Join @thebuzzknight as he delves into the fascinating careers of Vicki Peterson, founding member of The Bangles, and John Cowsill, renowned for his work with The Cowsills and The Beach Boys. In this episode, Vicki and John share stories of their musical beginnings, iconic collaborations, and the personal experiences. They also discuss their latest project, "Long After the Fire", a heartfelt tribute to John's late brothers.
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Taking a Walk.
I sat in front of the speakers with my ear right up against the girl claw and just felt this moment of like, what is this heavenly thing?
And the fidelity of that and coming out of that ten in speaker, you know, was just an amazing sound.
Welcome to the Taking a Walk Podcast, where music meets storytelling and in this episode, Buzz Night is joined by two legendary musicians, Vicki Peterson and John Cowcill. Vicky's a founding member of the Bengals and she's been a driving force in the music industry since the eighties, and John, known for his work with the Cowcils and as a longtime member of the Beach Boys touring band, brings a wealth of musical experience. Together, they share stories of their careers, collaborations, and their latest project, Long After the Fire, a tribute to John's late brothers. Here's Buzznight with Vicky Peterson and John Cowcill on the Taking a Walk Podcast.
Vicki and John, thanks for being on Taking a Walk.
It's great to be with you.
Thanks for having us you guys.
So, since the podcast is called Taking a Walk, I have to ask you if you could take a walk with someone living or dead. Doesn't have to be somebody associated with music, but it could be. Who would it be and where would you take a walk with them?
I would take a walk with George Harrison through his gardens of the house he owned outside London, because I never got to see it. We were almost invited ones by Olivia and Danny, but I never got to see it. I would love George to take me on a tour of his gardens.
That would be beautiful.
That would be a way to spend an afternoon and evening a morning anytime.
Yes, talk about music, talk about plants, talk about God, talk about I'm.
Sure that's what George would like to tell talk about, not his reputation. I wouldn't care that. Fine, go have georch Okay, I'm a little more sentimental than that, So as soon as you ask that, I tear up. You're so cute.
Who would it be?
My mom?
Of course, Barbara. Where would you take her?
Just Indian Avenue, walk on the beach?
Yeah, I would be That would be beautiful. Yeah, my god.
I didn't do a very good goodbye as I could do over.
You know that happens, right, You never know the moments and the things that need to be said when it's in the moment, but I'm sure she yeah, or you can't say them because you're a mess.
You can't get it out.
That's I'm always a mess.
Thank you for sharing sharing that. That's that that beautiful, touching and difficult story.
You know. I appreciate you sharing.
You're welcome.
I guess the lesson here is tell people while they're here, while you have them.
I know.
And it seems like we unfortunately we need perspective at various moments, but we don't know that we need perspective, which is the screwy thing about it, you know.
I think it's an odd thing about perspective.
You know, absolutely, So let me ask you, guys, how are you doing based on you know, the fires and how terrible it's been. Is it been an impactful time for your your personal space, your friends?
How are you?
Yeah, talk about perspective.
We are in a constant state of gratitude and anxiety because we do live in a place that's vulnerable to fires, and we were very very close. It came very close to just up the street from us, basically, and it was the firefighters were able to hold the line in a way that was almost miraculous.
But we do have many friends.
Who did lose everything, and which is just it's mind boggling.
Again, you have to have the perspective.
As long as you didn't lose anything with a heartbeat, you probably in pretty good to stay.
But but you know.
Losing your guitar collection or your studio or all the you know, folders, files, you know, records, the things that you've been working on your whole life, likely in a lot of cases.
Your accumulated life. You know, the things, the possessions, the physical of course, are the only things that you would lose in that and.
A lot of emotional connections.
To those things. Yeah, yeah, for sure. But we were living in New York for about two and a half years, proceeeding that we had just moved back just in time for the fires, which was like crazy, but it does. Perspective is everything, and in this case, you know, I think we're living in harm's way. We're a little older now. I don't know if I want to go downstairs. I mean, we have boxes down stairs marked firebox, so you know, those are the first things you take and those are constantly changing over the years. And did I upgrade them? And it's funny. Somebody sent me a list of what happens if you have to leave in fifteen minutes, what happens if you have to leave in thirty minutes, what happens if you've got plenty of time? You know, what are you going to take? I left a whole truck behind when they evacuated us, and I could have driven it out, and I'm thinking that's a thunder move, you know, a whole vehicle. But again, I would have just been a vehicle. Somebody stole my phone in London out of my hand on a bicycle, snatched it. I was there for a month. It happened the first week. It's like, just weird shit happens, and you know, at the end of the day it was just a phone. I candled the credit cards, but the same thing. Just perspective. I love that word, and you have to look at that. I don't feel the anxiety Vicky feels living here because what's never going to happen is going to happen. But I we're also considering getting out of here because I don't want to go through that again. And it's beautiful here and it's lovely. But you know what's the balance of that. I can visit it, you know, don't have to live in it.
