The Republican California Takeover Is On The Way!

Published Jan 10, 2025, 8:02 PM

Tap in as Tezlyn Figaro breaks down exactly what to expect in politics as Californa repairs the damage from the historic wildfires.

Yea, you.

Don't want to ask your question?

Real good, Let's just keep it real straight shot with no chaser, and I'm gonna get a little bit rougher. I'm here for it. Those who really believed in the American process, all of us. Street shot, no chase with your girl, teston figure out on the.

Black Effect Podcast Network.

Ain't work Test one, figure out here, Straight shot, no Chaser on the Black Effect Podcast Network.

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Make sure you uh stay linked up is very important, especially as we move forward with a new administration. It's really going to be important on where you get your information from and how you're able to stay tapped in. I wanted to put this on the record because the bottom line is it's important that I go ahead and let you know what's about to happen in California. One, because I want it on the record. Is very If you follow my work, you know that it is very important to me that we put it in the files, that we put it on the scroll, that we are able to say who said it and who said it first?

And why is it important? On tesling it don't matter? Yeah, it kind of is.

Because now we're in what's getting ready to be a free for all on social media? Everybody want to be a political pundit until it's time to be on three hundred and sixty five days a year. And what happens is you have misinformation out there. You have people who pick and choose when to talk about politics, and now that Facebook has removed fact checking, it will absolutely be a free for all. And you guys need to know where to get your information. You need to know who really do this for real. So I am Tesla Figureo, Chief political corresponding for Revolt News, your Homegirl, The Homie, The Big Homie, also Black Effect Podcast Network. So make sure you say tapped in. I'm bringing in my Instagram family with this this morning because I want to make sure that people are getting this message. I put on my post this morning to save this post, save it, share it, mark my words on exactly what's getting ready to happen with the Republican takeover because this is very, very very important. Let me go through a couple of things, because while everybody's posting who shook who's hand, and who didn't shake who's hand, and who smiled and Obama and creating all these different voiceovers on what Trump was saying and who said.

What to Obama.

Let me give you some news for those of y'all who don't understand how gangsters move. The Republican California takeover is happening right now in motion. Put a five in a chat if you agree. The Republican California takeover is happening right now in motion. Now, I come from the era where Bloods were the minority is still the minority. But I come from the era I was raising a Piru hood. I understand how Blood's left Inglewood, California and set up shop all over the country. So I watch it happen in real time. I understand gangsters. A lot of y'all don't, So this is very confusing to you. As I was talking on the baron this morning to y'all know, one of my very best friends, Spud, who's I believe he's here on the chat now in LA who was saying, what'splain to me?

How you notice? I said, it's the same.

Way how I knew what you was doing in ninety four, nine ninety six when you came to my hood. Same strategy, same strategy, matter of fact, even the same color Republicans in case you don't know, they call them the right. Guess for many of you that don't know, bloods rock their flag on the right, Cribs rock their flag on the left. Cribs blue, Republican Democrats blue. A lot of y'all try to use that analogy, but don't understand nothing about gangsterism. So I ass respectfully on behalf of the real gangsters. Please don't use analogies that you're not familiar with. I'm gonna flip a couple of these things to you, explain a couple of things to you so that you can get it, So that you can get it. Now, Republicans are going to use this fire to hurt Newsom. They're gonna use this to hurt his brand. Remember that Newsom will be putting his hat in for twenty twenty eight.

He'll be using this. Remember Newsom considers himself a viable candidate now, to be honest with you, to be honest with you, Newsom I don't believe could win on a national level. Too liberal, too many things they can use against him. But that doesn't mean he won't be running in twenty twenty eight. He's turned out for governor in California right now, So right now he's turned out, So his next move is to be a possible Democrat candidate in twenty twenty eight. You can better believe that they will be using this to say, Newsome, this is your fault. Newsom, this is your fault.

