#78 Living a meaningful life with Derek Sivers: Insights on entrepreneurship, minimalism, and deep happiness

Published May 3, 2023, 7:00 PM

Derek Sivers is an author of philosophy and entrepreneurship, known for his surprising quotable insights and pithy, succinct writing style. Formerly a musician, programmer, TED speaker, and circus clown, he sold his first company for $22 million and gave all the money to charity. Sivers' books (How to Live, Hell Yeah or No)

The enigmatic Derek Sivers shares his insights on life and entrepreneurship.

From his unconventional path to success as a musician and founder of CD Baby to his philosophy on minimalism and deep happiness, Derek offers a fresh perspective on how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

He discusses his daily practice of questioning and refining his values and shares his "hell yeah or no" metric for making decisions. 

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