Florida’s new law protecting first responders from people “impeding, threatening, or harassing” them goes into effect Jan. 1. critics say it’s aimed at curbing videos of cops.
You don't want to don't want to ask your question real, Let's just keep it real. Straight Shot with No Chaser and I'm gonna get a little bit rough. I'm here for it. Those who really believe in the American process, all of us. Street Shot No Chase with your girl Teslim Figure out on the Black Effect Podcast networding what's happening Everybody. This is Teslim Figure, Straight Shot, No Chaser. Happy New Year, Everybody, Happy New Year. Make sure you download, subscribe follow the podcast Straight Shot No Chaser on the Black Effect Podcast radio Network. I dropped content every Thursday. Sometimes try to give you a bonus and give you some extra content, and this is one of those times that I'm doing just that I got. I want to bring some attention on a few new laws that have passed effected yesterday obviously today is January twod and I want to bring your attention to one that is very disturbing, to say the least to me and other social justice activists. And it's critically important that you guys know what's happening in the state and local level. I know that you guys say you know you're just going to eat your popcorn, not worry about what's going to happen. You're going to subscribe to the fuck Around and find Out program. I know many of you say you're just gonna mind your black business, But I have news for you, news for you that you can mind your business. You can say you're just going to eat popcorn. You can say I'm gonna let them have it. But at the end of the day, we will all somebody say all turn to your neighbor and say, all be affected by the laws unless you intend on breaking the law, unless you intend on moving out of a man America, unless you intend on somehow figuring out a way to not be a part of the system. Whether you like it or not, you can either be involved or you can just sit back and watch it happen. Being involved on the state and local level is more important now than it has ever been. You hear Trump and Republicans talk about leave it to the states, leave it to the states. Well, that gives you an opportunity to get involved at the state level, to get involved at the local level. And to be quite honest with you, I prefer you get involved in local and state level. You need to be able to talk to your local city commissioner, your local mayor, your local state rep. And running to them in the grocery store, see them at church, actually have a conversation rather than talking five thousand miles away to Donald Trump who doesn't even know you exist. So I encourage you to get involved. It's gonna make you get involved. You're gonna have to get involved unless you're just gonna sit back and be also be one of the ones who are going a fuck around and find out you're not going to be excluded from what is happening. So I wanted to bring this attention, bring this to your attention, and what's happening in Florida. And guys, it's critically important that you not just say, well, that's just Florida. You know how Florida do. Leave it up to Florida Gods. Florida is in the United States. And what happens is when other lawmakers see other things go well or other policies that they want to actually implement in their state, they actually use other states as examples. What I'm trying to look to see what we can do in a particular state, what policy works. Where the first thing we do is research what's happening in other states, and we use that as presidents to be able to say to make the case on it if it works or not. So this is not just a Florida thing. This is a what's happening in America thing. There's a couple of laws on marine their attention. Now, some things have happened positive on a positive note, like minimum wage has been increased, I believe in twenty one states. I cover that on the podcast today, so go make sure you download that the Happy New Year podcasts. So there are some positive things that are happening, but this is one that I want to bring your attention with Florida. If those of you don't know, Florida is my stomping ground, my political stomping ground. I'm not from Florida, but I really got my political chops in of Florida. I was watching MSNBC this morning going through the news. I watched them all seeing in MSNBC, Fox News, I read everything that I can get my hands on. Saw my good girlfriend, Representative Levon Bracy. By the way, her dad is the one that said I was called to preach, but saw representative of Levon Bracy, attorney and longtime activists fighting against this particular law, and I said, let me go ahead, drop a episode quickly. The hyper focuses on this so that you guys can pay attention. So in Florida, effective January first, which is yesterday, there is a law protecting first responders from impeding, threatening, or harassing them. Going again, effective January first, Well, how do we define what is impeding, threatening, or harassing. So they have now basically said to sum it up that recording, because this is about recording. This is about the next George Floyd. This is about we don't want to We don't want you to be able to see it. We