Be Anxious For Nothing

Published Mar 29, 2024, 7:52 PM

A Sunday resurrection message

I come from the school of Tupac, I'm around you. Don't want to work.

I want to ask you a question real quick. Let's just keep it real straight shot with no taste. So I'm gonna get a little bit rougher.

I'm here for it. Those who really believed in the American process. All of us straight shot. No chaser with your girl, Tesla Figaro on the Black Effect podcast. And that word ain't. This is Tesla Figaro with straight shot. No chaser. I wanted to record some words today uh for the podcast and for you,

uh Happy Easter. This is the day that we acknowledge for those in the Christian faith that acknowledge that he has risen and I appreciate so many of you and your um kind words yesterday when I made a post about a funeral I was attending

and while I was at the funeral, uh I went by, obviously, you know, my mother's uh grave site who's buried at the same place that we buried my friend yesterday and her anniversary uh death. Um uh the day that she transitioned on um was

March 29th. And so we had a funeral on March 30th. And so, um, it just really, I just needed to stop by and talk to her for a moment and I know many of you say, well, what do you mean? You can't talk to the dead? They moved on. I, I get all of that.

Um, but there's something about going to, uh, your loved one's resting place and being able to have a conversation and it ties in and again, if you're not of the Christian faith, then you know, that's fine. But it just reminds me how Mary Magle uh went by the tomb.

Uh Even though they said that uh Christ was dead, even though they said he had no more life, even though they said there was nothing else that could be done. She still found it uh valuable and important to go by the tomb to be able to talk to her. Lord Amen.

So I um

both of my parents are dec are deceased. I don't have um living brothers or sisters. Um I do call two of my best friends, my sisters cause they've been my best friend since 10. Um But I am an only child.

So there is something um about, um when pretty much the majority of my family literally, um has transitioned on, I have a handful of immediate family left and I really just wanted to um have a conversation with her and ask her, you know, what, ask myself, what would my mom tell me

um, I am not one that suffers with anxiety to the point where I have to have therapy or um,

uh, medication or, uh, any of those things. Uh, uh, there are times, you know, where you worry about things for sure. And, um, I, I have not, um, I've been blessed to not have to suffer with depression. I have many friends that do that need medication that constantly have racing thoughts, you know, in their mind about how they're not good enough and

how they could be better and what they're not doing, right? And you know, there's so many um friends that have made me aware of what anxiety and depression is um because I was just raised by a woman and maybe that suppressed it. I don't know. Um But my mother's favorite thing to say was be anxious for nothing.

And I wanted to share that with you and I didn't understand it growing up.

But that was her favorite passage to say, be anxious for nothing.

She say the Bible says be anxious for nothing.

She had the

level of faith


I was able to witness

her and my grandmother

that just would not make sense to most people.

Um The photo that you saw that we went and took my very, my mother was very much in charge of her life and watching her get dolled up and pretty and knowing she, knowing she was in her last days and to say Well, I'm gonna make sure that you don't have to worry about anything that the funeral is

pay for taking care of which my family she did that years ago. But I even wanna get, make sure that we have this photo shoot and I still can smile in this photo knowing that at any moment at any time, we all know we can die. But it's different when you're in stage four lung cancer. And the doctor tells you you only have a few months to live

and to still smile for the photo because she was anxious for nothing.

I mean, if she wasn't concerned about her transition, she wasn't concerned about what would happen. On the other side, I just wanted to talk to you today. Can you live a life of truly knowing what it is to be anxious for nothing?

Because when people, this is what my mother told me about being anxious and why I needed her to remind me yesterday when people are anxious and worried, those are usually people that try to control the future, try to try to control everything around them, try to control. And what that demonstrates to those who have the Christian faith is that there's a lack of faith,

there's a lack of faith and understanding that what's for me is for me, understanding that he has me no matter what understanding that he will provide. Regardless understanding that when relationships end great relationships end, it still was a great relationship, but he has something better for me. Understanding when money stops that something else is coming. Understanding that when death happens, I'll see him on the other side, understanding that no matter what he has me, I just need

just a few people to put five in the chat if you understand that, no matter what

God got you,

man. I praise God for having a mother that taught me that God got me. And sometimes I get confused sometimes I wonder, well, is it up to this job? Is it up to this contract? You're talking to somebody y'all? I swear every year is a loss for me in one way or the other and sometimes multiple losses. I'll write a book about it,

whether it's contract ending, whether it's uh being canceled, whether it's uh job after job, whether it's personal relationship, whether it's personal loss, whether it's death. Can I just tell you that despite it all,

despite losing it all?

