Replay* The Fight Is Still Not Over

Published Mar 14, 2025, 6:52 PM

This week Mysonne expressed his emotions towards the results of the Presidential election as well as give VP Kamala Harris her flowers for rising to the occasion and delivering an incredible campaign under tremendous pressure. Next, they discussion goes into an interview with Tamika and Mysonne speaking with hip hop atrist and social activist Killer Mike about his success of building up the city of Atlanta, his place in hip hop and more.

I'm Tamika D.

Mallory and the ship Boy my Son in general.

We are your host of TMI.

Tamika and my Son's Information, Truth, Motivation and Inspiration, New Energy US. So what's going on TMI. We are here on the ground in Michigan. Tamika is not available right now because she's knocking doors, literally knocking doors. Today is election day, so by the time you hear we will already have had probably no you know, the results of this election. It's been a very very tedious, very exhilarating, very energetic, you know, going out into these streets and feeling energy that there could be really be the first female black woman president in history, and then it could be a change and just the shift and just the energy in America. You know. I've been very vocal about who it is that I support, you know, and I've been vocal about why I support that individual, and hopefully by the time you hear this, you know, the prayers of many those who really actually believe in democracy will have been heard. So we've been going, Like I said, we've been on a gt O B tour get out to I mean go OTV tour, get out to Vote tour, for the last couple of weeks, just going to different states, mainly the swing states where we know that the vote can shift, you know, the in different years, you know, Republicans controlled certain states, or they won by the skin of their teeth, or they took states that used to be you know, more liberal and democratic. So those are the swing states that we've been hitting, mainly North Carolina, Philadelphia in Michigan, those are the main three states, and Atlanta as well. So we've been on this g O TV tour that we've done. We met up with a lot of different artists, you know, we met up with a lot of different influencers, you know, and it just seems like everyone is ready for change. No. Shout out to Michael Vick, Shout out to Beanie Siegal, Shout out to Icewear Vessel. No, just a lot, just a whole lot of people that was on tour freeway you know who else? Could I tell you who was there that you would know? Shout out to Black Sam you know, he was also on the tour. Shout out to Woody my man came from Power and it's just it's just we we had very in depth conversations. Black male conversations. You know that took place because you know, there's been this whole narrative that black men aren't supporting Kamala Harris and that's just not true. So we have conversations, but there is there are a certain demographic who feel left behind, but the majority of us definitely support her. You know, she wanted to make that clip, but we wanted to sit down with those who don't, or those who are on the fence, or those who have serious grievouses, or those who had misinformation and was and believed certain things, you know, and we got to the bottom in the route of a lot of you know, the negative energy that we were hearing in those regards. So, you know, shout out to everybody who participated in those conversations. Shout out to my brother Marvin Bean and the voter else. Shout out to Pastor McBride, you know, the partners who were on the ground with us on the g TV work that we did. You know, we wouldn't have had these panel discussions and we went to knock on doors just to make sure people were register. These were pretty much non partisan events where nobody was telling you who to vote for, how to vote just wanted to make sure that you were registered to vote, and just wanted to make sure that if you were registered to vote, then you knew how to go about voting. Do you know where your early voting sites are? What do you know that if your your voter's registration is up to date? Those are a lot of things that they use for voter disenfranchisement. Right you show up to the polls and they tell you that your registration has expired, or they didn't know you was living somewhere they thought they couldn't fight you with an address. You know, It's just certain things. So we wanted to make sure that everybody knew their status, they knew that they were up to date, and we knocked on these doors. A lot of people were invigorated to see us, happy that we were coming and knocking on the doors. Then there was a lot of people who were scared, you know, like we gotta win, you know, And I see a level of seriousness, Like I know, every time it's voting time, there's a level of energy and sometimes it's serious. Sometimes people say you vote to die. Had We've had all type of campaigns and I'm not taking anything from any of it. Because they all are important. You know, when people try to tell you that it's not important that you vote for the president of the United States, it's just mind bothering to me. You know, I'm not shooting at anybody individual. I just don't understand the mind state that you wouldn't have a say in the person who has the strongest office in the land, who's able to, you know, dictate policy, who's able to push policy, who's able to influence policy, you know, who's able to just pretty much guide the direction of where our country goes. And if you live in this country and you don't want to have a say on how the country is being guided, you know, what are the morals of that individual? If you're not looking and saying to yourself, damn, is this person a good person? Is this person a strong person? Is this somebody who believes in the rights all of us? You know? Is this person gonna enact laws that are going to be detrimental to me in my community? Like, if we're not having those conversations, then what conversations are we really having? And if we're not involved in the process of actually voting, I don't see how we plan to make any real change because the people will get into these offices and as you go in the down by valley that you have to, they're gonna be senate racist, They're gonna be congressional racist. And these things are key for the president, right because if he doesn't have, well, she doesn't have the support needed when she wants to dictate and pass a lot of these laws. If she doesn't have the support needed because we don't have the House, the Senate, then it's pretty much what they call layin duckkan Rubbert, you know, Robert Stamping somebody. You know, they're gonna do everything they can to undermine what I leave. I believe she's strong enough. I believe she's that with adversity her whole life. I believe nothing on none of this is new to her. I believe every time that I watch her that she has to overcome and you know, be looked down upon and have to be you know, prove herself all the time. And I think this is just another example of the resilience black women. Yes, black women. Black women are resilient. I tell people all the time. I've never seen a more resilient person