Karson Tager-Morning Show Co-Host Mix 104.1 Boston

Published Mar 22, 2024, 7:00 AM

The Karson and Kennedy Show has been part of the fabric of Boston radio with their successful morning show for 15 years. Their honest and open relationship with their audience on Mix-104.1 and their commitment to the community sets them apart.

Join Buzz and Karson as they take a walk thru the streets of Charlestown.

Taking a Walk.

You know, we work really hard at what we talk about on our show to get people to pay attention, to want to participate, and I think, especially today, we've all learned in a TikTok world, if you can't catch their attention right up front, then you're you're not going to catch anybody's attention.

Welcome to the Taking a Walk Podcast with your host Buzz Night, where he talks with musicians, industry insiders, and radio personalities about their love of music. On this episode, joined Buzz as he ventures into Charlestown, mass to walk with Carson Tager, the co host of the wildly successful Carson and Kennedy show from Mixed one oh four to one in Boston. Here's Buzz Night and Carson.

Carson with a k an actual taking a Walk in person?


Do you not take thank you do not take them in person as much now?

Or we are just getting back to it after the pandemic.

It's just difficult.

I sees every opportunity I can to do it, but so many of them come up as virtual opportunities.

We see those moments as well, But to do.

It with you and to do it in Charlestown, is wonderful, so welcome.


I think Charlestown is a really interesting neighborhood. As I just showed you moments ago. We have the Bunker Hill Monument. You know, two hundred and fifty years ago, the birth of a nation was fought right here in this neighborhood, and we've come to know and love this neighborhoods on the city council here, the neighborhood council. Excuse me, my son has only ever lived in this neighborhood and it's a great place to raise a family. Right behind us is the Mystic River. You'll see on the other side of the huge pile of salt, the Tobn Bridge. And then we're walking now and we're going to head towards what's called the Navy Yard, which is where the Boston Harbor is. We're actually surrounded in Charlestown three bodies of water and then a highway on the other side. So even though we're Boston, we're kind of this little you know, island over here almost. And then, of course, what I'm sure they fought for during the war here at the battle Bunker Hill is the beautiful casino that's right over there behind the power plant.

You painted a marvelous picture.

Thank you, thank you.

And this is our second returning trip to Charlestown because we had the great General Jack Hammond from the Home Base Organization where we took a walk in Charlestown.

Yeah, great organization. I've actually done some work with them.

I'm a veteran and I ran that run to Home Base and I got to tell you if you've never if you're in the Boston area, you get a chance to do that. Running running across home plate at Fenway Park was like, that's something I'll never forget.

So you've been in Boston for fourteen years?

Is that right?

Would be careful not to fall? Has anybody fallen during an interview? No, we might have to hold each other. We are going across a big sheet of ice right now, and I don't know where you are in the world, but we're doing the Penguin Walk.

Well, you know what we've nicknamed the show now called Taken a Saunter.

Taking us on. We actually just celebrated our fifteenth year. We moved here at the end of two thousand and eight, so yeah, we've been this is now our sixteenth year on Mix I think, and I'm not one hundred percent sure. I believe we are now the longest tenured show on a station. There have been a few other personalities and shows that have been in the market longer, but you know, things changed, they moved to different stations, they get new hosts. But with our show, the two of us being together, the song is kind of an anomaly in Boston.

I guess, now, now, how did you meet Kennedy?

So Kennedy and I'm outside of radio.

I was just starting a radio in Fa, North Carolina. I had just gotten out of the Army. Her we were both just recently divorced. Her ex husband was in, my ex wife was in and I was working in radio.

But I knew I.

Wanted to kind of expand and do a little bit more in the entertainment and music world.

And so.

I went down to the local community theater and I met with the director and I said, you know, I had an interest in musical theater. And she's like, oh, great, so can you sing? And I was like, no, not really. She's like, okay, well, you know, did you take dance going up or anything like that. I was like, no, I didn't do that either. She's like, oh, so you were an actor. You were in drama. I was like, actually, no, I haven't done any of these things. And she said, huh, how are you with technical stuff? I said, I was a club DJ for years. I'm really good with the technical stuff.

And she said done.

So they brought me on as a volunteer to run sound for the show, and Kennedy was one of the principal performers in the show. And it was like a summer show we did down on the Cape Fear River. It's called Polyester. It was all this great seventies music, and so we became very good friends. She used to babysit my daughter's because my afternoon show wouldn't untill seven and daycare would close at six, and sometimes she'd picked them up for me if I needed. By the way, I picked the most treacherous route ever, haven't I. This is all Ice.

