Sam catches up with Mimi Taye from the Vision Australia library to talk about an upcoming event on November 14 called “Read My Way”, an exploration of accessible formats which will be taking place online featuring a tour of the Vision Australia Radio studios, panel discussion by library staff and more.
Author Cameron Algie also joins the show to talk about his new book, “I Can See Clearly Now: Understanding and Managing Vision Loss”. Cameron was born with retinitis pigmentosa and it’s this lived experience which not only has seen him run quality living groups for people with vision loss for 14 years, but also motivated him to share his experiences and observations in his new book.
From Vision in Australia, this is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
People with partial sight continue to use our eyes. Nothing wrong with it, but there's a point you call it a tipping point. They should be saying, Look, is there a better way of doing it? And then if you don't know the answers, this is an email book tries to give you the answers if you don't know the answers when you don't know where to go.
That voice you just heard there was author Cameron Algae talking about the challenges and frustrations of adapting to life with vision loss. Cameron was born with retinitis pigmentosa and its this lived experience, which not only has seen him run a quality living group for people with vision loss for 14 years, but also motivated him to write his book. I can see clearly now understanding and managing vision loss, and you can hear more from Cameron later in the program. But first, I catch up with Mimi Tay from the Vision Australia Library to talk about an upcoming event on November 14 called Read My Way, an exploration of accessible formats which will be taking place online. So if you'd like to know more about the formats available at the library to read or listen to the range of content that suits you. Be sure to stay tuned. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. Coming up on November the 14th, the Vision Australia Library will be holding an exciting new online event exploring accessible ways of writing. It's called Read My Way and to tell us more about Read My Way. It's my pleasure to welcome library events co-ordinator Mami Ty to Talking Vision Mami. Thanks so much for being here today.
Thank you, Sam, for having me. I'm very excited to be here to talk about this, this event.
Okay, now me. Firstly, we'll start off with Read My Wyatt self what is. Read more while about,
Oh thank you Sam. This event, titled Read My Way an exploration of accessible formats, is all about providing a platform for the wider public to get insight into accessible formats. Accessible formats, also referred to as alternative formats, are ways of presenting printed, written or visual material so that people who don't read I can access it. People who don't read print may be blind, or they may have no vision or a print. Disability benefits their reading. So what we aim to do through this event is to provide an information session to the wider public about disability, as well as accessible formats, low vision adopting devices and technology. They will also gain an insight into the wide range of services provided by Vision Australia. This event is a collaboration between Vision Australia and Melbourne Writers Festival. Melbourne Writers Festival is an organisation that is about bringing people together to celebrate its words and stories and share human experiences. This event will be key or a key part of this festival, and we're very excited about opening our doors in providing this unique and insightful experience to the public.
OK, wonderful. And what sort of things can people look forward to if they register for? Read my way?
Well, people can expect a highly engaging and enlightening panel discussion about alternative formats. The panel will feature speakers from Virgin Australia, including the library manager, who will discuss availability of over 45000 books. There will be a tour of the Vision Australia radio studios. Of course, it will be a virtual tour and you know, regional Australia has over 800000 listeners, and during this tour of the radio station, we will have an actor showing how books are recorded for clients in audio formats. Our Vision Australia Story Retail Store will feature assistive devices, and they will also showcase some of the cutting, cutting edge technology in this area. Our production team will show how documents are transcribed into accessible formats such as braille and 3D. Tactile formats in our children's library will feature literacy kits, so there's plenty to cover in this false hour and 15 minutes. Definitely wears while attending and I highly recommend it. I should also mention Do we interactive? Was Q&A opportunities for participants on the day?
Yeah, definitely sounds fantastic. Sounds very action packed. Now, how can people access the event on the morning of November 14?
Great question. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but it is a free event and it's all online. All people need to do to access the event is to register as soon as they can and as Link will be forwarded to them. And by the way, the event is on the 14th of November, which is a Sunday, so there's no excuse not to attend. Mm-Hmm. Yeah. At 10:30 a.m. and will end at 11:45. It will be fun and interactive, but I stress that registration is essential to reserve a spot for the session and to receive the Zoom joining information.
