Episode 139: Strange World Travels with Forrest Connor!

Published Jun 16, 2023, 4:00 PM

The Wizard illuminates his friend Forrest and his methods that help the Wizard with new experiments.

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Ready to be amazed by the wizard of Weird Strange Things with Joshua Warren.

I am Joshua B. Warren, and each week on this show, I'll be bringing you brand new mind blowing content, news, exercises, and weird experiments you can do at home, and a lot more on this edition of the show, Strange World Travels with Forrest Connor. Forrest Connor has been one of my best friends for decades. I met him when he was a radio producer in Asheville, North Carolina, and he ended up becoming my producer for years on my radio show called Speaking of Strange. Well, he and I have been on so many adventures together that I would honestly have to sit down with a pad and pin and spend a few hours trying to remember everything. I mean, We've worked on lots of TV shows and movies together. We have done tons of experiments that could have easily killed either of us at any time. But without going over all that, here is the point of this show. For years, Forrest has been a true professional world traveler because he took a job as an international flight attendant. One day he's in Japan, and then he's in the Middle East, and then he's in Bulgaria, and then he's in Australia. I mean, it's truly astounding, and he's taking advantage of his travels to help me with some new experiments here in Las Vegas. Well, recently, Forrest was here in Vegas, so I decided to do something I've never done before. We poured a couple of drinks on a sunny day here. We sat in my living room next to my pool I put some microphones on our shirts and we just had a real conversation about anything and everything regarding traveling the world. And you, yes, you are about to hear that conversation. So what can I say? Just relax and enjoy. Here is me recently chatting face to face with my old pal Forrest Connor. So I am sitting here at my house in Las Vegas, next to the swimming pool, having a nice glass of single malt Scotch with my good buddy Forrest Connor.

Welcome back to Vegas Forest.

Thank you sir. How are you?

I am doing great good.

I'm happy that it's actually believed it or not starting to warm up again. Most people hate the heat in Vegas, but we haven't hit the triple digits yet, so it's really nice out here today.

We're just sitting outside and by the pool. Is really nice out there. But you know, like you said, both of us are getting a little thinner on top, and yeah, well we got to come inside to protect our heads.

When the sun goes down, We're going to break out some Winston Churchill cigars.


We're living high on the hog tonight forest. Now, those who have followed I guess my work. Know that you and I have been friends for at least twenty years, right least at least.

It's almost impossible.

I think back on some of my most prominent memories and it's like Forest was there, Forrest was there. You've been there for most of the most of great But now your life has really taken a huge, unexpected turn because for how many years now.

Have you had this new jobs going on?

It's my fourth year and now four years? Good lord?

You are an international flight attendant, correct, So you are a professional world traveler. You could say that, Yeah, you're a true international man of mystery.

I get paid to see the world.

Okay, try to run down a list of.

The places you've been in the past four years. Oh Lord, Josh, yeah, yeah, Well, I mean I'll just go and order what I remember. Romania, Lafia, Ukraine, Poland, Amsterdam, Kuwait, Bahrain, Chibouti, Africa.

Greece, Hawaii, I gwam because the list goes on. In Australia, Australia, Japan, Japan, South Korea. The list just goes on and on.

It's like when people ask me, say, what is your weirdest experience or what is your scaries, I'm like, oh boy, I just you know, you can't. I can't think of one because there are so many.

When I opened up my phone toward the end of the year, says you were in eighteen countries this year, I was like, really so yeah.

And we were talking earlier about just how wealthy one would have to be to travel.

To all those places in four years.

I mean, you'd have to be a multi multi millionaire you would, yeah, and plus who would want to keep that schedule?

But nonetheless, before we.

Get into some of your experiences traveling here is one of the exciting projects that you've been working with me on. Now that I have the Sigil Lab, everybody knows that I am extracting patterns from water that we are playing different kinds of tones in. But we also have the more traditional part of the Sigil Lab, where we have a Chlodney plate, which is a flat plate that you can put sand or salt or some kind of a particulate on like that, and you can see those very classic patterns that will appear that look kind of like snowflakes that snap into different shapes when you play different tones. So I was curious as to whether or not different sands from around the world would create different effects when exposed to tones. So, for example, if I were to take sand from the beach in California and sand from the Giza Plateau in Egypt and play the same tone, well, you'd think we should get the same design.

But what if we don't.

I mean, different minerals, different what you call it, different, different different kinds of sand. Yeah, I mean, I mean differently. I mean and consist constructed differently.

It's like, for example, I collected some sand from Taos, New Mexico, because people talk about the Taos hum and I don't want to sort of spoil the surprise for people in terms of what kind of sand that I have access to here. But there's no way that you can just go out and put out an APB to whoever lives wherever and say, please send me some sand and feel confident that you're getting the real thing. You have to have somebody that you know and trust collect it for you. Hence this new project, because you told me that you would be happy to go out and personally collect some samples for me, right exactly, and today you brought me some wonderful samples again, I don't want to tell everybody at this point where they're from, but some of them are pretty amazing.

Some of them even without cimatics being involved.

I'm getting ready to break out my instruments and just take some measurements from the sand itself.

Right, you might want to break out the Geiger counter.

Yeah, I think that's the first thing I'm going to break out, right, And so you are, you're remembering when you go to these places to go out and collect sand just for this project.

Thank you for doing that, no problem again, how else could you do it reliably?

Right? Yeah? Even like you know, sand that from like the northern hemisphere might act different but than sand from the southern hemisphere, cause it I mean different polarizations. Who knows.

Yeah, And so this is I don't think anybody's ever done anything quite like this before. And it just brings me great satisfaction to know that these are the real samples. I'm getting the real thing straight from a trusted source there. So that's something that I will be testing and experimenting with and unveiling later this year. And and who knows, if I start finding that there's really something peculiar about the different sands of the world when exposed to these tones. Well, then this may be a lifelong project where we just keep building up this, you know, huge library of sands and soils and salts and whatever we can get our hands on from around the world. Back to your travels, So, my goodness, there's so many questions.

Well, you, for one thing, you love your job.

I love it.

And so without getting you know, too too specific, what what kind of flights are you involved with?

Well, we, uh, the company I work for, we do a bunch of the military flights. If there's a military military air base in the world, I've probably been to it. I mean, you know, we have a lot of stuff in Europe, and a lot of stuff in like Eastern Europe now, especially with the whole stuff with Russia going on right now, we've sort of wrapped up stuff in that area. But also you know, Asia, Southeast Asia down down, like of course, a lot of stuff in the United States. But you know, if there's a again, if there's a military arry base there, I've probably been there.

And what would the average person find most surprising about your job traveling to all these different countries in a short period of time.

Well, I would say in a political sense that people that have not traveled extensively thing they haven't bad here in the United States. Just go to some of these other countries and walk out like two or three miles from the resorts or the hotel areas and see the true poverty that's going on in that area. And every time you come back or every time you see that, you're thankful for what you have have and and what you have. And I want to say, what you what you don't have some for some things, yeah, what you take for granted.

When we come back from this break, I will ask Forrest about the danger that he has been in as a world traveler. And by the way, I am wearing a new object on my body. I am experimenting with it still, but I am loving what's happening. And so if this continues to go well, I'm going to be telling you about it. If you subscribe to my free e newsletter, go to Joshua Pewarren dot com and right there on the homepage you'll see your little box. You put your email address in there, hit submit, and then you'll instantly receive some free gifts for me, and you will be the first to hear about what this new thing is that I'm playing with. I love it. I'm joshuaipe Warren. You're listening to Strange Things on the iHeartRadio and kh to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network, and I will be right back. Keep it here on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network, The Wizard of Weird will be right back.

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Welcome back to Strange Things on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast am Paranormal Podcast Network. I am your host, the Wizard of Weird, Joshua P. Warren, beaming into your wormhole brain from my studio in Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada, where every day is golden and every night is silver. H giatato, zoom me. And you know what, I allow very few people to come and visit me at my home. One of them is my old pal Forest Connor. And so now let's get back to my recent conversation with him face to face. And so, now, when you go into these places, because we know that poverty produces desperation, which can lead to crime and all that, have you ever felt threatened because you actually get out And for those who don't realize you are a true curious explorer. When you have time in these places, you go out sometimes by yourself.

I'll go out by myself at places. There's been a couple places I would say I won't say particularly where, but let's say Eastern Europe that again you go out beyond the resort areas and everything, and for the most part it's safe. But I have had some people say that come up to me and while I'm taking pictures or just just explore in a little area and tell me that they're the police. And I was like, no, you're not, and he's like, yes, I am. You you got to pay money to take pictures. I was like no, I was like, it's cool, I don't have to take He's like, you got to go talk to my friend. And at this at that point, I just sort of walk away and just just either go back to the hotel, let things cool off for a little bit, then I'll go right back out. But for the most part, things where I've been has been pretty safe. But you've just got to watch your back.

You hear stories about tourists being kidnapped in some of these countries, and I mean, is.

That something that you consider. I mean, it's possible.

I mean, you know, you're you've got to know what you're doing. You don't don't go out there and be an idiot, right, don't go out there and drink, drink, say that you don't know what they are be don't drink. Uh, don't drink by yourself. Have someone that's always gonna be with you to watch your back, and but just don't be an idiot and you'll be fine. But but always say vigilant, I guess is what I'm saying.

When it comes to to drinking, you know, going to a bar, having a a beer or a cocktail or something like that. How how prevalent is it? Especially in these Middle Eastern countries. You always hear about all these weird restrictions on alcohol. How did how does that affect you as an American?

Well, you go to countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and a bunch of bunch of Middle Eastern countries, there is no alcohol at all. There's no alcohol, no pornography, no, no, no, no sh I mean some places you have to keep you still have to keep your head covered, especially if you're female. But there's other countries like Bahrain and Dubai where you can drink. And but for example, we were at a hotel in Bahrain. And just because alcohol is such a rare thing, I mean bah Rain, it's readily available, but it has to be shipped in. I had three beers. I think just maybe I'm not sure what kind of beers they were, just just beers. I had three beers. I was charged forty five dollars Wow for three drinks. Nothing special, exactly exactly, no in Vegas. You know, you gamble enough, they'll keep you the drinks for free, all right.

And so now when it comes to smoking, what parts of the country or parts of the world smoke the most and the least.

From what I've seen, is like Japan, you will never see anyone smoking on the street at all. They have a little smoking areas in the in the hotels, but you will never see I won't say never, but you might see someone smoking on the street, but you won't see them throw their butts away. They put their cigarettes back back in their pocket or have a little trash receptacle. But that's another thing. Is like Japan. You know it's so clean, but there are no trash cans around. There's no trash cans on the street. Everyone carries a little little waiste container when they'll throw it away when they get to a restaurant or somewhere else. But in the Middle East smoking is pretty prevaliant, prevalent, and whiskey's getting to this. But no, in the Middle East, you can probably buy a pack of like equivalent like whatever your your regular brand cigarettes are for less than two American dollars. And so everyone's smoking. And of course the streets are all littered with cigarette butts, and and they have a more relaxed attitude about smoking in the Middle East than we do in the States.

By the way, I know people are going to email me and say, what kind of scotch you guys drink it? Well, it's Alexander Murray in company. This is a age thirteen years single scotch and distilled in.

The year two thousand and it's a beautiful drink too.

I like it.

Yeah, well, you know it's scotch. I know it's an acquired taste, but once you acquire it right exactly, you know it's good.

All right.

So, now all that said, do.

You feel that.

Especially now, say in a place like Las Vegas, where now weed is legal, you can gamble twenty four to seven, You can still smoke cigarettes indoors all over the place. There are a lot of other fun things that you can do in this area that are restricted in most Would you say that this is the the most free or the freest place in the world, or if you've been somewhere that you think has more freedom, to.

Think about that for a second. I would say definitely is the most freest place in the United States? To do what you want to do. But you know, I would say Bulgaria, really Bulgaria. I mean there's casinos all over the place and you can I mean with the exception of like I mean, they still have like hotel rooms you can smoke in and and and smoking on the street. But from what I understand, Bulgaria sort of the is the place where Europe is Europe's playground, whereas Las Vegas is America's playground. So you can Bulgaria good price is I think the rate of ex changed last time I was there is one US dollar equaled about three Bulgarian Bulgarian lev or lay over there.

Now, you did a live report one time from Germany about the werewolves there, right, And now when you have traveled.

And you've been to places like you've been to Turkey where that the evil eye is a big thing. Yeah, actually that was Greece. Oh was that Greece?


And you even sent me some evil rye goodies. So have you had a sense in your travels that one place or another is more open to supernatural, paramormal, mystical types of themes.

Well, I can tell you that Germany, from what I understand, Germany is pretty close to it. Because I was doing the research on the the the werewolf there in Germany and which I think was the name of the little town and you know there's it was called the Monster of Morbach, which is the main town in that area. And people I would ask them, people like, oh, that's just a ghost story, nothing, nothing come of that. And other people would just shut down and say I don't know anything about it, or I don't want to talk about it. Say Germany. From what I can tell, it might be the language barrier. It's like some boys speaking English that doesn't know no German. We're not going to talk to him. But they were pretty pretty shut down about things. But the hotel we stay at a lot supposedly has a spirit there in room well room one oh one at the hotel we stay at, people have reported seeing an apparition in that room and think and things being touched, doors opening, what actually water facet's being turned on. And but as far as like openness, I mean the Middle Eastern they're pretty much they're open to it because they have the gen legends of the Gin and like genies and like a bunch of other supernatural stuff. They'll sit there and they'll talk to you about it about like an experiences that they've had. So I would say Germany is probably the most closed closed I want to stay closed minded, but very the most the least likely to talk about stuff that happens and liked. The Middle East seems to be pretty open about it.

And do you find that one country? Well, like, you've been to Romania, so you have. You haven't made it up to Transylvania yet, right, yeah, No. One thing that impressed me about going to Transylvania was that it looked exactly like it looks.

In the horror movies, you know, right, But of.

All the places you've traveled to, what would you consider the spookiest the creepiest. Well, if you have had to shoot a classic universal horror movie or something like that, anything stand up.

Germany would definitely be one. Yeah. But also, you know, going back to the Middle East, some of these I mean just sort of the the filmmaker that I used to be or still am in my head says, oh, this would be a great scene for for for something like where you can see someone coming from a long way away and this this stuff happening. But but Middle East and you know, I think a great setting for a horror movie would be like Norway or something like that, just some kind of Nordic some kind of Nordic uh, Nordic slash Christmas theme horror movie. It would be a It would be a fun place to do, uh, to do a horror movie from what I've seen.

And you said that Norway was expensive, right, it was? And so so what place is the best place to do your shopping? Where do you get the best deals?

Well, that's a good place to take a break, isn't it. Where do you get the best deals in the entire world when you are able to travel the entire world. We'll hear that when we come back. I am Joshua P. Warren, and you are listening to Strange things on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network, and I will be back after these important messages.

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Now let's get back to Strange Things with Joshua P. Warren. Welcome back to Strange Things All on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM, a R normal podcast network. I'm your host, Joshua pe Warren, and this is the show where the unusual becomes usual. And now back to my conversation about traveling the world with Forrest Connor.

Where do you get the best deals?

The best deals will probably be in Romania. Yeah, yeah, because for example, you can go like, of course, you know H and EM is everywhere, the clothing store H and M and Zarah is everywhere. It's like you can go to H and M. And this was my first trip actually, and I had just gotten done with training in Miami, and they're like dress for Miami, dress from Miami. And as soon as I got done with my training on my trip, they send me to they send me to Romania at Halloween and it's like it's cold, it's in and I go and buy a nice jacket there. For it was like thirty lay, which is well, I would pay thirty dollars to begin with, but it was like equivalent like ten us dollars, which was amazing, and if I would have had more room in the suitcase, I would have bought more. But shopping, I mean Kuwait shopping is that's I think the Kuwaity dollars the most most most valuable, or not the Quaity dollars, but the Quady dinnar is most It's like pretty much one uh one dinar one KD equals like almost almost four dollars US. So if something says, hey, this this bottled whiskey is one dinar, that's gonna be the equivalent of like four dollars US.

So kind of kind of.

Kind of throws you off when you say, oh, this is only one KD or two KD and when it's really you have to multiply about almost four.

Where do you ext change your money at the.

Airport or you can do it at the airport, or you can do it at your local bank. Is what do you decide to do? Usually, well, actually, I'm based in Houston, and I have not changed my bank to Houston yet, so I don't have a local branch of my bank in Houston. So usually I'll do it at the airport, or I'll just hold on to money and there's places like I do have my local bank in other cities like Seattle or or all that. I will wait till I go to one of these cities and it's changed my money there.

And do you are there countries you go to where you can handle them an American dollar and they're fine with it.

There are there's a lot, of course, like I said, a lot of the places we go or US military basis, so a lot of the places on base you can give them American money and they will be totally fine with it.

You know, these past four years that you've been working this job have been unprecedented in the history of UFO disclosure. Pentagon has finally been admitting that there are things flying around out there that cannot be explained. And here you have been spending a lot of time in the air all around the world. Right, So do you ever hear any kind of UFO buzz?

I do, but you know, and you know, I've talked to pilots that say they've seen stuff, but they don't want to report anything because people will think that they're crazy or they're they're be risking their job if they were to report something like that. And I've seen I don't want to call it to me it's a UFO because I couldn't explain what it was. But it could it could have been another plane, it could have been something else. But by the time I would get up to the flight deck to talk to the pilots about say hey, what's this right here, it would be gone or they would just not want to talk about it.

What did it look like?

It was basically just a I mean because most of times a plane or an airplane the sky will have blinking vo blinking lights and everything. But this was just just a solid I mean, I mean, we're forty thousand feet in the air and it's probably about the same altitude we are, and it's about this, I would say, about the size of a marble, just sort of like staying with the plane and just going and every now and then you would see it dip down, dip up, left, right, and I mean I saw it. I can't explain it. I mean, who knows what it was. A lot of people have seen this. What's it called the starlink? What's his name, Elon Musk, Elon Musk, Starlink. I've seen several pictures of Starlink from the flight deck, which looks very interesting, just this whole whole grid or row of lights which is free you looking in itself.

So do you ever get used to the turbulence? I love the turbulence.

I do, actually, you know, when we're on the plane, we especially for the long flights, like if it's like a ten ten eighteen hour flight, we go and we take breaks, and the seven forty seven's have actually bunk beds in the plane that we can go and sleep for a couple hours. I love having turbulence, especially when I'm in the bunk bed.

It just rocks me to sleep. Wow, that's a good thing. I guess that's the requirement for your job basically.

And you know the planes are you know, the planes are built to withstand the turbulence. So and I've had passengers sitting next to the wing and like the wing will flex up and down, especially during turbulence, and they're freaking out, like it's no big deal. Just be glad the wing is flexing, Yeah, because if it was just a rigid wing, it would just break off, and well that wouldn't be a good scenario.

So now when you go to these countries and you've got some off time, and sometimes that could be days, right right, and you're out there walking around the locals. They don't know if this is a guy who works for an airline or something. You're just another tourist as far as they're concerned. Do you find that generally everybody is really nice or I do? Generally people are awesome Poland. They love Americans in Poland. I don't know what it is, but they love us.

And you know, for the most part, everyone knows English, yeah, pretty much. I don't know if you guys have played Dungeons and Dragons or anything along those lines. Like you have your Elvin language, you have your draconic language, you have your your Dwarming language, and then there's a common language. I sort of compare it to English. Is your common language. Everyone knows it and like everyone studies English in their schools, which is kind of embarrassing for us because you know, most Americans only know English, and that we don't. We don't. I mean, you know, a lot of people might know some some Espanol or or all that, but for the most part, the only language we know is English, which is which is sad because well, I guess Hollywood has been our best ambassador over the years as well.

Perhaps everybody watches movies that are that used to be the thing, you know, American movies, and so kind of helps you learn the language, I suppose. Well, so, what are there any places that you haven't been to that you would still think of as being on your bucket list?

Oh, Thailand, I would love to get to more Southeast Asia. But let me go back talking about the movies. Yeah, you mentioned the movies. I was just in Germany a couple of weeks ago, and you know, Guardians of the Galaxy three just came out. I was like, I really want to go see this movie. I had five days in Germany just sitting there. I was like, and so I look at the movies and it's like, well, how do I know if there's English version or or whatever. Well, one movie theater across the street from the hotel I stayed at. I go in there and I was like, Hey, do you guys speak English? And they're like, oh, yeah, we speak English. They're like, but the movies are in German. I was like, okay, well fine, but usually if you go and look at the listings on the movie theaters, they'll have in Germany they'll have like o V which means the original version, which is the original version of the movie came out in which is English. Then there's a site o v D, which is original version dubbed, and then o v S T with subtitles. But there was one theater about two miles away from where I was staying that showed the English English version of Guardians of the Galaxy three at at the movie theater. They do it once a week, and you know, but the majority of the people that were in there were German speaking, which is like, I don't know if just the the German version just sounds like oh key, my language, keep my language PG here it sounds sounds like crap, or if they just wanted to see the original version of of how it sounded how it was originally supposed to sound. Probably yeah, but uh but a lot of the movies over there are in our original version but they have German subtitles.

And so, uh, okay. So you said you would like to go back to or you would like to go to Thailand? Yes, uh, anywhere else?

Uh, Thailand is if there's a country I've not been to, I wanna go see it. Yeah, pretty much, I would like to get more in down to into South America An and in that area. But n TI, Thailand's on my bucket list, and I would love to get down like sing the Singapore area, just Southeast Asia.

I want to explore a little bit more. And so do you still feel comfortable though that? Uh, you'll you wanna keep America as your home? Definitely, Yeah, definitely.

I've h I've had friends that have gone to U to Croatia and everything said they're gonna retire there when they they go, when they when they uh, it's time for them to retire. But you know, if I had to retire to one area, I think I'm looking around at it right now. Yeah.

Pretty sweet deal here, Yeah it is, and it just keeps growing, it just keeps getting bigger.

So you know that studio, the studio you have here, Yeah, you know it could turn into a nice bedroom. Yeah, that's right.

There is plenty of room for expansion.

Well, you know, I've got some property at Area fifty one, so I need a caretaker up there.

We'll make some stuff underground there.

Yeah, right, we can there, there are no restrictions.

I can do what I want there.

Break time you're listening to Strange Things on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM para Normal Podcast Network, and I will be right back. Hang on, josh will be right back.

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Com and now more. Joshua P. Warren on the iHeartRadio and Coast to cost Am Paranormal Podcast Network.

Welcome back to the final segment of this edition of Strange Things on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM a Normal Podcast Network. I am your host, Joshua P. Warren, and here is the conclusion of my recent conversation with world traveler Forrest Connor.

Well, anything else you want to add, No, I think that's it.

Just like I said, it's good having some time off and being here with good friends and good drinks here in Vegas, and just then, just your studio looks amazing.

Thank you.

I think I think anyone that saw it would be very impressed.

Well, there's it's the batcave in my world.

Right right. And you know we were talking earlier about you know, ten years ago, Oh yeah, like who would have thunk who would have thunk it? Who would have thought that we would have been in the situations we're in now?

Well, you know that.

Actually, that's something else we ought to touch upon because having known each other for twenty years and having gone through so many adventures and worked on so many projects, we were talking about how that.

You can kind of try to plan your life out.

Right, but to a certain extent, you just sort of have to be open and look at opportunities and go with them, and you just it's like never say never, never say this is impossible for me, right right? Like, Like what did you say earlier about being a world traveler?

I said, I would never have thought I thought I would have done it, But you know, I've incorporated a few things and said I really wanted to change in my life. I mean, I've messed around with the wishing machine. I've messed around with Actually, you gave me a sigil back to keep me wealthy and something just to be happy. And for the most part, it's happened. Yeah.

So somebody's sitting out there right now and they think, well, I could never be a world traveler, or I could never live in Las Vegas, and you go out and have adventures at Area fifty one, and I'll sometimes if you just sort of relax and have an open mind and follow positive opportunities, magical things will happen, right.

I mean, I think the biggest thing is keep putting it out to the universe, keep telling yourself it's going to happen. I mean, you can't, like I said, you can't be saying. You can't say I want I want I want ten million dollars. It's like, don't don't say that. It's like, give yourself a more more realistic goal. Say, hey, by the time, by this time in two months, I would like to have enough money to be able to go go on this vacation, or I want to have enough money to to be happy. I want to I want to have a great relationship with with with my perfect person.

You know what, you bring up a really good point here, because if somebody says they somebody says I have a wish, I want to get a wishing machine or whatever, and I say, what do you want to wish for? They say a million dollars? And I said, okay, well what would you do with that million dollars? And they say I would travel the world. Well, just think there are ways you can travel the world without having a million dollars, right, And that's why, as you have discovered, and that is why I always tell people instead of wishing for the money, wish for what you want, because let the universe figure out how to make it happen for you.


Well, you know it's funny you say that because you had a podcast. God, this is two or three years ago. I think it was when you were still doing your your Joshua People Wearing Daily. Yeah, you're JPWA daily. He said, wish for a butterfly? Yeah, And I was like, and like, you just kept talking about butterflies and eventually later in the podcast it's like you don't have to it doesn't have to be Butterfly. But by that point I was already already committed to Butterfly. And I was sitting there, I stud I was driving from from North Carolina, I think Texas at the time, and just sitting there just listening to the podcast, is like, Okay, I'm gonna manifest a butterfly. I'm gonna manifest a Butterfly, and just kept just sort of just repeating myself that like this as a As a trip went on, and you know, I get into the hotel late late that evening and you know, I just turned on the TV and you know, this might be a little risky, but uh I turned on the TV and there's one of these adult adult toy programs on the TV. You know what I'm talking about. No, of course, not your your ears are you've got your CC friendly? Yes?

Well, I mean, of.

Course obviously this was FCC friendly too, right, But anyway, it's one of these, uh this infomercials talking about and I turn it on and they're advertising a Butterfly toy. I was like, well, you know what, I never expected the butterfly to manifest in that way, but by gosh, I manifested a butterfly.

We see how it filters through.

Forrest Connors like exactly, it's like I want to see it, I said. All I said is I want to see a butterfly. Yeah, I mean who knows, I mean how it manifested itself. But it did manifest itself. It might not manifest itself in the way you think it's going to manifest itself, but it will just put it out to the universe. It will manifest itself.

That's part of the fun of manifestation exercises. You don't know how it's going to happen, right, and it usually surprises you. Very rarely does it happen exactly as you think it's going to. And that's why it's good to stay focused on the end product rather than how you get there, which is like skipping the money to go to like what would you do with the money? Focus on the experience. So well, Forrest, who knows what the next chapter in our saga is going to be, but so far, so good. So congratulations on all of your success being a world traveler, and thank you for being such a great.

Friend all these years. No problem, and I'll keep that sand coming in.

Okay, I can't wait to update everybody soon on the progress of that project.

All right, now, let's go gamble Forest.

Let's do it.

Let's win some money.

And yes, we did go out and we did win some money. So once again, thank you Forrest for sitting down for that conversation, and I will keep all of you updated on this new project taking sand from all around the world and putting it into the Parisiamatics system and really just cimatics in general to see what we get from it. Thanks too Forrest going out there and collecting personally sand from around the world. I mean again, do you I mean, do you think that's a coincidence?

Nah, it can't be.

Amazing synchronicity, right, A couple of things I want to tell you. For one thing, if this podcast for some reason sounds a little weird, it's because I've been having some computer issues. I'm pretty sure the men in black are tapping into our conversation here. Don't worry. We keep everything within the proper bounds here. But one thing also, I wanted to mention here in this podcast that you may or may not find interesting. It's just kind of trivial, you know. Forrest and I we stayed out really late that night, and you know, we will. We hung out in my pool till late, and then we walked to a nearby establishment and you know, we gambled and all that kind of thing. And I bring this up because that well, the next day, you know, I was pretty tired, and so I have this mix where's it's like a sixty milligram caffeine powder you just mix with water. And I said, you know what, today, I'm going to take two of these things, and I mix two of these together. So we're talking one hundred and twenty milligrams of caffeine and I drink.

It, and I kid you not.

After that, I got so sleepy and I said, I think I'm going to go take a nap. And I went right into my room and I just crashed out and slept for like three hours. Isn't that weird? I think I have my wires crossed. Sometimes I take energy drinks and they make me sleepy. Or I might drink, like, you know, a couple shots of liquor or something like that and it wakes me up. Which you know, a lot of people they get sleepy when they have liquor.

So I don't know.

I just figured I'd mentioned that to you, because that was just an odd thing that happened. But you know, Forrest and I had had a wonderful time and you know, speaking of other kind of anomalous just random things. Though, right after Forrest left, my dad called me, and of course my dad's in North Carolina and he called and he says, Josh, I don't know if this is of interest to you or not. He goes, this, you know is kind of neither here nor there, But I just wanted you, wanted to let you know since you talk about strange things. He says, I just opened up.

He said, I.

Broke open an egg, just a storeball egg, and he said there were.

Two yolks in the egg.

And he said, it turns out two chickens can hats from one egg. Did you know that? I said, well, I guess that's kind of like twins. And he says, yeah, exactly. You don't think about such a thing, but sure enough, and again it's called strange things, so what the hey, it turns out that one and one thousand eggs has two yolks inside, and you never know if you're gonna have an egg that hatches two chickens. That's kind of interesting, isn't it. All Right, We're almost out of time here, so let us now do what we usually do. Relax, if you can, take a deep breath, meditate for a moment. Let's make your next week the best ever. Here's the good Fortune Tom. That's it for this edition of the show. Follow me on Twitter at Joshua P. Warren. Plus visit Joshua Pwarren dot com to sign up for my free e newsletter to receive a free instant gift, and check out the cool stuff in the Curiosity Shop all at Joshuapwarren dot com. I have a fun one lined up for you next time, I promise, So please tell all your friends to subscribe to this show and to always remember the Golden Rule. Thank you for listening, thank you for your interest and support. Thank you for staying curious, and I will talk to you again soon. You've been listening to Strange Things on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network.

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