Embracing the Unknown ("House of God" S1 EP 15)

Published Dec 2, 2024, 5:00 AM

It's happening! Melrose Place has a new resident, Jo Reynolds, aka Daphne Zuniga! 


Daphne admits to Courtney and Laura that she was intimidated on the MP set even though her character Jo was so confident! She also reveals what joining the cast meant to her, what she was thinking watching her Melrose debut, the one scene she would absolutely do over, and her chemistry with Grant Show!  Plus, the trio talks about getting a glimpse at the Michael Mancini we will get to know in future episodes. 


Still the Place with Laura Layton, Courtney Thorn Smith.

And Daphne's Aniga and iHeartRadio podcast.

All Right, guys, you guys, I feel like today is I feel like it's somebody's birthday, Like I couldn't wait for this day? Does feel even talking about it and here we are, Yes, I feel like I should wish Daphne Happy birthday.

Daphne, Happy birthday, Happy birthday.

It's happy birthday to the apartment building of Hell.

Where it's not actually your birthday. We're actually just recapping the episode where you finally arrived, but just the anticipat we've been talking about it, and.

It's so funny because I was excited about it, but watching the episode when you came on, I took a picture and sent it to you girls because I was like, oh my god, she's here. Yeah, it's authentically exciting.

I had an audible too, like and like, you're so gorgeous, and I just it was so fun to see you just finally step onto the screen it will say, and we're going to get into this episode. I felt so left out in this episode. I was like, both of my friends and co hosts are there having so much fun. Having these scenes together.

We had so many, you.

Know, it really was our story about how it shocked.

We were like we boded like.

This, but didn't you feel like something was missing?

And now we know it was.

Like how I bore all black in honor of Joe. How did you feel though, when it was this great shot of you walking down the street? Did you scream? We both screamed.

I Uh, it felt like it's kind of like what you described because it was so long ago that I sort of remember it. But now I go, wow, she was so young, you know, and it's and also like wow, sleeveless.

She was sleeveless this whole episode, like.

You're young and have really good arms. I mean, I'm like getting dead now. But I felt for her like you described Courtney, looking at yourself with that young because now I can look back and I know the adventure ahead of her. Also, to tell you more transparency, here, I was yesterday afternoon. I went into my garage into some boxes because I wanted to see if I could find photos from the set or photos that would help, and instead I got lost in all these journals and books. This was nineteen ninety two, so I found them from nineteen ninety one, and then I found some more in another box and it was from nine. I'm like, what yours this? It's ninety seven, But it was very similar to the nineteen ninety one, like those years where I was in love I think with somebody else. Well, I know with somebody else, because I was never with someone from ninety one to ninety seven. That would be six years. But I realized what I was going through as a young woman coming onto the show. So I looked at now the show. I watched the episode and I'm like, God, there's a lot going on with her as a real behind the scenes and her Daphne. Her Daphne for me and to get to play a character and to come every day. I made the specific choice to do this TV show because I had a place to go every day and to bring my creativity, but really just to bring me and you guys were this family and we'll, you know, get into it. But that's what I discovered more than I had remembered yesterday looking through all that stuff and finding those journals and stuff. It's such augh.

I mean, you forget We live our lives and we think I'll never forget this or I'll never forget this feeling or this is this is me, but like, we go through so many changes, in so many evolutions, and that.

Was and the thirty two years and the experience, the event of being on the show was so much more layered than just watching these shows. Now that I and I and I saw some of this writing and I it's triggers memory, and I go, there was so much more going on than just watching a show, do you know what I mean? Like so which fills it out, It fills it all out. But all I can say is it was so much going on in my personal life. It was really nice to just come and play Joe, which was no walk in the park. I mean, Joe had a lot going on too.

But that's so true though, And I love that you bring in that point, which is as we're watching it, we're not only watching the character in that part of my career. It's our lives at that time. I mean for me obviously because I was dating Andrews. So I'm also like, it's it's all happening my whole life with place time. But I love what you're saying about you came in, you had this lifeguard, and how what a relief it was to be here on that set, and I was watching you come in and thinking, what a great element you brought in because we didn't have that sort of tough You were literally dressed in black with that tougher, darker element. And they got better at Creer, like you came in a fully formed character, and I think the writers, everything, everyone had gotten better over the first several episodes. So you came in. I knew who you were right away as the character, and this first episode we got so much information about you, and I was like, Wow, they did such a great job of introducing you, and they saw in that like what was missing. Oh we need like an edgy New York character, And you guys like, oh, that's the perfect character. Didn't you think that, Like, Oh, that's exactly what the show needs.

And a sophistication that was sort of intimidating and that such a nice fresh feeling.

Well, it's interesting because you guys, I shot a day or maybe a scene and when we were discussing Joe, Aaron and Darren and Denise Wingate was in there. She came into Aaron's Yeah, I was just starting brand new with We both started the same time, you know how she says she's from the Upper east Side. So they had this other idea that she would come into this apartment. Initially, they thought we're gonna put her like and more you know, kind of Upper east Side society, I don't know, a chanel or sophistication kind of thing to show what she came from. And they put me she found the silk dress or the silk blouse and maybe even pearls or something. And no, it was like Nick's right away, and Aaron hated it. I don't think it was right for Darren maybe, and we had to reshoot it. And I come in in jeans and black you know, boots and this, uh and that's that She's she's already moving more onto her avant garde, more more like downtown vibe in New York.

So I just remembered that, you know, I was.

A little confused, to tell you the truth, I was a little confused because they wanted her tough. But she also was saying to you specifically, I was very repressed and held in by this marriage on the Upper east Side, which is very you know, can be very stifling, and so I was a little confused how to play it, to be honest, Well.

I just played it beautifully.

Yeah, And I think they struck such the right balance because I didn't not see that part of you, the Upper east Side person. I did see that part, but it wasn't in such a way that like if you had been in the silk gown and pearls, you'd have seemed a little bit more fish out of water in the context of this Melrose Place apartment, Like why is a woman who has this in dresses this way moving into this like sort of low brow apartment sort of? I think So, I think the tone that they did strike was perfect because I still got this sophisticate and you were a little bit like having to, you know, rethink who you are and where you are in this new environment, and you were a little bit out of place, but chic still, and you could see all that backstory in the way you were dressed, and that you fit in better. Wasn't so uncomfortable to have you in that context.

That's a great point.

Yeah, I love that big in the first seeing that big belt buckle. That's like such a sign of the nineties, you know, Yeah, I don't have any of my closet I looked, but I'm like, I don't even wear belts anymore, but.

Big and I was like, yes, that's Denise.

Well you looked amazing. I think we should get started.

Let's go.