You didn't have enough water, you didn't have a while many of y'all saying, Oh, it's mother nature, Oh he couldn't help. It doesn't matter. Republicans don't give a damn about y'all talking about it. Ain't time for play politics, and let's get stick to the script. And Trump has showed you he will be. He doesn't give a damn about y'all feelings. He don't care about what you're talking about. They will use this to make sure that they do damage to his brand in twenty twenty eight. They will add this to the homelessness crisis in LA. They will add this to the economic crisis in LA. They will add this to the crime crisis. They're gonna add this, put this right on end with fire and say guess what, it's all because it's your fault. Whether you think it's his fault or not, you can debate a it in the comments, y'all can sort it out in the comments. I'm trying to tell you what it's gonna be, not telling you what it should be. I'm telling you how it is. And they're gonna aggressively use this messaging not only that, but also to make sure the Mayor Basquet is push pushed out of the pain. Remember they just went against Mayor Bash about the immigration. Remember what Trump is get ready to do with immigration. So you think they're not gonna add this to the list to say, thanks to you, we got immigrants running ramp it all over California, homelessness everywhere. Mayor Bass can't keep it under control. They will absolutely be using this and continue to use this to do what they've been already doing, which is taking over district by district that many of y'all have been paying attention to. And they will use Facebook to make sure that this message out there. And Facebook told y'all last week we're not doing no fact checking. We just gonna let it be for what it is. And as I told y'all last week, many of you don't have the discipline, the digital discipline to really be in the comments correcting the narratives. I'm saying that would love Now, I love my comment caucus because I know y'all be down with me. But we don't have enough common caucus to make sure. And when I say we, I'm talking about truth seekers, independence, Democrats, republics.


You are, logical people that can see what it is. You don't have the digital discipline for it. You do have the digital discipline, though, to make video after video after video about Obama talking to Trump. Look at all the blogs that got on board with that, blogs, Hollywood Unlocked, Balla Alert, you know where I'm at. I done reached out to you. Let's get busy with some of this content that matters because all of the gossip blogs were on board with that, and there's no shame because it's good content. But we also got to have in some of this other content as well. So Democrats will struggle to keep up, per usual, will struggle to keep up with accurate information because Trump is already ahead of the game.

He's already came out and.

Said it's Nuisan's fault. He'll be talking about it today. Trump sentencing today live from court, and guess what he'll be talking about. He'll be flipping that message as well. Let's put the attention back on Newsom. I'm just telling y'all how it is and how it's gonna be. Two Republicans that flipped more con congressional districts in California. I don't know if many of y'all know that. Go Look, they've been flipping it one by one since two thousand and eight. They will continue to use this to flip this because California has fifty four electoral College votes. Right now, Democrats can depend on California to maintain a lot of the blue a lot of the blue votes that they need while they fight over the swing states. But if California ever becomes a Republican state, it's over with for Democrats. It's over with for Democrats because fifty four electoral College votes is a lot. Let's go by the math. Let's not go by what I say. Let's go by what we saw in Arizona and Nevada that flipped for Trump in.

The West Coast. Let's go by what we know.

Arizona, Nevada, right by California, not too far, not too far. It's happening one by one, it will continue to happen. How do you think, Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor Republican governor at one point in time. Let's look and see whos gonna run for governor in twenty twenty eight. Will it be a Democrat that can win? Will it be a Republican? Better believe this fire is gonna have a lot. Gonna have a lot. Be a part of that campaign quite a bit. Number three Democrats the largest donors of the Hollywood elite. Remember the ones that told Joe Biden to sit down, George Cloney and them in Hollywood. Yeah, they just watched all they should get burned to the ground. So we gonna see how they go. Did you see Paris Hilton posts how her house got burned down? Wonder how she gonna be feeling about Democrats right about now? Running out of water? What y'all think think they might slide some of that money over to the Republicans? They've been doing it anyway, But you think you think they might be as vocal for Democrats moving forward? See stuff it hit different when it hit home. Somebody put it hit different when it hit home. See it's one thing when you watch everybody else stuff burned down and everybody else community struggle and every other you know neighborhood and the Downtroden stay of down Troden and long as they got See, it's one thing when you got a Hollywood house in the hills and you able to sit down and say, you know, this is how poor people should do it and not do it, and that's how they should vote, and that's how they should It hit different when it hit home, and it has literally hit home. Thank you for my amen corner in the chat. It has literally hit home. I'm uploading this to straight Shot No Chaser today. Make sure you share this podcast. So we gonna see with them large donors, them large Hollywood donors that told Joe Biden to sit down. Let's see how they move. When it's time for governor of Florida, i mean governor of California to be elected, We're gonna see how they go. Last thing, reiterating again, Republicans don't give a damn about it not being the time to play politics. So y'all can say that now's the time to play. They always plan politics. They always plan politics. They believe in the kick you while you're down mindset. Many of you believe in the I'm not gonna stoop today level, keep it classic mindset. That's why y'all so proud about Obama smiling with Trump yesterday. Oh look, we always my president know how to keep it classy. One thing you know for show us how to keep it classy.


Love, classy, y'all. Love, classy y'all love. Let's keep it cute, y'all. Love. I'd rather you just fake it for a moment, to keep some of the corn. See, I don't like it like that. I like to keep it the way you like to keep I like to maintain the same energy. If I don't fuck with you now, I ain't fucking with you at the funeral. I'm with John McCay. See that's the difference between Republicans and Democrats.


