Stuff They Don't Want You To KnowStuff They Don't Want You To Know

The Screaming Girls of Malaysia

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Up until July of 2018, 17-year-old Siti Nurannisaa was like many other kids finishing up their last year of high school - she was stressed out by exams, not sleeping well, and looking forward to getting the school year over with. However, her life took a sudden, unexpected turn when a sharp tap on her shoulder sent her into a strange, nightmarish series of visions from which she could not escape. Her nearby classmates watched as she fell to the ground, screaming uncontrollably -- and, moments later, they heard other children screaming throughout the school. Whatever happened to Sita appeared to be contagious ... and this was not the first case of what some authorities would later describe as "mass possession." Join Ben, Matt and Noel as the explore the bizarre case of "The Screaming Girls of Malaysia."

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Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

From UFOs to psychic powers and government conspiracies, history is riddled with unexplained events. 
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