What The Hell Is Going Down In Tennessee Pt.3

Published Apr 28, 2023, 3:20 PM
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Say, I don't want to ask you a question.

Real good, let's just keep it real straight shout with no Chason. So I'm gonna get a little bit rougher. I'm here for it. Those who really believed in the American process, all of.

Us straight shot no chase with your girl tessel figure out on the Black Effect podcast networking all right, straight shooters. The Tennessee three topic was such a hot topic that I wanted to hear from you, so I hosted a three hour Twitter space with people with the posing views. Now, no worries, I won't ask you to sit through all three hours at once, but my phenomenal producer shout out to Dwayne has broken it down into three parts. We will be releasing this over the next three weeks. This is part three.

I want to say Claver made a good point about Gabrielle raising the most money but getting at least amount of gold. First of all, I found it when Jenson is not doing I'm not talking to Tennis. I'm talking to those people who they are insulting me when they bring up my voter turnout. I'm proud of getting almost five percent of the vote in just six months. Mainly when I had no money and I was hardly ever on the ground, and I still got a most five percent of my voter turnout to come to me. I'm always gonna be proud of that. But I do want to bring up something that y'all no one has mentioned. I raised the second most of the second largest amount of donations after James Kiburn, but Cliburn has been in office for thirty years. After Cliburn, I outraised all the other candidates who were much better known than me, but they got more votes than me. Now here's the double edged sword of having, you know, being having a digital presence. Time magazine, Rolling Stone magazine. They have called me before I speak to the other candidates. They have not called them. They've I've got the least amount of votes, but I'm getting the most attention. So y'all, I'm freaking to the next right.

Okay, So brother, this is myself.

So this is where I come in and say when we talk about bringing attention to the issue, which is why again I'm not encouraging you not to run, but I think you would be You would be very well suited to be a leader over a pack, a political action committee. The things that you're talking about the five twenty seven, which is bringing the attention, the advocacy, the awareness, the interviews, the raising, the money. Those are packed things. Those are not what candidates need to win. And so this is where we keep having the disconnect. I don't doubt and again I am all about you know, the two thousand people that you got to come vote for you. I've never did that, and I've said that publicly. But if you're not organizing with those two thousand that voted with you, those two thousand on a weekly basis, spending the same amount of time that you spend talking to them, I'm talking about knowing those two thousands where you're doing calls with them, where you're still having town meetings, where you're doing town where you are engaging them. Those two thousand won't turn into four thousand by doing more work on Twitter.

That's just saying facts.

Now, what I will say is the activities that you're talking about brings awareness to the issue. Somebody I made this challenge at the rally as well, who's going to start the pack?

That's what ADOS is doing.

They have a pack and whether you vet, whether y'all like YVET or not, because you damnshold don't like me, but I give them credit on starting an advocacy organization. Somebody has to have a pack, and so a pack is what does that. A pack educates, it informs, it does advertisement, it does galvanizing around issues. It can do Twitter spaces where you actually can get credit for these numbers. I look at people talking about bad we shoul we get our Twitter space to be lit. We got ten thousand people listening. What does that mean if it's not a part of a pack where you can say, hey, every year we touch x amount of people. When I do the Breakfast Club. Whether y'all like the Breakfast Club don't like the Breafast Club, they got the numbers to show Hey, every month, eight million listeners listen. At the end of the day, those those numbers have to count somewhere. So all the things that you're doing is bringing attention that falls under a pack, not under a candidate.

A candidate has to be talking to your voters, period. And that's why I want to say, that's the problem, nigga telling I've been doing the role of activists of pack of I've been doing too many roles and it's actually if it fear with my ability to be a candidate. And that's what I'm saying. And you, Mitchell, I didn't know about none of this stuff, y'all packed. I never heard of those things. I didn't know And now I'm realizing and Terse he told me run on a ticket with other people. All of that stuff is called infrastructure, building up volunteers, having phone baking, having packs. South Carolina doesn't have none of that, having your own media. And that's the problem. I've been doing the role too much, and I can't be the candidate that I'm supposed to be because I'm often I'm often playing as the person who's getting the information out there. The problem is I put so much investment in educating people about reparations that I think they don't even realize, Oh, he's.

Runt of office. They do remember being taught about reparations.

They don't. They forget that I'm a person to whom they can vote. A lot of people told me they liked me. A lot of people told me they will vote for me. And I'll how to tell you, if everyone who said they would vote me would have shown them, I would have probably had at least too good two thousand votes.

It's a lot of education. Some people called me.

The day of voting because I give people my number, and they said, oh, how do you vote online? I said, you can't vote on line. They didn't know that. Some people asked me about who's going to pick me up to take me to vote. That's not something that state provided.

There were so much education, but that's why, that's why candidates have to spend one hundred percent of their time talking to voters.

And again, and I'm not talking about just you.

You know, I've had candidates again, and I don't want to throw their names out there because I don't want to think I'm you know this and them. But I've had candidates who have won their state's pre and then set up here and Danny and Marcus probably know what I'm talking about, and then got caught up in the national conversation and forgot about the local votes. And if they get caught up in a national conversation where they're tweeting and having this and that and on TV and doing punditry and all of that, they're not at the doors. You have so much work ahead of you to win as a candidate, especially on a congressional level, all of your time has to be educating those people that you're talking about. So you have to decide, Okay, am I going to be a candidate, a formidable candidate, or do I want to get into the pack space. And it's not a it's not discourt because again, I'm all about packs.

I'm all about being the puppet master, not the puppet.

I feel like this Twitter space, these Twitter folks online people because even though we having this conversation, guess what, they're gonna go right after this room into another one. They're not gonna change. So what I say is the people in the Twitter space, y'all should be having a pack. You should be having a pack and a national pack. That all you do is educate people on reparations and find candidates and support candidates and talk talk talk and land planes and half scholarship and half thesis and half fellowship and all that.

That's what packs do.

You're just not getting any credit for your work, so it's not going to be respected in spaces where people are saying, you know, hey, this is what you need to have. I would love for the new Black media, as they call themselves, where's the pack where's the pack the five twenty seven, that's the advertisement that you run. Y'all spend all this time making these disc records and mixed tapes.

We can be getting money for that andy through our office and that I've been asking people about packs. I mean, I'm not as well versus some of the infrastructural parts as you, but I've been saying some of these same things, and I realized it's hurting me because, like you all talking to back channel and so people may know that like I can't be the pack.

I can't be the person who's educating people about.

Reparations and be the person who is bringing into the national conversation and running a low careage.

I just can't do, of course, And that's why we're having this conversation to ask who is going to raise their hand to do it? And if they're people don't want to raise their hand to do it, then again it goes back to what I say, no begging, no bossing. Marcel has to decide where am I going to spend my energy, because just like you're saying, don't beg them and replace them, you're begging these folks on Twitter if they don't want to get involved. And don't nobody want to raise their hand to get no pack, And don't nobody want to run for office. You're doing just the same thing you're telling everybody else to do, which is begg.

You're begging.

At some point, somebody's gonna have to run.

I because you're an educator like I am, both teachers education, that's our background.

I believe that you are very good and educating, no doubt.

I would like to.

See you in a pack roll and build that up and then if you want to run whatever. To be honest with you, brother, I see you more as a pack leader opposed to candidate, because you know, cussin folks out and telling bitch fuck you and all that. I don't know how far they go, you know, on the candidate end, but hey, I'm here for it. But I think that a pack is strong, and I think that this online community could have to have a hell of a pack. And all the things that you guys are doing are pack related. We're add a joke about your call because I saw you to tell somebody be as fuck you the other day, and again Eric Mays does that. He say fuck you all the time, but he'd been in an office for ten years though he got his seat. So at the end of the day, candadas do things different than on the pack level, and you can't be all those things. You're right, you can't be the activists and you can't be the candidate.

Those are too total.

Different rolls, too total different rolls. So you have to decide at some point, hey, what am I gonna be? Am I gonna be over here? Am I gonna be over there? And then as you get the infrastructure, as you decide, then you're gonna have to do the activities of what those things do. And I'm just telling you that you have so much work ahead of you that all your time has to be spent on your actual botus because these people can't do shit for you. But other than a funk give a dollar or two, but I've raised plenty. Candidates can win when you knock on enough doors. You can win without the money, especially at a local seat. Now maybe not congressional, but certular local seat. You absolutely can't. If you're my candidates that I run, they start from seven am before the dunk, before daybreaks, all the way to seven.

O'clock knocking on doors.

Running for office, you have no time, no energy to be educating folks who don't live in your district. It's just it's not gonna So if you got two thousands without all of those things, imagine where you're in it. Because I believe that when you talk to people one on one, people will hear your message.

They will, But if they if you ain't.