This is episode fifteen. The title of this episode is House of God, otherwise known as the one where Joe arrives. Yeah, that's the full title. This was again directed by Nancy Malone. And we open on Allison and Billy. They're jogging down a beautiful looks like a Beverly Hill sidewalk actually, and Alison stops. She's panting, says she can't go on anymore. Everything hurts. Billy says, keep going, and this keeps you from thinking about Keith. He wants her to get over it, he says, and he quotes an article entitled twelve Steps to Beating the Blues, and Alison is really tired of hearing about it. And I love this line of Alison's. I don't know what she's more exhausting, jogging or listening to you.

Which I love that.

So they run out a frame and then we cut to a beautiful brunette dressed all in black. She's walking down a city street holding a newspaper and she's stops, checks the paper to confirm yep, she has arrived at the intersection.

Beautiful like pull out shot of you. The camera did not the streets at.

The intersection of Melrose Avenue and Melrose Place. We know where that is and the street is Is that where you are?

Yeah, because so we were on Melrose Avenue, which is very long and where all the stores are and where you guys shot walking down at Melrose Place was actually a very short street that hits Los just a little cut through street. But that was really a great and now it's very chic and expensive and and and people will come here. I've been told like, oh, Melroe's Place, they think that's the street, but no, that's not at all.

Get fancy, you know, like but but I think that the cinematographer, the director or Darren or someone was like, let's just get that right there that corner.

It was just so great because you could see that she's looking for something, she's checking her paper and she and you know, the camera catches, which is what you look for some place.

Yeah, no, GPS, you should have had your big Thomas guy. Yeah.

New Yorkers don't have a time. This guy.

He used to have a map for those of you who don't know, that was like literally like a phone book spiral map. Yes, yeah, so.

Then were We cut to Jane and Michael at home in the morning. Michael is urging Jane to get on the decorating committee for an event at the hospital. She doesn't want to do it because she thinks it's going to be all the old bitty doctor's wives. Michael tells her that it's important to him, and he also thinks that she should do it to meet people. He bribes Jane with lunch if she'll go, and then he leaves for work, saying he is off to meet Scott, a top pediatrician at the hospital, for some sailing before work.

You know, just some quick sye, because who doesn't go sailing before we especially sailing before I came here. I think saw you guys out on the water millon.

Yeah, we just did.

It quickly before work.

That's quick. And we're back with the beautiful brunette in black. She's entering the courtyard as Michael is leaving, and she tells Michael that she's here for the apartment vacancy. She makes a comment about the sun being maybe smaller in New York feels hot here, and she wants to confirm that there are two bedrooms in the available unit. Nope, Michael tells her only a studio. But then Ronda appears and she says that she's actually looking for a roommate. No thanks. The brunette says she prefers to live.

It's perfect because Ronda's energy is so infestis bound. Joe's all cool in New York. Hey, I want a room. You see Joe's face one, No.

Thanks, I like to live alone. And did you notice when she put her arm around me?

And I like a contrast in warm and cold? And Ronda suggests, well, okay, maybe we could swap apartments. Ronda suggests she'll take the studio apartment and this newcomer can have the two bedroom. Then Jane enters the scene. Michael heads off for work, and we learned that this is Joe Reynolds no E as the girls walk up the stairs.

So you love that Joe E two bedroom.

She turns around to you, right, I turn around and go to it, and Jane, you're introducing yourself, Joe.

But yeah, Joe, they're supercho they're extra super perky. That day yeah, and super Friends looks like it's a lot. You already look like it's a lot.

You're a lot. O. Yeah, don't scare me away. I might move somewhere.

Yeah. And she had to say, you had to say in the first scene, can I just see it before you guys move me?


Yeah, let's have a party in the barn.

So she like a horror movie because we know what the building turns out to.

Its like the beginning of a horror film.

This morning, it looks like a really nice apartment. So Jane and Ronda are really friendly. Joe takes a look around the place. She approves she's not quite matching the friendly, but then she asks how soon Ronda can be out today?

But first you're walking through the house and everybody's really friendly or it's super nice, and you go, oh, business is you.

Know, as if it's like this huge ranch house or some sprawling it's like you walk in, there's not a lot to look.

But she's look in the she opens around this riation.

And I'm like, oh, the spices are all alphatz scary still from Carrie. But wait, I just want to say I remember all this and again, like I'm thinking in my head. Okay, how did how does a quote unquote New Yorker do this? You know, like she's moving, she's used to moving fast. She gets stuff done. She just needs to look, assess the information and then give a thing like So I was just I remember because again it was my first time with you guys, and the intimidation of whole crew that knows what they're doing. You guys been doing this for half a year already, right, And and also was TV, so things were like here's your mark, then go there. It was kind of like sped up and things were just different from what I was used to. And so as I'm watching this, I'm just going, good job, stay on it.

That's good.

You're okay, just move move go to there now looking there?

Okay, good, she's got it, you know what I mean?

Because I was intimidated as well being something to hear that because it's so funny. You're and that's your experience as Daphne. But the character comes off as the intimidating one, right, She's she's just so confident and she's you know, like direct, and and you know the rest of the gang is like, oh good, a new friend, and like you're like, yeah, not so fast. I just thought all the sophistication and stuff was your character was the one intimidating. It's so interesting to hear that you were.

And it's probably like the acting trick of using it right, so you're intimidated, but it also happened to work for the character and reallys.

It you can just hide behind it.

Yeah yeah.

But she wonders if Ronda can get out today, and Rond is like, sure, I know, sure, I'm amazing.

I love that writing.

She's like, when.

Could you yeah today? Just answer the question so I can get the information so I can move on with the episode.

And she and here's the Ronda who says sure, yeah. Who else is going to say sure? Sweet girl? So then she leaves and says, all right, it settles out the door she goes, and then Jane wonders out loud if Joe always gets her way. So then we cut back to the marina where they're just getting in a quick sale for word. Michael is helping Scott with the sailboat. He's listening to Scott tell him the virtues of becoming a plastic surgeon, get rich, retire young patients, really die. He lists is all the positive reasons to be that, and Michael says, yeah, but you are great with the kids. Scott says he's happy to introduce Michael around. There's a mixer coming up. Sheould be good networking, and then their beakers go off and they head back to the hospital for their round. Scott seems great, he's cool, and Michael White so far are really great, really great. So then we cut to Jane. She's in the break room or in the staff room talking with women who we learn is Scott's wife, Liz, and they're working on the decorating ideas for the mixer, and Michael and Scott come back from their sailing. Jane tells Michael how much she has in common with Liz. They both work, they're both new to LA, they don't know anyone, and it's instant friendship, she says, and they make plans to go to dinner, all four of them together that night double date. Back in the courtyard, Jake is examining a very large box that's been deposited in front of his apartment door, and Joe comes down the stairs saying, that's my box. It's photography equipment, and Jake introduces himself. Joe recognizes him as a motorcycle aficionado from the download that Ronda had given except.

I said toe, oh, and I'm like, no adr on that one line, that's how we pronounced it. You notice maybe I don't know, maybe she's trying to be cool and I don't know.

Okay, first example of Daphne being a little bit. I know you're going to notice every little I.