don't want to affect the case. We don't want the jury to the jury to actually know what's happening. We want to be able to go to court and tell our own story, like they tried to do with George Floyd. But because it was on camera, because even witnesses testified to say, this is why we recorded it, because we know we need to record it. This Florida has now said, oh no, we have to do something about this. We can't do nothing about salesfons, but we're going to do something about this. Now. They call this the Halo law. Very interesting very interesting. It was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis in the spring. Mean of you didn't know what's happening, because these are the kind of things that's happening that people don't pay attention to. Somebody in the comments said, Florida's really a supremacist saving guess what this is America in Florida. Florida is not alone. This is this is the the deep roots of America. You're not exempt from it, even if you think you're living in some blue state that is somehow shielded from it. Let's give a real time example. North Carolina has a governor who is Democrat and they still voted a Republican. So it is not about who necessarily it lives in the state. It is about who is controlling it and about who votes for it as well. So you can have a Democrat governor and they still vote against a Democrat or liberal policies. Guys, stop thinking that Florida is anything different than America. This is America, and it's up to you to not let these laws sneak in without you being a part of it, in at least having the conversation. A great example of New York with Robert Brooks so guys, there's no such thing as oh yeah, well you know that's Florida. Oh yeah, well, we don't do that up here. Oh yeah, well no, this is called America, the root and the foundation of this country. Now it says this law is requiring people to be twenty five feet away from the first responder who verbally warns them to step back while working. Now, many of you, especially you apologists, you're going to say, well, twenty five feet is more than enough room, twenty five feet is more than enough. Well, okay, that can be true. One would say that those who recorded George Floyd were twenty five feet away at some point, but they were not in the beginning. One may argue, well, you can just zoom in with the camera. There's still a way that you can still, you know, get the footage. But what you apologist or not understanding is this is a slippery slope. Somebody say slippery slope. First, it starts with I'll give you an example of real time example that many of you may remember. When smoking stop, they start removing smoking out of public areas and out of the restaurants. Remember when it started with everybody could smoke in the restaurant then it started with okay, now you got to be twenty five feet fifty feet from the restaurant, and then it went to no smoking at all. Does that make sense? This is the same thing that's going to happen. This is just a way of putting it out, testing it with the public, seeing if it works. And then who gets to determine what the twenty five feet is? Is somebody gonna be out there with a measuring stick. One would argue that if I don't want you recording, I can just say, well, he wasn't within twenty five feet. And then let's go deeper into the slippery slope. What happens when somebody crosses the line? Somebody put crosses the line? What happens? What are they gonna do? Then? Are they gonna wrest you? Are they gonna shoot you? Are they gonna say, well, he came across the twenty five feet law, the twenty five feet and now I have the right to stand my ground. Something we know Florida love standing on. You guys gotta pay attention. You have to correct this with the information I'm giving you, because best believe the apologist in the comments, those who you're gonna see having this conversation. I am depending on you. You are depending on you, Your family is depending on you. We as the community are depending on each other to correct this conversation. Guys, we cannot just sit back and let somebody else do the work. We cannot just sit back and say well, that's all right. We gonn want on the big platforms and say it, well, that's all right. Way SSLM won't say it, well that's all right. Why breakst Club won't say no no. I need you to say it. I need you to help us be able to correct this language. The one reason why, the main, one of the main reasons why MAGA is so effective is because of their digital discipline. Somebody say digital discipline. They have the digital discipline to continue the narrative over and over and over and over and over. They don't care if they talking to themselves. They don't care if they if they're literally the only one in the comics. They're continue to put their narrative out there. They're gonna continue to keep saying the same thing over and over. They're gonna continue to keep driving the message home. Meanwhile, you say it, not all of you, but some of you say it. You move on? You say, well, I done said it, so I'm just moving on. Oh well, let me say, let me just scroll on to the next skit and so I can get a good laugh. Let me scroll on to the next gossip, so I can see who's sleeping with who. Let me scroll on to the next thing. And you do not penetrate. You do not penetrate. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. You say, well, what's the point? Many of you tell me, what's the point? Why do you keep saying, Oh, Tansy, you got the patience of Joe for you to keep doing no, no, Well, y'all got the pace of Joe when it comes down the foolishness. You have the patience of Joe. When it comes down to keep pushing the bullshit, you got the paces of Joe. When it comes to scrolling and look and being entertained but not empowering, you have the patience of Joe. When it comes down to not speaking up and using your voice. What voice you have? You have the paces of Joe. When it comes down to making excuses and saying, well I don't have a big platform, Well don't nobody listen to me. You don't have to have a big platform. I didn start with a big platform. Nobody put me on. I got to the big platform by continuing to open my mouth and talking even when no one was listening, even when talking when no one was listening. I can pull up any breakfast club interview that I've done at any time and guarantee eighty percent of the people will be against me. Twenty percent ride with me, but eighty percent will be against me. And I guarantee it if I go pull up the interview right now with Larry Elder or Vivid Ramsamy, go do it just to see. I haven't even looked at it, but I can tell you for certain if I pull it up right now, there's going to be somebody from the MAGA side that left a comment within the last thirty days. And I did that interview of July of last year. But where can I find you in the comments? I gotta sprall all the way down past fifty thousand comments to find those who are writing with the message that were pushing This is how Trump. One of the reasons why he was successful wasn't because I know y'all want some conspiracy so bad I know you want a conspiracy so bad because you don't want to look at things for how it is. I know you want to say they must have rigged it, they must've I know you want to believe that America really has your back all this time. But I got news for you. Trump has been running a successful digital marketing campaign for eight years straight, tweeting every day. When they put him out of Twitter, he went and opened up truth, posting every day, four five, six times a day. Y'all sat back and said, Oh, man, I wish he stopped posting. Oh I'm just I'm gonna get off Twitter. Oh I'm just gonna block him. I don't want to hear nothing he gotta say. But guess what his tribe, his base, his riders, his soldiers were still listening to what he had to say. See you blocking him didn't stop him from doing what needs to be done. I wish y'all had just five witnesses in here. If you know what I'm talking about. You know how we love to say in the church, you can't block my blessing. Well, guess what foolishness worth? The same way? Can I go ahead and step on some toes? Michelle do your mind. If I step on some toes all tests and don't do it as early in the year, Yeah, I got to do it this early in the year. See, I have to do it black effect, because I'm called to do this and I have to reach them in whatever way that we can reach them. So if that's one hundred people less who won't listen on the podcast side, I got to do it because the people got to hear it because they don't have the digital discipline to go over to the podcast and listen to the content that I'm dropping on a weekly basis. For the last four years straight, y'all still say, oh, Tesla, why you don't have a show? Oh Tesda, where you're gonna get a show? What are you talking about? I have a podcast for the last four years straight, but you don't have the digital discipline. So I got to literally come up and pull up at your doorstep on IG because you refuse to have the digital discipline. So I got to come to IG where the pictures are, where the comedy is, where the sketch is, where the gossip in order to reach my people. I wish I had a prayer in church. If I had a prayer in church, maybe this wouldn't be so hard. So I have to come to on black effects. So pardon me. I have to. I have to do a live every now and then because the people got to know that this law is preventing them from recording police interaction, and they must know that it's the slippery slope. I got to tell them it's a slippery soap because if I don't do it, then I'm gonna be held accountable. See, I can't do like they do and just say well. I tried to tell Teesdam. I sent her an inbox. I told her to bring it up on a podcast. I told her to say something. Say y'all don't get to do that, Michelle. See, I got to actually do it, even if it's just one hundred of you listening, even if it hurts my podcast numbers, because y'all not gonna come over and listen on podcasts. I have to continue to do it because when it's all said and done, I will be held accountable for what I did and did not say. I said. I'll be held accountable for what I did and did not say, and I'm not gonna be able to say, well, I said it on the podcast. But they should have came over to the pot. No, when the spirit tell me to go live, I got to go live. Somebody say go live. I got to go live. I got to preach his living word when they tell me to do