I swear if they, if they wasn't so hourly racist and have policies that I that I agree with what I promise, I'd be one of them because I just like to I like to stand up at the funeral, get a eulogy and say straight up if tyrone going the hell or not.

I don't like sitting up playing games at no funeral.

In fact, I have given my best friends very clear instruction that if you know, if somebody I don't fuck with him on funeral, you better call them at at the mic. You better let him know what the mic hey tell you just and fuck with you what you're doing here. I ain't with all of that. Let's keep it cute for the funeral.

I ain't with all of that.

It ain't the time and the play. I ain't with none of that. It's the time and the play. As matter of fact, the best time, in the best place is the funeral. It is the funeral. I don't like all of that. Let's just get through. You can't just have some decency, some class.

No, we can't. This is politics. This is war.

This is about the have and the have nots. This ain't about let's just have some decorum like on Real Housewives and let's just get through a dinner and have a conversation.

This is war, baby, Who you're riding with? Who you with?

John McCaine told his family, don't invite Trump to my shit. That's how I like to get down. But y'all like this, Let's play like we like each other to make you feel more comfortable.

You like, can I go there? Do your mind? If I go there? I'm gonna get a little bit of truth.

You like him to come home and act like you like the don't ask, don't tell policy.

See that don't work for me. I like to tell before I ask policy. Hey, baby, where are you at? Oh?

Over there with old girl? You know that whole I like playing with? Oh okay, tell I said, what's up? Howard cheering? Howard cheering doing? See that's how I like getting, y'all. Don't like that though? It's too real for your girl.

It couldn't be me.

Oh yeah, it's me though. It's me though I don't. I don't like the where are you being? Oh nothing, playing basketball for eight hours?

Oh? Where are you being? Oh nothing?

Playing over there playing golf for eighteen hours? Oh where was you at at two am in the morning?

Oh nothing?

Just stop by the homeboys, y'all. I kind of like them to keep the real shit. I like keeping wherever was you at? Oh you know old girl that I'd be fucking with. Oh okay, how she doing? And how cheering doing? Make sure you don't eat a food, though, baby, Do what you do, but don't let it cook for you. Let's keep some rules and some boundaries around here. Let's keep some rules and some boundaries around here. I like to keep it all the way. But I believe in the power of the open relationship. I don't like clothes relationship. I don't like don't ask, don't tell. I don't like well, what you know is understood. I don't like none of that. I don't like that what don't need to be said, it is understood. I like it being understood. I like it being said. I wanted to show up at the funeral. I like all of it. When I die, I've told my friends they all noticed. You better grieve me loud and proud. I don't want to hear nothing. Aut test and said, be strong, y'all be strong black people. Oh, as soon as you start crying, don't cry, don't cry.

Be strong. No, be human, be human, cry, fall out, snatch a wig, go crazy, jump in the cap.

I need all of that. I like to know where you're stand. When I'm sitting here smiling and you tried to kill me. Trump tried to kill you, Obama, what the fuck you smiling about? But y'all applaud that. Though y'all like that, Though say, I don't like that. I don't like keep it classy, for what. You already president, You've already been president twice. You ain't gotta keep it classy, keep it classy for what.

Just move seats.

Hey, you go sit bind because I don't fuck with it. Make it known, let the people know. Yeah, you got a fighter on your team. I ain't within him to sit bind. But I guess that's just me. I guess that's just me and the fourth ain't. No, we ain't going and playing on the big toy together. We're gonna make some decisions. We gotta make some decisions. I always been this way, guys.

I don't like playing games.

Hey, if she ain't your friend, I ain't your friend. If my best friend don't rock with you, I don't rock with you, that's how I go. That's how I get down, y'all like that, let's play and act like we. No, you got to know if you ain't rocking with Ice, and tell me you better believe I ain't rocking with you. Well, I ain't got nothing to do with that.

That's them.

I ain't never been that kind of friend. And that's why I only got two best friends. That's why I came befriend everybody, because I when I rock with.

You, I rock with you.

That means all your enemies are my enemies, all your friends are my friends. Anybody don't rock with you automatically, don't rock with me. I don't give it that well. I don't know them, so I don't know nothing about it. No, don't work that way. I'm loyal to the end. I'm loyal to the end. Matter of fact, I might just bust you in your eye just on GP. And this is documenting proof, always been this way. So while y'all celebrating that the Republicans are taking over one by one until it's done, and they don't give a damn about what y'are talking about. Not time to play politics? Now, ain't the time focus on the issue? Then all they gonna do. The issue is power and taking over, and that's what they're doing. So while everybody's posting pray for la how class the Obama is? Wo in shake Harris's hand?