Talking to a one on one, they're not gonna never hear your message because these people on Twitter, they're not gonna do it. But you are gonna get those interviews. But is it about the interview or with the interviews, don't don't get people to the polls. Just like yard signs ain't voting. You got to get people to vote for you. And you're only gonna do that by having those one on one meetings in your town. Even when you feel it ain't worth it, you still gotta do it. Or go ahead and get the packs. It's clearly people follow your leadership. They damn show I ain't gonna do it. Start a pack and start your power there. Organize there, get these people to get busy, let them donate there. Guess what you can pay yourself a salary you can pay other people, say pay some of these people that's sitting up here all day long being digital content managers, because that's what y'all doing to host these twitch Twitter spaces and pay somebody to be a digital content manager where now you're putting out content.

And actually showing the work.

But somebody got to make a decision at some point because this ain't it?

Do I need to raise my hand and speaker it is.

I am reparational family, and I was talking to myself on the back channel. You know, I've been thinking about running for a city council and my city years ago, I was asked to run mayor from my hometown, and you know, I just really didn't know. I really don't know how to do it. I started doing a little digging, and you know, I still don't really know. So I think that you know, there should be you know, I know, tesling you offer it. You know, there should be more courses of classes or room spaces something to help the people who do want to run.

Sorry, yeah, I'm sorry. I warn't you by you are in Charlotte, right, all right, I'm right outside of Charlotte, so you are right by the South Carolina border. I'm like an hour from South Carolina, right.

No, no, no, no, I'm on the I'm probably about fifteen minutes from South Carolina border.

But I love this side. I'm not on I'm not on the South.

Nobody from Chester or Chester County or no.

I'm like, I'm like an hour about hour and a half from Chester.

Which county are you next to? Is it York? Yes? Mm hmm, okay, so that's yeah, so rock Hill area. Okay, So how about when technic comes to South Carolina, you'll be you could come to the class because you know, I could use some people. I got some people from Savannah who want to come over, and you would it would that be something you'll be interested in?


Absolutely, because you know, like back channel, I'm willing to do it. You know what I'm saying. I don't have all these degrees, and you know, you know, you know I talk shit and you know, but I got I got to work. I don't put in work. Almost twenty years in the streets and I don't you know, I don't want to be on these on social media talk. I'd rather be out here in the streets talking to the people. You know, I'm constantly tweeting about that. You know, we talk about reparations on the platforms while we out here in the streets talking to the people. And you know, I make sure I do that every single day. So you know, I live in the ward Ward Ford it and I know that you know the brother here, you know, I don't know if he's a Negro, but it is a black man. And you know, I ain't never heard of seeing or thing about this man, you know. So and I know we got issues over here that need to be addressed. And this is you know, we have a black mayor. He's a Negro. And you know over here it's is really bad, really bad in this in our ward. You know, the shooting and stuff like that, and the roads are terrible. It's just it's a mess. And you know it's predominantly black area over here. This is what blave. So you know, I'm like, look, I'm for the people. I'm about with the people. I just want to do right for the people. So any any opportunity I can to do that, I'm willing to step up and make it happen. I just like I said, I just need I just need to just tell me what to do, just you know, should give me some direction or whatever. Some God and some support and I'm I'm gonna make it happen.

Well, am I not testifiedly want to say something, but we'll be talking backtown. And by the way, y'all, I Am was was instrumental in helping with the black farmers, Courtney and Nicole Millory, who will being terrorized out there in Colorado. Thankfully there's an update on that, y'all. Things have gotten much better for that. I mean, they're not out the woods yet, but they have our brothers, our brothers especially, but our sisters too out there are with them covering to keep them physically safe, and they're working on some other things that I can't talk about in the public. But i Am was on the phone like she knows. We were on the phone for hours one night, midnight beyond midnight with the NAACP over there and Colorado and those two poor ladies have to represent what Colorado. I only Idaho Montana like that major massive area.

But so you can come over to South Carolina when we do.

When I get telling them here for to push the mind training, I'm gonna talk to tell us about what I need to do to seement people who say they're gonna be there like, dude, they like what they need to do, so we can get it seement to that they can actually put some stake in the game and show up. But we'll talk and tell I'm not sure if you want to say anything, but that's all.

Absolutely Like I said, you know, you know people who want to run and are willing to do it. You know, they're the ones that you know, need to be sat down and say, hey, listen, let us help you, and rarely just support around you. You know, whether I'm trying to run or whether I just want to support. You know, I'm just here for my people, always been for twenty years, and I'm going to continue to do so. You know, I'm willing to, you know, throw my skin in the game and see what I could do on my neck of the woods to make things shake fuss.

Yeah, thank you for that.

And I'll just give some clarity, and just clarity says you don't have to have degreens. You don't have to have I've had candidates, one of my favorite candidates, you guys have probably heard me talk about a commission of Regina Hills. She was arrested twenty one times with two cocaine felons and we won the very first time with two thousand dollars in the bank, be the sixteen year incumbany, and she's won three times ever since. The reason why is because can't nobody beat her on the ground period. All of her time is on the ground knocking on doors. Want to bring some clarity to the class again. It's called push the line of politics until something happens. Several people here that have been to the class that we hosted in Atlanta with three hundred people all around the country. It is a class that just basically is five courses that gives you just the basics that you need. You know, roles and responsibilities, organizing, campaign compliance, campaign management. It is not a class that is teaching you how to run on reparations.

It is not a.

Class teaching how to run on healthcare reform. It's no agenda at all. That's not what the class is designed for. It's a basic toolkit that you need. It also is not teaching you how to run as a Democratic Republican. When I'm hosting that class, I don't even really tolerate those conversations at all.

We try to keep the main thing the main thing. These are the tools that.

You need and whether you want to organize to get everybody to wear purple shirts on Monday or reparations or whatever you believe in.

Here's a good starter kit. That's what it is.

But I also want to speak on the former you said, you know, we need candidates to give the tools and also get around them. I want to be really clear about this. My class is a class. It is not a because see, I know how Twitter space. I know I don't watch y'all enough, not you, but in general, I don't watch enough of these Twitter games, real housewives of Twitter to know how folks get down on this Twitter space. So I want to be crystal clear that anybody that come to this class, you can come to this class with somebody that's gonna run against you. I am not, let me repeat, not going to be fundraising for candidates or promising that I'm going to do advertisement for you, are supporting you. I'm not attaching myself to anybody's candidacy. I'm not because what's not going to happen is me picking a candidate and you running me down on Twitter about why did I pick them?

And you shouldn't have picked them. I don't do that.

This is a class for anybody that wants the information. Now, you should be sitting next to somebody in the class that is willing to be your campaign manager, that is willing to be because this class is for candidate. It's operatives, meaning you want to work on a campaign, whether that's paid or not paid, whether that's a campaign manager, field manager, or an organizer. An organizer means hey, I'm just gonna be the one that's gonna get people to come to a rally. I'm gonna be the one that's gonna help people come, you know, to a house party. I'm gonna be the one that's just gonna be out of talking about reparations. These tools I give you will help a candidate, an operative or an organizer, and then you're gonna take those tools and you're gonna put those tools to work. And the first thing you do with that is get you a team, and hopefully it'll be somebody from this class that is willing to work with you, and then you're gonna go out and do the work. So I want to be clear because I don't want to sell no dreams. I'm not doing this to all of a sudden get behind candidates. I think some of you need to start a pack and you need to get behind candidates, but that's not what I'm doing. I'm coming to give you the information. You take that and you run with that. Does that make sense because that will be putting me in position to choose one candidate over the other. And then you know, y'all never satisfied. You said you was gonna do this, and why you didn't do this and you should be happy, y'all and already came in me for that.

Why you ain't talking about such and such on the breakfast club.

Y'all don't run me and you never fucking will excuse my French, but I want to make sure we're clear before we even you know, go that go that route, that this is the tools that you can use.

And that's that's it.

I can't get myself in a position where somebody thinks I owe them something or that I made them a promise. I just can't do that because I know us and I know we're never going to be satisfied, and I'm not gonna attach myself to every and anybody because problems come with that. So I'm willing to give the information and if that's not good enough for folks. I don't know what it is. I can't do the job for you, but I can give you at least, you know, the starter kit, you know, to keep going. But I hope some of you start to pack though, for real, because that's where packs come into play. Packs are supposed to come into play, to actually rally behind candidates. I'm just giving the information because I know a lot of people don't know the basics, you know, just the basic stuff you need. But then after that you're gonna have to hustle and put put you know, put it to work.

I can't do the work for you. Is that fair, amen?


You know, I'm I'm just a booso on the grounds type of person.

You know.

I partake in social media, of course, because at this point you kind of don't have no choice. But I prefer to be out there with the people. And I just feel like, you know, we all obligated to do something, and you don't have to do something like you or Marcel or anybody else, but you know, just just do your part, Just play a part so that you know, our children, our grandchildren have a future in this country, in this world, and get up out of the situations.

That we are in and so you know that's where I want to I want and do. I'm just gonna do.

Okay, So I want to speak to this when you say I'm online because we don't have a choice. Now, we got a choice because there's a city council meaning every week, there's a county council meeting every week. Like when Gary James, whether y'all like him or not, when he went viral, that was at a city council meeting.

So we got a choice.

And I'm not saying that speaking from it, saying it based on what I What I do online is very comfortable for people, that's all. It's comfortable because we can sit here on Twitter space and sit here and not in our pajamas, are half naked and eating and smacking in the phone and you know, putting them on mute button and doing everything.

It's comfortable for people.

So no, we got a choice because see, when you go down to the local council meeting, you got to actually put your name, tell them figure o. They can't put hot Dog eighty five ninety two and sit behind an avatar. So no, it's a choice. It's a choice to get involved on the local level every single day. People just don't do it. I wasn't saying in that capacity.

I know I never just you know, just in general, but oh yeah, I go to my city council.

Oh no, not to I'm talking to anybody that's listening, because they like to use online.

As you know, I don't have no choice.

I'm the only community that believe that that you know, that listens to, you know, agrees with me, is online. And so they come online, get complacent because they're talking to an echo chamber, you know, where everybody's that's right, you tell them amen, because it's hard for them to go out in the local community and have the necessary conversation. So some people use online as a coping mechanism as a way to avoid those tough conversations in person.

That's all.

I don't mean you in general, just to anybody that's listening.

And that's why people stayed in the Twitter spaces twenty four hours a day because it's much easier to just you know, be with your echo chamber and compare scholarship. And I read this book in page twenty nine said this, and hold on, hit the UW button. You forgot tobut page thirty six and oh no, you don't have your scholarship. I read such and such and on page forty five and said this, The council meeting is on Tuesday. Who'shown up to the council Meeting's probably five people at best. That's where the power.

Is, Okay, I think, miss l thank you when I tell you test one.

I'm so glad.

And I've been to your training for push the line for organizing because I love it. That's like my area, that's my spot. I love helping to put it together, get behind the candidates, like I support Marcel's campaign.

As well as tamayor Shiley.

We was up all night collecting money just so that she can't get but like you know, just transportation to get her to certain places when she was on a campaign trail. And not only that, helped out with a lot of different things, helping out with stuff right now. But more than more importantly, I'm working to get things done locally. I keep yelling to the top of my lungs. I hear everybody got a lot of talk. Get the hell out here and find out what your local representatives are doing. Because here in Maryland they slid two reparations meetings behind our back.

We didn't. It was hard to find some.

Thank God for Brother Maroon who got the one because they kept giving us misinformation. Big ups to the people who helped us because we just actually a couple of weeks ago we finished the bills and we're trying to push to get a in our state the emergency meeting because they put they put our bill out like three or four times and then they host these meetings that are nothingness just to hear us talk because they know we like to talk. Stay Maryland, and I wish I did have the time to vote run for office. I said maybe one day in the future, just not right now. But so so hold on systems. So see that as an example. And I don't mean to cut you out, but again these Twitter spaces love talking about like the bills and the task right and see it all come down to if the bill was able to move forward, who is going to vote on it? That you know African and for that Tesla, we actually been reaching out to the people who supported the original bill. Those were the first candidates that we were reaching out to for this bill. So that's actually who we're reaching out to right now.

Are they running.

They're already elected, they're already in positions. Okay, and then what did they They supported it the first Yep, they supported it the first time.

Okay, good.

So what you're doing is for folks who don't know, that's called lobbying. So what she's doing is actually lobbying, saying, Okay, we're going to reach out to the people that supported the first time. We're gonna get them to come behind the second time. That's called organizing and lobbying. So shout out to you for understanding lobbying. See if I were to ask some people, well, what did you do? And I don't want to cut you out, but I'm I'm trying to make sure I keep bringing back the mechanics of this that people keep missing. So again going back to California, since I'm in a reparationist space and everybody's scholars on reparationists, what I'm saying is, if I were to asked, who's lobbying in California, because that's what's closest to the dollar right now, I'm sure everybody would agree that's the one that's getting the most attention right now. California. It's great if it can happen in all these other places. But since there's so.

Few that actually believe in reparations.

The people on this call who are listening now, I hear y'all talking about California all day every day, and so I want to know again, the question goes back to who is running in California.

The answer is nobody. Nobody has a candidate.

We had a brother come up talking about, you know, what he doing on the county and what he gonna do and who might run, No dispect to him, but I cut them off because I wanted to get down to the answer. The answer is zilt zero. There's nobody right now in this twitter verse world that is pushing a candidate that is actually running. Not finna do gonna do? What's thinking about doing? I've been thinking about it, I'm waiting on doing it. I ain't thought about it yet. Bottom line, nobody's running in California. And number two, how many of you have been lobbying the current elected officials, which sometimes is a waste of time because their mind is already made up. But those two things are not being done. So if those two things are not being done, then that means that California going nowhere. And if California don't go nowhere, guess what happens. It's not gonna go anywhere in Maryland, it's not gonna go anywhere in Tennessee, it's not gonna go anywhere in these other states.

People follow.

And so all of the attention right now should be on California and making it happen in California. And again, I didn't mean to cut you off, Sas, but I know a lot of these other spaces getting to all of this other stuff about what they ain't not what they're not, and I just want to keep on asking where's the California candidate now? And That's where I'm at because I'm like, even with California people i'm looking at did not give a real reparations deal.

But this is what happens when we're not in, we're not present. They get to do whatever they want to do. They host the conversations the way they want to host it. Thank god we stayed on California. It's pushing things. We're not looking for a front, but pushing.

But how is it pushed? So let me ask you this this and I'm just playing Devil's avocae. How is it pushing when y'all don't have nobody to vote for. Oh no, I'm with you on that part. I'm with you on the book.

But I will know and I and I'm not challenging you.

I'm just saying for the other people listening, because I want them to know, you're you're not pushing nothing but keyboards. If you're not pushing some office, you're just pushing lips together. That's what I want to keep redirecting it to. I'm not saying it's not important, and I'm not I'm just using you as an example, you know, like when you tell me and thank god we was able to push it half you ain't got nobody who vote for it. They're they're sitting back and just entertaining you. Guys, I've been you.

Know what I'm saying.

They just sitting back, like when they say, okay, five minutes, my problem, next person, five minutes, and then they go in the back and they laugh because their mind is already made up. If you don't have a candidate, you're not pushing nothing but a keyboard. Yes you should make the comments. Yes you should post and tweet and run down and make all the disc records and the mixtapes and all of that. But at the end of the day, if there's no candidate in California right now.

That you have placed there, not an old.

One that already got their mind made up. I saw somebody in the comments saying Kamala did run for Senate, but she ain't running for it now though. If you do not have a candidate in California right now that's ready to take the recommendations that people have been hollering and screaming about, nothing happens. And then people gonna say, see, that's why don't nothing ever happen.

It ain't.

That's why I don't vote. No nothing happens because you don't have no candidates. That's why nothing happened. You didn't send nobody there because all of your attention and all of your time was focused on making the recommendations instead of the person that's actually gonna vote on the recommendations. And two things can be true at the same time. Both need to happen. But right now, one hundred percent of the time is talking about the recommendations. Marcus, go ahead. I know you've had your hand up for a while. Bok for real guys want to take Tesla. Sure, yeah, and that was just everybody, just in your local states. Is so important because it is powerful.

It will actually even help California when more of us are pushing showing up at our city halls, showing up in these offices and calling for these conversations with these elected officials and telling them what we need, telling them our demands, showing them the voter base that they're gonna lose if they don't get what we need done.

This is what we have to do.

But see they don't care nothing about that though, sis, Because see this is what I've talked about about a win number. When you're going to a candidate and saying, if you don't do what we gonna do, you're gonna lose. They already know how to get their people to the post. I'm trying to tell you the game on why they don't listen to that when if I know my win number, and we talked about this earlier for those who want to go back and listen at the beginning, the beginning, if I know I only need five hundred and fifty people to go to the post, and you're standing there telling me if you don't do this, you're gonna lose. And I know you ain't wanted them five hundred and fifty people. They don't have to listen to you, and they're not going to listen to you. That's not the way to get them to move. The way to get them to move is I'm going to run somebody against you, so that now instead of you needing five hundred and fifty people, now because I put another candidate in the game, you're now gonna need eleven hundred people. You have to make them work harder. They don't give a shit about that. I know people on this internet like to make y'all believe that, but I am telling you that, yes, that's a part of it, but I am here to tell you that does not fear they That's just like me telling girl of you if you if you don't do such and such, I'm not gonna you know, me telling somebody else's man. Hey, if you don't do such and such, I ain't gonna be a woman. You're not my woman to begin with. I'm telling you that doesn't work.

They don't.

They literally don't care you're either running a candidate against them or you're not. But that's because threatening, because threatening to them that you're gonna look that you're not gonna vote.

They know you're not their voter.

