Join Tezlyn Figaro and Jade Harriell recap and fact check the Donald Trump interview on X (formally known as Twitter)
Yea from.
Ask your question real good.
Let's just keep it real straight shot with no chasing.
I'm gonna get a little bit rough. I'm here for it. Those who really believed in the American process, all of us.
Street shot, no chase, what's your girl?
Figure out?
On the Black Effect podcasting at word a word, what's having everybody? It's your girl Testlam figure out? Straight shot, no chase or ask promise.
This is a Thursday episode. For this week, I did an extra bonus. You know, y'all love it when I get in there and do a little extra bit of clown and interact with you guys on Instagram. I try not to do it as much day because we want people to come to the podcast. We want you guys to not just if you listen on Instagram that you won't come on the podcast. But also, you know, Black Effect my team, I try to remind them that everybody a few hundred people that are listening. I hope I got more than three hundred people, you know, to one hundred people that will listened to the podcast. So it's still good information that our faithful listeners on the podcast can still hear. But it's just a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun, kind of horse it's a lot of fun, interacting, joking, clowning. I just because I get a chance to have like a live show. So I do appreciate our new format of really covering these stories.
I think it's helpful. People like it. They've told me the like new format.
But every now and then I got to come in and just get live with the people because it's a.
Lot of fun. I know you were also, I saw you in the chat as well.
Yeah, cracking up.
Yeah. We get to cover a lot.
I go from politics and relationships. I mean, you name it, we cover it, but covered a lot of different stuff, real talk about abortion. And somebody had asked, you know, why why don't I just say I'm with the Democrats and just say what I believe. I'm telling you the policies I believe in. Now, if you feel like you need to align it with one group but ye other, that's fine. I don't because I know I'm gonna believe in these policies regardless of who runs. So that was important to clear up. So guys, if you did not listen to this week's episode on Tuesday, make sure you do because I broke that all down, broke it all down. So now Jay, we're gonna act like we got some sense and you're going to be producer stordinare and break down to us what's been happening this week in politics?
Yes, well, I think the big story this week.
It kicked off the week on Monday with Elon Musk inviting Donald Trump on to have a conversation on the platform called x formally known as Twitter. There were millions of people that were listening to that conversation. Now there's been some criticism on that, but tell before.
We go there or we roll on, let's talk about right at the beginning, you and I were trying to watch in real time.
That's what I was about to say. We're trying to watch in real time, and you kept.
Texting me like what are they doing?
Or they in the room.
They must have been wrong.
I was like, well, Jade, I don't think you're like, well, I'm looking at people in the room like I don't think they must be crashing the same thing.
Remember that happened with Ron DeSantis.
Yes, the same thing with Ron DeSantis. Elon must invited him on months ago and the site crashed and so it was there.
It was a disaster.
I mean it took them I want to say, at least thirty minutes, maybe forty five weeks to actually start the space. So what was happening, folks if you weren't on x or Twitter trying to get into this Twitter space, which is an audio app where two people can come on and have a conversation and you can invite a lot of folks in to listen. There were It's like, as soon as you clicked on the space to enter it to listen to Elon and former President Trump have a conversation, it automatically kicked people out. And so initially, I mean, I think it took you and I tais like at least twenty minutes to try to get in, if not that long. I was trying to scour YouTube to see if anybody who was in the room was actually streaming it to YouTube. And it was a mess. But eventually the space opened up and we were able to listen in. I stayed gave but I left you hanging after way because it was for me. I text tests after I was like, ma'am, you left me hanging. But they're getting busy listening to these two bros. These have a good old boys conversation. So what I want us to do test is talk about there was some pettiness in it as well, right, so their news.
Articles that's what Trump does.
I mean, he's definitely he is the king of petty, which I'm gonna be honest, I won't lie.
It is very entertaining. It's been.
Like you can't help but kind of chuckle at some of it. But at the same time, it's like we've seen this show before at this stage, you know, the low IQ like he's literally repeating the same insults over and over, the low IQ dumb dah da dah like it's literally, in fact, the Daily Show did a montage of literally the same thing about Joe.
And it's just at this point, like, oh, I'm just kind of ready to get off.
You know, the level of anxiety that people have, the conspiracy theories, the unnecessary lives, like this week saying oh it was Ai and it really wasn't. It was the people at the plane. You know, I'm just was like, Okay, we get it, but it's time to It's really affecting people's mental health. And I don't know even if you don't like the Democrats and nothing they support. I just don't know if that level of engagement or chaos or keeping everybody on it, I just don't know if people can really survive in another four years.
Jade, Yeah, I'm not sure a lot of folks.
