Talking Vision 603 Week Beginning 6th of December 2021

Published Dec 8, 2021, 1:58 AM

Sam chats with producer and presenter of New Horizons for BCA Vaughn Bennison there talking about why he loves radio as a medium of communication to listeners who are blind or have low vision. Vaughn was the recent recipient of a Blind Citizens Australia certificate of appreciation for his work with the organisation, and you’ll hear from him to kick off the show.

Then later on Sam catches up with Vision Australia CEO Ron Hooton to chat about this year’s Carols By Candlelight coming up in just over 2 weeks’ time, and you’ll also hear from guitarist and songwriter Jason Resch from the band Darlinghurst, making their debut at the Carols in 2021.

From Vision in Australia, this is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision radio.

To me is something that typifies the needs or requirements of somebody who's blind or visually impaired. It's a way of providing information to people immediately and in an audio format that is understandable and useful.

Welcome to the show that was produced, so I'm presenter of New Horizons for Blind Citizens Australia, Vaughn Bennison. They're talking about why he loves radio as a medium of communication. For listeners who are blind or have low vision, Vaughan was the recent recipient of a Blind Citizens Australia certificate of appreciation for his work with the organization. And that interview is coming up shortly. And then later in the show, I catch up with Vision Australia CEO Ron Hutton to chat about this year's carols by candlelight. Coming up in just over two weeks time, and you'll also hear from guitarist and songwriter Jason Resch from the band Darlinghurst making their debut at the Carols in 2021. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. With me today is a voice that is familiar to many on not only talking vision, but also in many corners of radio land. It's none other than von Bennison vote once the recent recipient of a certificate of appreciation from Blind Citizens Australia at the annual BCA Awards for his services to the blind and low vision community. More recently, as host and producer of the busy radio program New Horizons, but also the many years of involvement with numerous stations around Australia. Vaughan, congratulations. Welcome back to Talking Vision.

Thanks, Sam. It's a pleasure to be with you.

Now, firstly, Vaughan at some, as we've mentioned in the intro, it's well worth commending the work you have done at the various RPA stations across Australia where you've worked, especially as the the manager of RPA Tasmania for the best part of a decade, as well as your work with New Horizons for Blind Citizens Australia. So how does it feel to receive such an accolade?

Well, the Certificate of Appreciation specifically was around my work with Blind Citizens Australia as the producer and presenter of New Horizons, which I've done for about six years now and also for my work with the Tasmania branch of Blind Citizens Australia. I've been the chair since the inauguration of the branch in May of 2018, and it's a real pleasure to be recognised for those you know, for my work with the organisation. But I think the the joy of working with an organisation like Blind Citizens Australia is not receiving awards and certificates. It's the pleasure that other people get from being able to get peer support, advocacy assistance and just being able to get together with other people who are blind or vision impaired, you know, through the work that the organisation does

and that that involvement with RPI. How did that come about the initial involvement there?

I got involved in the API sector back when I was in northern New South Wales at university and in the late 90s, I had the opportunity to put a program together on a community station in the Northern Rivers area, and I took that opportunity, went down to Melbourne for a training session and met with John Simpson, who at that time was the executive officer of RPI Australia. And I put together that program, and as part of that, I got to go to quite a few training seminars. And while I was at one of them, I met some people who were involved at four in Brisbane, which is now reading radio on air. And one of the producers was was going away for a couple of weeks and they asked me what I come up and do production for them for a couple of weeks. And it just so happened that my wife and I planned a trip to Brisbane for though for that time during the university holidays to visit her family. So I said I'd be delighted to. And I went and started working there. And then when we moved to Brisbane at the end of the year, I became a regular volunteer producer and presenter, and I joined the board of Four or Queensland radio for the Handicapped Limited. And then as part of that, one of my roles was to be the station's board representative to Australia, which is the national organization which governs the the network.

And then later on, you moved from Brisbane down to Tassie and got involved with Tasmania as the the general manager there.