than my grandmother than my mother. Right, So when we talk about leadership, and they say women shouldn't be lead. I heard I heard somebody that I don't really want a name to give them that level of energy talking about you know, she was she's traditional and a woman don't supposed to sit in these seas. The woman not supposed to be in charge of this and that, and she know her place, and it was just kind of disheartened because I believe a woman's place is wherever she wants it to be. I believe she should have autonomy. I should believe she should have the opportunity to lead. I believe that she has the ability to lead. You know, I believe that a woman understand what it is that they can and can't do. You know, we're talking about the physical aspect of certain things. I believe a woman should understand that men of it is for security and safety and protection, and they should be in those positions to make sure that they protect you, right, but not against your own will you know Trump talking about that we're going to protect the woman whether they like it or not. You can't tell that's what does that even mean? How do you protect somebody that doesn't want you to protect, that's imposing your will upon someone who in hell is going to authorize somebody to protect them even though they don't want to be protected. Who says that that's a good ideology, that's a good strategy. You know, that's something when you when you're having a conversation with a kid, your child, right, I said, I say that all the time, that like the first five years of a child's life, they trying to kill theirself and you got to stop them from trying to kill yourself. So that ideology makes sense when you're talking to a kid or about your child, about you know, somebody that a young person that you're taken care of, it makes sense that you're gonna protect them despite themselves. But that's not for no grown adult women, educated women. You know, a brilliant woman, a strong, resilient woman, a woman's who's proven that they have the ability, the mentality and the fortitude to lead. That's not a conversation you have for those type of individuals. So you know, we we actually do, like she said, it's time to turn the page. I am energetic. I am very hopeful. I feel like an energy that's gonna shift. I feel that the world rejects this notion of division. They don't want a president who is for some of the people, who feels like he has to take away the rights of people. You know, he has to the fame, people, disrespect people, he has to target people. I don't think. I don't think that's what America is. I think, yes, we've been built on racism, and America is a racist country. But I believe that we are growing more united. I believe that the old white supremacists are dying out. And that's what that's what Donald Trump represents to me. The old white supremacists with the white supremacists my state. They remember when the slavery, remember when black people had to stay in their place, and wasn't all these immigrants and in latinos here who don't speak to languish that they want so they don't think they belong here, and they're not patriotic all the bullshit. Those white men are dying out. And this is white supremacy's last dance. So when we would white supremacies ass today, it's going to charge a new way forward. We're going to see the beloved commit at some point the beloved community because we're breaking that all the batteries right, because if you. After you break down all the batteries, it's nothing else to constrain you. It's nothing else but freedom after we break down all the the barriers. And no, and no, Kamala Harris is not going to save black people. She ain't supposed to be. Well. She's going to do is save the soul and just the energy and the democracy of America. Right, that's what That's what America has always stood for. A democracy that you have an opinion, and you have a view, and your view is just as value as somebody else's. And just because it differs from someone else, just because your lifestyle, your mentality, the peap proachs and you love whatever differs from somebody else's doesn't make you less valuable. Right, And nobody should be able to hinder your personal preference. Nobody should be able to do that. People should be responsible for themselves, whether they like what you do or not. It doesn't give them the ability. It doesn't give them the right to impede upon your happiness, to impede upon your satisfaction, to impede upon the way that you want to live your life. That's within the laws, right, that's within the boundaries of laws of integrity and honor. Right that as long as you're not violated someone else's rights, people shouldn't be able to tell you how you live. No, And I think that's what's that stake in this election, you know, and anybody who doesn't see that, I'm confused. You know, people say, oh, Donald Trump was in over the floor or he ain't doing none of this stuff. He ain't. Did he puts Supreme Court justices that pretty much roll back civil rights. He constantly he executed more people than anybody. Like when you look at the overall message that Donald Trump has said, it's my way in the highway. And that's not how you rule for the people by the people, right. You can't. You can't completely impose your will on the whole country. Right. And the thing is if somebody thinks that, right, the person that thinks like that is dangerous. So you can't give that person access to power. You just can't. You know. It's it's really like when you talk about the Avengers, you know, and you see what they was fighting against. There was one man who decided that there's too many people in the world and he needed to get the five stones so that he can go cut the population and people can live comfortably and they can live happened, but there's no way that they was going to do it with all these people. So he felt it was his destiny to save the world by getting rid of people that he deemed weren't valuable enough, you know. And and that's that's pretty much the mind state that we have here. You know, you have a dictator who decides, you know what these immigrants he we're not from here. They don't deserve to be here. They're not really human. They come here, they violators, the rapists and kill us all of the negative things, you know, Puerto Rico. You know, Haiti's a shipthold all type of everything he could think of to the mean anything that's non white, you know. And that's that's just not presidential to me. It's not strong. It's not somebody who deserves the highest highest title of this life. So, like I said, we were on the campaign trail, and while we were out there, we talked too many people. You know what we're gonna do right now, I'm gonna bring you to an interview that pretty much Tamika. Did you know with our brother killer Mike along this campaign trail and he took us through Atlanta, and he showed us the thriving economy in Atlanta, and he took us to his restaurant, and he took us to a place where he supports these young youths. You're gonna hear about everything that happened. But Tamika has this interview, and I want you to tune into this interview real quick. Tell me what you think.

