It’s a special milestone edition of Talking Vision this week as we celebrate our 600th show!
To celebrate with us on the program Sam begins by catching up with Vision Australia Radio manager Conrad Browne who shares what he enjoys most about the show, and what he’s most excited about for Talking Vision and other programs on Vision Australia Radio in the future.
Then later on in the program you’ll hear from two figures from Talking Vision royalty as Stephen Jolley and Stella Glorie join Sam to take a look back over the last 11 years of Talking Vision, share their fondest memories and talk about why the show has been and continues to be so important for members of the blind and low vision community.
From in Australia, this is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam, calling.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
They help people come from the loss, the grieving of their vision loss and connect with with the life as it's going to be in a new way for them. A very fulfilling way, though different.
Hello and welcome to a special 600th anniversary episode of Talking Vision. You just heard from inaugural host of talking visions Stephen Jolly, talking about why some of the conversations that have taken place on talking vision are so important for listeners who are part of the blind and low vision community. He joined me along with another key figure of talking vision, Stella Glory, to take a look back over the past 11 years, and you'll hear from them both a bit later on in the show. But first Vision Australia radio manager Conrad Brown also caught up with me to share his insights and favourite moments in his time involved with the program and the things he's most excited about for talking vision in the future. I hope you enjoy this special 600th episode of Talking Vision. I started my conversation with Conrad by asking him about his involvement with talking vision and where it all began for him.
Well, I've been very fortunate to be a part of Vision Australia radio for over five years now, so when I first started with the radio network, I was aware of the program itself and very much so Stephen Jolly. But during my time, I obviously got to know more about Stella and the great work that she was doing with the program and and see it evolve over the years to have you involved as well. But to me, talking vision is, you know, it's one of those programs that really symbolizes so much about what we strive to do at lives in Australia. Radio and what we really want to do is amplify blind and visual voices and make sure we provide access to information and current affairs and news that is really relevant to our community of interest as well. So I'm a long time fan and I'm a big supporter of the program.
And speaking of amplifying those voices over the years, how has the show changed since the time you've been involved?
Look, I think there was an evolution every time a program I'm, you know, kind of continues on. I guess it's always about how do you stay relevant and how do you continue to be what your audience needs you to be? And those two things can be a bit conflicting at times. But what I really love about talking vision is the people involved. Its connection to Vision Australia and the fact that its roots are so tied to inclusion regarding people who are blind or have low vision of being a part of what we do is really reflected in the people who have presented it. So Stephen and Stella from a Vision Australia perspective, and now you seem to me, it really symbolizes again, we are talking vision itself is a program that really showcases kind of how we as a network continue to evolve to know the types of programs that we put out there and the ways that we continue to make sure that the people from within our community are reflected in everything that we do. So I really see talking vision as a real champion for that and a really great way of displaying that too, for sure.
Is there a favorite aspect of talking vision that really sort of sticks with you every time you listen or every time you sort of think about the show and what it sort of has to offer?
You know, and for me, the thing I love the most about what we do on Vision Australia radio is what I love about community radio in general is that it gives a voice to real people to talk about things that matter to them and to put them out there in a way that is easily accessible and is easy to digest and also just such a great platform. It's no secret I'm a massive radio nerd, and it's a dream for me to be able to work in the community radio sector and to be a part of this in Australia, radio is just something that I'm so incredibly proud of. And for me, that's what I love about. Shows like Talking and Vision is that it gives us a chance to really give people the opportunity to tell their stories and to talk about things that matter and to be heard. And I just, I think, is just such an incredible thing to be able to offer and something we should be really proud of. So I'm really excited to for talking business, keep on. Doing that, but also, I'm really excited to see, you know, some of the there's so many things happening in the world right now and we're kind of coming out of we're coming into a post-COVID era and apparently returning back to normal. But what does that really mean? And there's so many exciting things happening in technology and in terms of kind of what's happening in terms of health services and things like that as well. So I feel like Sam, we're going to be talking to you about the $700, $800, you know, 2007 600
episodes, for sure. Yeah. Absolutely. Now what are you most excited about for talking vision and shows like it on Vision Australia radio on the future?
The same during this past 18 months. It's been such a challenging time for so many people. You know, it feels like we've been locked away in, but in some ways it's really given us some time to try and think outside the box and really look at what we do and how we do it in ways that we can perhaps improve on it. Or we'll take some of the lessons that we've learnt moving forward. And I think for me, one of the big things that we've learned is that there's opportunities now outside of our studios, so we really need to think about how we can bring more people into what we do and who can work remotely for us or who can go into other environments and, you know, make content for us or be a part of what we do in that way. So that's something that I'm really keen to explore. But we've also done a lot of work recently in improving our streaming, and our podcast services are really improving our digital presence as well. So I'm really excited that people are going to be able to, you know, continue to find us in lots of different ways. So, you know, they can still hear talking vision on the radio. They can still hear it through the library. They can still listen to it through their favourite podcast platform. But there's going to be more and more exciting ways to to tap into what we do, as well as through smart speakers and in other ways. So for me, I really just feel like it's going to be so much more content out there. We know all of that, and I think the challenge of the thing I'm really excited about is how we can make sure you talking vision as is stands above the rest and continues to be. It's such a great beacon for Vision Australia radio and for people to be able to communicate with it every week.
I'm Sam Kelly, and you're listening to the special 600th episode of Talking Vision on Vision Australia, radio associated stations of Watch and the community radio network. If you'd like to find out more about the program, like where to find your local radio frequency or listen to past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just start talking vision into your search engine, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now, please enjoy my interview with Stephen Jolly and Stella Glory. I started by asking Stephen about the origin of talking vision and where the idea for the programme came about
started in 2010. We used to have a programme that I sort of had responsibility for getting together called around Vision Australia, which was an opportunity to talk to our community about the sorts of things that Vision Australia wanted to communicate about services that were available to people, new products that might be available through Vision Australia, etc. And my manager said to me towards the end of 2009, it's about time we had a little bit of a look at around Vision Australia. How about you? Do a review and come back with some recommendations? And so after a little bit of work talking to people and thinking, we agreed that it'd be a good idea to have a brand new start and to call the program talking vision, because what we wanted to do with talking vision was positioning ourselves as a reference that people could turn to for matters relating to blindness and low vision. So as well as still talking about significant Vision Australia matters. We talked to partner and other organisations, organisations like Vision 2020, other organisations that provide guide dog services, organisations that sold products, technology and other low vision products. Conferences that were taking place. We started to report on those sorts of things because we wanted to be a place that people could come to just to keep in touch with what's going on in the blindness and low vision world, and hopefully not with a bias of a particular organisation.
And Stephen, how has the show changed since then in the time that you've been involved?
The places we've gone to have probably changed since I was involved in getting the content together, which was up until 2015. So about 250 episodes, Stella's done a sterling job with it. I think Stella has has addressed issues that I probably didn't give enough time to. And you've done the same. It's up to listeners really to judge how it's changed, but I think it's just broadened. But it's stayed on that same focus of being a go to place on the radio for matters of blindness and low vision in this country.
Okay, Stella, what have been your observations in the time that you're involved since 2015 up until earlier this year?
I think Stephen's right when he was saying that I address different issues because I also came in as someone who's completely sighted. So one of the things I was often very much aware of because I was sighted, I didn't have that kind of lived experience. And as much as I could do most of the interviews, there were times when I thought, Look, it was a better place for somebody else to do the interview. Would you agree with that? How did that position you, Stephen? As someone who's blind, what? What was the advantage that you had?
Well, I think sometimes I could ask questions that other people might feel a bit reluctant to raise. And sometimes I think I could ask questions that people who don't have lived experience of blindness wouldn't wouldn't even think of asking. And that's just because if you don't, if you're not in that place, you wouldn't think about it. I'm also keen to make sure that what we cover in the programme is what people listening want to know about, rather than just messages from somewhere afar that they want us to get out. And I was speaking recently with. Katie Kelly, I think it was the triathlete, so she did very well in the Paralympics, and we were talking about the real sort of mechanics of of working with a sighted partner in the triathlon and particularly in the swimming. And she explained how they were very close to each other and she needed to be able to feel the movement of the other person because they were guiding her, etc. And I suspect that that was a had would have been a hard conversation for some people to have. But it seemed quite natural for me to ask her about it because I was wondering about it
as a woman as well. I started having more of an interest in disability, what was happening with disability in general and with women in disability. I think also I might have been because I was like, Steven has this historical connection to and really well networked within the community. So I came in super nervous and super conscientious as well. So I might have been a little bit, sometimes a bit cautious and maybe really ask questions that kind of were a given. And I turned to Stephen a lot, and I have to say I couldn't have done the job to begin with without Stephen's input, and I think that that's what the show really needs. Like, it's not a one person job. Really? Yeah. So my observations were also how much people listen to the show and how interested and ready they were to be on the program and to talk to me as well.
Can I comment on that? Yeah, I think you I think you sell yourself a bit short there, Stella, because you you really did very well at sort of picking up at the role and distinguishing the program from what people might see as Stephen Jolly's program and make it a product that had your mark on it. It was a stellar project. And you're right about the number of people that make contact and say, What about doing this? And what about doing that? And that's very helpful. You sort of have to plan the program in two layers. And Sam, you'd be aware of this. There are things that come up throughout the year that you need to deal with very important things like Mother's Day, Father's Day events that happened at a particular time. And then there are other issues which are not so time dependent, but they need attention from time to time. Like I research and as a things like that.
Hmm. So you've talked a bit about some challenges that you've had. So what have been the most challenging conversations that you've had, Steve? And I'll start with you.
There was a time in 2012 when very suddenly to the rank and file anyway, because we didn't know about it in advance. The CEO left. So a couple of days later, I had a conversation with the chair of Vision Australia, and that was interesting because I wanted to ask the questions that were in the minds of listeners, rather than just relay what were important messages from the senior management of the organisation or the senior leadership in the organisation. So that was a significant conversation, but a good one. It went well. We had also a time a year or so later, when a major attention was given to Vision Australia, terminating one of its services, the supported employment service. And we had a talking vision program where I spoke with someone who could give us a historical perspective on industrial workshops. David Blythe. And then I spoke with the senior management of Vision Australia and with the leadership of the employee organisation. So there was a conflict, conflicting positions there that was challenging and interesting and well worth doing because it meant the program did have teeth.
I'm here with Steve and Julie and Stella glory to celebrate the 600th episode of Talking Vision. Stella, we'll go to you now. What? What what have been some of the most challenging conversations that that you had over the time with, with talking vision?
Well, definitely the first one, but it wasn't that challenging, but it was about I remember it was about science and it was about the bionic eye, and I thought, I have no idea what I'm talking about here, but I did, but I think that was just nerves. For me, it was around the I was still in my first year of doing the program. There was a federal election and I spoke to different political representatives like the life, someone from the Labor Party, Liberal Party. I spoke to an independent and someone from the Greens and there was a sitting member for peace. And that was a very challenging conversation. It was the first time I've really spoken to Politic, a politician and also about. I work with advocacy around the questions, and one of the questions was around online voting, you know, and I was given very short shrift. And yeah, that that was challenging because and in some of the interviews I could really read between the lines, there was a very yeah, dismissiveness and at one point there was a bit of blind splaining going, Oh God, right? Well, that's
that's not going to do not want to come on the program for sure. But you know, in among all of that, though, Stella, there were a lot of, you know, important conversations as challenging as they would be. So what have been, you know, some of the most important conversations you feel you had in in your time with talking vision?
During my time on the program, of course, was the establishment of the NDIS so that having a number of key people on the program talking about the rollout of the NDIS, I had pretty much someone on every week for a number of months, either from the organisation, from the India or from Vision Australia and also the important ones to me. The ability for people to tell their story. So I did have somebody on from an albinism awareness organisation based in Africa, and they were talking about some of the stories there and pretty harrowing, but also hopeful. There was some really hopeful stories coming out of there. So there was some international stories I did. I remember doing a story about a farmer, and I absolutely loved that story and the way he had lost his vision and some of the things that he did. Some of the changes that he made on his working farm that enabled him to continue farming. So, for example, he started breeding a different type of cow so he would be able to see that livestock in the distance. And there was also a story I did about a refugee who had come over from crossed over on a boat and arrived in Australia. He was blind and he didn't know a word of English, and he five years down the track. He knows English and he is gainfully employed and it was a challenging story. But I loved that he had a platform to tell his story and I actually played it on Australia Day.