I mean, to your point, we're saying that they were thoroughly entertained, that they are thoroughly entertained by this race. But at what point does the entertainment stopping to be get serious and we're really talking about policies that impact people's lives, right, And you know, I think that also spoke to the high numbers of folks trying to get into that Twitter space with Elon muh and Donald Trump and folks who are ultimately able to get in and listen literally millions of people, because people are anxious and people do want to know, like, Okay, what is this presidential candidate thinking? You know, is there going to be any new breaking news or new insights? So I do want to say though, along the lines of the pettiness, there's some articles circulating stating that VP Harris's campaign seemed to enjoy Donald Trump's misfortune. Monday night, following a disastrous interview with Elon Musk on his social media site. That is literally a news headline from the Daily Beast. Okay, and so you know, VP Harris also tweeted out like her campaign, the Harris Waltz campaign actually did send a couple statements out. So the technical issues were definitely brought to light. And VP Harris's campaign response, she sees the opportunity to repost the comment from Trump that had originally criticized DeSantis.
For you know, other issues.
You know, having you know, to do with the platform, and people were saying that, oh I think I also said this. I was like, dang, Trump broke the internet. He broke Twitter, and you.
Did say that you're like her, Like, girl, I ain't broke nothing.
I was like, girl, please, I mean the platform is just not it's a lot a lot of engagement, you know, all of a sudden they love these conspira older Democrats did it. Then it was Iran that did it. I mean, come on, y'all, relax. It's just the same thing with Desantas. Same thing if uh Swiss Beats and them decided to do it, you got millions of people that are going to just crab, just wasn't prepared. They eventually fixed it, but I don't know if this major conspira, I don't know.
It was so funny because VP Harris, to your point, she actually retweeted a statement that Trump had made previously on truth Social that said, quote, Wow, the DeSantis Twitter launch is a design. He further predicted, quote this whole campaign will be a disaster watch end quote. So you know, last night VP Harris's campaign, you know, put that out there just to kind of remind Trump how he was talking trash about DeSantis being on Twitter and how there were technical difficulties. But he found himself, you know, months later, in the same situation. So that was interesting. Now, Elon Musk did say test that they were hacked, so he claims that they were hacked.
A lot of people they.
Don't want to say his system won't work, and so, of course.
Yeah, so we'll see how those verses go.
But I really wanted to bring up this point today.
Yeah, the chests not checkers. They said they playing chess, not checkers, So what does that mean? You know, that's what y'all be saying. Everybody was saying, well, everybody was saying, I can't believe you going up with Elon muss and I can't believe you this, and they you know, they say chess, not checkers.
So we'll see. As we sinber talking.
I just watched something come across the tacker that said that, you know, Elon like seventy percent of Twitter people when he took over. So maybe they didn't have the staff to be able to manage what they was doing.
You know, I don't know, Yeah, maybe not, but Elon took over Twitter a while ago, so he could have definitely hired folks. But listen, according to this article, of course, you know CNN, they have to come through with the fact checks because they love fact checking Trump.
So this article says, uh.
Trump made at least twenty false claims in his conversation with Elon Musk. I wanted us to kind of go through some of those tears. So first, according to CNN, Trump made this statement, quote are crime rates going through the roof? End?
So the fact check says Trump's claim is false. Both violent crime and property crime dropped significantly in twenty twenty three and in the first quarter of twenty twenty four. All right, So, and then CNN also went on to say that the FBI data for twenty twenty three showed a rough thirteen percent decline in murder and a roughly six percent decline in overall violent crime compared to twenty twenty two. All right, now, inflation, Trump said, quote, I think we have the worst inflation we've had in one hundred years. They say it's forty eight years. I don't believe it.
End quote.
Now, according to CNN, they said Trump framed this as an opinion, but it's baseless, nonetheless wrong in two different ways. First, even the inflation rate hits it's biden arapeak at nine point one percent in June twenty twenty two. And they go on with all these stats. So basically either way. I mean, I can read THESSS if you want test, but they just are literally breaking down this claim that inflation is not the worst has been in one hundred years.
Okay, another one. Global warming.
Trump argued that the threat of the nuclear war is far more important than the threat posed by climate change, and he said, quote, the biggest threat is not global warming. Whereas the ocean is going to rise one eighth of an inch over the next four hundred years, and you'll have more ocean front property right end quote. Next one next claim the number of people listening to the conversation. So Trump at one point told Elon Musk, quote, you got a lot of people listening to the conversation, like sixty million or something.
End quote.
He then asked somebody what the number was, but he never corrected his initial estimate. According to CNN, it said the public data on x showed that there were one point one million accounts listening to the conversation live.
Of course, after that tears a lot of folks, you know, went back and listened to the replay. There was some comments made about VP Harris and prisoners.
Trump claimed, quote, she wants.
To release all the prisoners that in detention, and some of these guys are really bad. That just came out today in quote, see said that's false. Another one. You know, people are you know, criticizing Harris'. VP Harris's immigration role. Trump said in the space quote she was the borderzar, and people can't allow them to get away with their disinformation campaign. Now she's saying she wasn't really involved. She was totally in charge.
End quote.
So there's a whole bunch of stuff on there. More claims about Venezuela, crime and migration that Trump made. Trump made claims about immigration numbers that were incorrect in the space according to CNN fact checking again immigration numbers Part two. So there was more immigration because they did talk about immigration quite a bit, and I see the only time black folks really came up. They did come up within the conversation, but it was like, you know, their immigrants coming from Africa, their immigrants coming from all over the country. But of course, as I was listening into the space test, the word reparations didn't come up one time from Trump's lips. So yeah, there was a you know, fact checks about migration and the Congo deportations to Central America. The legitimacy of the twenty twenty twenty election. I think I don't know if they'll ever let that go.
Trump was definitely definitely still standing on his square. There were statements made about Europe and a to Ukraine, which standing and saying is false, trade with Europe, Iran and funding to terrorist groups, China's purchase of Iran and oil, Trump's tax cuts, military equipment in Afghanistan. There were claims made about that the situation before Right to Try the Biden administration. In Trump's legal cases. Of course he did speak about that. So those for some of the claims that were made. Now, Taz, before you left me hanging, I'm pretty sure you heard.
I'm gonna keep throwing I'm gonna keep throwing you in.
I was dumb, but I wanted to go get my limit. Drop. Girl.
I couldn't take out talking without the dentiers, the rambling. All it was just I was like, that's all right, Jay, got it. You done got me spoiled, because I know you get all the information, she'll she'll update me. And I just went about my bus and be honest with.
You before you went about your business and got your limits drop and left me hanging. You did hear how he started off the space because ELI asked in the first question about the assassination attempt. You heard Trump described that and played that at for about I don't know, twenty thirty minutes.
What were your thoughts?
I mean, it was just a bunch of ram Like I said, we've heard before, it's a bunch of rambling. It was almost trying, to my opinion, trying to reset the tone because when he when Trump got shot and came out at the RNC with the big band aid and came out with that sympathetic, a pro you know, kind of calmer, and everybody's like, oh man, maybe maybe it was life changing, maybe it's gonna be different, maybe this or that, you know, and it was just a totally different vibe. And so at that moment, you're because you remember when it happened, everybody's like, oh man, he getting ready to get the sympathy about which is not true. This is not like Ronald Reagan. It's not the same thing. But when they was like, oh man, he gonna really use that all man, they really, it did kind of give their campaign a little bit of a mental thing. And at that time, remember Joe Biden was still on, so it made him look really strong and Joe Biden extra week. So I think if Biden would have stayed on, they would have drug drugged that out a little bit longer, you know, him being strong and Biden being weak. But when Harris got on the campaign immediately after that and the switch, the campaign had to pivot and it took everything off of the attempted to say fascination before that week. You know, it's pretty good because even the Bipartisan committee that was questioning the Secret Service, you know, y'all and protect him all that. All of this is optics and media and how people feel, you know. And so after Harris got on, it switched. The energy went all the way through the roof because that's when the zoom calls started, the back to back to back to back. And so my personal opinion, it got off of the assassination, and to me, that was an attempt to reset, to try to capture that again. But I don't think it landed because by the time he was on for all of that out, you know, all the time, it went right back to you know, Trump as usual. You know, Republicans have been telling him, you're doing too much, you're talking too much, You're doing it.
But they've been saying on Fox like, you need to stop. You need to stop the insult, you need to stop the like. They literally been saying it on Fox. Stop it because it ain't helping. It's not it's not getting you anywhere. You know.
We saw tweet by somebody that I was totally shocked, you know, that said it's not working.
People didn't like Hillary. Harris may not be the most popular person and there are some French groups that don't like her. But it's not Clinton. It's not the same, and it's not landing.
And I think also because he already did it before, so it just kind of looked more of the same.
It's not fresh or unique.
Right, Yeah, that was very interesting. When he talked about the assassination attempt. He was speaking about how he feels more spiritual now or religious or you know, he felt like there was divine intervention that saved his life. And he did use the word honored, like he's honored that that happened. So he spoke about it very very dramatically. But just really for me sitting and listening to Trump and Elon Musk talk, I realize. I mean I've seen Trump speak, like even at the RNC test that was a very very long acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, but in the Twitter space the whole time and listening to him talk to Elon, I was like, Okay, yes, Trump really likes to talk like he's a talker. He was just going on and on and on, and they were kind of all over the place. One of his statements that went viral, I mean, he did make a comment about VP Harris being I think pretty or or portrayed pretty or he.
Said something, but she looked like our first lady. What right?
Yeah? Then he like that was weird?
Why did he say that? Like she don't like mili t I don't understand where they came from.
He definitely said that, So that's definitely.
Even fantasy, like what like? What? Who? That was strange, very strange.
But earlier a few minutes ago, test you mentioned that, I mean I heard Trump speaking with a list a lot of folks and trolling. A lot of people were saying that it definitely sounded like he had a list.
I think you uh, you know those.
Intentions out for sure.
Okay, So now there's there's picture circulating on social media, of course of him sitting in a room, and is a video of him talking into a phone that came out, of course the next day, that you know, made it seem like, you know, that was just the audio technology that made him sound listy, because in reality, Trump was just sitting here. This is a video of him talking to Elon and he sounds perfectly normal. Like people are exaggerating this.
We all heard it, We heard the spit, we heard the like no, we heard it because I got several texts of somebody.
So that happened.
Now, one of his more controversial statements from this that actually went viral. There's a headline that says Trump says he will flee to Venezuela if he loses the election. All right, that is a Newsweek headline. And here's what Trump actually said tes during the interview. Quote if something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we'll meet the next time in Venezuela because it'll be a far safer place to meet than our country.
End quote.
This is what Trump told Elon Musk. Trump continued, quote, Okay, so we'll go. You and I will go, and we'll have a meeting and dinner in Venezuela.
End quote.
So, of course, Trump has been claiming that Venezuela has been releasing all of their violent criminals from prisons into the US in an effort to reduce their own crime rate. So he's saying if he lose the election, he's just gonna run away to Venezuela, which will be safer than America. I called cap on that, but the headlines are definitely running with that. M So, lots of things that took place in the conversation, speak of world leaders. He talked about Kim Jong ung, He talked about, you know, the leader of if he would have.
Been he talked part when he was talking about a he told putin, don't try. I got a button, and putin got a button, and my button is bigger, and whatever you do, don't try. And it wouldn't have been no problem. But he was he wouldn't do all in five minutes.
Yeah, it was a lot, and he was like, he was definitely saying that some of these world leaders are kind of still in their prime, and they appeared to be a lot stronger than President Joe Biden, and it makes America look weak, and America needs a strong presence, you know, for commander and cheap and that's why he's doing it. And then of course Trump played victim. He said that he had a really nice life. He had lots of properties. He has lots of properties and lots of ocean to look at, and he had a nice life before he decided to serve the American people by running.
I mean he yell shit, I mean he got feelings now, he didn't have a feeling before so he said.
He said he didn't ask for the witch hunt, he didn't ask for the corrupt justice system to go after him. But he said if he had to do it all over again, he would do the same thing.
Because America style, I doubt it. You wouldn't do this shit again. Most people be like, no, I'm cool. There's a lot of people that get mad. They're like, yeah, it's cool, but I wouldn't do it again. In a way, you want to go through this shit again. I don't believe that, Colin cap. I could be wrong, but Colin cap you ain't trying to go get no thirty something feelings again.
Now, from a political operative standpoint, I thought it was brilliant that the VP hare Harris Walt's campaign. They used the opportunity, or they seized the opportunity while Trump was doing his interview with Elon Musk to raise money. They actually, you know, they sent messages out via email, they were tweets, and they invited Americans to donate to their campaign. So they did raise some money last night.
Did it so much?
They may? Yeah, yeah, I need to refresh this and see. But I'm that very interesting. They seem to be very annoyed.
You know what I'm saying. I'm sure they've been doing good or raising money. I hope, like I said, hope it's being spent well, because I've seen money being raised and not spend on the ground like it should.
So I guess we'll see. I just still think Jade that people.
I was watching somebody wrote an article today and they were talking about MSNBC about does this now change campaign structure with the long campaign the starting two years out? Can now people do short campaign? I just advise against that. If this is successful, it's because it was the perfect storm, not because you need to think you can run president of ninety days and make a difference, you know, although yes it does, you get to keep the motivation, Like, especially for college students, if I can just keep you locked in for ninety days and not keep trying to get you locked in for a year, the turnout might be better.
I'm gonna be.
Looking at that to see if that makes a difference, but it's kind of hard to tell because we don't have anything else to compare it to. But I am gonna look at that as a difference. But I just know it takes time to be on the ground and organize, and that was what my concern has been the whole time, Like it's not just hey, just plug and play, just go here and that's it. You know, Bill knows LANs just having So I just wondering. Democrats are just kind of known for this celebrating too soon. So we'll see. She's going up in the post two three points in the polls, doing better in the Swing states than Joe Biden was. But when you listen to what you listened to last night, you still would think that it would still be a dramatic difference in the polls. But the mean thing is Hillary had a dramatic difference in loss, but for it still to be neck and neck, that's still that still says a lot. You know, Democrats got to be like four five six points over, you know, to be successful. So so we'll see.
Yeah, Now, according to the article that I pulled out from the New York Post, they did mention and this is where I got there. You know, also saw VP Harris or the Harris Waltz campaign put out the messages last night fund raising. They were asking people to donate twenty five dollars. However, I don't have a final number of what was donated.
I'm sorry during that call, so I guess they I mean, clearly they will report on that at some point, but they were just kind of like, yep, Trump and Elon are alive on Twitter space and here's here's the link. Go ahead and chip in and send us twenty five dollars now to help Kamala and Tim have the resources to respond to their lives. That's how it was phrased. But not sure if this money is going on a ground test. However, I did read an article earlier that the Harris Waltz campaign is actually investing money into getting a lot of registered voters who are living abroad to definitely turn out and vote this year. So it seems like they are investing at least three one hundred thousand dollars into an initiative to get those folks who are brought to vote. I would be very, very curious to see exactly what those numbers would look like and if that number that dollar amount will increase in order to get those folks to vote. I also see that they are starting to confirm people for the Democratic National Convention to speak. One of the brothers from the Central Park five councilman Yusuf Salon, We'll be a speaker this year at the DNC and I know that you will also be attending the DNA.
Ye fly out on Sunday.
Be there for it's four day so Monday Tuesday, well, I'll be the two days Wednesday flying back to Atlanta. We're doing like we did with the RNC convention, the last night alive debate show on Revote or watch part if you will, So that should be a lot of fun.
I wanted to be.
I don't want two people on the two people in the bag and three people in the room. I really want like two or three people and that's it, you know, so that we don't have to do the talk over and also the live audience. So I want to see what that looks like. But I am excited about that, you know, see what that looks like. And just got a busy week. There's another town hall that I might do that Friday. Keep you guys posted on that. But you guys, make sure you tap into what I'm doing to revolt. You know, straight shot, no chaser is going to be here. We've been doing it for years.
You know. It's very proud to get renewed another season. Revolt.
This is a temporary thing, you know, covering this election season, and so we're just trying to put out you know, good information.
Had an opportunity to interview Governor more Maryland and.
Representative jazz Min Crockett and that was really good. So just you know, trying to do what we can't do that work that's been pretty much hip hop and had a little bit of news for trying to introduce.
You know that world over over there. So very proud of that work. So we'll see. So that pretty sums us up. Do you have any clothes and thoughts before we get out of here?
Well, just speaking of Chicago, also read today that the police chief is saying that disruptive, violent protesters at the d you know, coming into Chicago at the time of the DNC, will not be tolerated.
So he's saying that he's going to be tough on crime. I will be interested to.
See if there will be a lot of you know, pro Palestinian protesters or any other groups in Chicago, curious to see what the vibe is going to be like. And I'm really interested to see who.
I'm gonna see what the response too. They got the right to pros, so the they haven't been destructive, have they.
You know, there's been protesters have been shutting down highways and roads and stray penny, you know, monuments and things like that, saying tree Gaza you know, ceasepire, that kind of thing. So that has been happening around America. There's been several recently in DC. But also we know what happened at the college campuses and they just don't want that replicated or to disrupt the DNC.
Well, there's a different level of security with that, you know. Again, but then again, shit, we don't go I can't say secret services, different level security because that was worse than the mall cops. So I don't know. But like I said, we'll see, We'll see how it goes. I'll be reporting live.
I'm sure I'll go live several times, so make sure you guys follow me on Instagram and I will be trying to keep you posted as best I can.
Guys, thank you so.
Much for listening to straight Shot and No Chaser. It's been myself telling vi'reg on daya rail. We'll see you next week.
Pease peace.
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Straight Shot No Chaser is a production of the Black Effect podcast Network in iHeartRadio on Teszlin figure Out, and I like to thank our producer editor mixer Dwayne Crawford and our executive producer Charlotmagne Da God. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.