Strange News: Bacteria in Eyedrops, a Tesla Road Rager, and "Bring Back the Dodo!"

Published Feb 6, 2023, 4:20 PM

The bioscience company working to de-extinct the Mammoth and the Tasmanian Tiger (if it's actually gone) sets its sights on a new goal: resurrecting the Dodo. TikTok outpaces the LAPD in capturing a Tesla road rager. The CDC announces a disturbing warning about antibiotic-resistant bacteria in eyedrops. All this and more in this week's Strange News.

From UFOs to psychic powers and government conspiracies. History is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn the stuff they don't want you to know. A production of I Heart Brady. Hello, welcome back to the show. My name is Matt, my name is Noel. They called me Ben. We're joined as always with our super producer Alexis code name Doc Holiday Jackson. Most importantly, you are you. You are here, and that makes this the stuff they don't want you to know. Uh. It is the top of the week. It is our one of our favorite times of the week. It's the time when we explore strange news. Now in all transparency, Uh, my audio might sound a little bit different Matt Nolan's. As you guys pointed out in a previous episode, I disappeared for a second. I'm still mid adventure, but managed to find a mike and so, uh So, as you know, all of us hate to miss any episodes. So I maybe on and off for a just a little bit here as I sort some things out. But we are still doing this amazing show. We're so lucky to have you here, folks. Uh. And as LLL cool J said, don't call it a comeback. Where are we talking about you'll find? Uh? Yeah, look, people have all sorts of questions these days. Are we don't even know so much mystery? Oh jeez, Well, you know we've been at it. We've been at this for a while. You know, you get in situations. Uh so we we know that three is a year full of questions. Questions like what's going on with Tesla's or what's going on with TikTok and the l A p D? What's going on with with those eye drops? Uh, what's the real story there? And you know a question that our good pal and uh erstwhile guest, Lucky Yates always asked us like every time, can we bring back the Dodo? You guys remember this, Like he's always like he talks about it on air, He talks about and stuff he talks, right, isn't isn't that his cult? The cult or something like that. Yeah, he has a he has a cult of the Dodo. Now we know we have a lot of people listening to us. Yeah, something like that. We'll have to check back with Lucky very soon. Yes, yeah, we're gonna check back with Lucky. And we know there are many adherents of his belief system in the audience today. So we don't want to get your doctrine wrong, but we do want to tell you one of our first strange news stories for this week's segment is something that made us think of you, Lucky. That's a matter of fact, it was texted you. I just don't know what time it is where you're at. Someone is going to bring back the Dodo. At least that's what they announced on Tuesday, January thirty feet. As we record this, it's somewhere between February one and February two. So very recently a group named Colossal Biosciences said we're going to bring back the Dodo. We already got funding for it because they just announced another public funding initiative round of investment that gives them an extra hundred and fifty million dollars, which is not a lot when you're talking about bringing back an extinct species. Uh. And then overall, since Colossal Biosciences has made a total of two hundred and twenty five million dollars in investment. However, right now they're valuation, the value that investors put them at is over one billion US dollars, and that's due to their previous projects, such as continuing research on bringing back one the mammoth get it colossal man, and then and then to uh, the Tasmanian tiger. We talked about both of these a little bit. We even had an episode on the idea of de extinction. We're bringing these bringing these creatures back into the living world. Yeah. At this point, though, to set up the convo, we have to admit right now, there are no mammoths living and there are no officially acknowledged Tasmanian tigers. Though there are a lot of avid cryptic hunters and crypto zoologists who believe that the tiger either is alive now or died out much more recently than is officially acknowledged. And that's probably true for our money. Well, Ben, the mind immediately goes to Jurassic Park type stuff. Is this sort of like a scientific magic trick to say, hey, look what I can do? Or is there like a real reason for doing this. I mean, again, all creatures are great and smaller are worth the should should live. But you know, the Dodo died out largely because it was flightless and couldn't really cut it. Yeah, the Dodo was specifically evolved to a pretty distinct ecological niche, right, and when humans came along, they absolutely upended the They absolutely upended this thing. The dodo was never everywhere. It was endemic to a small island east of Madagascar. It's like you said, also, flightless bird. It doesn't. I say this as someone who loves nature, that loves all living things. It doesn't have a lot going for it in the brutal game of of alutions. So big eggs, which we may be part of why it went extinct, Sailor's leve them. Well, I think the big eggs might be the reason to bring them back. Sables with eggs lately, guys. We