Suze In Conversation with Mika Brzezinski

Published Mar 14, 2024, 9:00 AM

Back from their trip to Abu Dhabi, Suze and KT reflect on the experience they had at the 30/50 Summit.  Plus, we get to hear the amazing conversation Suze had with Know Your Value’s founder, and MSNBC host, Mika Brzezinski. 

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March 14th, 2024. Welcome everybody to the Women and Money podcast

and everyone is smart enough to listen.

You betcha. And this is usually the Ask KT

and Suze Anything addition, but we're just going to change things up just a little bit for today. As many of, you know, we are fresh back from...

Abu Dhabi.

Where we were attending the 30/50 summit. And before I even go into that,

I think it's important that all of you, if you want to know more about it or see what happened in Abu Dhabi and really why we went, go to Know Your Value on Instagram. You'll see a little picture of Mika Brzezinski there. And so then you'll know you're at the right place and you'll see clips of what we

went through, but tell everybody a little bit about what we did, KT.

Oh my goodness. It was, first of all, quite an adventure as you know, Susie and I have decided this would be the year that we're traveling for the first time after many years of COVID and lockdown. And we took a 16 hour flight when we arrived

every day, just flew by. And it was extraordinary. We were with about four to 500 women from 47 countries and everyone was there to celebrate International Women's Day, which is what the 30/50 summit is all about.

It's 30 women who are under the age of 30 that are changing this

world and 50 women over the age of 50 who are changing this world.

So Suze was honored as one of the 50/50. And I have to tell you she was on fire. She gave an extraordinary amazing speech to the audience that many of them did not know her because they were so young.

But I'll tell you after that she was just flocked by women from all over the world. Young women curious, they want more, they need to know and Suze just inspired them beyond the beyond.

But these women were from all backgrounds,

from 47 different countries. There was the ex president of Liberia there, there was Sheila Johnson who created BET television. Shania Twain was there. But also the younger women,

the women who are working for climate change, the women who were in captivity for over a year with ISIS to say what it was like older women who actually were born during the holocaust and spent two years, the first two years of their life underground as a baby and how they've developed and how they're what they're working on now. But overall, truthfully, KT, wouldn't you say

We were very impressed and we were

But more than impressed, wouldn't you say...

We were moved by

the wisdom and the, I mean, just the spirit and curiosity and to see these women that were under 30 look at them and see the passion in their eyes and their hearts and know that they had a lifetime ahead of them as we're in the autumn of our life. They're just beginning.

It was really fascinating for both of us. For me, however, I had one favorite among them all

because this one woman by the name of Molly Burke and she's on YouTube and you might want to follow her

even though she's under 30 or I think she's just turning now. She became blind at the age of 14 and her story is just so magnificent. And maybe I'll tell you a little bit more about it this coming Sunday. But let me tell you what we want to do right now. Many of you, I wish you could have been there.

And many of you maybe are on Instagram that you could go to Know Your Value and watch snippets or watch talks or things like that. But there are many women who listen to this podcast who are in their sixties, seventies and eighties who really don't go on Instagram and don't do those things. So therefore, what we're going to be doing today on the podcast...

We're giving you a big treat...

Is we are going to replay for you the audio of the interview that I had with Mika Brzezinski, who is really the founder and the chair of the know your value movement.

And it was a great talk. It was a great time for me. It was the time when I took stage for the first time in four years. And many of you know, that I was afraid to do so when my body have the strength, when my voice hold out, would everything work the way I wanted it to go. And as soon as I entered that arena, I was who I've always been.

So don't let your fears ever keep you from who you are meant to be because maybe you would just surprise yourself as I did.

It was an epiphany for Suze. She was like, wow, I can do this, she can do it. She never lost it.

And it's an interesting thing, but I want you to hear the talk. So let's go right now to the conversation I had with Mika

at the 30/50 summit.

I have a question for the audience because I think Suze is one of our most um important guests at this entire summit because we're learning how to move and shake and get there and, you know, get to the next level, but she's got a lot of advice for you about what to do with what you have accomplished. Um,

and I'm wondering how many in the room if you could raise your hands? Feel awkward talking about money. Any, anybody you do? You do? Oh, ok. We're get good. Good. You shouldn't. We're gonna get over that today. Um, how many of you love talking about money?

