Episode five kicks off with a fun dance party, but things turn seriously pretty quickly with a pregnancy scare!
Courtney, Daphne, and Laura are back with the first episode dealing with a serious topic! Jane finds out she is pregnant but decides to keep the news from Michael when he reveals he is not ready to be a Dad . . . and then she decides not to keep the baby without telling him either! The ladies break down the drama, which they feel is a turning point for the show, their thoughts on the storyline, how it's still relevant today, questions Darren Star needs to answer, the scene they found hilarious (they get the giggles), and why Courtney feels this is the episode where the cast really starts to gel!
The trio also talks about the behind-the-scenes hilarity of shooting bar and club scenes, a surprise call with Doug Savant to answer some pressing questions, and why he has major beef with the ladies!
Still the Place with Laura Layton, Courtney Thorn Smith.
And Daphne's Aniga and iHeartRadio podcast.
Hey everybody, welcome back. It's just still the Place. It's so good to see you guys.
So great to see you.
Always see you.
I had a very exciting day yesterday. Do I know what happened to me yesterday?
So. I had my normal day and I exercised and then I like to have a bath, so I turned my bath on and then I go down and I went downstairs for a sec and I opened my fridge and realized I didn't have cottage cheese. And I'm obsessed with cottage cheese and berries right now. So what do I do. I go to the store and I do my shopping. I'm wandering, I'm checking out, and I went, I think my bath is running.
Oh dear, no, I just know.
And Laura just had flooding, and I was thinking, oh my god. Laura just said flooding. Well, I know who to call for a flooding guy, and I raised home. I went, well, you don't want to be dangerous. But luckily, I said a store very close to my husband. I'm going home and I'm thinking towels. Towels, run, run run. I raised in it are race up stairs, and the drain on my tub had kept it so it was a very close store and it did not flood. But I literally had that thing where it. I was like, I think I turned the tub on, and it was just that total mind fart of opening a fridge. I need cottage cheese right to my car. Girl like, oh, I call.
That middle age brain, by the way, Well, they were, well, yeah, because you'll have a thought and then you'll you can either go act on it, which is a total possibility apparently in middle age, Like just go act on it, and then you'll have another thought at the end of that first thought, and then you're like, well should I act on that one note? That's just a thought. I don't have to, And before you know it, like the one task you want to get done that morning hasn't been done.
No, that's but you.
Normally because I've done this before. I set my watch. I started it when Jack was little. I always set as bath and I would get caught up and doing little kid things. So I set it for ten minutes because that's all it takes. And I didn't say I thought I certainly don't need to because I'm just going down to the fridge for a sec.
So until the storm happened.
If I have middle aged brain, that leads it's luckily I didn't go to the store and go you know what I need? I need to go to the hardware store, and then it would have been drill.
And then I'm going to a century city that drain could only have worked for so long. I'm glad to hear that the overflows. It's good to know you put it to the test.
And I hate that I wasted any water. Feel terrible at wasting water. But I'm so relieved that it wasn't all over my floor because I literally I thought about Laura.
That would have been a very different story. Yes, I know, blood.
Disaster, especially because you were saying during construction you might need to come to my house to film the podcast. And then what if my house was also getting flood work done? No, what's gonna happen.
I guess we're going to move in here in the studio.
It's safer.
You know.
The rubber walls were padded. Yeah, we need padded.
It's always so fun to see you and Courtney. I see you in another adorable dress.
I am this is a bell by a least, which I was going to wear something else today, but then this called out to me, so yeah, yeah, I love it.
If it works, change it popular.
We were talking about coordinating. It was like, well, I'm always in blue occasionally pink, so that's easy. You know this corn was going to be yep, you match the pillows I do today. Yep, that's nice.
It's been so fun reading the comments that we're getting people responding to our recaps and our guests, and it's been so fun to read those. We want to continue to encourage people to interact with us on our socials. It's been really fun for us to have that sort of interaction here. Everybody's reactions and stories may.
Add if they go to still the place the Instagram and DM them or go to the comments there, then.
For sure Still our producer will see them there.
I've been loving the questions and the comments, and yeah, it's really great.
We had to know that it's really reaching people.
Is fun.
Somebody in our DMS recently reminded us that after the show ended, after all of the seasons ended, there was a way that you could get a vile of the swimming pool water as a keepsake. I saw that somebody reminded us of that in the DMS. Is something I never would have remembered if we weren't being reminded from our fans.
I know, why don't we have that? I wasn't given the opportunity for some pool water, but maybe we can buy it on eBay fans.
Yeah, pool water. I thought that was very funny. Anyway, we wouldn't know if you didn't tell us, So please keep them coming.
Yeah, let us be telling stuff.
But so yeah, we're here for episode five of melrose Place, which is titled Leap of Faith. It's season one, episode five. It aired August fifth, nineteen ninety two. This one was directed by Bethany Rooney.
Which I may want to jump in.
She's amazing.
She's amazing. She's a very prolific director.
And she wrote a book called Directors Tell the Story that I read and when I was shadowing to direct my first film, which I did for Lifetime, and her book was like the only thing out there, Directors Tell the Story.
You might want to read it.
It's it's amazing, like everything from locations to on set to shots, just the how to. She breaks it all down. And I just wrote her an email and just said, I just want to thank you. I loved working with you on Meloy's Place. But this Bible, it's a bible.
That's great that I remember her directing, and I think she was our first female director. She must have been, and it was really rare then. I mean it's a lot more common now, but it's very rare. And I remember she the men would question her, like the crew guys. We had a lovely crew, but it was a sign of the times, right. It was a more sexist time, and she would say something. They'd say, are you sure, and she would just very calmly say yes, I am very direct, very calm, and I was like, wow, she just held her She didn't get defensive, she didn't. She just stayed very She was so clear. And I don't even know if you weren't there yet, but she had shorter days. She knew exactly what she wanted. She was very clear, very calm. Her direction was clear and calm. I remember feeling so safe when she was there. So I love that she wrote a book. I will read that. I really admire her.
She is very she is all of those things you describe. She will continue to come back to Melrose. I think she does at least five Melrose Yes Place episodes. But then I also worked with her on Pretty Liars. She did Desperate Housewives with Doug and Marcia, so she did.
It's been so nice to see her be so successful, and she's a terrific director. I would love to work with her anytime, and a.
Really great example of how women at that time had to be better than anybody. And she was so clear and so on top of it. And I just remember her being unflappable and watching her not react and not are you sure? Are you sure? And she's yes, I am yes, iow solid as a rock.
That's amazing.
She wrote the book.
She could I could throw the book at you.
I will read that, I am.
That is so cool.
It's interesting.