Well, I'm the guy. How y'all doing this?

Long time?

Welcome to the West Side and our brother killer Mike. But I listen, let them know about Atlanta, please, Ivanda, Georgia.

Is this an amazing place of opportunity for everyone, especially African America. Where we're standing right now is fast you know as the West Side. The bluff is over there. Rollo's from there, Able Mabel Thomas, one of my greatest politicians in there. But this strip is where everybody's from. Me t I shot and old Young Grove, all of us up it down here, and lots of black business, whether it was black business like you ball, black business like the Caato family, a black business like Russell family. This is where opportunity abound. I'm from the car of Heights, Damnsville, sent you right here. We're on the back head the north Side drive. But this is where you come. This is where you open disneys, This where you recycle the black dollar. This is where black political power when the district of firing name is right now, the amazing city council person. So when you come to Atlanta, don't just go to Buckhead and don't just go to the suburbs.

Friend your ass to the westside and get some food.

If we had time, I take everybody to the froom plan right now you can ask a question.

So so many people come to me and they say, you know, kill a mic.

We don't really know where he stands politically.


And I hear you saying that I gotta talk to everybody.


And then after I'm gonna talk.

There, going to and after.

Being out here with you and seeing all the stuff that you own, I get that can't And you and Paul kids, So you a board member and a big financial donor to or at least you bring a lot of rest to us, to Paul Kids. And therefore you every election and every.

Pressure on everybody.

What I just seeing all the things that you're doing, you anti rether It's not with us.

But y'all are buying up stuff everywhere. Why don't you talk about your.

Political position and why it's important for you to be working with everybody, or.

At least putting pressure on everybody that.

Helped you to get it.

My political position is I grew up in an all black world. This all the way to pulling industrials all black nouvel child. So all my heroes and billings looked like me. The Democrats looked like me.

They was black. The Republicans looked like me, they were black.

They have arguments that at the end of the day, if it was to feed the homeless campaign, they were right there there to each other being a homies right now, to the opel wiggers doing it, and then when they in the campaign, that's right there together. So first and foremost, I'm a black man. I'm fighting on behalf of this black community. I want to see the black dollars circulating. I want to see black business ownership and black opportunity to abound. So you say you don't know my political side. What you really said is, oh, man, he's out on my side, or I think he's out on my side. I don't know what your side is because I don't live in your city, but I know in Atlanta. If George has been number one in business the last ten years, then part of that has to do with two Republican governments. They can deal and him. It ain't that I want a kids, ask and love everybody, and everybody's gonna be okay. You have some goddamn resources that.

I get on my side of death.

