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About Mr. Jim:
Hi! I'm Jim Jacob, a South Carolina based creator. I started as a podcaster by accident. Our first real episodes on the internet were me trying to find a solution to help tell my sons stories as I was traveling for work. I recorded some stories and hoped that by uploading them to a podcast app, my wife and kids could have easy access to listen. What started as a fix for our family’s bedtime routine interruption has grown into a worldwide audience with hundreds of thousands of listeners. My wife Jocelyn and I have 3 kids and love inspiring others towards greater imagination and curiosity.
Welcome to "Spyology Squad," the thrilling kids podcast where science meets espionage in a world of "spyience-fiction"! Join the intrepid trio—Jayden, Ava, and Mr. Jim—as they embark on gripping missions to thwart Dr. Stinkybreath and his devious Purple Ninjas. Each episode of this dynamic kids podcast is a blend of exhilarating adventure and intriguing science, perfect for young minds eager to learn and explore.
Dive into the heart-pounding world of "Spyology Squad," a kids podcast that's more than just entertainment. It's a journey into the realm of science, where each episode is a new mission, combining the excitement of spy adventures with the wonders of the scientific world. This kids podcast is designed to captivate listeners aged 6-12, providing them with memorable stories that are both fun and educational.
"Spyology Squad" stands out as a unique kids podcast, offering episodes thrice a week that are tailored to complement what children are learning in school. With its engaging narrative and educational content, this kids podcast is the perfect supplement to your child's learning journey, making science both accessible and enjoyable.
Listeners will be on the edge of their seats, following the adventures of Jayden, Ava, and Mr. Jim in this kids podcast, where each episode is a new opportunity to learn about science, develop critical thinking skills, and be part of the team that saves the world! It's not just a kids podcast—it's an adventure into learning that your child will look forward to every week.
Subscribe to "Spyology Squad," the kids podcast where science and adventure collide, and be part of a community that values curiosity, learning, and fun. Join the squad and delve into a world where kids podcast episodes are not only memorable and perfect for children aged 6-12 but also a fantastic addition to their educational experiences. Don't miss out on the action, the learning, and the chance to be part of the Spyology Squad, where every week is a new adventure in the world of "spyience-fiction"!
Hello, friends, Welcome to s Biology Squad. We are a team of spies who specialize in science. You see doctor Stinky Breath in the Purple Ninjas are trying to take over the world through science and it is up to us to stop them before it is too late.
Last time on Spiology Squad, we saw that Ava and Jaden are completely locked inside of Spiology Squad HQ because all communications, Internet and everything are down because of the solar flares that are being created by the Purple Ninjas and doctors sinking your breath and the Purple Lazer. What in the world is gonna happen next? Let's find out. Heh heh. That was the voice of Ava and Jaden banging and screaming from the inside of his Biology Squad HQ. Lucky enough for them, mister Jim had forgotten something at HQ and was coming back to pick it up. Guys, is that you in there? Shouted mister Jim. Yus, yus, it's Ava and Jiden. The door won't open. I think it has something to do with all the communications being down. Okay, you'll just need to find a ladder and climb out through the skylight in the ceiling I had to use that once when I forgot my access card. Uh, just be careful, shouted mister Jim. On the inside, Ava and Jaden found a ladder and carefully crawled out through the skylight in the ceiling. Mister Jim, you're not going to believe what we found. As they carefully climbed down from the roof. You found something. Yeah, what is it? Said mister Jim. Look over there. Ava pointed her finger off towards the west, first at the purple blimp in the clouds, and then is that a purple laser? Said mister Jim. Yep, pointed directly at the sun that's just now coming over the horizon, said Ava. It looks like they're behind all of this. But how is that even possible, said mister Jim. I'm glad you asked, said Jaden.
