SMNTY Classics: Extroverts, Introverts and Ambiverts
Anney and Samantha cordially invite you to learn more about the science and social issues around extroverts, introverts and ambiverts, particularly when it comes to women in this classic.
Book Club: Diasporican
Illyanna Maisonet's work Diasporican: A Puerto Rican Cookbook covers history, shares stories and digs into the varied facets of Puerto Rican cuisine. Anney and Samantha discuss the book and recipes they made from it.
Happy Hour #149: End of the Year Chaos Ramblings
As the year comes to an end, Anney and Samantha discuss how we're doing.
The State of Dating in New York City
Friend of the show Joey opens up about the state of dating while queer, Gen Z and in New York City.
Feminists Around the World: Christine Schuler Deschryver
Activist and human rights advocate Christine Schuler Deschryver has been fighting to empower women in her country, and around the world.
Monday Mini: Welcome to New York
Anney and Samantha recount their trip to New York City.
SMNTY Classics: Unboxing Gifting Dynamics
Getting a present isn't always a gift. In this classic episode, we unwrap some of the less pretty aspects of gift-giving.
Female Firsts: Frances Benjamin Johnston
If a picture is worth a thousand words, than Frances Benjamin Johnston gave us so much. Yves joins us to give a snapshot of her life's story.
Happy Hour #148: Who is this for?
As many of us are going to end of the year gatherings, what is the line between healthy boundaries and selfishness or avoidance?
SMNTY Interviews: Yvenarde
Friend of the show Yvenarde joins us to share her experiences as a construction project manager.