Nade Wade Is Kissing And Telling About His Affair With Fanni Willis

Published May 7, 2024, 4:48 PM

Join Tezlyn Figaro, Michele L Watley, and Jade Harriell to discuss Nathan Wade finally speaking out about his affair with Fulton County DA Fanni Willis 

Ask your question real good.

Let's just keep it real.

Straight Shot with No Chase, I'm gonna get a little bit rougher. I'm here for it. Those who really believe in the American process, all of us straight Shot No Chase with your girl Chestom figure Out on the Black Effect Podcast Network. What's having everybody? This is Teslam figure Out, the host of straight Shot No Chaser on the Black Effect Podcast Network on iHeart Radio. I'm really excited. I have two of my good friends and also producers and comms homegirls to sit here with me and go through this content. I'm really excited about this. Guys, I hope you are. Make sure you give me some feedback because this is gonna be a great conversation. You'll be hearing these ladies a lot with me as we go through, uh the content and kind of switch your stuff up on straight Shot on Chaser. I know many of you are used to hearing me just kind of talk to myself, talk to the wall, and I even talk back to myself. Some people may say that might need evaluation, mental evaluation, but point is, I typically am talking to myself or on Instagram live. But we're trying to switch up the format a little bit. We want to go through some stories. I want to have some folks in the studio with me in order to just kind of make sure you know that I'm getting good feedback and that we're researching these stories, and you know, you get to hear a different perspective besides myself. So I do want to welcome Michelle Wattley, who is the founder of the Grio Group and also she is the founder of Shirley's Kitchen Cabinet. Also have Jade Heral here with me, who produces everything for me, pretty much anything that I need done from a production standpoint. We're producing segments, whether it's from Page News on the Breakfast Club, whether it's Straight Shot, No Chaser, tes on ten, any of the projects that I do. Jay does a million different things. She has her own consulting business where she's always coaching and teaching and educating. But I have been blessed to have her work with me as a project manager and associate producer with helping me get my stories together. So I have really two shark women here and that don't always disagree with me, so that's always a good thing. So welcome ladies. Thank you for having me, Tis, Yes, thank you for having me, Yes, ma'am. Well, we're gonna get straight into it now. Michelle and I had a big old thing about this on another show about Fanny Willis and Nathan Wade, who we know for those who don't know, got involved in an affair. That is, Fanny Willis is the prosecutor that is prosecuting Donald Trump in Georgia, and their love affair became a public issue when it should be about the case, but all of a sudden it turned into messy boots. I'm gonna play this quick clip because he's now speaking out for the very first time, and then we're gonna have a conversation about this. Take a listen.

Lead to prosecution in the election interference case against former President Trump and others in Georgia, and margin judges were forced him to resign after it was revealed that he had a romantic relationship with Fonnie Willis County Day who hired him. Now he's speaking out for the first time about that relationship.

Workplace romances where as Americans it happens to everyone, but it happened to the two of us.

Do you regret it? I regret that.

That private matter became the focal point of this very important prosecution. This is a very important case. I hate that my personal life has begun to overshadow the true issues in the case.

But at some point, once that bond is there, and if democracy is on the line as has been described, do you say maybe we pause this until after the case is over.

Absolutely? Absolutely, I'll concede that that that could have been an approach. But there again, when you are in the middle of it, these feelings are developing, and you get to a point to where the feelings are are are so strong that you know, you start to want to do things that really are none of the public's concerns.

So he said it's none of your business, basically says none of your business. Michelle, let's go straight to you. Sounds like you've been prepping him because you you said that messed to about it being affairs as mayor you just say as apple pie, but you pretty much said it happens all the time. There's nothing new or different what it does. But did you prep Eima or what?

No, because first of all, I don't like apple pie like that. I would have said peach cobbler. So let's just get that, you know, just taking care of it and sorted first of all and secret of all. We had this discussion we were talking about Prosecutor Willis. We briefly spoke on Nathan Wade and we shared the opinion that it is his role to be quiet. Why is he talking to the press in the first place, And for him to then go back to the press and give this statement as this whole issue is starting to die down just further, it infuriates me. I mean, what about what's going on with men that were kissing and telling? I mean, right, I'm just gonna need him to be quiet. Maybe it's a new generation thing, this is what we're doing now, but I also think of Mayor Willie Brown, vice friend now vice president Kam Layers was running for president and him coming out and kissing and telling and telling, you know, the SORTI D tells of their affair. I just need people to be quiet, take the J Cole route and step out of step out of mess. You don't need to be involved.