So this episode was of course created by Darren Starr, written by Darren Starr and Ellen Herman. I am going to be using my glasses again today.
Yeahs up, they are people.
We are ready for our recap and episode five. We begin in the courtyard where all of the apartment residents are dancing in various styles. I will point out. They're hanging out by the pool and everyone's dancing. There's some sort of fun party happening. And the next thing we know, they're throwing Billy in the pool, fully clothed, and we realize that the reason they've thrown him in the pool is to celebrate a job he's recently landing. He's going to be He's got a new column in a local sort of he describes it as a rag, like a throwaway newspaper, but it's a column. Nonetheless, he's going to have a writing job. Everybody's congratulating him, and he says he's going to write about himself and adventures, and Jake sort of doubts that he might have adventures at all.
And I turned this on and I was just like, oh, look at us dancing like eager young people. First of all, that anybody thinks this is what people do by the pool on a day. They start doing the hustle, like we were doing some sort of organized dance. Doug and I were doing like.
Jake and Sandy. We're doing like the two step, like some Western swing.
There's, you know, Jake and Sandy off doing their own private, little dirty dancing moment. Yes, Yeah, there was a whole There was a variety of dance tips.
It was very funny. I was thinking, Wow, we were really eager to please them. That would not have flown in a later season, would have been like, no, we're not we're not dancing. That is ridiculous.
Early you remember how.
Many times because you guys threw Billy in with all of his clothes on, which is, as we know, a huge.
Reset if you don't get it right the first time.
Do you remember?
By Tim, I'm so sure we did it like you, Laura was talking about the wedding dress scene. I'm sure we did it up until the moment of throwing him in up you, until we knew that we had it.
Yeah, I mean, I'm sure they had to have doubles of wardrobe. But still it would take.
A long and it was like the second half of the scene. He was already wet, and then there's one more thing and Jake just does another little one, like not even pushing back in so he couldn't start out with.
When Andrew walked in, I remember thinking those are weird, huge, weird pants, Like he said, what do we have four of Let's take these pants. You're back in style like that's ww my son's pants are like he gets some three sizes too big. That's what that's what the kids are doing now, Daphne. Okay, but at the time it looked so out of characters, like, oh, that's why they needed something. They had several of Yeah, funny.
Well, then we have Michael enter the scene and he's a static bought something and then they end up shoving him into the pool too. When he's celebrating his good day and.
He's excatic because he saved the life.
He saved life, and he was weird.
Like it must have been before hippo because we're like, oh, the one who did the one like he's apparely coming home but exactly.
What the patient had, Yeah she lived. How nice interesting way of celebrating. So then we cut to Michael and Jane's apartment and Michael is talking about, uh, he's just like monologuing about oddly chipper.
Michael's oddly chipper in this episode.
Just on about you somebody all of a sudden and we see that on the other side of the bathroom door, Jane is inside the bathroom opening up a pregnancy test, so we realize she's concerned about that.
And did you also notice how different the pregnancy test looked. Yes, the nineties really recognized how a pregnancy test in the nineties. It was like a little pot. Maybe they made it bigger so that the we could see it. I think a little proll of pink. Yeah, maybe maybe they did that so everyone in the audience could see it because it was a big pink thing.
Well, it did say very clearly on it pregnancy tests, so we all we definitely know what's going on. And Michael is clueless on the other side of the bathroom.
Door, but he doesn't like that she's not answering responding, so he's like, Jane, yeah, you know, like you listening to me and opens.
The door and she's like, hi, Michael.
So then she ends up at her boutique where Alison is trying undresses and Jane just sort of casually mentions, oh, yeah, I'm pregnant.
And by the.
Way, Michael doesn't know yet, You're the first person I've told. Yeah, that was kind of a bomb dropping for Alison.
It is kind of I mean, I do like what I like about this episode is that it feels like they're really bringing us together as friends. Obviously you only tell a friend that, and I met her boutique. I'm like, oh, now we're starting to overlap our lives a little bit more, which I liked. Although I'm like, she tells me she's pregnant and I'm sitting there, I've got my arms crossed, which feels like that's great. I'm like, hug her. I just like what I wanted Alison to be nicer to Billy. I'm like, Alison hug Jane. So I don't know why it's such a weird. Maybe it wasn't.
In the direction give yourself a break.
I didn't say she didn't hug her because now I would say, obviously I would hug her, So instead I'm like, all shut down, cross.
Well, it's also I feel like it was also sort of all of a sudden, the episode was going to be about something. It was a really big deal. Like, up until now, we've sort of had episodes that are about, oh, is Jake going to be able to make his rent money? Is you know whatever, Ronda going to be able to reschedule her aerobics class, like, and then all of a sudden, this is going to be a big storyline. So I feel like this was a bit of a turning point to go, oh, this is a this is a serial topic here you know where, and we see that it does become an even bigger topic. But I felt like it was the first kind.
Of went deep.
Yeah, you know, the special episode.
Of and So that's also Allison learns that Michael doesn't know yet, and and that Jane is telling Allison is the first person to know. But back in Allison and Billy's apartment, Billy is at the computer typing and he seems frustrated. He's trying to work on his Colling computer.
I mean the size of a microwave.
It's a giant block.
And I was watching with a girlfriend and she said those were considered portable. Yeah, because of the screen like that, it was huge, but she said they were actually considered portable and they went in a case.
Yeah, he had like a nice like portable one. But that was just the mon sewing machine, right, I mean there was still probably like a big like unit underneath the death right of.
Like operating PEQ.
Right, it was giant.
But also while he's typing, and he's also throwing away pieces of paper like paper, he's you know, not throw that out, crumble it up and throw it. Wait a minute, you're typing on a computer.
But he his handwriting like Hemingway, and then was trans.
Printing it and then anger throw it. I mean, like I say, shoot the visual like, oh we get this is how many drafts have not worked out because we can see your pilot of paper behind you. But wait a minute, aren't you working on a computer.
I didn't even notice that, and I probably he probably didn't catch it at the time. That's so funny.
I was so confused. I had to rewind and go, did I miss something.
The beginning of computers? We didn't, But what was the paper?
Then he had to crumple up.
He was writing, but I think he was writing Longhand. But what I'm saying is computers were not like everywhere back then. It wasn't like you pull it out of your purse. And so he was, you know, trying to do both. Like he's writing and then he's trans what do you call it transcribing it?
Okay, Daphne's Story's got a justification where it really doesn't make sense. It works for you.
I respect it. And he put on her director hat and say this is why.
I was justifying I was I was totally head scratched. A paper comes from like, yeah.
This is the time in history where we don't know what that's for.
