How to Work With (Almost) Anyone by Michael Bungay Stanier

Published Jun 5, 2023, 8:00 AM

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About the book

The quality of your working relationships determines your success and your happiness. Stop leaving it all to chance.

Build relationships that are safe, vital, and repairable.

One essential conversation. Five powerful questions.

Your chance to build the best possible relationships with all the people who matter


About Michael

I’ve written books that have sold about a million copies all told, including The Coaching Habit, a self-published book that’s become the best-selling book on coaching this century. I founded a training and development company, Box of Crayons, that has taught coaching skills to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. I love that it’s a human-centered place to work, and that it practices what it preaches.

But wait! There’s more! I’ve been happily married for 30 years or so; I was a Rhodes Scholar; I’ve created a book in partnership with Seth Godin that raised $400,000 for Malaria No More; I’ve been named #1 Thought Leader in Coaching and a Coaching Guru; I’ve launched several podcasts; I’ve spoken live and virtually to crowds of thousands…


Listen to Michael talk to Brené Brown about the Advice Trap


Big ideas

  1. We should all have this conversation
  2. Safe, vital, repairable
  3. Keystone conversations


Let's connect