And can I let you know that I'm gonna lose some more?

Put a three in the chat if you understand, if, if you understand that it's already been set up that you're going to lose some more. So right now I'm recording this in my grandmother's

in a twin bed that I had to after I was doing $100,000 of payroll a month, running an award-winning business, health care reform. Kicked in. Shut the business down. I had to come re-establish myself and go from

m millions of dollars in, in account back to starting all the way from scratch

in 2015 in a twin bed. And then my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I went on the Bernie Sanders campaign, you know, called him out, called the campaign out.

Even if I knew there would be backlash

because there's something about principle and a lot of us don't have it. But you know how you get principle, you get principle by knowing that when you're standing on righteousness, when you're standing, what's on, right? I have no reason to be anxious for nothing.

So I just wanna encourage you today

that whatever it is you're going through

whatever it is you're worried about

whatever it is that people like to, um,

control your mind and your spirit and, and, and manipulate you and gaslight you and make you think. Well, if I don't, if, if I don't do this, then I won't have this. If, if I don't, if I don't conform to this and I won't have this and if I don't do this and that relationship, this person gonna stop doing this, can I just let you know

that God got you?

Can you just have, can you just have a little bit of faith?

The Bible says the faith of a mustard seed to know that no matter what

he has you and our greatest, the thing we should be really II I think one of the things that helps me a lot

as I don't have ambition for being the most popular person on the internet. I don't have ambition, um, for being wealthy. I do have ambition and drive to take care of my, my child, my family, you know, to make sure that she has all the things that she needs and the things that I

did not have. But I, I just don't have a drive to say whatever, do whatever for clicks, likes uh do whatever I have to do to be involved, do whatever. I, I just, I'm, I'm grateful that I have peace, peace of mind

and, and people that suffer with anxiety and depression don't have peace of mind because their mind is constantly

talking. They can't shut it off

and I'm not

diminishing that at all because that is, it is a real disease that people have to take medication for that. People have to go through therapy for. And again, I have friends who suffer with that and have given me um

a lot of information that I did not know

about the disease.

Matter of fact, a very close friend of mine who struggles with depression was the one that was able to lift me up when I needed lifting up the other day

and had to remind me, tell them this ain't that I, I know you've been through a lot, but this ain't that

God got you. I said you know what? You sure. Right. God got me.

So you just have to remind yourself. And I know that's very simple and I know those words don't always resonate and I know it seems very cliche and I know that, you know, we hear it a lot and you don't feel it

because you feel forgotten about. How did he forget about me? Surely, he knows what I'm going through. Surely he sees what I'm going through. Surely God. Are you not seeing this? Why are you job said the same thing? Why are you not speaking to me? Why are you not intervening? Why are you not stepping in? Why are you not? Why didn't you stop this from happening? Why did you allow that to happen? Are you not seeing that I'm still moving according to your purpose and your will? I know what that feels like to have those conversations and to ask,

are you sure you're that guy? Because it, it, it don't always feel like it

with faith is the evidence of things hoped for

and the evidence of things not seen. So you're not always gonna see what's ahead, what's around the corner

and that's where anxiety kicks in for a lot of people because they need to be able to see what's around the corner. Oh, well, you know, I'm a planner. I like to know, I like to know it, it, it, they're uncomfortable just walking in faith. They're uncomfortable of of just saying, I'm, I'm just gonna walk in this water and I'm, I'm just, I, I

just know that if I drown he's gonna pull me up. I'm, I'm uncomfortable. Um I don't know, I can't stand on this particular rock cause I don't know if it's stable, I can't stand on this particular sand cause I don't know if it's quicksand. See there's some of us that are willing to walk barefoot through the fire

knowing that in the end he got me. And if I don't make it,

if I don't make it, if man destroys me or what he believes to destroy me, my soul

shall rest.