Yeah, I was head scratching. But he did like have a giant pile of frustration paper behind him. And then so Alison comes home and finds him cleaning out the fridge because he's so frustrated he can't get it is writing done, and so he decides to clean.
The offended for Alison, because Alison would have a clean fridge. That was it. Excuse me, my fridge is very clean.
Yeah, like something exploded in there. They made it very filthy for him.
To the food like the know, like where are the piles of food that happened when you clean out your fridge?
No, and you no longer care about post its or labeling. Is just like whatever you threw the food out? Yeah I used to care.
Let's get his shirt off and move on.
I no longer care. And so you're like, oh, you're frustrated with your writing. It's okay, you know, there's nothing wrong with being ordinary. He thinks he needs more adventure and so he says, you know what, I need to work on my drinking problem. Let's go to Shooters. Yeah, off they go. But before we see them at Shooters, we find Michael and Jane are dancing at a Mexican restaurant. Which did anybody notice?
I mean, was it like Lawrence Welk like dancing and the like.
Dancing Mexican restaurant?
Yeah, like what kind of places in theater?
What's happening?
It was? It was a very sort of interesting vibe. But what is what is the genre here at this at this Mexican restaurant? But there Lawrence well Mariacci, Yeah, what it was? It was, And they're dancing and then they're going to have dinner, so it's like a supper club. But it was a bizarre place. I want to know where it was. Does it still exist?
It's a good idea, I would guess not anybody for all of you at home. This is where the idea was born.
There anymore?
I wonder why it didn't last? So yes, But this is where Jane has decided to brush the subject and ask Michael if he, you know, wants children's Yeah, she says, I wouldn't have a baby, and.
His reaction is, shall we say, not what you'd hope for?
Yes, why because I like babies? Yeah, yeah, he doesn't like babies.
He's got a lot of a lot of bad a lot of negative ideas.
But already know, she knows she's pregnant, and she's sort of just testing the water in a way, like as a hypothetical, and he immediately is putting the kobash on it and Nope, it's too soon and you know, five years or whatever, not even close. So that's pretty devastating for Jane to sort of grapple with. But then we do go to shooters.
Oh wait, he suggests getting a dog suggestion to his wife asking about having children, not like why are you asking?
Are you okay? It's like, why don't we get a don't we get you a dog?
Although, in his defense, right, she's not being honest, she's not being clear, So he thinks they're having a theoretical discussion. He doesn't know they're having real discussions. So that's why you should really just tell the truth, be direct, because there's too much room for this miscommunication, which is the basis of every TV show, So it has to.
Be But I do think the answer to a lot of problems is to get a dog.
Usually I happen to agree with you answer to every problem again, that.
Is a puppy, please, yes, So yes. We find Bill at Shooters where he's trying to become a drinker and Allison is saying, yeah, it's it's just not all that I could have told you that it wasn't wasn't a great idea to become a drinker. But as he's trying to be more interesting and adventurous income Jake and Matt who are having a boys night and they joined them at the bar where Matt regales them with a story about his day at work and.
Which is kind of I thought it was fun to see because kind of the first time I saw Doug coming in his mat like he had a lot to It's probably the most he's gotten to say so far on the show. It's an interesting story. It was all of his energy. He's very very funny, which he doesn't get to be as Matt often enough, and it was really fun to see him come in. And I also felt like that was a scene where I thought we really look like friends.
Yep, like before people are hanging out to were acting.
You do a good job, but here, like you can tell we're really laughing, we're authentically connecting, we're having fun being together in the scene. So to me, it felt like episode five is where we gelled as a cast.
Yeah, there was a lot of like friends were.
Missing you guys obviously well, but until I felt like we gelled in this.
Those of us that were there.
Yes, we're jelling, and I did like seeing dancing by the pool and now the gelling is continuing and you guys are just this this like sant Elmo's Fire for God's sake.
Yeah, No, there were there were like more groupings that were more than just one on one conversations. They were like droopings for things that were coming.
Everyone's like, you know, you guys are all helping Billy.
Get a life.
Basically, Okay, we all have a mission, right, We're gonna send him to an adventure.
You know.
Oh, he's feeling like down because he hasn't experienced anything.
He's regular.
Maybe I'm going ahead, probably, but I just love like the guys are all we're on a mission to for him to pop his adventure.
I wish that had been in the script because that was a good line.
Once again, there you go.
Well, and so in comes in the bar, in comes this guy with a neck brace, which, like, you know, when we the audience sees this guy, it's absurd that somebody in a neck brace decides, Oh, I know what I need to do. I need to go out to Shooters tonight. My neck brace.
Well, this is that reminded me when when dappyad reminded me of the line, Like we were talking about favorite lines from the show, and Andrew had a line in the scene before which was they get into bar brawls and go through women like kleenex ew. And then in this scene it shooters, I'm talking about Emily Dickinson, and Andrew goes, what a candy ass about like she never left her house?
She look at her? What a candy ass?
Yeah, so those are my two favorite lines from the show.
That's fantastic. But then not a candy ass is this guy standing at the bar and his neck brace. And Billy's like, Dinda know, how'd you get the net?
Dude? What's that? Tell me all about it? You must have been in you know, some exciting story. And he says, oh, actually I got this bungee jumping And then proceeds to tell this like was he the most dire, like I was doing this and I was it was like this and I got it was like he was you know, it was grim and it was dire and it was like like and Billy's like, oh really, yeah.
That was The guest star was John Bradley and he went on to do Independence Day like Firefight, Days of Our Lives.
He sounds like he had a good career, but he was.
He was.
He was guy in neck brace, but very inspired. He was. He triggered all the whole episode of things for Billy and the guys to do, because of course Billy's like, we gotta do this, and you guys are doing it with me, and he says to the guys that they were going to do it and.
They jumped right on board. And Jake was almost giddy in this scene, like Jake kind of came out of like angry Jake and he was like happy one of the guys, Jake. That was fun to see, Yes, I was.
I did also notice, do you guys remember shooting it in shooters or any bar where they're like, it's going to be really loud. There's a lot of people in here. Yes, and we're gonna have loudness under your scene in posts, so go ahead and shout at each other. Yeah, And these guys were shouting this entire scene at each other, and I could just tell, oh my god, they were given the direction that it's gonna be so loud, and then they didn't bring up the background in post production. You got to go back and see the scene that music really.
Yeah, we finally figured it out in later episodes. I remember having that discussion and the director would say that, we said, you say that, but our experience is, yeah, they never do, and we look like crazy people yelling at each other for no reason.
The very mild, understated song underneath, like just mellow music. It is not pumping like you know, remember that.