Yes, I moved in 2012 to join the management of Radio Tasmania and my role there was, I mean, I did presenting and production as well. But my role was to manage the 110 roughly 110 volunteers we ended up with and also other staff managing all the broadcasting contracts and all of that sort of stuff. So that was a really interesting experience for me, and I did that up until around 2020

and also in the past few years. You came to be the producer and presenter of New Horizons for Blind Citizens Australia. So can you tell us a bit more about that?

Well, it's it's a bit of a funny story. Yes, you're quite right, I took over the production and presentation of New Horizons about six years ago. There were some concerns that we had around the program and I was get it as a station manager. I was getting rather cross with the program, and I was thinking about saying this is a real problem. And I thought, Well, if I'm going to complain about it, maybe I should put my money where my mouth is. And so I spoke to Blind Citizens Australia and said I'd be interested in taking the program on temporarily if you can't find anyone else to do it. And I started doing it at around October of 2015, and I've been doing that ever since. So New Horizons is a weekly radio program. It is available as a podcast as well, but it goes out on all of the API stations. And of course, it goes out on other stations across Australia as well. And I believe there are some stations overseas that that take the program. It's a 15 minute program once a week. It focuses not just on blind citizens Australia. It focuses on blindness and vision impairment issues and issues that surround the blind and vision impaired community. So often it talks about what BCI is doing, what's happening across the community, talks about NDIS issues, issues that that people who are blind or vision impaired face on a regular basis, employment prospects, employment related issues and things like that. So I guess in a way, it's a little bit similar to talking vision, but it does have a slightly different, a different focus.

Absolutely. Now, just then, you've talked about a few sort of challenges, but on the flip side of that, there's surely a lot of things you really do love about the world of radio. So can you pinpoint it down to, I guess, one or two aspects? What do you love most about radio?

For me, as a person who works in the medium, I think it appeals to my sense of technology. I'm a real technology freak and I collect vintage audio equipment, particularly, you know, professional recording equipment. And I particularly love field recorders and things like that. So I guess it appeals to my sense of technology. But I think as far as the community is concerned, radio to me is something that typifies the needs or requirements of somebody who's blind or vision impaired. It's a way of providing information to people immediately and in an audio format that is understandable and useful to people who are blind or vision impaired. We haven't quite conquered the deaf blind market yet, but I know that there are moves afoot to work on that, so that's something that's really exciting as well. But I think the thing about radio is the immediacy of it. And with new horizons particularly, I generally don't work too far ahead because guaranteed as soon as I start working weeks ahead, something comes up and I have to change the program schedule and that can get really awkward. So I try and only work, you know, a few days ahead of of the program production so that I can make it immediate. If something happens, we can be responsive, we can get up there and talk about it and we can start the community, you know, to build an understanding in the community about the issues that that people are facing now.

Fondly, Vaughan, what would you say to any young person or I guess, anybody of any age really who is blind or has low vision and they're looking to get involved with radio, but maybe don't know where to begin or who to talk to?

Look, if you live in the area where there is an air station, they can be a really good vehicle to get you started. If not, there are about I don't know how many at the moment, but somewhere in the order of 450 to 500 community stations across Australia and they are always looking for volunteers. So I would strongly suggest get involved with a local community station, and many of them will provide training on how to get involved in whichever aspect of radio interests you the most. I think what I would say, though, Sam, is that it's possibly not as easy in some cases as it was back in my day. So I did my radio training as much as I actually did any radio training as such in the mid-nineties, and we were still using reel-to-reel tapes and carts and things like that in those days. Now it's it's all very computer based and very software based, and there are ways of doing that as a blind or vision impaired person. But it's not as easy, I don't think, to get the training that's required. So there are services that can assist you with that training. But generally speaking, stations, if you've got one nearby, would be a really good source of information and help for you because many of them do have blind and vision impaired people at the heart of their operations, so it's worth getting in touch with them. I think absolutely go for it if you're interested in a career in radio, if you're interested in dabbling in radio as a hobby. It's a very rewarding area in which to work, and I'd strongly encourage anybody to, you know, get in touch with Vision Australia or any of the other blindness service organizations, and they can put you in touch very often with somebody who who can give you a hand.