Can I say that again for those of you that are worried about soul business? See, some of y'all worried about human business, man business. But can I talk to you the reason why I'm able to plan my funeral and buy my plot and a lot of the oh man, I can't believe you're doing that. Oh Don't speak on that. Oh no, no, no. See, I was raised by women. We welcome it because my soul shall rest.

My. I'm I'm all right with standing before the elders. I'm all right with, with, with the question when the question will be asked, what did you do for the least of these? I'm OK.

I don't do everything perfect,

but I'm OK to know that the righteousness and justice matters, whether it happens in my lifetime or not I'm OK with knowing that. No, no, I'm telling you did use your platform to speak up for those that can't speak for themselves. Even if nobody's listening, even if the platform ain't big as everybody else, even if it don't, you don't like it. Even though no, it's OK. My soul shall rest.

So I'm just grateful

to be raised by a woman

that really gave me good soul food for the soul.

And I'm not talking about yams and cabbage and tomatoes and uh

gumbo. I'm, I'm talking about

soul food.

And so I thought I would share that with you because many have not had the opportunity to have somebody in your life,

have somebody in your life or have somebody now in your life to just remind you that God got you. And so I don't want to take that for granted

on this Easter

Sunday. I know somebody, I'm looking at people in the chat. Somebody needed to hear this message

at 847 this morning

when people tap in 747 central time,

547 California time.

But I have enough wisdom to know that when somebody clicks my live this early,

they needed to hear it. It was something that they needed to hear. It was something somebody is anxious now, somebody didn't sleep well now. And I'm looking at people in the chat saying it was me. Somebody didn't have a good night rest last night. Somebody needed to say, let me see what she over there talking about. Let me, let me see if it's something, the something your energy, your spirit pulled you in.

So can I remind you

for those that needed to hear this? That God got you.

Yeah, it's 547 in Cali time. And you know, if you come into this live,

you know, every now and then II I give a little bit of straightening but you know, if you come to this live, you come looking for information. So anybody that's clicking on my live at 5 a.m. in the morning on a Sunday morning. Oh yeah, you came looking for some inspiration. You can somebody, somebody needs to tell you that God got you

because you ain't clicking this early. Somebody in your household didn't remind you. Maybe you don't have a friend that didn't remind you. Maybe you don't have people in your life to remind you. But no w no worries, baby, I'm here to let you know God got you. If don't nobody else, God got you, man. I had such a wonderful day last day. Shout out to the homies in the building, man. I had such a wonderful time yesterday. It's so good to be around some real ones. I know y'all may not appreciate people who I affiliate with. Day ones have been down with me since the very beginning. But man, in, in the world

that I'm in and the industry that I'm in faking. Politicians get to say they live by a different code. These people in this business get to say whatever and do something on the back end and say this on the front end ain't no consequences, no repercussion. You just get to just live. However, so it, it just felt good to me just to be around the old code.

Put a two in the chat if you know what I'm talking about just to be around old law just to be around where it, it mattered who you are. It mattered what you said the messenger mattered. You didn't get to just step up and just go to anybody's function. We call a function. You can't just step up and go to anybody's function and just come with a good message cause you making a, a good point.

No, no, no. You, it, it mattered who you were. It mattered. Who, who before, before we hear anything at your mouth, who are you and where are you from? Don't you notice where the homies? And I know y'all say, oh man, she talking about that. But there's some lessons y'all can learn in this, in this g shit a little bit. And, and it's something the matter. The first thing to ask is where are you from homie?

Where are you from?

And Pharaoh asked Moses the same question. Who are you? And God even said, Moses tell them I am sent you.

He said, who should I say send me, tell him I am sent you see, the messenger matters,

the messenger matters. I don't care what they telling y'all. The messenger matters.

But that's the old Testament Law though. That's that old law and the street, the street goes by there too. Eye for an eye. 242. The the street is more in line with the Old Testament. Who are you?

You know, in the Bible when they say I'm the son of Abraham, I am the son of this person. I am the daughter of the. See it, it mattered. When you walked into the room, you didn't just just get to pop off whatever you want. I, I am the daughter of the son of, do y'all know what I'm talking about?

Who sent you?

I like the homie say, where are you from?

So a lot of you who are looking to cling on to anything

tells me that there's not enough

enough. You don't have enough good messengers in your life. Plenty good messages you hear on this internet. But, but you're, you're, you're, you're missing the messengers,

the messenger matters,

the messenger matters.

