Arab Americans For Progress Organized A Pac & Turned Out 100K Voters Pt. 2

Published Mar 14, 2024, 8:58 PM

Tezlyn Figaro breaks down the Michigan primary  uncommitted vote and why it matters!

Your question real, Let's just keep it real, straight shot with no chasing.

So I'm gonna get a little bit rough.

I'm here for those who really believe in the American process, all of us, street shot, no chase with your girls, tend some figure out on the Black Effect podcasting at work at work, any other questions and if not, you guys can replay this on a upload this on the on the podcast.

But this is important.

This is showing you that everything you've heard, I don't care what they sit up for telling you about other immigrants don't have to have no packs and ain't nobody else got to do that and we only ones got to do that? Bullshit arip Americans for Progress did this. They got this accomplished. They got one hundred thousand people to the polls yesterday. There was a pack. The immigrants have packs, y'all. If you don't want to start one, or you don't know how to start one, or you don't want to I need the one, then say that.

But let's stop saying that they don't have pack, because that's simply not true.

I did an episode on We Used to go go back and listen to that where I broke broke it down in addition to that, but I wanted to show you how a pack moving peoples, how.

It makes a difference in real time. And Pence, sis, can you ever, yes, sir, yes, yeah.


How you doing first and foremost, I'm doing good. I'm good, I'm Goody your audio it was good. It was good at one point. Then it's just like over the past two minutes, start going in and out again.

I came up.

I was listening to the exchange, and I don't know if bro was confusing like the primaries with the actual general election, you know, when Biden has to actually go up against Trump, not against the people in his own party.

I don't know, I don't know. Maybe the brother was confusing that an.

Example of both of them. I gave primary. I gave a primary. I gave a Mary example of Hillary Bernie that was primary, and then I gave the same year the same example with Trump and Hillary general.

So I gave both examples.

How both examples sixteen thousand both they got sixteen thousand more for the primary. And then that same year a general election happened and in Michigan Trump got ten thousand more against Hillary Clinton.

Yeah, yeah, So My question is this because we're doing our thing on our and with due to the power, and you know, we're pulling the fec forms and you know we're doing doing our little one to get our pack going.

But this particular pack in Michigan.

And I was actually going to do a space on this today myself about super packs really just what's going on in the new not super packs, but this particular pack and how they were able to energize the Muslims and Mission Chicken. But it brought me to a question because they're a five O one C four and I heard you speak on this before.

In your opinion, what do you think is better the.

C four or the uh political superpat the ones, you know, the one you have to follow all the fec forms and stuff for.

A yes, but they're both good. But five to one uh, I'll give an example of five to one C four. It allows you to advocate for social where what organization its profit organization. It's kind of like the League Woman Voters is a five to one C four. I believe the NAACP is a five to one C four. The Urban League is a five and one C four. When you talk about a five to twenty seven. Those are usually like the communication pack chint alert coming through. The five to twenty sevens are.

I would say, more loosely back and allowing you to do the communications and the ads and different things that I was talking about. They don't support candidates per se, and you does a five, one C four. I'm looking at five to twenty seven. But whatever requires the least amount of paperwork that you alnost need to start something five five to twenty seven is created to influence selection, nomination, or defeat candidates. So I like five twenty seven because they're the ones that do all the dirty fighting. So when you got to see a show that says biting shit and then at the end this was provided by Americans who say it presidents ain't shit, that's a five to twenty seven. So they are very powerful. They move a lot of numbers. Is it allows kind of raise money and have money, you know, different ways, And you know that's that's where people go drop a million on you know, to get somebody out of off, you know, that type of thing. But right now, y'all don't need to start a five anything, whether it's the five or one four or five twenty seven something.

Uh, no doubt, No, that's that's something. That's all I came up for, Thank you, sir.

No problem money anything else from anybody, because what we know is not.

Happening is getting some conversation, some traction.