need some giant eggs that we can mass produce, and we're gonna We're gonna bring back dodos to achieve it. Yeah, let's bring them back and enslave them and an egg and industrial egg farms. That sounds like a really good use of this godlike power. Let's do an egg expiracy. It's really good. Actually, we need it's very topical. Yeah, Okay, no, that's gonna be. We're making it official, folks. That's gonna be one of the next things we recorded. And we got some great dark Brandon's on top of it. We got some great suggestions from listeners about this too. Yes, yes, so eggs. Maybe that's the answer For a lot of investors. The idea of a live Dodo is more important, not for the specific species, I know how cold that is, but more so because the process of de extincting a Dodo will create scientific breakthroughs that can be iterated out to other less awkwardly specific life forms. Is that okay to say that I'm trying to be diplomatic specific doing a fine job, and you know that was I mean, I was joking about Jurassic Park because that's the most kind of gross consumer reason for employing this kind of science. But along the way you do stumble upon some other discoveries and breakthroughs. So maybe there are species of animals that would still flourish today if they were reintroduced back into the wild through a process like this. But it also kind of feels like a slippery slope thing, you know, like if if we did with that put things out of balance in some way, you know, right, I think if we could bring back the original bananas, like just through figure out how to do this bring back like like you said, other forms of life that have been gone for so long if you could what if this is like a future reincarnation company, like you could bring back a specific individual within a species. Do we have no more about the science, Ben, we do. We do. We know a little bit about the science. And we also, I want to be very very fair here for a lot of us hearing this today, you might hear that Colossal Biosciences has not yet made a mammoth, not yet made a Tasmanian tiger, and you might think it's a grift. But looking at their website, looking at the reporting, they do have legit scientists, and you know, it's fine to be skeptical about this, but let's not dismiss it as saying it's just a cash grab. They actually um the way they got the funding this time was launching what they call the Avian Genomics groups. So there they are clearly aware that each of these problems of the extinction and have to be tackled in a different way. If you go to their website, which is pretty slick, then you will see information from Ben lamb l A. M m, the co founder and CEO, along with Dr Beth Shapiro, who is the lead paleo geneticists. So they do have they do have world experts in this field working on these things. As far as spinning out the future, you know, that's anyone's game. It's clear that a lot of people are thinking in those long horizons like you're talking about Matt, They're still thinking through like what could happen with this? Would it be possible to make entirely new ecosystems or excuse me, resurrect long gone ecosystems? And if so, to your point about Jurassic Parknell, should you The big thing right now is the way to explain the amount of attention they're getting now is not so much people thinking in terms of side sci fi space a g headlines like oh, we're bringing back the Dodo, We're bringing back the blah blah blah. There's a little bit of pr in it. But places like the United Nations and these huge international funding initiatives, they're trying to save the stuff that's here now. Bio diversity is at a crisis point, so they're they're saying, okay, let's in a very real way. A lot of these powerful forces are looking at these extinct things, and they're thinking, not, oh, it would be cool for me to have a pet Tasmanian tiger. I can flex on the other billionaires. They're thinking, this might be, this might give us a process that we can use to d extinct stuff that's here now, that is on the way out, so we can say, you know, like, hey, whoops, you thought there were no more rhinos. Well guess what we just up to it to seven. Everybody be more careful next time, you know what I mean. They're trying to earn a whoop. See, it does make you think about the nature of evolution and how you know, an advanced civilization like humanity can kind of up end that process or like you know, escalate it significantly or you know, speed it up. But it's like, if you think about just the you know, the Darwinian concept of evolution as it happened over a really long period of time with things just kind of occurring naturally. Humans sort of upset that to a degree. So do we include humans and a larger view of evolution? And you know a lot of species are going extinct because of human intervention and stupid things that we've done to the environment. Are we the anomaly like should or you know, if these species are introduced back, is that going to upset the balance of of of nature. I'm gonna give you this is my interpretation of the answers found on the website you mentioned, ben Colossal dot com. They have a section it asked the question can the harm humanity has caused to be undone, and below it it says the answer is yes, and it gives three examples of animals they would like to bring back and reintroduce into the wild and fully populated. The number