Short Stuff: No Shirt, No Shoes, WTF

Published Feb 8, 2023, 10:00 AM

You can thank your parents and grandparents for the longstanding ban against dining shirtless and shoeless. While the concept was around, it mushroomed when hippies came along.

Hey, you welcome to the short Stuff. I'm Josh, and there's Chuck and there's Jerry, and this is short stuff in the house. Let's talk. You know, a song I've been singing all day, I do know, and I really hope you won't sing it because I've been trying to get it out of my head. Really, do you think it's the same one. It's got to be, because it's basically about this, Well, it's got to be. Did it did eighty? Was it? From the I think sixties and then an eighties metal band covered. Let's just not talk about it any further, all right, we won't, because that is what this is about exactly, That's right, uh, And we're talking about and this is uh. This is a shorter article from Earl Buddy Dave Bruce from the housetof Works dot com website, and it's about uh. I don't even want to say the word now, but it's about when you enter an establishment and there may be words printed on poster board that say no shirt, no shoes, no service, yeah yeah, written by Vinny apparently, yeah, get out of my barreau. On the other hand, it might say shirt and shoes are required, but the upshot is this And do you know what inspired me to to pick this one? I have no idea. This is the exception that proves the rule. Ah. So the the exception is that there are places where you can't enter without shoes or a shirt. They won't give your service, meaning that it implies other places you could be without a shirt or shoes. Okay, at any rate, I's so fact though, there is a strange backstory to the no shirt, no shoes, no service um placard. Uh. And that is that apparently it was created. Not okay, so it wasn't created, but it exploded in popularity in response to dirty hippies in the late sixties and early seventies. Yeah, and I love of the research behind this, because there's two things at work. Uh. In this how Stuff Works article, Dave got in touch with the uh, well, he didn't get in touch with the first one. But there's something called the Society of Barefoot Living. No surprise, Society for Barefoot Living. Oh would I say of? Yeah, they're not even just of they're actually actively trying to to promote it. There's like, we're of it, but you should be for it. So we went to their blog and he found that these placards, uh they say, didn't exist until nine and that's when they really sort of took off because of hippies. So Dave, researcher that he is, reached out to an author named William H. Roarer Ball, author of something called a book I guess called American Hippies. He's from the University of Washington, and said, hey, is it true that these placards started sprouting up because of hippies? And it sounds like his answer was basically yeah, sure. He's like, yes, it's true, leave me alone. You isn't very emphatic about it. He was just like kind of like, yeah, that sounds about right. Yeah he was, And he basically made the point. He was like, this is not like they didn't create these to put out hippies. It just so happens that roar baugh Um came from grew up in a coastal Florida town and he was like, we had these signs long before hippies, but they were pretty much relegated to coastal Florida towns with beaches because it was a lot more formal back then. That's not usually the case now. If you could walk into a beach bar in Florida. They don't care what you're wearing or not wearing. But in the fifties, you said, people were more formal, So these things did exist, but it wasn't until the hippies came along. They really started popping up all over the country in businesses that wanted to keep hippies out. And this was a really easy way to do it. I thought we had sort of a nod a wink agreement to not say the S word. And you already said it. Oh did I? Yeah? What did I say? Well, you said that, I know, But where did I say? Can we can we crop it out the middle of that sentence? Which opence? I'll redo the sentence. I really didn't want to sing. It's okay, it's okay. We we just won't sing it. Keep I screwed things up this badly, Chuck, I'm sorry, that's okay. But the same author, I think, points out that even though he was seeing these placards up in Florida in the nineties when things are more formal, that you go to Florida today, something that you may see occasionally even which is the attitude is and sometimes they'll even have this posted no shirt, no shoes, no problem. Welcome to my pizaria. If any moved to Florida, Yeah, with your toes, bring them in. Yeah. So um right, Because he was saying that the culture was more formal back than in the fifties, which is why they would have a mini billboard in their window that said, um, no, no shoes, no shoes, no service. Yeah. But now it's it's uh, it's Margaritaville. It's Jimmy Buffetts style. You can go in there with your flip flops on, no problem. Right. So if you looked at some of these um squares of cardboard that were in a window, it just doesn't matter anymore now. If you looked at some of these signs, especially back in the fifties or in the sixties or seventies, they would say something probably like by order of the health Department. It turns out that this was a bald faced lie, as dirty a lie as the hippies feet were dirty. And I think we'll talk about that right after a bright con chuck. It sounds like a great cliffy and shock like I'm never going to live this down in my own mind. I'm so disappointed in myself that's okay, you didn't say, and just you saying it's okay, it doesn't make it okay. It's not okay. You didn't say long haired freaky people need not apply. Yeah, we just might as well as just let it all hang out now. I actually like that song, do you well? Sure? I do. I think it's kind of fun and like the original or the Tesla version more well. I was into Tesla for a little while because as a just learning guitar player