A lot of fantastic advice there. Thank you very much, Vaughan. That was Vaughan Bennison, the recipient of the Certificate of Appreciation from Blind Citizens Australia, for his work with not only the New Horizons radio program, but also his work with Blind Citizens Australia more broadly. I'm Sam Kay, and you're listening to talking vision on Business, Tyre Radio. Associated stations of our age and the community radio network. If you'd like to find out more about the program, like where to find your local radio frequency or listen to past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just stop talking vision into your search engine, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now back to the program. Christmas is just around the corner, and you know what that means? It's almost time for Vision Australia's annual carols by candlelight. And joining me now, it's my great pleasure to welcome Vision Australia Chief Executive Officer Ron Hooton to the program. Well, welcome to Talking Vision. Thank you very much for being with us today.

Hi, Sam. Thanks very much.

Now, firstly, Ron, let's go to the heart of things in a sense. How important would you say the carols are for Vision Australia from your perspective?

Well, carols by candlelight is our biggest fundraiser every year. It's been going for many, many years and is absolutely the heart of so many Victorians and so many people right across Australia. So it puts our name out there and also the cause of people who are living with blindness and low vision out to so many Australians. So it's absolutely vital for us. We, you know, we really hope that we have a great night, not just from a fundraising perspective, but that also everybody absolutely loves the show and enjoys themselves. And there's some big, big things happening this year.

Big things. That sounds exciting. What sort of big things can paper expect alongside the old favourites that people have grown to know and love?

Oh look, there's always the Fab Four from carols. There's David Hobson, Denis Walter, Sally Palladino and Marina prior. They are such wonderful people. But this year we've got David Campbell back and Ellie Langdon. They're from Sydney. They're on the Today show and they're just fabulous presenters for this program and just wonderful people so committed to the Vision Australia course. But there's a really, really big thing coming up this year. Vision Australia, through a low vision songwriter, has its own carol. It's going to be really exciting. I'm not going to give any more details about it.

Yeah, keep it under wraps.

Keep it under wraps, except to say that there's a great performer for it. And and Donna Dyson, who is a former songwriter of the year and a client of Vision Australia, a person with low vision, has written this carol for us, and I think that this is going to be a tradition for carols for for years and years to come.

Yes. Here's hoping it does add to the long list of carols traditions over the years, but some that's very exciting. So I look forward to that. But also one 2021 has certainly throw us a few logistical challenges over the time. So what are some of the ways the global pandemic has impacted our carols event this year?

Well, I suppose the first thing is that it's going to be a vaccination only event. Now, I know that for some, that might be controversial, but we do have to make sure that everybody's safe. So before coming to the event, people will have to be vaccinated. But also, we're putting in all the usual social distancing things. But the show will be absolutely fabulous this year. It'll be back to a crowd. The crowd will be around about 10000 people. All of the usual performers will be there, the Fab Four will be there and a whole lot of new performers as well. So we're really looking to this year put the pandemic behind us, get people along to the show, get people along to rehearsal night, have people watch on television and just have a fabulous start to Christmas.

Absolutely. And Ron, it's easy to get caught up in the entertainment of the night, but it's also naturally very important to remember the cause behind. So can you remind us who benefits most from the funds raised at the carols?

It's children who are blind or have low vision, and it's children of all ages. So we we look upon our services for children and young adults as as being from age zero through to around about age 25. Now, the little ones have really, really particular needs and they're very family centric. So a family who has a child who is blind to, has low vision, has a lot of coping to do. They have a few challenges that are greater than for normal parents. So we put a lot of effort into those those early years. First of all, dealing with the emotional wellbeing of the family, but but also the the development of the child. When they get to tender age, we help them integrate into kinder. When they get to school, we help them integrate into school. From then on, there's all of those services that children, although all of those things that children need to develop, you know, how to how to have manners at the table, how to eat properly with a knife and fork. Bits and pieces of cooking. A whole range of things. When when the children become young adults, we start to focus on employment, not just what job you're going to do for life, but but actually getting a job at McDonald's or somewhere like that, like every other kid in Australia does. We want all of our children to experience those early employment experiences, and we've got great programs around that. Then we help them get into university through our leap up program. And then there's the potential of the graduate program. There's just such a wide range of things that we're able to do with the proceeds of carols by candlelight is just fabulous.

It is absolutely fabulous, and it makes an impact on so many lives and really changes their lives for the better. So it is an absolutely fantastic cause. And Ron, what's the best way for listeners to get involved and feel a part of the event? For instance, where can listeners get a hold of a ticket and head along to the bowl

so tickets are available there on Ticketek right now? Get in fast because they're selling fast. We are around about halfway through selling the the main event and a similar place with the rehearsal night tickets. But there are lots of other ways for people to get involved as well. Of course, as listening on the night or on Virgin Australia Radio or there's watching it on Channel nine, Channel nine are a great bunch of people to work with. We love working with them and we've got Amy along this year as partners and then the social media get involved with Carol, the Carrolls Club, you know, participate in the social media because really, really this year is going to be a fantastic event. The song that's going to be out soon in the Herald Sun for people are in Victoria. Look out for that. Buy a copy on an on Saturday when you see that come through. There are so many ways for our community to participate in carols by candlelight.

Okay, so absolutely be on the lookout for those. And for more information on Vision Australia's carols by candlelight, please visit Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia or one word dot org and keep listening to Vision Australia radio for news on our audio. Describe simulcast of the event on Christmas Eve. I'm here with singer guitarist and songwriter Jason Resch, part of four member country music outfit Darlinghurst with Pagan Newman, Kasey Leopold and Matt Davina's, who are performing at this year's Vision Australia Carols by Candlelight. Jason, thanks very much for being here today. Welcome to talking vision.

Oh, thanks, and thanks for having me. It's a pleasure.

Now, firstly, Jason, you've dedicated a large portion of your life so far to your love of country living and working in Nashville for years, but I understand you've made the move back to where it all started for you in Melbourne. What brought about the decision to make the move back home?

I think it was based on I I kind of got a gut feeling when I was in Nashville, when I was there for a few years and yeah, it just sort of coming up to the third or fourth year I was there. Just something inside of me was sort of tell me too. I think it's time to get back home. So I sort of just kind of trusted that feeling and and and went back home. So I sort of that that's sort of what initially sort of you brought me back along with the plane as well.

Yes, sir. And how did the pandemic impact on your writing when you were back in Melbourne?

Yeah, it was when I got back to Melbourne, I think it was like 2015. So as well. Oh, there you go. Yeah. And but yeah, the pandemic thing of recent has been, yeah, it's been challenging. And I'm assuming if everybody, not just in the music industry and all that, but it's some, it's just sort of really it's been it's been challenging for everybody. But I think it's just like with any situation, you just try and make the best of the situation and try and get is, yeah, try and keep positive and just as busy as you can, really. So yeah, it was challenging times. Yeah, yeah. And I think it's just that, just trying to keep the mind busy. We just continually wrote songs every day because we had the time and also just to keep focus on things other than just trying to keep a bit of a schedule or that sort of thing going for something that was very important to get through the months that we were in lockdown not being able to do anything really. So, but yeah, you definitely have your moments is not talking to your mind about things because it does get very challenging in this sort of situation. And yeah, you know, it's just trying to keep as positive as possible. I think with with that in those situations.

Yeah, and keeping that routine so important, especially when the sort of the days blur together, as they did during lockdown. But speaking of the band there, could you tell us the story behind Darlinghurst? How did the project come about with you? Cassie Pagan and Matt?

Yeah, so we we all kind of met through a producer called Pete Days, and so he knew us through previous projects, and I was paid at the time already. And I guess you kind of got the feeling that all of us was sort of looking for an original project to turn into to work on. And so when he sort of found out for myself and everyone else, I think Kasey called Pape to say, Look, you know, taking myself looking for some original sort of stuff. And then he sort of kind of got a feeling for that kind of got us to meet in a of room just to see, I guess, how we would react together along with Matt. So that's how it sort of happened. And we all got together really, really well. Yeah. And that's that's literally had sort of started and the band named Cassie. She was writing a movie script called Darlinghurst and was looking for a name for months trying to find her. And when she mentioned that just in time, just in conversation, we all sort of jumped at all. Do you reckon we can use that as a as a band name? So we yeah, we convinced it that we can. We can do that. And yeah, so that's how the name came of it. And hopefully we're in the movie as well there.

Oh, wow, okay. And this year, Darlinghurst will be performing at Vision Australia's Carols by candlelight. So how does that feel to be involved with such an event?

It's an absolute honour. It's been going on for such a long time and it's a it's a very important time for, you know, Christmas, of course. And yeah, it's quite a staple of the Christmas time in Australia at the cameras by candlelight. So now absolutely honoured to be invited to play

and what motivated you to put your hands up to be involved with this year's carols? Had you or the band had any experience with family or friends who are blind or had low vision themselves? Maybe.

Yes. Like obviously when we we got the call, the invitation to play and get all of us, you know, we've been watching it since we were kids and and we were just this aesthetic for the inviting and the chance to play. And it meant a lot to, you know, 'cause she was, yeah, she was just beside us. It was incomplete. We're doing this. But I think also on the series saw there too. Yes, we have. We do have. I guess some can sort of relate to the thing, I guess that he's got a nursing background and also works as an optometrist. So the things that she's had to deal with at night, with with people, in their situations, with, with their vision and all that sort of stuff, it's them. I think those that is just as motivating as know the chance to yeah and honoured to be playing it at the counselling. So yeah, there's there's a bit of both of that going on in there. So but it's yeah, it's always a good thing to bring brings you bring joy and togetherness. I guess they sort of times, especially after all the COVID pandemics that we've all gone through.

Absolutely. Now some it's a very important time and very good to have everybody back on board after. After last year where we had to do everything remotely, so it's great to have people back in the bowl and performing in front of an audience because I know as a musician that's really kind of surreal and empty when you're sort of playing on stage and you're looking out and there's no one there and it's all virtual. So it's it's great to be able to feed off that audience as well as an.

Oh, absolutely. You know, it's one thing to say is a fantastic thing that you can you can connect with people and yeah, you can do the virtual thing, but nothing beats being in the same room or same arena or same place with with people. I think that's the thing that is the most important, and I notice the musicians that we love playing in front of live audiences. So I think it's going to be just the it's going to be a yes, it's going to be a wonderful time to able to get back together again. And yeah. Mm-Hmm.

That was Jason Resh there, a singer, guitarist and songwriter from Darlinghurst performing at the Carols by Candlelight this year. And now, just before we go, some exciting news coming out of Vision 2020 Australia, the second Daniel Barry Jones Vision Oration will be delivered by Associate Professor Christopher Rella Baker, Australia's first Aboriginal ophthalmologist, due to ongoing COVID 19 pandemic related restrictions. The oration will be released as a pre-recorded video on Wednesday, the 8th of December on the Vision 2020 Australia website. A proud Yukawa and Berhe Kupperman Associate Professor Rella Baker is a highly respected ophthalmologist and is one of the founding members of the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association, a board director of the Royal Flying Doctor Service, technical adviser to the Fred Hollows Foundation and chair of the Vision 2020 Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee. The 2021 Barry Jones Vision Oration will be available from Wednesday, the 8th of December at WW W Dot Vision 2020. Australia Talks AEW Slush Barry Jones Vision Oration That's W W W Dot Vision 2020 Australia talked AEW Slush, Barry Jones Vision Oration and that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org that's talking vision on one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's left for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 103000 eight four seven four six. That's one 300 eight four seven four W6 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia dot all.

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