ICYMI: Cop tases GA man over pen + Unlicensed Spa transmits HIV + Black women places air tag in her braids + MORE!!

Published May 2, 2024, 10:06 PM

In case you missed it, Tezlyn got you covered! This episode includes the following headlines. 

  • 0.58: Dozens of deaths reveal risks of injecting sedatives into people restrained by police
  • 5:17:  Black traveler sews airtag into her braids for a solo trip to Mexico.
  • 7:16:  Tennessee House Passes Measure To Arm Teachers And Staff In Response To Nashville School Shooting
  • 10:46: What is Teacherville? Non-Profit Creates Affordable Path To Homeownership For Black Educators
  • 14:32: Planning for potential presidential transition underway as Biden administrationkicks it off
  • 16:22 CDC describes how unlicensed ‘vampire facial’ treatment infected women with HIV
  • 22:13 ChatGPT overwhelmingly depicts financiers, CEOs as men — and women as secretaries: study
  • 24:59: Angry Georgia Cop Follows Man Home, Tases Him, Breaks His Leg Because He ‘Stole’ An Officer’s Ballpoint Pen During Traffic Stop

Want to ask your question real good, Let's just keep it real. Straight shout with No Chaser. I'm gonna get a little bit rougher. I'm here for it. Those who really believe in the American process, all of us Street Shot No Chase with your girl Tesslim figure out on the Black Effect podcast network. What's having everybody? This is Tesslim figure Out the hosts of straight Shot No Chaser. I want to give you some in case you missed it news, A couple of headlines I want to run through just to make sure we're keeping your breast on everything that's happening all over America. I'm gonna do my best to give you as much information as you can, but as usual, I always encourage you to do your own independent research. Also look at multiple sources, make sure that we are double checking ourselves and making sure that we are presenting facts. And I always encourage people uh to continue to follow these stories, uh if you are interested in them. So let me run through this quickly. You know, guys, have you ever heard of when you see the police officers when they're trying to restrain people and so they insert as sedative. I don't know if you have heard of that, But what they're finding is AP News did a investigation on how injecting these sedatives has caused a lot of people have resulted in death from this. So I want to tell you a little bit about Demetri Jackson. Now, he was desperate for medical help when the paramedics arrived. The forty three year old was surrounded by the police, who arrested him after responding to a trespassing call in a Wisconsin parking lot. Now, officers had shocked him with a taser. I guess that wasn't enough. Then they pinned him down and as he pleaded that he could not breathe, they set him on the ground with his handscuffed behind his back and took in oxygen through a mask. Then officers moved Jackson to the side so a medicould inject him with a potent knockout drug. The officer said that this is going to calm you down.


Within minutes, Jackson's heart stopped. He never regained consciousness, and he died two weeks later. I want you to take a listen to what it sounds like when the police are doing what we call chemical restrain. Now, this audio is from the special investigation from the Associated Press.

Take a listen, ems, if they aren't careful, can simply become an extension of the police's handcuffs, of their weapons, of their nightsticks. If we don't change the training, change the protocols, then we all bear responsibility for future deaths.

