The Solar Panelocalypse | Chapter 1

Published Jul 18, 2022, 5:01 PM

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About Mr. Jim:

Hi! I'm Jim Jacob, a South Carolina based creator. I started as a podcaster by accident. Our first real episodes on the internet were me trying to find a solution to help tell my sons stories as I was traveling for work. I recorded some stories and hoped that by uploading them to a podcast app, my wife and kids could have easy access to listen. What started as a fix for our family’s bedtime routine interruption has grown into a worldwide audience with hundreds of thousands of listeners. My wife Jocelyn and I have 3 kids and love inspiring others towards greater imagination and curiosity.

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Hello, friends, Welcome to Spiology Squad. We are a team of spies who specialize in science. You see, doctor Stinky Breath in the Purple Ninjas are trying to take over the world through science, and it is up to us to stop them before it is too late. It was a beautiful sunny day as doctor Stinky Breath and his Purple Ninjas were flying in their purple stinky blue lab. We're flying over a whole bunch of neighborhoods. Down below, he saw something that caught their attention, the Pepper Ninjas. What does those funny looking black squares on the roofs of all those houses? Um? Oh, those those are the They're called cellar panels. Boss. It's for creating an electricity. What do you means they create electricity? I thought electricity comes from batteries in other places? How do those black squares make electricity? Alex? How do they do the thing? Sorry? Um? Yeah? From sunlight? We don't know exactly how they work, but it absorbs the light and somehow it turns it into electricity. Very interesting. So what would happen if we block the panels from the light, Well, it would stop the house or you know, that building from having electricity, and oh, I get it. Yes, we will get to work. I'm figuring out a plan for that. Yes, and let's see if this biology squad uses these at h Q. Meanwhile, it was Saturday shore Day at both Jaden and Ava's houses. Sh Hey, Jaden, how's it going over there? Sh oh? Just cleaning like a bajillion windows? A bajillion? Uh? Do you, Jaden? Do you even know how many a bajillion is? Yes, of course I do. I promise my house is even more than that. S gotch so uh. Anyway, I've been dusting, said Ava, and wiping down all the shelves and stuff. I don't mind it, it's kind of nice. Well, then maybe you can come over here when you're done and help me wipe down all these bazillion windows s Sorry, Jaden, I totally would, but I'm going to my aunt's birthday party across town. S. Just spill this window cleaner all over myself. I'm gonna need to change and clean this up. Oh sh oh, yike. Sorry, Jaden, Well, good luck with that. We'll chat later over and out. Sh Meanwhile, up in the Stinky Blimp Lab, the Purple Ninjas were hurriedly walking down the hallway looking for their Doctor Stinky Breath. Hey, mis why why aren't you bus We have a couple of updates. Bush, Please don't boss on me right now. I'm I'm putting on my stinky older and under my arm bits. Oh sorry, uh well, we could come back another time and talk to you later. Well you interrupted me. Now tell me what it is, okay, while we finger down and really easy way to stop the sellar panels from working. Oh yeah, that's great. And did you find out does h Q s a spiled g squads? Do they have those black squares on the roofs Ah, that's the other thing, Yes they do. Look, they showed Dr Stinky Breath pictures they had took of HQ while flying over it. Ha ha ha. So then do we do the plans that you came up with. Well, that's the other thing. We already did it. You did. Let me see, Doctor Stinky Breath ran over to the window and was very proud of the Purple Ninjas. Ninjas, I'm very proud of you. Once the power goes out at h Q, we must act fast and do some thing crazy. Not only steal scenes, but we should try who shuts him down for good, maybe even locks him out. Yes, yes, once the power goes out at h Q, we must figure out the way to lock the doors and us take over their HQ. Ha ha, that's a great plan. But yeah, we'll start looking for some locks that wake and put out the doors to a c and it came them out after the power comes out. At Ava's aunt's birthday party, they were about to sing Happy Birthday, something strange started to happen. Wait a second, said Ava, who turned off all the lights. Her cousin turned around and said, I don't know. It wasn't me. Hey and J shouted Ava, do you know what's going on with the lights? Oh my, that is very strange. Oh way, I don't understand why the lights turned off. I didn't turn them off. And this morning I noticed my solar system's battery was missing, said HERA and Jay, which is strange. But the sun is still out. Our solar panels should still be powering the house. Very strange. Wait, Aunt, Jay, could you explain that to me again? So you have solar panels on your roof, but they power a battery, right, Yeah, it's a it's a new thing I got and yes, the solar panels. They power all the lights and everything in my house. I also have a battery here to collect all the extra electricity that those solar panels collect for you know, cloudy days or at nighttime when the sun is and out, the solar panels charge up the battery and makes my house completely independent from the grid. It also is a way for clean energy form a house, said Aunt Jay. Wow, that is very interesting, said Ava. We just got the same thing over its biology squad HQ. I'll be right back, said Ava as she ran over to her backpack. She ran to get her walkie talkie and call out to Jaden. Hey, Jaden, you'll never believe what's going on at this birthday party. I think my aunt got robbed her too, said Jaden. Hey, Mr Jim, did you hear that? Wait a second, Jaden, you're with Mr Jim. Yeah, h Q, s news. Solar battery went missing in the panels aren't even working either. We're trying to fix it to get the power back up and going, Holy smokes, that's exactly what's happening here. Sh Wait, hold on a second, Ava, said Mr Jim. You're telling me that your aunt's house has solar panels and a battery system, but both the solar panels aren't working in the battery is missing. Sh Yeah, it's so weird. Weird about seeing Happy Birthday and the lights went out and I thought someone was, you know, doing us happy birthday surprise with the lights out, but that wasn't the case, and that my aunt Jay said that our battery when missing. And I don't know, but it's got to be connected. Yeah, I think you're right, Ava. We should probably meet up and figure out how in the world these could be connected. But I still can't figure out how the solar panels aren't even working, said Mr Jim. There are a pretty simple system, and there's light shining on the solar panels right now. They're doing nothing. Something is going on that's not good. And our backup generator only has a few hours left before all our power is going to go out at h Q. Wait a second, what happens if the power goes out at h Q. S If the power goes out at h Q for good, it means we're completely exposed to the Purple Ninjas. He could just walk right into the door and take whatever they wanted. Oh no, what in the world is going on, Why is all the solar panels and power not working? And if HQ actually loses power, it sounds like Jaden, Ava and Mr Jim are in for some serious troubles. We're gonna have to wait and see what happens on the next episode of Spiology Squad. It's time for some Spiology Squad shout out. I want to say hey to Keldon, Eva, Kean, Conrad, Mica, Cadence, Isaac and Reese. I'm so glad that you're all in this Biology Squad. We could not stop doctor Stinky Breath and his crew without you, my friends. If you want to join Spiology Squad, have your parents head on overtus Biology Squad dot com and fill out that form and we will send you your very free access card in the mail. Well, friends, I will see you on our next adventure. This is h Q, over and out. H

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