Just want to go back and shoot stuff. I would want to just do that word chemistry between you and Grant so good right off right, hello.

Yeah, right, and she's Joe says to him, Yeah, from what I was told you the silent type, I in the private type, your nose.

Out of my boxes.

Yeah, but it's still a little bit of a challenge, like yeah, it's yeah, cute and flirty off the bat, but she's also like putting up the hand. Jake tries to help her with the box.

She lets him.

As they're going for the stairs, Jake tells Joe she's got the best unit in the building, and Joe replies, so I've been told, and then Jake says it's right above mine.

Yeah. He was like, oh my goodness, yes, in case.

So I'm, of course, as Joe thinking he he's meaning my ass because he's behind me. Was he goes your apartment, dummy, And I'm like, oh, I just thought that was like okay, I.

Just thought it was really cute and bold and bold.

This show is for bold.

Yeah, I love it. So then they enter the apartment. He brings a box in the apartment, adding it to all the other boxes, and Joe tells Jake be careful, that's my photography equipment.

She's establishing everything that you're photographer. Yeah, in every single.

Wait are you a photographer? Yeah, so these are equipment for my photography. Oh, put some pictures up for my photography.

Then Jay gives Joe the lowdown on the water in the building that if one or the other is showering, it can affect the temperature, so generally take short showers, and.

Which feels insanely intimate. Yes, yes, and doesn't it? Yeah? I wouldn't.

Shouldn't Ronda have maybe said something about that too, like yeah, it's great, but you have to take really the entire audience.

Figuring you guys all naked showerings.

I mean, what is happening?

It seemed like a new feature we were.

Just Melrose lying in there isn't this where he says when yes, when.

I'm yes, it's old Laura, it's coming.

But we both say it. Yeah.

Well, first you say I'll think of you every time I shower, but not in the scene right, the hot, No, no, that's in this scene. I'll think you every time I shower. The hot and cold is in another.

No, No, you are right, I will think of you every time I shower.

Yes, that was in this absolutely right.

As he's leaving, he also offers to show her around town and Jesus thanks, I'll just take a cab and the times, and.

The audience is like, is every woman in this building stupid? Everything? No wonder we're friends, neither one of us. What's right in front of our nose?

And so that's where she says, well, I'll think of you every time I shower. Wink wink, And he's down he's going downstairs. Now she's alone. Joe in her apartment, picks up the phone and she dials and leaves a message for her dad saying that she's in LA she's fine, and for him not to worry.

Yeah. So we see her with something cloud over her.

Yeah, and sad. There's something going on in the backstory, which there is.

Yeah, that's what I mean. They got so good at creating this whole character in a very short period. Yeah, we learned a great Yeah, so great. Also, is she a photographer? I think so.

Maybe we'll find out in the next Yeah, let's find out.

Let's find out.

So this one we got to Montesino's an exterior of a restaurant. Apparently it was also used on Beverly Hills nine O, two and O for anyone who's paying very close attention. And Jane and Michael are there at dinner with Scott and Liz.


Liz is recounting a story of how she was trying to fix the plumbing at the house. The tub, the shower, and the kitchen sink were all broken. So she's under the sink and she's trying to fix things. Scott in her jets to make sure that everyone knows she was totally naked while doing this, right, and she wants to finish the story. And the story ends with Liz telling everyone that she had fallen face first into the shut off valve and all this is an explanation for what has caused the bruising on her face.

Yes, and he's also insulting her in the way she's telling a story. You know, she kept using the word seriously. I'm seriously tied. It was seriously. I was seriously totally naked. It was so what was the word? Wasn't that the word?

I think it was seriously?

And she repeated it and then he's like and he mocks her and then shuts her up, and you're just like, oh, it's more fun than I thought.

Yeah, even more.

This is when we start to see some red flags.

Tonally and Jane Rishers are you know, it's not that bad, the bruising on her face, She's sort of like, it's okay, and yeah, not a great look for Scott. But then we're back with Alison and Billy in their apartment. Allison is going to check the fridge, realizing she's not hungry, and she tells Billy she's just going to go to bed. Yes, it's eight thirty pm, but I'm going to bed. Billy tells Alison, you know, you've been sleeping fifteen hour days since you broke up with Keith. Billy asks Allison if she's crying in a room processing her feelings or sleeping, and Allison says to Billy that he's crossing the line and he's just nosy.

Don't love that. Billy is Alison's therapist and he's just taken it upon himself feel.

Her processing your feelings.

He said, he knows the old Gideon's so happy that he has bad knitting.

Yeah, he wants you bet.

Well, that's that's a very cute way to say. I'm sure he was so annoyed that he had to like, go, are you crying? Are you having feelings in there? It's like what guy? Honestly, yeah, reading women's magazines and.

He wanted to make sure she's we open up with his twelve or fourteen steps.

So that was really funny though, I thought. Yeah.

And Billy worries that Allison is going to call Keith, and Allison insists she won't, that it's over between them. The whole experience with Keith has changed her, she says, and she will never be her old self again.

Wow, So all these things he's trying to get you to do, do the jogging, you know, not going to sleep, you know, is so you'll be your old self again. And she says, have you ever thought that that was so huge an event that I will never be that old self again. I thought, I don't know, poor Billy, she doesn't get life.

Like playing soccer.

He's really like, you know, the emotional know it all here, like he's, you know, saying very all of a sudden. Then we're at the restaurant at night in the lady's room, where Liz is telling Jane that Scott says Michael is the best new intern at the hospital. The ladies then talk about whether they each have kids. Liz says she and Scott are too busy to have kids, and Jane wants to help Liz with a stain that she notices on her jacket, and removing the jacket reveals bruises.

Finger shaped bruises. But we're well done, very deliberate.

Yeah, And Liz is defensive and says it's nothing, and she walks out in the bathroom. Then at Jane and Michael's apartment, Michael is vacuuting the living room floor, Jane is mopping the kitchen floor, and Michael tells Jane it's ridiculous to think that Lizzies bruises came from Scott, and Scott is a great doctor. He's great with the kids. And maybe Jane is just seeing things that aren't there, and.

We see little glimmers of the Michael that will be Yeah, well you're.

Seeing I'm seeing already reminiscent of a last episodes. Oh you're overreacting. Oh, it's no big deal, and it We'll just get you a puppy, you know.

He's just these women.

Are like, yeah, at least let's get LIZI puppy. I mean, yeah, let's get.

Let's get puppy.

Yeah, my god. So and and then Jane says, yeah, you know, maybe you're right. I did just see a movie about this kind of thing last week, based on a true story, So maybe she's He like sort of talks.

Her into doubting, which really doesn't work. You feel like they hadn't. The bruises were so clearly, very clear. But I think if that scene had been shot first, she would have said, there's no way I made that up, right, Like, I think that's one of those where you shoot out of order and you don't.

Perhaps that's right.

I'll ac guessed that, because I'm sure Josie would have been like, no, there's.