I wasn't just sleeping last night. I was actually reading through the encyclopedias from my grandma's house encyclopedias, said mister Jim. I haven't seen this since I was a kid. Well, they're pretty complicated, said Jaden. You can't even talk to him. You have to actually flip the pages and look through it. But anyway, I learned all about the Sun's surface and why solar flares? Could you know, cause this many problems here on Earth. You see, the Sun is constantly giving off something called the electromagnet. How do you say that? Abe looked down and said, electromagnetic radiation. Oh that's a big one, yes, EMR, said Jaden. It gives it off in all directions, and when a solar flare occurs, more of this EMR electromagnetic blah Blahaetta is ejected. If that solar flare is pointed directly towards Earth, that's increases the amount of that EMR that the Earth saves. And if it's powerful enough, that's when some serious problems can happen with like our communications and satellites. So that's what we've been seeing so far, right, said mister Jim exactly. But there's something even worse. You see these things called solar superstorms. Well, that's pretty much the end of everything electrical, even from your phone to a flashlight, anything that's plugged in or with a battery. At EMR, if it's strong enough, can shut it all down, said Jaden. That sounds like a serious game over here on Earth, said Ava. You don't think they're trying to create one of those solar superstorms, do you, asked mister Jim. Well, the fact that they have some kind of laser pointed directly at the sun and we are having more of those solar flares, it looks like they are, said Ava. Okay, then we need to make sure that laser gets turned off before it's too late for the whole world. I'm on it, said Ava, who is already putting on her jetpack. Jaden, I need you to use your binoculars and keep an eye on that blimp. Since none of our systems work, we have to use our eyes. And here's a pair of some really old short range walkie talkies since our normal ones aren't working. This is all we got. Mister Jim handed both Ava and Jaden a pair of these old walkie talkies that we're somehow still working. Jaden grabbed his binocular Ava blasted off on her jetpack. She shortly arrived at the blimp. Since it wasn't that far away, snuck through the back window. She can overhear the Purple Ninjas talking about something.
All right, so this laser think it's going pretty well, don't you think dude, it's pretty ucivel that sticky crystal.
Hey, let's not talk about that stinky crystal, just in case anyone's listening.
Yeah, you mean like me, shouted Ava as she dove into the room towards the stinky crystal.
Where do you come from?
It was sitting there on a stand, right in the middle of all the laser stuff. She grabbed it and took off running.
Hey, come back.
She dove out the window with her jet bag and blasted off safely on air fings. Aver this going on here, Papa Ninjas invites the laser get turned off. Tell me you can turn it back on the right now.
Well, I thought exactly how to say this.
But PURPENSI, guys, guys, I got it. There was some kind of crystal light thing powering the whole thing. Did the sun stop pulsing like that? Sh No, it's still pulsing and all of our communications are still down. It must not have worked. Sh Wait a second, didn't you say something about it taking a long time for the light to reach the sun? Said Ava? Sh Oh, yeah, oh what was it? How many minutes? Was it? Was it? Eight minutes? Sh Yeah, that sounds right, said Ava, they're right. You see the light. Remember it travels at a certain speed, and if it has to go really far distance you have you can calculate how long it will take to get there. And remember, the Sun's light reaches us in eight minutes, and so do you think if that laser beam was coming from us towards the Sun, would it travel in the same time. Yes, that laser that the Purple Ninjas were shooting at the Sun, it takes eight minutes to reach the Sun. And so even though we turned it off now, there's still eight more minutes of laser that are headed towards the Sun. I hope it's not too late before that superstorm starts up. All of a sudden, Ava's walkie talkie cut off and her jetpack it shut down as she fell out of the sky. Thankfully, there was a river below that she crashed into. Jaden was watching the whole thing happen and ran as fast as he could to the river's edge. Hava, Hey, are you okay, shouted Jaden. Her head popped up from the water and she swam to shore. Here. Grab my hand, said Jaden. That was crazy. What just happened? Said Ava. I don't know, but it can't be good. If more of our electrical systems are shutting down, that must mean the solar storms are getting even worse, said Jaden. But then all of a sudden, their walkie talkie turned back on and they could hear mister Jim, sh guys, you did it? What in the world happened up there? But everything turned back on. Ava and Jaden looked at each other and instantly hugged. They couldn't believe it that they actually stopped the sun just in time before it turned into a ginormous solar superstorm. Who hopefully now everything will go back to normal. Sh, that's great news, mister Jim. Well, yeah, I found some kind of crystal up in the blimp lab that I think was powering the whole thing. We should probably run some experiments on it in the lab, just to figure out what in the world this thing is. And I will be there in a minute, over and out. Meanwhile, up in the stinky blim blab Peppen ninjas. I do not know how many times we have to have this conversation, but how could you lose the stinky crystal? Oh?
Bus Well, I think there is a kid that came through the window with the blimp.
I know what happened, but how could you let these happen?
The Purple Ninjas didn't know what to say. Their eyes were just very large. Well, you better make it up to me.
You better get to work on creating a new stinky crystal.
Oh dear, looks like this is definitely not the end of this adventure. We need more kids just like you on our Biology Squad. If you love science or if you love stopping bad guys, you need to go to biologysquad dot com so that you can join our team. Because there's an adventure around every corner.