What I love about this conversation with Gary is learning how The Saville Foundation is creating genuine partnerships through deep listening and working from the inside out, with people in the center.
Born and schooled in Johannesburg South Africa, having a rich full-spectrum business experience in the IT wave of the ‘70’s and ‘80’s, including being a founding management team member of the now global Datatec Group.
Co-founded award-winning New York based wine trading entity Cape Classics Inc. with my brother in 1991, with the experience of over almost two decades of tough but creative and stimulating challenges growing the business from the ground up informing much of my current journey.
In 2006 I sold my shares to participate in the realm of Social Change, and am privileged to be the CEO of The Saville Foundation working around the globe within education and enablement of individuals and communities.
I have two fabulous thirty-something children, and since 2018 have lived in the UK in Bristol with my incredible soul-partner Lara. We make trips back to South Africa as often as possible.