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About Mr. Jim:
Hi! I'm Jim Jacob, a South Carolina based creator. I started as a podcaster by accident. Our first real episodes on the internet were me trying to find a solution to help tell my sons stories as I was traveling for work. I recorded some stories and hoped that by uploading them to a podcast app, my wife and kids could have easy access to listen. What started as a fix for our family’s bedtime routine interruption has grown into a worldwide audience with hundreds of thousands of listeners. My wife Jocelyn and I have 3 kids and love inspiring others towards greater imagination and curiosity.
Welcome to "Spyology Squad," the thrilling kids podcast where science meets espionage in a world of "spyience-fiction"! Join the intrepid trio—Jayden, Ava, and Mr. Jim—as they embark on gripping missions to thwart Dr. Stinkybreath and his devious Purple Ninjas. Each episode of this dynamic kids podcast is a blend of exhilarating adventure and intriguing science, perfect for young minds eager to learn and explore.
Dive into the heart-pounding world of "Spyology Squad," a kids podcast that's more than just entertainment. It's a journey into the realm of science, where each episode is a new mission, combining the excitement of spy adventures with the wonders of the scientific world. This kids podcast is designed to captivate listeners aged 6-12, providing them with memorable stories that are both fun and educational.
"Spyology Squad" stands out as a unique kids podcast, offering episodes thrice a week that are tailored to complement what children are learning in school. With its engaging narrative and educational content, this kids podcast is the perfect supplement to your child's learning journey, making science both accessible and enjoyable.
Listeners will be on the edge of their seats, following the adventures of Jayden, Ava, and Mr. Jim in this kids podcast, where each episode is a new opportunity to learn about science, develop critical thinking skills, and be part of the team that saves the world! It's not just a kids podcast—it's an adventure into learning that your child will look forward to every week.
Subscribe to "Spyology Squad," the kids podcast where science and adventure collide, and be part of a community that values curiosity, learning, and fun. Join the squad and delve into a world where kids podcast episodes are not only memorable and perfect for children aged 6-12 but also a fantastic addition to their educational experiences. Don't miss out on the action, the learning, and the chance to be part of the Spyology Squad, where every week is a new adventure in the world of "spyience-fiction"!
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Hello friends, Welcome to s Biology Squad. We are a team of spies who specialize in science. You see doctor Stinky breath in the Purple Ninjas are trying to take over the world through science and it is up to us to stop them before it is too late. Last time on s Biology Squad, we saw that the moon has been expanding to be extremely large and it's starting to cause flooding all over the Earth. We're running out of time and Ava Jaden and mister Jim have to find a squid to save the day. All right, Purple Ninjas, I need a report. How are we doing?
Ah, we're doing very well. We're doing very well, and appears that the moon is approaching twelve times larger than normal. We're getting closer. We needed to be twenty times larger than normal to flood the whole Earth and then we will get control all the people.
Ah, yes, Purple ninchez. After the world is flooded, all the people will be forced to live on our blimps that are located all around the world. Oh no, doctor Stinkybrett's plan is I guess he has blimps all over the Earth and if the Earth is flooded. Then everyone will be forced to live in his blimps, and then he will have total control. Mister Jim is flying back to Australia with the equipment needed to make the moon's antidote, because remember, we gotta get that moon back to its normal smaller size, and to do that, mister Jim has discovered that squid are the secret to the antidote. All right, Ava, uh, you should be almost ready. Let me just check the oxygen tank to make sure that it's good to go. Jaden was getting all the gear ready for Ava and her big scuba jump. She was the one that was gonna go find a squid, a baby squid. Actually, they needed to find a baby squid of a giant squid. Do you know those squids that have the ginormous eyeballs in are absolutely humongously big. Well, that is the species that they need, and they just need to borrow a baby for a little bit. They'll return it back to its parents. But the baby is the one with the key to the antidote. All right, Jaden, I think I'm all ready to go, said Ava. Three two one. She splashed into the water and started to swim down to the bottom. They were connected by walkie talkie, so they were able to stay in communication. Jaden called into mister Jim to see how his trip was going. Sh mister Jim, how's your trip going? Is your jetpack getting here super fast? I hope you're gonna get here soon over sh Hey Jaden, Yeah, everything's going. I'm flying across the ocean right now. I should be in Australia pretty soon. So just hang tight. Sh Oh good, said Jaden. Uh, mister Jim, can you tell me again, like why exactly? Like what do squid have that will help the moon get back to its normal size? Over? Oh? Great question, Jaden.
So remember, squid have something called papilli, which are muscular sections that can be deformed to change the shape and color of its skin. It's pretty magical and amazing what they're able to do. And so if we can get one of those papillis and put it in a serum, we can shoot it to the moon and that will be able to control the moon to go back to its normal size. Wow, that's so cool, said Jaden. As Ava was swimming down to the bottom of the ocean, which is where those giant squid live, she had brought her net shooter with That's how she was going to capture one of these babies, to borrow it for just a little bit so that they could get what they need. She swam deeper and deeper. She turned on her headlamp and started to look around. Wow, so deep down here and dark. I just love scuba diving, said Ava. She had spent many years practicing and training to be an amazing scuba diver. It wasn't long before she found what she was looking for. Awesome, there's a perfect size. Just in front of her was a baby giant squid. It had a cute little eye and was about one foot long. It was a perfect size, and so she grabbed the net shooter and used it to capture the baby squid. All right, little guy, don't worry. We'll take good care of you and we'll let you go right away. Wait, what was that sound? Said Ava? Whoa help, Jaden? Help? All of a sudden, a giant squid had grabbed onto Ava's legs and was pulling her deeper and deeper. She was in some serious trouble. Don dun, dun, Ava, Ava, are you there over? Said Jaden as he eagerly waited her reply on the walkie talkie. There was no reply. Oh no, the giant squid got Ava. Oh no, does that mean I have to go down there? Jaden did not like going deep, deep in the ocean. He had been trained as a scuba diver, but it still made him a little nervous. All right, I gotta choose to be brave. He grabbed all his gear, put it on. Okay, do you guys remember how we choose to be spies. Yeah, we just count to three. We say one, two, three, and as soon as you say three, you gotta go for it. And that's exactly what Jaden's about to do. One two, Here we go. Three splash. As Jaden fell backwards into the ocean and started swimming down deeper and deeper, he knew that he had to go save Ava. As he swam deeper and deeper, he could see Ava's light flickering in the water. He quickly swam as fast as he could, deeper and deeper. Ava had been captured by the giant squid, who was just looking to protect her babies. All right, Ava, I see you there. Just hang tight and try not to move too much. I'm gonna see if I can get you out of here, said Jaden. Jade swam up behind the squid underneath, without the squid even knowing, he was able to untangle Ava from all the tentacles of the squid. All right, we gotta get out of here. Come on, Ava, let's go, said Jaden. Jadon and Ava started swimming for the surface as fast as they could. It's a good thing that Ava was still holding on to the net shooter that had that baby squid that they needed. Sh Jaden, you saved me, Thank you. Oh absolutely, don't worry. All right, Uh, there's mister Jim. Come on. Jadon and Ava got out of the water as fast as they could and handed mister Jim the baby squid. Wow, great job, guys, Jaden. I'm surprised that you were scuba diving. I thought you were afraid of that. Good job. Yeah. I kind of had to go save Ava because a giant squid caught her. Are you serious? Yikes? Job guys. Jaden and Ava were safe and sound, and mister Jim grabbed a syringe and carefully pulled out a small section of the popilli from the baby squid. All right, that'll be enough. That's all. We need go. Let that baby squid go. They released the baby giant squid back into the ocean and swam back to its mom. All right, Jaden and Ava, I need you guys to get the rocket ready to blast off to the moon. Wait what we're going to the moon? No, no, no, no, We're not going to the moon. But we're gonna blast off this antidote to the moon and it will take care of the rest. Ava and Jaden were rocket experts and quickly put together the rocket from the kit. They added the antidote from the Popilli serum three two one, and it blasted off right to the Moon. It took a few minutes for it to arrive and get there, but as soon as it landed, they were able to push the button to inject the antidote back into the moon. Yes, it's returning back to its normal size. Check the flooding, Jaden put up. Pulled up the flooding reports, and sure enough, the waters are starting to recede, said Jaden. It looks like it's working back Up at the blimp high above the clouds, Doctor Stinky Breath and the Purple Ninjas had just found out what had happened, but did the found its going on? Why is the moon shrinking?
The old blass it looks like I don't know, but this Biology squad, it looks like they've figured a way to shrink the moon.
I think our plan has failed. I know, but it means you don't need to say that fail to me.
Ah B.
Never give up Rebel Ninjas or Bear or Plan B. Wow, great jobs, Biology Squad, we did it. I don't know what Plan B is, but it looks like we're gonna have to be ready for another adventure. We need more kids just like you on our biology squad. If you love science or if you love stopping bad guys, you need to go to s Biology squad dot com so that you can join our team. Because there's always a mystery around every corner.