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About Mr. Jim:
Hi! I'm Jim Jacob, a South Carolina based creator. I started as a podcaster by accident. Our first real episodes on the internet were me trying to find a solution to help tell my sons stories as I was traveling for work. I recorded some stories and hoped that by uploading them to a podcast app, my wife and kids could have easy access to listen. What started as a fix for our family’s bedtime routine interruption has grown into a worldwide audience with hundreds of thousands of listeners. My wife Jocelyn and I have 3 kids and love inspiring others towards greater imagination and curiosity.
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Hello friends, welcome to s Biology Squad. We are a team of spies who specialize in science. You see Doctor Stinky Breath in the Purple Ninjas are trying to take over the world through science, and it is up to us to stop them before it is too late. On the last episode, S Biology Squad discovered flooding all over the Earth and that the Moon had grown ginormously huge due to Doctor Stinky Breath and the Purple Ninjas. Let's see what happens next. Mister Jim, what are you talking about that the moon could be causing all this flooding, said Jaden. That's a great question, Jayden, because I know that probably doesn't make any sense, but listen close. So gravity is the thing, you know, like when you drop something. Let's say you're holding your pillow and you just drop it falls to the ground, right, Yeah, of course, said Ava, Exactly, that's gravity. The Earth is really really big and that's why it has gravity. But the Moon is pretty big too. Even though it's much smaller than Earth, it's still really really big. And so the Moon creates its own gravity as well. And so as the Moon rotates around the Earth, it is pulling on the oceans. Oh, I've heard of that before, said Ava. That's like with the tides, right exactly, said mister Jim. You know the tide schedule. So sometimes during different parts of the day, if you were to go to the beach, you know how sometimes you lay your blanket out on the beach and maybe you're building a sand castle. And while you're building the sand castle, the ocean is really far away. But after a couple hours, the water just gets closer and closer and closer, and pretty soon it swallows up your sandcastle. I hate when that happens, said Jaden. I know me too, But that's the tide schedule. The tide is correlated to the Moon's position because the moon has its own gravity and it polls the ocean. So theoretically, if the moon or to get bigger, its gravitational poll would get bigger too, which would cause flooding. Wow, that's crazy, said Ava.
I know.
So I'm gonna head back to spiology squad HQ to do some experiments to see how we can shrink this thing back down, because I'm sure that doctor stinkybreath is behind it, okay, And then Ava and I will stay here and see what we can figure out from the evidence around here. All right, we'll see you later, mister Jim, said Jaden. Mister Jim put on his jetpack and blasted off back to the lab. It was now up to eight and Jaden to figure out what in the world was going on. Ava was gonna do some research on the Moon's side, and Jaden was going to work on checking if it was really correlated to all the flooding happening around the world. Jaden opened up his iPad and started looking at the title schedule. All right, yeah, so every time that look, Ava, look at this. This title schedule shows me exactly when the high tide occurs in certain cities and it matches up perfectly. Look at this London, Sydney, Tokyo, rudjian Aio, all these places with floods. The times of the flooding correlates exactly to this title schedule, so it must be correlated. Wow, great job, Jayden said Ava. Ava was working on the size of the moon to see how much smaller it needs to be to get back to normal. All right, it looks like the moon is supposed to be one point five percent of the size of the Earth. What how are we supposed to know? Like, what does that even mean? All right, one and a half percent. So just imagine a ping pong ball. Can you picture a ping pong ball? Said Ava. Yeah, I love playing ping pong, said Jaden. Perfect. So imagine there's a ping pong ball and a really big watermelon. I love watermelon me too. Watermelons the best. And okay, sorry, we gotta stay focused, said Jaden. So imagine a ping pong ball next to a watermelon. The ping pong ball that's the normal size of the moon. That's what it's supposed to be. And right now, according to my calculations, it's the size. Oh dear, that's not good. How big is it? Right now? It's the size of a really big orange. That's almost eight times larger than it's supposed to be, said Ava. Ava and Jaden then saw something in the sky. Do you see that?
Look at that.
There's like this green glow in the clouds. That's really weird and unusual, said Jaden. I'm gonna go check it out. Jaden put on his jetpack and blasted off to the clouds. When he made it up to the clouds, he peered his head through the clouds to the other side. Ava's not gonna believe this. He took some pictures and flew back down. What did you see up there, Jaden said, Ava. It's a blimp. It's gotta be Doctor Stinkybread's blimp, and there's some kind of laser shooting out from it at the moon. I think he's trying to make it even bigger. Are you serious? Let me see. Ava took a look at the pictures that Jaden had took. Sure enough, it's exactly what he said. We gotta call this into mister Jim. Mister Jim, are you there over sh Hey, guys, what's going on. How's your research going? Well, it's going well. We've learned a lot. We know that the moon right now is about eight times bigger than it should be, and all the tidal schedules of the high tide around the world for the ocean correlates perfectly to all the flooding, So that tells us that the moon is totally causing all this flooding. Wow, great job, team. Yeah, I'm getting closer to to finding a way to shrink the moon, said mister Jim. That's great, but you have to know that we just saw doctor Sinkybreath's blimp above the clouds, and he's got some kind of laser that he's shooting at the moon, said Ava. Holy smokes, said mister Jim.
I knew it.
I knew that it was doctor Stinky Breath and the Purple Ninjas behind all this. All right, so what do we do next? How's the flooding? Jaden pulled up the latest reports and it was not good. Mister Jim, Ava, you're not gonna believe this. Look at this. He showed them the reports, and it shows that the entire world's coastlines have started to flood. People are evacuating to higher ground. We're running out of time, shouted Ava.
Beep beep, beep, beep beep.
What was that sound, mister Jim, said Jaden. That beeping sound came from mister Jim's side of the walkie talkie in the lab. Oh great, our results are in. Hold on, let me check them, said mister Jim. As he read through the report, he found exactly what's going to cure the moon's size, Ava Jaden. I found it. We need to extract the muskyler sections from a squid and turn it into an antidote for the moon. Wait what, said Jaden. Yes, you know how squids can change color and change shape magically. It looks like I love squids, said Ava. They're so cool how fast they can change their shape and color. I know exactly, said mister Jim. We need to find a squid and extract the muscular sections from it so that we can make an antidote and shoot it to the moon. Oh jus, I call the scuba suit, said Ava. All right, Ava, this is all on you. It's up to you to save the day. Go get us a squid. Meanwhile, up in the secret blimp above the clouds.
I buys things are going great. Are approaching nine times the normal size of the moon, and pretty soon the whole earth is going to start seeing so by the flooding And is the effects perfect?
Burbelinjas, I'm so proud of you. You make me so happy, even all the times that you have failed me. But finally it looks like we will Vin what, oh no, what is.
Going to happen? Are Ava, Jaden and mister Jim gonna be able to create the antidote for the moon in time before before the whole world is flooded? I don't know but we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens next on the next episode of s Biology Squad. We need more kids just like you on our Biology Squad. If you love science or if you love stopping bad guys, you need to go to spiologysquad dot com so that you can join our team. Because there's always a mystery around every corner.