It's going to doing five spaces a day. If you want to be in an organized way and to be taken serious in a serious way, that somebody needs to establish a pack. I believe that y'all donating y'all money to everything else matters, and you believe that moves our people far along, then somebody within this group should be starting a pack that you're asking people to give twenty seven dollars a month to y'all raised money for everything else, So why not raise money for a pack? I don't I don't understand. Somebody has to explain it to me. It can pay your salary, it can pay for your outreach, y'all can pay somebody. Hey, we're gonna pay you two hundred dollars to host the space for two hours every day. About why reparations matter? No, somebody got to get organized and let's stop this. Well, we are gonna put no name on it because they're gonna come out of people with the name. It's names, it's organizations all over this country. Y'all stop it. If you don't want to do it, just say you don't want to do it. This OPS conversation y'all be having about how the opics listening in the options JUSTOS people that showed up yesterday. That's the OP word about that, because they're actually affecting power. So if the opsers watching anybody today, I assure you they're not in this Twitter space they are looking at. Listen to me Michigan and April of Americans. That's that's that organization. That's who they scared of. They't scared of y'all on Twitter. I just want to give you some breaking news. I know y'all think, oh man, the OPS is listening, and the OPS and OPS and creating this uh paranoia, paranoia cult like experience. But I'm here to let you know they're not concerned about you because you didn't get nobody to go to them polls yesterday. Making somebody have action. That is what is scared. That's what scares them. Talking on his phone ain't scared nobody now. It's in trouble and I guess, but I've talked to a lot of y'all offline, and I've had asked questions, so what do you think the ops are doing?


They you know, they trying to stop us how well you know they just don't want us to organize why well, you know, because it defeats our movement.

How every time I asked it, they never know answer? How stop us doing?


Talking on Twitter? I get it.

I know people want to be like the ninth sixties and oh you were part of some secret or that they all trying to take down. No, baby, that's a pack, the largest packed Jewish pack. That's these a rip Americans, This arib American pack for progress. Those that's that's the ones the options looking at this morning. Trust me, they're not in the space.


They worried about the space that got taken up yesterday with them one hundred thousand people showing up.

Michael, that is my phone is still going coming, But it sounds.

Good, great, black, beautiful.

That's my going. Is my phone still clear? I just want to make sure yes, can you hear me? Yes, sir, I'm fine.

Are you living the dream and winning?


I mean you're absolutely right. Three years ago I advised in fact, certain people on the stage, certain people in the space to set up their packs and probably went in in one air and out the next. And in addition, I suggested that they set up several independent expenditures as well. Of course, you know you're very wise and you know about that, so I'll extend the offer. If there are people who are contemplating setting up their packs, we have people who can quietly help them put that in motion.

So thank you, poly sister for the optendant speaking all land.

Let me thank you.

Let me jump in real quick, Sais.

When we came out, we would be the power back in twenty nineteen, twenty twenty, my brother Logic. Shout out to my brother Logic. He had worked on several campaigns, Senator Dick Durbin's campaign, he worked on Obama's campaign at Illinois. He was a local politician. He was an elected politician in Springfield, Illinois. He was elected the uh committeeman, uh excuse me, precinct committeemen in Springfield, Illinois. So you know, I don't know if the brother was was saying that towards me, but we came out the gate talking about forming pats, et cetera, et cetera, so I just won't declared.

Now let me ask you that, and then you know you're my brother, I'm and.

You breaking up.

I know you want to give me the business, right, but your phone breaking, I already know where you're going to go.

You can you hear me?


So that was twenty nineteen. You just ran down all his credittions. He was an elected he was this, he was asked that. So I got one question for you.

Is the package?

Nope? Nope?

Then bottom line on that matter. In fact, it's even worse.

You're saying that you you got somebody at your table that know how important it is.

And here we are, here we are almost five years later, and y'all still.


Baby said yes, no, no, no, I said up.

Look look I said no.

But there's some things that happened in between some person and stuff that I'm.

Not right aka not set up.

But ultimately.

That's it, that's all it is. Let's just name let's just name it. And and at the end of the day, listen to Michigan. They set up in a matter of months. So when it comes down to organize, it don't matter what somebody's resume is. If you can't get can't get them people in the room, you can't get organized.

It don't matter.

In fact, it makes it worse. It makes it worse for me to run my resume down and can't get nobody in the room. It makes it worse to run my resume down and can't do what I did at least once or twice more than once, just to show that, hey, it wasn't just.

Some fluke that don't matter. Love, It really doesn't.

Always tells me is you had somebody at the table to know all of this and still didn't do it, and y'all four years in the game.

No disrespect. It just is what it is.

Fact, it's facts. I'm not I'm not offended by the facts at all. It's facts.