EMT jab to save lives, not take life. All right, So you heard her say that EMT's job is to save lives, not take lives. So this is a real thing that's going on. Guys. You may have heard about this before, and so they're finding out through this investigation that again people are dying as a result of this. Want to give you a couple of effects. At least ninety four people have died after they were given the sedatives and restrained by police from twenty twelve to twenty twenty one. Again, this is according to the find of AP News in collaboration with Frontline, PBS and the Howard Centers for Investigative Journalism. Now, that's nearly ten percent of the more than one thousand deaths identified during the investigation of people who were subdued by police in ways that are not supposed to be fatal. Now, about half of the ninety four who died were black, including Jackson. That's an alarming rate. Guys. Half Again, you've heard this conversation where we talk about things disproportionately affecting us. This is one of those stats where you hear people say, oh more black people do this, Oh more black people do that. Well, it's really about the disproportionate. So if only ninety four people are dying in more than half our result are black, that means we have a problem. That is a problem. So guys, always pay attention to those facts because that stuff is critical to have. We talk about this, and it's important that people who are against us, they are always saying, oh, a lot of black people can be crimes. No, let's talk about the disproportion of rates. When you hear about abortion, let's talk about the disproportion of rates. Always understand the difference between disproportionate and saying the majority of you guys do X y Z. So that's very, very important. So if I'm locking up ninety four people and half of those are black, that is a problem, not because half of those folks commit crime or the baddest people on earth. It is about how we police. Remember, even if you call nine one one if you need help, you are five times more likely to be shot. So again, these are folks who have called now on one possibly in need of medical assistant, and due to that injection, have died. There's some other facts I want to give you. Many more people have died after police subdued them. That is, according more than the American public knows. The AP found. AP News found that over a decade, more than one thousand people died after police subdued them with physical force that is not supposed to be lethal. So again, look that up. There's really really important information guys, as we continue to follow this. And again it is called chemical restraint. So look at chemical restrain. Do some googling with that. Make sure that if your loved one is suffering, especially particularly from some type of mental illness, make sure that you are paying attention to what they are inserting in your loved one. Next thing I want to talk about is a black traveler souls AirTag in her braids for a solo trip to Mexico. I'm not mad at it, honey. There's a comedian on Instagram that I follow, and he always has this joke of Mojo Brooks. Actually always has this joke about putting an air tag in his girlfriend's wig. Well, this lady, and thisess what drew my teacher to it. She actually did that. A black woman went viral for the AirTag that she's sown into her braids ahead of her solo trip to Mexico. A Facebook used by the name of Ashanti Tuckles had her post shared across social media after she shared before and after photos of the safety measures her cousin took before embarking on a Mexican vacation all by herself. Now Tuggle's was the hair stylish who attached their attack to her cousin's braids before installing her hair uning and say, there is the top concern for most women traveling along to a destination, especially to another country. Now again, we guys, we've heard about this. I remember covering this. We talked about this on There was an alert put out about I guess it was in last year some time, about being very careful about going to Mexico. You remember that those two black couple or that black group of friends that were taken in the hostage. You guys may remember that. And we were having the conversation in the community about you know what happens, and you know, going to Mexico and making sure that you're safe and staying at tourist destinations. So apparently this lady has taken heed to that and said, hey, I'm gonna come up with my own way for you to find me. Now, popular Mexican destinations have pretty favorable reviews for women traveling solo, but the Solo Female Travelers Hub rated that Mexico at two point two on one one to four as being the most dangerous. So solo travel in other countries can be different for black women o their spheres of racism, abuse, sexual harassment, and the thought of traveling along to another country as the black woman can be unnerving. So for her, she said, hey, I'm going to figure out how to make sure somebody can find me if necessary. I think that's actually pretty smart. You guys, let me know what you think. In other news, I want to tell you about Tennessee in case you miss this, passed a measure to armed teachers and staff in response to the Nashville school shooting. Again, in case you missed it, you may have heard that Texas did Tennessee, I'm sorry, did pass a bill that allows faculty and staff to carry concealed handguns in schools as a response to last year's school shooting in Nashville that killed six people, including three nine year olds. Now, the Washington Post reported that this measure was approved by the state's House, which voted sixty eight to twenty eight in favor of the bill. But while they were voted for this bill, protesters shouted their objections, enchanted, not one more kid, blood is on your hands, and vote them out so loudly that it was so loud that it nearly drowned out of the discussion on the House floor. And much like the protesters, House Democrats were displeased with the Republican supermajority had imposed up this law. Now, again, there's a lot to unpack it. Here's my two cents. I believe in the second Amendment. Also, if you follow me, you know, I talk about my military experience A lot of was an M sixty gunner qualified on the nine millimeter of the M sixteen. The law rocket so and the M sixty. So I believe in carrying a legal follow arm. I believe and stay ready so you don't have to get ready. But I also understand that a lot of teachers may not feel the same way. A lot of teachers may be this may bring may bring more anxiety to the job. Also, how are you going to pay for the training to make sure that they are properly trained. Also, there's a many many things we could talk about. What if and there's a couple of them. I want to point out again, who's gonna pay for the training? What if the students get a hold of the teacher's gun. Will it be locked up in a place. How do we know they can get to it? If it is locked up and needed, how can you get to it then? Now, again, the possibilities can be endless. There's also concern in the social justice community that the teacher may pull it on a kid. Obviously, a lot of these teachers, all of them are not mainly well, A lot of them don't know how to respond to crisis. Of what happens if somebody you know, starts to fight a teacher, which we see happen all the time, and the teacher says, well, I had a fear for my life, and then they shoot the child. Again, we don't want to manifest any of these things. But these are other conversations that people are having. As far as teachers being armed, now, I don't know. You know, I had to say back in my day, But back in my day, even twenty years ago, because I did grow up in an area and in an era that had a lot of gang activity, we had medical metal detectors and sweeps all the time. We also had you know, the wand where they weighed us down. They checked our bags every day. So I don't really understand why that's not in every school. I know they won't stop everything, but I don't understand why they don't have metal detectors in every school. There's also things like installing bulletproof doors on the teacher's classroom. I think that will be wise. Bulletproof glass can also be installed so that people can't shoot through that glass. Also, I am in favor of hiring more independent security. The police having to do it all. They just don't have the manpower, and I think independent security guards that can arm each door is worth it. It's worth that funding. It just seems like a lot of steps have been missed and skipped over before we go straight to let's arm teachers. So there's a lot to unpack with that. Guys think about that. Is that something you're with not with? How let me let me know your thoughts on that as we continue to cover that, because if it's happening in Tennessee, it's more than likely we'll probably be coming to a state near you, especially if you live in a red state. Now, I want to give you some good news. Speaking of teachers, there's something called what is Teacherville. Now, this nonprofit created affordable path to home ownership for black educators. And in case you missed it, school districts throughout Indiapolis are struggling to retain black educators due to low compensation. And we can pretty much say this everywhere. That's not just in Annapolis, but one nonprofit organization is doing the work to protect the financial well being of those in need. In twenty twenty three, that Educate Me Foundation unveiled its Teacherville program, offering support to black educators by covering down payments and closing costs for home purchases. According to the foundation's website, the initiative creates opportunity for black teachers to overcome financial hurdles and achievements the milestone of home ownership while diversifying the workplace Educate Me CEO Blake Nathan said, the biggest reason teachers are leaving the classroom outside of culture is teacher pay. We can't dictate what a teacher makes in the school district or a charter school network, but we can try and lower the costs of living for an educator. Now, to combat this issue, the Foundation has built an affordable housing community dubbed Teacherville for educators in the Martindale right Wood area of the city. And my two cents is, obviously this will not take care of teachers not being paid, but shout out to them for doing something about it, not just complaining about it in the comments, not just saying somebody need to do something, but actually saying what can I do with the tools that we have, and how can I make this better for our teachers. So instead of complaining about it, they did something about it, and that's always good to see folks doing something about it. The Biden administration is planning for a potential presidential transition. Now, before you guys jump to conclusion and say, oh, President Biden, he knows he's gonna lose, this is why he's doing a transition, then reminds you that this is tradition. This is what is supposed to happen to prepare for a possible transition and a peaceful transition. I know if it's confusing, because obviously former President Trump did not do that. So the President Joe Biden's administration has formally begun planning for potential transition, aiming to ensure continuity of government no matter the outcome of November's general election. Shlon Deyong, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, send memos out to all executive departments and agencies directing them to name a point person for the transition by May third. Now, again, as I just mentioned, it is routine. It is the first step in making sure that everything is prepared and ready to go. So stop, don't jump the conclusion and say, oh, we know Trump Biden is losing. He knows he's losing, so just relax. This is definitely something as routine.


Her letter is nearly identical to the one sent four years ago by the Trump administration. Acting Director Russell Bault is the one that sent that letter out for the transition process, but it was derailed when then President Donald Trump refused to concede his defeat to Joe Biden. It took until November third, two weeks after the election was called, for Trump General Services Administration to name Biden as the quotes apparent winner of the twenty twenty race, a required step for the transition to begain. So it was very necessary for him to acknowledge he was the winner. He wasn't going to do that. He just said apparent winner. So again, guys, just something that they do. It's very normal. But it was in the headlines, and so I wanted to make sure it brought you some cilarity to that. Next up, this story is very interesting. City c describes how unlicensed vampire facial treatment infected women with HIV. This story is really interesting because I had a girlfriend of mine that was talking about this, and they didn't call it vampire facial. I forgot what she said, but I know it was this same type of treatment. You know, they take the blood out and they separate it and then they put it back into your face because allegedly it's supposed to be able to kind of like restart the skin, if you will. Where there were three women likely infected with HIV after undergoing by vampire facials at an UNLIKEE. Since New Mexico SPA key is unlicensed, it's the first known instance of the virus being transmitted through cosmetic injection services. The investigation shows the dangers of unlicensed establishment that mixed medical procedures or beauty treatments. As side note, I remember my girlfriend was talking about this, and I think the price is about six hundred dollars, six or seven hundred dollars, So I would assume that if somebody went to Mexico and went to an unlicensed facility, I guess it was cheaper, but I know it cost more than six hundred dollars to get to Mexico. So very interested to see how much this actually costs. But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report released Thursday, the investigation began in summer twenty eighteen when a woman with no known HIV risk factors was diagnosed. The patient reported no injection drug use, recent blood transfusing, or recent sexual contact with anyone other than her current sexual partner who received a negative HIV test after the patient was diagnosed. That a patient did say that she underwent a so called vampire facial. Again, that is a cosmetic procedure that draws the client's blood, separates the palace, and then reinjects the blood back into their face with micro needles. Now again, guys, if you look into this type of treatment, they say that this is the best because you're using your own blood. But in this case, obviously they were using either somebody else's blood or the needles wire not sterle, they said. Proponents of the vampire facials says it helps plump sagging skin and reduces the appearance of acne, scars, and wrinkles, but according to the American Academy of Dermatology, they said there's little evidence to support it. However, the AAD said that the facials seem safe as long as the blood is handled properly. The city c also recommended requiring adequate infection control practices as SPA facilities offering the cosmetic injection services to help prevent the spread of HIV and other blood born pathogens. Within months of the positive tests, the Albuquerque salon was shut down. The New Mexico Department of Health said it had identified practices that could potentially spread blood borne infections such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. DE clients. Investigators found a rack of unlabeled tubes containing blood on the kitchen counter. Unlabeled tubes of blood and medical injectibles such as botox and lightercane were stored in the kitchen refrigerator along with food that this is just a mess. Let me just politz. This is just a high mess. Unwrapped syringes were found in the drawers on counters and discarded in regular trash cans. There was no steam sterilizer, and equipment that was meant to be single use, like disposable electric tips, were being reused. The SPA's owner operated with out of the appropriate license and multiple locations and did not have an appointment scheduling system that stored client contact information, so the investigators compiled and cross reference names and telephone numbers from the clients can send forms, handwritten appointment records and telephone contacts to create a list of potential affected clients. Twenty twenty two, the spas Honor pleaded guilty to five felony council practicing medicine without a license and is now serving three and a half year prison. Center's my personal opinion, folks, this is should be much longer than three and a half years. You know, you sit up here and give me HIV, I'm gonna need you locked up for life. This is just absolutely ridiculous. Investigators found five patients who confirmed SPA related HIV infections, including one that tested positive for HIV two years before getting a vampire facial in twenty eighteen and a sexual partner of a woman. So let me just repeat that again so you can hear what I just said. So they found five patients, one that tested positive before getting the vampire facial in twenty eighteen and had a sexual partner of a woman. So they're certainly not saying that that is the person that gave them, you know, the spread the HIV, but they're pointing out that people that have HIV still get these treatments. And again, when you're not being sterile and you're not licensed, that is a problem. Now. The other three patients identified had no known social contact with anyone and the only thing they had in common was a procedure done at the SPA. HIV is transmitted just a reminder via contact bloody fluids from an infected person, which is why it is most contracted through sex or the sharing of needles, investigators couldn't determine the exact way the patients have been infected. The two of the five patients have previously received a positive rapid HIV test result during routine evaluation for Life insurance. One patient was diagnosed after the hospitalization would have aided defining illness and fall twenty twenty one, and another one being hospitalized in spring two thousand and twenty three. So, guys, that is really unfortunate. Definitely, if you are looking into those types of treatments, make sure make sure that you are doing it at a license facility and that the facility is up to par. And you know, I know again, I know folks like going to Mexico to get things cheaper and all that type of stuff. But sometimes, guys, it is simply just not worth it. Now some updated news on chat GPT. A new study testing chat GPT's artificial intelligence image creator showed an aggressive tilt towards men over women when asked to the pig business people and chief executive officers. Oh, basically they're saying, and chat GPT must be sexist. We shall find a way, but to find something so using D A L L E. I guess that's doll e. The generated AI prompt based photo creator integrated into chat GPT from the parent company. Ninety nine out of one hundred rendered photos showed men rather than women. The non gender description prompts included phrases like someone who works in finance, a successful investor, and the CEO of a successful company. When they prompted basically what the sin is When they made this prompt, the chat GPT said, they can't be women. It must be a man that you're looking for. And so folks called that out. Now they said that. The researchers also noted that ninety nine out of the one hundred images were white men, slender, powerful looking dudes. This is what they said, dudes, akin to Patrick Bateman from American Psycho polls in spacious offices overlooking city skylines. Now, Meanwhile, the Pew Research data from twenty twenty three reported that more than ten percent of Fortune five hundred companies had female CEOs. In twenty twenty one, only seventy six percent of the CEOs were white. So again, if the data shows that the majority of the CEOs are white men, then I guess it will make sense. Why if you say showed me, a successful CEO, according to the data, will pull up a white man. So that goes into the larger conversation about why is that now AI companies have the facilities to block dangerous content and that same system can be used to diversify the output of AI, and I think that is incredibly important. That is a what the creative director of the AI image maker, Omar Kareem said. Now, moniting, adjusting, and being inclusive designs are all the ways that could help tackle this. This is not the first run in which AI has encountered a gender bias. That's also what Omar Karima said. In twenty eighteen, Amazon implemented a recruiting tool that taught itself to disregard female applicants. So also he went on to say, the AI companies have that they can block this, as I just mentioned, and that you know they need to do something about it because they have the tools to do it. So I just thought there was an interest story on the layers update with AI. We will continue talking about AIS, we continue to move forward because obviously there's going to be a lot of AI going on as we continue to cover that as technology changes. Now in this news in case you missed it. Angry Georgia cop follows man home, tases him, breaks his leg because he stole an officer's ballpoint pin during the traffic stop. This has got to be the craziest mass I never heard. Body camera video shows a Georgia cop pulling a man over for speeding, then following the driver home and tasing him just to retrieve a ballpoint pen. WSBTV reports that the incident happened in December two thousand and three, when a Greenville police officer stop thirty year old Krin Bray for speeding. This is a black man, by the way. The bodycam footage shows the officer handing Braid the traffic citation and a pen to sign. After he signed the ticket, he keeps the pin and drives off. The officers heard yelling at Bray to give him his pen back. That mother bleep stole my bleap pen, the officer shouted in the video. This is so ridiculous, guys. The officer, along with Mayweather County Shares his deputy, follow Braid to his home and met Bray outside with The officer demanded his pen. Give me my pen, then you're going to jails. What the officer said, Bray said, I don't have your pen. He said, give it to me, or I'm gonna tasee you, the officer said on camera. The officer up unholsters his taser points it at break. Moments later, the officer tases Braid while a deputy force forces him to the ground. Then Bray began to say I can't fill my leg as he's pushed to the ground. Bray was arrested and taken into custody and charged him with obstruction and theft by taking. This is so ridiculous. The police chief, Wayne Fraser said, if he had complied, none of this would have happened. Our sop says verbal hands on, less lethal and lethal, and he followed the protocol. So basically, the police chiep said, it's just fine, even though it's over a pin. He told him he didn't listen, so he got every right to do whatever, even though it's over damn pin. When Fraser was asked whether the cop should have been and taste that Frasier, again is the police chief, so when he was asked if he should have been taste, he said, well, I can't answer that because I wasn't there. No guys we can just pretty much assume that you shouldn't be tasy. Bottom line, take a listen to the audio.

Everything's recorded.

It appeared to be a simple traffic stop for speeding, but then things quickly escalated after the driver, Coryon Bray, signed the citation and drove away with the Greenville Police officer's ballpoint pen.

Give my pan back.

In the video, you hear the officer demand Bray returned his pen. Instead, Bray held the pen out of the window as he pulled away. Next, the officer, along with the Meriwether County Sheriff's deputy, followed Bray to his home. Hey, come here, and threatened to arrest him if he didn't turn over the pen.

Give me my pen, then you're going to jail. Come here, but here, I'm gonna tell you, the officer tastes Bray.

The deputy I sold the thirty year old to the ground in an attempt to arrest him. By says the scuffle left him with a broken leg and two charges obstruction as theft fight take it.

I think it was trying to show authority.

All about Thursday, I spoke exclusively with Corey On Bray as he showed me.

His injuries was broken in two places.

If he had a complied, none of this would have happened.

Greenville Police Chief Wayne Frazer says his officer followed the protocol.

Burbal hands on lethal lethal, and he followed protocol. I guess so you heard that literally the officer admitting that, yes, I'm going to run him down over a pin. Folks, this is absolutely ridiculous. Even if the young man was like, hey, I got your pin, let him have the pen. This is the type of mental illness that we have on the police force. So again, this is just sickening.


I hoping is all over this story and certainly you know doing what's necessary to call possibly for the firing of this officer because this is just ridiculous. I don't know what else to say other than this is ridiculous. Well, guys, I wanted to give you some updates this week in case you missed it news. I hope you enjoyed this segment. Make sure you look at the different chapters. There are chapters, so I'll be doing this every week. If you want to listen to it all, certainly listen from beginning to end. But if there's a story that is that you find particularly interested. I look down in the description, find the chapter and go straight to it because this is straight Shot No Chaser, which has them figure out. I hope you stay tapped in, hope you stay locked in, and as always, keep it right here. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast. You can get it anywhere on Spotify, Apple, anywhere you get your podcasts, or the iHeart app. So, guys, I appreciate you so much for your support. I appreciate everything that you do. This is in case you missed it on Straight Shot No Chaser. Peace. If you like what you heard on Straight Shot No Chaser, please subscribe and drop a five star review and tell a friend. Straight Shot No Chaser is a production of the Black Effect podcast Network in iHeartRadio on Tizolm figure Out and I like to thank our producer editor mixer Dwayne Crawford and our executive producer Charlotte Magnea God. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.