Sure, well, I'm glad you're You're okay, but yet you constantly have to be on watch, which is the reality of it. We're going to talk about your new music, the single A Thousand Times and Long After the Fire and and Deliver Me. But I do want to ask you, considering what we just talked about, when did you first both discover the power of music and how music is such an uplifting force in life. Do you remember the time that you first knew that and knew this would be you know, your life?
Yeah, John, go first. I mean I my career picked me. I didn't pick it because I was so young. We just in my house. We always sang around the kitchen table. We sang folks songs, we sang old country songs. There was always music in the house because my brother Bill. My first moment of recognizing that thing was I was four years old in Ohio, had moved to Ohio. My dad was in the Navy and he was on recruiter service. Otherwise We're from Newport, RhD Island, and I remember hearing my brother Bill singing upstairs, singing Connie Francis songs, you know, just music, and I remember him and Bob's Bob started playing guitar around that same time, and they went on a local TV show I remember, called Giant Tiger, and so I was swirling around. At that point, I hadn't been singing. I'm still trying to learn how to write my name, you know. And I remember laying on the floor trying to make jay's and o's and h's and m's. Those are my first really vivid memories. And then I turned five in Ohio. Then we moved to Rhode Island and we were living room singers. For a song I ever sang with my hill Billy Baby, and I don't know that one.
I'm sorry, my hill Billy Baby, sweetest calling town. You can bet I'll see her when the sun goes down. Someday I will marry her. I hope it's not too late, but until tomorrow, I guess I'll have to wait anyway, And I was sure twisting up my shorts. My uncle Bob had the very first tape recorder we ever saw, and he was recording that saying we were all singing, running there and a bunch of songs like that, so I grew up with that. And then of course after the hoot Nanny days and singing all the folks songs, the Beatles came out, and then we were in our bedroom imitating the Beatles, just kind of pretending we're them, playing to the records that came out.
She Loves You and I Want to hold your hand, kind of like the rest of the world my age did and people who are in the music, but just because of the Beatles, because we were all there at the same time. That's my musical education was Beach Boys, Beatles and the British Invasion as it came quickly on the heels. It just all happened so fast. You think it was such a long time of doing things, but everything is such small time pieces of time. The shadows last way longer than the moment, and it just the shadows are so real and they're still with us, and that's why we're still doing it. That's why I'm still in it. And I knew it four years old that it was music was important, and it just became part of my life, so it still is.
Yeah, Vicky was definitely a touchstone and as he said, for most people of our generation. You know, that night on Ed Sullivan, it was we were all there, you know, even I was a little kid. My dad had let me stay up late. You know, My sister, my older sister and I were in jammies and watching it beatles and just that feeling of like this is something special and I don't know what it is, and I don't know why I feel this way, but this, this has just changed my little, you know, four year old life. And uh. And then you know, not long after that, I was writing songs because I that was kind of my way to find through music.
You know too.
It wasn't so much learning all the songs on guitar. It was it was finding your way inside it and how to create it. But I do have a memory like John's where you say the magic of music. I remember being at a friend's house and you know, back in the olden days, there were large pieces of furniture that contained your record player and also the speakers covered with girl cloth.
It was.
It was in the living room and it was a large piece of furniture and I remember we were we were playing were you know, I was in kindergarten or something or maybe first grade at this point, and and the radio was on and they played the new single from the Beach Boys, Surfer Girl, and I remember stopping. She wanted to go outside, and I said wait. And I sat in front of the speakers with my ear right up against the girl cloth and just felt this moment of like, what is this heavenly thing? What is this thing called harmony? And that that was like it was just a magic memory for me, just just being inside that and just just being completely bathed in that sound, you know.
And the fidelity of that coming out of that ten inch speaker, you know, it's just an amazing sound. Yeah.