one creature here is the Florida panther, an actual no panther that would just be roaming around Florida. So I think what they're saying is we reintroduce panthers and other apex predators to thin the herd of humans. That's not what they're saying. That's just what's just takes the implication right, not like that. The issue is that the the boffins, the eggheads predict that by about fifty of all species of life on Earth are going to be extinct on the way of the Dodo as people say. And the next problem is like there's very much a ticking clock here, right, there's a doomsday clock of bio diverse and it's arguably closer than the doomsday clock of nuclear war. So what we're seeing here is that I think the Mammoth project has had a lot of breakthroughs apparently right because there there's mammoth material that's been recovered. There are elephants that are relations of the mammoth um. Colossal bioscience Is says they're going to be on track to produce juvenile mammoth's mammoth calves by But then then, you know, we have to consider the other part. What if you learn some neat little genetic remixing tricks, uh? And what if you can kind of you remember that that DJ girl talk, Yeah, yeah, do mash ups? What if you can what if you can girl talk genetic sequencing a little bit? You know what I mean? To your point about apex predators, Matt, how about a Siberian tire that breeds faster? How about polar bears that are cool with the tropics, right, cool with the tropics. Sorry, it's I mean, I don't think I think it's very far afield for us to say that there's an animal So there's an animal centric supervillain out there, who's like, the most direct way to make the world a better place is to kill humans, not with diseases and not with nuclear weapons, but with incredibly complicated genetic splices of animals from the past, a smarter t Rex. Well not sort of what the moral of Jurassic Park was, right, you know, play god and you're gonna get got rhinos absolutely everywhere some jaman g type stuff here. Yes, yeah, and we know that this has been occurring, like, look, this has been occurring in the world of fiction for quite a long time. And it's also it goes through these cyclical resurgences. Fiction and nonfiction are very very closely related, more so than book publishers maybe want us to think. At times. I know we're in in odd circumstances here, and I don't want to spoil too much because I think we should say that this is not quite ready for an episode, but there's more to come on the way, So I want to end before we go to sponsor break with one last banger piece of information. You're ready, yes, Oh good, because it'd be awkward if you're like nah, um, Okay. Strategically, it's less about the mammoths and more about the capability to engineer animals and plants. This is a quote from an outfit called in q Tell, which some of us may recognize as the venture capital arm of the Central Intelligence Agency. Oh my god, that we'll be right back? Is that real? Yes? And we're back. But wait wait been uh seriously? Yeah, we saved until the end. Yeah they are, they're they're throwing some cash. They're throwing some cash to colossal biosciences. Of course, they are for apocalyptic type prepping essentially. I don't know, I just okay, all right, oh boy, okay. That was a banger of a story been with a lot of implications, and I'm sure we'll be revisiting that one in addition to an experience the episode uh in the future. But for now, UM, I have a little bit. It's not lighter exactly, maybe smaller implications. But have you guys heard of this l a uh kind of road rage terrorists. He's almost like a like a serial road rager you tear arising the city of Los Angeles, which, as we know, is massive. So have you guys heard about this guy? I'll tell you. In my head, I'm imagining someone in a really fast truck like a Okay, yeah, you don't see a whole lot of true. Well that's not true. There's all kinds of cars in l A. But uh, you know, they're very gas guzzling conscious and um, you know if you people are frowned upon when they have like hummers and big trucks, So you see them a little less frequently. And I think the emission standards are also a little more intense in Los Angeles because of all the the smog and the pollution because it's such a you know, driving city. Because they're public transit basically sucks, much like Atlanta, so that has that in common with Atlanta. But yes, uh, not a f one fifty, but a Tesla Model X has been essentially the driver of which it's not the the self dry having AI terrorizing people yet, but for now, it's this this fellow that was driving this car. Numerous reports of a guy driving a black Tesla Model X getting out of the car uh in traffic jams, running towards other cars and smashing them with a large metal pipe. That's kind of just the common theme is this guy getting out and smashing people's cars with the pipe. There are probably other incidents as well, because it was reported so many times that think about the ones that didn't report it. So the authorities have been looking for this guy at the very least since January eleven, um, when several of these reports amen, you know, but again there there may well be others which will find out when we hear about this guy's history. Um, you guys can can decide for yourselves. But uh, the L A P. D uh not doing the best job finding this guy. And