Using electricity seems so simple: You flip a switch, and the light turns on. Yet behind that simple action is a sprawling and complex system of supply, demand and free-market economics.
Today’s show dives into power markets. What are they and what role do they play in increasing the efficiency of power systems? Tom Rowlands-Rees, BNEF’s Global Head of Power Markets, hosts Helen Kou, Head of US Power, and Ian Berryman, Head of Energy Systems Modeling, to talk about capacity markets, vertically integrated utilities, power purchase agreements, and how changes to market design could help power markets better incorporate renewable energy.
Complementary BNEF research on the trends driving the transition to a lower-carbon economy can be found at BNEF<GO> on the Bloomberg Terminal or on
Links to research notes from this episode:
US Merit Order Primer: A Supply-Side Power Study -
US Merit Order - LiveSheet (1.0.1) -
US Power Weekly: Cheap Gas Changes Up the PJM Merit Order -
2024 Caiso Market Outlook: Dynamics in Transition -
European Carbon Monthly July 2024: Supply Sprints Ahead -