No right then, and Joe's apartment during the day, Billy comes by bringing a plant as a welcome.

I forgotten I had a scene with Billy. He's bringing that huge plant and he puts it on a table. It's like a floor plants.

Like this high again, it's like Billy like doing all the right things, bringing a welcome plant. Neighbor.

Where is Doug, by the way, not in real life in the show. I think, no, no, no, I think you're right.

It was me thinking, I don't think we really saw him.

No, he's not where Why isn't he in the middle of all this stuff? Help him?

Because they put one of those he's dealing with his lawsuit right now, supposed to be dealing with a lawsuit, but he didn't really Maybe they carersh back from that last episode and they sort of kept him quiet but miss him because he should be the one welcoming and you know, or it's possible that he had a scene and then when they edited the episode and it long, maybe the scene was dropped and all of a sudden, he just didn't even make it. It's exactly that's the only one real h This is when the tumble Weeds maybe were tumbleweeds. Joe asks Billy, Hey, I've been meaning to ask, where's the laundry room. Billy tells he where it's going to be. It's going to be in the base.

She's got this tiny looks like a lunch bag of laundry. What do you have? Like two? She like needs to wash this one thing to watch his hand towel.

She's like, oh, do you know what it is? Do you know what the launde is?

My favorite pair of socks? Yes, and Billy picks up Joe's camera, asking, oh, are you an amateur professional photographer? Joe says she's an amateur.

Sorry, is she a photographer?

This is where we just learned interesting, interesting, and that she's hoping to be professional, and Billy tells her, you know, we're kind of in related fields. I'm a writer, and Joe sort.

Of mocks him.

It was a you're right, I didn't know there were any real writers in La. Yeah.

No, because you guys can't read or write here because.

We're did I mention it from New York?

Do you surf as well as write your novel?


Yeah? And I love his line.

Yeah, he's super annoying. He's like well, if if you people from New York hate La so much, why do you all move out here?

Then boom good, I would lie. I wanted to know that question. You guys have experienced that, right yack in the day. I mean now, I don't have noticed, but so many New Yorkers, especially actors, would move out here and complain about it.

Yes, what are you doing here by the pool? They complain about it by.

The by the pool.

Yeah, in the sunshine, And Joe says, well, I guess some of us just need to change. Then the phone rings. Billy picks up the handset and Joe takes it out of his hand and just hangs it up. It's probably a wrong number or a sales call.

She says, yeah, he clocks that or something from her past try to definitely clocks it.

And he leaves, saying all right, well I'll see around. Thanks Bill, she says Bill, thanks Bill on his way off. And this is the note that I wrote here, Daphne, you are so pretty all thank you.

I'm just so pretty. You know. I can all think like, oh my god, you're wearing those bare arm shirt like no put on, because one doesn't like they're gonna see that they're not perfect army.

You're like they were pretty perfect. Were you thinking that then?

No, I was thinking that now watching it my insecurity since then.

So interesting your brain now, And I know because you can you guys, I just want to talk to the audience for a second, because we're in a whole different era now.

It's much more body positive. Everyone is who they are. We're not trying to kill ourselves and diet ourselves to death and anorexia ourselves to which we all were doing actresses were doing in the eighties seventies.

I think it's still happening more then.

Well maybe, but I mean you're seeing in shows, you're seeing on commercials, you're seeing on TV, all kinds of people how we normally look how people. There's more for sure, and so But when I was young, working actress all the time, I didn't have that mentality.

Of just be you.

It was always like, shave something off, be something different, you know, fix that somehow, change it, be more this, be more that, whatever it was. I always just thought I had to be more something else.

Yeah, well, I know it's it's hard to shake that, but like I hope that you're like, I'm just looking at this gorgeous young woman. This is you on the screen. It's just like your younger self. And it's like remembering that we knew each other back at that time in our lives is crazy because you just, you know, you evolve with yourself as your age and then you are we get to just have this time capsule. Yeah, and it's just such a gift to be able to watch it back. And I just I.

Don't know, I don't just I wasn't I'm not just criticizing myself. I also do remember as I was watching this of loving being there. I love that I have an apartment. I love that I belong part of this whole set because when you do films, it's very fleeting. You do a scene in an office, and you do a scene over there, then you do a scene. I don't know, I just remember feeling like, wow, I can settle in here, you know, I was really excited.

So nice, and at the end of a season, when you know you're coming back and you leave your stuff when you're in the dressing room, it's really special. Like it's very rare to work together for five years. Yeah, it's really rare. It's special.


So then we're in.

Jane is hanging a welcome sign welcome new intern sign at the at the event that they're setting up for, and Liz is. She starts to play the piano, telling Jane that it's her escape. Jane says, yeah, I wish I had something like that, and they talk about how tough the doctor's jobs are and how it's not really easy on them either, and then Liz confides in Jane how different it used to be with Scott when they were first married, and that the pressure from the job. She admits that sometimes Scott gets angry, very angry.

She's I was thinking about how wonderful she is the actor and how hard it is to be a guest star and to come in with this kind of storyline, and I'm so impressed because you come into a family. I know you have not experienced your first episode deaf, but you come in and I thought, wow, to carry this load. She did such a great job. They both did.

Yeah her name is Yeah, she was, and she was really terrific in this episode. And I actually thought that the same thing too, because it was such heavy lifting. And we'll get into those really heavy scenes in a second, but terrific storyline for her, and she was amazing, and so Liz tells Jane she's glad that they have met, and she's wants to change the subject and she's going to Jane out to lunch. Then we are down in the launder room. Alison is doing laundry and she comes across Keith's shirt and has a moment of feeling sad about that. When Joe walks downstairs next to Alison, puts her clothes in the dryer, and when the dryer won't start, Joe kind of tries to smack it make it work, and Alison tells Joe to kick it, which she does, and Alison says, no, not like that on the side, and then she begins to show her how. Pretty soon both Alison and Joe are kicking the crap out of the dryer, kicking and kicking and kicking, and then finally laughing about it together.

I totally remember that.

I do remember that, and it was a great way out of that scene because Alison's so sad about finding the shirt. We've all had that moment when you go through a breakup and then you find something of theirs in your room and just brings it all back. It's so sad. Yeah, I don't know if I smelled it. I should have was I did? I did smell it. Oh thank god, See I didn't. Just paying attention. And then you and I have two great let's do them. You do yours?

Okay, Yeah, well I just broke up with my husband.

What's your excuse?

I just broke up with somebody else's husband. It's such a cute lie.

And then my face goes and then I go and then I feel for you, and I'm like, well, this is us complex, ladies.

And then the.

Dryer kicks back on. But I totally remember doing that. I just thought it was like years later or something.

It was such a cute scene and like a way for both of these characters to take out their aggressions on what they're going through and just like stuff that they're not really sharing entirely, but like, let's take it out on the dryer.