Yes, this reminds me of all the eighties movies that we did, and like the nineties, because there were so many club and bar scenes and like that would be all the time. They bring the music in, they bring the playback, the smoke would come in. They go, remember, you gotta yell at each other, and you're like, it's quiet because on set it has to be quiet because all the background noise comes in later and post production and you go, oh my.
God, that God is so hot.
I know, I think he's looking at you.
You know, you just feel like a jerk.
These guys committed to the direction and they were shouting there, wow, we're so young a knight.
We were so eager.
Then so funny you guys. So then we're back at the Mexican restaurant and we see Jean still trying to kind of probe the subject and talk to him more about having a baby, and he's recalling that his parents had babies too young. He doesn't think it's a good idea, and maybe.
Just piling it on, it's just getting worse and worse for your heart.
You know.
Josie, she's so good at being vulnerable and you just look at her and it's just it was breaking my heart, just like no, no, Michael, take it back, take it back, say.
It because this is where he's he's sort of speaking to her like she's a It's like he's condescending. He's like, yeah, oh honey, oh no, no, no, I.
Have different conversations.
Yes, it just felt like such a talking to a child. Said great, but that like dog great to your point, like Josie's moment there as Jane was so vulnerable, like I don't want a dog like that's it was such a beautiful moment.
Yeah, she dealt with that.
Are they are the characters of Jane and Michael different?
Are they very different in age? Because he, I know she in real life was like twenty one.
She was twenty one.
Is he much older the character because he was in her like a child.
But I don't think they were writing that he was that much older as a character. I think it was just he is older. I think is Mike. I think, yeah, Thomas is older than Josie. But I don't know that the character of Michael and Jane were supposed to be like a big age gap of a marriage. They're married, they're going through their first you know, one bedroom apartment together. He's doing is he's an intern, right?
And and.
That's older that it was just sort of like the delivery of it that I think gives you that idea that he's speaking to somebody.
Throughout the whole episode, you're just.
Like, yeah, yeah, that was.
Good into it not a great feeling.
And poor Jane is you know, just dealing with big stuff. So anyway back at the courtyard, she's it's The next day, she's leaving for work in the morning and Alison sees her and says, you know, she reveals that she hasn't she still hasn't told Michael, and not only that she is on her way, she says she's thinking of maybe not having the baby.
You know, I became aware of to you in these scenes in the courtyard. We have a lot of very private conversations at full voice in the courtyard, like so to voute Jay, Allison take it down a notch, like, don't yell congratulations across as we're saying he doesn't know yet, right.
Well, I don't think that a lot happened in the courtyard.
I'm not whispering. We're just yelling at everywhere. We're just yelling.
There's definitely more yelling in the courtyard coming up. But yeah, this it seemed like that was a big moment again to go, yeah, I haven't I haven't told him yet, and it was just like, ooh, Allison's in on this secret and just really yeah. So out on this sidewalk we see Michael and Jake together, which is another fun pairing. We haven't seen them sort of piling around and I love that dynamic of when they're walking down the street together, we get to see them sort of differently. Jake wasn't brooding and Michael wasn't condescending, like they were together as friends, and it was really like sort of refreshing.
And you get to see him on the avenue, you know, you get to see the environment that the Melrose, you get to see West Hollywood. It was really I love it when they shoot out there, when we all would shoot out there.
But I wonder if they were trying combinations at that time, like, because this feels like everybody mus together in different combinations in this episode.
Yeah, I thought it was really cute. And they're they're walking down the street and talking about Mike. Michael sort of saying, yeah, Jane wants to, you know, think about having a baby, and I'm just not ready for that.
And then he adds in there are other interns, you have kids, and they have unhappy marriages. It's like really piling it on at this point.
Yeah, and and but he has some weird donut analogy too. There was a thing about donut in a hole and I didn't catch it. I didn't I didn't want to even go by, like I don't want to know. I don't.
So anyway, Billy drives up, Billy drives up, that's ready, drives a cab I forgot.
And he just happens to be driving down to see his buddies over again, Alice and Corney.
But then then that's where he says, Hey, you know, Jake, we're going bunch of bunch of jumping Michael, you should come. And Michael's like, are you freaking kidding? No, no way, so he says no. But that was really funny to have them all like, oh, fancy meeting you here? I know. So cute. So then we're back at the apartment building and Ronda and Sandy are in their apartment. Ronda is preparing a full fish for dinner and talking about maybe adding some nutritional counseling to her classes, and she's dancing and cooking very happy fish and she's got this giant fish that she's contained low carb.
Do you remember all that from back then that.
They every four years. Yeah, it's just like I think we're back there now. They call it something else against.
But here comes Jane knocking at the door, and she has dresses for run and Sandy to try on. And she seems to be very excited a little man.
Maybe yeah, very worked out.
Do you think that was a hormonal thing like something.
I think she's trying not to think about something. So she's she's distracted dresses or I was wondering.
If it also did he say something the night before that was like remember when you wanted your designs to take off and you wanted like funky dresses this and that, Like did did something he said? Did it trigger her to go, oh, yeah, I need a double down.
Let me get back to that, and like maybe like maybe that's just wondering why she was Really.
She's not doing this very important thing. She's trying to distract herself, okay, right, and need to see that, and she's doing this kind of manic, disconnected energy because she needs to do is sit down and talk to her husband about this very real issue.
Totally mm hm. And so she presents the girls with these dresses to try on. Here, try these on. I'm so excited to share these designs with you.
And and they're big gunnysacks. They're like huge, pretty hidious, right, they're really horrible.
You have the thought, why didn't you try them on?
Did you why, yes, I did put them on.
Yeah, Jane, did you.
Try them on first before you.
Brought them to other Yeah, they're certainly not your size, Jain No, and there was like a patchwork thing that wasn't even it was like, yeah, they were very definitely something visual comedic moment. But but I think also she was out of her body when she's not for body, just trying to distract.
Yeah, I agree, But then Runda pays since she's in the kitchen, it comes out holding this fish by the tail, as you do I've done a million times.
We're having this for dinner.
Yeah, you must not feel well. Let me show you this.
I mean, wouldn't anyone throws when you're cooking a chicken because you bring out the whole chicken. It's really uncomfortable for everybody.
But that was the direction, so she did.
She did it.
She's holding the fish, and then it was the opportunity for us to see Jane feel sickness. She runs to the bathroom, and all of a sudden, the girls know exactly what's happening, and she throws a bathroom and luckily that was off camera, and Sandy and asks are you pregnant?
And it is not surprisingly, Sandy has a lot of friends who's been.
Pregnant, friends, friends back in her hometown.
So now there's two more people who learn that Gane is pregnant. And she also tells the girls that Michael doesn't know yet and please don't say it thing most importantly.
Because he doesn't want one and we don't want to.