Oh man, for sure. King Clipper Hand said who your Js are, matter who you came under matter, all of that matters, all who love it.

The lineage matters

and the Bible agrees with it as well.

That's why you see constantly the son of Abraham, the son of Jacob, the son of

they're constantly identifying themselves as who they are and who sent them.

Tell them you are the Son of God.

Not that you just got a good message about uh what you need to do with your life and how you need to fix your life and who, you know, uh Jesus had plenty good men. They said tell them you are the son of God

because the messenger who it was mattered.

So I just thought I would share with you my mother's words

that have guided me through so many ups and downs and loss

and has allowed me to walk away

with my head held high.

I sometimes not walk away. Some things walked away from me, some things I lost.

But she has always reminded me

to be anxious for nothing. And for those of you that recall the footprints poem where they show when you're walking by yourself

and Christ is walking with you and there's times where he'll pick you up where you can't hold yourself. And I thank God for having people in my life.

They remind me always Tesla, you're gonna be all right. There's some people I just call just to say Tesla, you're gonna be all right. But when they don't answer the phone, when I can't get that human


the Holy Spirit reminds me

to be anxious for nothing.

And so I hope you found this helpful today as you were preparing, maybe possibly to go to church, maybe not,

maybe it, maybe you're at home today,

but I just needed you to know

that. I appreciate your support.

I appreciate your love. I appreciate you sending

healing energy. I appreciate you rooting and cheering for us.

You're not rooting and cheering for me. You're rooting and cheering for us. I know you don't have the opportunity to have a platform for people to be able to hear what you have to say. You know, it's real easy for people to say, well, why don't you say? Well, people gotta be able to hear what I'm saying. The platform has to be big enough, I can say stuff all day long. But that doesn't mean that people hear it.

So for those of you that, that, that, that, that uh believe in the things that I'm say, I say, but maybe, you know, you don't have the platform for people to hear it but you saying, keep going home, girl, keep going. That's why I had to fly in and come to the funeral because man, it did. Nobody rock with me heavy. That man did

I had to get up and say it at the film. He rocked with me. So heavy. Tez keep going. Tez keep pushing, keep your foot on the gas, keep moving. Don't stop.

It's when the homies tell me sis,

we appreciate you.

A lot of you would look at it. I posted a lot of the pictures we took yesterday. Yeah, I know it. I know. I know. You don't agree with it. But can I just tell you they're the ones that tell me ta keep going, the fact that you come here and you, and, and, and you hang with us and you sit down and ask us how we doing.

I'll show you.

So you that quickly.

I know a lot of y'all don't get them.

I know a lot of y'all that. Well, why are you standing next to them? Because if I don't stand next to him, who will,

don't let these people don't, don't let these people in politics confuse you that they so connected and they know when they, no, these people met these people in passing. These are people I grew up with. I can't deny them. They're dependent on me to still come and chop it up. Hey brother, how you doing?

How you feeling what's going on in your life? How your mama doing?

Hey homie, tell me you just open up your weed dispenser and tell me the problem man. I learned so much yesterday. Taz, you know, they taxing me $4000 a month. Taze. You know, they, they charging uh this the growers are doing this, the growing like sit, sit down and have a conversation. When the last time you went to a function. Y'all love talking about the barbecue and who invited to the barbecue and not barbeque. You ain't been in no function. I bet they invited you to NAN Function.

You don't even know what the function is.

Who, who really walking among the people for real,

who going out their way. Shout out to killer Mike, man. I mean, everything when I uh facetime him to talk to the homies, it meant everything. They, man, they was so exci killer Mike. You take the time. Yeah, that's the kind of, that, that's, that, that's how he, that's how he get out.

Yeah, I like, I like to show up in the park.

Pour out a little liquor for the homie. That's how I do. So, I don't know. So don't, don't y'all get confused

when y'all sit up here listening to these comments about how connected they are. They, they met y'all in their job. They met y'all through this industry. I, I've been knowing you. I know exactly who you are from from the start because I was right there with you

and it is a difference for those who know what I'm talking about

and that's why they can sit around me comfortably knowing

that's the homegirl.