Yes, and connect right away, really to connect right away. And I was so happy to hear Alie and finally acknowledge I was with somebody else's husband, Like he wasn't mine, he belonged to somebody else. I'm glad to her finally admit that right.

So they formally introduce themselves to one another, and the dryer starts working in The girls laugh, and we then count to the car at Jane and Michael are driving home or driving to the intern mixer, I should say, And then Jane tells Michael that she thinks Liz is asking for help to get away from her husband's abuse, and Michael is doubtful again and says Liz is intelligent, she would know where to go, she's smart, she can take care of herself. Asks for proof, and Jane says, you know, I've seen the bruises. And he tells Jane that it would ruin Scott's career to accuse him of domestic abuse over just a couple of bruises and a look in Liz's eye that only you can see.

And also I feel like diminishes Jane's. Yeah, And let's not forget what the stake for Michael, Mike. If Scott's career is derailed, that means his chance at climbing up the ladder is derailed. And so he has stuff at steak here, and I think it's it's why he just minimizes, like a couple of bruises, you know what I mean, No, because he has something at steak there, And it's kind of still the argument today. Oh that would destroy him. Oh that would wreck everything, that would wreck everything.

Guess what, folks, everything's already wrecked. Okay, yeah, well because he's doing that for date rap Yeah, I was thinking of date raping, like, don't say anything, you'll ruin his career. Women were attacked. That's so important by the me too movement that people starving. Wait a minute, I get to say what happened to me. Your feelings are not your your quote, you know, future is not more important than you getting away with what happened to me. And I think that. I'm sure Thomas probably was like I'm kind of a jerk in this, but he was representing a viewpoint that's really common. Yeah, don't upset the apple carte. Be careful. You could find him quo completely missing. He's hurting her all the time. It is if his career is more important than her not being beaten or woman not being attacked. It's fascinating, but it's true, like that's that's in our culture. Yes, it's a part of our culture. Well, because what the and still this was thirty years ago and still yeah, Well, because they're part of a hospital, they're part of a very important career. It's medical school, it's the hospitals.

There's boards, and he's has to get.

Holding him accountable for his actions his career. Well, yeah, and the count.

She's perceived as being this little thing that's niggling this in the way. You're wrecking the whole picture.

But it's not.

The whole picture includes his actions. Guys, that's part of the picture, and you're wrecking it.

For yourself as if she's being a troublemaker like and.

Michael sort of ends the conversation saying, this is between Scott and Liz. There's nothing we can do. And Jane is bothered by that non.

Another problem people, that whole mentality of you know what happens behind me.

We should go over time, like Jane and Michael's house, The curtains should be read. There should be red flags just on the walls everywhere.

She's going to flags. Yeah, she's starting to making her way through them, and she goes through. So then we cut to the party where Scott and Michael are mingling at the mixer. Liz is sitting by herself at a table. Jane goes over and talk to her, and Liz sort of tries to avoid conversation, won't even kind of look at her, and Jane persists, saying he's hit you has any and Liz tries to tell Jane to stop. Jane persists, and Liz said it was She admits it was only one time, but she's begging Jane to stop, and she's looking over at Scott and she doesn't want Scott to see that they're talking, and she says she doesn't want to make Scott angry. Leave me alone, she says to Jane, and she walks away.

And you feel that trap right, which is she can't stand up for herself because that will make him mad. If she gets help, that will make him mad. She's so stuck it's.

Only to make him mad.

And I love what you did this scene where she's sitting alone and Jane comes up with all of Josie's wonderful warmth, and she gets up because she can't sit with somebody because of her shame, because of what was done to her. It's really well handled. She walks away alone.

And then isn't In the same scene is when he walks up, she walks out, and the abusive husband walks up yep and says to Jane very calmly but insinuating, you're put in your nose where it doesn't belong, threatening her, but he can't.

Really, Yeah, that's exactly what I'm trying to find out what she knows, like, trying to find out.

If she has control, and it is it is very threatening when he when he comes up to Jane after Liz has left, and he says, you know, I don't know what she told you, and by the way, do you know where she is? And Jane won't reveal. I'm not going to tell you where she went, and.

She grabs her twice and Josie so beautifully just looks down like you can take that off.

I'm not, and he says, is everything okay while he grabs her arm and Jane pulls it away, and then Michael walks up and asks them to join the party. Scott tells Michael he needs to introduce Michael to Marinello, a pediatric surgeon and a diehard Italian. He says, it's being you know, bros. With Michael and Rose. Scott looks back at Jane and says, if you see Liz tell her I'm looking for her, and that's where the threat is. Like, if you see her, tell her I'm looking for and yeah, it's a threat to both of them.

And it's insinuating because you you put your nose in, you're now a part you know something, and anything you do is going to cause me to go have a chat with her. So your involvement causes her pain. That's how I got it.

Yep, Wow, you better.

It's one thing to say because he knows it. I can't hurt you like you better lay off or I'm going to hurt you. It's like you stay in I hurt her horrible.

So then we're in the staff room at the hospital. Michael is reading a book and Scott walks in saying, Mancini, Hey, you avoiding me. Scott tells Michael that Liz told him what Jane insinuated, and Michael says it's none of my business. Scott sits down and tells Michael that he's never struck his wife and he never would, and he starts defending himself, telling Michael what a rumor like Jane is starting would do to his career, and he insists he would never and Michael says, I know, but he looks doubtful. Then Scott changes the subject, asks Michael if he wants to observe a valve replacement, and Michael says sure. Scott leaves the room, looking back at Michael. Then we cut to Joe's apartment at night. Allison and Joe are having drinks at Joe's apartment and they're toasting to any good men out there?

Are there?

They? What is her grade vest? Again?

Another sleepless vest, But I mean, I just.

Love that outfit.

I remember that vest. It was laying with the gold kind of shiny stuff around the collar and the beaded stuff. I mean, that's Denise.

You know. She was fantastic. Yeah, it really was, because you know, Joe came from there was money in her marriage, and listening to it now, I go, oh, yeah, there was all this stuff.

In the and it comes out in the clothes, and it comes out in the clothes on her attitude. And I just noticed in this scene that you guys were having a party and I wasn't there. Oh I was like, oh that looks so fun, and I'm having total fobo.

I know, it's weird, isn't air?

We didn't even know you then, Laura, that's what's so weird.

But like exactly I didn't exist, Like I think at this time Sidney was by the way and like a denial because so far Jane is only said she's an only child. Yeah, but in truth, I think right about now I was probably headed to my first audition for Melrose right about now, yeah, because because you well you come in four later, right, uh huh. So I feel like my first audition was maybe happening right around this time while you guys are having a party without me. But this weird thing of watching it is like, look at you guys every week, sometimes more than once a week. You know that we talk all the time, and like I'm looking at you on screen, going.

We me done all this talking up until now, I feel like that was one to fourteen was another show, and now I'm now it's catching up to the show, obviously because Joe's in it, but I remember this is the show I remember being a part of.

I mean, are you going to feel that way?