Who in this? Who in that? Why it is shake? And why are Republicans?

Don't man and y'all please stop sending me to them videos about that because I don't like all they crying about that. She is so what she shouldn't offer her hand in my opinion, that's how I like to get down. These days of let's keep it classy.

Is over with. You're gonna be struggling.

That's why many of you are putting your head into saying now because you can't take it. Your nervous system can't take it. Oh lord, I can't take all of this, chaot. You better grow up. You're gonna be struggling and scratching and surviving to stay alive.

Good times. You better grow up. It ain't gonna be no well we They.

Gonna fuck around and find out. You gonna be fucking around and finding out too. You're not exempt this. I just can't take the chaos. So I just ain't gonna pay no attention. They gonna be taking over, just like I am here knocking at the door, like the LA fires telling you to evacuate the premises, and you standing in the house, and you're gonna get your ass burned down if you ain't paying attention to what's going on in America right now.

I ain't saying you got.

To follow it every day, but you better tap into this page every now and then. You better tap into somebody you trust, Somebody you know gonna give some type of man, and don't trust me all the time. Double check everything I say. But all of this, put your head in the grass and all that. You're gonna be one of the ten people that died that did not evacuate the premises. Because the fire is up on us. It's snowing right now in the out and thirty five thousand acres have been burned down in la It is written, somebody say, it's written, So put your head.

In the sand if you want to.

The ashes are upon us, and you ain't got to believe me, and you ain't got to believe a word.

But I'm gonna say it again.

It's snowing in ice in the south right now, in this very moment in California has burned to the ground. And all the money in the world couldn't say the rich folks in the Hollywood Hills. So this is way bigger than just politics. You better start paying attention. You better put something on the posts, like they said to let me know.

You my child.

Now I'm preaching. I know, I know a lot of y'all don't like that, but don't worry about it. If it's all made up, then you ain't got nothing to be worried about. But if it ain't made up, you better go outside, and you better put life. Like when the Lord said, I'm coming through it and I'm taking all the first sons, you better put You better take them ashes that just got burned to the ground in that lake, and you better put it. You better put it on the door. You better let him know you want of one of his children. You better let him know. Hey, pass me on by, Let you know who I stand for, Let you know where who I'm riding with, Let you know see it what to see. I wish I had somebody to understood how it all is about to go down. See when when God said I'm coming through and I need to know who is my child and who Wait, he said, take the ash and put it on the door so I can pass over, so I can pass on by. Because I'm killing all the first sons, somebody better start letting them know who is with me and who is against me, and who is for me and who is not. And some of y'all better take the ashes. It just got burned to the ground.

I'm speaking metaphorically, and you better let him.

Know who is his child, who is standing for him who is standing for justice, who is for the least of these. And if you think putting your head in the sand is gonna be the way that he gonna that, you're not gonna be held into account. I got news for you. I got news for you, and it's called the good News.

Many of y'all don't know.

Why they call it the passover. Somebody, somebody better do some research on why they called it the passover. You thinking putting your head in the sand, it's gonna gonna make you exempt from what's about to go down in this in this country.

It is written.

Now Now I'm getting to the spiritual food that many of you need. Now I'm getting to the spiritual food that many of you need. I said, it is written. You better look metaphorically at them ashes. It just got burned down. And somebody better take the ash with their finger and put it on the door to let them know that you are his. You better start praying for some protection while you praying for la you better get the prayer for your household. You better get some understanding on what's about to go down. You better start saying and you And in addition to that, it ain't just about your prayer, it's about your faith, it's about your works, it's about your movement. No, no, no, he's calling upon you right now. You cannot afford to ignore what's about to go down. And if you don't believe me, and if you think it's all a myth, then don't worry about it. But if I'm right, if what they wrote two thousand years ago is right, if what has been prophesied.

Is right. If you think that climate change.

Is not up to the Creator to decide who get what climate and when, then you better get you better get some understanding. Right now, I'm in a fast for the next eighteen days, five am payer and study for fifteen minutes.

What test on? What do we do? Well? You better get involved on the local standpoint.

One reason why I relocated to a ladder is to get in locally, because because you guess what I need to be able to say. I did what I was supposed to do. I answered the call, I showed up at the meeting. On the local and the state level, I can't tell them to do what I'm not willing to do. So that's number one.

Number two.