it. Now, if you don't go over to the podcast and share it with your friend and guess what, that's on you, then you're gonna be held accountable. That's on you. See, We're gonna start putting some accountability where it lies. We're gonna stop just putting it all on Tesla. Let's start moving this over the y'all too. Let's start moving this over the y'all too. Let me go ahead and start go ahead and putting that pressure on you. Let's pass the pressure. Somebody put past the pressure. We got to pass the pressure. I want to pass the pressure around. I don't want to keep carrying it all by myself. Let's pass the pressure around. Now. This new law again, is a slippery slope. If you think it's a game, if you think it's just Florida, if you think you can just make the jokes and Florida, then I got news for you. You are gonna be the one that fuck around and find out. They said that this charge, Michelle can have jail time up to sixty days. So now you're taking folks to jail for recording somebody else taking them to jail. Is that what y'all telling me? They taking people to jail for trying to record police interaction. And y'all think this is a game. I used to tell people pull up on when you pull up on your brother years ago, when I would say, when you see something happening on the side of the road, pull over and record. So this right here is saying that if I will go within twenty five feet and they get to decide what the twenty five feet is, that the charge would be up to sixty days in jail and find five hundred dollars. Well, we see what mister Brooks were going to jail look like, don't we. We see what they can look like, don't we. We see what getting pulled over Sandra Bland can look like, don't we. Now they're defining a defining harassed according to the new law, willfully engage in course of content directed at the first responder which intentionally causes substantial emotional distress my god in the first responder and serves no legitimate purpose. Did y'all hear what I just said? Did you hear what I just said? Let me translate it for you. It says, willfully engage and of course a conduct directed at the first responder. What that means is, I've decided that what I'm seeing what George Floyd is not right, so I'm gonna pull out my phone and record the first responder. This says, which intentionally causes substantial emotional distress? Did y'all hear what I said? They are creating a law to make sure that the officers that stepped on the neck of George Floyd that you don't cause the officer no emotional distress while sucking the life, stepping the life out of George Floyd. Y'all not getting it? And it says in distress in the first responder, in the first responder and serves no legitimate purpose. This is where the slippery slope gets trickery. This is where the trickery comes in that recording. They're going to say that recording serves no legitimate purpose. They want to go back to prior Rodney King, when you had to have an old school camcorder to record these falls. Is putting too much on blasts. Falls is putting too much on blasts. So now they have to determine what the legitimate purpose is, and and I and and and I can guess that the legitimate purpose is not to record them breaking the law. And a first responder, just so we're clear, by the law is defined as a law enforcement officer, a correctional probation officer, a firefighter, or an emergency medical care provider. All of these things we have caught on camera, from not providing the appropriate medical care on site, to correction probational officers, to law enforcement officers, and yes, even firefighters, all of these things, all of these people, and not the majority. Let me be clear, for the apologies, I know how y'all get all caught up trying to make sure that we make sure it oh talk about the good folk now to don't talk about all the bad talk about the good folk. So let me let me be clear. This is not the majority. This is not the majority. The majority our first responders are doing the right thing. This is for the bad apples that we're talking about, which further is the argument that if the majority are doing the right thing, if the majority is doing the right thing, Sean, then tell me why they worried about us recording a few bad apples. I need an answer today. If the majority are doing the right thing, what is the concern with the few bad apples? Let me give it to you in a way that you can understand. If your man say, I don't cheat at all, well, what's the big deal of me pulling up on you then at the club? Because you say that the majority of you say that you always found in the right so that should be no problem. I should be able to knock on your door at anytime. I spell to knock on your door at anytime. I spell to knock going at your job, at any time I spill pull up on you at the club. Come on, am I talking to somebody? I wish you had a five in the chair. You say you always doing the right thing, So what do you so? Why is your spirit so disturbed when I'm knocked on the door in the middle of the night. I need somebody to help me. I gotta do it in a way that y'all can understand. What Why is the brother's spirit so disturbed? Somebody said, why why is your spirit so disturbed? When