Corny's been warning us this is the and then now you're having this experience. She's like, just wait when you guys are on it's a totally different.

It really does feel different. It's really super fun. I thought in the beginning of this scene, because we had so much energy, I thought we have a walk aft and it was just a we're having our own little But I also like after party, after the kicking the laundry.

Room, it's like you've definitely decided to be friends, and like you're having looks like and you know, maybe a little tipsy tip cute. Oh, it was so cute. But anyway, they're wondering if there was even any good men out there. I don't need them, Allison says, and she takes another big gulp of a drink, and Joe tells Alison that they're on their own, and she, for one intends to flourish. Allison then notices a framed photograph on the floor, black and white and says, it's bleak. This is. Joe says the photo is supposed to stay say repressed, not bleak, and that the photo is one of her, the married version of her.

That is. There's a very funny moment though, and Alison goes, oh, so clear, it's a gorgeous picture. By the way, I hope you still have one of those.

I don't.

Wouldn't that be a great should have?

It was darn it?

And then you go, you're reading was great?

You go who is that? And I go it's me and you we are like, oh I see that, and I'm like they repressed me. I'm like the totally like wasted out of this world.

Dark mat And then Joe shares with Alison that her marriage was never the real kind of love, and Alison asks Joe why she got married. Joe tells her that she was twenty when she got married and she ended up mistaking security for love. Yep, but she does miss that penthouse apartment with a view of the river, and Joe says, all right, this place is getting depressing. Where is the nearest hot spot cut to shooter closest the nearest hot.

Bar in Los Angeles? Yeah?


And Alison and Joe are playing pool and they've lost four times to two guys handing over the money they've just lost. Joe tells the guys what amazing pool players they are, but can we just play one more game?

Two guys who they clearly said we want guys without shoulder link hair, all complexed brown hair. Well, get two of them.

Yeah, super yeah, and the guy says, sure, we'll take your money again.

This time.

I want to even raise the stakes for a night out with Alison and Joe if they win, and Joe says, all right, but for me, if I win, it's seventy bucks, and poor Alison is just rolling her eyes.

Like a great old gee Louise.

And they've already lost four times. Allison doesn't expect to win this one, but the guys take the bed.

I mean, I feel like Alison is so out of her element with an older guy out of the beach, like, is this what happened?

And Joe, Joe is taking her down this path.

I mean, she's looking for trouble.

We got this, come with me, Alison, and the guys tell Joe to break them. Allison is very nervous, but she does break the ball and then Joe dominates on the pool table, clearing the table on her first turns, looking at some point to Alison saying ready, Thelma to Alison, ye, she clears the table, and then they asked the wins the guys for the seventy bucks they owe. They accused her of hustling, which she points out they were doing before, and Dwayne lady. Dwayne, I guess it has a name, tells Joe that you.

So glad you didn't have to go out with them. Yes, they big jerk.

Because they were not very appealing, like they were not very gentlemanly. And she retorts that a gentleman always pays his debt. And Alison would just prefer to leave, but Joe holds her ground.

Like, I'll give you seventy dollars, Can we leave?

Can we just go?

And Dwayne drops the money on the pool table, Joe pockets it, and as the girls turned to go, he calls them bitches.

Can you believe that?

I cannot I can't believe that.

Joe retorts, turns around into her close up and you say it does. That may be, but these bitches just beat your pants off. I would have said something slightly different then that kind of life.

In television, which is really I thought that was so violent, didn't you? And he lunched at her.

It was really aggressive because they try to hurry.

We run the bar.

He follows, Yeah, he follows you guy, and he's barely held back by his friend. He's sort of like trying to, I mean, grab at you as you guys are leaving and you hustle out fifty bucks richer.

Yeah, we go laughing out. I'm like, do you not realize that there's a guy trying to hurt you? I? Yeah, it's kind of especially especially when we're this is against the domestic violence shows, like let's do the super cute and funny guy lunging after a girl. Let's not.

Yeah, but again, here's where we see Joe's confidence, like I got this. I knew what I was doing at the whole table. We got all this money, and come on, I got you. And she takes her new friend out the door with there.

And then thank god they hold him in the bar because he's running after us and he's held back and we're like, yeah, let's go. Yes, thank god.

So then we're back Michael and Jane's apartment. Michael is trying to get Jane to leave for the movies and the phone rings. Michael answers the phone and it is Liz and she sounds like she's crying and she asks to talk to Jane, and then we cut to Michael and Jane driving up to Liz and Scott's house, where Liz is waiting outside the garage Jane runs up to hug her and help Liz into the car.

And the way she's walking you can tell how her she's something bad has happened, and Michael turns around to the back seat.

To see Liz's face totally freshly bloodied and breathes it and tears.

And he's like, look, we still don't have all the.

He's like, how did this happen?

Did the pipes breaking? He is finally finally believe.

Finally, and we cut to their apartment where Michael is tending to Liz's facial wounds. Liz is sort of riley, joking that this is what Scott usually does. She says, he beats me up and then he patches me up.

Isn't it weird too that nobody says we should go straight to the police. Yeah, isn't that weird? Like before he even maybe it's before we've seen the pictures of people, but you go straight to the police.

Did someone say anything? Did she say in there like, no, I don't want to.

I didn't hear it. Well, but perhaps that is It's.

Like that doesn't seem like something she feels confident doing. But what she does need is someplace safe and so she's turned to Jeane and Michael, and the first thing is like that she just needs shelter. You know, maybe that's her first impulse. But you're right, police would have been It was strange, Yeah, she says, she realizes it's absurd.

Wait a second, I just want to say, you know, I won't speak for you guys, but we've never been in a situation.


So it just dawned on me a book I read of Friday Afternoon Club but done book. Yes, yes, so he talks about his sister was murdered by a boyfriend and she called a friend. I think it was just horrible, and it just is like, this is a real situation. This is a real dynamics, unfortunately, and you know it's easy to say, well, they should just call the police, right, I just want to acknowledge that.

No, no, no, and yeah, and I'm not because it makes sense, but I'm saying I wish I think they should have said, we really should go to the police, and then she could have said I'm too scared. Whatever it is. But it just stranged me that nobody said. It's not even talked about. Yeah, that's what's I totally understand why she couldn't or wouldn't Yeah, yeah, So Liz.