I will actually stop telling people that until you get it together. Honestly, I know like that means nothing Like here, it means nothing to me cause I'm about that action. Numbers always matter to me. Can you get in the room? Did it make a difference of me saying, oh, I know I can train people, I know I can get him in the room, or did it matter not him when you walked in the room and sell three hundred people?

What's the difference seeing the people right, Didn't that make a difference.

That's a fact. That's a fact, me.

Talking about anybody can talk about it. I they't all talk about it on this half. They all talk about what they can do.

And I'm on the ground and I'm in the grasd I'm on the curve and I'm on the concrete until it's time to paying that camera round and we can see who in that room. Paying the camera rounds so we can see who's in the room. All the rest of that is talk. If you can't do that, it's talk. This is a numbers game. It's not a YouTube game. It's not a land to playing games. Who got the best commentary game? All less important. End of the day, If you can organize and get people in the room, what action can you get them to do towards the movement. If it's not doing it, ain't got no action, it's just talking. Protests is very important. I don't ever want to dismiss that protests policy to paper. When I talk about suing people. All of that is important, but it's just one component of it. So when somebody's in front of me, tell me they did this and did that, and they passed and on it's gonna ask the same question that I asked you. And you know, I believe me a leadership and I'm ask every time, where's the pack?

At? Oh?

Well, you know we had what had happened?

Was got it? Where's the pack? Bottom line is it hasn't been started. And nobody on this app pass with the addition, with the exception of ady os, and none of them talk to me. So I don't know what they're doing, how successful it is or you know, I'm talking to y'all, but shout out to them for starting it. They don't like me, so which is fine. I'm not here to be liked, but shut out to them, you know, for having the actual I believe they have a five O one C four of them.

Here they got a C four. We did a C three.

But I mean, yeah, the scene C three is just a nonprofit. That's that's not It doesn't allow you to have paid that allow you to get behind issues. It's just a waste of time. So your leader that's been an elected official and working all these places, he should have known that he miss ledat.

No, No, not at all, not at all, not at all. It's just like I said, things happened that I won't get into right now. He ain't mislead us.

Somebody just said, don't do a five one No, no, no.

That was that was for a different purpose. That was for a different perpose.

Be the Power was gonna be the C four or the five two seven, and he was going to leave that right. So but I'm gonna and I'm gonna leave that there. It's not formed. And that's the lesson here, y'all, that we can't talk about it without without being about it, and it's just right.

I look forward to y'all forming it, you know, maybe by the fifth year. We're going into year five now, so I'm looking for I can't wait. I can't wait to tell people y'all go check out Be the Power, not just on YouTube and watching y'all read recite y'all books, but actually in an organization that they can donate to, that they can participate in, that they can do phone banking, in all the things that listen to Michigan. Just did y'all go look at Listen to Michigan the Listen to Michigan.


That's the ABRA A rab Americans for Progress that I put up there, and then at the at the bottom of that website you'll see, uh, listen, listen to Michigan, the listen to mission. Organization that is a hashtag is actually a rap Americans for Progress. Guess what a Americans for Progress is? They four O one C pack Political Action Committee. Let me say again, five oh one C four Political Action Committee. It is one thing to hashtag all day we ain't voting, we ain't vote, win't voting, w ain't voting. We sitting now, we sitting now, we sitting out. And there's another thing to actually have a pack with organizations with yes leaders, because all packs need leaders, and all packs have leaders.

By the way, nothing has happened to these leaders.

But to have an actual organization where you donate your money to that can fund you sitting on Twitter and bringing awareness, that can fund you sending literature out to folks that can fund actually getting people to the polls to vote against the person you're with and the person that you want to go against, do like they did, which had one hundred thousand people show up for no commitment. It's one thing to say I'm not going to vote for you if you're not a support of reparations. And it's another thing to organize one hundred thousand people in a city to say we're showing up to vote no commit meaning we want to put it on the record. See talk sounds so good, it sounds good. But when one hundred thousand people get out their bed and show up to vote at the polls for everybody. But you see, this is why voting is powered. I've never said vote for the person that you don't like what I'm trying to show you. It is a tool to show that yes, you exist. Talking behind fake names and avatar not real. We don't know if you really are who you say you are. We don't know where you live. There's no dabta, there's nothing. What was real was one hundred thousand people in Michigan went to the post under the direction of listening to Michigan. And that is why they're in the news all day, every day, and that is why Joe Biden is saying, that is why they're having to action.

I guess what.