Good. Yeah. Two hands for Suze. Uh All right. Well,

since Suze is truly the reason we're here and, and I mean, it, because I followed the incredible enterprise that she built for herself, giving mo uh women advice about their money. I watched her show

obsessively the Suze Orman show. She would take calls and she'd be like, honey, you need to stop that. You need to ditch him and we're going to start all over. But we got to start with a savings plan. I got to tell you this is a mess we're starting over and like I thought my gosh, she's speaking. So what's the word? It's just, it's...


Tough love. Right.

Want to  know my favorie saying,

Tell me

I would look right in the mirror and right in the TV. And I would say, sorry, I can't fix stupid.

That was always my favorite thing when I did that.

So this was me

watching. I just was like, this is this w this woman is changing lives every time she speaks because she's being so honest about what, what's going on. Um 10 New York Times best sellers.

Number one New York Times, number one

30 million copies

Host of her podcast, Women and Money.

And everyone smart enough to listen.

Oh, wait a minute. OK. That uh cause we're scared sometimes with money, I feel like we shut down and we think uh this is not a conversation for us.

Am I wrong?

No, you and if you were, do you think I'd tell you? Yes. Right. But here's what's interesting. The name of the podcast is women and money and everybody's smart enough to listen. It is very important that we include men, non binaries, whatever it may be in the conversation because many of you that are in relationships with men. If you exclude them,

you are then setting yourself up for failure. Because if you think they know what they're doing with money, I'm here to tell you they are nothing more than financial fakers.

I am not joking about this and you think they have it together, maybe they'll take care of you, whatever. If you do not take care of yourselves, then you have nobody to blame but yourselves for possibly ending up one day with watching what you have created not be there anymore. You mark my words on that,

Did everybody hear that? It's on you. And I really think that's, you know, in terms of speaking and knowing your value and getting value back in a relationship. I always say, don't depend on someone else to speak for you. Everybody in this room needs to be a powerful speaker. Whether you're shy, whether you're introverted, whether that's not your thing,

learn to do it. And I think you say the same thing about money and saving.

Yeah. You know, I was telling Mika that part of me wanted to get up here and say to all of you, which is as I stand here in front of you. Is, my back all right?

No, it's great. It's great.

Because you have to stand in your truth. You have to stand in it. You can't sit in it. You have to stand in it.

And as I stand here, as I'm about to be 73


I can look back. I am standing here on top of the mountain that I have created

and I'm looking back on my fifties over 20 years ago, I'm looking back on my thirties over 40 years ago. And the reason that I'm able to stand in my truth and be the powerful woman that I am

is because I took care of my own money because I put myself first. I didn't work for a corporation as many of you may and everything that you do is for them, for them, for them. You're now raising money for your own companies and things. I have my own company. You raise money, you do all of this stuff. But the question becomes, what are you doing for yourselves? What are you putting away for yourself?

And don't think that one day you won't find yourself possibly in a situation where you created all this stuff, but you are still powerless and penniless when it comes to your money.

So I'm asking all of you with all that you have learned here and all that you'll learn here tomorrow, you stand in your truth and you own the power to control your destiny. And the only way that you can do that is to not be uncomfortable about speaking about money, ladies to speak about money because there is nothing wrong with money. Money is the foundation of your life. Whether you know it or not.

Amen. I completely...

You stood up because you wanted to show your outfit.

Well, I do, I do. I like it. I like it a lot. Actually, Caroline...

You need money to buy these outfits.

And you shouldn't buy and wait, you shouldn't buy too many of them. We're gonna get to that. You need a few staples and that's it.

These earrings I have on are the same earrings that I've had on for 40 years. Same thing with this necklace.

The car you drive...

Is 12 years old, right? Yes, I don't... Listen,

money don't let money define you. Don't let your clothes define you. Don't let anything define you except how you feel about who you are and that comes down to what, knowing your value.

I got chills.

All right, we can sit down now.

You also, you also, uh all right, we will all get comfortable. Um, you, this is part of your reflections though from the event so far because you're, you're hearing from a lot of women and especially our under thirties about

getting to the next level and, and getting that next deal and you want them to also pause and think about what to do with the money.