So I love y'all

want to put this out here just for those who are anxious and let you know, I weary too, baby.

I worry too. I, I worry. Am I gonna be able to take care of my child? You know, she's a junior now. She's going into her senior year. I worry. Am I gonna be able to,

you know, feed her, am I gonna be able to make sure her dad is uh I'm not alone in this just so you know she has a great father, you guys know that all the time but still as a mother, I'm still always wondering. Ok, but am I gonna be able to make sure that it's good cause that's what real mamas do they, they, they make sure if nothing else am I gonna be able to, is she gonna be able to go to the college of her choice? Is she gonna be, am I gonna be able to afford that? Does that mean I gotta sell my soul, do it mean I gotta

sacrifice my principles for oh surely God, you, you can't mean that does it mean that I, that I have to do something that I don't want to do in order to get to the top. Surely God, you can't mean that I'm, I'm, I'm just gonna believe in you. I'm just gonna believe that you said be anxious for nothing. I'm just gonna stand on righteousness and believe that you can still take care of me and mine and my family and I not have to sacrifice who I am and what I believe in. I'm just gonna believe you

and through the lost contracts and the, the lost opportunities, everybody laughed at B and C

oh Man, B and C oh They went bankrupt. They should have did, they should have did better. Well, what y'all didn't know was 2, 300 of us lost opportunity and, and, and an opportunity was lost of me being able to talk about un unapologetic black issues

and yeah, everything that is going on right now with Puff is fucked up

and I don't condone anything if any of those allegations are true. But can I let you know

that the entire news division? The show that I just started, the whole news division paused, it stopped,

several 100 employees lost their job. So as soon as we get Taz on 10 going, it got cut under our feet from something that had nothing to do with us, man. God, show what he test me in every way.

He tests me in every way.

Just when you say man, th th this is, this is gonna be an opportunity to build and grow and a black owned and you know, be able to, to get the message out. I know I know it's not as popular as entertainment. I know it's not as popular as, as saying things uh you know, to get people to click and like, and I, I know that

shitting on black people and talking about how we're terrible and how we need to get it together and we ain't shit II I know that's gonna get more clicks and, and more views and, and more support and more people are gonna say, oh man, she, she made a point. I, I get that. But, but God II, I just have to believe,

I have to believe

that you're gonna make a place

for us.

I have to believe that loving on us matters. I have to believe

that you are people who have suffered oppression in this country for over 400 years. I have to believe

that you can still make space

for those of us

that love us, unconditionally, unapologetic love have to believe it.

They say when two are joined together

and agree that those things can be made.

And so I'm just asking you just to agree with me that God got us. He got us.

That's it. That's all. And you gotta tell yourself that all the time. By the way, it's not just a one time thing and move on. You have to constantly, every time that insecurity comes out every time, you know, you think something, you have to tell yourself over and over and over and over. God got me. God got me. God got me. God got me. Don't feel crazy. Don't feel dumb, don't feel, tell yourself He He got you. You're not, you're not gaslighting yourself, you're not hyping yourself up, you're just,

you're exercising your faith. He and he also has to know that you know that He got you praises up blessings come down. He has to know that's why when I be preaching to y'all, I'm preaching to myself. He, he got to know that when we're praising him that we hear that despite it all, we hear you, despite it all, I'm still gonna stand on business. Y'all love saying stand on business. But a lot of folks ain't stand on business despite it all,

I'm still gonna stand on righteousness and righteousness does not mean perfection. It means standing on what's right and what's just and what's true and, and sin and, and you can be a sinful person and still do that. By the way, nobody's asking you to be perfect.

So keep on pushing like I tell y'all push the line politics until something happens. I hope I have good news for you next week on some things that I'm working on. I am praying that it goes through. Um because if it does, it's going to open up another opportunity that I can meet with you. One on one, hang with you, touch, touch, you love on you,

maybe have a drink with you.

And so I'm praying that that is God's will. Thank you so much for listening. Straight shot. No chaser guys. If you have not subscribed to my podcast, please do. Even if you don't listen every week just hit follow. It does help. Um And I, because of the type of work that I do, I have to work, I have to spread a big, big, big net, you know, because I'm not saying the things that um you know, easy to get a million followers overnight

that you guys follow me. Um Put a three in the chat if you can hear me.