in high school, Tesla had some really great guitar songs, good licks. I wouldn't I never saw a Tesla in concert anything. I wasn't that deep, but I liked the music videos that they aired. But the Five Man Electrical Band, the original version, has this really great intro before it slows down into the song that I really really like. They're still around and they're Canadian. Okay, I'll bet they like Gordon Lightfoot. I hope this makes up for my Gordon Lightfoot comments. I don't know if it's going to, but it's a good start. I'll bet Canada says I love Rush too. Sure, who doesn't love Rush? I mean, you'd have to be crazy not to like Rush. Absolutely so I said something about the health department, um, and saying that, no, you can't come in with shirt or without a shirt or shoes. It's just dirty. And we're the health department, so we don't we don't truck to that kind of thing. And um, apparently it's not the case because the Society for Barefoot Living. Of course they did. They went to the trouble of writing to every health department in the country, every state health department, so fifty different health departments they wrote a letter to, probably a form letter. I'm sure they didn't personalize each one from scratch, but they got sponsors from them. They posted them on their site that says to a health department, No, there's no law whatsoever saying that a customer can or can't enter a an establishment with or without shoes or a shirt. That's just not a law anywhere in the United States. Yeah, they're like, if you work there, you gotta wear shoes and assured. I think it's just called proper it's higher. Yeah. No, one wants a chest hair in their pizza, no as much less Vinny's. That's not what you want, especially Vinny in Florida, because then it smells like cocoa butter and it's muggy. But the Health Department doesn't care what the people that dine there are doing. Um, they're concerned about the people running the business. Who does care about ensuring rights is the US federal government. And depending on who you are in this country and when this was, but the nineteen four Federal Civil Rights Act basically said, hey, if you've got a business, you got a hotel, you gotta store a restaurant. You can't say someone's got to leave because of their religion, or their race or color, or their national origin. What about their shoes? Uh? And then the Americans with Disabilities Act then extended that, of course to people with disabilities, and certain states have gotten on board with extending those rights to all Americans, but the federal government has still not gotten on board with extending those rights to all Americans. Again, though, what about the shoes? And the upshot of it is this, you can, as a business owner require certain forms of attire and be well within your legal rights to tell people they can't come in, as long as you're not just applying it to one protected group and not all people. Right, that's the key. So if you're just like Um, you know, uh, Irish you have to wear shoes. Everybody else is fine. You're gonna get in trouble if you do that. Um. At the very at least the Irish are going to be mad at you because they'll be like, what what do we do? Um? But that's pretty much the key to the whole thing. Yeah, exactly. Oh that's it, that's the end. Huh. I have got nothing else I got. I'm wearing slippers right now. Yeah, me too. Are you wearing socks with your slippers? Know what kind of slippers you were in these days though? Sas sasha Washi slippers. Okay, they're Japanese, but they're really nice and comfortable cloth slippers. I have gotten into these Olokai products in general. Uh, this is gonna make me seem aged now. But I have my Olakai springing summer slippers that aren't super hot. But then I was also you know, we went to uh I took our first trip to the Bahamas over the holidays, and I found myself in a predicament when it comes to and this kind of dovetails with this episode as far as like beach ware and like how you got a dress at a restaurant when you're at a beach place or a beach resort, yeah, usually, but there's like it's still pretty casual. Like what I found is there's like, and this sounds so terrible, but there's like resort where that you can wear to a nice place at a resort, but it's not like a nice place in New York City. Yeah, like you don't want to wear Tommy Bahama too. You know, I can't even think of a nice place in New York, but you could as resort where. Yeah, But what it basically was ahead of predicament and that I never feel like I have the right shoes down there. I have my flip flops for the pool, and then I have my like you know, my my new balance, my walking shoes or whatever, and neither one of those feel right at a restaurant like that. So I got some olakai like uh sort of resort where she okay? Nice? Are they like woven and kind of like doc ciders or are they like topsiders? These are sort of um, sort of topsider esque, uh, not woven. But then I also got a pair of those like woven sandals that are kind of nice that you could wear into a restaurant. I am not going to resort any time in the planned future. But I was at Nordstrum and saw that they had Sperry topsiders on sale, and I was like, I'm getting those because they're a bargain and I'm going to put them to use someday. So I'm ready to go with the resort wear shoes. I love it. We should meet up in the Bahamas. It's very nice lets and I'll be like, nice shoes, and you'll say, nice shoes. Let's go get some tomorrow. Oh no, not down there, No no, no, you could drink drink some rum or something. Okay, we'll do that instead. Okay, Uh, that's it, right, Chuck. Yeah, we we successfully patted this one out to twelve minutes. Well, since Chuck said, we padded that me short Stuff is out. Stuff You Should Know is a production of I Heart Radio. For more podcasts my Heart Radio, visit the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

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