Yeah. It's been very interesting for me honestly to be here because all the fifties, over 50 all know who I am.

And I know when somebody knows me now and recognizes me and I also know when nobody has a clue about who I am and the thirties under thirties don't have a clue about who I am. So, let's get honest right now, since we're standing in our truth, who doesn't have a clue who I am really And what I've done.

Come on. It's all right. I like it. I don't have to...

It's about a third of the room and that's all right.

But my concern is for those of you who are under 30... who's teaching you about money?

Where are you learning what I have taught tens and hundreds of millions of people over the past 40 years that I've been doing this. I know what I've done because they write me and I've seen how many millionaires and successful women that I've helped take their power as well as men. But I worry about those of you who are younger.

Where are you learning it from? And it's not just about where do you invest, how do you invest all of those things? It's really also understanding the role that you play in your own money. So I just want to tell you this one brief concept, which is, I want you to all think about

money is a physical manifestation of who you are.

You're the ones who go out and work for it. You're the ones who get a paycheck. You're the ones who decide to invest it, save it or spend it.

So when you're talking about your money, you're talking about you

And if your money is a chaotic mess, it's because you are a chaotic mess and you have to go within to see why you are doing without.

So it's not just about learning about compounding and this, although that helps. But, but if you don't understand the connection you have with your money,

then you don't understand the connection you have with who you are

and then you can't be as powerful as you are meant to be

because you have to have your own voice and understand how you work and how you work when it comes to money. Did that make sense? Everybody?

Yeah, I don't know if you're going to learn that on Tik Tok

Well, you're not. Um, and, and what it's so powerful and so important to knowing your value because your money is you. Did you hear that? That? I think that's pretty alien to some of the women in our audience who feel untoward, talking about money, who feel like maybe it's not

appropriate to talk about money for themselves. And um, I think that needs to be turned around, not only talk about it, think about it, learn about it, be guided, be mentored. Money is you. That's ok to say, not only is it OK to say your future depends on it for sure. And actually another thing that struck you, we were talking backstage about some of the speakers you've heard from already is the concept


the unknown. What could happen in your life? We're talking about disability.

Yeah. Molly for me was the most extraordinary speaker yesterday. Bar None.

And when Molly said, you know, 80% of disabilities you're not born with.

That struck very hard for me. You know, you may not know this about me, but people have seen me as a very strong woman, a very powerful woman and you bet I am.

And, and four years ago, they found a tumor in my neck that had cut off 95% of my spinal cord. And I was told that either it was a life ending procedure or definitely a lifestyle altering procedure. And chances are I would be either a paraplegic or quadriplegic when I woke up from the 12 hour operation

and look at me now. So I'm fine, but it took four years seriously. KT will tell you 3.5 of four years of me not being able to walk me, not being able to talk me taking two hours to put on a jacket to do an appearance on the Today Show or a TV show and me crying as they would put on the makeup because it would hurt me. So,

and I kept thinking during all of these years, what would I have done if I didn't have money,

how would I have made it all those years? Because there's no way I could have worked. There was no way I could really do anything. You couldn't come near my body and touch it.

And so when Molly said that I realized, oh, I was almost this close and I don't know why I'm not to tell you the truth nor the doctors don't know either why I wasn't one of those 80 percenters.

So the reason that I wanted to say that is, I love that you're all going for it. I love that you want to expand. I love that you wanna grow. I love that you wanna be rich. I love that you wanna be powerful. But you have to plan for the what ifs of life and those what ifs can happen at the least expected time.

And when you have money that you have put away for yourselves when you have gotten involved with your money. If anything ever happened to you,

then you wouldn't have to be worrying about that.

So I just ask you to remember that I've said that. Every single one of you in this room owns the power to control your own destiny. Every single one of you has what it takes to be the masters of your own financial destiny. Please know at 30 I was still a waitress, having been a waitress for seven years making $400 a month. I did not come from money. I did not marry money.

I did it. Starting at the age of 30. There is no excuse big enough to keep you from who you are all meant to be. So, if I could learn the language of money,

don't tell me that you can't either.


I'm so glad you're, you're on stage for the first time.