you say that you always in the right. Oh is it because that you too are human? And although you may have right intentions, although you may have right motives, although you may have all the right things, you tell me, could it be? Could it be, ladies, that perhaps one percent of the time or two percent of the time you ain't always on the up and up? Is that? Is that? What it is? Is that what it is? Or should I just believe that you always one hundred percent keeping it real? As they like to say. So, when somebody gives me a problem with documenting the minority, that tells me that the majority ain't what you say it is. Let me say it one more time. When somebody gives me a problem with documenting, questioning the minority, meaning the few and far between times you out of pocket, that makes me say that your majority ain't what you say it is. Your spirit, your lie spirit is triggered, Your ill motive spirit is triggered. Your if we got to catch you on the right day is triggered. That's what it means. And it's so triggered in this case that Florida decided to do a whole all about it. And if you think that you are exempt, if you think that the jokes is all about Florida, and well, y'all got Ron DeSantis. I got news for you. I got news for you, even if you are in California as liberal as it comes, I would say, one would argue, go look at how many Republicans won on the congressional level in California. Go look and see how they're slowly taking over step by step. Now they're saying that you can video law enforcement. It's your constitutional right, but you've got to stay out of their way while doing their jobs. Now, y'all show tell me. And I just want to guess, when have we seen a video getting somebody The only time the video get in somebody way is when we see you do something you ain't got no business doing, and the only person's way to get in is yours. When that jury got to look at what you didn't show on the body can How when is it getting in somebody way? When is somebody jumping in front of the first responder, jumping in front of the police officer and saying, wait a minute, let me get to good angle from the front. When we have always seen people recording way back, in fact too far back, if you ask me, sometime y'all should have put the camera down and crashed out. If anything, people accuse those who watched George Floyd be murdered and saying y'all should have put the camera down and crashed out. So if standing back is one thing, people that record got down, they stand way back. So what are we talking about? This makes no sense. It's just the slippery slop there will eventually say no more recording. They'll say, well, we got the bodycam, take it up on the bodycam. Yeah, I know, but we've been in many cases where y'all don't turn the bodycam on time. How we know that's all the body cam? Y'all hold the bodycam for fifteen twenty day. We gotta fight for that. Did y'all know that every case we do, we gotta go fight to get the bodycam released. Now, the ACLU Florida saying they're proposing this bill, opposing this bill. But do you remember last month when I did the show y'all about ACLU, when they kept saying, we don't get our money from the government, we get all our money from the private remember put a five in the chat. And for those of you listening on the podcast, do you remember go to my Instagram when I broke that down on how the ACLU. Yeah, they get their money from big donors, but they're also a nonprofit so the government can shut their ass down too. So I don't know why the AACLU is popping popping, big, popping, big talk about how we don't need the government all. Then let's see what they're gonna do on these nonprofits though they already changing things the nonprofits can't say and not say. They did that a couple of months ago under y'all nose, So we gonna see how this is gonna go down. See, this is where the ACLU come in to play and fight for a lot of issues that matter to me and many of you on this live. And I know a lot of y'all don't like it that they fight for trans rights and others rights and all of that, but it's in an organization that's fighting for more than one thing at the same time. And you don't have to like all the things they fight for. But they're the ones opposing this. I don't see none of y'all opposing it. I don't see none of the people criticizing them for what they're fighting for. I don't see none of them gathering their resources what they're following and fighting this, when now they showing up to fight this. Y'all keep me posted because see just doing a podcast, just going on YouTube ain't enough. Are you gathering up the resources to fight this, whether the AC you is, DACL you is, it takes resources to fight stuff. I know y'all think this stuff is just done for free because you watch so many people talking online for free. Actually they're not talking for free. They're getting paid off your clicks, and it's very important what they do, make no mistake about it. But I know y'all think everything is for free. Well, actually, when you're in motion, when you're trying to actually do things, guys, it actually costs. You actually need transportation, you need gas, You have to file court motions that are not free. You