Hunter Biden Received His Pardon But, What About The Homies?

Published Dec 4, 2024, 12:45 AM

Hunter Biden was scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 12 for his conviction on federal gun charges. He also was set to be sentenced Dec. 16 in a separate criminal case in which he pleaded guilty to federal tax evasion charges in September.
The president issued a "full and unconditional pardon" for any offenses Hunter Biden has “committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024," according to the White House statement. 

You don't want to, I don't want to ask you a question. Real good, Let's just keep it real. Straight shot with no chaser. I'm gonna get attle bit rougher. I'm here for it. Those who really believe in the American process, all of us. Street shot, no chaser with your girl testlim figure out on the Black Effect podcast networking what's having? Everybody tells one figure out? Straight shot no Chaser on the Black Effect podcast Network. I Heeart Radio. Make sure that you subscribe. I'm gonna say it every week. You say tes when we got it, we'll subscribe. Well, not everybody, guys, some people are just listening for the first time. Want to make sure that you click the follow button to make sure that you get notifications. We drop content each and every week on Thursdays. New content, new information, things that I don't have the time to talk about on other platforms, and also a lot of stories that you have not heard of. But we do try to cover news, recent news that I know you guys probably want to hear my thoughts on. And of course we have Jaydrell here joining me. You know, look, Jay, they should be used to hearing you by now. Think you've been helping me out with this for since June, so you're six months in the game podcasts. How do you like it so far? Well, you've always done podcasts and radio and all of that type of stuff. But what I guess I'll ask you, how have you enjoyed your straight shot no chaser journey? I really enjoyed it.

This is not like any other experience because doing podcasting with you, and even doing production with you and doing research, you know, you have a way of cutting out all the fat, you know what I'm saying, like separating everything and just making sure we just get straight to it. It's just been I've been learning a different style of production content and just delivering information in a way that is very very succinty, very very factual, of course, and also leaves room for asking more questions than having answers sometimes because sometimes we just don't know. So, you know, doing this, having this experience with you, it's also taught me patience when it comes to reporting and not necessarily jumping in or jumping to conclusions. So you know, I've been in training and learning a lot from you during this process, and I'm enjoying it. I feel like I've grown a lot in this role, So thank you for the opportunity test.

Oh yeah, I appreciate it. And you are a phenomenal researcher. You know, every week, guys, Jade is pulling because this is not the only thing that we do. So she's pulling fifty to one hundred stories like constantly. It is a constant. She calls it the news desk, like she literally names it the news desk, like it is constant pulling information, pulling information, pulling just to stay on top of this guy. So it's not an easy job. And so Jade has had an opportunity to see whether it's me with the Breakfast Club from Page News, if it's Revolt, if it's a project I'm working on, if it's straight Shot, no Chase service, two ways. So having three and four shows, you know, all at one time simultaneously doing an election season has not been easy. And so that's why I always want to give her her flowers for just you know, staying on top of information because I can't see everything, you know, you literally just can't see every single story. And shout out to Marcellus as well, who also you know, dumped stories our way as well, because that is critically important and without having that won't be able to do them as much as I do. But has hopefully some new exciting news coming soon. Guys. I don't want to put too much out there yet, but twenty twenty five should be a busy hear. One thing about Trump is he's definitely gonna keep a headline on a daily basis. He will definitely keep your headline going. So we'll see what that's about. But today, Jay, don want to get right into this Hunter Biden pardon. You know, I've been going back and forth with some folks on Instagram, so I feel a way about it. But go ahead and tell us about the pardon, and then I'm going to get on my soapbox. Absolutely. So.

