Ask your question real.
Let's just keep it real, straight shot with no chaser. I'm gonna get a little bit rough. I'm here for those who really believe in the American process, all of us. Street shot, no chas with your girl, Tesselam figure out on the Black Effect podcast network's having everybody teslam figure straight shot, no chaser with my girl Here Jade Horal, we are here back again once again. Hello Jay, Hello, Hello, big time of the year as usual. We're getting closer and closer to election day, closer and closer. How do you feel about it?
I just would like for Herry up and get there.
Really, it's a lot of energy, you know, I'm following these stories every day. There's something new happening, and there's debates happening. They say they're going to have a presidential debate then or not, and you know, all of these different things in these conversations. So I just really want to see who the winner is at this point, in which direction our country is going to go in.
Yeah, So you're getting over it? You over it?
I'm kind of over it.
And people are losing their relationships, people's relatives aren't speaking to them, So there's a lot of division, you know, like people are really repping their Democratic Party or their Republican Party, and you know, these political affiliations I think are starting to drive folks a little bit mad. So yeah, I'm waiting for it to be over.
Okay, well, I'm looking forward to the debate coming up September tenth, if nobody backs out. I don't know if you saw the back and forth about the mic, the hot mic. I think it's good that Haris says turned the mic on because at first Biden then said turn it off because I don't think Biden could keep up. Just again, it's just me guessing Biden couldn't keep up with Trump over talked him and he wasn't fast enough or quick enough. And I think Harris is like, no, yeah, let's let's show how rude Donald Trump is. Let's get his slick comments in. Let's get all that was. I think it's very smart, and so now makes it makes Trump have to say be the one to say no, we want the mic soft or we want them on. So allegedly his team is saying no, we agree with the mic soft, but Trump is like, no, let's turn the mike song. So it's gonna be interesting to see how that Mike thing falls.
That's gonna be interesting.
Yet, that's gonna be interesting. And then also I think this time they may be seated. I know I read and heard it. They maybe have a it may be like a sit down style, not necessarily standing at podiums. So I'm wondering what the optics of that could potentially look like if they decide to go that route. But it seems like, you know what, both of these campaigns are there there they are teams are really advocating for their candidates because they're being very very specific about this upcoming debate, which I didn't think that they were gonna have tests.
Yeah, I don't think it's gonna be three either. I know they wanted one and then allegedly another one on Fox. I don't think she'll do that and then they agree to another one. So hold of that can be two at least two between now and you know, election day. And then there's an interview coming up you told me about She'll be interviewing coming up here son as well.
Yes, VP Harris and Governor Walls will sit with CNF for an exclusive first joint interview since the campaign began and that will be happening.
Very soon.
So I am excited to see what that conversation is going to be like. And I actually want to see both of them answering questions together at the same time and how they sort of flow off of each other. You know, I've seen them both speaking very powerfully definitely at the DNC and stuff. You know, they're I think Walls definitely has your presence that resonates with a lot of folks, But I want to see how that chemistry is going to be between the two of them together.
Well, we'll keep on following it along. We want to make sure that we cover other issues here on the podcast that others, you know, may not have had a chance to talk about, because, as we know, everything is politics, politics, politics, politics, and more politics. So you've curated some great stories for us that we're going to kind of push through today that we're focusing on AI. You know, this seemed like there was a time where maybe it was last year, and everything was AI AI AI. Sometimes it's a current, you know, a high buddon issue, and sometimes it goes away. So tell us, let's start with one of the first things you want to talk about about. AI.
Absolutely so we know that a lot of social media platforms are incorporating artificial intelligence AI chat box into their subscriber programs and you know, for their users to take advantage of. So there's some recent changes to the AI chat box with Brock on this social media plat form x so grock g r Oka that is Ex's formerly known as Twitter's AI chatbot. And this particular article that came out in the Associated Press, it says that they had to make some changes because people were concerned that this this chatbot has spread political misinformation during this election season. So election and by the way, so you've seen this happening too, Yeah, type in you can type in something on AI and the chat and it'll give you an answer, but it's not necessarily you know, factual and accurate all the time.
And you know they tell you that.
So according to the article, the different articles that I read on this topic, the intervention by five Secretaries of State urged Elon Musk to correct misinformation about state ballot deadlines, and it you know, that issue really underscored the critical role that accurate information plays in the democratic process.
Now only one second home and go to one second. So are they saying that information was put out wrong on X Yes you they want him to go back and okay, yes, okay, we'll make sure charge you correct. Okay, yep, definitely, And so the key points of the article was saying that you know, okay, number one, misinformation is being misspread by the Rock AI chatbot, and specifically that incorrect information was about state ballot deadlines. After President Biden dropped out of the twenty twenty four race. This misinformation was widely shared across social media, and that just really demonstrates the potential tesling that AI can be harmful and spreading you know, dates and things for people to you know, meet those very very strict deadlines. The second key point that was highlighted is that in response to the Secretaries of State, X has updated the AI chatbot Grock to direct users to official voting information websites like vote dot gov. So instead of GROP coming up with answers for people when they just type stuff in, it's literally directing folks who vote dot gov and canivote dot org. So it's getting them there and it's checking there before answering election related questions. This is a positive step towards ensuring that voters receive accurate information, you know, consistent information from reliable sources. The third thing that was highlighted here, you know, it was just ongoing concerns.
Right. While that one change addresses some issues as it relates to the potential spread of misinformation during this political season, it does not fully tackle Grock's ability to generate misleading AI images related to elections either. So this continues to be a significant problem according to the writers of this article. And they were saying that with the spread of fake images of political figures like VP Kamala Harris and VP Donald Trump, you know, you know, there are questions around like whether this is you know, just kind of just spreading misinformation and misleading the public about these candidates. So, you know, I actually do have an issue with you know, some of the some of the things that AI can do with photos in particular tests.
So I thought that was an interesting point.
Well, yeah, they said that this was coming, They said to expect, you know, a bunch of lives, a bunch of I don't know if I've been seeing it being covered a lot like it was in twenty twenty, so I don't know if it's I know, it's happening, but I guess I was anticipating a lot more because you know, we talked about it so much on the Brever Store, like, oh, hey, I gonna be terrible, A I gonna be terrible in the camp. So I don't know if we've seen a lot of the fake you remember it was we was, or at least I was kind of anticipating a lot of like the voice stuff fake, a lot of the fake videos a lot. I think I was bracing myself with something much worse than what actually happened. So I don't know, but that's gonna come down to the last minute, you know what they call October surprise, So we'll just have to see.
Definitely, definitely.
And so yes, they're cracking down on social media platforms around the spread misinformation. They want people to go to the polls on time, to register the vote one time. Yeah, so that has been very, very interesting and AI is definitely here to stay, so we gotta deal with it right now. Another story, Yeah, another story also with AI is I had no idea that police officers were starting to use AI chat box to write crime reports.
What and there are questions about.
So how did God say saying Okay, chat box, write a crime report on I found two women. I'm getting to use chat box right now just to see. And we're gonna do this in real time because I want to know. I know, I use a chat box and I want to see what this is gonna look like while you're while you're talking about that, I'm gonna do this in real time. He giving us to set up for j and I'm gonna do I'm gonna use a chat box to say, write a crime report on two men. I'm not even gonna say color because I'm just gonna be curious. I'm curious to see what they put, you know, see what they say. So as you're doing this, I'm getting ready tight write a crime report. We're doing this in real time. Guys, write a crime on two man shop lift. Okay, go ahead and tell us more about the story, and I'm gonna see what it pulls up.
Yes, so this story is also out of AP News. The integration of AI and police work, particularly in drifting incident reports, is a significant shift in terms of how law enforcement has traditionally operated. The potential time saving benefits are clear. This article is saying, you know, so that officers can spend time, you know, less time doing paperwork and more time actively policing rather than doing like data entry. However, this development with these AI chatbots being used for to write crime reports, according to this article, it raises us questions about the accuracy, reliability, and the potential biases that could be introduced by the AI generated reports.
So let me read it came up. So before you go there, let me read you. So I just typed in write a crime report on two men's shoplifting. He came back shoplifting suspects. To Adult Mail's summary of events, this is what it came up. All these and approximately fourteen thirty out fourteen hundred and thirty hours. On August twenty seven, twenty and two, Smith's Supermarket staff reported a shoplifting incident involving two male suspects. The suspects were observed by the store's security personally behaving suspiciously as they moved through various isles. Security footage captured the suspect placing multiple items, including high value electronics and personal care products, into a large duffel bag. The suspects bypassed the check out counters and attempted to exit the store. Without paying for the merchandise. The store's lost prevention officer approached the men near the exit and identified himself. At this point, both suspects fled on foot, leaving the duffel bag behind. The bag was recovered and contained approximately eight hundred dollars of stolen goods. The suspects were described that's following now guess how they described them. Suspect one race caucasion. At least they put one of white folks in there, aged late twenties, approximately six foot, medium built clothing, black hoodie, black jeans, white sneakers and a baseball cap. Suspect two African American early thirties, approximately five to ten, stocky built, gray sweatshirt, black pants, and a black beanie. The spring Springfield Police Department was contacted immediately following the incident. Officers arrived on the scene revealed the footage and investigation is ongoing and efforts to identify and apprehendis suspect underway. Then it breaks down the evidence the actions taking incident, report, filed evidence, collected security evidence, investigation initiated to identify suspect within the statements, and then reporting officer Officer Jane Doe badge number five six seven eight for Springfield Police Department. So I guess if you if you write the structures all there, so you just have to go in and I guess, you know, put the information. I guess I guess that. I mean it kind of saved time. The question is are they going to edit it to make it because we talked about this before on the show, Like chat the chat box is great like to get you started or framework, but you still kind of even know what you're doing to go in and edit thing. So I'm a fan of it. I know you love it. You love the chat box, but at the same time, some of this stuff is like you just have to write on your own. So what you think about this?
I think it's an absolute disaster And I definitely think that the way that those system effects were dressed was racist. That AI was very imaginative and it came up with a lot of details. I can see how that could be dangerous and it really speaks to some of the things that were highlighted in this particular article. Yeah, that AI created a whole narrative. You literally only put in two details, right too, suspect shoplift thing. So yeah, according to the article, the main concern about police officers using AI chat box is that the AI has a potential for what they're calling hallucinations, and that means that's where the AI might generate just false information and it's just hallucinating, it's just making up and imagining all of these things. And this, yeah, literally, that's the term that they're using in the tech space, which I didn't even know that AI hallucinates, but okay, I just thought it was false information. But specifically, this kalad to inaccuracies and reports that are critical in legal proceedings, where every detail can impact the outcome of any case. So legal scholars now tes are are are weighing in on this. One guy by the name one legal scholar by the name of Andrew Ferguson. He was saying that he's concerned that the ease of automation might make officers less diligent in their own recording right in sport writing, potential of compromising the quality and reliability of essential documents and facts.
Right. So I think the frameworks, so I agree, I don't think any of this should be use, but I do want to just be objective and say that you know, when you write a paper, for example, you know you need an introduction, you know you need a body, you know you need a closing, you know, need a theory. So I think the structure of the report was correct. You know what happened, who was on the scene, any evidence collected, This is the information about the suspect. So I think the framework, and they're expecting you to go in and edit all of that, which is still you're still having to write it. So I don't a police support just didn't make any particular sense. But I do think that they're saying it's not going to write it out exactly what happened, because you need to go in and do it. So maybe they're saying it's going to save them a paragraph or two. I don't think the time saving is worth going in and being accurate, you know, with all the information, because you still need to tell what happened literally right.
Yeah, And it's a big risk. I mean, think about the suspect.
If you're at the mercy of potentially you know, lazy officer, that's you know, heavily too heavily reliant on AI and AI is quote unquote hallucinating that that's a huge risk and.
That's fun that they're saying that computer is hallucinating. I mean, it's a computer.
So the bottom line here tays that policy makers and law enforcement agencies must consider the implications on whether you know, on AI, on justice, privacy, and one civil rights. So there also needs to be transparency in terms of how these tools are used and how and it needs like really really strict oversight mechanisms to make sure that whatever chatbots that they are going to use for writing these reports is accurate and it's not being misused.
M that's very interesting.
AI is definitely taken over, definitely taking over.
Now there's another story that I found to be really interesting that I know everybody can relate to, and it's about paying too much money when you're you're trying to check out. You know, you're at a store and you're trying to get your own money or get cash back, Like all of these fees are coming up. And it's a particular article that was about a federal agency that just found that some of these these fees and things are just way way way out of control.
And just so people know the crazy so a lot of times they'll say junk fees, and so I know, there was something that the Biden administration, we covered it a couple of times last year. They was talking about ATM fees, these extra fees for this, extra fees for that. So just so people knowing people talking about junk fees, they're talking about this and it's a big debate in politics.
So go ahead, definitely.
So with inflation, right, the price of charging fees for cash back services of retailers has become a significant issue, especially for the economically you know, economically vulnerable population.
Some of the key points.
Here is people are now having to decide whether they want to invest in the convenience of getting their money right now when they're checking out, versus the cost. So getting cash back and retailers can save time and it can avoid higher out of network ATM fees, which average about four dollars in seventy seven cents in the US. I think that's kind of high. However, the fees for some retailers. Charge that some retailers charge for cash back services can negate these savings, especially if they use it too frequently, so retailer practices.
The Consumer Financial.
Protection Bureau, or the CFPB, analyzed eight major retailers and found that Dollartry, Dollar General and Kroger charge fees for cash back services. So here the fees right, dollar Tree one dollar Dollar Tree stores, and a dollar and fifty at Family Dollar stores, Dollar General one to two dollars and fifty cents, depending on the amount you withdraw. At Kroger they charged fifty cents four amounts up to one hundred dollars and three dollars and fifty cents four amounts up to three hundred dollars, which is interesting. I didn't know you could even withdraw that much money, you know, cash back at the registered at Kroger. So this raises a wider issue again about the economic economically vulnerable populations and families you know, with these And I think that, I mean, I just already said that the average ATM fee is four dollars and seventy seven cents, right, But if you're paying a dollar a dollar Tree here in there, or a dollar fifty or you know, three dollars and fifty cents at Kroger for example, well, and you're doing it too frequently, it really defeats the purpose.
It's like, YO, just go to the ATM.
So some advocates are weighing in on this, and they think that low low income communities and especially low income communities of color, as stated in this article, they are being hit hard by these fees, and so there's questions as to whether this also needs to be regulated. I know that we also in the past have discussed you and I tess about like overdraft fees, overdraft fees being too much. You know, somebody can go a dollar over you know, be overdrawn a dollar and get charged you know, maybe thirty four dollars in overdraft fees for these things. And so I would like to see more regulation here. And yeah, there's there's going to be a lot more future monitoring by the CFP because they were saying that the CPP does not regulate retailer fees. It has a supervisory authority over financial institutions, and it's concerned about the broader implications of these fees. The agency plans to continue monitoring the situation, particularly how these fees impact consumers in areas with limited banking access. That's another thing, right, there are a lot of dollar general stores and you know other you know, these types of retailers in lower income communities, But how many banks or ATMs are readily available.
So the article.
Specifically named banking deserts and limited access. So I don't know what the CPP is going to recommend with that, but I think something's got to give.
You know, inflation is just really really terrible.
Yeah, when you like three dollars short, four dollars short, five dollars short, I know it.
Put it.
I definitely get it, Like, I know, like that that's tough when I only got twenty dollars left and you took three dollars in a fee and I literally need twenty dollars out, like I feel it. Most of my life has been that way, so I have not was did not grow up even with middle class money, certainly not rich, and even most of my adult life. So no, I totally get it. So hopefully, you know, more could be done with on that. You know, that's one of the things about administration say that they've been working on and they did, I know, make some progress, so we'll continue to see. But yeah, no, Jay, thank you so much, you know for curating those shows on technology. I know that stuff may not seem like it's a big deal. These stories may not seem like it's a big deal, but it really really is because just keeping people informed. We get sold innundated with you know, so much information on politic possibility that we forget about these other little things that make a difference. And you need to know if you got a police support, if the police department it's using AI to fell out police supports like that's really important and criminal justice. So as usual, thank you for co hosting me and also helping you know, to curate these very very important and formultive stories. Guys, make sure that you subscribe to the podcast. Make sure you're still subscribed, because again I gotta keep reminding you sometimes it falls off. Want to make sure we get our numbers. I can't wait to have a full calendar year next year where we kind of can really get our numbers in real time because it's just been messed up all year long. So guys, please make sure you subscribe to the show. Invite a friend. Guys, help us grow, help us keep this going. We're in our four season. I would love to have five seasons of straight Shot, no Chaser. Make sure you tap back in every Thursday. New content, new topics, new content's fresh, just for you. We'll make sure we holler back at you peace if you like.
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