And to be clear because I because I know when people say J Cole, I mean when people say generation, I will always want to be clear because I think what you probably mean is era, because this man is Yeah, so this is not this these from a generation. When people here generation, they hear age and so we want to be clear. This is a full grown ass man that I believe. Let's google it right quick, just while we're looking at it. How old is Nathan Wade? I believe he's in his fifties, so be.

Way too old to be given a statement like this at this point, and it's supposedly too educated as an attorney and understand the gravity of this entire case. Why would you step back out and be talking to the press unnecessarily? So this is totally unnecessary.

Yeah, so I just again just want to clarify, this is a full grown ass man. This is not a generation thing, but it might be an era. We're in an era now where everybody feel like they got to explain everything. And then too, let us not forget Nathan, you over here still fighting these child support, this child support. Remember the wife came back and said or the ex wife because remember you you were married when you did this. And now again, let's again, we know people do this all the time.


We already flushed out the conversation. We know that this happened. If you've been white, they wouldn't matter. We know that they owned them extra because they black. But we also agreed that because we know all those things, we also know that they are watching us. And we also know that this is a case where again you are going after the former president of the United States, So you have to have the understanding that all eyes are on you, and I get it. Mistakes are made. But again, Nathan, you were married at the time you went and told his homeboard. Remember mister Johnson that he told that ran back and told everything. So you was kissing the taille number one, because we can't forget about him that went snitched and told the white woman. And so you talk too much. You were married at the time, and then you just heard him say when they realized that they should have stopped, they continued on. So where are we with this? Why Jade, is Nathan even talking to the media at all? Like, what is the benefit that is? When you know this case it's still up, you know, still in the middle of being process. Does he possibly think that him talking is going to be helpful to the jury selection. I'm trying to figure out what's the angle.

Yeah, I don't think he really cares about the jury selection. In my opinion, I think he's just on a sympathy tour. He's already been painted negatively by the media. Like you said, the child support park came up. His ex wife is not happy with him at all. She's accused them of or him of spending money on the DA Fanny Willis, you know, basically essentially her money. And so other than gaining sympathy or trying to speak his peace, I'm not sure, but it just seems to be really self centered and self absorbed, and he knew exactly what he was doing. He said, and I quote on this ABC News interview, quote, it wasn't lost upon the two of us that things could bleed over into the case and start to affect it.

End quote.

When you are quote again, when you are in the middle of it, these feelings are developing, and you get to a point where the feelings are so strong that you start to, you know, want to do things that really are none of the public's concern, but you bring it to the public and you're talking about it. So I just think that he wants to set the record straight on his own and it seems like he's really just focused on his own mission making sure that he tries to clear his name. I don't see how this actually works in his favor, But I don't see him being more concerned with the case than he is about himself.

Yeah, because what sympathy could he possibly be. I'm just trying to figure if this is a sympathy toward sympathy for what. I guess what would the sympathy be.

Well, hey, I was just in love. This happens all the time. I'm a human being, and you know, my feelings for Fanny were, you know, just a human experience and it wasn't that bad.

I think that is alternate objective.

Yeah, well it's not landing well, sir, because when you start talking about taking accountability, there's something about taking accountability that matters. And so when you're saying, hey, it's just it's like everybody else, this is American as apple pie. But we're not talking about apple pie, sir. We're talking about the fact that your woman hired you. First of all, let's start there. This is why, again, just date the bus driver. This is why I'm all about just dating the bus driver. So let's just start there. You hired him, you're a lover, and again, I'm not beating up Fanny Willis, Like I get it. I know it's gonna be harder on her, but I also know she knows better. Like I know she knows better. You know, her dad is a long time sitting judge. She know the game. She know how this game is played. So first of all, this hiring your man to work under you, let's first start with that, ladies, I'm gonna need you to go get him a job. He could have got a job at any DA office in all of Georgia. She got the pull. Why hire him for what? If it had nothing to do with going on no trips? I tip of this all the time they could afford. Those were cruises, you know, two three thousand, I thinks, plus she paid the whole way the whole time. So I'm trying to figure out what was the benefit the benefit of him, And you could have just hooked him up with another job. So you were trying to hire him so he could I guess, get out of his divorce or pay his money or do whatever it was. But then at the same top, knowing that all eyes are gonna be on y'all, it just didn't make it just doesn't make sense to be as brilliant as she is and him it just doesn't make it just doesn't make sense.

I just wonder how this lands with the da Fanny Willis, Like if I was hurt, I would be pissed off, Like, really, you're gonna sit and do a whole interview on ABC.

Right as this is dying down, Like again, you're too brilliant to know, you know, to not know that this is just terrible. It was terrible timing, It was unnecessary. If we're going with Jay's theory that he was trying to humanize himself, is that should not trump the work that's going on to bring former President Trump to justice, period. And so it's just it's I'd be a jadaflower Dan Lewis. I would be angry also.

And he still didn't say when they asked him if you regretted the relationship, he said, well, I regret that it became everybody's business. No, you were married at the time, sir, Why don't you just say you regretted the relationship. I made a poor decision, even if I wasn't married at the time. I made a poor decision, not that it became everybody see, this is just not accountability. Guys, I'm sorry, and Christis come, this is not accountability if you're gonna come out to even if you line, if you're gonna come out to be like, hey, I regret what happened. I wish it would have never happened. Shit, Donald Trump did that with the grabbing by the pee. He believed everything he said, but at least he came out and said, hey, I regret what happened. Or that's the only one thing he does. By the way, So I'm not caving for Donald Trump. I'm just saying if he was gonna come out and do it, why not just say it was a bad decision, the timing was wrong. If I had to do all over again, I would do something different. I regret that I have possibly damaged the reputation of a woman that I highly respect, that worked really hard to get to that position. I regret that I had to put my family through this. I regret that I had to put Fanny's family through this. The embarrassment. I regret any embarrassment that we have caused the state of Georgia, Like where is that at? I mean, if anything, you're gonna get a simple you will get more sympathy from that than.

This, of course, because the accountability takes it too account all of the people that were impacted by this, and that is what's missing from the statement. And if you're not going to do that, then at this point you just need to shut be quiet.

Yeah, shut the hell up. We can say, just shut up, like, shut the hell.

Up, Okay, yeah, just shut up. You don't want to ask your opinion. Nobody was talking about this, it's not even in crisis mode at this moment. Why come out at all?

You think they still together?

But that's what I was about to ask. I think they might still be together because.

I don't think they together? Because why because if you if we together, surely she ain't talking that. Surely she ain't that dumb to think this was gonna be helpful. So you say you think they together? Why you think they together?


You just might want to see if they if he's going to publicly you know how he's going to deal with this. But if he would have spoken about the relationship as if it were past tense and it was like over and resolved.

But he's not talking like that, so I'm not really sure.


This is interesting.

I feel like I feel like well, because I'm just going with if he's saying, Hey, I'm gonna get out of here and say myself, don't we ain't together no more? We don't have no relationship. You know, he's he's damn sure not defending her. So you would think if if this was still her man, would he not be defending her? Surely that this is a better strategy than this.

Access they ended it in twenty twenty three or something like that. Regardless if they are still together, I'm gonna need Fineing to make some different choices at this point. They shouldn't be after this. I would hope she's smart enough to and I you know, I hope she's smart enough to understand that this needs to be debted at this point. Just for running your mouth.

What you said when you said it's American as Applepaeta, you don't think on one late night, might as well.

Just hit it just I don't eat applipie like that. I'm not. I'm still the American in this country.

That I mean what you did say. Yeah, but you said things happened people working late over time. You was projecting real big on this one last time I'm gonna tell people, I have to.

I have to look at the video to confirm, you know, whether it was said or what was not said. But regardless, kissing and telling like this, ain't it? Albert. I don't know what this is, but I'm not for this. I many men to be quiet.

Yeah, but I guess see it already. They had already called them, So.

That mean you didn't come back to be rehashitate. And especially because this is a situation that has been adjudicated in a court of law, I would imagine that anything he's saying after this could be used as you know, additional fire or fodder for or President Trump and his team down the road, you know where you're looking at, who you're dealing with. That enough that in itself should be enough for you to be quiet.

And maybe they don't feel like they have to apologize for it, because if we look at what Fanny said, Fani said before she said, I don't feel like my reputations quote needs to be reclaimed. She said this in March. She said, I guess my greatest crime is that I had a relationship with a man That's not something I find embarrassing in any way, and I know that I have not done anything illegal. So maybe my strategy is saying, hey, I the timing wasn't right, I should have did something different. Maybe they say, no, we ain't going with that. We're gonna stand Tento's down. We had a fair bottom line. It wasn't anything illegal, and that's that I just me personally, Even if they didn't want to acknowledge any wrongdoing, I do think that by saying oh, yeah, it just happens, it's not good enough because again, like Michelle and I went around around with this about before we're talking about ethics. When you work within an organization just a period, even on a job, and you're dating your boss, those are things you're supposed to make known, you know, to the company, to the HR department, all of that. So this was literally against the ethics and the rules. And then when you really start talking about you know, hiding it and all of that, now you're running into more of a problem. Before we start talking about the money thing, because I don't think it was you know, to spend money or that reason. Just the bottom line is it was just it's just unethical according to the ethical and so now you have to start explaining that in front of the Bar Association and everybody else. You know, So this idea of I didn't do anything illegal, Yeah, you didn't do anything illegal, but you did do something unethical according not according to what I think is ethical, just Michelle and I Jay talking, but according to the standards of the policy in that office, and as what people keep forgetting. They kept bringing up the policy in that office and how that was disregarded for their own personal so they knew what they were doing, which is why they never disclosed it.

Yeah, and whether you are looking at it from the lens of policy within the organization or the government or institution, or the larger issue of whether it's a legal or legal at the end of the day, and tis I think you and I agree on this. We grew up knowing that we had to be twice as good to get half, and so you want to at all times whenever possible. And sure you're not putting yourself in a position, you know, where you're not showing up twice as good. However, when that happens, what you then don't go and do is go time to ABC to you know, humanize yourself, gain sympathy points of whatever was going through his mind when he decided to have this interview. There were a lot of people impacted, whether it was a legal or legal ethical or not, you know, not ethical. There are a lot of people that are going to be impacted by this, including da Willis or her family, and so it was just an unnecessary enforced error I think on Nathan Wade's part. And again I just I'd like to go to an air where we just don't kiss and tell we just be quiet. We'll need to know what pies you eat. That's none of my business, and I could candlest just.

Do you think maybe because I know politicians are full of ego, we talk about this all the time, but do you think she possibly was a little bit leaning in on it because it was a woman. You know, I talked about this last week when I talked about the maid, the stallion and the driver of her car. You know, that was saying he was put, you know, in a bad situation. A rasman had to watch women have sex. So I talked about the balance of power with women. If we want to be honest, if this had been a vice versa a man that was sleeping with a subordinate because he is subbordin no matter what position he had, what would that conversation look like what that had been talked about? You know, does the woman she getting more slack because again we know because because she's black, we know that for sure, we know because she's going to have the president Trump. But I do want to ask you honestly though like women, we don't we're not really used to getting caught up in shit like this, just to be honest, you know, because usually the man is receptive of whatever that advance. Is he normally not? You know, kids can tell they normally don't meet to you. They normally don't say that there was a power dynamic if even if you understand what I'm saying, like a power dynamic that makes this not okay. Typically when it's women who are sleeping with the boss, then it goes into what she probably felt she had to do that because she needs the job or she da da dah. But I think women in power may be a little more lax with saying whatever we want to the many, eating wherever we want to, because the men usually don't make this claim, which he did not make this claim. I'm just having a larger conversation somebody made it for him though, So just a larger conversation with women bosses. Should women bosses start paying attention to Yes, you sleeping with men who are your subordinate can come back to bite you in the ass. And you just can't assume that because you're a woman, that you're gonna get a pass. Some of these men gonna start, even me to me tooing you not this particular thing, but you know, like what happened with made the Stallion's bodyguard. I did an interview with that, and Courtney was like, oh man, this is weak. He's just weak. And I'm like, I get that. But if I want women's words to be taken serious, and I gotta take men's words serious as well. And if somebody felt like they were put in a bad situation and the sexual you know, and couldn't just quit the job, you know, for whatever reason. And I'm not talking about, you know, digging too much in that case. I'm just saying in general, women sleeping with men, should they be more cautious, you know as men and have now had to conform to being more cautious.

Yes, And I think that they should be more cautious of putting putting themselves in positions where they look like a simp.

A good look for Nathan Wade, Like, yes.

You're sleeping with your or in relationship, having relations with your superior, and you got caught and you're in the middle of, you know, a divorce and you have children and like you're caught up on child support and all of this because you wanted to, you know, go to Poundtown so to.

Speak with your boss. It just doesn't look good.

And I think that that could also be a reason why he wanted to get some attention and going ABC News today and have this interview. I know that the Trump camp is going to eat this up. They're already coming for da Fannie Lewis Fannie Willis's neck. They want her off the case. She did qualify to run for d A again. But I don't see how any of this is gonna work in his favor. And then also along the lines of being cautious of looking like a scent by getting caught. If you're a dude in this situation, what does this say to your children when they grow up and they see this and they read the scandal and see that you sat down and did this interview and got caught up in this stuff like, it's just not a good look all the way around.

Yes, to answer your question, says.

I do believe that men should be very, very cautious of getting caught up in these situations. And no, women, especially black women, should not let their guards down or get sloppy, you know, in positions of power while on the job.

Yeah, so you think it's in simp category. Now, some people might look at it as play a category like, hey, man, you getting the ass, you getting the money, you getting the whole nine. It's a lot of men saying, where can I sign up for that job?


But at at the expense of your dignity? I mean, come on, this is just a bad look.

Well, I guess he wasn't expected on getting caught. But players are like, shit, I got a six figure salary and I'm getting to hit it. That's like a plus. That's it's a plus long man.

And I think this is why women have to be Women in power have to be mindful of how they wield that power. I think that structures of power have been built by and built to benefit white men, and the examples of our power is wielded, and especially in corporate spaces. How you go about attaining that power. I think that women of color, and particularly black women, we mimic the systems that we see, and we have to remember we can't use their systems and expect the same outcomes. So you know, a man would be able to have a different experience if he were the Da and Nathan Wade was a woman, even if they were black. But what we're seeing is that Fani Da Fannie Willis is still having to take the heat for this, even with her being in the position of power. It's not looked at or viewed or perceived as her being the player player and having somebody under her that she's paying work for her.

No, she was like, yeah, let's make she forget our titles. Right. She not looking like a player. She's full fledged sugar mama. He is the player, but Jay say, he is simp. So that's why I like these different perspectives. He looking real simplest to Jade, to me, he looking like a sugar baby. He looking like a player, like a pimp. She is definitely in the sugar mama category. For sure, She's in the.

Sugar mama category, but it's the category because of the situation that she's in because of the position, position of power that she holds, because of the standard of epics. As you you know, pointed out that she has to uphold no, that is.

Law license yea. So those are two different things. So in regards to that she looking like a dummy, I'm trying to take out that like her law license and all that you looking like a straight fool. I don't give them if he made more, not more than you, you looking like a fool. But I'm taking that out. I'm just talking about for the regular somebody a manager at Walmart and just hiring their love under them. I'm just something the sugar mama concept because I just wanted to tap into the sugar mama concept before we close up on the importance of what a sugar mama Suldar should not do. I just want to tap in on that. I'm not talking about her, I'm just saying in general, in other words, if you're gonna hook a man up with a job, get him a job outside jr. Shit, don't shit where you eat. That's my point. If you if you're gonna take care of a man for whatever it is, well I won't say take care she gave him a job. If you're gonna give him some ass or you're gonna do whatever, he gonna pay what he wagh. Let's make sure we're not putting our law licenses on the line. Let's make sure we're not putting our ethics on the line. Like I need you to be a better I need you to be a better sugar mom, is what I'm saying.


She may not look at it like that. She may look at it like she said she paid her own stuff while she was on the trips. He paid his own stuff right on the trip. Well, this man was winning all the way around. He didn't have to pay for nothing. He got the ass, he got a job, he got, according to them, got skipped over. They said that he was qualified, but not the most qualified. So accord to him, he winning all the way around. So some men look, she might have been.

Some good you know what you know. I let you say it, but I think you're articulating. Well, when women have the power, it's certainly not perceived that way.

And you sound like one of the men when they be like you're getting something to it. Don't work that way. You know, it ain't the mutual beneficial you still it's usual.

I mean, good D is good D and it's a great thing to have, you know, she wasn't.

Oh we can deligate loss. Yeah, No, I don't know a total lot, because we can just get good D from anybody. Let's just go with the bus driver. They have the best.

Let's go the prosecutor of you know, pull On County. It's probably harder to get good D and good D that will, you know, not kiss and tail Uh? I don't know.

Clearly, clearly clearly being a assistant prosecutor, he's up here kissing the tailor. Not only is he kissing the tailor, you can you can cause him lose my law license. And your ass is supposed to be on the case. So I don't know. I think the risk to go with the bus driver.

Capability he can put down and the bus telling all your business.

I'm not still telling all the business. I might as well go with the one that gonna cost me my law license. Let let us not skip over the bus driver now, because the bus driver gonna stay in this damn place, I assure you, because he don't have access to that type of level of power. I don't think the bus driver. I think the bus driver gonna hit that, quit that and keep it pushing. In my opinion, if I and if he do tell, we see he telling, So I'd rather tell and it not cost me my whole career versus his talking ass. That's telling and literally cost me my whole career. Because you work in my office. M I don't know, Jake, but you say bus driver or colleague.

Part of the bus driver because you know your colleague got your daddy having to come to court and testify like how.

I'm a daddy.

But her father literally had to come and sit on the stand and testify like the bus driver is not gonna put you in that situation.

I'm just and he.

Can't be in this sit waye because literally he's the bus driver, so he's not a part of the case. It's okay to like, this is not the only good D, Michelle, there's good D outside of your office. It really is. I know you say, well, you know because we were talking about that access to meeting people you know don't have the access, don't have the time. I need you to make the time. I need you to get on Tender like everybody else, or get on Facebook dating app great day nap by the way, get on these different day and apps, go on your Instagram, your DM and be committed to Michelle. You really can date somebody outside the workplace, because this ain't it.

I think that's possible. That's correct. Now finally time to do that is another discussion, But that's what we hear is that you need to figure it out, stay away from apple Pie. And what I will say is I'm glad that he came out on some levels because it gives us the opportunity to shine something, and he shine some light on his raw in discussion, because all of the news and media around this has solely focused on da Willis, as it should, but we don't often get to talk about, you know, the role that men in these situations play, like mayor Willie Brown and Nathan Wade. So I'm glad we got to have you.

They're still gonna put it all on her though, because she was the boss. She's the one responsible. She the one still gotta fight the case. She the one still got to explain that. They still gonna call every hole in the book, every whatever in the book, and all whatever kamalahead whatever, it don't matter. They still want to drag her. Yeah, they still gonna drag her. That's why again, let's just let's just go ahead and deal with the bus driver. It's okay to just not be outside the office. You don't necessarily have to deal with the bus driver. But if you're gonna hook your man up with a job, do it outside of the office. It's fine. Let's just do it outside of the office. It really doesn't have to be in the office. But guys, thank you so much for joining me to talk about this. I hope you enjoyed at the time when by so fast joining me today was my co host Michelle Wiley Jadarell. I just appreciate having the sister said they're gonna be joining me. So get used to this type of confery station. Make sure you hit me up at Tantom figure out on all things social media. Let me know if you like this new platform. Guys, you can always do your review. Make sure you do five stars. If you don't keep it to yourself, don't be like Nathan. If you like it, speak up if you don't be quiet, but make sure you subscribe some podcasts, bring a friend, subscribe anywhere you get your podcasts on Straight Shot no Chase Peace. If you like what you heard on straight Shot No Chaser, please subscribe and drop a five star review and tell a friend. Straight Shot No Chaser is a production of The Black Effect Podcast Network and iHeartRadio on TESSLM, figure Out, and I like to thank our producer editor mixer Dwayne Crawford and our executive producer Charlotte Magne of God. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.