What I keep telling you to do in your own personal life, let me run it to you again. I'm gonna keep telling you this over and over. If I got some real, some folks that really rock with me. You done heard this before? Number one, Stack up? What do you mean by that?

Tesling? Stack up every dollar, combine your households, all of this.

Uh. I don't want to live with nobody him and I don't get along this that. I don't want no roommate. Who gonna clean the bathroom? Who ain't gonna clean the bathroom? Your ass better live below your means and you better stack up just like them immigrant communities do.

And they all figure it out. Get a room, may do something.

All you brothers talk about, well, I'm the prize, and who the prize? And who ain't the prize? And know your work, King, and know your work quick. Your ass better figure it out with your baby mama. You better figure it out with your ex husband. You better figure it out. You better sit your ass down, and you better split them bills up. You better tell them side pieces if they ain't got nothing on it. I'm gonna have the table you for the next season. Did you hear what I said? I said you better tell them side pieces that if they ain't got nothing on it. We're gonna have to tell We're gonna have to circle back around next season because of the next seventeen months when these tariffs hit hit on your ass, you better be prepared, so stacking up the money living below your means your ass better get a room mate. Since since men don't seen the like women.

You better get a room.

Better go get lived with one of your homeboys. Y'all seen to work it, and I'm gonna give it with my ladies in a minute. Just let me let me do this for my lady. Do you mind if I do this? Can I step on the brother's hols just for men? Y'all know I love you brothers, but I gotta do it for the ladies.

No worries. I'm aa circle back and give with the women too. Just bear women.

We got three things that I need y'all to know them right now. I'm talking about stack upstrap strap up, and say but let me just let me just give with these brothers right quick. Because since these brothers can't seem to get along with the women, I got to tell them grace. They seen they can't get along with the women. Podcasts after podcast post after post what women need to do, what they need to say. You don't like the way I talk, You don't like the way I walk, You don't like the way I post.

You don't like it what I got old. I ain't feeling in enough. I ain't this. I ain't that I'm too bad? What just gone to?

Just go get you a man roommate. Then do that thing, because brother, you're gonna need it. Since apparently you don't like my degrees, my three degrees. Apparently you don't like these six figures plus you say that ain't about nothing. You say the degrees ain't bout nothing. You don't like the way I close deal after deal. You don't like the fact that I could take care of you and your brother and your and your cheering, that you're done ran around here and.

Had well, then go ahead and get you a man roommate thing.

Go ahead and move in with a nigga since you seen, since your conflict resolution skills do better with men, Just go ahead and get you a male, a man roommate thing.

Won't you do.

That because you ain't getting along with these women, the women too masculine, with our soft skins and beautiful faces, y'all say that's too masculine, Well, what type of what type of woman are.

You looking for it? Then? Because the only other because I if a woman is too maskular, and perhaps you're too feminine. Perhaps you're looking for a man. I don't know, So get you.

A male roommate and and call and make it and and let's wrap it on up. Let's wrap it on up. Because you don't want my fifty to fifty, y'all say my fifty fifty ain't ain't worth nothing because you don't want to have to deal with it. Okay, then well then get your mail roommate, y'all, you and him, and go ahead and get y'all a little apartment that you don't own so that y'all can pay y'all child support. That's behind.

Did I go there? Now?

Let me get to the ladies, because you know they get real sensitive that we don't want the brothers to get up.

Saying women all of this, letting him whisper your let's go to step two, strap up this.

Where'm gonna give it the women. I'm gonnaive it the women on this on time to give the women bare women, ladies. But I got to tell you the truth number two.

Strap up.

That means I believe in two eight. I believe in when when when the economy it's bad, crime goes up. That means somebody house gonna get robbed. So you better be stripped up from being able to protect yourself. And then too, you better go get that iu D.

All of this. I don't want the iu D because it made me gain weight. Girl, knock it off and stop lying.

They got the i U D, they got the uh, they got the shot in the arm, they got the pills, they got all of that.

Girl, you need to stop playing and tell that. To tell that to a woman who.

Ain't never had no baby, because I had one, and I know how they I know how they get here. And every boyfriend I've ever had tried to lock me in. Y'all do know that men be men be trying to track women too. With you, you're gonna have my baby. They love they love putting a baby on you, and you love it. You like hearing it in your ear because it makes you feel real special. And you like hearing, girl, he want me to have his baby. Girl, you better go get you You better go get you a bulletproof vest. You better go get your bulletproof vest and and stop with them lives about it slipped up, ain't no much, ain't no such stain no slipping up.

And you like it wrong?