Jane tells Liz that she can stay as long as she likes needs and that Scott is the one with the problem here, and Liz tells Jane that she feels humiliated. Liz thinks no one understands, and she tells them, I think it would be the last time, and then there would always be another reason for it to happen again, and then there would be an apology or an excuse from Scott after he abused her, and that he had to make up excuses. Then they had to make up excuses for her bruising, and Liz says she thinks it was the hospital and everything that came with it that made him stressed, and she's making excuses for him even here. And she acknowledges though that she's been rationalizing this for years. Liz's fantasy it didn't used to be that way. I could get back to that time when it wasn't this way. Yeah, it's heartbreaking Liz then, and she's just so good in this scene. She's so emotional and raw and real, and she apologizes to Michael, saying she didn't know where else to go. Jane is out of the room for a second, getting a bath ready for Liz, and Michael tells Liz that he should have done more and that Jane had told him, but he didn't want to believe that Scott could do something like this, and she says, neither did I yeah, exactly, and then crying some more, Michael hugs her. Lis admits that she still loves Scott, so yeah, but she's just terrific in these scenes. Then we're cutting to a lookout point at night, looking out over the city of Los Angeles. Alison and Joe back to the new best friends Yes again, another party that I missed. They're looking out over the LA lights and Joe is impressed at this spot that Alison is showing her of her new city in LA Allison says, after what happens at Shooters tonight, I feel like Thelma, and Louise Jo says she feels a freedom to be who she wants to be, and she feels like she likes the fear instead of fearing it. So I think she's referring obviously back to the life she just left. And that's why I really loved about this character. Now, and this scene is that she's already jumped into the unknown. She's in the unknown. She didn't know that you existed.

She didn't.

But here's this view. And by the way, I don't know where we shot it. I have no recollection of guessing. No, no, because Mulholland would have been. First of all, it wasn't the valley because the lights would have stretched much further, and there was I saw it should have been Mulholland, but I think it was out in Santa.

Creita, maybe up on a hillside because of the.

If you're up in Mulholland, the cars are much further away and further down. And I saw a car like not that far below us.

So it was supposed to be Mulholland.

But it wasn't.

And I don't remember shooting it.

And if we were up a mahand the lights would have gone off way, you know, miles into the valley or even in the la side.

All right, Well, for those of us who know it wasn't.

Actually I don't know where it was. I just to know if you would have remembered, But it was so long ago and some random night we had. But anyway, I love that she says to love the fear as opposed to being afraid of the fear, because when you think about what she left and here she is in the middle of what she was really scared of the unknown before, and she's in it. And I just love that line that they gave her in it dawned on me, Oh, that's what this whole episode is for, is for this character, you know of Oh my god, I'm here in these nosy, annoyingly friendly.

People, and I have an apartment and I have.

A new best friend. And it's like we played pool and I was It's like, here I am in the new adventure that she had no clue about, and she probably would have gone to some you know, charity ball and this and that and had to wear her little outfit and you know, a very stifled life compared to this, and she's in it. And that was really just I really am a believer in that and if you can switch your head around to you know, embracing the unknown, because everything's always unknown, and so I really like I aligned with her in that, and I thought it was a great message.

We also saw it like Joe coming out of her like sort of like reserved and stand off fish. She's really like warmed up, and she's really like grateful for Alison. And and Joe says, she owes it all to Alison, and she said, what did I do except maybe tag along? Like she feels like she was along for this ride at the pool place with Joe. But Joe is actually really grateful for Alison. It's just really cute. And Joe says, well, you help me kick the hell out of that dryer, which is, yeah, obviously there's so much more to which is.

A cute lie, but yeah, to get it out the system because we both been that repression. That's just that's that impression so much more than that, you know. And I am married to a man from the East Coast and like worked in New York and he's from Connecticut. And there is this I must say there and it's not just him, it's there is this sort of like status quo, you know, and they everyone comes to California because you can reinvent yourself. You can be the f you want to be, and no one's going to go, well, what family name are you from?

Well? Where do you you know? It's just not like that.

You can be really cool and quirky and broken Venice Beach, Well not anymore. But I mean, so she's that she's leaving that status quo that kind of stayed historic life.

And she's she's actually even vulnerable. In this scene, she asks Alison if she's alienated everyone in the building, like, oh, does everyone hate me? And she tells Alison she was scared to move out here and she feels like she's bad at making friends. And then she goes on to show Allison the drugs medications that her therapist has prescribed for her, that is the therapist that her husband had provided for her in New York. And then Joe in the scene she comes to a decision. She tells Alison she's her antidepressant antidepressants. Yeah. She tells Alison that she doesn't think she's going to need these pills anymore, and then getting up, Joe hurls the medications over the ledge, over the edge oft into the darkness, and she says, no more safety net.

Yeah, anti depressants or because I think that was before antidepressants are really a thing, maybe like valium, something to keep you quiet and calm and docile. That was my take on it, But it was something I remember like Mama's Little Helper and the fifties when they took the valium. That was my case. Maybe, but this is ninety two.

In any case, Joe doesn't I feel like she needs it anymore here in La Yeah.

Maybe was there even prozac in ninety two? Like that was the first one I remember.

Even hearing this one? I can't answer. Yeah, I don't know.

We just stayed apressed. We have no help.

Cut to Alison in the Billy's apartment. Billy is waiting up for Allison. He's reading here's where he's reading a magazine.


What is he doing? Well, he's smelling the magazine, you know, the.

Perfume, per sample.

I don't know if that was Andrew or the director, Nancy Malone or what.

Alone doesn't it It's just like, don't just read the magazine, do something with it. The door opens and he sort of quickly puts that down, and Alison comes home for the night after her night with Joe, how did it go? Billy wonders, and Alison says, Joe's great. Billy says he still thinks Joe's weird because she didn't answer the phone when he was in there, But she called me Bill, and she called me Bill? Who calls me Bill?

Did you notice in this episode I call you al Yeah? Was that up on the that scene that we just talked.

Give everybody nickname you're gonna call?

Yeah, I think it's hilarious. I never called I think they just drop it. I never say it again.

I like the Bill one and Allison says to Billy, You're still my best friend. And then she asks Billy, are you reading my magazines? Billy and smelling? Did I did I catch a glimpse of you sniffing that? Billy admits he took a quiz in one of the magazines, actually, and he tells Alison that based on the results, he's an almost perfect god.

To which the audience goes, no, dub, Alison.

Wake up to tell you that could have told you that the banter is very cute. So they shut off the lights as they each had their respective bedroom.

Oh my god, I remember those quizzes.

Don't you you're the right man? Are you the right girlfriend? Is it the right thing? Is that this? You know everything?


Billy wanted to know, so, you know, he took the quiz. So now at the hospital, Michael is in the staff room when doctor Scott walks in and Scott says he saw Michael with Williams some some other physician, and Michael says he didn't say anything. Michael tells Scott he doesn't plan to tell Leven everything he knows. He said he saw what Scott did to Liz's face, and Scott needs therapy, he tells him. Scott says, dude, it won't happen again. Michael says, that's what is said he would say, but Michael says, I have seen your work, and Scott then slams Michael up against the lockers, Michael saying, yeah, hit me, dude, hit me, better better than hitting Liz. Yeah, better me than Liz.

Such a good scene.

I love that line. I thought that was such a great Michael finally finally confronted him. Yeah, that was a great line.

And so as much as he challenges to hit him, Scott doesn't, instead backing away and hitting the lockers. Instead off to the side and says he's finished. You know. He doesn't want to lose Liz, and he asks Michael where is she? Where is Liz? Michael says, Liz left this morning and she made Jane and Michael promise not to tell him where she's going, but he's slightly better if he said, I don't know. Yep, and uh, there's no excuse for Scott's behavior, he says, and you need to go tell Levin. Scott asks Michael to come with him to tell Levin, and Michael and Scott walked together down the hall to go talk.

To which is now. Look, as much as I want him punished, my little like boundary alarm is going off, and I'm like, it's not really that he needs to go tell his boss, Like, this is his work. It's up to her to call the police or not. It's a marriage issue, it's not a work issue. So I thought this was strange. Did you think this was a weird boundary thing.

Well, it's his biggest fear that it's gonna like his career will be affected on something he's responsible for. Right, So he's like, whoa, I just need to cover my job.

I deal with that, totally understand.

But but you're thinking that Michael is crossing a boundary by telling.

Yeah, bo, I don't know why it's Michael's business to tell their boss that he's abusive to his wife. I think it's for the police, and I think it's for her to tell the police. I just I know this is sound weird, but it's almost like gossip at this point, like look what he did. Look what he did. It's like, well, yeah, but I get a harmatience gossip. No, well, I know it's not he's doing it because if he says he's a he just slammed.

He's a violent man, not just that he beats his wife, which isn't just about behind the you know, at the house and just between you and your wife. But he just slammed him up, he hit the other locker. What is he going to tell him exactly? He says, I'm about to go.

Tell Well, that's what's interesting, Like, what is he going to go? That's what I'm saying. I just say, look, obviously he needs to have consequences. I don't think the appropriate place to have consequences. It's not like he's a professional athlete and there was a video of him and he's up there. Well, I guess he is pretending to be something he's not.

Yeah, well, it's a good question.

It's interesting that you're bringing this up. It seems like maybe the police not his boss.

Right to me.

He's like, here's here's what he said. Is the next thing I'm going to be doing. This is going to be difficult for me. Michael, will you come handhold me through this? It's almost like this, you know, account I.

Did something, say, I hit Daphney because maybe she wasn't called me out again, maybe she called me all again and I hit her like I wouldn't go to our boss. I don't know. It's just yeah, I know it's not it's not really important. I just saw that. I thought, that doesn't feel like those don't feel like the proper authorities to go to in this situation, right, Yeah, that's what it was interesting.

So, but it's theatrical and that's where they were. So then we cut to Jake and he is in the shower in his apartment and the water suddenly changes temperature and he rips open the shower curtain and Anger turns off the water and grabs a towel, looking up the.

Stairs most importantly, and even him.

Can't argue with this. They can't argue with this.

Shirtless he and he storms through the courtyard in his towel, thank you very much, and he has upstairs to Joe's part.

Banging on the door.

By the way, we see every second of the walk they're not.

And you know what, I'm thinking, that courtyard is so dirty, Like isn't he wearing his feet?


And Joe answers the door in a silky blue robe and she clocks him very clearly barely dressed, and Jake says, the water. I was taking a shower. Joe tells Jake that she was brushing her teeth, and then she remembers about the water what he had said, saying.

You're hot, I'm cold.

When I'm hot, you're cold or something.

When I'm when you're hot, I'm cold. How unfortunate?


She like goes up and down with.

Her eyes and a little smile, and that is.

Also so you turned on cold water to brush your teeth, and that did something to his hot water. I guess we just don't pull the thread, right, Just don't don't pull up. We got him without a shirt. You in a row, yeah, and we're we're yeah, that's what we did.

How unfortunate, She says, a little smile. And that's enough to get Jake unmad because he's like a little a little bit flamexed to there, and with one more flirty beat of them looking at each other, Jake tells Joe to have a nice day and walks back to his apartment. Joe watches him go thank you very much, and Jake walks by.

In her beautiful pariwinkle, very beautieous sachrobe.

Jake walks by Billy, who's reading the paper in the courtyard, and Billy says to Jake, without even looking up, so what do you think? And Jake responds definite possibilities And with that we end the episode with beautiful Joe leaning over the railing above, still checking out.

Jake ups, Wow, what happens when I turn on the hot water?

Yeah? Not even pretending you're not the we know.

I'm enjoying the fear.

I love this.

I should have done this sooner.

I love Layah, I love all Right.

Well, that was a fun episode.

It's great, maybe one of my favorites so far.

It's really picking up, it's really getting better, and we talking about four. This is what they don't give shows now the chance to really find their legs because they're really starting to figure it out, and they gave us enough time. And one thing too, that we didn't touch on. One of the reasons our ratings were so low is that we were on Fox and Fox had far was had far fewer markets in which they were shown, So our numbers, I don't know if we ever actually broke the top ten. We did in there was some like eighteen to thirty five whatever. We broke the top ten, but because we just didn't have as many markets.

Yeah, because I remember going to like these something in some plane with just some private plane and like we were had to come out on stage and it was me and someone from married with children and Terry Bradshaw.

Yeah, and we're all trying to say who.

Yep, wow, Yeah, football was a big deal.

You know, we would remember this Andrews and we have Andrew back on. I'm going to ask him because he clocked all of that. He was paying careful attention to all of that, so we should ask him. Yeah.

Well, we had we had a fan send in some ratings and information too, just from Wikipedia, So I take that with that though I couldn't.

Yeah, did you understand the numbers are a little bit hard to fans listening? Please explain it to us. I mean number Thank you for listening and trying to help us. We need apparently little more help to figure it out.

But I also thought, you know, sign of the times. We had some pagers appear in this episode, like beepers. Remember we called him beepers, the pagers when the doctor's pagers go off. I feel like doctors still use those?

Yeah, they should know.

I'm not sure do they call him beepers?

I don't know. I don't feel like we still use pages?

All right, Well, I am looking forward to the next episode because guess what, I know that Daphne will be in it, and Courtney will be in it, and I'll get to see my friends and I'll have some more fomo. But I'm really looking forward to next. So our next will be a recap. That'll be episode sixteen coming up here on Still the Place. Yes, and this one was really fun, guys.

So and then you come on nineteen twenty and then you go away for a little bit and then you come back. Yep, because these were long seasons. For how long do you go away? Do you remember?

For the rest of the season. So I'm just gonna pop in and pop out.

Yeah, you're gonna be super happy for two weeks.

And I'm gonna be super weird out.

Like, oh my god, I'm in the show.

What am I gonna do?

Like year, so you come in nineteen twenty and then Heather comes in twenty one.

We're so grateful that everyone's listening and watching along with us. Thanks for coming to.

Steal the place and everyone to listen and lead reviews and download and we'll.

Yeah, you're never leave a twelve star.

Leave a twelve stars.

You have to write an extra stars.

But yes, we appreciate all the stars.

And again, you can watch these shows with us on Turnout Plus.

All right, we see you next week here.


Still The Place

On July 8th, 1992 apartment buildings with pools were never quite the same once “Melrose Place” was  
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