She doesn't want to wreck his plans, right and I'm not she's not ready to deal with it, and that she's told girls but not him. So then we cut to Billy, who is having another nightmare. Billy is the one who has a very active sort of imagination, imagination and having.
A dream sequence shirtless scene for sure, best scene he's in bed no no no, which was appropriate he could make it.
Because Billy was the one who had the dream sequence before, right, yeah.
Down in the daytime at night and then and he also had the Noir one where yeh.
So now he's the writer, right, he's just.
Like Okay, so I say, just as a suicide, I now think of Darren Star like whenever I see I think of Darren who was a writer as a kid and always wanted to and you know, he created Billy and I wonder if like these things are overlay his life.
We'll have to get him in here.
We have to get him in here and ask him so many questions. Yeah, so Billy's nightmare is all about climbing to the top of a high dive, and and his parents are in the nightmare in the dream and they're encouraging him to jump, just jump, and he's terrified. And then his dream morphs where it's actually him and he's terrified, and then he's falling and he startles himself awake, yelling out in his sleep, which makes Allison come running sort of like she's heard him yelling, Billy, are you okay? So then she comes in and, as concerned as she may be, Betty's been screaming at his sleep. What did Then You're like, well, I know this one story like instead of comforting, You're like, well, there's this one story where the rope wasn't long enough and he died. It was not really like the most comforting thing.
Oh my god, I think Alison I had some trauma as a child.
She's not very comforting.
Well, I do know of this one situation, He's right, Yeah.
And then you know in dreams when you die, then you really die.
Yeah, that never happens, but it doesn't happen very often. You're fine, good night, good night.
Oh my god, that's so funny. Oh yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Some kind of help is the kind of help we all could do without. That's what Allison's personifying here. Oh my god, that's hilarious.
More adds to his anxiety. I thought, she's like, I don't think bungee jumping is a good idea.
And by the way, maybe don't help Allison. Yeah, maybe we just don't help.
Maybe Emily Dickinson wasn't such a candy.
Well, you think after the time when I told him Miss Script was terrible, he would go, maybe she's not the nurturing source I could go to.
You just come, You're like, you want the truth, go to this one.
My word.
Well, in her defense, I think she didn't want him to do the jump. So but that was like her way of like discouraging from it, going you know this is that is a very sweet.
Way to look at it. I think she was just being an insensitive claude. I can't end.
So then back in the courtyard, Billy and Matt are it's the morning of and it is apparently early morning because they're going to wake Jake up with a knock on the door and say it is time. It is the day and we are doing this. We're going bungee jumping.
And he's shirtless yep, of course.
And Matt is manically drinking his morning coffee.
But off they go. They're going through with it and we'll see what happens there. Jane comes to Alison's apartment and now that everybody's gone, she tells her that she has made a decision. Michael is not at the apartment, neither is Billy, so she comes to Alison to let Alison know that she has decided she doesn't want to keep the baby.
So we take a very intense turn. All were light light, light, bunge, bungee, bungee. But it's like, wow, it got real, big stuff got real. Wasn't that shocking?
Yeah? I was shocking. It was very bru And she wants you to come with her to the clinic in this scene, right, So.
That's part of why they probably put us together in the beginning, because they have to go, oh, now, we need to make them friends really quickly. To establish it. They're good friends, because she's going to come to her to take her to the clinic. Now, obviously you would just say, no, you can't. You have to tell you can't do this, you have to tell him, but she does.
She does bring it up.
I mean honestly, like if a friend came and told you that, you would say, you have to you cannot.
I don't agree. I don't agree at all. I yeah, and I and this.
Is interesting, Well I don't I think that.
So what caught me in this whole thing was the burden they thought.
She's caring, She's holding this, she has to make the decision, she has to try to tell her husband, who doesn't want to hear about it.
She has to she's all alone.
You know, these guys are all planning to bungee jump together, and like, that's so scary. But I was thinking about that, you know, I mean, that's what choice is about. And yet I don't know what I would do. I've never been pregnant, I don't have children. I never wanted them, so I don't really have, you know, a valid voice in this.
But you know, it's different for everybody. I don't think everybody.
Would make that choice. I think that you would obviously, and I don't know what the rest would do. But if a friend came, I don't know that you'd automatically insist that she tell her husband or her boyfriend or whatever.
Well, I think it's just interesting, Like you said, this, this episode has stuff that's just so light and you know, goofy, and then this this is a really serious topic that in nineteen ninety two Aaron Spelling was willing to tackle this topic and write about it. And like it took me by surprise just in general that it came up in this episode, that all of a sudden we were talking about a really big deal. But just to think that, like this was a topic thirty two years ago, right, and then it's such a relevant conversation today of course.
But I'm not talking about whether or not she has the right to choose. And you said husband or boyfriend, it's not the same thing to me, Like it's her choice, obviously, but in a marriage, to withhold something like that from a husband, that's a marriage killer. That's what I was thinking. Yeah, I completely think she gets to choose. She has complete control over her body. That's her choice. But as a friend. If a friend came to me and said, I'm not going to tell my husband something this important, I would say, now, again, Alison's young, she's not married. As someone who has been married, I would say, you can't withhold something like this, right, I mean, it ends up we're going to get to this, but it ends that ends up coming from the counselor at the clinic, not her friends. Or do you think is interesting although again we're so young. Maybe yeah, I don't know. Maybe I'm just like, Okay, you want to be a supportive friend. Okay, I'm here for you. It's just to do to consider something like that without telling your husband. It's really a big deal. It's a really big deal.
And the story really wasn't about like judging whether the choice was right or wrong, or good or bad or It wasn't about that. It was more like, what what are people in their twenties, you know, grappling with and how might that look? And like, obviously many people think it's a bad choice not to share this news with your husband. They are in a marriage. This is you know, this was a baby that came from a marriage between two people, and so that idea that this is a bad choice that a twenty something might be making to go I just can't tell him, you know, or like not knowing how to do that. So the story was more about that, not not like making the judgment on on sort of the choice at all.
You know.
I just thought it was really I thought they were setting up that it wasn't safe for her to tell him. As to your point, he piles it on, piles it on, the writers piled on. They wanted to make this very.
You know, extreme.
He was his was no, and so then to say to her you have to tell him, it's like I just felt for her.
Well, you know you're not in that marriage.
Well I felt for her too. If it had been physically not safe, if he were abusive and it wasn't safe, that feels like another issue to me. But look indurating how much we're talking about it. And it was just this one simple scene. It really was so much to put into an episode. It was a contrasted with the bungee jumping. Yeah, it was like, wow, when you were a bungee jumping again and he we're talking about.