Bottom line, you better go strap it up. You better go get you a iu D and go tell that to somebody else, because I know exactly how I go. That you let him whisper in your ear and you let him. Oh, and girl, his pull out game so weak because girl mom sold this. So that yeah, girl his pull out game week with me too. But that IUD is strong. Somebody in the comments put that iu D is even stronger because I ain't waiting on the Holy Spirit to protect me. But woman get pregnant. Guess what I don't I know, y'all not gonna like this, y'all really not.

If it's like this, I.

Don't believe in that. It takes too not only can I want you to rest and I protect it at all costs. Y'all don't want to hear that though, y'all don't want to hear that. Oh with the side effects though, so what what about Let's talk about the sie effects of not taking care of them cheering well, about the side effects we're about inside of the fix you're gonna be, baby, I'm a number seven.

What about them side effects? Y'all? Like them side effects? I don't know.

I go the side effects of the gaining weight or the spoting, the irregularity.

I'll go with all the inside effects.

I'd rather them side effects any day weather than them side effects with them cheering that that man does set up here and trick your ass into getting yes, yes, ma'am. He tricked you, yes, ma'am a tricker And then now you're sitting around and crying on podcasts back won't do nobody want to take care of your kids. And then this man done, moved on and and and got your ass with all them extra cheering, and then went on and got with the next woman that didn't have none at all. Am I am I talking to somebody. I'm just telling you the truth. So we don't want to hear no excuse we from the No I'm the one. I'm the one and done, and I ain't this and nobody with no cheerdren. I'm just telling you what it is. Right now, sis ain't the time to be letting him whisper in your ear. Give me that baby, I know how they do it, y'all. Y'all forgot, y'all forgot. I'm halfway fine. They did it to me to a girl. I know what it is.

It's okay. They told me to a girl. It's all right, especially if you got you want?

Can I go there, girl, Especially if you got you when it's putting it on you, girl, I know it.

Girl. You'd be just forgetting, don't you. That's why you better put that IUD to back it up. You better put that out.

You know your ass is weak, girl, Go wanna get that IUD is. Stop tricking yourself.

You know you're weak.

It ain't just his pull Out Game week, your ass week too. Put a final chatter you want to allays won't see if anybody want to meet they week. Shout out to Warren Sapping the bill of y'all show coach some love, one of the greatest of all times, Hall of Famer doing it big down there in Colorado. But let's just go ahead and keep it real. We talking about pull Out Game Coach Sap. My apologies, tag out it. Get on out here, because I give people all the political advice they need. You better get them myud's because right now. Shit about to get real his pull out game week. Your emotional game is weak. You think you gonna trapp him with the kids. You think all of a sudden, if you got if you baby Mama number seven, it's all of a sudden gonna be different. Your ass better go get that IUD you better go all on trust in birth control pills.

Are you d for the win? Are you d for the win? You said one say stay this week? Are you d for the win? Put somebody put it in the chat?

Are you d for the win? And I don't want to hear about no, oh yeah this side of it, girl. No, you trying to trap them? And I'm here to let you know the ECAMI is about to shift. The terrorists are coming in in seventeen months. Your ass gonna be sitting over there broke with cheering number two, three, four five, your ask better figure it out. You know you pull out, you know it's put out game week. You know you know you're trying to trap. Come on, y'all, let's be for real, trap them in about two three years, right now at the time to trap, right now, at the time the trapping ladies. Trap it up, and don't be depending on him to trap it up. I'm a big believer in that you are in charge of your uterus. You are in charge of your uterus. I know y'all don't want to hear that, because I know y'all love saying it.

Take too.

I got news for you. It only take one uterus. Did you out hear what I said? I said it only take one uterus? And I'm in charge of the uterus. I'm in charge of the uterus. So that means I got IUD my bulletproof vest I can get the depor veris shot in my arm, I can take pills, I can do all of that. I'm in charge of my uterus. He ain't in charge of my uterus. So those who like to use that for an excuse, I got news for you. That excuse ain't work yet. One uterus and I ain't got to have no plan B playing because I got planing E playing a already covered and girl will let him believe that he is doing something, because you know they also believe they can break through the IUD. Girl.

Let him try.

It Ain't nothing wrong with a good old college try. Ain't that right, coach, good old college try? I can break through that IUD with show me then what you're talking about, then, brother, break through it.

Shit, show me what tim. I ain't got no problem with the good.

Old college try, but ninety nine percent effectiveness on this IUD say, you ain't gonna be able to break it.

But if you want to do the good old college, try and go for the championship.