Wow, that is incredible. Yeah. And Mark and Steven will go to you now. So what have been some of the most important conversations that you had as a host of talking vision?
Well, I saw very much the role of talking vision as to help people connect with the blindness and low vision community and get involved in ways that would make a difference in their lives. So I I picture in my mind someone sitting at home listening who might be struggling because in recent times their site has deteriorated and they don't know what's ahead of them. So they might listen to talking vision and they might hear someone talking about, say, Vision Australia's quality living program. And just from listening to that conversation, they would start to feel, Oh yeah, it's okay being blind. Other people are, but I want the program to take them to the next step as well, which is bringing up Vision Australia and saying or some other organisation if appropriate and saying, perhaps you can help me, this is my situation and then get connected, get involved. The really important conversations, and it's hard. Name one particular one, but there's a really important ones because they help people come from the loss, the grieving of their vision loss and connect with with the life as it's going to be in a new way for them, a very fulfilling way. They are different and they need to. They need to get across the road to that pack. You know, it's hard to get across the road in the first place, but once they get across, it's quite a good pack to be in because there's lots of things you can do. There's lots of ways you can develop personally, et cetera.
Mm-Hmm. OK. And finally, this is probably the most tricky question of all, Stephen. Do you have a favorite interview in your time with talking vision? You know what's been one of your most memorable experiences or one of your most memorable interviews?
I'm going to cheat and give you two answers here. The first one is a series of programs that we did over a number of years at technology expos where I could walk around the display area with my little digital recorder in my hand, a thing called a book port plus that some listeners would know about it. They're not around these days, but they're a fantastic little thing that you're just holding your hand. And I could record these conversations, and I would think how much harder this would have been in the past. It's got it had a very good recording system, that device. So and I've got lots of interesting conversations, really lively ones with people explaining and demonstrating their technology. But the one that sticks in my mind the most is Vision. Australia had a day at Parliament House back in 2014 here in Victoria, where we had the opportunity to show the lawmakers of the state what the organization does and what it offers. And I did record a little conversation with the leader of the opposition at the time, Mr Daniel Andrews, who is now the premier. So I treasure that one.
Absolutely. And as you can hear, still laughing in the background fellow or W and now got here. But what's been one of your favorites now?
Before when I was talking, I realized I was making the choice and really serious. But it also it's a lot of fun to make. And I was I did talk about some of the memorable interviews, but some of the memorable experiences for me was then as because I was part of the show and I was really getting to know, you know, I had already been in Australia for six years, but I was getting to know everyone and I remember going to a Blind Citizens Australia event and knowing or people knowing I would. Just at one point I was guiding someone and people saying, Oh, you're still a glory, you're still a glory, and just how much fun it felt to fill look up along. And I felt that people, I was immediately kind of on friendly terms with everyone and just the way everyone spoke to me and would in a quite chatty way and saying, Oh, you should talk about this and. And I remember thinking, I probably interviewed half the people in the room, and I was probably at some point going to interview the other half of the people. So they were some of the memorable experiences for me. And one of the other things that people often say to me when they're talking about talking vision and saying, Oh, you know, you're really great on the program isn't Francis Keel and fantastic.
Francis has been terrific. She started in the very early days with us, with her appetizers for all the four talking books that she talked about. It must have been hundreds that she's told us about on the program over the years and still doing it. So she's terrific. Good on you.
Francis and Julie Scott has still coming onto the program. That's broadening out a little bit. Julie from the shop, I really enjoyed those ones, too.
Yes. Yes, yes. Julie talks about the various products that are available through the Vision Store and has been doing that. She was doing and doing that for Vision Australia radio before talking Vision, actually, so she's got it down to a fine art.
And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to talking vision, talking vision is a production of Vision Australia radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org. That's talking vision all one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 103000. Eight four seven four six that's one three eight four seven four double six or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia dot all.