apparently, by the way, um the tesla and question didn't have plates, which is weird and a massive red flag. And I've read that in a couple of places, but then I'm also seeing it not mentioned in a few other stories, so that could well not be the case. But the point is they didn't find the guy until a TikTok influencer helped essentially, you know, crowdsourced the hunt for this uh, this road rage terrorist. A internet sleuth is what they're being referred to as, called tizzy ent, who started sharing eyewitness news videos. Again, there were some like I guess dash camp footage I think that was making the rounds, and perhaps some traffic stop light videos, but I think mainly dash camp footage because people were essentially reporting and then contributing what they had to offer. UM. But again, even with that, the l a p D wasn't able to find the guy. And this UH, this Tizzy n has five point three million TikTok followers UM and Tizzy and said that three people immediately came forward with a name, an actual name, that this person then passed along to police. And this is a quote from them from ABC seven out of Los Angeles. It was kind of shocking to hear how much had happened, how many incidents, and how many victims there seemed to be, and that just reinforced the fact that this is not okay. This guy needs to get off the road. And the person in question who was UH taken into custody by the California how A Patrol on January UH is an individual by the name of Nathaniel Walter radamac Um. He has thus far been booked for assault with a deadly weapon UH and also apparently had two outstanding warrants. Bail has been set at five point one seven five million dollars and Boo who his Tesla Tesla Model X was impounded, Well we should we should also mention I think something important. We talked about this just briefly off air. Whenever we mentioned the name of someone who has been charged or taken into custody but has not been convicted, we're mentioning their name because it is now a matter of public records. So absolutely, yeah. And and that's because this occurs in the United States. Sometimes when you hear us not mentioned a person's name, it's because the laws of the country in which they were charged or taken into custody are different. But but to be clear, you know, um, like we know you and Matt and I were talking about this just briefly off air. We're not dock seeing anybody anything like that. And if you look at the camera footage, which you shared some of this with us, and if you look at that, it's pretty clear whose face that is. And it's pretty terrifying. I mean, some of this looks like footage out of like a Grand theft auto game. Dude is literally hanging out the window of his car with like a mask kind of covering, like a spandex E type mask, covering the bottom of his face with his arm, a very muscular arm, i might add, hanging out the window wielding this pipe, and then there are multiple other videos showing him as well. Um, and those other outstanding warrants that I mentioned, um, well, actually I'm not quite sure what those specifically were, but it was determined that this individual had reports and convictions of attacks dating back like ten years, including you know, assault, um, you know, battery, criminal threats, things like stalking. And also there was a specific report of this person punching a woman in the face, um and blackening her eye in October of one. So Tizzy End actually referred to the person as a career criminal. It's insane that he hasn't been pulled over just on a routine where's your license well plate? Where's your license plate? Exactly where the heck is I think you know that's required? Right really quickly, guys, I want to bring up this other thing that the l A Times mentions. They're saying that this person allegedly this person was also involved in an incident in January where he attacked driver in Hollywood, it says, and then it says it goes on, uh quote when his car was searched, steroids and thirty dollars were found that right, he was well, he and apparently I had also read elsewhere that he was selling them that he was part of some sort of illegal steroid uh operation. So again, the details aren't fully filled in all the way yet. But but I think the most important detail that we do have is that this crime like I'm scared of getting pulled over for following too closely, you know what I mean? Like if I was running around the land like like menacing people with a lead pipe, you think just the basic level of police presence would have caught me with multiple instances of this kind of behavior. Yeah, that's if we're thinking rationally, you know. And this this guy probably without being you know, without being expert psychiatrists, as we established earlier. Uh, this guy is probably dealing with some demons, uh and taking that out on strangers. I do want to specify real quick because I know people in California, fellow conspiracy realists are gonna point this out as well. He didn't have a rear license plate. He had a front license plate, so they can California, you have to have one on on either end. So still though I'm thinking like the same thing you're thinking, Noll. And you're thinking as well, man, like how many how many brushes with the law doesn't want to have to have. There's dash cam footage of things like why I why wasn't uh C h P or l A p D on this faster we Maybe