Uh Cause I just got a phone call and I think it went out and I'm actually recording

my producer, have to edit this.

I wanna make sure you can still OK, great. I just got a call and it interrupts the live. Um So anyway, guys make sure, shout out, hey, can y'all show some love to Marcellus in the building?

Y'all show some love to Marcellus in the building. Let me, let me tag him at the bottom.

This is um

when uh for those of you who have been following my work, Marcellus, uh we met through Instagram and he would always talk about him being an Uber driver and you know, he um

it's so instrumental guys every week, Marcellus is gathering 2030 stories from page news every week, young man,

you know, works, works, um Uber eats and you know, works other jobs trying to get ahead and he always say, Taz I can't wait. I've hired him part time and he always say, you know, te I can't wait to work full time for my people. And so these are the things guys,

these are the things that are important to me.

People don't have to get it.

But it's important to me that a young man can say Tesla.

I wanna do more for my people, but I just need an opportunity

and I pay him out of my pocket

and it's not much, but I'm really trying to create opportunities so that I can hire him full time.

I'm really trying to create influence. So I had like yesterday, I can sit in the park with the homies and he say, man, they, they, they texted me to death. Taz can you cause it means something to watch. One of my homeboys who used to sell weed illegally now sell it legal and saying ta I'm just trying to stay in the game. They're trying to take us out of the game. Is there anything you can do?

So I said, hey homie, uh why don't you uh give me a, give me a string. I don't even smoke weed but I'm like, give me, give me uh let's get Taz and so I can give some *** a smoke on since I, since I do bring the smoke, it only makes sense that we get gonna give me a, a string of some weed or something. Let, let's promote a ***. Let's let, let's take this show on the road. Let's, let's do what needs to be done. What can I do to help you stay in business? Big homie.

That's, that's the least I can do for having to walk through these streets and, and walk up and down the neighborhood and you have my back. And when they said even yesterday, when he said Taz, don't, I'll let you know when it comes to the park because I know the youngest might be on some bullshit and I wanna make sure that you're taking care of. I wanna make sure you straight. So you let me know when you headed that way cause when you, that way the, the, the homies is gonna be around you to make sure you straight man. God be the glory. That's the type of love that I get

that you don't get in, in these industry spaces.

So I need you guys to touch and agree cause there's a lot going on that I don't share and we never will share cause it ain't for you to know. But there's a lot going on

and I need to make sure

that the opportunities that people are depending on me.

People are really literally depending on me.

So that's where the anxiety comes from. OK, God, are you sure

are you there? And, and he just has to remind me, my mom has to remind me be anxious for nothing.

This is who I was talking about. The, got the weed dispensary

for those who are listening on the podcast. I'm sharing a picture of who got the weed dispenser. I watched this man sell weed my whole life dope too. He'll tell you that

and finally

doing it the legal way

he depended on me

to have access to these platforms so people can hear what I'm saying.

He's dependent on me

to have access to leaders so they can hear what I'm saying.

It's depending on me

and these brothers, whether you like it or not. Yeah. I grew up in a paru hood. That's what it is.

Day ones.

That's depending on me to show up and care about what they have to say

and I make no apologies for it.

And my counterparts would never,

and that's what separates

those who you listening to with these good messages,

but never in the trenches

to hear or care

about what you're going through.

It would be so much easy,

so much easier and much more lucrative

for me to get on TV, and judge them and talk about them and say how they ain't shit and talk about how they need to do this and need to do that. All the men in that pitch are working men by the way.

No, they life ain't always been on the straight and narrow but they ain't no different than President Trump that got 91 charges.

So let's talk about that part.

The white man in America can walk around

with 91 charges and, and, and tell the, the judge, fuck your gag order and, and, and, and, and, and get it and, and move around and ain't got to worry about being arrested. Don't have to worry about uh you know, uh no sexual assault case. Don't have to worry about none of that.

And so, and until, until, until they, they deal with what we did with. I'm, I'm just gonna go ahead and ride with the homies. Yeah, I'm not gonna get up here on TV, and, and talk about what we need to be doing. First of all, let's talk about what y'all need to be doing. Let's talk about the 400 years of oppression. Let's talk about how y'all done rape, robbed and pillaged every country in this world, global,

global Gangsters.

