ToyWorld Bunbury owners on 'secret Santa' paying off entire lay-by list at WA store

Published Dec 15, 2023, 3:30 AM

ToyWorld Bunbury owners on 'secret Santa' paying off entire lay-by list at WA store.

Now Santa has come early for some lucky residents. In my hometown of Bumbrey in Western Australia, an anonymous donor has paid off all the remaining laybys at a local toy store.

I love these stories. The total bill came to twelve and a half thousand dollars. The secret Senter told the store owners that he had a good year and wanted to pass on some Christmas cheer, and he's done exactly that. We're joined now by the owners of Toy World, Bunbury, Rick and Harvey Baker. Good morning to you guys, Rick, this is a lovely story. Tell us more about the phone call with the Secret Santa.

Yeah, good, good morning Matt and Matt. The Secret Santa gave me a call approximately ten days ago, and during this call he asked do you still do lay bys? And I said, yes, we do. And I said, well, what's this? Where's this question going? Anyway? He asked me, he said, would you mind if I got a tally of all that lay by, well the values, and would you like me to pay them off for you? And I was a little bit shocked and I said, look, I don't know of them off the top of my head. I'd have to get back to you. So if you give me your number, I'll call you with the amount.

Wow, And it ended up being twelve and a half thousand dollars. Harvey, Look, I know, Bumri, I'm going to be there next week. It's not that big. Did you feel like you knew.

Who it was?

Yeah, we do know the chap, but we say he wants to stay anonymous, which is fair enough. And like you said earlier, it had a good year.

He wanted to.

Pass a bit of the goodwill on to quite a few other people, and he's done that in spah Sorick. What did the.

Customers, How did the customers react?

Well, we didn't tell anybody. We haven't rang anybody at that stage. We just thought, look, it'll be a lovely surprise for anybody that comes through the store just to walk up. And one particular chap he came up on Tuesday. He said to me, I'd like to pay fifty dollars off malay Bi And this Chap's name was Stephen and said to him, I said, oh, that's fine.

He said.

Look, he said, I'm a little bit stressed. I've lost my job. He said, I'll give you a bit more next week and the following week I'll pay it off. I said, okay, then tapped Harvey said go and get his lay by, and Harvey ran out the back and came forward with it. We said, here's your layby. We've had a secret sand to come through and pay all our laybys out this year. So he was a bit lost for words. He teared up and it was a beautiful moment.

You should you should tell the customers, I reckon, because there might be a few people that worried about coming down. They might not have the cash right now, and to know that it's been paid off and they can come down and pick up their lay bys, that is just fantastic. Whoever that person is, well done to you Secret Center.

Yeah, beautiful thing to do. You guys, amazing the toy, Will Bumbrie. This has been in your family for forty years. It's a wonderful thing. And you know, you guys are going to have a great Christmas telling everyone and spreading the good seer it's.

Coming to say good Yeah, yeah thanks the way, by the way, Natalie, Yes, I just want to say the business is up for sale, so if anyone on the Eastern seaboard wants to see change to change, and you know how good bumbery is. I do it for shame.

I do I know how savvy West Australians are. You know, No, you're obviously using the excuse for a plug, So well.

Done you good work.

And thank you guys.

And the other plug we'd like to say is toy World shop local with there's one hundred stores nationally, so get in if anybody's got a bit of space money.

Thank you guys, well playing good luntin guys,

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