Could Blackburn in Melbourne be the site of an old gold mine?
Oh, some lucky homeowners in Melbourne's East could be sitting on a literal gold mine if a local legend turns out to be true. Rumors have resurfaced about a disused gold mine from the mid eighteen hundreds at Blackburn. While no official records exist, not all gold discoveries during that era were reported, With gold at a record high of more than three thousand dollars an ounce. Could it be time to get up the metal detectors? Well for more? I'm joined by gold digger Dave Waters of the miners Den. Good morning to you.
You've been prospecting for about thirty years. How excited are you about potentially finding in them? They're hills, well, not the hills, Melbourne's eastern suburbs.
Well, there's been a lot of gold that's being found around the eastern suburbs. I have to Warren died out round Glen Waveley in places like that. It's probably a little hard to get to now, but we'd diging up gold all of the time around the hills.
So because of this this discovery, should people be really getting out their shovels and digging up their front lawns.
Well, my brother's got to place around the area, so I'm probably going to pop in and see him with the shovel and see if we can't get a little bit of gold out of his property there, and I think it's probably buried down a little bit deeper. Yeah, absolutely, I'd love to go and have a crack round in his place and what your he'll feel about that. But people can certainly get out the shovels and things, probably not so much in the suburban areas. People get out a little bit around the countryside. That's exactly what we're doing with our metal detectors our picks, and most people are getting out and getting few pieces of gold even still today.
So do you suggest people hire you or go buy a metal detector.
Look, if you go and buy a metal detector, you've all you've got to do then is walk and dig a few holes and things like that. I wonder I've got here as one of the high end metal detectors that we use out in the area and we just go along. Metal detechting's fairly simple. You get get a machine, get a pick, get a sound, dig a hole and hopefully you come up with some of the precious shallow stuff like what I've got in this little bottle here. So this is some of the spoils of things that people have found when they've been out in the gold fields panning and using metal detectors. And on that one there, you've got about an ounce of gold in that, So you're looking at around about three thousand dollars Australian per ounce at the moment.
And this could be in people's yards.
Dave, you have just said absolutely it could be.
You've created a run on metal detectors right here. There's a gold rush in Melbourne this morning. Dave. We're going to cross back to you because I think you're going to find gold all over the place. And yeah, there's gonna be potholes in every yard. Thank you very much,