have to continue to keep doing it over and over and over. The Hostalf case was in twenty four twenty fifteen. Bill krem Law Firnst still foul emotions on their case that costs. They ain't earned a dime, not one penny from their case. For those of y'all to be talking about how they get all the money they earn one dime from their case. And I don't see none of y'all who'll be talking about being crumped fouling nan, not nan another motion nowhere to fight, no case nowhere at any time. I ain't seen no one time. So you don't have to like all he do. But what's happening on filing some of them cases? Though? Because you can absolutely foul it as a citizen, why you not up there fouling it? Why you not putting an attorney on payroll, gathering up the funds to put attorney on an attorney on payroll to fight all the issues that you think are important. Oh, that's right, because attorneys want to be paid. Yeah, they actually did go to law school to earn a degree to pay back two hundred some thousand dollars of fees that actually got to get paid. I don't see none of y'all going to y'all job and doing it for free, and then two weeks later saying, well, why you just do it for free? Do it for the calls they want everybody do it for the calls. But you on the first and fifteenth, you ain't talking nothing about that. I heard none of y'all talk about no damn calls. You want your money on time, and in all ones if you a stripper, and in all twenties if you're not, you want it on time. Yeah, I want to see him. Take it for the team, Michelle, mak it for the team. Do like I done did and win months and months and months without getting paid both substitut teach for fifty dollars a day. Why you do this? Push the line for free, Come on, join the team, take it for the team. Really, show me how committed you are to the calls. Go file some motions, Go put some court fees on it. Tell some of y'all leaders why they won't put the court fees on it though, why they won't gather up the funds to come fight some of this SB one eighty four has to Actually, it actually costs funds to fight it. So where y'all at with it? ACLU is fighting this. Everybody always say, tells where do we start? Where do we start? Well it can start with this right here. Let me give you something to do today, SB one eighty four. Y'all know it ain't sexy. I know it ain't popular. I know everybody ain't talking about it. I know it's not attached to Trump and you know, not nothing crazy we can post online, but it's real. It's going to affect you. The slippery slope will come down. So if you want to support acl you on this, do it. If you want to support Representative Lebron Bracy, I tagged her on my Instagram. Good friend of mine. I know her in real life. She told me to run for office. I told her to run years ago. Why don't you do it? She's helped everybody else then she finally decide to do it. She helped her brother get in office, she helped everybody else. Born and raised in civil rights. Her dad rest in peace to Reverend Bracy. She could be doing a million other things with a law degree, but she chooses to fight for justice. So if you want to support her, you don't feel comfortable support in ACLU, then follow her work and what she's doing and stop thinking Florida he's your help. We cannot afford to just say, well, this is just Florida. Y'all getting everybody else business online. Y'all talk about everybody else relationship. Why can't talk about Florida's relationship with politics? Y'all got all the advice for Cardi B and Offset. Y'all got everything and advice about that in that relationship. So and that relationship ain't got nothing to do with you, nor would that relationship affect you. So why don't you get into the business of getting into relationships of politics of other states that actually affect you. Because y'all got plenty and say about their relationship. Y'all stay talking about their relationship. So let's get in some of this politic relationship. Your cousins need you this vent t hasm figure, oh straight shot, no chaser. Make sure you share this with at least one person. Share with one person. Not because I get paid with clicks, because I don't get paid by clicks. At the at the Blackfec Podcast Network, we are a podcast network. All of our knowumbers together are compiled in the one so, which allows me the opportunity. But I don't have to do sensational stuff just to get your attention. I can actually do real substance. I don't have to be on YouTube with a crazy ass title to get you to subscribe. No disrespect to the people that do it. I ain't knocking nobody's hustle, but I do need you to know the difference. I do need you to know the difference. And we need support on this side as well. If not everything gonna be about sensational sensational media and talking about folks and uh, you know, uh drama and all of that. I like to bring a little drama every now and then too. You guys know that I like literally bit and entertainment too. But it can't all be that. Some of it has to be for stuff like this. So please do me a favor. It'll be uploaded here today. I'll share it in my story. Please share it with somebody because this is a very important law and I don't want to hear when this when the shit hit