They're not going to stop there. It's about fifteen other states that also have a no commitment. So why is reparations? They were challenging me about why is Paba, Why was I involved? Why are they not organizing for the reparation to be voting? No commitment? Where's that campaign that? Where's that Papa want to see at? Why are you not donating to that to get people to move? This is not chastising you. I'm just telling you what it is. Okay, I see a note. I don't know if you want me to say your name. But when a candidate had but I want to address this. When a candidate has a pack, that's not the same as what I'm telling people to do because that pack. So for example, you organize your pack. If I'm running for office, friends of Teseslim Figureo, that goal is to elect Teslim Figuo for whatever or whatever it is Telim Figarro is trying to do. When I'm saying a pack, I'm saying a pack that's not connected to a candidate, that's connected to a cause. So that's the difference with that. But yes, when people run in Congress, because they keep those packs open. They live off those packs. They keep them open. They transferred from one thing to another. A lot of people never close it because it took so much, you know, to get it open. So it'd be like friends. In fact, my former congress won went to jail over a package called friends of Coreen Brown. So yes, you have a pack running for as a candidate for Congress, but it is not the type of pack. You have to have a pack that I'm talking about that's not connected to a candidate, so that people can actually do something in their local community to get something done.

And if I and it's great if I support.

A candidates, don't live in my community by money, but it's not allowing me really to take a lot of action outside of a phone bank. So you want to have a pack that can have administrative duties and different things like that to do in your own local town.

If that makes sense. Two things can be true at the same time.

But at least you started something, because again a lot of people haven't started nothing at all.

Anything else before we get out.

Of here, No, no, I'm good, Thank you, sir.

No problem, honey, thank you.

I'm asking anybody else anything else on the floor, any other questions, the spell, any myths. Again, this is not to attack anybody, to make anybody as you saw. I mentioned a lot of people last week on Fox News because I do want you to know that I hear you, and I understand, and I can do what I can, but I'm just one person. At some point somebody has to, you know, take this by the reins and get some organizing guys. Somebody gonna have to raise their hand and say I'm willing to be the executive director. And no worries to SEEIA is not gonna come get you. No worries. You have a rip Americans for Progress that is going against Israel on the record.

So if anything, the options is listening to them. So don't worry about it. You're gonna be safe.

You starting Black Americans reparations or whatever it is, They're not gonna come looking for you. So get you an executive director that's not buying into that paranoia. Nobody's looking for you, I promise you now, if you can get a hundred thousand people to store in the capitol for a coup, then you might have some concern. But if you're just starting to pack to promote reparations to reparations, trust me, they're not going to be looking for you.

Let's stop that foolishness.

That's stop comparing ourselves to Martin, Luther King and Malcolm You're not Malcolm X, and you're not Martin Luther King.

So let's just stop that because that's ridiculous.

And what it's doing is it's keeping you on this app, living in this paranoia world, virtual matrix world, and not actually getting you involved in real life.

And I would like to see you involved in real life. No matter who it is.

That guy who wanted to support Joe Biden graat you want to go support them, you better stop ignoring these numbers. I guess he thought I was gonna go back and forth. I'm not debating like against or for Joe Biden. I'm telling you what the numbers look like. And I'm telling people on this app how you should be organizing people to go in the general elections. So I'm gonna give you this tip again. We know a general election is happening this year, so why don't y'all organize a write in campaign where people go write in reparations. Spend time, right, spend time organizing that. But that would mean you would actually have to organize though. That means somebody gotta be in charge. Somebody gotta have a schedule, Somebody got to make sure y'all talking to a certain amount of pep every day.

Somebody got to follow back up with those people.

Like when y'all came to my training and I tagged, I text and email y'all at least six or seven times.

Somebody gotta do that work. Who willing to do that work?

So all they has happened to make sure that one hundred thousand people get to the polls and write in. So I'm gonna give you this tip again, Let's see if they do it. Why don't y'all pick a state to do write ins? Pick a state where y'all feel like y'all strong at in real life and do that. So if mars Hell is running for Congress, well, what do you want to do, Marcel, because you want want to take Yeah, if Marcella is running for Congress in South Carolina, you already got a Canada that's gonna be in the battle in South Carolina. So why don't y'all help organize a write in under the president's name to go in and vote for Marcel and underwrite in put reparations.

If that's possible.

And I don't know South Carolina allow writing or not because I'm not familiar with your state.

I'm just giving you an example.

So if y'all not doing that and can't get fifty thousand people to show up twenty five thousand people show up. When I see y'all organizing mass numbers behind everything else and donating behind everything else, then you're just talking to me me seriously, because that's what's gonna make it on the news. That is guaranteed you gonna make it on the news. Twenty five thousand people showed up and wrote in reparations. They doing it with the white folks. They did it with no commitment, they did it with none of the If it's not Marcell, then picking up the state, y'all say, y'all so heavy in California and all these other states on the ground and on the grass and whatever, y'all talking about, where's the writing campaign at? Y'all say, y'all not voting anyway, So why don't you go up there and be counted as somebody who said I'm not voting because I'm voting for reparations.

That is where the power is sitting at home. Take a careless.

You're not even counted, You're not even in a mix. That's like you're threatening. Oh man, I'm gonna keep this good man from y'all ain't never met him. How could I miss what I never met? Introduce yourself to him as mister Reparations by going and writing it on the ballot. It's not going to Joe Biden. It's going to reparations. And don't let these theory conspiracy theory. Oh man, you do that, they're gonna change it over to Biden, cause I can see y'all making that shit up. Y'all the best at making sit up on this app do a writing. I look forward to hearing somebody start to write in campaign, to write in reparations somewhere, and somebody state whether it's Marcel or somewhere else, and let's just start low. Let's see if you can get ten thousand to show up. Don't listen to people say ten thousand and a big number. It really don't matter. Yes it is, because it's showing it is a real movement on paper that people that took their time to get out to brush their teeth and wash their ass and put their clothes on. That's how committed they are to stand in line to let you know, no check, no vote, sitting on this internet and just saying it it's not making the impact that you think it's important.

But it's time to push for a deeper impact.

So if you don't want to start the five twenty seven, if you don't want to start the five oh one four c, let me make it really clear to you right now, you don't have to do that to organize a write and writing campaign. So don't let that be the excuse sitting around waiting on tell them to start it. Somebody else has started. No, how about you get ten people on the phone, five people on the phone, say hey, y'all, we gonn do a writing campaign. What station should we do it in? Okay, We're gonna do it in South Carolina. Okay, cool, Let's pick up Marcelle and see how Hey, how can we do it? Can we get a write in in your state? Let me look it up online? Let me see is it a writing Okay?


Starting today, we're gonna start every day, we're gonna talk to thirty people in South Carolina. We're gonna purchase a phone list and we're gonna talk to thirty people in South Carolina that can go in and write in.


That's see, that's where the stuff people don't want to do that. See, that's where the work comes in. This is why I shut down people when they haven't done no work to be debating with me, because when it comes down to that work, it sounds good till you start giving people marked on what has to be done.

That's why I don't.

Entertain with the brother. Great conversation, but I don't entertain conversation. I have your works on campaign.

Oh no, I have it.

Okay, then we ain't talking from the same lens. Nobody they never want to.

Do that work.

Do that work, because it does make a difference where you gotta get up and flint and ten degree whether and go knock on doors. It makes a difference. Of course, I'm gonna see it from a different lens. I talk to them people I've engaged with, the people I know, the punks. You have to know that in order to sit up here and think you're gonna tell me about what Michigan gonna do. I don't care you just watching TV in here and they talking points and just coming back and regurgitating. It's different when you're on the ground. It's different when you've been on the ground. And on the ground don't mean the coolest person on the ground, the the whatever you think you are on the ground in the grass we the real grass roots, shut the numbers, and y'all know I'm messing with y'all heavy, in person, virtual whatever.

If I can be of help, I can. If I can't, I can't.

But I'm telling you how to get your story in the mainstream media so that they're forced to have to answer it now again. Every American president gonna be on Israel side. We can just go ahead and say that we know that to be true. That's not what this was about. This was about me showing you how a hundred thousand people went to the polls and y'all should be doing the same.

Thank you for your time.

I will put this back up on Straight Shot No Chaser Podcasts.

It'll be available next week.

You guys, have a wonderful week ahead and keep watching and we'll keep talking peace. If you like what you heard on Straight Shot No Chaser, please subscribe and drop a five star review and tell a friend. Straight Shot No Chaser is a production of the Black Effect podcast Network in iHeartRadio ONTIZLM figure Out and I'd like to thank our producer editor mixer Dwayne Crawford and our executive producer, Charlotta Magnea God. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.