I have a friend who does a podcast it's called Celebrity Jobber, and he asks the question of the guests essentially, did you have a Plan B if you weren't going to be, you know, a musician. So I'm thinking in both of your cases, you did not have plan b's.
You just had Plan A and that was it.
I always tell Vicky there is no such thing as a plan B. It is only the next place I've been asked. It's just the next plan A, because plan B is like the lesser thing. So I don't believe in that. It's like I fly by the seat of my pants. I always have. Maybe it's not the best thing to do, but I trust in plan A for as long as it will go, and when it doesn't happen, you're looking for the other plan A. So I don't like the backup thing. I work without a net who's not here today.
But anyway, you know, my mom, I went to college and which was just a given that was going to happen, and that was fine except for that.
While I was in college, I.
Was also very involved in writing, booking, and performing with my band, and so it became way more important than getting up at eight and going to a you know, rhetoric midterm or something. So I loved school, and my mother was heartbroken because I didn't have quote, anything to fall back on, end quote. And I remember saying, mom, if I have something to fall back on, I will fall back. And I just I just really couldn't see it. So I chose to discontinue my collegiate career. I never got a degree, and I just immediately poured everything into.
My band.
And you know, within six months, Debbies whose Anah Hofs and I were being the Bangs and we were taking off, so.
And the rest is history.
As they say, do you recall, Vicky, your first encounter with the McDonald brothers otherwise known as Red Cross, who have been on this podcast. And absolutely I couldn't get through the first minute because I was just in hysterical laughter.
So freaking funny. Oh my gosh, those guys are genius. Yeah.
I've been really enjoying their documentary and seeing them and their parents again, you know, in recent days.
It's been so great.
Yeah, I mean, obviously Red Cross was sort of infamous slash famous in Los Angeles. We played with them at this little dive club called Cathe to Grant. It was Redcross, the Bangs, the Bangs and got was that like was that black flag?
That might have been a black flag night?
It was one of those nights.
Yeah, there's actually a picture of me like staring up at Jeff McDonald like like what are you? You're amazing, you know, and but yeah, and then and then fast forward maybe again. As John said, time moved in different increments. Back then, it was probably just a few months, but the Bangs were playing in after hours show it, you know, four in the morning at this art gallery or so, I don't know what the space was. And Jeff and Steve McDonald show up and we were like, get them on stage with us, and I think, you know, we had them said we need our go go dancers out there, so we called them up to go go dance playing pushing too hard or something, you know, And that was our first you know, that was our first connection. And then then Jeff and I started dating actually not long after that.
What sorry.
I mentioned the relationship with Jef mc donald.
It's well chronicled, it's out there.
Yeah, I like to say in Charlotte thinks it's funny too that I toured with the Go Gos in ninety five because Charlotte was pregnant with my ex boyfriends.
I love it. It's so fun.
Okay, they were married, But whatever.
John, who among your many people you have collaborated with, who are some of the favorites, because there's so many, But can you single out a couple?
Vicky? Oh really that was good? Right?
That's the best.
Later talk about perspective.
Well done.
It is well done, my man.
It's the most fun I'm having and and the less work and we laugh a lot. I have worked with many people. All situations are very different. Shoot, where do I start. I mean, I've played with Jan and Dean, So Dean Torrance has always been a big lift in my life because I was living in my car for a while in the late seventies, and like I say, everything's a short, short amount of time. And I had I had just finished a stint with a guy named Dwight Twilly and I'm on fire right Yeah, yeah, that guy covered and it's so funny. Ex wife it became his wife, you know, so they were wife number My first wife was yeah anyway, But after working with Dwight, because that was the night night, like, I had aluminum foil on my windows during that period, you know. So once I got out of that, I met I went to Santa Barbara and my mom was living up with Santa Barbara, and I met a guy named Jeff Fosquett and a guy named Randall Kirsh, a guy named Robbie Sharp, and they were local band up there. I'd stopped doing all drugs. I was getting up in the morning and I was enjoying the daytime at this point. And I met these people and we just played all through Santa Barbara met the Dreamers with Bridget Pennanatti and Jesse Peninatti, Perry Andati Rick Streeter and just fell into this place and Jeff was living on the Love Foundation Mike Love's place up on the Mesa and met him and they got me on a couple of Mike Love and the Endless Summer Beach Boy gigs, which was kind of cool. But that introduced me, and