President and CEO of Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria, Maurice Gleeson OAM, joins Sam on the program this week to talk about the fondest memories of his time in the role over the past 30 years.
Maurice was recently honoured with the lifetime achievement award at the 2021 Victorian Disability Awards, and it was a pleasure to be able to catch up with him to celebrate all he has done within the blind and low vision community.
Then after the interview with Maurice, we wrap up the show this week with some news and information.
From Vision in Australia, this is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
The greatest satisfaction I ever can get out of my role is where I see groups or individuals achieving what they want. When I see people, I've enriched in some positive way. That is the greatest reward anybody can get.
Welcome to the program. That voice you just heard there was president and
CEO of Blind Spots and Recreation
Victoria, Maurice Gleason Alam, talking about the moments that have really stayed with him in his role over the past 30 years. Maurice was recently honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2021 Victorian Disability Awards, and it was a pleasure to be able to catch up with him to celebrate all he has done within the blind and low vision community. Morris's interview takes up a majority of the show this week, but there will still be some time at the end of the show for a bit of news and information. So without further ado, I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of Talking Vision. This week on Talking Vision, it's my absolute pleasure to welcome Maurice Gleason O&M to the show as CEO and president of Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria. Morris has helped tens of thousands of people who are blind or have low vision. Over three decades to find connection and purpose in their lives through sport, and his work has been celebrated with the 2021 Disability Awards. Highest honor the Lifetime Achievement Award. Maurice, before we begin just quickly, congratulations on a truly well-deserved award and thank you for all you've done for the blind and low vision community.
Oh, thank you very much, Sam. Yeah, I've been very fortunate to be able to work in this building. Have met so many wonderful people.
Absolutely. And firstly, Maurice, I hear one of your favorite sayings is that changes and challenges are always going to be a part of our lives. So what's been the key for you to overcoming those changes and challenges?
Well, I guess for 25 years, when I used to work for visual scale or early association building, applying as a social welfare worker, I came across many people who had to make adjustments to their lives. And even in my own personal lives, I realized that each and every one of us doesn't know who we are. A lifetime of changes and challenges that we need to face or deal with. And so I put a lot of emphasis on how do we look? And grief and loss is a part of life, and it's how we can minimize the impact of those changes sometimes have forced on us. Sometimes we choose to make changes. Sometimes we all have to face challenges in different ways. So it's important to. Acknowledge the grief and work through it all. Various types of grieving, various degrees of grief, but we have to at the same time. Look for hope and look for positive or a future in all those things. So it's that sort of approach I take.
That's a fantastic outlook and very important for sure. Now you before you got involved with Blonde Sports and Recreation Victoria, I believe you started off helping others with vision loss as a social worker. What motivated you to get into social work and what was it like for you going to uni and finding work as a person who was blonde?
Well, initially, I think to school for the blind and which was a wonderful experiment, but I was told I perhaps couldn't further my education beyond the way it's taught now. So I started walking olfactory as a process worker, and that was a great experience. It taught me the importance of education, either formal education or informal education. I also coming from a working class background like I to the injustice sometimes that people had to endure, who perhaps didn't know how to advocate for themselves. And so I think, you know, I wanted to come to develop a fair community, a fair way of life for many people, whether with or without a disability. So that sort of started then I then I wasn't going to make it, but I eventually took myself to another school and dig a number of courses. And with the encouragement of a number of people, I went on to go to tertiary level of education, and that was quite interesting. Challenging. And the interesting thing, when I had to do my field place thing, I chose not to work in the blindness sector. I chose different areas. I working. I really have built a station sensor to do my work experience or field placement. They were for Alcohol and Drug Dependence Center. I think I would also have an aged care facility. And the reason why I chose that, so I wanted to prove to myself so I could work in other sectors apart from the blowing up sector. And they both turned out to be quite successful.
UK and elsewhere, although aware, though, you did eventually find your calling with blond sports and recreation Victoria. How did you get involved with them and where did that whole begin for you?
Well, it really. I just fell out of my brother, who also is blind, and he was the previous president and he was went off to get married and moved to Sydney. And he asked me to Would I have feelings for him for six months? I'm going to short term, like about 28 or 29 years later. I'm still doing that role. So it's a respectable journey. And to see the organization originally start or in a caravan, which is located at the Association for the Blind, which is now Vision Australia site. And we just run in the last 10 or 11 years we've really expanded. Our whole mission is to for everyone who's blind or visually impaired, that they have the opportunity to participate in sport or recreational activity of their choice. So we diversify. So a lot more now.
Oh, it sounds like you're absolutely kicking goals. So is this work with Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria and as well as your tireless efforts over the past decades to advocate for the blind and with vision community, as you've mentioned that have seen you honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award at this year's Disability Awards. So congratulations again on such a fantastic honour. So when did you find out you'd been nominated and what does it mean to you to be the winner of such an award for your achievements?
Well, I didn't find out exactly the winner until now, so I was one of the finalists and then I think I'm fortunate enough to be the receiver of the award. Look what it means, I guess for all of us, the most important thing is keeping taking all of us to pursue our dreams or our goals. And it doesn't matter what age we are to be. I have some ambition to work towards something and some time in my teens. We're not locked into, but it's really important to step out of our comfort zone to reach out to each other, especially in my role with social welfare worker. I found it wasn't my role to resolve the problem or the issue. It was working with the individual person or the group to see how we can minimize that going back or make positive changes. Their record to work with them is really important if you connect with someone. Trust is really important. Someone has that you feel you can trust. Communication is important, but hope in the for too long as you realise them and all of it, the lockdown and as being incredibly challenging period of time have many of us. However, as from today, hopefully we're on the road to recovery upscaling. I look forward to some normality in the future, so I'm feeling very optimistic.
I am told there is a lot of hope and hopefully everything sort of continues to calm down and everything does go back to normal. And that concludes the first half of my conversation with Blonde Sports and Recreation Victoria president and CEO Maurice Gleason. I'm Sam Kelly and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia, radio associate at the stations of P-H and the Community Radio Network. If you'd like to find out more about the program, like where to find your local radio frequency or listen to past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just stop talking vision into your search engine, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now, please enjoy the second half of my interview with Maurice Gleeson. Now Morris, here's a bit of a question without notice. What would you say has been a highlight or a high point or one of your fondest memories in your time as the CEO and president of blind spots near Crash and Victoria?
It's a very hard question to answer in the things that there's no highlight, but what what the greatest satisfaction I ever can get out of my role is where I see groups or individual achieving what they want. When I say people know I've enriched in some positive way, that is the greatest reward anybody can get. And that's what I get when I see as being a quality of life change or individual or groups of people. You know, you can't buy that. It's so rewarding for me. So that's how I see my role and I always see here in Victoria the diversifying many, many more opportunities now that people think of being lost. 10 participating, we may have to modify the activity, but I certainly can. There should be no reason why you should not be able to experience or any sport or recreational activity.
Mm-Hmm. That's absolutely right. And I encourage everybody out there listening to get involved if they they do have an interest in a sport and they're just wondering all where, what? Where can I start? What should I do? There's a lot of resources out there and a lot of people at Blind and Sports and Recreation Victoria that I'd love to hear from you. So always get in touch and try something new. Now I hear travelling is one of your greatest passions, Morris. So tell us a bit more about that. Obviously, we've been home a lot more than usual in the past two years. But what have been your greatest memories prior to that?
Well, when when I lost my sight, it took me probably about 10 years to adjust to golf and to start to, I guess, form a new identity. And well, I was going in life thing for a couple of years. I actually didn't go out anywhere much because of the stigma attached in those days and coming to terms with it. But once I gave my confidence and my first trip was to Singapore and Bali with someone who from the school that I went to. She took us on and we had a wonderful time. Then I guess there's no fear by desire if I know what I have to rely on somebody to go with. If I wanted to travel overseas some years ago, many years ago now, I had an opportunity to present at a workshop, talking a lot of work with people who are deaf and blind. I had an opportunity to present at a workshop in Washington, so I went there for 10 days. I think I extended the four nine week I wanted to prove to myself that I could travel by myself, which I survived. I can assure you the same when I was on applying it to Tullamarine leaving, I think it might go to what on earth am I doing? So I think if I put change my mind, I probably would have. But I didn't think I survived that, and it was a great experience. I could prove to myself I could travel. And what do I get out of it? I don't get a visual. I just benefit from it. But I get to learn about the culture and the customs and major new people and learning about how different countries their cultures are and trust and all those sort of being a big thing, just engaging with people and giving a feeling for different countries. So I find it very beneficial.
Oh, yeah. And that's, you know, a lot of priceless experiences that you would have come across in your time traveling. So how did you go with the language barrier with the loss of the vision component? Was that was that a bit of a challenge for you as well?
Well, yes, there was telling it, like any, if you could go to a country. Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, but I remember I when I was in Italy, it was a group. Somebody wanted to take up with me. I had to organize train for a turkey. But I wrote down the address where I needed to go to. Well, I got something to write down for me, where I was going both in English and in Italian. Like, I had three or four copies of it, I lost one. Like, I had always measure. And luckily, I was able to organize the transport to turkey and go there and go back on my own. I survived that and it's about, you know, making decisions and thinking it through.
Yeah, that's right. Because it is that sort of the added component of needing to ask for directions because it sort of, you know, obviously you don't have the site. So you sort of have to say, how you know, am I on the right train or am I? Is this the right straight or something like? I think that's really important
and very even I have no hesitation anywhere if I require any assistance or new draft system or organize. I have no hesitation. I actually won't because I love engaging other people and things from them. So I'm not too shy about asking people if I need it.
Yeah, absolutely. Now, fondly, Maurice, looking back on all of your achievements throughout your life, it's been an incredible journey. But in sporting parlance, I do understand you're still not ready to hang up your boots just yet. So what's on the horizon for Maurice Gleason in 2022 and beyond?
Well, look, I really want to consolidate and build on what we already are doing, particularly focusing on the regional areas of Victoria to get them training opportunities for them. I think also I'm hoping to diversify more into the arts and cultural areas as well to get people the opportunity to be involved. And then in those be a part of sport and recreation, physical activity
and Maurice, if people are looking to get in touch with blonde sports and Recreation Victoria, what's the best way for them to get in contact
either via the website or offline? People would like to pull the direct and phone numbers over, you know, a double to double eight seven six users away from the
website WW dot blonde sports dot org.
Are you okay? Yeah. Or email is info at Line Sports plural dot or AEW.
Okay, so that was Moss Gleason, their CEO and president of Blonde Sports and Recreation Victoria, chatting to me today on Talking Vision. The recent recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Disability Awards in 2021. Morris, it's an absolute pleasure having you on the show. Congratulations once again for a fantastic career and all the best for the future with blind spots and recreation Victoria.
Thank you very much. I think that wisdom is and thank you, Vision Australia radio.
Speaking of blind spots, we're heading to New South Wales now with news of a blind sports youth summer camp, which is now open for registrations. The camp will kick off on the 10th of January 2022 at the Sydney Academy of Sport in Narrabeen, New South Wales, up on the northern beaches of Sydney. The camp is designed to give young people in New South Wales slushy, say the opportunity like no other. The chance to experience a variety of adaptive sports, make new friends, try new things and have a whole heap of fun. If you're a member of Blonde Sports and Recreation New South Wales Slushies, say today you can register for this event right now, with registrations closing on Wednesday, the 1st of December 2021. The camp is designed for school aged members aged 10 to 18 and runs for five days from Monday, the 10th of January to Friday, the 14th of January 2022. As mentioned, it'll be located at the Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation in Narrabeen, and in terms of price, the costs will be $600, which is claimable on the NDIS in most cases, plus $25 if you're not already a member of blind spots and recreation New South Wales slush, I say it's hey, but don't worry. This is also claimable in terms of what you can expect. There'll be Gold Ball, Aussie rules, football of the round ball, soccer, variety, cricket, tennis and golf. Plus, there will also be trips to the Beach I fly, which is indoor skydiving at club golf and on site interactive sessions to keep you busy. If you'd like to find out more or express interest, you can get in touch with blind spots in New South Wales Slushies City on their email at info at blind spots NSW dot com dot a--you. That's info at blind spots NSW all one word dot com dot a year. Or you can also head to their website WW Dot Blind Spots NSW dot com today use less events. That's W W W Dot Blind Spots NSW dot com dot AEW slash events. In another bit of exciting news regarding accessible transport, now rideshare company Uber will allow passengers who travel with assistance animals such as saying Our dogs support to travel without discrimination. The Service Assistance Program, or S-CHIP, is due to launch on October 25 and is designed to assist those that travel with assistance animals by pairing them with educated drivers who understand the needs of those with assistance animals. Vision Australia manager of Government Relations Chris Edwards said Vision Australia has been working closely with Obama on the detail of the initiative and commends the rideshare giant on genuinely understanding the issue and putting a strategic solution in place to address it. Unfortunately, people travelling with Dugard's guides, including myself, still experience discrimination and are turned away by drivers and taxis. This is despite it being illegal for drivers to refuse PayPal on the basis of travelling with an assistance animal, Chris said. I really liked the business approach Uber took to solving this systemic issue. Vision Australia and Irba worked together on some of the specifics of the issue, and we supported them through the solution to make sure it wasn't creating other issues for users who are blind or have low vision, he said. In terms of how the service assistance program works, it has three major pillars a dedicated phone support program for participants that will connect them with specially trained agents, ensuring any potential issues are solved quickly and appropriately. A notification sent to drivers after accepting a job with someone travelling with an assistance animal reminding them of their legal obligations should the driver refuse the trip. After receiving this notification, our view will take place. Once signed up to the program, participants can more easily have their cancelled trips reviewed to make sure no breaches of the law have taken place. And for more information about the program, including how to sign up, you can head to W W W Dot help overcome and search for assistance animal identify. And the first result will be the Service Assistance Program page and in other news, before we go. There's a couple of
other articles
that might interest you out this. The first one is from the Norwich Science Report website. It's entitled Your Aging Eyes How You Say as time goes by. It was written on October the 22nd, 2021 by the National Institutes of Health from the United States, and it's all about how scientists expect the number of people with age related eye problems to rise dramatically. You'll find out about effective treatments available for many disorders that may lead to blindness or vision impairment, and also what to look out for as you get older to make sure you stay on top of your eye health and why regular eye tests are so important. And if you'd like to read the full article, you can head to W WW Dot No That's W W W Dot K, A.W. I, d J.A. Come and search for how you see as time goes by. One last article is from the same website. This was from the 23rd of October 2021. Written by John Piggott, entitled Blind and Vision Impaired, put new devices to test on White Cane Day. Yep, that's right. It's a celebration of the white cane and what it means for mobility and independence of white cane users. All about the advances in technology to improve orientation and mobility, not just white canes, but also smartphones and sonar technology, which can relay info back to users to tell them how far away they are from certain objects. And it goes through quite a few nifty little orientation of mobility, gadgets and mobility aids out there. And if you want to have a look at that and have a read, you can Google. That's more than just a white cane, and it'll be the first result that pops up. And that's all we have
time for today. You've been listening to talking vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision Vision Australia dot org that's talking vision
or one word
at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 103000 eight four seven four six. That's one three eight four seven four double six or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia dot all.