Spies. This is h Q with an urgent mission. Doctor Stinky Breath and the Purple Ninches have figured out a way to control our friction with some kind of laser. We need you to research the friction near you to see if their laser has ruined the friction in your area. Your assignment of friction Investigation Phase one. Find five different types of surfaces with friction. Examples of this maybe a wood floor, driveway, or sandpaper. Before touching them, we need you to rate their friction level on a scale of one to five. The rest of the information of this mission is enclosed in the link below. We also send this information to your parents. Make sure that your parents are receiving communication from h Q in their emails. Report all your findings back to h Q. We are counting on you, Agent. This is h Q over and now,
Spies. This is h Q with an urgent mission. Doctor Stinky Breath and the Purple Ninches have figured out a way to control our friction with some kind of laser. We need you to research the friction near you to see if their laser has ruined the friction in your area. Your assignment of friction Investigation Phase one. Find five different types of surfaces with friction. Examples of this maybe a wood floor, driveway, or sandpaper. Before touching them, we need you to rate their friction level on a scale of one to five. The rest of the information of this mission is enclosed in the link below. We also send this information to your parents. Make sure that your parents are receiving communication from h Q in their emails. Report all your findings back to h Q. We are counting on you, Agent. This is h Q over and now,