I wish I could explain to you what's happening with us right now. This was such a bad idea.

Oh it's perfect. I went on a.

More treacherous you did, okay with an episode I did with my dogs.

Actually okay.

We went to the Elliott Reserve and Carlisle, near where I live.

And I almost killed myself. So no, this is the second level of that.

Well, thank you, I'm gonna. I'm gonna.

I'm not worried. I should have brought my.

Yeah, I'm wearing sneakers here. Yeah, we're prepared for it.

But anyway, so you know, we just became dear friends. And you know, I said to her, I was like, you've got such a great voice, and it's just funny and smart, you know, when you think about taking a job, even if it's part time at the radio station, and she's kind of flipping about the whole thing. She didn't care about radio. She's like, I have a job. She's working in corporate America. And eventually I convinced her to come to work at the radio station, and she flourished immediately. I mean they put her on the air and she ended up doing middays at the station. I left because I wanted to do a morning show. But you know, we stayed friends for.

All those years.

And after two previous hosts that I work with just kind of fizzled out. I realized pretty quickly that if you're gonna sit in a studio every morning, into a morning show. That it better be with somebody that you like a lot and that you care about and that cares about you, that you can laugh with and laugh at. And so when I got the opportunity to do a show down in Florida and Tallahassee, I called to Kennedy and I just said, Hey, there's a station. The pay is awful, the facilities are awful, but they're gonna hire us.

So She's like, Wow, you really know how to sell a job.

So we took the job in Tallahassee, and you know, we were down there about eighteen months. Went pretty well there, and we got a call to take a job in Memphis and we were there for about five years.

Again a lot of fun, and the station did really well.

And once we were successful there, that's kind of where, you know, people started to show a little bit of interest in the show to come to Boston.

So who hired you at at Nick's who was in charge then?

So Jabo Jones was the program director at the time, and I remember, this is an awful story that I probably shouldn't tell, but Jabo called and it was very early in the morning.

I was still in the bed. I was off that day. For whatever, and.

He's like, hey, you know, for people that don't know Jabo Jones, He's let's go it this way and won't come through. It's a wildly popular radio personality. You can hear him on Serius Sex Sam, he's filled in for Rick D's on the Weekly Top forty, these big wonderful Piet Cities.

Her Carson Jones. You know, it's just like this big voice, big personality.

And he's like, you know, we have this job in Boston and we've heard a lot of good things about you and we want to bring you guys in for an interview. And I was like, man, I love Kiss went Away. I've heard a lot about that station. And uh, he says, I don't work for Kiss went Away. I worked for Mix ninety five. And I was like, Okay, that's probably not the best way to start it. Jo that I didn't know the stage he worked for. Yeah, thankfully he was pretty lighthearted about the whole situation.

But so he was the first one.

Him and Steve Reynolds, who is a radio consultant who worked with a lot of wonderful talent. He was actually the one that threw our name into the hat because we were interviewing for a job in Atlanta and they decided to hire a different show instead of us, and but I kept in contact with him, and when the opening came about in Boston, he had mentioned to Jabo that, Hey, there's this show that I think you guys might like.

I love that. Well, congratulations on your success.

Now you just painted the whole picture really well visually where.

We've been walking. But you also, thank you illuminated everybody about.

Jabo Jones because we've gotten not only a Boston audience here, but we've got a national audience, actually a global audience.

Right, so if you listened to a serious exam you can hear Jabo Jones.

I believe he's on the seventies channel.

Yeah right, so well well done.

Thank you.

So for all the listeners outside of Boston who may not know.

What makes the Carson and Kennedy show tick. What makes a tick?

You know, I think a lot of it is just sharing our personal lives.

That's what will separate.

Any content you're creating from anybody else. You know, It's easy for any show to go on the air and talk about the latest gossip, but nobody can talk about the fact that Kennedy was recently diagnosed with ADHD and we had a lengthy discussion about that on the show this morning. It's the first time she's revealed it on the air.

And so when.

We reveal those details of our personal lives, it really cuts through. So all of the content that we do, we kind of run through that lens.

How you know, is this personal?

Is this something that's important to us, Is it something that we're curious about?

Is it fun? Can we have fun with it? I mean, you know, we want to laugh at the end of the day and have a good time.