And this is the first. Nobody ever thought that I would take stage again and be able to speak because it infected my vocal cords and I was scared to death. KT will tell you, I don't mind saying I was afraid to come up here because I didn't know if it would hold or not. Um

We're so glad you're here.


I, I was afraid to walk up the steps, believe it or not. And um you have to face your fears in life, which is why I came. And the first time I spoke, I wanted to be next to you, Mika.

You know, it's so interesting because I had been calling, asking Suze to like come on the show or do an event come here. And I didn't know, I, I thought you didn't like me or something.

I thought you didn't like me.

Oh my God. Are you kidding me? I'm obsessed there. We are. I am obsessed. This is the re literally know your value exists because of Suze Orman.

I would watch her and I'm like, I want to build something like her. I want to connect like her. I want people to hear what I'm saying and benefit from what I have to say. Not just a pat on the head, but like tangible real

life changing advice and that's what she does.

So listen to the Women and Money podcast, everybody all over the world and you'll start to pick it up.

I love it. I love it. I love it. So for the women under 30 to Susie's point

about um her, her health scare. Um I remember what this was like in my twenties and I wanted like my life, I wanted to work. I was, I wanted to have a family. I wanted to have a career. I wanted to be in TV. I want, and I really thought that like I could make all that happen and I was in such a rush and here's the deal.

Can I use? I can't use a bad word here. Um So mm happens. It does to all of us at some point

you will confront a challenge, a divorce, a loss, a firing,

a health scare. That's life. And so what Suze is saying is dead serious. You're gonna have to be ready so you can't be living for the moment. I'm curious the advice you would give to that waitress and to anybody here in the audience who is not where they want to be and, and struggling to be here, struggling to get by and they don't have anything to work with in terms of a safety net or a savings.

I would ask you to accept the adversity that comes your way

cause adversity, poverty, struggle gives you the strength, believe it or not to hold the success when it will come.

So rather than being angry or feeling like I'll never be more or have more $1 put away for yourself will grow to two, will grow to four. Can grow to 10, can grow to tens of millions, can even grow to hundreds of millions, ladies. And

I look at my life today and I look back at all the things that I've been through, whether they're abuse or whatever that's happened in my life. And I thank God for every one of them

because it's those adversities that have made me Suze Orman and it's those adversities that allow people who don't have money to not have an education you know, have, they have dyslexia, they have all of these things and excuses to keep them from being who they're meant to be.

They now go, oh, look, Suze did it. So can I.

Right. So there is no excuse big enough to keep you from being who you are all meant to be. Do not blame your past. Do not blame your lack of knowledge. Do not blame your situation that you're in. Do not blame whoever you're in. You are not victims to your circumstances.

Not one of you will ever be a victim to your circumstance. You're all victors if you just decide to win in the self love game, because when you love yourself and value yourself and know you can't count on anybody but you, oh you will make it to where you want to go.

So that you, yes.

And the last thing you said there, you can't count on anybody but yourself. What about relationships and money?

Um Whether you're Yeah. Yeah. It's hard because you, especially if you're starting out and you're really in love with someone and everything seems like it should just intertwine should it really? You know, I mean, just asking and in some, in some societies, the man dominates on the money. So I'm curious what you would have to say to this audience.

Yeah, this is a hard audience to say this too, but just listen to it and take it. You can, you can handle it.

Right. Which is you all entered a relationship as an autonomous human being,

somebody who is able to pay your bills possibly and do things on your own. And now all of a sudden you're part of a relationship, do not give up that autonomy.

You should all have your own accounts. Your partner should all have their own accounts. You should all really understand how you feel about money. If you're going to be with somebody and marry somebody who is different than you, financially speaking, I'm here to tell you, you are making one of the biggest mistakes in life. Remember what I said, your money and you are one

and if you see somebody spending money, they don't have, putting money on a credit card going out and liking to gamble or whatever, showing everybody their things about money.

