sarah, tell us, what do you think are the best products you can kind of get for to school?

Yeah. So as you mentioned, all the solutions that we have in store are ideal for all ages in all different types of students and professionals as well. But heading back to school, we have actually quite a few different things that I'll mention. One of the big ones that people often forget is software. So it's really great. We have two different options able to have one that's just very basic and easy to use. And what they are is this screen readers, so they will enlarge all the texts on your computer screen. So I think it's really important to just remember that as we are using computers a lot more to make it accessible for everyone so that screen readers and they mostly only work with Windows is just going to make it a lot more accessible for everyone to read and click into the emails.

What kind of screen readers are we talking about? I'm sure Jules's is on there,

yet jaws is on there. We also have a supernova and we have the Zoom takes fusion

and they're a little bit more. I guess they've got a few more tricks and accessories than what you normally get, you know, outside of the box with maybe like a voiceover or something like that.

Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, they really well designed and very easy to use, but definitely those those screen magnifications a really important, just as I said, to make sure everyone is able to read the texts in different PDFs and things. Yeah.

Well, what else do we have?

The next thing I do a quick mention of is our digital magnifier. So we obviously have such a big range and we are seeing these increasingly getting better and better. Most of them are now Full HD, which is great, but one that I will make a special mention of is that Clover book pros. The great thing about the Pro is that it's easy to use. It's very easy to assemble as well, and you can make it a split screen. So, for instance, any kids are in the classroom. You can have your books underneath the video magnifier and also has a distance camera. Therefore, you were able to zoom in on the board and see what's happening in the distance as well.

Oh, that's fantastic. You don't have to, you know, be the the very keen student of the front of the room anymore.

No need to set up the front. No, it's really great. And of course, we have a lot more digital magnifies as well, just from handheld to those slightly larger items. And I guess another surprise, one more techie one would be wireless keyboards really handy. Again, we do keyboards that high contrast colors. So you've got your black letters on your white keys. We've also got black keys on yellow smart black letters on yellow keys and in black letters. Sorry, white letters on black keys as well.

Yeah, that's great. It does make make a huge difference, especially like the white and the black or the yellow tissue. Yeah.

Um, next. I mean, I suppose everything is a little bit techie these days, but you've got things like digital voice recorders, really handy for taking notes, and we've just got a brand new one of those as well. We also have I don't know if you seen the all Kim smart read this is really cool for low vision clients, especially if they have reading difficulties. This is a device which you would hold over the top of a text. It takes a screenshot and then it will actually read the full document in front of you.

Yeah, fantastic. Amazing. I would want to kind of pitch one of my, you know, nifty little gadgets, or I wouldn't even say it's a gadget anymore. It's very analog. I love the it's like a little piece of plastic paper that you can put over a page and it gives you the lines.

Yeah, what's what's that called? So we've got things like magnifying domes

and a stencil kind of thing where you can kind of sign your name or,

oh, yes, yes, you sign your signature guides. That's amazing. So that's really handy for things that you get them an A4 size, A5 size. And then, like I said, a signature guide and that will have like a whole little lines on it just to make it really easy and clear for you to be able to write along.

Yeah. So it's it's got that tactile feature as well. So, you know, you're not kind of going over the line.

Exactly, yeah, exactly, yeah.

Go ahead. Any lost product that you want to pitch again?

I mean, just on that note, when I mentioned the magnifying domes just really handy something that you can keep in your pocket, you could get really little ones, which are only about sixty two meters. So I suppose for little lasers, well, they can just take those with them and pop over the text just to make things that little bit clearer and a little bit brighter for them.

Yeah, amazing. I encourage everyone to come and have a look at the shot. We've got amazing assistants that can kind of walk you through all these products, give you a demo, you know, especially getting tactile, you know, get your hands on them. And actually. So yeah, I would recommend coming in. Sometimes the shops are by appointment only, so just feel free to ring your head. You can find all the information online. You can visit Shop Dot Vision Australia dot org that's shop dot Vision Australia dot org and you can find all the products available and also the phone numbers for each store across Australia

and come in and see us. We always happy to see people. It's so much better, as you say, to get your hands on these products, have a feel and see what works for you because there's so many different products that we offer.

Perfect. See you next month. Thank you, guys.

And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to talking vision, talking vision is a production of Vision Australia radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org that's talking vision or one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 103000. Eight four seven four six that's one 300 eight four seven four double six or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia dot all.

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