This, yeah, very serious topic and it's obviously you know, up till now we've had stories that are like neatly wrapped up. After that episode, we talk about it, they resolve and everybody smiles at the end of the episode, and we never talked about the thing again, like now we finally have something. This is like a big life and high stakes and it's not just you know.
I like how the writers really illustrated how it was all on her, Like, I know, biologically that's obvious, but he was surrounded by buddies, he had a problem that wasn't that big in comparison. She had a husband who didn't want to hear from her, didn't listen to her. It was all about his needs and his plan. And I just like how they really showed that this is a massive not just the decision of what to do, but also how to find you know, ears and comfort and solace and someone helped me figure this out even do I tell him?
Do I not? And then the other decision too.
I just felt like that was really they really did commit to showing that it was all on her, this young woman all by herself a lot.
But she's confided in her friend Allison, who now has you know, she's carrying this this sort of burden too, that like, oh, my friend is about to make a big decision one way or the other, and she's not including her husband, and now she's carrying this as her friend. But she wants to be there for Jane and be there for her friends, so they know.
And then we cut to the freeway and the jeep and these guys are so care free and they're gonna go jump off a bridge because they got nothing else better to do.
Remember, just flaughing books. I remember when they pulls out Matt's car, Doug was like really purple, Like was I think a little purple cheep?
I thought, okay, that is kind of the realist, the bluest, but it wasn't quite a jeep. It was something else. Do you guys think, do you remember Suzuki Samurai was.
Going because obviously Matt was gay, and he goes, isn't this a bit on the nose? Like it was this purple Tuzuki. I remember, really.
I remember wanting Suzuki Samurai in the nineties, like I believe were the cutest cars. But Matt got yes, it was the feminine jeep.
It was the feminine version of.
Very cute, and they were very festive.
They were they were having a ball.
They were drive Mayada, remember the bat too.
That was the Mayada and the Cabriolets. Remember Cabriolets.
Did you have it?
I feel like you had a rabbit. You had a rabbit, I did.
What did you have?
I first had I had a Ford Explorer and then I got your first w Oh no, my first was a piece of crap, Toyota I'm talking about.
I had a rabbit first.
Yeah, I had used Toyota.
Yeah, I had an ancient Mustang too. That was my first. Very sister then came to me.
That's cool.
Yeah, the guys are ring bunge jumping. They see the bridge. Did you guys recognize where that was where message for bungee jumping? You didn't recognize it was La River right? I think it was in Pasadena. I think it's the Royal Seko like And by the way, it's in Pasadena right near the the Rose Bowl where there's the Aquatic Center, and that was where they did the high dive for Billy's dream sequence. He was standing on the high dive location. I recognize that as the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center, the Rose Bowl swimming cool and then they must have done those on the same day because then they did the exterior shots to see the bridge, and just right outside the.
Tarafra was a bridge, no water, there's there's a little puddle on the bottom, but that ground cement.
And they show the footage of the guy who like the first one I thought when they showed it was bouncing on the cord whatever. I thought, maybe that was a dummy. I don't know, but like he bounces back up and he comes so close to.
And then the bridge. Yeah.
And then the second time you see that it's not a dummy, it's a guy. And I know this was you know, footage of a guy whoever going off, but it made it look like it was right with so yeah yeah, so and then but he's moving his arms and everything and I'm like, oh my gosh, yeah, like terrifying, so close to the bridge, and Billy's still terrified to do it. He's doing his like video waiver. He's doing his waiver and he has to speak it so we can all hear the words that he's like, you know, this action may result in yes, and yeah, he's just doing that's so. But we see that Matt's already done his jump and he's just elated, and then when it's Billy's turn, he has to go up to the top. And that's when they watched Jake boinging around.
And I was trying to remember if they actually bungee jumped, if the guy's actually bungee jumped. I was trying to remember because they had the whole setup. Isn't it like something actors would do. They'd go, I want to do it, I want to do it.
I wouldn't.
I can't imagine that.
We asked Doug can. We asked Doug, I'm going to ask you. Do you have his private super ivate home? Hi, honey, asked I ask you a question first? Was your car on the show? Was Matt's car or purple? Suzuki Samurai?
I think, if I'm not mistake, it was more of a like aquamarine blue. Uh well wait, sex, but it is fun to say Suzuki Samurai.
I remember when they got brought the card and I remember you going really really okay.
So we have another question for you. We were we were just talking about the bungee jumping scene, which we've determined. Was it out in Pasadena near the Rose Bowl?
I thought it was. Yeah, that that yeah, that bridge over there in Pasadena.
Yes, okay, So the girls wanted to know, and I forgot to ask you did you nobody actually did anybody actually bungee jump? Like was the footage you guys jumping?
God, no, no, no, I knew.
Stuntman, stuntman right, what do you remember about that scene?
Yeah? I do. Actually we were in the Szooky tam Rice. But my recollection was that we sang Wooly Bully.
Did they sing Wily Bully in the scene? I don't think you sang Willy Bully in the scene.
Well no, no, no, I don't think it aired or anybody remember singing Well, having that come up on an episode, you haven't seen that.
This was Matt's moment to shine, because you guys know, I'm a very dedicated character actor and I go deep and so in my backstory for Matt, he was like in show choir. He was all jazz hands and shows. And so when we when we got them, when we had the opportunity to sing Willy Bully, I was I went, I.
Was all in nice, but you want to jump from a bridge?
And then apparently Bully Bully got cut unless it's not in this scene. Like, is it possible that Wooly Bully is like still to come in another episode of watching?
It is possible that I have conflated episodes.
So yes, stunt.
Manner, he said, nobody jumped? Nobody jumped? Did stuntman jump? Were those dummies?
I thought that they were dummies even if they were stunt they were dummy.
Well, now the big mystery is where's Wooly Bully?
I need to know because that would have changed the.
Whole course for me.
But girls, while while I have you, I think it's time for me to air my beef.
What's let's see Grant show Andrew Shoe in the studio.
I'm married to one of the hosts of the show. I get a phone call, but don't worry, I listen. I'm used to being marginalized.
Oh, you're not marginalized. You're coming in soon.
Your wife told us that you weren't available.
That's all I know's he's very, very busy.
Yeah, the calendarselves her.
Exact Quoe was, he's too busy and too important. I can't wait to.
Have you in, Doug.
Yeah, wait, we all can't wait.
Yeah, I'm kind of a big deal.
Yeah, yeah, we're very clear.
Well we are, we are. Yes, we're just getting warmed up actually with those other guys coming in. And then you'll be in soon, honey, and you can sing wly bully for us, and then then we show us your jazz hands. It's gonna be great.
All right, We're gonna get it.
We're gonna get back to.
Back in the courtyard. Okay, Sandy hand I've come by Jean's apartment following up looking for her and want to find out how she's feeling. Jean's walking out with Alison and reveals that they're actually headed to the clinic. So that's when the girls say, you know, we'll come along now. They want to be there for her as well.
Yeah, we're on to offer, but realizes she has a class, so she stays behind, but Sandy Allison.
Sandy's going to go. So then at the doctor's office, Jane is in with the doctor and Sandy and Allison are in the lobby waiting, but the doctor at the clinic tells Jane that she is six weeks pregnant, and Jane reveals that she doesn't want to keep the pregnancy. The doctor questions her.
Shocking, even though I knew she was there. I thought she was there to have a discussion, and she said that as an audience member. I was shocked if like, oh, are we there already?
Well, it's like because she sort of told Alison, I just want to explore and like have a conversation. But then she was sort of, you know, announcing it to the doctor that she'd already made a decision, at which time the doctor says, well, you know, have you talked to your husband? Can he be here? Maybe we should have this conversation when he's here. And that's when Jane says she doesn't want to include him in the conversation and that she thinks that every marriage has secrets.
Yeah, which is a very intense line, right, every marriage has its secrets, right. And I thought the doctor was very sensitive, very thoughtful, and just.
I thought she was a little pushy, but whatever I.
Thought, she was stern.
I think I think she's just trying to make it okay. In her head, She's trying to find a way to make it okay to not tell him.
Well, so, okay, anyway, so we've already we've covered all the things that are happening on the bungee jumping front. While this is happening in the doctor's office, but then in the lobby of the waiting room of the doctor's office, Alison and Sandy are having a conversation where it is revealed that Sandy has had an abortion in her past and she tells Alison the story all about it, how difficult it was for her.
Which is kind of the first real insight we have into Sandy too. It's really amyel o'kain's first time to share the characters vulnerability.
Sandy, you know, I think was she was acknowledging that she just made this horrible mistake in her youth, that she made all sorts of mistakes and it was a terrible experience, you know, what she'd gone through and put that revelation and sharing it with Alison. She said, Alison was the first person to hear the story, and that you know, when you tell somebody something that intimate, and that Alice.
In an understanding way, what did you do?
I did a better job. I feel like Alison has come along. She didn't tell a horror story, she didn't meet the vulnerbally with a horror story. No she just said, that's what you do, you tell your friends, and then Sandy said are we friends? Which is so sweet because if she's someone who probably hasn't had a lot of good female friends, it was that sweet moment of them.
Connect and she seemed really cautious and wary of it, like, you know, is that to be trusted? But she really went out on a limb to tell Alice in that story, and I think that's you know.
What did Alison say to her? Do you remember this is what?
That's what friends?
We know?
Afterwards when she says is that what we are? Alison? Are we friends? Was there a button?
I think there was just a sensitive sort of nod and the look that remember when you had to hold the look for a long time before they said cut I could that was the whole thing.
So then back at Michael and Jean's apartment, Michael answers the door to Ronda, who's enthusiastically bringing over some food that she's made, and she's just blurting, blurting, words are flying out of her mouth and we can just see where this is going, and she's saying, don't you you know, don't stress, don't exert yourself. We know every you know, it's so hard for what you two have been through and the baby and and the audiences. You'll have a baby when you're ready, She's said, yeah, well you'll have a baby when you're ready with you what.
Yeah, And you're just like zipp it, sip and sip it, and you're like, just give them the little fat veteenie, Rhonda, And then she tries to back pedal and it is not successful.
No, not at all.
It's already the cat is way out of the bag.
Yeah, so that's that's bad news for for That's the way that Michael's going to find out. But back in the courtyard, Billy, Jake and Matt are coming back from bungee jumping there sitting down having cokes, and Matt is sort of teasing Billy, like saying, but there's nothing wrong with being a coward and being scared. They're they're just making fun of him right and left.
But you know, again a little bit of whiplash in this episode from this very serious storyline to like it's just like wait, where are we now?
Just the joshing in the Yeah, in the courtyard and nobody landed in the pool in that one though, But Jane does walk through and she's obviously not not in a fine mood, and she's walking up to her door. So she enters her apartment and finds Michael in the kitchen not.
Happy really and this is where you know, and I said to you earlier, definitely said, but he's not abusive. I thought, well, wow, this is like he's angry. There's no moment of what's going on. He is just rageful. So that I did think, Oh, that is scary. I kind of know why she wouldn't want to tell him if this is the response that he was a bit scary.
I think we could all agree on this scene was really or said it was wrong and it was all about him being betrayed.
He's such a victim here and it so annoyed me.
Yeah, if you read flags in this scene, yeah, and the height that he took his anger was just it was scary.
It was how Jane is written and how Josie plays her. It's just like you've been saying, you know, we've all seen from the beginning, like she's so vulnerable. She plays that so naturally and beautifully. She's like, does nothing wrong, you know, And then she has this on her, and he's just.
So the way that she's playing.
It, the way that Jane's written, and then he's just written so like polar opposite and just so pure rage.
He feels like a bully in and he's upset because he thinks, you know that she's gone and had total andrency.
Yeah, absolutely, but in the scene moment of what happened.
Right, and then in the scene he learns that she didn't actually terminate the pregnancy, but he's still angry. He's still yeah, he's found.
You've decided, you've decided. Let's not forget.
The thing that's center on this whole confusion was that he had a plan what he decided in the beginning. No, no, no, that's not part of the plan, not at least so casually, at least five years from now or whatever like that was his plan.
Yeah, their is not great, So that escalated. They're screaming at each other, ends up carrying out into the courtyard where he's stomping off and he doesn't care who hears, and he's she's saying, let's not we're in the courtyard, like, don't let's find any somebody's aware of right to my point exactly.
We're shouting and there's people here that're sitting by the pool. They've just bungee jump. Yeah, so she's trying to have it, you know, de escalating. He says he doesn't care who hears. And he says, you know who cares, You've already told everybody, and everybody told everybody but me, and so off he storms. So that was brutal. And then he's storming down the street.
They go after him. The guys all get up and kind of go after him, you know.
Yeah, which is this episode which try to I love all this people coming together, Yeah, yeah.
Try to cool him down or find out what's going on whatever. And they have a couple lines where it's like women they can't be trusted, you know, that sort of like banter. But then back at the courtyard, we see that the girls are rallying around Jane as well, and she's confiding in them that she really feels like she can't talk to her husband, that he just isn't somebody that is willing to listen or change his mind, and she just feels really, you know, lost, And Ronda feels bad and guilty that she was the one who's built the beans, and Jane says, it is just not your fault. There's such bigger issue, and she realizes she should have told him, but it's just like.
Which is incredibly generous, Yeah, because I would say no, my part was this, but also, wow, shut your mouth. Yeah really she was very very very gracious.
Yeah, she was very gracious. But she's realizing there's a bigger problem that she and her husband are just not at all able to talk about this reasonably. So we find the guys at Shooters where Michael is telling Billy, Matt and Jake that marriage is about realizing that you never really knew somebody. You know, you thought you knew somebody, but you never really did. And he's sort of like.
All about him, all about and then.
Yeah, but oddly he you know, sort of casually mentions and then the baby and the guys are like, what what baby? And that's when we realized the guys didn't know. Michael realizes that the guys didn't know. He assumed they did, and their response was completely ecstatic and thrilled and congratulatory, Which did you guys think?
Then that was that was the moment that made him go Okay, you're right. Like, all of a sudden, he becomes I need to go talk to Jane and like be heroic, like back to yeah Jane, Like but that was all all it took was to see that the guys were excited about and he's like, yeah, they're like.
We only we have two more minutes of the show. We have to get him durned around. But I think too. It sort of changed his perspective. He'd been on a difficult problem not the time, and then he saw their reaction. He was like, oh, I wasn't even thinking that this could be good news. It hadn't even occurred to him that, yeah, the woman he loves is pregnant with their child.
Yeah. It just happens so fast for coming from the place of anger where he was and whatever, and then to just have it be like, oh, you're right, and it's like whoop.
So he changed to I had to do a lot of homework to figure out how the character that was like work. We didn't see he was home trying to figure that out.
Yeah, so he changes. The student says he needs to go home and talk to Jane. So we see Jane at home alone, lying in bed, awake when Michael comes in and he sits down and they both agree that they want this baby, and they're apologetic, both of them, and they're all of a sudden happy and sweet and.
And I'm still waiting for the apology from Michael, but I don't think that's gonna come.
We're gonna be waiting a long time.
Like it still feels like I'm holding my breath for them. So I was like, wait a minute, this feels really toxic. But I'm glad that they've come to a decision and they're back together, Like you.
Can't quite relax into it. You don't know it's okay for eggs eggs.
Shells a little bit like is that gonna happen again? Yeah, we're all on eggs shells with with the two of them, but we're pleased that they're pleased, and we're pleased that they made this decision. And then Billy, we find he is reading Alice in his article and he's written his article about his misadventures bungee jumping, and that he that it really wasn't about that life is not about death. That's it's not about the adventure, and he doesn't want it to be about death. That's just more just about being. Life is about living, not about exactly.
So I so he resolved writer's ending.
Yep, he resolved his piece, and we see that he's.
But I just don't get the very last line. You guys, move over, Doogie Howser. I don't get that.
We don't real it, says Billy writes about Michael's baby.
Yeah, you'd be a young So was Doogie Howser a dad when I watched a character?
No, no, no, he's a young doctor. When I watched it, I thought he was saying because Dougie Howser had this internal monologue and I thought that's what it was. But apparently I.
Think it has to do with Dougie Howser being a doctor, and he was about to write about Michael being a doctor. But I also thought, well, was Doogie Houser also, aser's the baby?
So the Doogie Howser stories that this young, this young genius is a doctor. So the baby that now right now, fetus, the fetus, it's a doctor. I guess it was kind of a stretch.
Okay, it was kind of a stretch.
We were all a little bit head sketching a stretch of a tag.
All right, so there's a consensus there. And I did think that this was an episode with fewer shirtless moments, fewer kisses, and fewer kisses, lots of lots of Jane and Michael.
Yeah, not a lot of sexy kisses, like makeup kisses. Sweet.
Yeah, this was like a really serious episode, and you really do. I'm really looking forward to when it all goes crazy because this was pretty intense. As you said, like this episode took a serious turn.
Yeah, but it's also like it's maybe our first carryover that the story. We're going to see that now next episode, Jane and Michael are still going to be pregnant, right, I mean that's yeah, we're going to see something carry over for the first time where everything else just sort of wraps up in a neat package up until now it.
Goes from episodic and cereal.
Yeah, we're starting to see like the beginnings of you first. I keep going here, Well it must I don't think they can ignore it in the next episode, right, they can't ignore it. It's going to still be a thing.
So however, No, she doesn't have a baby in the future, so.
We don't know how that happens, but we know that they can't ignore it. So it's going to have no, it's going to be a thing, and that that would be Yeah, I.
Had it, gave it enough for adoption between episodes.
Yeah no. So the next episode will be season one, episode six. It would be called Second Chances. If that gives us any clues. So I'd like to know more, Yeah, I know. So in the meantime, we want everybody to please continue to dm us on our so the place Instagram we love.
We'd love to hear more of what people want.
Any questions you have, if there are questions, memories, special guests, question memories. We know that Doug would like to be on He's put in a voto.
The raise your hand. If Doug should be our next guest, raise.
Your hand in the let him and we have to bring them all.
It's so fascinating, you know, watching these again and like it's just like so new, especially for me.
I did watch the whole series a while back, but I forgot You're right.
It's when I am getting attached to the character, like I'm separate enough that I'm not judging myself. The first couple were hard to watch. Now I can really step back and enjoy it. And I really am getting into it. And Tory and Jenny told us, you become a fan of the show. And it isn't like I'll wait till before this episode to watch the next one. But it's hard to stop it. I know, I do want to watch the next one as it's coming up.
I know, but then you get so confused.
I can't. Yeah, I can't have too many in my head at once. It's got to be one because, as we talked about middle aged, if I leave my tub on, I can't be trusted to separate two episodes.
Do you have cottage cheese?
I do. I got lots of cottage cheese, so we should be okay for a while. I got two of the big containers.
So it's cottage cheese and fruit like berries.
Berries right now, that's my curran. I'm like one of the I eat. I eat one thing for a while and then I never want to see it again. It was it was chopped Mexican salad for a while, but I made it was yummy that everything but the kitchen sink in it. Now this is I think as a summer fruit.
Is so good. Yes, I'm loving the fruit.
Have you tried these pink pineapples? No, they have a pink wrapper around them. They have them at Gelson's and Visenni and they're pink inside and they're yummy sweet you had them. Wow, they're so I will bring next week. I will bring everybody pineapple.
I've been getting yellow watermelons by accident.
I buy the little watermelons and twice they've been yellow inside.
Do they taste different?
Yes, they're terrible. They have no taste yellow watermelon. They look exactly like they're not pink on the outside.
It's so annoying.
Oh wow, all right, and don't forget to download and subscribe. Yeah, thanks for coming to steal the place.
That'll be come in fast and furious. It's so much fun to watch it together. Mm hmm.
Love you guys, Love you Hi.