So, no, III I have no patience

for those that have the audacity to go sit among white folks and talk about how we need to do better. I talked, I had plenty of that type of conversation yesterday in the park. We can talk about that in the park between you and I, we can talk about what need to be done and how you need to. It's not that I don't have those conversations, but I damn sure to say it on no fox news.

You out of pocket and out of line

and that's it. And that's all. And we can just have a fundamental cycle uh uh this fundamental ideology, ide ideology, disagreement on that. And I'm OK with it. I'm OK with not as long as they're the biggest Gangsters in the world. Not as long as you done stole countries and, and, and, and, and put people in famine. Not as long as you over there murdering innocent babies.

Hell no, no. So I won't be saying, well, by the way, what black people need to be doing. Not on no major platform. I'm not. I have the conversation with the homies. One on one every day. It ain't a day, it ain't a day to go by.

But you know why they listen to me because I actually have, I'm having a conversation with them. I'm not using them as some click and view

to belittle them.

I'm telling them you, baby, you, you can, you can do better. Don't, don't give up homie. Let's figure it out. How can, how can I help you?

That's the difference.

So stand on me guys stand with me. Stand on business with me. Don't just say don't root for me. I need you to stand beside me. Can three people in the chat? Can you just let me know three that you rocking with me? Rock with me? Rock with Marcellus support what it is that we're doing cause it really do take us real y'all. We can't the people that talk against us, they got way more followers. They do, they just do.

We sit back and say well, I don't wanna pump you up cause I don't wanna like I'm kissing your ass. I don't want to pump you up. No, it's not about pump me up like we, I, we need an army y'all for real. We need 300 of us. We need 300 of us un unapologetically. Stand on what we're talking about

and not be afraid, don't worry about lifting me up cause I'm willing to die for you.

I'm willing to die for the calls. So you can't click a like you can't do a share. Can we grow this platform? Organically?

Marcellus is depending on you. This is a young man in his twenties. That's depending on you. I need to, I need to be able to hire him full time.

So guys please support what I do. Don't take anything that I'm doing for granted. I can be doing some one day and not the next, the corporate, the people at uh the people in charge are always watching. Please support front page news.

I got two people that I pay to help me with that and they depend on that every week. They depend on that. So can y'all support front page news, please and not take it for granted because it can be taken from me at any time.

Can you support Taz on 10 and don't take it for granted? We see that that's falling, crumbling because of Diddy's actions.

Can you support the podcast by just clicking subscribe? You don't have to watch, listen every week. I get it. I know y'all busy but just click, subscribe.

Have a new show out called uh Tap In with Taz Partner with Chris Gotti. We on like episode seven. That's new on youtube. Can you just click subscribe y'all? I, I need your help and I need you to tell five people because, because I'm not shitting on you. I'm not gonna have 100 hundreds of thousands of people that's gonna run over here. I I it's, it's gonna be much harder to get the army to Gideon. I'm not gonna have 10,000, but I do need 300.

I love y'all enjoy this Easter. Easter, whatever you do with your family, hug on them, love on them.

Had a chance to hug on my nine. Should be 93

in a couple of weeks. Such a blessing.

Let me show that photo before I get out of here.

And I just, I just hope I can look like this at 93.

She got a few wrinkles but everybody ain't look, everybody. This is 93

sweetest woman. I know

my only living grandparent.

So I love you guys. I really do. Can you do that for me today? Subscribe to the podcast, jump in the front page news,

any front page news segment you see and just say tes and we support what you're doing

um and just stay locked in and ask five friends to come over

because it's critical guys. I don't ask you to do this all the time. So if I'm telling you, if I, I don't think I've ever asked you to do this pretty much. And for the most part. So if I'm telling you read between the lines,

it's, it's important that you do this now

and like the old folks say you'll understand by and by love y'all. Peace. If you like what you heard on straight shot. No chaser, please

subscribe and drop a five star review and tell a friend straight

shot. No. Chaser is a production of the Black

Effect Podcast Network and iheartradio,

I'm Tesla Figaro. And I'd like to thank our producer, editor, Mixer Dwayne Crawford and our

executive producer Charlamagne, the guy for more podcasts from iheartradio, visit the iheartradio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcast.