
How to be more decisive: 069

Published Jun 27, 2017, 6:00 PM

Kelly and Carly are both incredibly decisive people. Mostly because neither can handle the time-wasting aspect of taking ages to come to a decision.

In this episode they share their best tips for taking the agonising out of your decision-making process:

  • Spend your decision allowance on things that matter
  • Use the information you have to make a decision
  • Don’t let base desires lead the way
  • Give yourself a time limit
  • Don't negotiate with yourself over stupid things
  • Stop trying to extract maximum happiness out of every decision
  • Take an outside perspective
  • Practice mindfulness

For more info on Kelly and Carly, and to see any links or resources mentioned in today’s episode, head over to or come join the Straight and Curly group on Facebook .

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The podcast for self-improvement junkies. Each week Carly Jacobs and Kelly Exeter chat about their b 
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