Go for what you do, because I guess at that point it the Lord really do want you to have And some of these women be lying, I got pregnant on the IUD girl, you line your assholes. Ninety nine percent effective bottom line, it rarely happens. You just want to say that because you gotta explain to your family. Let's just start keeping shit a buck. We are in crisis time. We need to go ahead and keep it real. You wanted to have a baby by the man, that's it. That's all own it, stand in it, and that's it. Because women that don't want children don't have children. It's just that simple and just that plane. But if you want to go for the good old college, try, I ain't mad at you, because in order to break through the IUD, you must be talking about going real deep. Uh oh, let me not go there. I'm sorry, let me stick to politics. So number two say strap up. Number three, save up. So we did stack up, combine to your household. Strap up, get that. Iud y'all know I ain't lying. You're oh this sis say, I'm not line. I wanted the one percent. Okay, girl, well you wanted the one percent. The rest of y'all. I don't believe you, says the rest of y'all, but it's ninety nine percent. And then save up. And then let me give you some advice on this, cause you know, right now we got men out here being the new baddies. We got men out here being the new baddies. Let me give you some advice. If you got that, sugar mama, let's just go ahead, and can I go ahead and go there. I'm just gonna go ahead and go there. As we close this out, that sugar mama that you know be looking out.

For you, you.

Might want to readjust the hierarchy in your household. I said, you might want to readjust the hierarchy in your household because if I'm going in and I got your back, let's start making sure sure that we're readjusting the queens and the concubines, because there's queens and there's concubines, and I'm gonna need to always be in the position of the queen because right now, in the next two years, this is about queen business. This is about king business.


I know some of y'all women gonna sit up here in this chatting line say I ain't giving a man nothing. Girl, you're lying, Let me go ahead and say I give it. I'll give it to him. I absolutely will, absolutely will, absolutely will no problem at all. The income wealth gap between for black people is too wide for us us to be sitting around and talking about where we ain't gonna do to help each other out. All I'm asking you to do is make sure you keep shitting perspective. Don't crash out. Don't crash out the queen over no concubine. Did you hear what I said? I said, don't crash out, No queen over no concubine. Now this brother saying, men, get educated, get certifications, anything you do to get a better job and get your empowert that's right, man, But you also better get you a good woman too, though. See all of this doing it by yourself. Shit, we gotta get out this podcast talk. We gotta get out this podcast talk. I said, these terrorifts are coming on your ass in the net by next year. So all of this, do it by yourself. It ain't that ain't working that ain't working home, doing it by yourself, sitting over there in an apartment that you don't own, with your back, child support that you gotta pay, with your back of well, with your student loans that you gotta pay.

I said, you better find you a good woman. I wish I had somebody to understood that. Understand.

If you find you a good wife, you find favorite with the Lord, no brother, get you some certifications, get you some extra jobs, but get you a good woman, and stop being afraid to say that you need a good woman. The wisdom where a good woman, wisdom comes into play, wisdom coming to play. I ain't talking about no trash. I said, a good woman that's gonna say, hold on, baby, don't do that. We may not want to do that. Let me stack this money, let me put it to the side. Hold on, baby, before you do that, before you make that, say let me go check that. I'm talking aout the virtuous woman line by line. I ain't talking about no hood rack. I'm talking of the Vircher's woman. It ain't you can't get enough certifications that can bring you the divine order that I bring you. You can't get enough jobs to bring you the favor that I bring you.

You can't get enough money in.

Your pocket that's gonna be able to take it and flip it like I do, according to the word.

But maybe some of y'all ain't up being around no good woman. Maybe that's what it is.

No, it ain't enough certifcation that can give you what I can give you, straight up. And I'm saying it just like that. I'm saying it just like that. We talking about good women, though, Let's be clear about the good women. Were talking about the proverbs woman, the virtuous woman that they say she get up early and roller sleeves up. The problem. The virtuous woman, they say, you give it, you give it. She goes to the city and she comes back with gold and silver. That's the one to go get it. We talking about the good the good woman, the virtuous woman. We ain't talking about no hood racks. So you can get certified all day long, you can get all the jobs all you but baby, once you do that, and you come to me, Oh big mama, I'm gonna show you how. I'm gonna show you how to flip it. It's a difference. And women appreciate your good men and be open to a good man, a good man in your life, Well, what's the good man? Well, set your own rules on what a good man is. A good man ain't always what they telling you on social media. Might be an open relationship, might be a monogamous relationship, might be Polly, do what works for you. Somebody in the comments say, do what work for you, because whoever judging you is putting up with that.

And then some.

Women be lying on sitting up in the comments on reality shows them about what they wouldn't be putting up with.

Girl, you putting up with that?

And then some stop playing do what works for you? Because relationship is important as we move forward in these critical times. Your political relationships are important. Your romantic relationships are important. This will be available This exact life will be available on the Black Effect podcast network. I am posting it today. I need you guys to share the actual podcast episode. Your political relationships are important, Your romantic relationships are important. Your sexual relationships are important. Your friendships are important. Some friendships are worth keeping. I'm not you, my baby sisters in the comments. I just told her last week. I ain't the kind of relationship you want to fumble. I'm too loyal, I'm too good, I'm too much of a writer. I cannot be fumbled.

I'm not working.

You can't fumble me. Fumbling me is a tragedy. No, I'm a real rider, for real. I really show up at the courthouse. I really show up by a sick bed. I really show up when the shit get heavy. I really show up when you need something. This ain't the kind of relationship that's worth fumbling. I'm too loyal, I'm too co dependent. If you will, I'm.

Too loyal at a fault. I'm too willing to risk it all.

Can't fun with me, baby, So let's remove our pride as we move forward in these difficult times. Share this podcast. We have to keep black effect podcast network in the mix. I keep reminding you all the majority of podcasts listeners are white. In the podcast space. The majority of AM radio is conservative. Talk radio is conservative. They're the minority in this country, but they got the digital discipline down. They listen, they go from listening to the am radio all day, back to back to back to back to back. Then they go straight from that to listening to don let Me Broke It Down the other day when I was on the show. They listen to that, then right after that they go listen to the podcast, then right after that they go listen to Fonsaw. They are constantly consuming all day, constantly consuming all day with me.

I gotta get on Instagram.

Show you my lifstick, show you a video, cartwheel, make a skit, dance, do that?

Do that? Gott'll only be on Instagram.

You don't refuse to come to the podcast side, refuse to have additional discipline to listen every week. Well you didn't put it in the video. Oh I wouldn't it to take tells them turn the comment, turn the video on.

I want to see you. Who girl? You doing it that liftstick? Look good? Who girl? I like your heir.

Y'all better start getting some audio, start being some audio learners and get this information in your head. Listen to it while you're working out, Listen to it on your way to work, Listen to it when you on your job. Listen to it while you're cooking your food. Just once a week, one time.

It don't have to be every day. Get some digital discipline. Somebody put digital discipline.

We need you to have digital discipline because stuff is at a disarray and I'm only one person and it's way more of them that's gonna be giving you misinformation and lies and propaganda. So please subscribe to the podcast, but also share this episode today. You can get it anywhere you get your podcasts on iHeart app, Apple, Spotify. It's really simple to share. All you gotta do go to the episode, click share. You can send it as a text message. Hey friend, listen to this when you get a moment.

Y'all know I'm gonna give it to you row.

You know I'm gonna cover politics, relationships, whatever, game bang, and we talk about it all to put a pretty bow on it, to make you get it in a way you can understand.

Love you guys.

Wanted to drop this quickly about the California takeover that's on the way. I wanted to stamp it and put it in the archives for straight shot, no chaser. Shout out to those that be stealing my content, you overnight political pundence, Just why don't you just invite me to your platform because you're gonna run out of gas. You're gonna run out of gas. You steal my content, you try to act like you're just so profound, and then you run out of gas because when the people need more food, you done ran out of gas. You done ran out of gas. You don't have the ability to turn to feed the multitude with five fish and whine. You don't have the ability to give to do it. So why don't you just invite me on every now and then, maybe once a month so I can feed the people because you're starving on people and you're misleading them because you're looking for content for clicks. And I'm not saying that in a judgment a way are saying I'm all of that. I'm just saying you're not disciplined enough, the institutional not knowledge enough to pay attention to this. You're around, so every now and then you just want to tap in and say something and then go to talk about something else next week, and you're leaving our people starving. So why don't you just party with me and say t pull up on the podcast, want a month or something, and then let me give a people the information so they can know where to get the information.

I love y'all.

Y'all, take care and have a wonderful weekend. Share this podcast, straight Shot No Chaser y'all peace. If you like what you heard on straight Shot No Chaser, please subscribe and drop a five star review and tell a friend. Straight Shot No Chaser is a production of the Black Effect podcast Networking iHeart Radio ANTILM Figure Out and I'd like to thank our producer editor mixer Dwayne Crauffer and our executive producer Charlotta Magne to God. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Straight Shot, No Chaser with Tezlyn Figaro

Straight Shot, No Chaser with Tezlyn Figaro (@tezlynfigaro) examines controversial and thought-provo 
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