And that also gives people time to sort of, you know, have a long break. He'll have a bit of a sleep in or, you know, do something around. Absolutely the house in the morning for the morning run. Yeah, absolutely right. So what is the best way for people to register? Maybe the best
way for people to register is to head to the events page Vision Australia dot org. That's our website Vision Australia dot org or search for Vision Australia Radio, Vision Australia radio and Facebook, and click on the event. Stop in there and you'll see a link where you can input your information.
Okay. And finally, member who can people get in touch with if they'd like to find out more about their event?
People can email Vision Australia Library on Library at Vision Australia, dot org Library at Vision Australia dot org or just call on one three six five four six five six one three six five four six five six.
Thank you very much. Maybe that was made me tell you that the library events coordinator talking to us all about Read My Way. An exploration of accessible formats coming up in November on the 14th at 10:30 made me thank you so much for your time. Today was a pleasure having you on talking vision.
Thank you so much for having me. It was a pleasure talking to you to get.
On Sam Kelly, and you're listening to talking vision on Vision Australia, radio associated stations of our page and the community radio network. If you'd like to find out more about the program, like where to find your local radio frequency or listen to past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just type talking vision into your search engine, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now back to the program. I'm here with author Cameron Elzie to talk about his new book I can see clearly now understanding and managing vision loss. Available online in both hard copy and e-book format. Cameron, thanks so much for joining me today. Welcome to Talking Vision.
Thanks very much. Same pleasure to be with you now.
Firstly, Cameron, could you tell us a bit more about yourself? For example, your vision and how long you've been writing?
Well, my vision's the longest time I've had it for over 50 years. That's Jeanette. Genetic degenerative condition known as short as our it must be contagious. It's been around for a long time and, you know, getting worse and worse over the years. So that means I've had a series of adjustments in my life to make. That experience helped me very much when I was doing the group work. And how long have I been writing? Well, relatively well as far as I've been writing bits and pieces. But as an as an author now, oh, just on two years I've been writing lots of science and shorter articles. In fact, I've been winning a few prizes, would you believe?
Oh wow, congratulations.
Yeah, yeah. It's all good fun. So I enjoy that. But this this has been a major project because when I was with Vision Australia, I left in 2019. I had been thinking about this for some time because when I read my group's equality living program, I was always handing out notes. And of course, at one point I consolidated all the notes and I sent them out and I thought, You know, this should be better as a book. So the little light bulb came on and it was. I've been sort of thinking about it for a while, and when I left in Australia, I got stuck into it. I had it written in, you know, seven or eight months and got it professionally edited, which is always a wise thing to do for authors. So it costs money. And and then and then we go. So it's not the spark that came from the group with no history.
And you mentioned that group work there, which also would have borne out a few observations and a few frustrations that stuck in your mind when you're, I guess, working in the group. So would you say that would be the main motivation or why else did you decide to write? I can say clearly now,
largely that is us doing worked work for 14 years, and there was just unfortunately a similarity between nearly all the groups that the issues, the problems came in with. And a lot of them, I'd mention, because I've been at business for a long time, I've enjoyed it experience. But the issues they came in with was unfortunately very similar. And clients would come in saying, Look, where do I go? Where do I find out? Nobody tells me, you know, these sort of questions? And how long does it take, you know, to get used to these laws? The doctors never told me anything you. I don't know about all these supports that you get from government. And then that was one layer of commonality. And the other layer was the what I call the impact. The impact splits into two, not only for the person with vision loss. And then then you can imagine it'll split into several forms as to whether it's slowly slow loss of vision or whether it's sudden loss and whether more and what's the cause of it, because that's got all sorts of consequences of that guilt, shame, investment and the other branch of why book is necessary is because that's all. Nobody understands me. No one, no one understands my vision loss. Vision loss is very hard to describe. And so many people were frustrated by this and that. And in this layer of misunderstanding and beginning to appear in almost every group sighted people and and it is a reason for the book. Sighted people don't understand vision loss and often then react. I sometimes inappropriately witness I just say the wrong way. I overcompensate being helpful and trying to help all you because the perception comes in, they might Oh, you're going blind, therefore you can't see it full stop. And therefore they overcompensate and do what we call disempowering people with being too protective. The second level is the thing they read the wrong way by avoidance. So they don't they feel this stigma. And I'm fearful of blindness. And that's another major reason to talking so much about the fear. And so they'll run away from it, or they won't know what to say, what to do. And there's many instances because I love my friends. I've lost my friend. Very, very serious reasons. Absolutely. And those because I'm a constant through the groups experiencing that, look, this has got to be put down. And when I looked around, this is probably the other motivating reason behind the book. There was nothing. In fact. There's no resource book of this magnitude written by a visionary person for efficient people and their families dwelling on and dealing with the experience of vision loss. These books, in fact, the info I got efficiently edited, I got it, didn't believe me. You needed to search. You said, Yeah, is nothing. And that's it's filling a gap. And I think that makes us unique and important for that reason.
Absolutely. And you mentioned a few things in there about educating people and raising awareness, but also shedding light on on a lot of topics that are really important to cover. So in that light, what sorts of topics do you cover in the book? What can people expect to find if they have a rate of I can see clearly now without without giving too much away? Of course,
it's it's it's I suppose you could say I've tried to cover, which might be a mistake. I don't know. Time will tell. I've tried to cover nearly everything because and the reason for that again, same was when I ran groups. I ran groups for all the people, people, younger people, teenagers and parents and firemen and so on. And. The issues that they raised sometimes were. You there was no information on the stance, so there's nothing you can of say, well, just look at that and I'll tell you about it. And then so the content of the book covers, it's divided into three parts. So it's coming first, but covering what you might call the psychological responses, the vision loss, the impact, the grief, loss, frustration, anxiety, depression and so on. And this is another major points resting concept that it was depression that people with vision loss are often ceased to be depressed. And really, they're not. And I'll try and come back to that, if you can remember. And secondly, that the other topics that I covered through my groups were schooling, employment, parenting and the main issues that I've mentioned teenagers issues, socialization, self-care. And that's so the books that's in the second part of those broad issues. In the third part, it's a compilation of all the practical tips that I came across from the groups, which is, you know, maintaining your independence in the home and in the many mobility issues. You know, the debate commission debate dog versus Kane, which one's based and going through the entire technology. And fortunately for me, technology for the moment has plateaued. When I was still living in Australia, there's always great things came out like the apps for your iPhone or Android and that we like one, which you'll be familiar with. Same is the singing sea air. It was freer now that was part of its expansion. This isn't equivalent to androids and so on. It goes on then to add to the final chapter, which is dealing with working in the shape of entitled. There's a lot. So again, my grips, they would be totally blind people. This is what's to me fascinating. One one chef and rebuilt a car. Others were making furniture, but better than you'd find in any firms to shop and and working the shift, working on motors, working in some people, even doing electrical work within the cars. That still amazes me. And so there's a wealth of tips that we need to know, and that underlines again, a major theme of the book, which is, look, we don't want to be blind. We didn't know how to prepare for blindness. We went we didn't go to school to learn how to be blind. We've got to reskill ourselves and in reskilling our selves, we've got to understand that we do things differently and there's no shame in that. And it's just a big learning curve. People have to come to terms in this and you'll see it and you still instances of people struggling to keep on saying things. I've done it. People with passion can continue to use arts. Nothing wrong with that. But there's a point. You call it a tipping point. Maybe they should be saying, Look, is there a better way of doing it? And then if you don't know the answers, this is an email book tries to give you the answers. If you don't know the answers when you don't know where to go, and I'll put this point back to the depression depression. I think this is the when the people came into the groups, I didn't know what to do. They were lost, you know, saddened. And lots of people in two years destroyed and some people saved. My life is finished. You know, I'm better off dead now. That's just appalling. But people say that. And so a lot of a lot of sighted people, and I'm sad to say professionals would say people who had vision recently, you know, extremely visual. So they're depressed. Well, I got so mad as a snake about that because I don't think some were depressed in some of the class. They were genuinely depressed and record fishing support. A lot of people went to get the shock of it, you know, say they experienced what is called this a medical term adjustment disorder. I don't know what to do. They don't know the solutions and don't know where to go. All this sort of stuff. I don't know what to say. You don't know what to ask. And they're in a spot where they ate, frozen or lost. And it's it is encouraging us just now in getting early with people. Catch them when the first experience of vision loss and their families as well. Then you can bring about change very, very quickly. That's an essential point, right? We need to get on with the game, that's a major reason for what Poseidon mission loss. It's terrible. We are going to try and make light of it, but it's it's a natural human experience. And the sooner we can adjust to it better. That's why the title you're seeing, I can see clearly that it's metaphoric that when you know the ancients, you can see clearly what to do.
And that's when MS
and with them, with all of that in mind, how would you say is the target audience? Who are you hoping would pick this pick this book up and really benefit from the messages you're looking to put out there?
Yeah, it's multifaceted. Sam, first of all, the office, when people just recently experienced vision loss might feel I want to know more about the experience. Yes, that statement often is the reluctance of people with vision loss to sort of want to know about it. They're still fighting it. Families in particular already had people saying, Oh, this is just what I need to give to my friends or people who don't understand vision loss. So that's another major plank. But I would quite say with that attempting to be noble or disrespectful, I think a lot of professions can benefit because even medical professionals, they have doctors, paramedical people also because they don't. Allergic to this, but a fact. I don't understand what vision loss is really like. How can they tell you experiences and that came in with with many of the participants in the group saying, I'm going to see a psychologist. They can't help me. Well, the reason why they might know about how to manage grief and trauma and all the grief loss coming from trauma and trauma, diesel, car accidents or fire or, you know, terrible things. But they don't get a long term nature of vision loss where you know, you wake up in the morning and say, what may later? It's still a day later. We played a month later. Now we have to live with this loss. That's the fundamentals. I deal a lot in the book about that. Mm-Hmm. So that's the target audience you like. It's multifaceted. Yeah, for sure. And a lot of people would read it as it is the only. And a book of its time
and sharing that lived experience and, you know, finding those other people that can relate to the experiences that that you're going through, and that's that's that's the crucial part for sure. Yeah. So I guess arguably most importantly, Cameron, where can people find a copy of I can see clearly now if they'd like to pick one up, understand it's available in both hard copy and a book, as I did mention in the intro, and I believe the easiest way to find a copy would be to go to. I can see clearly books, dot coms.
You can go online and search it with searching. Now it takes a little while to find it because I love paying advertising money to get it on the top of the Google list. The quickest way I've got a website Triple W. Stop. I can see clearly books, dot com or online as well or
not today, you
know, both because it's on dealing with an international, you know, potential the other student Australian potential sites saying but one, you just recommend one up. Okay. And then in in the website, the links, I can just go to buy the book and see the links there. So it's an e-book in the Apple Books of almost as an e-book viewer for that or Amazon, many people using the Kindle device or any downloading it. And so it should be available and be the quickest way to get
what kind of fantastic. Okay, that was Cameron Algae there, author of I can Say Clearly Now Understanding and Managing Vision Loss available in hard copy and e-book. Cameron, thank you so much for your time today. It's a pleasure chatting with you and talking vision.
Thank you. And likewise, thanks very much.
Now, before we end the show,
a bit of exciting news this week. This article, entitled Blind Sports and Recreation President Maurice Gleason wins lifetime achievement award. It was published on the ABC Radio Melbourne website written by Mortage West Star posted on Monday, the 18th of October 2021. Every story Maurice Gleason tells ends with an inspiring life lesson. One of his favourites is changes and challenges are always going to be part of our lives. It's how we deal with these changes and challenges, he told ABC Radio Melbourne. But is it really possible to embody this sort of positivity every day? Yes, Mr Gleason said without hesitation. Having been in that really low and difficult period of my life, I was determined to have a wonderful life, he said. If it were not for this determination, Mr Gleason would not have gone on to help tens of thousands of people over three decades find
connection and purpose in their lives through sport. Mr Gleason is blind and as
president of Blonde Sports and Recreation Victoria, his work has been celebrated with the 2021 Disability Awards highest honour, the Lifetime Achievement Award.
While we lived in a much more even
society, Mr Gleason said there was always room to improve. You don't have to like everybody with a disability, he said with a laugh. But I think it is important we are treated as individuals. Justin, engage how you'd like to be treated.
And while it was a great honour being recognised
for his achievements throughout his life, he's not ready to hang up his boots just yet. I'll keep one ding up instead of winding down, he laughed. As I get older, a fond life is becoming more and more exciting,
and that was
planned. Sports and Recreation President Maurice Gleason wins Lifetime Achievement Award. It was published on the ABC Radio Melbourne website, written by Matej Wester
on Monday, the 18th of October 2021. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org that's talking vision or one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 300 eight four seven four six, that's one 300 eight four seven four W6 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia dot all.