Jade Harriell joins former Michigan operative Tezlyn Figaro and breaks down why President Joe Biden is in trouble in Michigan! She breaks down key demographics that Joe Biden cannot afford to lose. This episode is very informative and a must hear for political campaign operative nerds.
I don't want to ask your question real good. Let's just keep it real straight shot with no chaser. I'm gonna get a little bit rougher. I'm here for it. Those who really believed in the American process, all of us. Straight shot, no chase, shot with your girl, Testim figure Out on the Black Effect podcast What's having? Everybody says, Testim figure out? Straight Shot no Chaser podcast on the Black Effect Podcast Network on iHeart Radio. I'm gonna keep reminding you, guys. I know you said wow, you said that last time, but I can't assume that you listened to every episode, even though you should be listening to every episode. But I want to remind you again to make sure that you are subscribed. We had some glitches with Apple, but even if you're not on Apple and you're on the iHeart platform or Spotify, do me a favor and make sure that you have that follow button clicked, the subscribe or the follow button, because it did unsubscribe a lot of our listeners at IE, So make sure you go back in tap in. Not just to me, but I'm sure other podcasts you listen to on the Black of bel Podcast network as well, So please make sure. We want to make sure we get our numbers correct. There was a big drop last month, and I'm not pleased with that. So I want to make sure that our listeners are getting the information and the content that both myself and Jay works so hard at to make sure that you get. Every single week, Jade is joining me again, my co host Jaye Horel, helping me push through these topics, giving you some news you can use and some stuff we talk about major in the headlines and Jade sometimes we just talk about stuff that we just think people ought to know. So I thank you so much for joining us. We're gonna get straight to it now. If you follow me on Instagram, as you should, and if you do not, then I got a problem. But make sure that you're following my Instagram because a lot of this stuff that I talk about will kind of be extensions of, you know, conversations that maybe you know I started on Instagram. Jade and I kind of want to, you know, continue that dialogue, and so we want to keep everybody up to speed because remember, guys, we are I and we and Jade and I. This is about teaching, but this is not a just a conversation piece. Everything that I do is in layers, so we want to make sure that we're layering information, that we're making it seamless, that we're threaded all together. Jay and I both have masters and education, so it's all about teaching and teaching you and making sure that people are informed and making sure we're giving you not this good content, but actual curriculum. So make sure you follow me on Instagram because a lot of times I do start the conversation there and I want to finish it on the podcast, or I'm a point to something that somebody said on Instagram on my page under comment and straight shinto chase. It gives me in an opportunity to do that. So with that said, last week I was on Fox News Jade as you know, and they wanted me to come on always at last minute, wanted me to talk about Michigan voters. Trump just went to Michigan on I guess what was that last week or so in Detroit. The headline said that because the moderator there said, Hey, Obama and Biden never came to the hood and you're in the hood now. And so it's been a trending conversation over the last few days some other commentators and hosts. Jeorde Reid, I know, she pointed out that it was a completely white audience, which we obviously saw that he really technically might have been in the hood, but the hood wasn't in the audience. So people said that that was a gimmick. A lot of folks said, you know that the polls that it's showing that Biden is still doing well. The article that I was speaking on was saying that Biden is still winning among black voters, but that Trump is making some headway. And it talked about also that they don't like Biden, but they don't they disliked Trump more so they invited me on I was on with the car Roll. The reason why I'm saying the car role not because I just think he's so special, but because he is considered one of the most powerful operatives, one of the most powerful analysis analysts, one of the most powerful people on the Republican side in politics. For those that don't know who Carl Rove is, he's a formerly former deputy chief of staff for President George Bush former President George Bush Junior. Uh, if you watch that movie, w have y'all know if you'll watch that movie Jade. You know watch Okay, well if you watch a really good movie, but it really shows how uh, Carl Rove and you know, Bush's vice president, how they really ran that presidency, that they were really the puppet masters behind Bush. And so it showed the power of a chief of staff, the power of Dick Cheney. Also, I think it was in I think it was in Cheney, the movie Cheney, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, because it just showed you know, all of the you know, the different dynamics that went into that. So Carl Rove, him and David Axelrod are considered equals to David Xlrod if people know former chief of staff or Barack Obama and Carl Rol holds that same amount of weight. And so I've been on I think I've done a panel with him before. I know, I was in person in Fox News in New York and he was in the green room, and I think he went right on before me, or we may have had a brief exchange, but this was the first time we were side by side and so we were not debating, but he had a different position. He brought props is what Jade likes to call it. Because he brought a white boy breaking the props.
White boy.
It's so funny because he's gonna interject right quick. I did not know that you could not. You don't see people when you're in the studio, when you're doing Fox News a lot of times.
And so I was told you.
I told y' I'll never see And that throws people all because I tell him I literally cannot see the person I'm talking to. So all of the things that I'm in my head trying to like, you'll say it, I'm sorry to Rubb, but you'll say, oh, I love when you did this, I love when you did this or that, and I'm like Jane, I literally I can't. I'm not responding to what I see. So the reason why it's a challenge to do what I do. It's easy for me, but why it's hard for a lot of people, it's because they need to be able to see. Like our other co host, Michelle, she makes us get on the zoom right now, we're recording audio, but we're looking at each other. Michelle says she needs to be able to see. She wants to make sure you and not talking about it. She wants to see my face press. You want to do all that, you don't do that, and they call it a return. Some studios will pay extra for it, but the majority of the time you're not, so you're having to imagine what they look like. You don't get a chance to play on body language. You have to know what you're talking about is live if you do interrupt somebody, like there was some talkover points because there is a delay, so you do have a little bit of that talkover. But you had to know win energet. You have to know when I want to break down that head but I'm gonna let you get to that, but I want to break down mechanics to that because I think a lot of people I think that's good for people to know. But go ahead what you thought. But I wanted to say, yeah, I never see on it right.
Right, like you never see your opponents.
And it was hilarious when he out the old school dry race board, you know, with the marker, and he had it was his prop and he had so statistics on there, and you had no idea until you got until you saw the replay. So I just I just couldn't wait for it to be over. So you can see that part. But it was a really really really great, great, great great segment that you did over there, and you spoke Toru to power.
So that's all I wanted to say. Shout out to the Republican.
I don't know what stuff with the Republicans and their props, but I'm here for it's great entertainment. The Santus had some props during a couple of debates, and some other folks had props, but Republicans like.
A lot of props.
Yeah, and it's so interesting because people actually clowned him for that. Actually they were saying, I can't believe he brought propts, like he should know the data, he should be able to I don't get it, but I know you thoroughly enjoyed it. But yeah, I didn't know he had props also, so did people know. I always like explaining the inside game on commentator, on being a commentator because people say, you know, I can't answer this or I can't say that. You go back and watch it. You know, she asked me, as you know, Jay, because you do part of me on this work. I'll get my topic a couple of hours before. They don't tell me what they're asking me. They'll just say, hey, we're talking about this. When I got on, they brought in the b roll so that people know the film of Obama and Biden getting off the stage. I had no clue what that was about. That was something that and this is why people got to put some respect on our name, like the work that we do, of having to pay attention to every single thing because we never know, like what's going to be brought up. I'm really good, just be honest, I'm just gonna say it. I'm good at what I do so and I'm very confident in what I do. So if they ask me something and I don't know, I know how to flip that conversation. I just want to talk about that for a second so people can look at the mechanics on that. Because I don't know if we talked about that, I had no idea what they were talking about. And because I don't have a return, I couldn't see the video. So when the host said take a look, I literally could not look. I had no clue. I heard the voiceover when they were talking about, oh, he held his back, you know, my obvioser were saying he was struggling to getting up to stay whatever it was, but I had no clue this. I got the call to do this at about eleven o'clock. The car came to pick me up at one, so it was a last minute thing. So I hadn't seen the news on that. I try to pay attention, you do. Try to pay attention to every single thing that comes out because I never know when I can be called. But I accepted it because I wanted to say something about Michigan and Detroit because I talked about it on Instagram and I wanted to get that opportunity, you know, to talk about it on a major platform. I didn't know it was going to be Carl until everything was confirmed and they said, oh, you'll be on with Carl Road like that's just like people in politics like that's a big deal, you know. It's like I said, oh yeah, you be on with axlerods. I was like, oh wow, this gets even better. I just knew what I had to say about Detroit. So if you go back and watch it hit When she said, well tell it, I want to come straight to you. You never know who they're going to come to first. And she said, you know what about you know, she asked about Barack Obama putting his handle back, and I said, yeah, I don't know too much about that, but I do know that in Michigan, so I totally. I always tell people it's not what they ask, is what you answer. I don't know, Jada, they're going to come back to me after asking Carl since they asked me that, I didn't know if she was going to go to Carl with the question that I was actually there for. So I had to take that moment on why I got out, why I stopped my workday to talk about this again. This is why producers good. To have good producers telling you information, giving you, But sometime it just don't work that way. She went in a total different direction. I know idea what she's talking about. Even if I did know she was talking about, that wasn't why I was there. So I have to always use my one minute for people that don't know. I have to use my one minute to get out what I need to get out. When people in the comments, oh you should have said this all you just said that, they have no clue on how challenging this is without knowing how long you're going to have or how many times they're going to toss it to you. So in that segment I had to flip that, and I still included it where I said, all know who's touching, who's back, and who's doing what, But what I do know is Michigan. So I still threw it in there to give her something. But I had no idea they were gonna come if they were gonna come back to me, because you noticed she went to Carl Rove about Michigan. Really we didn't need him, and to hit it all just to be honest, he really served really didn't serve a lot of a big purpose say much.
I mean, but he was smiling from ear to ear as you were speaking, and then his eyes got real big, in my opinion, when you was like, I know I do not support Donald Trump, by the way, right, but you can just speak in facts, and so I think that I don't know if he thought you were I mean, I clearly everyone knows that you're an independent, but I don't know if he believed it until you actually had to say it again and reiterated, Yeah, it was a very interesting, very very interesting segment.
And to your point, again another commentator rule, you always got to repeat it because it's not about because everybody doesn't know, so I always have to make it clear because again, they take segments they like you to hear what they want you. I knew Fox was gonna take the part about you need to write checks and not include the other part. I know how they work, I know how they operate. They do with Charlemagne all the time. He'll talk about Trump, but then they'll put the part that hurts the Democrats. So I always I can never assume that everybody knows, especially when something sounds like I'm promoting Trump. I always got to make it clear I do not support either one. I am an independent. That has to be done almost every time. If it's seen what I'm trying to call balls and strikes was right and what's wrong with that? Said, it was important to talk about Michigan and Detroit because I feel strongly about that. In twenty fifteen, I was the racial Justice director for Bernie Sanders. Nobody knew who to hell Bernie Sanders was in Michigan. I was the only National Black staffer on the ground at that time. My mother was dying of cancer of lung cancer. It was the first time I got an iPhone. I had an Android I got an iPhone because I want to FaceTime, to be able to see my mother every day, also be able to see my daughter at the time, who in twenty sixteen. I'm terrible with math. But in twowenty sixteen, well, let's say twenty fifteen. Let's see. Now I should really know this because but again I'm terrible man. So she was eight years old at the time. So I had an eight year old now a mother that probably had about six seven months to live. This is what I'm painting this picture, Jay, because I want you to know what was happening at that time when I was in Detroit. So every other weekend I was going back and forth. We were in a state that nobody knew who the hell Bernie Sanders was. He was becoming more popular at that time. But Hillary Clinton just knew that they had the state on lock because they depended a lot on Detroit. They figured Michigan, blue collar state typically as went for Obama, even though it's still a swing state, but the labor unions have always kind of carried you know, Democrats in that state. I'm laying all of that out this Probably this whole episode will be about this because this is important. I want you to know why you hear me talking about Michigan when Barack Obama ran and Mischig and the question when the question was how can Barack Obama appeal to states like Michigan Harvard you know grad. Even though Yes, Iowa at that time blew everybody's mind and nominated him, it was still important that Michigan, being a blue collar, you know type of state, how can the Harvard grad black guy appeal. Joe Biden was selected at that time because he was Uncle Joe. That's why they started calling him Uncle Joe. That came through the Obama administration because at the time, Uncle Joe was the guy that understood the white the blue collar of white man. The I'm gonna sit down with the unions and I'm just one of you guys. Have a beer with Uncle Joe, the drop of a cuss word every now and then, Uncle Joe. That's why Uncle Joe was put on that campaign to appeal to the people though basically the Trumpers that then or the possible could be Trumper's that Barack Obama could not get. And that's why I keep stressing Michigan because it's so interesting to watch the very reason why, one of the very reasons why Joe Biden was selected as a VP. He's losing the state. That was actually one of the reasons why he was selected. You know why, Jay, because at the time when he was vice president, people were not looking into his background. See so the things that people say now with mass incarceration, the segregation comments, the racist little things here and there. I got a black friend, Uncle Joe ben like that, But when he was running with Barack Obama, nobody paid attention because it was a He's just the vice president. Unlike how they doing Kamala Harris. They hold Kamala Harris to a level where they feel like she should be doing what the president should be doing, when it's always been the vice president's always just been kind of ignored and just the extra person, a servant at the pleasure of the President of the United States, with the exception of Dick Cheney, but other than that, everybody has always been just the extra person. Let's just put this person onto. It's never been designed to be two people that appeal to the same people. So Joe Biden was always there to appeal to that blue collar worker, which is now either lost or on the brink of losing. So and again I want to stress that because I want you to know the difference when you become president and vice president and how now the onion got pealed and you got a chance to really bet that person. And now how the people that they used to appeal to now that they didn't have to get in that president role and do sell out a lot of those bases. Now you see them as totally different. So when Uncle Joe was on Barack Obama's campaign, it was never to win black voters. So now you're expecting Uncle Joe to be the one to win black voters because he was with Barack Obama. No, well, guess what people actually looked at his record this time. So then that's why Kamala Harrison was supposed to come into play. So it's going to kind of lay that out lay, that foundation out. So on twenty fifteen, they thought they had Detroit unlock. They thought that the blue They didn't realize that Bernie Sanders actually more appealing to the labor than Clinton. Because again, at that time, Bernie Sanders, a populace was pushing anti establishment in the nineties, in the two thousands and even when Barack Obama was running, establishing wasn't a bad thing to be the establishment of the Clinton dynasty to have that type of endorsement, who people would consider the first black president. As they say, I'm doing air quotes like people can see me, but guys, I'm new air quotes. It was at that particular time it was a plus to get Bill Clinton. Well that changed once a woman ran by the name of Hillary Clinton. Then it became the establishment. Then it became Bernie Sanders, the new populace who's fighting for that white working class. Let's be very clear, even though I know they try to make him the black people, but Bernie Sanders was with the white working class. He is de peat of competing with the same voters that Trump is. One's just a little bit more overt racist than the other. But the same populist or unless they are extreme Republican and they don't like socialist policies, or a conservative that doesn't believe in abortion gave me, you know, those ideologies, but that anti black, sit down, blue collar Roseanne show type you know of worker. No the time Roseanne became racist all of a sudden, but it was always a part of that. It was always Roseanne. It was all who do you think they were in Illinois at that time, just because they had a black friend on the show. It was always that trailer park blue collar worker, you know, working the factory type of work. And that's who Joe Biden appealed to at the time when Barack Obama ran. So fast forward, now here we are in twenty sixteen. Bernie, who's always been a big union person, appealed to the unions. Hillary Clinton thought they had Detroit unlock. Hey, it's Detroit, the first black quote unquote Bill Clinton's wife, So of course we got Detroit on lack. Of course, it's the blackest city in the country. Of course. So here we are trying to organize. But at the time the Flint water crisis happened. Flint water crisis happened, Black people in Flint wanted to know what was going down. You may recall when Barack Obama pretended like he drank drank the water and you know.
Oh yeah, I remember that thatulous.
That offended people. Hillary Clinton they didn't really tap in. They did in Detroit with the establishment, the leaders, the mayors, they totally ignored Flint. So here I am in Flint. I said, let me get with some black some black folks. Literally, when you have to get in the state and you have to figure it out, you just go to the black areas and you literally figure it out. Like nobody's walking you in. There's no nothing, like you're literally figuring it out. Bernie Sanders had zero black relations prior to running, zero and still terrible at it now race relations. I said, he got to meet somebody black. I had him meet with Danielle Green. She brought four or five friends with her. They met for the first time. Danielle Green's from Flint. Somebody took a photo of Bernie Sanders hugging Danielle took his face. You know, the back Bernie Sanders shows zero motion. Typically it was all as matter of fact, if you go read the New York Times editory of New York Times, when they interview you to design, they want to endorse you. They talked about that. He said, I've never been that guy. I've never been the guy with the niceties. I've never been you know, I'm just not that guy. I don't do that. So, but when they were able to capture empathy on his face with hugging Danielle It just changed. This is why policy, one thing can change your whole race. He had a show of empathy on his face that people had never seen hugging at black woman or a man that they said, don't know no black people. They took that. Put that in all of the ads, which goes back to some of our offline conversations when I say it's one thing that leads to another. Put it in all of the ads. Bernie Sander's doing well with college kids at the time, even though they don't come out, but he still was doing well. We were packing auditoriums. That's when I drove Cordell West all the way to Detroit, I mean to Chicago from Michigan. We did a big event at Michigan State. I drove into Chicago to catch his flight overnight. So Bernie Sanders had the college kids, the white boys on the campaign. White Man, if you will, did an excellent job organizing the unions and then me coordinating that meeting with Black Flint, which turned into doing several town halls in Flint with Danielle Green and other black people, which is what Trump is doing in Detroit, whether y'all like it or not. Whether it was white people in the audience or not, they're missing the point when Bernie Sanders went, that's why I get I'm not telling you what I heard. I'm telling you what not only do I know what we literally did those town halls, showing that meeting, showing that that empathy, hug rotating that over and over like how they're doing with ice worad vessel that everybody say nobody should be paying attention to, but getting it over and over and over and over and over. That is how we won a historic by two percent, less than two percent, that's all it took. That goes down in history as a historic win. It's the only historic win that Bernie Sanders had that gave his campaign a boost to say, wow, this really can happen. It was like Barack Obama win in Iowa. I was credited for that because I'm the one that made that meeting happen. I'm not saying I flipp it by myself, but all of those components. A little bit of the black voat because she did get Detroit, but not those outskirts meaning Killy Clinton. A little bit of that with Flint a little bit of the labor a little bit of the college That is how they won. So when I hear commentaries Bcari sellers say all the article is alive, He's not gonna get twenty percent of the black vote. He doesn't need twenty percent of the black vote. Jay, it is more of a problem now in Michigan than it was in twenty fifteen. Let's go down the list on why Joe Biden is in trouble in Michigan. The Black vote is depressed and suppressed. When I say depressed, meaning this is a fact. That's why I told the guy, I'm not gonna argue with you about it on Instagram, just gonna seeple say what needs to be said on Fox News. But I still don't have the time to lay it out, which is obviously what this show is turned into today. But it's important because I need people to understand this. There are several different demographics in Michigan on why Trump can absolutely win by a two percent or one percent margin. He does not need twenty percent. You just need to break off a few into those demographics. Number one, the college vote. The college young voters are not behind Joe Biden. Now for a while, Jay, they say, what don't matter they don't show up. It don't matter they don't show up, right, But if enough don't show up or enough do show up up, let me be clear, not don't show up. It's always more people that don't show up. And we got to get out that out that mindset of don't show up. It's a matter of who shows up, if enough who If enough shows up, If five thousands show up, a thousands show up, more likely than not they will not be voting for Joe Biden. They were either vote for a third party person or check no commitment, which is what they have.
That uncommitted killing is killing the Democrats. That's right, and particularly in Michigan, because we got to talk about the seven swing states and each state is different. I want to make sure the math is different. All of the things that make the tornado are different. It's not just always going to be rain and win. And then you know, all of the elements that make a tornado twister in Oklahoma can be different than Kansas or Dallas or take all of those. We have to always talk about the current environment. That's why I'm always preaching to you and Michelle, Let's look at the current environment let's not look at what we think makes sense. Let's look at the current environment.
Find twenty twenty four elections. Swing states are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
That's right, and all of those will be different depending on the environment. Michigan, I would say, is the most vulnerable for Joe Biden because of these demographics that I'm laying out, the college demographic. They're either not going to vote for Joe because of debt, college debt, even though yes some got relief. But again, the progressives, Bernie Sanders, who got the college vote in that area, Elizabeth Warren, they've been preaching for get rid of all college debt. So you're losing them on that second chance. You had to lose. See the first time to that out fifteen, all they had to do was talk about college debt. Now you've got college kids pissed off, a Baptist war and gods.
But also in twenty fifteen, remember the occupy movement was a populis movement that Bernie Sanders kind of became the face up and that started in twenty eleven and it went through twenty fifteen. So by that time twenty fifteen came around, a lot of the college aid students had sort of you know, been acquainted with that movement, and he was a better candidate for their choice.
So yeah, I wanted to point that out about think ar.
Yeah, thanks for pointing out. And then guess what. These college students then are out of college now can't find jobs. So that's a third thing. With the inflation, even though Biden saying, oh, don't worry about it, it's gonna catch up year two down the road. We're talking about right now. The environment right now is raining outside right now. Everybody keep love talking about Let's talk about the environment right now. So the one thing that Bernie sand was able to give with college students he had won. These are three things on why a college person would vote for a third party candidate. The debt, college debt, the war, ceasefire because college students are overwhelmingly and supported ceasefire, and inflation. So now you got three things. The current college students that can't get a job, and the people remember that was four years ago, a year ago, they're out of college now right, So now they're adults. So now you've moved that demographic into a second demographic that you lost who are trying to build families and get house and all that. That's three right there, just for the College all. Make sure everybody's pointing this out because I'm trying to make sure people get what I'm saying about Michigan. This is not this is simple map. So there's three things for the college voters that Joe Biden is not doing well. Second, the labor who was on strike all last year.
Jay oh, Hollywood union, the writers union in Hollywood was on strike.
There was some auto worker strikes. Yeah, autoworkers was everywhere. That's the whole. It dominates Michigan.
Michigan auto workers for all of the all.
That's the major. That's why they called Detroit Motor City. The whole. The auto worker industry alone, the auto let me say it again, the auto worker industry alone. A lot of them gravitated. What Trump the reason why the Republicans are They pretended like they like Bernie Sanders, which they really didn't. But it was the unions, and it was the getting rid of the China, and it was the American maid and it was all that pobulizing. Trump appealed to a lot of the union people. Remember he did a rally last year with the union people, because remember Trump pretends like he's a blue collar worker.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
So now you got that penetration that at one time Joe Biden had on lock. Right, But since you had those strikes and then Joe Biden finally brought his ass up there on the twelfth hour, now you have effectively broke up that once. See, running for office is all about base in different bases, in different communities, So that one demographic that you had on lock has now been pierced because of the strikes and inflation. And now again a third thing, Trump actually appeals to those workers because who are those workers, the Roseanne barn Husbands, those quiet anti black racists. So now you have Trump who are saying, get my country back, take my country back, immigration, all of that that's piercing into Think about Roseanne's husband, even though it's a fiction show, I need you to know, that's piercing into Dan Connor. That's Dan Connor in Michigan that we're talking about, even though he's in Illinois. It's a Midwest you know, Like, seriously, Dan Connor, who do you think Dan Connor will vote for would you think he will for a Trump? Who? And by the way, Roseanne in real life is a major Trump Sarrogan. But let's not talk about real life. Let's just talk about fiction. Who would Dan Who would Dan Connor appeal to a Trump? Yeare a factory is a factory worker?
The union? They're going to go with the union candidate. The candidate is the most union friendly.
Yeah, and Donald Trump has been able to convince people that he is, even though he's really not. But again, it's about perception. So now you have your union peers twice. Now you got two things that's affecting that demographic. So we got the college demographic, you got the union demographic, the labor court coalition. You got the Muslim This is the most dangerous of all. This is the one hundred thousand people that went down and said uncommitted. You got Rashida to lead one of the most powerful representatives in Michigan. You know why because she was able to be seven black people at the Post Detroit has an abrim American representing them in Congress. What did that tell you? They tell you that her ground pound must be Hellstrom. The Muslim community in Michigan is one of the largest Muslim communities in the country. They run that. That's why they were able to get to try to get a Muslim governor, which is what they want to do on the ballot. Didn't happen last time, but could be successful. They keep organizing. So you have a community that ain't just talking about a jade on Twitter. They putting their money behind it.
Started go ahead, Yeah, I want to point out that the state of Michigan holds fifteen electoral votes in electoral college and brit in you know, these all those votes, but they get split with that uncommitted, with that uncommitted voter, and.
Can we can we deal with that a second because I want people to understand the fifteen electoral thing, because they'll think, oh, yeah, but that doesn't matter. California got eighty one hundred. I want people to know it's not the amount of the electoral it's about it possibly going one way or the other. So put a pin make sure I go back to Muslim because the last demographic is black. But I want to since you brought that, I want to put a pin in that because I want people to understand that too. It's not necessarily the amount it's the fact that you can't count that money. So let's just use an analogy. I know, if I know every month i'm gonna get child support X amount, if I know I can count that. If you know, oh, you got a pretty dependable job. I got part time job. Consistently they be paid me one thousand month, I know I can kind of depend on that. I know Tesesling. Just use you for an example. I know Tesla gonna pay me x y Z. May not be a lot, but it's I know I can depend on it. When you know you can depend on it, you already count that money. It's the iffy money that is your concern. So even if the money is hey ja, I'm gonna give you ten downs, but you don't really know it. I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch. If somebody say I'm gonna give you ten thousand dollars this money, yeah, okay, Like right now, as the client that's been saying they gonna do something for the last eight months, I'm not counting it. I told you right before. I'm not counted at all. But if you come in, it's gonna make a significant difference. But I'm not counting it. But I can count on my little smaller pieces because I know I got it in the bank. So the electoral college in the in the swing states, that's the money you can't count but could make a huge difference. I'm saying that because I want to educate people on that. I don't want to think because somebody is say, fifteen, Oh, that's nothing, because California has how many look that up while we're talking. I want to make sure I get the right thing. Look it up. Please, California has huge numbers. But you can always count on California and that money in the bank. So you know, if you got a good baby, daddy, or good whatever. I know that money coming in my rent house money. I can't count on that. Sometime I get it, sometime I don't. It depends on if I got repairs, it depends on whatever. But I know I got the rent house, so I can count of count on it. I may count on half of it, but I'm not really sure. So if I'm using a dynamic, I'm gonna use my rent house. My rent house is a swing state. I know I got a good chance of getting it, but I also Jay wasn't suspecting this real life situation. Last month, I wasn't expecting the refrigerator to go out. Serious wasn't able to fix it. I had to buy another refrigerator at the last minute. The other rent house had a flood. I wasn't counting on it. That was unexpected. So in this analogy, the rent house is my swing state. I know, I usually have it because it's a blue state like Michigan, but I can't really depend on it because I don't ever know. And that's why breaking down these demographics, because you can't dependent on us, so you never know. So it's not just the fifteen. Do you have the number for California.
Yes, it says currently California has the largest number of electors fifty five.
Fifty five, Okay, so it's not the fifth so it's not so fifty five. So and we need to do another show on electoral college. But people say, oh, but California got fifty five. No no, no, no, no, it's not about that. It's about the ones. You don't know what you're gonna get. Everybody knows California is gonna go California's gonna go bloe you pretty much. That's consistently every single time. They're not a that's never really a question. So they already count things. They already count California in the math, they already count Texas in the math. On the Republican side, they already count. And sometimes you might have something that flips, they already count all of that. But the seventh states that you mentioned, that's the rent house. And I don't know if the person's gonna move out this month, if I'm have an emergency, if I have this that whatever that is. And so that's why it is not necessarily fifteen. It's the fact that I don't know if I'm gonna have it. So going back to the demographics, you can't count on the mon you can you can just go ahead and cancel Christmas. On the Muslim vote, you done lost that. The college kids, you can't depend on that because they have ways show up. They don't have ways show up any damn way. So the few you is gonna possibly get you can't even count on that. That's definitely. That's definitely the booty call that girl and whatever he come by, he come by, don't he don't. Don't you definitely losing a Muslim vote. You can explain it. You definitely, you definitely don't know what the hell's going on with labor. They may or may not. Maybe he might want to be your man this month. Maybe now y'all break up every other month. We really don't know what's gonna be up, but I guess I guess we can depend on it. We'll just see be having another day. The final demo graphic that they keep thinking they got in the bag that they do have possibly having a bag is the black community. This is important what I'm about to say when everybody make sure I'm paying atension. Overwhelming the Black people do support Joe Biden or the Democrat, that's not a question, but them taking that for granted in Michigan when those other four demographics ain't playing with you, especially the Muslim demographic. Especially that you can't depend on the labor. You really can't depend on the kids. You definitely, you know you don't know what's going on with all those demographics. You absolutely need your Black demographic more than ever. So even though they will overwhelmingly vote for Joe Biden, no question about that. What I'm saying is that one or two percent that you could be losing because of icequare Viso that people are laughing about that one or two percent could make or break you because you're losing so much in those other demographics. And I want to say this because I want to be clear. If they lose Michigan, it is not because of black people. Let me say it again. If they lose people, it is not because of black people, because overwhelmingly black people are gonna hold it down in Detroit, overwhelmingly. But what I'm saying is you can't take advantage. You can't afford to lose anything else because you've lost so much in those other ones. If they lose Michigan, it will be because of the Muslim vote. If they lose Michigan, it will be because of the next time will say the auto workers. It will not be because of black voters. So when they keep having these segments about black votes, black vop of UK, I always try to make it clear when I have the time, and certainly I make the time on this show. Y'all not have to start setting up this narrative that it's our fault because black people have carried the Democrat Party right well enough. We carried this country for four hundred damn years. So let's not stop. It's gonna be white women, it's gonna be alls other things. Because they setting up that narrative too. They want to keep having a conversation like we really important. But look at the play Jai. It's also to who we're gonna blame y'all, not just be blaming us, but yeah, but you need to be making sure you're doing all you can to get any black vote that you can. And that's why I say they cannot afford to laugh at saying, ain't nobody listening to a rapper? Ain't nobody let Ice Worth Viso is extremely popular in Detroit. Detroit, fuck what they rappers? They do? And so when you ignore that and you got one or two percent, that possibly it ain't about them staying home. It's about the one or two percent that's voting for the other person, because it's always gonna be more people staying home. Joe Biden is in trouble in Michigan. So that's what my hit was about about, saying that you better go take some chicks. They asked what checks, and no reparation. Family. I'm not talking about reparations. That's not the check. I'm not talking about it's gonna happen between now and November. What I'm saying is you better go down there and buy votes. Oh tesstlam promoting by boats. Yes, that's how it's supposed to go. Y'all just ain't made it available that you're willing to be bought. That's how policies go. By boats means were gonna fund your programs. We're gonna take care of you. We're gonna make sure. I'm not talking about paying somebody twenty five dollars. I'm saying, y'all better go find five million dollars to invest in app school programs. Y'all better go find ten million dollars. Go do this, do it whatever, take otherwise, other than saying Trump is a bad person, That's what I mean when I say by votes, not no more. IOU's not no more. If you get me in, I'm gonna make sure down the road you take care of no. No, no, somebody need bring a checkbook right now and fund some programs to make sure that you can depend on them. People saying hey, you took care of me, the same way the immigration community is able to say that right now. Just this week, was saying that Joe Biden has taken care of us by executive order.
I wanted to chime in that a presidential candidate needs I know a lot of people know this. A presidential candidate needs the electoral votes of at least two hundred and seventy electors. So this is already a tight race with all of these swing states, so every single electoral vote actually matters. So yeah, they need more than half of all electors in order to win the presidential election.
Mm hmm. So they're in trouble. So this show is supposed to be bad several other things, but I wanted to make thank you for allowing me time to pack that out and so that we can highlight this as why Joe Biden is in trouble in Michigan, because again, I don't work for the Joe Biden campaign, so it's above me. Now, you know, So if Bacari sellers, who's a you know, a Biden sarrogant? Who did I know? He made some campaign stops in Michigan Hillary Clinton, But I worked on the ground, like knocking on doors. They're above all of that, No disispector Macari. I'm just saying, I know, y'all don't do that. So I'm just telling you why we were able to specifically me was able to be successful in taking those votes. And so they can do what ever the hell they want to do. I really don't have a do I'm not I don't work for the campaign, but I'm telling you while they're in trouble, and I'm telling you that they need to make a very aggressive move because when you name all those other swing states and you can't count that money, that can be the difference between Donald Trump becoming President of the United States.
Absolutely and listening, Trump has a lot of He's getting in a lot of traction. I'm extremely surprised as a black nationalist and revolutionary and a person in the grassroots and a black conscious community, I'm very surprised that the amount of Black men in particular and just younger Black women that are voting Trump like they are literally voting red. And the Republicans have invested a lot of money, a lot of time and resources into black and Black Republican initiatives, especially for young Black Republicans and the younger generation, and they.
Are they are, they're voting red.
Want to be heard, and again, it's all pandering let's be clear. You know, right, Trump, don't give a damn about you either. But when you can make the make it seem like it, when you can make it appear like, hey, I'm willing to have the meeting with you, it goes a long damn way. It doesn't matter how many white people in that in that audience, the question is like, somebody, well, what is Trump done a Black community? Nothing? He don't owd black community nothing. Black community didn't get them voted, didn't vote. Men. I keep telling yah, that's not parted his worst. I know President Obama stood up there and said, I'm still You're a president, and I'm everybody's president. That's not how it works. How it works is you're the president for the people that elect you. I know nobody wants to hear that, but that's the reality. You only owe the people that elect you because those are the ones that are going to keep you in office. And Trump has done a fantastic job supporting the people that elected him. Not mean because I didn't elect him. He's there to support be like democratic Black people alln't want to think, oh here everybody president. No, it don't work that way. He's gonna take care of people that's gonna keep in office. That's it. That's all. So when Joe Biden, when you're not taking care of the Black community, somebody said, what does that mean the civil black community? I said, I'm not saying civil black community. I'm saying the things because when you take care of the black community, everybody get taken care of by default. I'm saying the things that you promised the black community when you were standing there in churches talking about the Voter's Right Act, talking about the George Floyd talking about those things. Those are the things that we should be able to stand there to say, just like the immigrant community was able to stand there and say, I'm proud that he was able to deliver on the promise that he made to us by executive order. That way, people tell me, don't worry about executive order, don't worry about they're going to change it back. Well, Jay, you don't give it theamn about them changing the back when it come to immigration, and you don't have to worry about them changing it back if you take care of your people, because the people are gonna kee voting you in and if they change it back, so what the next Democratic run on changing it back. We are being ruled by executive order moving forward. Congress is broken. It's broken, so let's stop talking about the right way to do it is in Congress is once it's a law, it's a law. Bullshit, y'all not seeing the way they turn.
Nothing's coming through in Congress.
I mean it's like watching an SNL skit when they have these committee meetings. I know people are paying attention. And the incident that happened between Margie Taylor Green and Jasmine, a representative Jasmine, that that is nothing in comparison to what happens every day. Absolutely no legislation is really getting past. There's really no traction in Congress these days.
And also, and what.
Are they talking about once it's the laws, the law. Y'all didn't see what just have with Roe versus Way. They're not playing with you reverse, They're not playing. So stop thinking that Congress is gonna make They are reversing shit at the Supreme Court level. So this it need to be in Congress and that's just gonna make it all good. No, it doesn't because they didn't codify that and look what happened. So we are being ruled by authoritative. This is authoritative moving forward. This it's all executive orders. It's all about a president getting in and passing executive orders and the next one getting in and undoing it, the next one getting in undoing the band like, that's what it is. Put your big girl draws on, put your big boy draws on, and stop with this old school metalent. That's why Joe Biden is losing thinking, well, well, let's just get through Congress. Let's all come together, let's buy parts off with it. It's not happening. It's done. Executive order are nothing, period. But they get that though, Jay, because they're doing it for the immigration community. They're just not doing it for us because we enabled, our leaders enable that shit. Oh no, it got to be the right way. We gotta get through Congress. All but if y'all just elect more congress people would pay. No, we had Congress people, we controlled the House and the Senate, and the shit still to get done. So no, this is either executive order or that's it. And Guy's again, that's not me promoting Trump or nothing. I'm just telling you what I've been telling you before Trump gotten office, that this is this is just what it is. Moving forward, and Joe Biden can absolutely sign a bunch of second warders right now, drop some bags right now if he wants those votes. And I know reparations gonna say no tags, no vote. I'm not talking about that. They're not gonna pass reprations between now and November. What I'm saying is they better capture what they can and you better, dann We'll bring your wallet and it bet'll be some because IOUs ain't gonna cut it.
Yeah, iou is saying, once I get into office, once you elect me, then I will start to pay attention to your interest which is a damn lie that hasn't been working. And clearly right after Biden got elected when he met with what he he met with like Ale Sharpness and clergy and some and some leaders within the black community, and he told them basically like I ain't doing nothing for y'all, and what's really sassy about it? Was extremely sassy about it, and then make comments about how the Latino vote, you know, and the Latino community and their interests were really important.
So if I mean, I hope hopefully.
Black folks will you know, continue to wake up and put pressure on the politicians that they elect and put into into government. Because when Brighten came in, he said, listen, I ain't basic. Essentially, I ain't doing nothing for you niggas.
HM sure did. And again people, y'all win just making this up. Go back and google the tapes that they released out that them leaders released out and didn't want to say who did it. I guess they didn't want to put their name on it, but they did it and put it out on purpose so people get hear them saying, oh, y'all better go fall in line with between the Spanish community. Yeah, y'all better go fall in line with the Spanskuar. So hey, it's above me now, I did what I can do. I know what to me.
On the other hand, old Test, we have so many sound types of Trump at these rallies. Trump is making a lot of ignorant statements talking about how he's the best thing. I think we talked about this, he's the best thing that happened to black people since Abraham Lincoln and all of this other stuff.
And he's saying, you know, the black folks loved me.
And I am actually seeing with people that I actually know in road life that are saying this election I'm voting for Trump. I see Black Republican political organizations working at the grassproofs level in different states like Chicago, DC and other places that are literally working to you know, turn states red or turn Citi's red, turn district's red. And I don't see the same level of mobilization through the Democratic Party or their initiatives at all. I don't know where their money that they're getting is going, but I'm not seeing it translate into initiatives to really mobilize people to vote blue.
Mh, well, hey, let me go ahead and put this out it when when y'all get y'all ass handed to y'all or whatever y'all gonna do. And again, I'm not interested in the Trump administration. I want to be clear about that. I want to be very clear about that. I'm not interested in I don't like Joe Biden either, but all I know is whatever's gonna happen. And I don'n told y'all organize in the hood for years, and these bouge azz people say it ain't worth time organizing in the hood because they're not gonna vote anyway, y'all. I get that, But the twenty people that we could convince are is worth the investment? Convincing, But you know what, Jade, they would have to do that year round. They don't want to make that investment year round, just like Bernie Sanders, and he got exactly what he deserved after two thousand and six times Like, why don't y'all just go ahead and hire who at the time, Crystal? What's Chris last night's Spade? Look up her name for me, up you don't mind? While in real time, guys, she's the Democrat chair for South Carolina. Think of Spade or Spade. Crystal Democrat Chair in North Carolina. She worked for us for Bernie Sanders in twenty sixteen. I said, like they say in the hood on my mama, why don't y'all hire Crystal to work year round? What is wrong with giving somebody a fifty thousand dollars contract, Jade, They still can do something else. What's wrong with giving a fifty thousand dollars contract to make sure that they're still engaging on a monthly basis? Sanders knew he was going to run again in twenty twenty, so why not invest in her all of that time? Nobody heard that. That's why girl, I just like the name names. Nobody thought that was important. It was her and another guy named Lawrence. What was her last name, Crystal Spain? Crystal Spain. Yes, okay, so she ran Bernie Sanders South Carolina Democrat Outregion twenty sixteen. Yes, what does she currently do right now? Jay? I just want you to have to look it up in real time.
Our party meath the chair.
Crystal Spain is the first black woman that e left the chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party.
Right, So that's it, That's what I want you to read. She's the chair of the Democrat party. Bernie Sanders could have possibly had the chair. Let's just do this and then I'm gonna close this up. Let's just do simple math. She worked for your ass in twenty sixteen. Had you invested in Crystal for four years? But you didn't, You didn't pay it nothing. She went on head and went and worked for your opposition. She worked for Corey buck Booker in twenty twenty. Sanders could have hired her again. They did not. They let her go work for court Booker. After she went to work for court Booker, guess what she do now over the whole party? So Berney said that you got what you deserve. I typically said, I specifically pitched that no disrespect s Samone Sanders. Didn't bother Samone Sanders, who was the main black face outside of the arrogance for Bernie Sanders. She went on over to Joe Biden's team of Bernie Sanders.
Look look, and was running it, literally running interference for him.
When people are trying to.
Absolutely listen to me, people get mad because you magazin't listening. I ain't mad. I'm just telling you what it is. I'm just I'm just showing y'all receipts by name on exactly. You would have had the chairit of the Democrat Party on your side, but instead you did not value that talent. Just like with Ah, a man don't value a good woman. Don't worry about it. Somebody else will pick it up. And that's why your ass lost in twenty twenty and they put they gave South Carolina to men who should have never been over South Carolina. She don't have no she can't. She's not an operative, she's a surrogan. But they didn't have nobody to work the ground. You did not invest in the people that worked the ground. Last four years, so your ass got desperate, and then y'all got y'all ass handed to you in South Carolina and then put it on Senator Turner. And now they make that a big joke how she lost it. She never lost South Carolina because she never should have been doing it in the first place. Bernie Sanders lost South Carolina because Bernie Sanders did not invest in South Carolina. Bernie Sanders had an opportunity to invest in South Carolina and you decided not to, and that's why you got your ass handed to you. They don't believe in the year round investment that can serve as do that Trump do. And that's the problem. So if they made a year round investment in the quote unquote hood to get some of those people that they think ain't worth it, you be up. You'd be good to go, And I myself will become a Democrat again if I saw you making the investment year around, because who would argue with that? Who could argue with I'm gonna head this up because I'm making sure all of no, I'm probably getting paid. I make sure. But you know why they don't want that jade. They know they got to do that they know they gotta really do what they say they gotta do. They know the hood and for show the hood whisper ain't gonna let you get away with no lives. So that's the reason why they don't want the hood, because see, I'm not gonna cover it up just for a good job. My name is solid. See the thing about the hood, your name got to kind of be what it is. So I'm not gonna sit up here and play like you taking care of people, and I know, damn well you're not. So they would rather just not investment. I saw a commentator day talking about men. He said men would rather be miserable than vulnerable. I thought that was powerful. So you would rather not invest that money and when because you don't want to have your feet held to the fire year round. And so whatever happens, you earned it, you earned it.
One of the things I'm not seeing this election cycle are as many pandering ads that have come out of the Democratic Party in the past, like but get your booty on the pole? And what are some of the other ones I haven't seen?
Uh buck buck. Remember when I went off.
No vote, yeah you will, they heard you.
Oh, they literally heard me. No let's be clear. They literally heard. They came on the Twitter thing, begged in the back office, sending all kinds of text messages, some high profile people saying, can we get testing on the line. No, the ain't nothing to get on the line. I'm telling you, I don't like no bucking, no vote. It's ridiculous as hell. I don't like it. I don't support it. And that's the bottom line. So we'll see if they tried again this year.
I don't know.
They probably were. They gonna wait a little bit closer though. If they do, I don't don't think it's all off the table. It's still early to them. You know, they've to wait thirty days ahead of time, which is another reason why they keep losing. Well, I'll be on the lookout. You said it's ahead of time another reason at best. Yeah, at best.
Oh okay, mm hmm.
So hey, that guys, that's it for this episode. Really really important. That was so important. Thank you for bearing with me, Jade and everybody listening. I wanted to lay all of that out. Uh, make sure you tap it to hear our second episode of the week. We're gonna get into some other topics. But that Michigan was really important. I want people to know why I said what I said on Fox. I literally only have that hit actually went about eight minutes, pretty long, very long time. You know, normally only get like two three minutes, but the majority of what I had to say was only about five or six minutes. So I needed this whole time to lay it out for those who are nerds about this and truly want to know why I said what I said, backing up with the receipts, why it's important, and so we're just gonna title this why Joe Biden is in trouble in Michigan, and why the hood matters. And so please, guys, make sure you share this with somebody. We really work hard to give you good information. We could easily be up to talk about no Bucking, no vote, twerking, dancing, Jade is a gorgeous woman. A lot of some of our other platforms they be trying to data on the side and all that, and so we could show up just be up for talking about anything else, you know, relationships. But we actually do want people to have this information, So if you can, I don't expect I hope. I wish I could get the amount of subscriptions that a drink Champs will get. But I just know people just are not into that, and that's fine. You know. I want to do the Lord's will. I want to do my purpose. But I do ask that people ask by people just to click, like click subscribe because those numbers really do matter, and so I don't have to be popular. I want to be powerful. I want to be prophetic. I want to be I want to be impactful, and so that's what's important to me. And so thank you guys for joining us again. Make sure you subscribed and say bye to them jacause I don't think I ever get a chance for you to say bye.
Thanks for tuning in, y'all, and we'll see you in the next episode. And remember to subscribe and share this broadcast.
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