Listen to me, man, when our state getn't close during COVID, I wasn't the one celebrating the women and men who working on this court.

Dor was celebrating because they death it was over. I'm not talking about yeah.

So I'm just saying complex as politics can be, it really is as simple to me.

It's who benefits this side of time trail. So now what we are. Did you ask out in vote?

That's it?

And demand something today after you vote because you didn't. You didn't think to have an agenda before that. But I'll tell you what I like about Cobbler's agenda. She added, marijuana. Marijuana is not broken over the Georgia in recreation. When it breaks off in recreationally, I'm bugging our government.

Tagging them, Hey man, how do we get in on it.

I want people who look like us, because we spent the last fifty years of prohision, actually since nineteen thirty seven, long that we spent, we laid the brown work, getting arrested.

Were to Governor Kim Absolutely, people think.

That you just be in his friend.

Yeah, I can be anybody's free, but being your friend on stock the sack.

I got to ask you for something because you have an office, your office, your office hood forty million dollars roughly something in trade schools. If it wouldn't have been for the progressive candidate Ben Support who ran and lost for mayor, that money wouldn't have made it here because he pitched it.

He fished and raise hell about it doing Nathan deal.

When we come back around in my relationship with Governor Kimp, I'm saying, hey man, trades and the in the high school, we need to think about trades. We need thinking center in trades. When it came time for him to do the whole scholarship bill, he didn't only give it the academic scholarship, he gave it the trades.

Well. That saw him with debate with Mike calls that or Mike then caused that.

But I know I was saying that every step of the way gang enhancement bill he signed, I was dividing it against that bill, but he gave me audience. He gave me audience with him and his administration. He still signed the bill. I let him know I didn't agree with it, and I said, well, I'm a pivot right to the prosecutors. I'm supporting. Finally, Lewis Finnie Williams in this game. Part of my supporter hers continued upon me, saying, look, I'm gonna support you.

We need to get you back and office.

The witness said, I don't want to see raptors persecuted for work lyrics, and I don't want to see gang enhancement kids. For every kid that had no other friend group, he wasn't good at sports, he didn't join the boy scouts who had decided maybe to be a crip or blood. You know, he is as much a victim as a thirteen year old girl who gets trained to go coach to seduce another thirteen year old room in the prostitution. And if we don't give boys that same grace and discretion, we're gonna be locking up our boys in next thirty forty years while women are just out here with no one. Mary vond the Builder, what do.

You think about them saying that black men are not gonna show up?

I think that's bullshit. So the black men we mem with today is shown up. So you just gotta call bullshit now that The thing, though, is they deserve something. They deserve strong reunions, they deserve better paying jobs. They deserve people opportunities in marijuana. They deserve to know that once something is with my probation of Kimmoedy that I can't get be resisted to both because it's the big detailer. They deserve these things and I'm here to make sure it.

Happens after it was now laughing.

You just want to know, because you know, I'm all about community empowerment, but I'm now forty four years old, and I'm also about how.

We gonna live and sup money. That's right, money, money, money.

Money out.

So I want to know.

Tell us about what you own, and you ain't gonna tell us everything you own?

Why I just I've ended up. Just why the bus decision I made with my wife.

You can hope her grandmama ran a little house so she learned how to do book girls.

And me and yeah yeah shay.

Me, me and t I invested in. We bought a fifty old just one of his restaurants. We bought a fifty old restaurant down the street from a woman named Is telling Hard. He's eighty five years old. Have the longest standing restaurant on bank Head Highway. And I bought it with we some rappers, eggs, No boy, he bought it. We didn't know what to do and what Shade and Crystal Peterson, Doug Peters, like Doug who wants to track me to me them what they've been able to do over the last four years is fight tooth and neil getting a restaurant open. We need to get us licensed and get the right contractors in there to get the dinsit homes that we know we deserved. And they're the typic of sphere. Much like Michael Jordan's mother, march Is asked, man, so you're gonna get these Jordans. We ain't gonna wait for addas do the right thing. They marched in. They went and got the loans and when we got the constructed before they hired, we had an all black instructed team. We have the two brothers own had two amazing black women in the tipulus here, and they've done it. So my business endeavors on this hours. I did what I saw Joe boys do when I was flying, I mean when they were alive. The guys that I looked up to, like Bat Steve Jones, guys like Tony be As, guys like slip Money, they bought all along here. They fought all along here. And you've learned by example what's good business. Before I ever owned one of these skyscrapers, I should own a rental house. And that's what I learned from my heroes I looked up to, both legitimate and illegitimate. So all me and T I doing dope man business. That's what you're supposed to do. You supposed to buy the neighborhood that you live in. You're supposed to refurbish the housing till one hundred and forty three affordable housing units down the street by wife and our own apartment building right down the street, where about turning into twenty units. That's why they're by myself, no damon or no course yet what just doing what you're supposed to be.

You know, that's being best parking kids that why do that You're doing all this other stuff because so many kids suffer from lack of confidence.

If my speakers are dirty, if I don't smell.

Clean, if I'm not confident about my hair or haircut, I'm not gonna be confident to know that I'm competent in school. What LaToya Latanya's doing is absolutely, absolutely amazing because she gives kids the confidence.

She gives them a quiet, safe place to do their work.

She gives them a pantry to come pick up stuff from question whether that's hygiene items, whether that's the items.

Of foods and stuff they need.

She's doing what Jesus would have done, tracking count right up and down.

And that was at.

First that story, how do you smell?

You want to?

And I'm not asking for I'm asking.

You about what you want to see back if you listen to my song Sopping for Junkies off the Grammy Award winning out of Michael Shopping for Junkies, the second verse tells you when I say, you know, I walk up straight trap with great count and my money. Had a quick convo with my auntie the junkie. She said, baby, I said, baby, you've been going too hard like for you like sixty, baby, But you've been looking eighty, she said, She Michael, I've been smoking since eighty. The photo shoots back when they still called the Free Basis. She closed the eyes, fantasized by better time when she was beautiful mind and still snorting lines. She told me stories the GLORI I was saying, suit Atlanta, not like rich black black Clama Klamba Boosie ah man. If I wouldn't have been a little dope boy thinking I had made some money because I had made ten thousand dollars and my auntie hadn't got a chance to sit out and tell me, nigga, I used to fuck out my niggas.

D'all buy y'all dope, so you ain't nobody special, and the only reason we fuck with you is because you treat us like. She said that to me.

I understood and't want no glory. I understood that I was just doing something that I thought was cool and made it easier to survive because I could it when he got a bullshit job six flag, I didn't want to do that. I understood in that moment that me recognizing her humanity, what's the most valuable thing I could do. So what I'm doing in my my elder statesmanship is recognizing that humanity, recognizing the sins I've made as a child, and correcting those sins by now coming back with the dope and investing in those people. I hire people that have just gotten out of jail. I hire people that are recovering from addiction. We use those community of people to strength and want anohing to make sure that each everybody to keep their head up in the game, even if it seems.

Like you lose it.

And like I say, man, not only did we bring a restaurant back, we brought thirty and forty job that with it.

And that's what we continue to money have you lost in the pride?

I lost time.

I lost lots of money.


You don't take more losses than win.

How much money would you say, if somebody got ten thousand dollars, can they get into on too?

I don't know. This is what I know.

I know if you got ten grand that you should save someone, you should put something away from the vestage. But you got grand that you you you probably shouldn't blow it at the buzz. You probably should put your ten grand into some pipe of real estate, vent your stock. So if you want to buy, say a piece of property for one hundred thousand.

Bucks, you know ten grand, basically ten percent of that.

Get somebody else With ten grand, y'all got twenty percent. Y'all get a rental home, get a duplex or something to stay on one side, fix it up, rnt out the other side. Start very simple and small and don't put your job your job.

That that was the biggest special right And listen, you're making me want to cry on tax thread.

We share have special mode. I'm gad and I love you.

Appreciate you, and you're a leader. I appreciate I know you do. But what I saw, I know it.

I heard us a live So we're coming back.

Are you gonna be with us?

And ultimately what people needed the opportunity south Foldson County. So over here on the west side, this is this is movie.

We called the Wan.

He's he's running for post three. He's one of the people we're gonna be voting for because he's one of us. Now he's from Boring Home housing project. That's what setan nooid from one of the most Tori's housing projects, South Fullerton.

Now looks like going home Houston.

But now it's flipp because now what they've done and they've gentrified the West Side, they're pushing poor people out. And before I'm going to tell you, before he said it's a black thing, it's a black city. They did the white folks first over Cabintown like ninety six. They pushed the white phones out of Clayton County. Doc martybus is coming.


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TMI is the dynamic, new video-taped podcast featuring activists Tamika D. Mallory and Mysonne, the G 
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