they did a couple of I called them a spring break shows where you go to Daytona and you play the shelves. So Mike had teamed up with Dean Torrence and then I had a couple of gigs. They paid me five hundred dollars in cash. I couldn't believe I made that much money. And they sent me to the Nike store so to just telling me, you need some clothes and stuff because I had nothing. And I went to the Nike store We're in Santa Monica. I got shoes, all this groovy preppy clothes with just they loaded me up with clothes. So that that was a great moment. But I met Dean Torrance and Dean said, what am I doing? Would I like to be in Han? And Dean, I mean I'd like to be in any band at that point, you know, I said, yes, sign me up, And so I joined Shannon Dean and did about six years with them. That was a blast, and we played softball, we had lives off the stage. That was just so much fun. So Dean Torrance was one of them, a guy who really got me back in the groove of playing music, and it just led to other things. And yeah, nice shout out to Dean towards another fellow pisce He's I got to wish him happy birthday pretty soon. And and Mike loved to Playing with the Beach Boys has been a blessing. I've played with a lot of people. I just can't remember them all, Like right now, one story will be to all I played with that guy. Well, I played with that guy, you know. I've been on sessions a Chuck Plotkin who pre star Cocaine Drain album that nobody knows about yet because it hadn't been reissued, but it's out there on on Apple Music. You can hear it. My brother Bob put it up and there's a demo and you hear the needle scratch, you know, and that's that's It's very funny that was a great album. And I met I played a lot of people like Ernie Watts and Billy Payne and Buzzy Feet and they all played on our album. And and yeah, I mean I could drop a bunch of names, but I won't because we're going to move on to something else.
We'll be right back with more of the Taking a Walk Podcast. Welcome back to the Taking a Walk Podcast.
Well, I want to ask you, so, what would surprise our listeners with each of your playlists that you have. What's a couple of artists that were songs and artists that would maybe surprise us that are on your your respective playlists.
Okay, A groovy thing is like I get to say I played with Bob Dylan, even though Bob wouldn't come into the studio because we were recording at Clover. This is all because of Chuck Plotkin, whoever he was producing. I got to be a part of. That's why I'm on the eight six seven five three oh nine album with Tommy two Tones because I lived at Clover Studios and that song was recorded there. I met Jim Keller and Tommy Heath and we'd be hanging around and got to sing backgrounds on that song and play percussion. And then and then Bette Midler came in her No Frills album. She does a Marshall crunch saw a song called My Favorite Waste of Time. I think I ended up on the floor. They cut me out because she wanted girls after she didn't like us boys singing on it. I played Timpanee on a song called Trouble on the Shotow of Love album for Bob Dylan, you know, but he would never come in. It was the funniest thing. Chuck Plotkin tried to get all these artists and we got Clytie King. We have Smitty on keyboards, we got Jim Keltner and Ringo on drums. Ronnie Woods there, Duck Dun of course, the whole the whole group is in there. And I'm a fly on the wall. I just live at Clover Studio. So I happened to just be in the room again, and so you know, caliber and Jimmy doesn't remember this, he doesn't even know me, but I was there and we're back in the back back and he says, okay, man, you're going to play Timptis on Trouble. I said, okay, I am this is great, you know, and nobody remembers, but I do because they're my memories and that was pretty exciting.
Times, I think.
And who else came through there? Max Croenthal, he was great, Kitty specifically, somebody who would have I not been specific enough with names specifically.
Okay, very specific than you, but a playlist item that would be specifically surprising.
Actually, we're it's funny you mentioned playlist because we're building a playlist on Spotify that we're going to continue to add to and including people that we have played with.
Before, you know, and sort of.
I mean I played on played with Dwight Twilly. I mean that might surprise some people. I don't know, maybe it's not. My life is so public that there's not a lot of surprises.
Right, No, Yeah, I.
Mean I was a kid playing with Johnny Cash on the Johnny Cash Show.
I'm done.
I'm talking you turn You've got a lot more people than I do.
I'm done.
Go ahead.
He just dropped Vicky. He noticed how he just dropped.
Johnny interested in that?
Yeah, so never mind, right, you know, no one sort of my playlist will reflect all those people, though, I mean, we're going to make that publish. You know, that'll be our Spotify playlist. So everybody be ready for the first songs that influenced me. Which one was my old Billy baby, you know all loan some Meat, Little Jimmy Dickens made a Bird of Paradise, Fly up your nose. I mean, these are the things I sang as a kid. I mean I was listening to in the client all the worst, all these songs.
You know.
Okay, But enough about me, I want to talk about you.
What do I think about you? Well, I think.
Anything on your playlist that you would build, nothing that fun that I played on, although I did.
I did open for Bob Dylan as well with the Continental Drifters in Los Angeles, but we did not record together. I played on the very first John Doe solo album, and I played on Matthew Sweet's first record on Columbia. I mean sorry, sang harmonies, not played sang harmonies on both those And that was the earliest days of being invited in as an artist to come and sing sing backgrounds. But probably my favorite was working with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. So pick yeah, there you got it, right next to Johnny Cash.
There you Go, which which album was that or which song was that wild?
It was going to be on an album that it didn't get put on in the end, but it was a song called Waiting for Tonight and they were working on it and they just, you know, Mike Campbell and Tom were saying, there's just something missing with this and we need something. So they invited the Bengals to come in and sing harmonies on it. So we had a blast. We went in the studio, Mike was there and kind of, you know, just let us loose in the studio, which is always dangerous with the Bengals because we.
Can over sing anything. And we did.
But we had a blast and it turned out to be one of Tom's favorite ones. So years fast forward years later when Music Cares went to him and said, okay, you're a person of the Year. What do you want to do And he said, the first song he thought of that he wanted to perform was Waiting for Tonight. And so that was a fantastic experience.
Getting to play.
And then they kept saying, well, sing on this one too, sing on this one too. We ended up singing playing half the set with them. I got to play, And then they asked us.
Yeah, it was. It was.
I was almost in the Heartbreakers for a moment. The best, just the best guys, the best band.
So yeah, let me go to rehearsal.
Oh man, I love it.
So I watch you two kids, how you look at each other chill and I love children, And I think about.
I think about.
How does the collaboration, such as the new music come together. How take us inside, how you know the writing occurs, how the studio work occurs. You obviously work well together outside of those processes, but how do you work together in such of those processes.
We had to learn to maneuver a little bit book control freaks, admittedly, which helps really when when you admit that you're an asshole, you can be forgiven quicker, you know, So everybody takes a turn.
The writing was no problem because this entire album was written by Barry and Bill Cassell.
Yeah, this one.
So this project in particular, something we've been wanting to do for years and years, and it's taken us years to do it. But it was important to be the first thing because it's a celebration of Bill and Barry's artistry as individual songwriters and performers. Passed the Cowtills, you know. Beyond that for the most part, we have a couple of Castle songs on the rest.
But I had been hearing these songs for decades because my brother Bill would come we would sing some of them. Barry, I roomed with, used to hear him write the songs. And I was twenty three years in the Beach Boys, and I kept saying to Vicky, I want to do this project.
You know.
And I told my friend Paul Allen, who produced it, about this was something I would like to do someday. And then once we kind of started it, before I was out of the Beach Boys with Paul and I was playing in Memphis, and one of the songs, Paul says, Hey, let's go do this at Sun Records. So we did one song at Sun Records. The rest were recorded here at our home studio. But which is our.
Next single, by the way, called it is Anybody Here?
We recorded that in s.
Sun Studios, and you'll hear why we recorded it there. It's very warbuson s and that was ang my brother Bill and Jeffrey Hatcher wrote. But in the working together we were like a couple of gun slingers. We're pretty much most domesticmesticate with the domesticated family, no singing and stuff for the first twenty years or something, because I'd be waiting for her to go first, or I'd go for We just like I call it a couple of gunslingers circling each other. You go first, you go first, you go first, and we just never went first. But when somebody would call us, hey, can you guys do vocals, we'd go downstairs in our studio and stand there next to each other and arrange vocals and stuff together. So that was easy for it. But and then we started a band with Bill when we called Action Skulls. Probably not enough time to go into that whole story, but we have a few albums we did together, and we have written together collaboratively between Bill, Vicki and myself, and it just goes so smoothly and naturally. Okay, Yeah, that answers that question.
Is it true?
A thousand Times was the first song?
Yes, been together my brother Bill, who couldn't pay the bills up in Canada even though it's socialized medicine, but you know, he needed a little bit more help. And we called ourselves the Newlyweds.
Because it was the year after we got married.
This happened and we sang that song a thousand times, the very first thing we ever sang together, really, and so it's fitting that that was our first single and we did it again. Perfect, right, it is perfect. It's perfect.
And tell me about long after the fire.
This is. This is an album, like we said, of songs written by two of my brothers, Bill and Barry, separately, not together, and we've recorded six of Bill's songs and six of Barry's songs, and it's a love letter basically, a tribute to two the greatest writers. We missed them. Yeah, it's just really personal.
Yeah, it's just to get those songs back out into the world another listener, you know, and in a different in a different way, a different sound.
Of different versions obviously.
Will never sound like them. You can find their own versions. Whist some of them, you can, and you'll see they're just perfect songs. They sound like you've heard them before, and we enjoy singing them and we'll come sing them in a town near you. Get it. It comes out on Record Store Day April twelfth, and then the special version then April eighteen. It'll be out completely.
On CD and streaming.
Yeah, dropping a couple more singles. Come out to mccabs on April eighteenth for our first record release party, and then we're having one May Night at the cutting room for you East Coasters, for you East Coasters and all things in between. Vicky's doing other things with her Bangles. They had just had a book come out and are in the midst of putting a documentary together. Can I speak on your via.
My best person.
Anyway, any timeline on that?
Vicki said, the book is out and available. You can get it on Amazon or right now, both in audio and physical words on paper. Actually with the documentary, you know, and the documentary is in development, we will say we're hoping for We're hoping for twenty six, so we'll see.
Yeah, And I'm sure people will rediscover from the album you know, these songs and go back as you sort of said, that will definitely happen because it will inspire people to you know, respect that work and rediscover it or discover it for the first time. I do want to ask you in closing, if someone who is listening to this is a musician and trying to you know, crack through the haze of the business. Any advice you would, you would give them how to how to break out and break through and survive this tough business.
It's very hard to break through right now because the uh, the accessibility of music is both a curse and a blessing. Obviously, anyone can be anywhere. You can create in your bedroom and post it that day. And the trick really is.
To find find your audience in some way, like if you can figure out who to.
To point your music towards. And this is of course, you know we're talking about being online for the most part.
Heck ya, you know, it's.
Very important to get your who you are and what you want to say out to the right people.
Get on Instagram, get on face fart, get on all those things and get your stuff up there, post post, sing live, do present yourself. I mean, that's all I'm seeing out there. I'm trying to do the same thing. I'm catching up. I think I have five thousand to three thousand followers, where some of these kids have ten thousand. Mark and Poe one of my favorite bands, incredible and they did this, you know.
Right, But also you know they also toured, and that's what I know.
That's touring too. You got to hit the road. Go please just little play all open for freeze whatever, if you want to get out there. But you've got to love it because if you don't love it, it won't be fun. It won't be any fun. It's got to be fair, is that too?
You have to you have to actually make sure that this is what you want to be devoting your time and energy.
Towards, because the administration part is very detailed as well, and that's not fun. And we found that we used to have people do this stuff for us, but now we're do it yourself group and it's like, ouch, it's almost seventy years old.
But anyway, I would say go online and learn as much as you can about the business as it is right now, because there are so many aspects to it that involve just being on your computer and making sure you are signed up for all the various organizations that will compile your likes, plays, whatever, and make sure that you are getting credit and paid for your work.
Books out there on this right now you can just dive into them. The internet is filled with the information of how to do it. I mean, you don't want to listen to a couple of elders, elders who did it the old way because it's hard for us to change our ways. But that information is out there and there's a templates all over the place how to do it, and if you are diligent and forward and devoted to that, you can you can get out there.
What we used to do in the way of promotion. Promotion meant going to Kinko's and making a flyer at two in the morning, driving around and post and.
Safe playing and telebumbo, putting my flyers on the fronts of cars under the windshield, wife herds, very echoes.
I had Larkin Polo on the podcast and they essentially said, it's a one win your audience, you know, one by one and think in those terms, and obviously that that has worked for them. So there is, you know, like you said, the grassroots aspect of things. I can't thank you enough for being on uh. John Cowsel, congratulations on everything. I love you guys, and thanks for sharing your story and continuing to make us happy with your music.
Thank you.
Go to Vicki Peterson and John Cowshill Music and you'll see our dates for where we're playing in all streaming platforms. We love you think Commercial.
And thank you for having us so much.
Thank you, guys really appreciate it.
Thank you.
You're the people who help us get out there. Thank you, so we appreciate that as well.
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