President Biden has pardoned his son Hunter Biden, and there are many, many, many reactions to this. So just so we know, President Joe Biden has issued a full and unconditional pardon for his son Hunter Biden, covering an expansive timeframe of federal offenses that ranged from January one, twenty fourteen, to December the first, twenty twenty four The move is unprecedented in US history and marking the first instance of a sitting president granting clemency to their own child. This sweeping pardon negates hunter Biden's recent convictions and prevents any further federal prosecution for offenses committed within the specified period. Again, that specified specified period was Jane, you were a first twenty fourteen to December the first twenty twenty four So here's the legal basis and details of the pardon. Constitutional authority. Constitutional authority. So Article two, section two of the US Constitution grants the president power to issue pardons for federal offenses, excluding impeachment cases. So they cannot, you know, issue pardons for impeachment cases. The other legal bases specific offenses that were pardoned for hunter Biden were tax evasion, which was the failure to pay one point four million dollars in taxes between twenty sixteen and twenty twenty, and the other one is a firearms violation. So they're saying that false statements were made during the twenty eighteen purchase of a handgun while hunter Biden was allegedly using drugs. Right, and then there is additional coverage for these party It says the parting broadly shields hunter Biden from federal charges for any actions during the specified eleven year period from twenty fourteen up until twenty twenty four.

So, with all of this said, let's just get straight to it, Jade, and I'm going to deal with some of the Instagram comments that I've been making over the last you know, a couple of days on this issue. Need to get really deep into this. Was there something else you wanted to add, Yes, there's something I want to add.

I want us to just listen to a couple of these quotes that I have here from President Biden's justification as to why he pardoned his son. Remember, Biden said that he would not pardon Hunter Biden, but then he turned around and did so. In his statement, President Biden described the prosecution of his son as politically driven. Quote from the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department's decision making. And I kept my word even as I have watched myself and being selectively and unfairly prosecuted.

End quote.

That's one thing he said, then Biden. President Biden said, quote, I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process, and it led to a miscarriage of justice.

End quote.

So then President Biden expressed hope that Americans would understand his decision, emphasizing his duel roles as a father and then also as a president and Biden. President Biden said quote, once I made this decision this weekend, there was no sense of delaying it any further.

End quote. Yeah, it sounds good. Bottom line, I don't give a damn. And I'm going to you know, for those that follow me, if you listen to a straight shot no chaser, you are an absolute straight shooter, like I call y'all straight shooters co teachers. So you know my work, which is different than when I'm posting on something on Instagram, and I may just have random people that haven't followed my work. Jay, they don't know where I stand. They don't know that I've been talking about the ninety four Crime Bill literally for fifteen years. You know that mass incarceration is my number one issue. And so I need to really lay this out, you know, because I don't know if they're not comprehending well or what's going on. But I'm gonna read a couple of posts that I put up that people are just refusing. I don't know, it's really interesting. We're gonna we're gonna break this down. So I put up a post after it happened. I said, unpopular opinion, and I don't care who feels a way about it. Good for biting, for fighting fire with fire, by partnering his partnering, his son, partnering. You know what I'm trying to say, I don't blame him. Now, what did I just say, Jay? Didn't I just say I don't blame good for him, good job, parray horay cheers. Is that not what I've just said?


See, I say, but if you are waiting on me to give a standing ovation over white men partnering, partnering white men that goes for Trump art Biden, I can't do it. I'm not gonna do it. You're not gonna see me doing it. Bottom line, non violent crack drug users just like Hunter were locked up for decades decades Jay with zero pardons, not only zero partons, can't get an apartment, can't get a job, loss of income, loss of family connections. And yes, and then, because you know, I got to both sides it, even though people don't read it, I said and yes, a black man could never be due like President Trump and become president with thirty four families. And yes, I know Trump will pardon himself. I've made the case. Then, I said, just remember that Hunter Biden was going to be okay, pardon or no pardon. Carry on with y'all, get them Joe's celebration. I get it. People want to see Democrats fight back, so I get it. But just remember this is Joe's son, not yours. Focus on your governor of your state and push him or her for more pardons. It's like they don't even read it, Jay. They immediately go into, well I don't blame them, Well, I don't blame on it. It will be me too. And that's good thing. I've already said that. So what is y'all need talking to those of y'all to do that? The need that y'all feel you have to come back and and justify why this man did it. I've already said why he did it. I've already we already get that. We understand, we don't blame him. We got it. What is this we sit boss energy, because that's what it is. We see boss energy that you feel you have to make the case. Did you disregard the black men and women that I was talking about? You skipped over that to make sure you made the case for Joe Biden. Then, so I said, Okay, maybe they ain't getting it. So I did a second post. Pardon. The over ten thousand non violent offenders in federal prison for weed Hunter and ten generations after him are going to be okay, pardon or no pardon. He's still from the president's son. He's steal them on to me and there, Jade, he's still a white man. He gonna be all right, Pardner, no parton, I said, but what about the sons and daughters in prisons to the I don't blame him. I will pardon my son to a crew, please consider advocating for the sons that don't have a daddy who was president. Y'all cheering for Hunter, I'm cheering for the homies. We ain't the same. That still went over. People immediately had to get in the call. But I don't blame them, and I don't blame them. And what about Trump? What is wrong with y'all?


Seriously, what is wrong with him?


I've already said I don't blame them, but can I be honest with you. I don't give a damn. I had to check from one of my followers who know my work because I see him in the comments office. I don't know if you saw it as a pen to It's penned at the top. Worse. I always smoked for Trump. Wait a minute, hold on. I've commented about Trump partnering the giving pardons the people that ain't got no biding. But guess what he's doing that to appease his base, asking Joe Biden to appease his base and pardon some of the pardons we want to see. It is so amazing, Jade, how people have taken this as a win for them. This is a win for the Biden family. And no, ain't nobody mad. I don't blame. I don't know why they feel like they got to keep saying it. I don't blame. I don't blame. I don't blame. If it was my son, I would too. But guess what, Jay is not your son, and it would never be your son because you're not president of the United States, you're not a white man. You do not get that privilege. So why are you even conflating? It's almost like they're put in there, Oh yeah, if it was me, I do And guess what they translate that to Jay. They translate that to oh, they're happy with this, so let's check this off the box. People don't understand that. That's what they see. They see this as you celebrating, as if it's your win. They see it as oh, so they're cool with this. They're not asking for anything else out of me. This is the time we're supposed to be asking for pardons or the other things that we want. So when you ask me, well, what about Trump, why you're not demanding Once again, people did not vote for Trump in droves, You ask the person that you elected. That's how it works. I know Barack Obama said I'm still your president and I'm the president of everybody, But Jade, that's actually not how it works. The faster we get to understand that, the quicker we can start getting some shit done. The president is the president of the people that he voted for. Period. That's how elected officials work. I know people don't want to hear that. You'll never hear a president say I'm only serving this and not the others, But that is what it is. Trump is going to do what he needs to do to appease his base. He is fierce when it comes to loyalty. He won't even hire you for the job if you're not loyal. So you can scream and ask and holler and demand reparations from Trump and demand pardons from Trump and demand this, and demand that that man is only going to do what he believes appeases his base. What is going to keep him in office. So I expect him to pardon the January sixth people because it's his base. Now that's our expectations for Joe Biden. And why do people have a problem with even asking. You don't even want him asking. You don't even want me asking. You see asking as an insult. You see asking is taking away from what he did. We can't do both. I'm not doing both. You do both, Jay, I'm not doing both. I don't give a damn about Hunter. I'm just gonna be straight up with you. I know too many homies that did time, non body offenders that you never even found drugs on just for a conspiracy. I know too many people they got a they got extra double time for a gun enhancement, never finding a weapon on them. So no, I'm sorry, Jade, I'm not gonna be able to be excited about how his son was above the law, how his son got to escape it. I ain't mad at you for doing it, but I'm not gonna cheer it on. I'm not gonna say, go get them, Joe. I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna sit up here and celebrate that. And then when people say, well, you know the black duds, CBC told Joe to do the ninety four crime bill, right, black people ask for a bunch of shit, Jay, that they don't give us. Hear, this what black people ask for? So he did it. Oh, we asked for a bunch of shit that they don't give us. So an hour are they telling me that they're in the business of doing what black people say, because it's a long list of things that black people say. No, the crime bill, it was what it was. I'm a child of the nineties. I get it. He said, he regrets it. They said they would have did something different. So what's up with them? Pardons? Right now, you have an opportunity to make a difference right now for people who are doing time under marijuana right now. So I'm sorry I don't give a shit about the blatant slamp in the face to show I'll do it for mine, but I won't do it for you.

Yeah, let me ask you this part two, Tess, because you know, we definitely experienced Trump as a straight shooter as well. He said that he is going to part in the people on January the sixth, So a lot of folks when they're looking at this Joe Biden hunts Her Biden parting situation, Biden the President said that he was not going to part in and hunts her Biden on sign. But then he turned around and does it. Why didn't he just come out in the first place say hell yeah, I'm a part of my sign.

And the Democrats don't like that. They don't like Democrats don't like fighting fire with fire, which is why people are excited that he's doing it. See, some of this is just people just wanting to get a link back. They're like, damn, finally Democrats are fighting fire refire, Which I get that, but I just need people to parse it out to understand that this is a personal benefit. This is not him going against the grain to pass the Georgia Justice and Police and Act. This is not him going against the grain to past removing college debt. This is not him going against the grain to expand health care. This is not him going against the grain for reparations. I need people to understand the difference. This was personal. So people who are thinking this is a link back for the Democrat Party, it's not. But I understand the desire that people have because people are tired of looking at Democrats being weak. I'm one of them. I'm one of them. They're not going to stand on business Jay and say hey, I'm gonna do it. And that's just just that Democrats always bring what do they call it a knife to a gunfight, always right that, which is why people appreciate Trump is saying yeah, I'm gonna do it, and then what Yeah, it's gonna be retribution. Yeah, I'm gonna be a dictator on day one. They love that about him. Democrats don't fight that way. So when they see somebody go outside of the rules like what Joe Biden did, they're excited about it because they're conflating it as Okay, Democrats are finally fighting fire with fire, And what I need people to know is they're not. This was his son they're not. They're not. They don't have the balls to do. Because what's the rest of the shit you could do before you leave? Then show us that Impress me with that expand the Supreme Court before you leave, MM do some other executive orders, even though we know when Trump get in thirty days, he'll change it back. But if you're gonna stick it to him, stick it to him, Joe. Right now, they're asking for partners for Maryland Mosley. I'm not a part of that crew that's asking for that, even though I think she deserves a pardon, but I'm not. I gotta focus on the least of these. I'm not saying that Maryland because Maryland's life will forever be changed having her attorney license revot, you know, losing her position. She was one of the few, you know, state attorneys. I know, Maryland, one of the few state attorneys that actually did fight for Justice Gorgon's job. So she deserves it, without a question, Jade. But we all have different things we have to do, and we gotta make noise about different things. So I'm talking about the people that did time in marijuana, and I'm letting you know the other advocates and activists you know, talk about one individual, Maryland mostly, and I'm not mad at that at all. I'm just saying, we got to make sure what about these other people that don't. Maryland has relationship with these people. She knows us. So it's easy for you know, friends to ask, hey, do this for a friend. I'm doing it for the people that we don't know. I'm doing for the people that don't have name. The names you don't know, the people who are doing time saying I wish I had an opportunity. People that had to go with a public defender because they did not have the money and they plead, they pled out. Those are the people that I'm fighting for. So if you ever in my comments, and like I told them, long as you black and you in this coming, you don't never challenge me when I'm sending to fighting with black people and I'm talking about a black issue, you don't jump your ass in these comments and talk to me about no white man, Democrat, Republican, Trump, Biden, whatever. The nerve of you to check me over them, period is unacceptable and I'm not gonna tolerate it. Keep the comments yourself when it comes to this, keep the comment to that, because I'm like Rashida Tale when it comes to this, I'm a very I am purists when it comes to this. I don't want to hear a shit about it. Bottom line, I don't want to hear about it jay at all. I don't want to hear know what. We got to look at all sides. We got to look at looking at know all sides. I've known too many people that it did time. I want my commissary money back, my honey bun money back, my wings, noodles, my juice, all of that. I've watched too many come home and their lives are forever changed for me to sit up here and say, oh, you show them what time it was, Joe, No, show us what time it is and give some odd people, let some odd people go. And I don't know why anybody would have a problem with that. We have got to get out this we sick bossman mentality. That's Hunter Biden. They gonna be straight for the next twenty thirty generations. What are y'all talking about? He don't have to worry about having this baby mama, putting none in his name to get in no apartment. He don't have to worry about PTSD, you know, nervous to go in stores and around people. And if anybody ever been around anybody that did a long bid, then you know what I'm talking about. Nervous even in the car, it seems like the car is going too fast. It seems like, you know, you're nervous about everything. You're nervous around a lot of people. You have anxiety, panic attacks. You have to constantly keep noise in the room, have to constantly have somebody room. If anybody's ever been around anybody that did a ten year bid or better, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. From the nightmare to the dreams to the sweats go ahead, Jay, Yeah.