And so it's all about our real lives, whether it's me and a divorce and getting remarried and having a child, and my mother in law now lives in this neighborhood, she lives right around the corner or Kennedy and being single and the trials and tribulations that she goes through with her mental health.

That's kind of the show.

In a nutshell, is our personal lives, and then our listeners kind of sharing their similar shared experiences with those things.

The show also has besides the authenticity that you just described, it also has an amazing heart and an amazing connection.

With the heart that it has for the Boston community.

Talk about some of the special stories that you've run into and the show has run into that illustrate the great heart aspect of the community and how you guys shine a light on it.

I also want to note, not only did I take you for a treacherous walk through ice, I didn't think about the audio part of this. I'm now walking you under the Tobin Bridge in Boston, which is a very large metal structure, which will probably score off our audience.

Yeah, let's go back, Let's go back.

Yeah. I think that we just went far enough.

Okay, everybody has to hear the gosh.

Yeah, So you know, I think one of the best things that has come out of our show through our audience.

But there's two things.

One of them is our toy drive every year. We've been doing this for many, many years. And there was a marine up on the north shore of Boston who is collecting toys for their Toys for Tots program.

He had a shed at his front yard.

Somebody broke into it stole two hundred fifty three hundred toys, and we saw it in the news and we decided to get involved, and we asked our listeners to help out.

We ended up picking up like seven hundred and fifty toys.

We said, you know what, maybe this should be an annual event and so we just wrapped up our eleventh year and that in that time, our listeners have donated over a million dollars worth of toys, so we get about ten thousand toys every year. Now that's kind of the name of ten thousand toys for Ghosen Boys. So that's you know, we love that. And then the other thing is something we call cool Kids. And cool Kids is just an opportunity for us to recognize young people in their communities who are doing something special or they've overcome adversity, they've fought an illness and haven't given up or shown you know, a special light that a lot.

Of people wouldn't show in situations like that.

So the cool Kids, you know, what we do is we take kids out and we help them experience things maybe they've never experienced in their life, you know, going to a sporting event like a Boston Celtics basketball game and being acknowledged before the game starts and bringing them out on the court where they get a standing ovation from you know, twenty thousand screaming fans, or we take them to a theme park for the day, them and their entire extended family and we pay for everything. You know, we do all these sorts of things for these kids just to let them know that we see them, we acknowledge them, and we think what they're doing is it's pretty cool.

That's awesome.

We'll be right back with more of the Taking a Walk Podcast. Welcome back to the Taking a Walk Podcast.

In a world where.

There are a lot of bad vibes out.

There, you guys love celebrating good good vibes. Really, is that fair to say?


You know, we actually have a feature on our show.

I'm sure you know that.

It's called the Good Vibe Tribe that we started. We actually started that only about a year ago. That's a newer feature for us, and we used to just talk about good news stories of the day, and it was something that was very early in the show and just allowed us to kind of get our you know, as.

We're waking up, like, oh, this'd be a great story to talk about on the air.

But Steve Reynolds, who works with us on our show, he said, you know, instead of just reading stories from other places, wouldn't it be great if you could somehow tap into stories like that here in our area. And we're like, man, well, how do we do that? Well, we just go on the air and ask and that's what we did.

We went on the air and we asked people to start sharing their stories.

And what happened was just unbelievable because when one person hears the story, then they are motivated to either maybe go out and do something about it, get involved, donate time, donate money, or just call in to say, hey, that was awesome. You should guess what we're doing, or guess what my son is doing. And it's really taken on a life of its own, and it could be anything. It could be something, you know, a sports related, it could be something, you know, fundraising. This morning, we had a woman on the show bragging about her husband who's going to do a nearly.

Two hundred mile bike ride to raise money, you know.

And it's, like you said, it's kind of created this community of good vibes.

It's been a lot of fun to hear the stories now.

But was there a point early on in the show, at least in Boston, that you know, getting that engagement with the audience was a little more difficult.

I think it's always a struggle.

You know, we have a lot of talented people in this market, and especially this being for people that don't know about Boston. We're into our sports in this town. Yeah, four professional sports franchises with storied careers and championships.

We have multiple sports stations.

At one point a couple of years ago, there was I think three pretty active sports stations. Now there are two, but they're both very successful, and so you know, we compete with that and how are we going to engage our audience versus you know, another Tom Brady story or you know, the Celtics and whatever they have going on. So we you know, we we work really hard at what we talk about on our show to get people to pay attention, to want to participate. And I think especially today, we've all learned in a TikTok world, if you can't catch their attention right up front, then you're you're not going to catch anybody's attention. So we've adapted a little bit in the way we present our content.

But again, if it's.

Sticky, it's sticky, it just works.

It's consistency, it's uh.

That is listen, the best ability is availability. We've kind of learned that now, you know, going into our sixteenth year, the show of the past here has really blossomed. Our ratings are I mean, we have twenty shares in some of our demos.

It's unbelievable.

And you know, there were days where I thought we were about to get fired and it was really bad.

But you have the neurotic air talent speaking up here.

Come on, get fired, tend to get out of here.

Our boss, Steve Salhany, I don't know if you know salaries.

I do.

Sal came in one day said we want to take you guys out to lunch. And it was me and Kennedy and Sal and our boss Mark Hannon, and we call it now the Famous Pizza Lunch. And he took us to a little pizza ria down the street from the radio station, and he made it he made it very clear. He's like, I don't know what's going on in the studio, but I know what's coming out of the speakers isn't fun. And I'm not going to tell you how to make it fun. But you have a very small window to figure it out. And so we got to Kennedy and I went out to lunch another day after the pizza lunch and had a long heart to heart about what we wanted, what we thought the show would be, and we just said, you know what, we're gonna throw caution at the wind and we're going to go back to doing what we always wanted to do when we came here. Because when you come to a big city like Boston, everybody has an opinion of how you should do what you do, and we get that, and these are very smart people, but at the end of the day, we're the ones doing the shows every day, and so if we don't believe in the content, then the listeners aren't going to be engaged and believe in it on it either.

So we just went back to having fun.

And when we went back to having fun, we got signed a new contract.

So no, that's not the neurotic DJ in me. That was just that was the pizza lunch.

Yeah, well, I respect that and I respect the both sides of that absolutely.

For him to yeah, for him to give us that opportunity.

Listen, it's easy for a boss to just cut you let you go, which in our business is just kind of the normal thing to do.

And We've had such a wonderful support from this.

Team from the beginning with Greg Strassell who was our boss back then, to Mark Hannon and the whole team. Now we're having great bosses. Is it's paramount, I think, and no matter what you're doing, because you want to like I want to go, I want to win, and I want to win for the people around me.

Good people.

So that kind of leads into who are the mentors through your career that have shaped you that you want to acknowledge.

Could be it could be radio related, or are outside of that.

You know, I think I'd be crazy if I didn't say my mom and dad first and foremost for their work ethic. They My mother was married and divorced five times by the time I was eighteen years old, so there was a lot of men in and out of my life, and she was pretty much a single mom raising me and my brother, and she busted our her ass to be successful. You know, we moved a lot. I went to thirteen different schools in twelve years from first to twelfth grade. And she was doing that because she was trying to help us get a better life, to make a little bit more money, to have a few nicer things, a little bit better school. And she did that in a time in the real estate industry in the eighties where women were not allowed to do that, and she broke through a lot of glass ceilings in her field when she did. And then my dad was an entrepreneur. He still live to this day. He's still out there working just as hard today as he did when he was my age and younger.

And so they definitely both.

Taught me the work ethic part of it outside of radio, and I would have to say Steve Reynolds has really just been wonderful for us. I don't think I really understood who I was as a man before I met Steve Reynolds, and part of that comes from getting older and being married and having kids, but also just really, you know, talking to me, especially when I have the mistakes, you know that those were the ones where I did something on the air there was just so off base, but I didn't see it at the time. I thought it was just funny and what I wanted to be on the air, and Steve was saying, but that's not who you are as a person, that's just what you want people to think you are on the air, and he really helped me understand that. And when I kind of understood those things, I think that was a big help to the show.

So Mistation has a rich music history really in the marketplace. On a previous episode, I think you might have heard it Stephen Page, formerly of Bare Naked Ladies. I mean, he talks about the incredible relationship that that band had in Boston specifically also with.

You know Mix and that continues.

Sure, you get exposed to some pretty cool events, whether they'd be the Beach House or wherever.

Talk about some of your favorites.

Well, I can tell you today I was listening to the brand new Justin Timberlake song before it's released later this week, So that was kind of a cool moment. But the live music of it all is incredible. The way the artists and the record labels care for this radio station because of our bosses and the relationship that they have. You know, Kennedy and I have sat down now twice with Bono and the Edge to do extended interviews. One time we sat down with Bono in the Edge and it was at the Beach House. So we'd give away a house every year in a vacation area here outside of Massachusetts called Cape cod and.