maybe he's providing l A p D with steroids, y'all. I'm just kidding. It's been a long time, but I just I don't don't live in l A. So maybe any Los angeleos out there let us know your perspective. But the l A p D has had a bad rap for a long time for targeting minorities, uh and not necessarily you know, white folks that are out there driving really fancy expensive cars. So I'm thinking, you know, back to Rodney King beatings and all of that stuff. So you know, it is obviously a massive, massive metro area and you're not going to catch everybody every time. But this guy was doing this thing like a lot, it seems, and had a history Like why could he even he shouldn't. I don't know why you could even get a driver's license after some of the types of accusations that I'm seeing here. Yeah, and then also, you know, this reminds me we should do an episode on the idea of gangs within law. Enforcement cop gangs. I've seen training day. Well, yeah, we've also we've also had some of our fellow conspiracy realists who have worked in law enforcement writing in about this well in the recent Scorpion group thing, sure, the Georgia program, that's Scorpion in Memphis, which got disbanded after the the horrific death of an innestant man. So police forces across the nation obviously still lots and lots of work to do. But this is a you know, we we've kind of ragged on TikTok a little bit here and there, um, but it is interesting when you see this is the kind of thing we saw with Twitter, where people are like, at least in terms of geopolitics, coming to defend Twitter because of the Arab spring and like like things that social media can do that are good that law enforcement just can't do. They don't have that five point whatever million followers and on demand band of armchair sleuths at their disposal. They've got, you know, theoretically professional sleuths, but maybe they're just I don't know, they're a little strapped speaking of what Twitter can do, guys, we need to do another episode. Got another suggestion for us the Twitter files from Yeah, I'm probably of the four of us right now code named Doc Matt Nolan yours truly, I'm probably the most active on Twitter. Uh and I've I've seen some of the who's some of the speculation. Let me tell you, Let me just tell you. If you're not on Twitter, Ellen Musk has gone by the handle Mr Twitter now and is very what Corporate America will call hands on in replying to things. Reply guy, yeah, it's almost beetle juice rules like you don't You could noculously tag that handle in a tweet, and this guy, who I can we imagine is very busy, might show up to respond. The guy from smash Mouth apparently will vehemently like harass anyone that makes fun of All Star as being only because of Shrek. That guy will come for you and say, no, All Star was a hit before Shrek. Um, that's kind of what Elon Musk is up to. But which is a good good a good mission for that guy. If that must be the smash Mouth dharma, then so be it. But the you know, on a positive note, no need to railists. But on a positive note, for newbody who still goes to the hellscape that is Twitter. On a positive note, the band eve six, whomever is in charge of that Twitter account, that's great, But that's the main guy. He's sort of a known clever internet fella. Yeah, yeah, he's cool. Yeah. I actually saw him on a live stream um do and a conversation with Steve Albini, who is a notoriously of cranky uh and hot take written record producer. He produced like Nirvana in the Pixies and stuff like that, and he has opinions about things in culture and music and whatever. And the ves six guy and he had a nice conversation and it was part of I think on air fest but really cool guys, very clever and he U. I liked his I liked his vibe a lot. But the smash mouth guy doesn't come for me for talking about his dharma on air. You can't hashtag a podcast yet. He probably won't come come with a lead pipe, not on the side of a car, but he definitely has a Tesla Model X. Shrek money pays that Shrek it's that Shrek money, right, That's that's again. There's a Shakespearean almost irony to it. Anyhow, the the question, I think that's on a lot of people's mind, all is what happens next to this guy? So he is in custody, there's a video footage. It doesn't look good. The bail is pretty high. The tesla got him own. Dude, do we know how this stuff goes? I can only imagine that the California court system is as backed up as every other court system. But I think with bail that high, he's gonna be sitting there for a minute. Um. I'm interested in what his deal is to have a car like that too. I mean, I guess a lot of people go into massive debt to get cars like that, even if they don't, you know, have an income that warrants it. So but what if he's some CEO or like some tech guy or some entertainment I'd be interested to hear what his actual deal is. I did not do that homework yet, but just before we go to a break, I do want to say that the song all Star by smash Mouth was in the movie Mystery Men before and remember the days when there's a song from a movie and the video had clips from it. So this was like they took it a step further where they actually shot new stuff with Ben Stiller and Janine Garoffalo and the guys from smash Mouth. So that's was always meant for the movies. Tub Waits is great. He's in Mystery Men watching him and him and Janine. I have to I have to just do one of these. Um how some all the world actually is okay? We mentioned two things that are actually really close to our world Janine Garoffalo in the Twitter Files, which was primarily handled by Matt Taiebi. Do you guys remember that was that was the same we we did a live same show. We actually did a live show with Janine Garoffalo and Matt Taiebe at the Bellhouse in Brooklyn many years ago. Very nice people, and I would say to stay humble above all things. It's probably more fair to say we were also there. Well, technically we went on after them, so they opened for us rock and roll rules, Baby, But listen, we're gonna take a quick break and then we're gonna come back with one more piece of a strange news. All right, guys, can I se your question before we start? Yeah? Do you guys use eye drops regularly for any reason? Because I do? You have to tell me if you're a cop man, No, no, my eyes always look like allergies. Also, it's not true. They don't have to tell you, so don't don't fall for that. But um yeah, not like a like a lot of people. I have used eye drops, not on a maybe regular basis, but you you might have be under the weather, you might have something causes redness riching in your eyes, and then you typically don't even have to go to a doctor. You can just go to a local bodega or convenience story and get you know, your generic clear eyes or visy. And that's the one saline solution exactly. Isn't that basically what it is. It's just salty water. Some of them are meant to um, right, so if you've got something that's bothering your eye, it will reduce some of whatever that inflammation is going on there and the redness. So I wear contacts, So every day I use contact lens relief eye drops. It's just stuff like this sounds So every day I use contact lens relief drops. Well I do, and it's because contacts are not fun to wear all day because they can get super dry. Right, I'm constantly just dropping stuff into my eyeball, just put it in my eyeball. Well, I'm coming with a story today. This scares the crap out of me. It's scared the crap out of me when I read it, and it continues to do so. Uh. The CDC, according to NBC News, has just warned that quote a brand of eye drops maybe linked to drug resistant bacterial infections. Remember success, This has some I think thematic ties to the extent of the fungal infections. Yes, and found a spread across the US. Lately it's been infections and me infections and Matt hanging out reading about each other, just going, oh no, you're watching the last of us. Stories are so infectious. This was was great episode, episode, unbelievable. I'm watching it tonight. Are you kidding? It hasn't ruined it for you? You'll enjoy it. That very interested to hear your thoughts. All the bacon that's all I know about the episode, All the bacons. But the thing is, h this this idea of infections. Can you tell us a little more about the CDC report. You said they named a specific brand or just like the idea of sailing solution. Let's see. Well, that's what scared me because if you read that. If you read that title, it's definitely meant to get you to click on it. Right that headline, c DC warns that quote a brand of eye drops, So you've got to click on it to find out what the heck is it? Which one is? It isn't mine? Uh, it might be, do they say they do? It is called Ezri or Ezra care easy r I care artificial tears, But that's that's a standard like thing. Right, Artificial tears isn't trademarked or is it? I don't think so. I've heard of e drops other eye drops I think referred to as artificial tears. But is that a trademark of this company? I do not think it is. I do not think it is. It looks like it was, It looks like it depends on where you go. Artificial tears is something that is I p in Mumbai. There are other brands for sure, goes and clearly generic because like right Aid has one that's just called artificial tiers just sort of like the equivalent of having something that just says milk. So I think artificial tears is sort of a term and it says compare to baoshan Lam Advanced iye relief dry eye. But it is a specific version of this again, it's called Ezra Care. Now, this is the thing we have to talk about. This is why for me, it's stuff they don't want you to know and worth talking about. This specific brand has been identified by the CDC as being potentially linked to a small outbreak of people who've been getting these types of infections. Potentially linked because several of the people who were infected report using this particular brand of eye drops. And the reason why it's a bit suspect to me is because the eye drops themselves like the container, it's very unlikely that anything was actually inside that liquid that caused the infection. The more likely culprit for infection being caused is because that particular brand does not use any kind of preservatives in it, uh specifically to prevent any kind of bacterial growth within the bottle itself or on the bottle. So the selling point becomes the weak link here, right. They would argue it's sort of like more holistic or no preservatives, but that could potentially be the cause of the issue. Yes, absolutely, the selling point could be the problem. That's that's exactly what you're saying, Um, it appears that that's what could be happening. I've just been reading a lot about this. It's getting a lot of coverage right now, this this particular brand and this warning from the CDC, and it really because it scared me about my own. Uh. It says right on here it says it's sterile. I certainly hope it is. But anytime you've got stuff entering your eyeball like that, uh, it has to be you have to be really careful and like that's why you're always told if you wear contact, wash your hands thoroughly before you take them out or put them in, because if any stuff gets in your eye, it can be super bad news. It's like pink I mean that you get that from impurities or you know, fecal matter and stuff getting into your eye potential exactly. It's just it's a very it's a very vulnerable entry point for the human system. It's not just the window to the soul, it's also the window to like your nervous system, right because the I mean think about it, like you're your mouth, if you're human, has a lot has some of the strongest muscles right in your body to clamp down right and your nose has this whole, uh, this whole winnowing field of hair and snot to try to stop stuff from getting in there. And your eyes have tears and they have lashes. It's true though, because you know, that's what the eyes are a very sensitive part of human anatomy, and they're one of the most necessary parts to like the The reason they're allowed to be the way they are, right, all soft and squshy and pretty easy to reach, is because humans rely so much on site, you know, and haven't quite evolved to the level of having something better, just because for many people, their primary sense resources visual, right, And I mean that's why it's so important to where eye protection when you're working with like chemicals or you know, in the wood shop or industrial kind of situations, because they're wide open literally and figuratively, and your lashes aren't going to protect you from a piece of shrapnel shooting at you. So what I've kind to question that when Okay, so if people are getting in affections and the and the vector is the the eye drops going into the eye, does that spread to the rest of the body. Does it stay in the eye? You know? Is like a is like a pink eye thing or is it like a more once where the system we're everywhere kind of deal. There's a potential for spread depending on how strong your immune system is. Right, if you're immunocompromise, there can be a real problem and it could spread. It could be as bad as you're developing sepsis where the bacterial infection gets into your bloodstream, which is probably just one of the scariest potential things that could happen to you, to anyone, is to get a sepsis infection before we get too carried away. Guys, I know, we kind of jumped pretty far forward, pretty quickly. Let's read directly from this reporting by Erica Edwards for NBC News. She writes one person has died and at least three others are left with permanent vision loss because of a bacterial infection possibly linked to this thing um and is. According to the CDC, a majority of those affected reported using this specific as racare artificial tears eye drops product. Just a majority and again self reported that they used it. And Erica and NBC take great pains to say, Look, the infections have not been definitively traced to this product, but they are recommending that everybody stops using them until this investigation is concluded. Better safe than sorry, definitely better safe than sorry. And they're saying they're at least fifty people in eleven states within the United States who were infected with this thing called Pseudomonas aragon nosa, which is again an antibiotic resistant bacteria. The real scary stuff that you can't just take the antibiotics and it will go away. You gotta you probably have to do I V antibiotics and you have to catch it before it spreads too far, so you might be looking at hospital time. Yes, definitely. I'm gonna give you the states right now, Colorado, California, Connecticut, Florida, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, Texas, Utah, and Washington. And one of the primary reasons outside of the self reporting, that that particular eye drop is being targeted is because it is sold in all of those places pretty ubiquitously, in places like Walmart, which is one of the reasons you know it's getting distributed across the whole country. And then you get to the idea of well, there need to be a massive recall of some sort, like how do you how do you roll back the wave? But they just still they still haven't found a direct link yet, right or no publicly announced one. They've just seen a correlation, not necessarily causation. Exactly exactly. I'm gonna take us back to the beginning before we end here, Guys, the reason why it's so dangerous to not wash your hands for and after you handle one of things. I'm showing you an example. If you pop open the top of this thing and your fingers touch this applicator area, like right where the liquid comes out of, and you've got this type of bacteria on your hands, which is unfortunately very common. If you've got a preservative free substance inside that bottle, it could get in there and then continue to grow. And like basically your whole bottle is infected, and every time you drop it in, you're dosing yourself. And whether or not that first dose becomes an infection within you, or the second dose or third dose, if you continually use it, there's a much higher chance that you're going to be in big trouble. So this is good to know. Again, this hasn't been proven, but this is one of those stories that should take you to your own medicine cabinet or counter in your bathroom. Just that, just the check and that. I really appreciate the point the about the importance of hygiene, because when I was using contacts quite frequently, it's so easy to say, I'm I'm in a hurry. You know, I'm gonna be completely I'm gonna keep it a d percent. I had some of those. Uh. I had a couple of eye dropped situations where I was like, well, there's little there's a little funcus of some sort there on the edge, but I had had the cap on, and so I'm just gonna like put it in my eye in a in a non funcus way and that will be good. Uh. But this, this could lead to some very very dangerous stuff. Well, yeah, I've had situations where a contact falls out and I haven't washed my hands or anything. I'm scrambling to find it. I find it, and I don't have contact solutions. So I poured some water on it, which is but it's like Nintendo's cartridge style. I don't want to freak you out, but have you ever had anything like, you know, a particle stuck under your contact and your eye before that sounds horrible. It's the worst. It's not fun, is really not fun. La hit me up, Lasa hit Matt up. Yeah. You can also see stories of people who figured out they were wearing as unrealistic as it sounds, double contacts like contacts over contacts, uh contacts or a horror show for back in the day, before they got soft contacts, they had those where they called gas permeable ones. Those terrified me. Hard little irises pop um on. So don't bleed hashtag blessed to have vision, y'all. I don't have to deal with any of this stuff. It sounds terrifying. I stuff is really freaky to a lot of people, to just in general, like in movies, you know people getting eyes. Definitely, the eye is an extension of your brain. It's just sort of out there in the air. That's why. So keep those, take care of them, treasure them, you know what I mean. Of course, they are not necessary to life. There many many people who are considered legally blind or have vision problems who are listening to the show now and doing absolutely fine. But you've got to take care of what you have. I think is the point we're saying here. Absolutely if you want to read the official CDC statement about this the warning, you can find it. I I found it at a AO dot org. That's at least what NBC linked to the title is multi state cluster of V I, M and G E s blah, So you just put that in maybe multi state cluster. It was issued on January. If you want to read the official response from Ezra Care, you can find that at ezrak hare dash info dot com. And if you want to learn more about this specific type of bacteria, you can head on over to the National Library of met US and where you'll learn that this is the same bacteria that causes filiculitis when you get into an old hot tub if you're rented a place like maybe a cabin or something like this guy does every once in a while the same bacteria. It just doesn't become a big deal. Are you building into like a Howard used thing? What do you mean we like? Are we getting too German folk territory? Maybe I'm with you. I'm with you. We shall also do a Howard Hughes show because I've been I've been thinking a lot about this too, in places where I'm just gonna be honest, people are a little more conscious of pandemics have been for a long time. I mean, how often have you been traveling, you know, through Atlanta the airport and seeing people from other countries wearing masks for years? Yeah? Yeah, Atlanta airport customs is like, hey, everybody, please spit on your hands and give them a good wipe before you get to the front of the line, just to make sure everything's cool. Uh. This this stuff is important, I would say. Also, dash cams are incredibly important. If you can't afford one, they are less and less expensive, and they are more and more crucial, not just when someone is unbalanced and swinging a pipe at you, but if you happen to get an offender bender, etcetera, etcetera. It's great to have them on the front and rear of your car just to be safe. Uh. And then also tell us what you think about the idea of the extinction. We asked about this earlier. What animal would you bring back? No rules Just right? I feel like that's a logo for something taine Is that a tagline for a company? No rules Just Right? I don't know what it is, but definitely it's something. Okay, Well, what if we add that to the extinction. Tell us what animal you would bring back and why. We cannot wait to hear your answers. Folks, we're going to be coming back to you later in the week with some it's out backstage out okay, if you out back staff, if you own out back steakhouse, what animals are you bringing back? And what are they going to be on the menu? Oh gosh, okay. So we're going to call it a day or a night on this one, and we will return in the near future. In the meantime, you might be saying, I've got some stories to share, I've got some leads, I've got some suggestions for new episodes. We want you to be a part of the show. We can't wait to hear from you. 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From UFOs to psychic powers and government conspiracies, history is riddled with unexplained events. 
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