Be careful, be very careful because it says a lot about the person that you're with in the relationship that I'm with and I've been with now for 22 years, we have separate accounts. We keep everything separate. What is mine is mine and what is the other persons is the other person's right. And I would never merge it. Does that mean I love the other person less? No, it means I love myself more

And I know what I have and I know what I get to leave with and it is settled. So I don't have to worry and either does the other person, which then makes it an extraordinary relationship, extraordinary cause we're staying because we want to,

not because we have to

How many of you stay in a relationship because you can't afford to leave? So sad when that happens. So I would keep everything separate. If you want three accounts, fine individual, individual and joint for your joint expenses. Ok. But that's about it.

Oh, ok. Well, you said it and I agree with it.

I'm already following that. Um, how can we, we're gone way over time but we just have to, how can women in this region make sure their money is working for them growing and secure so they can secure their future? Are there different challenges?

You do have different challenges in many of these areas. You know, I spent a lot of time speaking in Malaysia where you couldn't earn interest and you couldn't do things. But what was fascinating is you can still get involved with your money just because maybe the rules maybe are a little different. And

you know, there's changes that doesn't mean that the two of you can't all be making decisions together, that you can't really take power with what you do have. But you have to really sometimes change happens slowly.

Hopefully you have the ability somehow to always somehow have money. That's your own.

I don't know if you can or you can't, but I think it would be great if that could be just

something that one could strive for one day to work for when it's permitted.

So before we close, cause we're way over time and then we've got to do our, our video thing which I,

I have something for you.

Make sure you make maggie get ready. You, you're next. I, I love presents. So this is not a problem for me at all. But before we close, what is your, what's the biggest mistake women, maybe younger women, maybe women in general make with money. And what's your best piece of advice?

The biggest mistake you'll all make is thinking that if you're in a relationship, you don't have to worry your pretty little head about it because somebody else is taking care of it. That will be the biggest mistake you make. The other biggest mistake you will make is as you're growing your business, as you're going up the ladder or whatever you're not taking care of your own personal finances first.

You should be paying yourself. And so many of you open up businesses where you have women working for you and you go into debt so that you can keep paying them. No, if it's not working for you and you're inclusive in that where you're putting 10% or something away from you being mistake, you need money to compound.


the greatest advice is

to stay out of debt debt is bondage.

You will never ever have financial freedom. If you are in bondage and if you are in credit card debt, you are paying for your present day desires, but your costs will be your future day needs.

So if you find yourself in credit card debt,

you really, really need to understand. You've got to make a change cause you never ever wanna be in debt to anybody, anything on any level. So don't have debt, people. Debt is the first sign that you're doing something seriously financially wrong.

Let's give it up for the queen of money, Suze Orman. Hm.

Don't leave.

Thank you. I'm not because first let me just do this for you. I'm wanting this to you. Open it up.

Open it up. OK.

And what it is, everybody is, it's a coin and it's a coin of the symbol I wear around my neck. But let me tell you why I'm giving it to you. I do work for all the armed forces throughout the entire world. And when you have done something

in recognition that money cannot pay you for, the presidents have a coin, all four star generals have a coin and when the coin is presented to you, it says Mika, you have done something

that has changed this world. You have done something that I can't write a check big enough to tell you: you are on a voyage to make women throughout the world know their value and therefore you now qualify to be presented with a coin

that you can't get anywhere. And on the coin it says people first, then money, then things. And when I say people first, I mean, you, I mean, you not giving it away, you take care of yourself first, then your money, then things will come.

You have made my life, Suze Orman. Thank you,

Suze everybody. Thank you so much.

Well, there you go. Everybody. I hope you enjoyed that.

I hope you felt the energy, right? And in the room and on the stage.

And I know you're probably like, but we wanted KTe and you to ask each other questions. This event was so life transforming. That questions can wait for another week.

And I just want to take all of you to a little bit of what we went through. But again, if you want to know more and see other talks and experience the other speakers go to Know Your Value on Instagram and that magic will come alive for you there. All right. So KT, anything else you want to say?

I just want all of you to know that

in life. If you have a dream, if you have a vision, if you have a heart,

If you have a cause, if you have a passion, if you have a thought, you can bring all of those things to reality, not only for yourself, but for the world who needs it more than you have any idea. There's only one thing that we want you to remember when it comes to your life.

And what is it, KT?

People first, then money, then things,

Now you stay safe and most of all you stay unstoppable.

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