You see what I'm saying. That's why I tell people spending time talking to the Republican Party, which I know y'all all agree, they don't give a shit what y'all talking about on Twitter because you're not their voter. They're only talking to their voter, and that work from the Democrat side, y'all, Hey, you don't do this, you're gonna lose us. They laugh because you was never even a part of the equation. All they worried about is the five hundred and fifty people that they need to get to the polls. They didn't even count you in the equation. That's what I need people to understand about win number. It's called win number, and you're not even in the win number equation. So telling them do this or else, they already don't count you. So there is no else but Rennie a candidate against them. That is how if you're gonna stoke any type of fear, it's.

That right, because you can split the vote and you can also put them on the defense. Okay, so that's the thing, like not voting, and like I tell people, everyone knows I'm with that.

Hell no, I'm not voting, not doing nothing for me. But you can't stop there. We already don't vote. They are they actually sometimes they're glad to hear you're not gonna vote, because that just makes it easier for them to get in. But when you say I'm gonna run a cannon to gets you and make them have to work, and now they got to defend themselves against the message of pushing that different.

Right, totally different, because you're gonna be invited to the debates, the newspaper's gonna have to ask you your opinion instead of just them, or they'll be biased. That is that's where the power is, guys. There's no way around it. And I appreciate uh, mister Zell and everybody else saying, you know, you gotta do this locally, and see that's let's let's let's.

End this excuse right now.

I want to help everybody with this right now, because what they'll say, Marcelle.

Is I'm doing it local.

I'm doing the work.

No fuck that.

Everybody that's listening to this right now, you need to be finding the California candidate period. Everybody, no matter where you live, calling every cousin you know in California, Hey, who you know in California?


Who you know in California?


There should be Twitter spaces all day? Who are we recruiting in California?

If you keep giving people these other things that they can make up and saying what they doing at home, it gets them distracted. Right now, let's war about Let's see what we can do California. Let's see what we do California. I want to see what we can have on California. I don't want to hear about, well I'm doing it in such and such town. I'm I'm I'm on the ground. Okay, how about all hands on decks on Cali? Fort y'all said that the rally last year. It ain't happen yet. Let's see if you really can put all hands on deck on California.

What about that?

Hey, tiers, I respect that question, but I want to put this. I don't want to go on a tang or anything like.

Let's let market speak. Use he's been having connectivity issues and while we got them, these don't speak.

Market's go ahead, as Danny, what's up y'all with her family.

Very basically, I got two things.

The first thing isn't don't talk about it unless you're going to be about it. I hated running for office, but it was necessary for me to do it because my voice wasn't being heard. And at the end of the day, working behind the seasons of politics doesn't make you a candidate. And I was working behind the scenes for years in politics. But I decided to run because it was time for my beliefs. And I'm a reparationist, and hell, I got ostracized from the top people in the country for trying to make reference ration is a thing when it wasn't the thing, right, So I hear a lot of people talking about what they should be doing and pointing at the other a whole lot instead of playing within themselves. I've been asked to run recently, and this is the most busy point in my life.

I've been asked to run for mayor of my town that I live in and.

I and I'm seriously contemplating it because there's no one else that is running.

For this office. And this this this white boy that runs my city.

He he is literally been the mayor of this town for twenty years straight up Republican and a majority black and LATINX district with a minority white population and votes against everything that that that our community needs for years now.

And it's a.

Five hundred five hundred, Like five hundred.

And seven is the wind number, right, Like you need five hundred and seven votes from the researcher I did to get to be to become the mayor of this town and actually change things. So that's the reason why I'm thinking about it, even though you know, let's this betrayal that takes a lot of time and effort, and I'm in a different venture right now needed whether that's said or not. If I don't run, I'm going to find somebody to run myself for the mayor of this town, because it's an easy thing.

You can make an idiot.

When the highest level of office, I mean a slick idiot, a smart idiot, but an idiot, and still won a presidency and that happened because he ran and people around him surrounding him with a campaign mechanism that literally made him get fifty percent plus one vote. That's all you really need to win. That's my first point. My second point is real simple, I want to go back to Tennessee. I posted it in the chat. Everybody in America, every black person in America, can affect races if we decide to dedicate ourselves to the bottom line, right, and Tennessee has companies that they trust to pay their taxes, that is the bottom line. We need to look at these companies that are in Tennessee and boycott they asked. And the reason why I say boycott them is very simple. It worked in Arizona, It's worked throughout history because the one thing that these folks who are against us worship is cash. It's funding is their bottom line. And every single company, every single company has a budget that they put towards lobbying, right, And if they don't have that money to put towards the budget of lobbying, then they're going to realize real quickly what.

We need is not getting done. Right. Same thing with what Tesla said in California.

Right, if we all put our collective minds into finding someone we know in that big ass state that just is willing to run, there's so many resources, even on Twitter, cap ass, there's so many resources that we can utilize to run that person and win an office. But we have to be dedicated as a people. We have to dedicate, dedicate more than more than just talking about it.

And that's actually being about it. Talking about it is a Twitter post.

Being about it is I got a homie that lives in South and Compton. I got a homie that lives in Sacramento. I got a friend that I think will be perfect in San Diego wherever you are, Like, run that person. And we know a lot of people, doctors, lawyers, trash men.

Thugs, niggas who niggas who don't who really don't do anything for a living, can win a win office in the Year of Allower twenty twenty three because there can be a mechanism behind them that if we fund them, if we get door knockers there, it can really really happen.

So don't just talk about it, Please be about it across the board.

And my suggestion for tendency is really basic, like we need to look at the companies because they don't give a damn about our words. They only care if we're voting and if we're stopping them money.

How am I please? Well?

And I want to say this because I know Danny gonna say you know, I hear that test and basically gonna say, we need people doing this everywhere. And I stand again on what I said. It ain't but less than two hundred people in this damn room. So it's not just to be no two hundred people running into all these various cities. You got to make for those of you to have children. I have a teenager. Put a thumb up if you have a kid. If I tell my child to clean the kitchen, she does everything to procrastinate doing every damn thing else. We'll clean the kitchen. Oh, I did the living room. Oh when a minute, I'm getting ready to do this. Oh, I'm just that I told you to clean the kitchen. I understand what procrastination is. And a lot of times people use I'm doing something here, and we don't know what the hell they're doing. I'm putting that one damn simple homework assignment that I ask at the rally. Who is running in California.

That's it.

This ain't the call about boycott, and I appreciate that.

Markets, but I don't need to give nobody else no other reason other than this one damn home. Let's see if we do this one homework assignment, one homework assignment. Who is running in California?

Not tend to see? Not over here, not at Arkansas.

That's great, y'all do that, and other I want to know, because I asked this in September, who's running in California.

And the answer continues to be nobody.

The reason why I'm saying that with this space, Danny, is because this space, these folks who are in this space, and I know because I'm scrolling and looking at all of y'all, and I'll be in all these spaces looks listening to y'all talk about the California Task Force. But I ain't heard nobody talking about who they supporting to vote for the California Task Force recommendation. So this is a simple homework assignment for one hundred and fifty people. I want to see if you can do it. When you give people too many options, Danny, they do too many other things. I want to know who's gonna run in California. Let's see if anybody can do if the reparation is, if the scholars can do that, and then after that maybe we can talk about everything else. But it can't be continued to be these other excuses, Well, I ain't doing that, but I'm doing this. Notice the conversations are very similar every time we bring Oh, no, I was gonna run, but I can't because of this, So I thought about it because it is or Oh I be doing this though over here, but I don't be doing that like the other brother. Oh no, no, I'm not running, but I'm actually doing this. No, Who's gonna run in California?

For this?

I'm talking to the Californian reparationists in the building of scholars. These are the people that be talking about California ree race has for it. So I'm trying to make sure. I want to make sure they hear it clearly. Are y'all going to get somebody to run for California or new black media? I see some of y'all in the building. Where's the podcast? After podcast at the podcast saying, Hey, who running in California? Who gonna put their hand up whether they can win or not. I'm not a resident in California, So who's gonna run in California? That's a resident of California. It's a simple question. And if and if if people can't figure that out, then what what are what are we talking about. Let's let's make the homework assignment real simple. Who's going to run in California.

Taxline? Real quick question? Do uh?

In order to pass a proper reparations as it stands uh in California to affect the task force and to make the right recommendations?

Do you have a number? And do you have a position that needs to be ran for?

I just want I just want to know for the folks who you know, like, okay, yeah.

I want to I want to make it real simple. We don't have to get technical. How about the numbers?

Just one?

Will any nigga raise they handle in California?

That's the number.

Let's let's not make a just one with anybody or any negro or O brother.

I forgot. I'm in the I'm in the space where they don't like to say the N words.

So my apologies. I got to well, any brother run now? Before we get to that, is anybody just willing to raise they hand? When you get into all of these other conversations markets, I'm just saying, well, my experience has been you know that get into all of these you know these water hole where you know what you really need is this scholar so and so said this, and elder so and so said, See, it ain't about the number, It's really about this. Well, really it's about to triangle or see you Well, first we gotta divide, then we gotta put the bath people got. Bottom line is, will any negro raise your hand to run?


No background, felony, no felony, skeletons in the closet, hood, transman, doctor, lawyer, anybody in one of the largest states in the country. Can anybody find one person and one of the largest states in the country that's willing to.

Run, Like just just for Margins, I'm gonna fight you, bro, I'm gonna fight you.

You know past. That's because I know.

What I'm trying to say it.

I'm saying.

What I'm saying is but the government. But you got you got the state of serrectly. Hold on one second, you have the state Assembly as well. And what I'm my point, what I'm trying to make is nobody's willing to run for anything.

So everybody, everybody, though, is an expert. Everybody can tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I should be doing. But I tell people, if I'm doing something wrong, show me how it's done so and that's the PROBLEMSS. And every time you ask the question about who's gonna run or even who's gone up there, every everybody gets quiet. And let me just say this though, we do need somebody to run at California, because again, when it goes to the Congress, they can say, Okay, we will approve, you know, a Freeman's bureau, but we wan't approve direct cash payments. And what are we want to do if we're not the people who are in that position? We have no voice. So someone really does need to run. And y'all again, even if you run and lose again, I'm telling you when I go to these meetings now I've been I've been involved in here in South Carolina for at least a year or two or three years. When I first started, they were not saying anything like a black agenda. Now I'm not saying it because of me, but when I'm into Rome, the cams at and before anybody asks me, I got a black agenda. Seriously, they stay in all the time now and I keep valuing. I know they weren't saying this before, but now they're like, oh, before I know because when I raise my hand they said, for anyoney backs, I have a black agenda.

It really does change things even when we run for office. But we run for office and win, we have ancess to making decisions that really talking on Twitter is not going to have any influence over it.

And even if you run and you don't win, the bottom line is, and I heard somebody say, you know, governments from the only one that matters. Okay, true, but he has to also report to a state assembly. He has representatives and senators under him. And my point is, even if you don't feel like that matters, the bottom line it what do you think talking on Twitter that's gonna make them do it? So you gotta get closer. You got to get a little bit closer to the power right now. If you don't have a candidate that you're running in California, that damn show ain't gonna do nothing. Talking ain't gonna do nothing either. So where's the person that's running and it's not running for governor?

Somebody got a damn run somewhere.

I mean, judge, Okay, you know what. I've been here for a minute, and so I want to speak about something I heard earlier. Have three things I want to say. The first question is you talked about someone educating about reparation, So I want to know, when educating about reparations, what will you cover. My comment is, I think Marcella is going to be a phenomenal politician. I think he is a great critical thinker, and I think he knows how to read the room. I'm in California. I have no desire to run to be a politician. I'm building a Black party. I'm going to be an influencer. I'm going to influence the candidates. I have no interest in being a politician. That's what hats off to you, Marcel. And if you could cover the information regarding reparation, because the fact of the matter is if you cover the proper things about reparations, white people will be on board. So if someone could tell me, when covering reparations, what would you be discussing.

That's a conversation that else we'll have to have outside of this space. But you know, obviously it includes the fact that where does reparations come from just the federal government, the numbers, how it's going to be beneficial to all Americans, even though it's only going to Black Americans. Cents of American slaves. But that is kind of a separate topic from what this room is about.

This room, yeah, because again I'm sorry, myself finished. This room is about what.

The room is about, you know, us running for office to be able to vote for the damn reparations in the first right.

Cause again, judge, I hear what you're saying. And I know a lot of people don't like running. But you, guys, do you see the pattern that most people come up and they say, you know, hey, I either they say, you know, that's not for me, I don't want to do it, but I'll support anybody to do it, or I'm not gonna do it. And there's nothing wrong with it because it's not for everybody. But I want you guys to notice the pattern that that everybody that comes up, hey, you know, I'm going to be the one to do this, but we need other people to run though everybody can't just be because if you're saying I'm going to be the one to influence the politician, well who they are going to be the politician? Somebody got to be the politician and so and those politicians that don't believe in reparations, they're not going to do it, and you're not gonna be able to influence them because they're gonna be elected by the people that got them elected. And if they got elected on a on a platform that's not reparations, they're going to adhere to the people that got them elected. That how that's how it works. That's why you have to have your own politicians. So if you're going to start a party, if you're going to start a pack when whatever, do well, let me speak to what you just said about, because I want to talk about what I'm gonna finish my sentence.


Whatever it is that you start a packed party, whatever it is, the bottom line is you'll mean candidates that come out of your leadership. That's what I'm saying. So the education on what reparations is, who will when?

In world?

Why you can pick a Twitter space any day of the week. That's all they talk about on this space. No, I never hear anything about I never hear anything. All I hear about is about freemen and negro But let me let me, let me finish. But no one's talking intelligently about reparations.

In the terms of nuisance.

Let me say this to you, Teslim, I'm about results of strategy and getting to and getting getting it done, and so to the room, government Newsom is the only one can determine on if we get paid or not. Governor Newsom expositioned himself to be the president. That's why he has then gole this carriage. What you do is you call him out on what he is saying. If you put the flashlight on him, but the spotlight on him, he will approve reparations.

That's not true because looking to us, no, listen, real quick, they don't seen us dying. We done been in the streets. We have been marching, we have been crying, We've have been throwing, turning up in the courthouse because our people have been killed. And that is not movvating them to do nothing for us. We keep thinking that we can show him gaff is what I'm saying, so you can know if I'm talking about what you're talking about. Let me finish. Please. We keep we keep thinking that we can shame these people or even pressure these people. We can't pressure them. We can pressure Newsom and to doing reparations. You know how you pressure him by running for office and replacing the people who can overpower him. Because even Governor Newsom can't just really nilly pass legislation. He can be beatled by state Congress. Any governor right now here in South Carolina, my governor Henry McMaster, the South Carolina Congress can veto a bill that he roves. They can he, I mean they, That's why it's called checks and balances. So he doesn't. He can't will and nilly arbitarially pass a bill that really from Congress where he can ve though, and sometimes Congress can override a bill that he is supporting. So it has three balances. But my thing is it really comes from the people who are going to be in Congress on the state level on the federal level, and shaming them has not.

Worked shaming him, And so if I can never get my thought across, it would be great. I'm trying to say something and I always struggle with this. Okay, So what I'm seeing, and first of all, I'm out a Democrat, and what I see is Newsome doing his strategy. His strategy pant family is for you to have a positive and in parents in him. He knows that many of us are not well educated on things or don't go into depth. So I say anything about shaming him. This is politics Joe Biden wants knows. Now you see Joe Biden talking about reparations. If you don't know, family, We are the decision maker. We decide on who wins and who does not win. Governor Needson could give a fuck about caliber when you. Governor knew some hat and his sight is going to be the president if you put him in the spot.

Okay, see what we're saying is let me finish. No we no hold up, hold on, hold up, hold up, hold up, losing. I can't even never finish and hold on. No, that ain't why we hold on.

Wait a minute, Wait a minute, Wait a minute, because see that, wait a minute, hold up.

This is why.

Now, Marcel I wanted you to bring up folks because you, you know, recognize folks. But let me just say this this and I'll open up the mic. This talk would I'm going to open it back up to you. But let's just calm down just a quick second, because these spaces do a lot of talking. And I know you're saying, you know, you're about getting it done and about whatever and about shaming him. I'm going to ask you, and this is what I what my frustration companies Twitter spaces, tell me, besides reparations, this part, this this strategy that you're suggesting that we do. Can you give me an example of where you've done that and that that's actually worked.

Did she go, Yeah, I don't see her no more?

See and see and this is what see.

I hear a whole lot of what we're supposed to be doing and what we're supposed to be And again, no disrespect to the sister. But this is why I don't like these Twitter space because people just get to say what and it ain't no disrespect to her.

But y'all, y'all gotta be real careful. I believe in receipts.

And when I hear somebody say it ain't about running, it's about shaving him and putting the light on them. And then I asked, well, have you put the light on somebody? And have you seen that work? Because I damn show can said I put the light on Bernie Sanders. I put the light on Bernie Sandersen.

Got rid of too black representatives, but let the white woman stay and that.

But again, but let's talk about the receipts.

Though a lot of times people got a lot of good ideas and when I say, have you implemented that? And this ain't no disrespect, I'm just time to give y'all an example.

When I say, what have you done that?

Her answer was I'm getting ready to do it. Since y'all like hollering on in phones, her answer was, I'm getting ready to start a party. Not I've started one and I've done it, but I'm getting ready to What happens in the Twitter space is a whole bunch of finnough finna do gonna do? Whoever talked the loudest, you know, get to say what you don't let me finish because because again I don't want to hear the talking. You told me you were about results. You say you're about getting it done with. Where's the party that you're talking about? Had you started it? Are you finna do it? See that's where it come down. And I know a lot of people don't like that when I come with that tone, but that's what it's about. That's what it's about. At the end of the day, the sister says she getting ready to start the party, but got all the advice on what Marcelle should be doing. He already on the ballot. So come back to me when you started. Come back to me when you actually start the party that's gonna shine the light that you recommending everybody else to do. Otherwise you just talk. And that's what this space is about. Constant action.

Where's the action when you're gonna do it?

If Governor Newsom is the problem, then who you're running against? Governor Newsom? Who you're running under?

Governor you say you got a party. You corrected me and said, not a path or party. Okay, you ain't started that either. You say you're finna do it. I know y'all don't like that because that challenges y'all in ways that people don't like being challenged. But that's really what it comes down to, Marcela. At the end of the day, when are you going to do it?

Can I talk? Can Can I say something to this?

All I want to say is like, I'm all for getting the you know, new candidates and getting new blood the thing. But and as a person like I stick primarily to dinferent politics and Southern politics. So if it's outside of those two realms, don't I don't really follow it unless it's like national headline news. But I just looked on the website, the California Black Caucus has what eighteen members have anybody that's in California, even if you're not gonna run, have y'all looked into who these eighteen members are? And have we already decided that these people are not going to be supportive because while we're trying to get folks to run and step up to the plate, have we looked at what's already there? And if we have looked that was already have you already determined that these people.

Will ask I can tell you. I can tell you the people on this page. They gonna say everybody was a coon. So let's not given up excuse. I want to know who running because all of them, everybody ain't on the agym, just like you said, every earlyer and whatever it is they cooning. Yep, they're not on hold. They doing what they supposed to do. They ain't pushing black enough. So bottom line is gonna keep on circling back to the same thing. Find somebody in California to run. I don't need we ain't got time. That's just gonna be another excuse, then another excuse. I reached out to such and such. Fuck that who's running.

That's it.

When you do that, it just allows just like you talking about what Justin done as an individual, that just opens up the conversation to debate Justin. I want to know who is damn running? Marcel talk to these folks every day so they he know he say this every day and they never answer him. Who is damn running?

Bottom line?

What you mean gonna talk to these people for what? They ain't fucking with you?

Ay right? And even if they were, we still need more of them.

That's a right. Let's say I get in Congress.

Let's say I beat Clive Bumam, and let's say I get in Congress. I'm one person. I'm not gonna have any power. Just be one person. I can breath, I can do in Congress what I'm doing that, I can introduce the legislation, I can bring it to natural spotlight, and I'm going to go around helping other candidates. But I'm we're going to need more of us. So even if we had like California, which is not a very black state. And by the way, y'all, it don't have to be black people running new things for black Americans. And by the way, I need Okay, I say this all the time too. Y'all know I am fully for reparations. I stand on it. People in South Carolina though, the MAGA people, they say some of them already recognized me as the reparations guy, but they also realize and I tell people I have other things on my platform too, So you don't have to just run on reparations. If you have a district that may have other needs that are going to have to serve the needs of the people there, you can do that, but don't sell us out.

For y'all.

It doesn't have to be a black person either. But being that it's mainly US Black Americans who are in this reparations movement, and this is for our people, we should be the ones. So let's say California has eighteen black people in Congress.

That's not enough for that.

So we need more people. So, y'all, even if I learn to win, hell, let's say I'll make it to the US Senate, we gonna still need more of us, far more to actually get things through because I will not be one person and be able to get things through. I'll be able to put pressure, I'll be able to use legislation I'll be able to bring attention, I'll be able to use whoever resources I have to help y'all run office. But y'all are gonna have to run office. Remember y'all. Someone said, well, if this is gonna be, you could be one person. You can't do anything. I said, No, what I'm going to do is be like Johnny apple Seed. I'm gonna plant seeds throughout this here land and I'm gonna watch them sprout. But if the seeds don't sprout and we don't have no affles and the seeds are people who are wanting to run office, I can't help anyone get in office. And if no one running office, y'all we have to run. I'm not saying this be insulting, but one of the things that make me cringe is when people say an organizer. Yes, organizers are very necessary, but too many of us are organizers. For what we are going right now, we need to be organizing people can run for office and the people who are going to support the person running for office. That's the ultimate manifestation of organizing running office, getting our people to support the people running for office so we can get our needs addressed where they the problem with unstarted in the government, y'all, local, municipal, state, federal, that's where we have to go to ultimately fix the problem. And as intelligent and talented as a.

Lot of you are, a lot of you are doing a real a lot of good work. You're doing so much work in your area that you can easily win office. With all the work you're doing, it will probably be easier to run for office and win and you'll be able to do a whole lot more and having to work a whole lot less.

In reality, the work I see some of you doing. To be very honest with you.

That's it, and I can't and I got to keep it. I appreciate Danny.

You know my brother, he always looking at strategy and you know what, have y'all reached out to it all way? And because then somebody just say, well, yeah, you know, I've been reaching out, I've been doing the work, I've been emailing. No, let's do what we can see where is the candidate. Let's go ahead and clean the kitchen. You know, like y'all say I'm cooking, I'll be in her cooking. Y'all be cooking into the space. And ain't that what y'all be doing cooking. I'm cooking. Oh he cooking. She cooking, Now look at us. She cooking the ribs. Oh yeah, wait, hold on, she about to cook the macaroni cheese. Oh here come the size. Oh yeah, she cooking, cooking and landing planes, cooking and landing planes. Well, who gonna cook up a candidate around this piece?

That's just it.

It gotta keep coming back to that, Danny, because this is the same group that get talked to over and over and over and over by myself. He don't want to be sitting up asking people to run. And every time somebody get on here talking about we'll see what we need to do is da and yelling and hollering and screaming in the phone, and the answer is always the same.


See, it's a pattern of finder, Dude, what's gonna do? Was thinking about it, thought of this one where I was, but I got other stuff going on. It's the same thing every damn time. So I'm trying to figure out if the twenty four hour a day scholars can find somebody in CALIFORNI you to run?

Is this a simple question?

But I see somebody and just what we do someone not showing their face or maybe that is them as a child, but it's definitely not them now because I can just tell by the name and the age that's a name that whether that's probably from the sixties or seventies. Talking about oh Marcel, he he was promoting Gabriel Piamonte. He don't got no right for his First of all, I do. Second of all, I'm going to keep doing it. Third of all, Okay, you worried about who I promoted, you run office. I can promote YouTube if you got polity deserving of it. You see, that's the thing, that's why you know, Yes, Twitter has been useful for me, and you know it's a blessing and a curse. And as I'm always struggling to find more balance with like you said, I am more and more increasing my president on the ground.

But that's the time waste.

The stuff that people do, that's that rundown stuff that is not going to influence one piece of legislation to help our people.

Thinking you're running somebody down on Twitter.

If you are so saying, well, how Marcel moves, how Gabriel moved, then get your ass up and you moved to run for office and move to get your name in a ballot on a reparations platform, and of course you can have other policy.

See, that's the stuff. I don't like.

Your quick to criticize what someone is not doing or what someone did that you did not like that they did.

But you are doing a damn thing to get our people what we deserved.

Show me how it should be done, show me what I did wrong and how it should happen, or show me what not to do that I've been doing. But when you say that, those same ones that have a word to say, they will tell you. I'm doing things my neighborhood all the time. Share a picture, no picture.

Comes, no picture comes.

I've said to them, show me a picture, show me a picture, show me an email, not one. So I need those trolls just be gone, be gone.

I need it.

Ain't gonna tell you a damn thing y'all can di like when they get you upset myself.

I ain't gonna lie. I don't like seeing your set, but I do like it when you.

When you get on one. What y'all not gonna do is interrupt myself. That's the damn sure. It ain't a damn thing y'all can do about it. Go ahead to the base for y'all'n upset myself. Don't y'all upset myself. You've been doing good this whole time. Y'all are came upsetting myself.

Nothing more obsessed me than people who are talking, doing a whole lot of talking, but not doing any working. That's the only thing that obsessed me. And you know, the ultimate work that we really need to be doing. If we're not running for office, we need to be out there recruiting someone in my office, and then we need to be supporting that person, because let me tell you, I'm getting a good bit of support, but it's not enough. And that's not a dig at the people who have supported me. I appreciate them and love them for that. But like and you already said it, running for a congressional race, that's not you know, that's not for the faint of heart, and that's not something you win by just standing on the street with a megaphone. That's a massive amount of time reaching out to people doing event. And first of all, in my area, people aren't that politically engaged anyway, because you know, Cliber hasn't had a challenger in thirty years, Vincey Graham really gets a legitimate challenger. So South Carolina has almost rented all as a state where people kind of have dynasties or people pretty much inherent this seat. Like people rarely challenge a lot of the politicians here. So getting people politically engaged, I understand that you have an option that of itself is a monumental task. But also the getting people the apathy that I face, the more people always ask me or you're gonna need security. So first of all, if you support me and you become my security, okay, I'm gonna continue standing on what's right.

But I don't even face a lot of that.

A lot of what I face the most, that's the most dangerous thing is apathy. Seriously, I talk to a lot of black voters who are living in squalor a lot of times, and not squalor because they're dirty people squaling because it's the level of poverty is here in my area and they are not. When I come to them, a how is wrong and this is the reason why this is what I plan to do. Then look at me like like I have eight heads, And the funny thing tells them when I speak to some white voters. Can I speak to them the same language about what I'm planning to do, And I tell them I'm planning to help all people, but first and foremost, I'm gonna help the people who have been helped the least and hurt the most, Black Americans. The white voters get more passionate about it than the black voters do. And that's just the crazy thing that I'm learning, so much like you're not always going to land with the demographic where you think they're gonna land, and sometimes the demographic where you thought you would not get support, you end up getting support. Just politics is funny, unpredictable. But the point I am making is that there's a lot of work we have to do. Because I know I'm not unique here in South Carolina. I like to think i am, But I'm pretty sure if people who are running for office or who have done activists on the ground in other parts of America, they probably face the same thing. A lot of apety, a lot of voters who are just not educated.

I would have been one of those voters just a few years.

Ago, not knowing how to vote, thinking you can vote online, not thinking that you can register when you go to vote.

I would have been one of those people.

Look, it's just a monumental amount of work that needs to be done and I need more of us to really step up to do it. And I think some of it is laziest, but I think a lot of us are intimidated by actually getting on the ground and doing the work. But that's where supporters come in. When I first ran, I didn't. A lot of people I thought would support me turned on me. They let them tell it. They would supporting me from day one. I have text messages that can show you differently, but I'm not gonna go there. But to marry Shirley Johnson, you know had Browns before in Georgia, and she was the one that walked me through the process how to repster with the SEC, about how I need to get a campaign account, about who I need to call to ask questions. If I did not have that pessident I would have I would have still been trying to figure out right now. So that is where supporters come in. So if you're not gonna be the person that runs the office, maybe you could be the person that develops a kit for a person that rent for office about what they need to do, and you be a person there to help walk them through it. There's so much need, Like I can go on about all the things that I need for someone to hand no fundraising. I pay the lady six thousand dollars flat and then shoot rear percentage of what she raises, and we haven't started yet because I had to get things set up. I had to get called payn the materials. I had to buy a van database to manage whatever you got to manage when you do a call time. And I had to find a deputy fundraising manager. I had to hire people. I had to hire research assistant, and then I had to hire one of the people to be my administrative assistant. And then I had to make one person all three positions because I couldn't find anyone.

But you see just what I'm talking about. Say, there's so much need.

I can spend a whole day in Twitter space talking about all the things I've needed to do that I struggle to find because I have had anyone to do it. And sometimes some people have to be Here in South Carolina, some people will probably be willing to do it, but some of these things it had to be people right here in South Carolina to do it, and it's been a monumental challenge. So support is very important, y'all. I'm never going to get a great support. That's essential. But before you can support a candidate, you need the candidate. Someone has to be willing to stand up and be the candidate. And if that person stands up and becomes the candidate, then we need to become the supporters of that candidate.

Don't tell that candidate de need security.

You valu tear to be the security or donate in funerraised for them to have security. Don't tell that candidate they need to be knocking on doors to on theize people who can knock on doors for them. I get a lot of people giving me good at advice, y'all. I'm good on good advice. I appreciate it. But now let's get it to the point where I'm hearing the same thing seventy times. I get it.

This is what I need doing what I needed, someone can be willing to help me do it.

And so it's to the point now where I'm not even responding where people write me tell you what I need to do. I need you to help me get it done. That's where supporters come in. So I get irritated only when people come with a lot of criticism about what I'm not doing or needs to be doing, or should have had done or should do, but they're not doing anything in their own neck of the woods, or you're not helping me do what I shouldn't be doing or giving me a helping to give me guidance and the support I need so that I don't do what you claim I am doing that I should not be doing, which if that's cursing me plow, I already told these older ladies said I was out an event two days ago, and I told all of that. I said, look, y'all, if you look me almos social media, I curse me plower, I says, I don't fologize here.

All the mansa y'all like my grandmothers, the great grandmother, But I curse, I said, y'all told that. I said, my grandma used to curse me out. I said, last my y'all in Christ two, I said, I said, ya, I'm new, I'm different, and they was like, oh nough, we we we we get you me, we get you to me art.

So I mean I I start off telling people took, y'all, I curse people out, sometimes tell people die.

I said, I just want to let y'all know I'm probably be a little different from other people who come to these events.

Once I start off telling people that when people look me up on social media, because people have while I've been speaking to them, they oh, you are allowed to tell it kind of takes out the shop factor. So I start off letting people know, look, this is the type of stuff I'll be saying, and I let them know I'm not apologizing for it. I'm just letting y'all know that I'm moving a little different. But don't focus on so much more, I say, focus on what I do and what I plan to do.

I start off a lot of my speech, especially I'm talking to the older crowd.

I started off that way, letting them know that, look, I am probably not I'm not the run of the male person who runs the office. And that's usually works. And I'll just chime in on this.

Guess what the people as long as you're talking to the people that can vote for you, hey, that's where it's at, you know, as long as you're explaining to them or giving them whatever, and guess what if they look you up like you said, older people, trust me, they're not looking you up past that one brief moment. They're not because they're not on social media that way, like to Danny's point earlier. So even if they look at that one and you cut somebody up next week, they ain't looking at that. They looking at who. What conversation did you have with them at that moment, and did you stay in contact with them throughout the process, have a couple of meetings, a couple of phone calls, remind them to vote, and that's that.

That's it.

Having your one touch, two touch, third touch with the actual voter.

That's it.

I mean, you know.

And and that's why when you're face to face with somebody, like you said, it takes all of that out of it, because what's the what's.

The key face to face? Not online? So because of these online discussions, and again I'm not shitting on it, That's why I'm here talking to you guys. You know, I don't think that online.

I've met a lot of you in person, great relationships, very grateful love my online family. So I'm not shitting on it, and I don't think that I'm not saying that it's not important and I don't think that a lot could be done with it. What I'm saying is I wish, you know, it could be organized in some way. You know, it just it can't just continue to be because I think a lot of you got a hell of a skill set. I really do, and I just feel like that could be I would like to see it if you.

Do it or don't do it.

I just I feel like you guys could do more. That's all as an organized group. It's just it's one hundred people listening in this room and maybe fifty listening in the browsers. The ones whould probably like to make the disc records, Well, go ahead and make dis records and get an advertisement, get an advertising firm where you can actually put people out of ball because I can show you and my training, I can show you where we've done this is before people was doing this on Twitter campaigns that we made, local advertisement that we made basic on YouTube commercials. I did a whole bunch of campaigns against Charlie Christ when he ran years ago in Florida. Since you all about disc records, do want to and be coming over with some little fire shit like, why are you not using that to run against somebody even if you can't have a candidate. I'm gonna put this out of myself because a lot of people can't you.

Know, maybe they're not gonna run.

Okay, well again, remember the pack is available, the Political Action Committee's available, and that's where you can run against candidates. So if you can't find a candidate to run, how about at least being organized enough to make somebody lose.

And so guess what if you like to do on dis tracks, you can start a pack and you could do commercials for me disent James Clyburn in a district or just in the Democrats and sells out. People have done that, like you know someone I don't know if Stacy.

Abrams the first time she ran it wasn't the Miagles. I think it was hit the Negos, or was a group that sounded like the Eagles. They did like a dis track. They didn't dis Brian Camp. They did a discrap kind of dissing their Republicans and talk about Stacy Abrams. It wasn't paid for. It was paid for, you know they say paid for by you know friends, uh, right of Georgia.


So y'all. There's a lot of things that we are doing for free here on Twitter that you can really make money doing. And it actually helped to push reparations.

And actually give somebody a job, you know. So it says clearly some people don't I guess, don't have a job. They spend plenty of time in the studio so that that could actually be a real job.

It's called a five twenty seven.

But tell that some people feel like they're not good speakers, And I tell it, I think people are just intimity, like people don't like to look dumb.

And I've had this happen a lot.

Ain't nobody asking them to speak.

Ain't nobody ask What I'm saying is everybody in a speaker. A political action committee may have one smokes person. That's where you say, hey myself, can you come talk about our issues. This don't have nothing to do with being no damn good speaker. They speak in these Twitter spaces all day they do. They yell and screaming the tutter spaces. So I don't want to hear that bullshit that that's just a bunch of bullshit.


They yell and spit all over this phone hollering and screaming let me be up.

So they know how to speak bullshit, I call bullshit.

If they can't speak, they damn so. If they can't speak, they damn so know how to type. So why they ain't typing writing letters? That's what packs do, write letters. So we know they know how to do plenty of down speaking. If they ain't speaking, they know how to sit in this room with this avatar picture up.

So go sit in city council somewhere.

Just show your face.

You ain't got to say nothing. You show your space.

You show your space in these Twitter spaces all day. So the bottom line is there gotta be some besides just being an avatar in the room, whether you're sitting in the crowd like an avatar sitting in the crowd. Now if you're typing in the comments, are you typing any letters to go to any of these elected officials? Or can your phone bank? Like you raise your hand and land your plane. You can even call the voters in Marcell's district. And before you hang up, just say I land my plane. If that makes you more comfortable, just say I land my plane. The person or other thing, man, I know the hell you talking about. But if that's more familiar to you to phone bank, then do whatever it. Take the phone bank and just say you're landing your plane, vote for my cell, I land my plane and hang up.