And also things that we take from brandted, like walking into a McDonald's and looking on the menu, are feeling overwhelmed because it's just pick out like that. Yeah has using a cell phone, you know, and I'll never forget. And you guys, you know, I talk about my friends, but all the time, this is personal to me. He did seventeen years now, I'm vighting the fender never found with any drugs at all, And he has no problem saying I don't mind doing the time for the crime. The problem is over sentencing. Yeah, the problem was overdoing it. That is the problem with the ninety four crime bill. Not that people shouldn't have, you know, gotten in trouble, It was overdoing it. I remember he had a straight up panic attack over he had a I remember going to see him in prison day and he would say, Oh, I don't know what they be talking about. All I gotta do is, you know, give me a couple of minutes to figure out these phones, and you know, I'll do that and I'm good to go.

And I was like, oh, okay, you know I didn't say nothing. You never want to crush nobody's spirit, you know, while they doing time. You just go with it. Oh okay, Yeah that's right. All you gonna have to do with that, I'm saying myself, youre gonna see when you get out, I'll never forget. He got a smartphone, just kind of one of the basic we just got. He got a basic cell phone, not a smartphone, Carol. When I upgraded him to a smartphone and said you try this one, he literally panicked, literally panic. And we're talking about six four, three hundred pound gains m h who I've always known to be the strongest person in the room since nineteen ninety three. This is how prison crushes the soul of men. And he panicked because he's thinking, how can I call somebody, get a hold of somebody? What if I have a need? What if I and I don't know how to use a phone, because like it's too much, it's too much, it was too overwhelming, And it was one of the It wasn't even an our phone. It was you know how you go buy the the legendary you know at the Walgreen. It was just a basic like a burner phone, like a regular liney like you would get for a kid, a fifth grader, only like four or five different little features. Definitely wouldn't know he's on iPhone today, but definitely wouldn't no iPhone, And that just sent him into a complete path. Jay. He would go into grocery stores. When you're talking about being overwhelmed going to grocery stores. And he called me and say, do the butchers still cut me? Because I don't want to look stupid things like that. Sitting on the passenger side and you're just going forty miles per hour, but it seems like it's one hundred and ten and you can see his heart coming out of his chest, having to be on the phone, just sitting on the phone to not fill alone, having to go outside every hour or so. Yeah, because the walls are closing in on you, missing raising your sons for fifteen sixteen years time you'll never get back, Regret, guilt, trauma, watching him try to rebuild relationships. I'm sorry, Jade, I just I can't just like Rashida to lead. Feel a way about up people in the Palaestine. I feel a way about this, that's right. I feel a way about this, that's right. So I don't give a damn what Hunter got. I won't be get them Joe, because Joe ain't got shit, but Joe Joe looking out for Joe. And black people better start having some self interest. They just showed you at the election that they're voting their self interest. When are we gonna vote our self interest? When are we gonna ask? And let's be clear, a lot of people believe that liberal policies are that self interest. I want to be clear about that. But I'm saying that this example, why do you have a problem with me? He's saying, what about the homies? You literally feel the need to go in and you must make the case. You must say, but I see what you're saying. But no, if you see what I'm saying, shut up. Why do you want to remove the burden off his back? Here? That's sick, Jay, And I don't know if we not. I think a lot of people ain't really understanding what they're doing. I need you to know what you're doing when they see that, that's what they're processing. Why do you want to remove the burden off his back? What is your problem with me asking him for more?