the fans, people are gonna say, oh man, I didn't know this was going on. Be able to tell your friend when I told you? If nothing else, say I told you. We can't tell everybody, it's just a few of us listening. But at least market off your conscience to say I told you. At least market off your conscious and say, okay, lord, if you had me here this today, then you must want me to tell somebody. So let me mark it off on the scroll and say I told you, I did my part. I did what I was supposed to do. I can't be a I'm an only child say. I wasn't able to say. I always tease my good sister in the comments because she had several brothers and sisters. I wasn't able to say, what such and such did it in such and such? And what about was such and such? And why you don't do it to such and such. I was the only child, and all the responsibility fell on me. When the lamp was broken, it fell on me. We didn't have to worry about it. I didn't even have a dog. I couldn't even say the dog did it. It was all on me. Mamma knew it was me. She helped me to the highest level of accountability. What the teacher said this, I don't care about what the teacher said? What did I teach you to do? What did I train you to do? What did I tell you to do? I wasn't able to say, what such and such went out there? But no, But what did I tell you to do? I've raised you. You walk out this room with my name. You're my child? Are you are something wrong with you? You're my child. I don't care what they doing you gonna walk act like you got some decency, is some order, because you're my child. That's see, that's kind of cantibit. I was raised under. I wasn't able to just let it go out. Somebody else did it? All it was me. If I passed gas in the room, it's me. What you smell is me. I can't look around and say it must have been you? And when who did it? It must not have did it like they do on the airplanes. When that woman know, damn well, last week she passed gas sitting next to me, ma'am you not this is you? Because the damn show wasn't me. But nobody knew because we're on a train, We're on a plane full of people, and all I know is I smell older, So everybody looking around it gotta be one of us, some of us, somebody on here stinking and everybody saying it ain't thing. I'm not sorry. I had to give you all a vision to make you get it. Well, there's gonna come a time where you're not gonna be able to say I didn't know who it was. It must have been Michelle. Oh, it must have been Oh I sent it to you. You didn't answer the phone. Oh well I email that you you must didn't get it. Oh well the phone the ringer wasn't We didn't go through. Oh I didn't see the text. I didn't heard it all from my fake baby sit, my play baby sister. She in the car and she tries it all the time. Oh, I'm in a bad place. All you're breaking up. I can't hear you that. Well, you're breaking up. That's her favorite one to say, knowing I'm crystal damn clear, her favorite one. I'll go through the list. You're breaking up. Ain't nobody breaking up? Girl? You hear me? Then she'll try to well, I gotta hop on a call. Her favorite thing is hopping. She always hopping somewhere. I gotta hop on a call. Look at them to coming to me. You're breaking up now, all I gotta hop Well, yeah they can wait. Let them know you'll be late because I'm gonna finish your sentence. Oh yeah, I got a meeting I got to take. She always got a meeting right when the shit start getting rid of. It's always a meeting. All she'll pull the good old I didn't get the text. Then if she didn't get the text, well, I was in a bad area. She's stay in a bad area. I've never known nobody that's more in a bad area, more than more than my baby sister, Miss Wadley. She lives in a bad area. It's so interesting. It's always a bad area. Something going on with my phone. I ain't never seen nobody got the most updated iPhone. Got two three folks. Matter of fact, she got two three faux phones. I'll hit her on one phone with the message go to another one message, Oh I didn't get that when I musta got on the other one. Something going on with the phone. I gotta check my phone. She just did it other day. I need to go check and see what's going on with my phone. I know what's going on with the girl. What's going on with it. It's the same shit been going on with it for the last eight years. You only receive a message you want to receive, Michelle, you ain't tricking nobody. And if she tries it every time, it's amazing. It should be studying. We really should study it because she he literally tries it every time. When no worries, I just send in the email. I only went to spam. It went to spam. It's always going to spam. That does sense you a million emails, but somehow it goes to spam. Yeah, Michelle, you do need better excuse because I just rade the road, just rent it all down and she'll try to get it next week. She just did it the other day, she literally, and I ain't line, y'all. She did it the other day. Something's going on with my phone. It's always something going on with this child's phone. I ain't never seen nobody have phone problems more than miss Wattley. This is y'all. This is for real. I'm not nothing I told y'all is a joke. This is truly, like for real, true story. Shout out to my baby sister. You can imagine what living with her on the Bernie Sanders campaign trail was like. You can just only imagine. She said that one did have the TSA is a bitch when you lose something, y'all. I don't know, Michelle. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Y'all put a five in the chat. Do you believe Michelle? Do you think based on everything I just told you, let's just take a quick poll. This is how I want y'all to see our polls work because poles ain't never about the truth. Based on all the information I just gave, y'all, put a five if y'all think Michelle really left it at TSA, and put a four if you think Michelle ain't left shit at TSA. It's just typical Michelle behavior. Let's just do a quick poll for those of you listening on the podcast. Hit me up on the inbox. Did Michelle leave it at TSA or did she not leave it at TSA. I just need a quick pollet I'm getting nothing before's, I'm getting nothing before's. This is why polls may not always be the truth, but it's based on the reception of reality. And since I just laid down eighteen thousand excuses that Michelle gave, the people ain't really believe in the TSA. They ain't really believing it, and she could have really left it at TSA. Same thing happens in politics. Is Harry's likely to win? Is she likely to lose? That's why when y'all tell me the polls said this, the poll said that the polls created an environment. Here we go with another lesson. Oh that's so sweet, rich girl, Brian, She's still rocking with you. She the only one did five she only It's always one. It's always one. The polls creating environment to get you to believe what they want you to believe. So even though I told y'all eighteen thousand ways it makes sense, the likelihood is she probably didn't leave it at TSA. But if she really did leave it at TSA, nobody believes it because the environment that Michelle created made us believe otherwise. So in politics, so that y'all get a lesson out of this, poles are snapshots in time of the current environment. So if you're feeling good and you just watch five million dollars get raised for BP Harrison, everybody tag in, posting implies and making songs and everybody feeling good and everybody, and they say, well, do you think Harrison win or not win? And y'all say, yes, she gonna win. That environment made you feel good, made you actually believe that she would win until something called the electoral College showed you different. And you believe it's so much based off the environment that now y'all sitting around there thinking Eli Musk rigged it, rig what America rigged? What America been telling you how they feel about you since the beginning of the time, and you still don't want to believe that, Yes, girl, that man cheated on you. He lied, girl, I know he looked good, I know he said everything. I know it, girl, I know it. But he is so he is. And you can watch the same movie over and over and over and the result is gonna be the same you looking for every excuse, but just understanding the truth. And understand the truth don't mean give up. It means fight with the cards you are dealt with. And that is the message today with state and local. Fight with the cards you were dealt with. Are you gonna fuck around and find out? And even if you do fuck around and find out, at least you can know you try to do something about it. And if you just want to be on the sideline and say I just want to be on the sideline and every consequence that come, I know I'm gonna suffer it as well, And I'm alright with that. I respect that. But stop thinking that you're gonna be somehow that these consequences are gonna somehow escape you, because they're not. It ain't just gonna be the Trump voters. It's gonna be all of us, and the Trump voters are putting things in play right now on the state level that will affect you. Subscribe to the pot Cast, guys, make sure you share it straight shot no Chaser. You can find it anywhere that you get your podcast Spotify, Apple, I Heart, please kick click the follow even if you don't lissen every week, guys, just click the follow so that they can give you alerts. It doesn't take up space. Shouldn't take up space on your phone at this stage of the game. At this stage of the game, you should have enough memory on your phone to be able to have a couple of apps. If not, upgrade your phone. Don't be like Michelle and always have phone problems. Just go ahead. Let's upgrade the phone in twenty twenty five so we can get the information that we need, the podcast episodes that we need, the texts that we need, all the information. Let's not use storage and space and bad signals as an excuse because you're gonna miss out on the information. Boy, your girl show know how to wrap some knowledge in a boat. Donner if I must say, if I most say so myself, I love y'all. Guys, Please, if you like what you heard on Straight Shot No Chaser. Please subscribe and trump a five star review and tell a friend. Straight Shot No Chaser is production of the Black Effect podcast Network in iHeartRadio on TESZLM figure out, and I like to thank our producer editor Mixer Dwayne Crawford and our executive producer Charlottmagne to God. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts