Understanding the patient perspective in Achilles tendinopathy

Published Jul 19, 2022, 11:28 PM

In this episode I talk about three qualitative studies that aim to understand the patient perspective and patient motivations in Achilles tendinopathy. I find this work really helps clinicians to understand what patients are gong through so we are able to be empathic and help them. Hope you enjoy!

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Here are the studies:

Turner, J., Malliaras, P., Goulis, J. and Mc Auliffe, S., 2020. “It's disappointing and it's pretty frustrating, because it feels like it's something that will never go away.” A qualitative study exploring individuals’ beliefs and experiences of Achilles tendinopathy. PloS one15(5), p.e0233459.

Mc Auliffe, S., Synott, A., Casey, H., Mc Creesh, K., Purtill, H. and O'Sullivan, K., 2017. Beyond the tendon: experiences and perceptions of people with persistent Achilles tendinopathy. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice29, pp.108-114.

Mallows, A., Head, J., Goom, T., Malliaras, P., O'Neill, S. and Smith, B., 2021. Patient perspectives on participation in exercise-based rehabilitation for Achilles tendinopathy: A qualitative study. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice56, p.102450.