The winner gets to stay in the house for the week.

But then we bring in an artist who performs on the back deck of this beach house. And we've had Chris Martin from Cole Play and Kelly Clarkson and Ed Sheeron.

Has done it a couple of times.

But when you get Bono in the Edge, that's a whole other level. And sure enough they come in, they sit down. We're in this little, you know, sun room of the of the beach house. And am I allowed to swear on your podcast?

Of course? Okay?

So Bono comes in, he says hello to me and Kennedy and Edge, and we all hug and we sit down, and Bono turns and looks at me.

Says, for folk's sake, where's my rose?

And out of nowhere, a servant somebody comes out with a bottle of rose and four glasses.

When your Bono, that person is always nearby.

And so sure enough, me and Kennedy and Bono in the Edge sat there for about forty five minutes drinking rose and listening to his stories. You know about faith and music and touring and everything that they do, and you know, that's a My first concert I ever went to in nineteen eighty seven was you two at the Orange Bowl in Miami.

So it was a special moment for me.

I know, our listeners love this band, and so to get the access to the artists like the radio station does with those you know, those ten pole events like that.

It's super cool.

I remember Ed Sheeron coming through the building.

It's probably twenty thirteen. Nobody had heard of him.

He'd had you know, one kind of hit in England, but nobody in the United States had heard it, that cheer. And so they got on the speakerphone at the radio station and they said, hey, we had this this guy, Ed's.

Gonna play some music in the conference room. And so I went in to see because it was close to my office and there was there was nobody.

There was nobody in there, so I said hello. So they got back on the thing on the you know, to tell people, and they said, oh, there's free pizza. Well that brought down about ten people, and so Ed Sheeron sat there on the bar stool playing you know, a couple of his hits, and again, just such a cool moment to get to hear that music and it's all because of the history of that radio station.

I mean, the radio station's been there. We've been there sixteen so it's probably been there thirty.

Years now along those lines. Yeah, And the fact that the artists you know, do that for us is and for the people to listen to the station speaks.

To the leadership, like you said as well, and the respect that the you know, the industry certainly christs them and the radio station. Who that you haven't seen at the beach house, would you like you could just snap your fingers.

Yeah, Taylor Swift, Oh, that's it's she's one of the few that you know. We've been doing this now for a minute, so you name it. We've pretty much interviewed them, from Rihanna to Aerosmith, you know, all of the people that I just grew.

Up listening to. We've interviewed them all, but.

Taylor Swift just because of the schedule and everything like that, we haven't had an interview with her yet yet. Yes, Yes, I absolutely say yet, because I feel like it will happen.


Now she might be seventy and I might be ninety five.

Come on now, So in closing in a period in your career, where you know you've found this great success with the consistency and the.

Great work and just the commitment to it all and commitment to the community. What are you still learning and what do you still want to accomplish?

Well, I heard something the other day and I'd never heard this, and I'm sure everybody's heard it, but you're either winning or you're learning. And right now we're winning, which is awesome, but we are still learning.

I think that's why the.

Show continues to succeed is the to be creative for the content. We're not just going to sit in the exact same thing all the time. We're always going to try new things, and sometimes they shown miserably. You know, the other day we did a stupid bit. We sent our producer out dressed as the Devil with a box of donuts and tried to get people that were walking out of the gym d eat a donut.

And I know it's.

Stupid and it's goofy, but you know what, we just thought it would be fun and funny and it ended up being very fun and very funny. So we're always just we're always just trying to do something new. You know that content creation is what it's all about for us. That's the the artistry I guess of it, and then pushing ourselves.

You know.

Kennedy and I now have a band. I learned to play guitar. I started about five years ago, and we played. We played for the Jellywrol concert in front of seven thousand people just a few months ago, and we had only been playing together for three months. He's a great singer. I'm playing guitar, So doing things like that kind of always challenging ourselves.

Hopefully we'll keep it, you know, keep us engage.

Well, you guys sounded great at that show, and it was crazy. You sound great every morning.

Thanks for taking a walk here in Charlestown. We're gonna say it was a nice seventy four degree spring day, but we'd be lying.

Maybe to the magic of editing. You can take out the snow and all the terrible noise. I don't know why I thought it would be a nice, quiet stroll.

I think it was marvelous and I appreciate you being on Taking a Walk Carson.

Thank you, guys, Thank you out me.

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