Do that.

Can't nobody see you on the other side of the phone. Bullshit speakers, But I'm on Twitter space all day long. No, You're a damn good speaker. You just want to speak on this other shit and not speak on actually moving power forward and the other stuff is important.

But I'm not going to use that as.

An excuse, because that's an excuse.

Well, I want I'm gonna have to go soon, but I would definitely want to find out what I have to do here to actually people who are committed to having you come willing to pay that. I guess the reservation I don't want to call a reservation fee. I'm not sure what it is, but I know it's like it was.

And one more example, guess what if they can't phone bank for you, guess what they can text message for you too. That's another way people that that people that don't speak they can text message. Also, everybody I'm sure has gotten a text message will you vote on such and such? A day or would you register to vote? You know what I'm saying. So they can text message. They can two way text message for you, just like when everybody came to my class in September. Remember y'all got I know I see Raheem Jay, y'all y'all came to my class. They got at least ten to fifteen messages at least at best. And guess what, guess who was doing it? Just me, me, by myself. I sent out every damn text message. I sent out every email. I was two way texting people. They thought they was talking to somebody else, but really it was me, surprise, surprise. I made sure until I got everybody in that room. So it's plenty ways to get it done. It's just a matter of do you want to get it done or not. If you can't speak texts, if you can speak to let.

Some people still do that. Some people literally write postcards and some stuff envelopes for candadates. I've seen people do that. I wasn't able to do it because it was just too much, But I've seen candidates do that. They send people in their district like postcards with you know, a little person on hand. Richard messages. There's prince here, weeds help. You can knock on the door and shake hands. So there, But so tas, I want to find what I need to do to really get your reserved here because I really wanted to bring here and I had nineteen people.

Of course, you know how people are. They're finicky.

That's why I understand why there has to be something that's gonna people have to put an investment in where they're gonna show up. Because you do something, you say, okay, everyone see is going to show up the day of two percent of that actually appears. I've seen it happen. I know. No, I know.

That's why I organize as hard as I did, you know in Atlanta. But this class has to be paid for in advance. They can cancel thirty days before. But if we don't have the people, you know for the class, the people that signed up, they'll get their money back.

It's real simple.

I'm not jumping on planes spending my money coming down and waiting to see you know.

So uh uh is there a link I send to them?


I No, I can set up you know, we can talk about what you know, what date would work, and we'll you know, there'll be a link and they can you know, go from there. And then if if they don't get it done thirty days prior to hey, people get their money back. They decided to do it. And that's that and that's that's how we always get a chance to see who's who. Over fifty people say yeah, come to my city, come to my city, come to my city. Then when it was time to do it, they don't do it. And that's okay, that's that's a.

Part of it. I people need to expect. That's a part of it.

That's why people don't want to run, because it's they can't handle, you know, that disappointment.

That's the part of it.

That's why guys, people that run for office or people that do the work, that's why they talk so snappy. That's why they interrupt you. That's why they talk over you because their patients are short. Because this shit wears you down, you know, wears you down because they don't want to hear a bunch of your talk and a bunch of your ideas.

That's what it is. So I'm glad it's not me because I thought I told my well, no, I've been getting I've never been explosive. I mean, I've always had a kind of a I've always been passionate. I've always been kind of I've always been very passionate, but never been explosive, but legally has my tolerance. But bs, I've never been this short patience with people. I don't want to hear it, okay, because again, okay, well you just looking me on the head because people just talk talk talk talk talk, and I am just through. I'm through with the showboarding, the talking departuring, you know, the the yeah, the virtue signaling. So okay, well that's that. So I'm going through that experience where we have the patience I got used to have. Like I was, and I was in my district hand our flyers, and of course this black guy caiding to me, what you think we're gonna do when we get our reparations, and I said, well, we're gonna do what we always done. We're gonna pull ourselves. We're gonna build up our black wall streets and thrive. I said, but this time we are going to have people in power to protect us. And then he started bubbling. Well you know, man, I said. I said, well, okay, I said, now if you said, you suppos reparations. Like yeah, I said, well get at my campaign. He said, well, you know, man, I'll be busy. I was like, okay, talk to you later. I said, the information. When you get time, just call me. I just be having time nowadays. Maybe a fananda that we were at.

I mean, no, you you if somebody already you. I tell Cannabis you don't spend time bagging people. That's not for you know five the person that is you know what I'm saying. You'll exht exhaust yourself trying to convince people. And I just think personally, you do a lot of that in these spaces because you are just You're an educator by trade, so you want people to have the information that in your passion. So I wouldn't waste time on the phone with somebody who because there's so many people that you can that you can get on your side, and you only need a certain percentage on your side.

So I tell any candidate.

Okay, cool, you don't want it, cool, let me go on.

You get exhausted and get frustrated by using the energy you do have trying to convince those who are probably not gonna do it anyway, and that includes in this online space as well. You're gonna keep getting exhausted as long as you're trying to be the activist, the politician, the candidate, the inspiration person, the go to the this or that to that. You got your hand in a lot of different buckets and so it's gonna break you down.

You see, you have to educate them, and then I have to be the candidate. I'm saying, I don't know who this policy person is, but I'm gonna try them and let's see. You know, it could be a troll, but we'll find out and if it ain't, now drop them immediately. Politics guide it me.

I just wanted to thank you for a part in that wisdom. I thought that was very, very succinctly put.

Okay, you're welcome.

I'm very interested as to what these spaces you know, cover, because I'm trying to feel like I'm a cultural outsider from you know, my perspective, and I'm always very intrigued to hear what people have to say. And I've heard a lot of wisdom and a lot of really good stuff since I've been listening so far, and I really appreciate that.

Well, thank you, are you being Kent.

Are you running office or organizing Canadas to run for office.

I certainly do participate in my local I try to, you know, do what I can within my sphere of influence. Of course, I'm out here in northern California in a pretty rural county, so I do go to town hall meetings and good stuff like that, you know. I go to my county meetings and things. And I do have some friends are in the political organization of the parties as well.

I like to support them where I can. Okay, well, thank you for your compliment.

Yeah, God blessed. I just, you know, I really appreciate that. And then I just there's there's one topic that gets thrown around a lot that I've seen, which is reparation. But I feel like all of the American people, and especially black Americans. I think all of the black people, all of American people in general, deserve reparations because our money is getting important out of country and helping basically terrorist organizations, and that's pretty wild to me.

Well yeah, well, I mean, yeah, Ukrainians, but also take care of legal immigrants and foreign aid the countries that are actually our enemies. But yeah, definitely, Well, thank you for that. Reparations and the sense that I am promoting for are reparations that this nation owes to Black Americans who are descendents of American slaves, which should have been the day's slavery end it. But you know, they continue with anti black American terrorism.

So what I'll with you on that.

I just want to say, I'm totally with you on that.

I think the first step to getting Black Americans who are descendants of slavery, uh, you know, those those families. I believe the first step to getting them their proper money is making sure that we're doing proper accounting at the federal level in the state level, and that we're not poorting all of the tax playing all the American citizens hard earned GDP funds towards other entities, and it needs to go to Americans first. And I think black Americans should absolutely be considered for enhanced reparation as well.

Thank you so much, Thank you wells. I've enjoyed this, but I got cybersecurity work. I better get too, no.

Problem, and this Friday night, I'm going this Friday night, So thank you so much, guys for those Yeah, I hope you guys found it. Helpful I did. I think a lot of information got covered. It started out talking about Tennessee and keeping the main thing, and we had some really really good dialogue between ourself and Tammy, who had an exchange online, and again, you know, agree, it's a very good conversation to listen to, to agree to disagree on you know, what we need to be looking at in regards to Tennessee. And again you can certainly you have not like who the representatives are, the party they represent are, the policies that they push. I just want to remind you that getting expelled out of the House is a precedence that we don't want, that we should not be supporting, because it absolutely will happen to you if your candidate is there in support of your issues as well. So anyway, guys, thank you so much for listening. I'll leave this up and hey, it is what it is. And next time I rarely come in these shorter spaces, but guess what I'm gonna ask next time I'm in here, where is the California candidate?

That's just always going to be the question.

I say that because there's always a challenge on who should be speaking on reparations and who should not be speaking, and who is this and who is that? And I just want to ask those same people who are they running, because you're going to need somebody to vote for that study, because that's what that California Task Force is. It's a study that where they recommend and somebody's going to have to take the recommendation and implement it in the policy, which that means you're going to have to have a candidate that actually supports that. So hopefully, you know, all the reparations reparationist family can get together and look in the great state of California and see who you can run and even if they can't win, at least be able to say, hey, you put a candidate out there, like I always say, usually little that can't make his shoes, that this has been great.


I'll check in with you another time piece.

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