No, wonder they follow the Latino community that's fifty to fifty conservative and fifty liberal. Remember Joe Biden told y'all to get like the conservatives get fat. If you remember, yeah, you sure did. Thirty days after he said I owe you black people. This man literally said I owe you black people. So what the hell are they talking about in the commany? Why you ain't saying it with Trump? By it is the one that said all you So if being crump angeload to make a mout, they gotta be sitting up here online asking for partners of marylnd Moses. Let me give you some breaking news. Biden has been asked, Jane, He's been asked directly. But now they got to go make noise about it. What does that mean? That means he told him to go to hell as it stands today. Yeah, not saying nothing else to change. Anything can change. But these are people that got direct access to the White House. Jay, Let's go ahead and spill the beans. These are people that got direct access to the White House. Why can Crump and Angeloai feel like they got to go put it in the meeting? You know why? Because they phone call and getting answered back. Let's just put the shit on the table and stop playing. You are willing to let Marilynd Moseley be burned at the cross, one of the few state of attorneys that stood for justice on the Freddie Gray matter. So why would any other state attorney want to stand for justice? Why would why would there want to be another Maryland Moses? Why would there want to be another Keith Ellison? If they know that, ain't nobody gonna have my back? So I don't give a damn what Hunter got. And I'm gonna go live about this three fomo times on Instagram so we can be clear about this. Because I want to make sure, we krystal clear about this day because we don't want I want y'all to treat me like y'all treat Rashida Tale when it comes to Palestine, but when it comes to this, I'm dead asked about this.

Yeah, and it was interesting too that I was reading about the implications of this presidential part and for future cases tests. As we wrap up, it says that the party sets a new benchmark for how familial ties and political considerations intersect when presidents are using clemency powers. Right, so this is gonna so now what sitting presidents that want to start pardoning all of their.

Again, this is why, Yes, what do you mean white men doing white man shit? What the way? What's the confusion? Like they do say, this is an example once again, they do what they want to do when they want to do it. You know people, Oh they can't do that, No, you gotta go through Congress. Oh you gotta do this and this and that. This is an example that they do what they want to do when they want to do it. And so those of you that allow them to keep doing what to do it without you asking anything, shame on your ass. They do what they want to do. Like any other relationship, a man gonna do what they want to do. Jay, you can talk that man to death, you can sext that man to death, you can beg him to death. You can all baby, please don't this and that. At the end of the day, that man gonna do what the hell he want to do. You can't make them love you. You can't make them treat them right, you can't make them not cheat, cheat, come home whatever. The end of the day, he's gonna do what he wants to do, period. And either you stay in the relationship or you don't. You either demand something relationship or you don't. You either set boundaries and you So I'm setting boundaries to say this is what I want from you, Joe Biden. It doesn't mean that he'll do it, because I don't think he's gonna do it. But I'm still asking. Why do y'all want to smack my hand down just for even asking?


For asking? That's sick? Or what about Trump? What about him? What about him? Trump ain't giving you shit. He's telling you what he's gonna do. He's serving his base. I'm not a Trumper. I'm not a far right person. We can still ass. I think you still should put it on the table. Don't get me wrong, but the expectation I have zero expectation because you I'm not in a relationship with you. That's like me saying, Jay, your man needs to be calling me, texting me every hour on the hour. What that ain't my hand. So anyway, guys, you're gonna hear me talk about this. I'm gonna talk about this and talk about it and talk about it until until it's driven in the ground. Do a couple of more straightenings on Instagram. Make sure you follow me at teslm fig Row on Instagram. One of my girvage You're like, well, tests, they don't get it. They just don't get it. Said no, this is the work that I do. They're gonna get it. Well, I'm gonna make sure some of them get it. They're gonna get it. You push on this one, test, you push line on this one. This said yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all gonna get it this time, FedEx. I'm not just gonna drop it off this time. I'm gonna standing at the door and make your ass answer this door. And you you're gonna hold this information. And that's the bottom line. I'm here. You're basically sending CERTI five mili yeah, and I'm gonna, yeah, You're gonna have to sign for it. You're gonna have to sign for it on this one. You know. Usually I say I'm dropping it off at the door. You pick it up, you pick it up. You don't. You don't, you neighbor get it, get it? You get it? You don't, you don't. This one, yeah, you You're gonna have to sign for it, and I'll just put the note up there. Hey, we missed you. I'll be back again tomorrow between three and five. And I'm normally they only do it three times and then they wait on you to come pick it up.

Not me.

I'm gonna keep on coming. I'm going I'm breaking the rules like Joe Biden. I'm gonna keep coming back and keep putting a sticky note day after day of the day until you get it. I'm gonna get you to get it, especially my my my regulars, my regulars, my co teachers, my straight shooters. You damn show better get it, you damn because we do the work over here. We this is a classroom over here. I don't know if you saw my Instagram. I told her people see me at the class. We were doing some singing after class. Over. We're gonna get this shit straight. J Are you hold the office office too? Are you really? You know it's seen me at the class time. Yeah, We're gonna get this because I want you all to know what what I stand for. And this is one. This is my number one issue, just like the reparation is, y'all number one issue is that I did. This is absolutely standing on business with me. So I'm biased, I'm slanted, I'm not objective. I'm not looking. I don't want to hear that. Look at no big picture. I don't want to ay knowne of that. I'm like Rashida Tali. I'm like Rashida to lead. It ain't objective with me. Bottom line, this is this and that's that, and that's just what it is. And like Kendrick Lamar said, turn the TV off. Ain't too many real niggas left and that's just the bottom line. And I'm one of them, and that's it. And if you don't like it, if you feel a way about it, if you feel you coming after me over Joe Biden, and you really do need to not follow me because I'm never gonna choose them over you. And if you're like to that type of love, then I ain't got the kind of love you looking for, a baby, cause the kind of love I'm gonna give you always choose you over them. And if you don't want to choose me over then and I don't want your love anyway gone over there with them, gone over every them because they don't know you, and they ain't talking to you, and they ain't engaging you, and they don't give a shit about you. I'm we're actually trying to figure this out because at the end of the day, week are all we got, y'all. Make sure y'all tap in a straight Shot up Chaser. Thank you for this. Let me get this off, Jade, but again, brace yourself because I need about four or five more times like big Mom, until I get it all out of my system, because it's still in my system. Yes, ma'am. Oh, make sure y'all follow me on Instagram and tells a figure out and we'll see you next time. Guys. Peace. If you like what you heard on Straight Shot Chaser, please subscribe and drop a five star review and tell a friend straight Shot No Chaser is a production of the Black Effect podcast Network in iHeartRadio on Teslin figure Out, and I like to thank our producer editor mixer Dwayne Crawford and our executive producer Charlotmagne Da God. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Straight Shot, No Chaser with Tezlyn Figaro

Straight Shot, No Chaser with Tezlyn Figaro (@tezlynfigaro) examines controversial and thought-provo 
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