David Mustard: On why Novak Djokovic continues to polarise fans around the world

Published Jan 21, 2025, 6:25 AM

TV presenter Tony Jones has issued an apology to Novak Djokovic after mocking him and Serbian fans at the Australian Open.

It resulted in Djokovic boycotting an on-court interview following last night's win over Jiri Lehecka [yizzy la-hetch-ka].

Speaking on Channel Nine, Jones says he's reached out to Djokovic and his camp to apologise for making comments he considered to be banter.

Former New Zealand Professional David Mustard joined D'Arcy Waldegrave to discuss Novak's controversy. 


You're listening to the Sports Talk podcast with Dancy Wildergrave from News Talks.

It'd be it's a warm welcome to the show to David Mustard. Hi, David, how.

Are you just just really amazed with this Australi Open is the best one I've ever seen, more drama than anything, Huge crowds, ninety five thousand people a day, day and night, sessions going through early on in the tournament, you just name it.

Stuff's happening and it's great.

It's fascinating to watch.

Although when players like mon Fees have to walk away because the're a better elderly, that's disappointing. But we're not really interested in that for this conversation anyway. We're interested in the controversial character that arguably is the greatest player to ever pick up a racket and if he wins this Open, well he'll be number one at the top. But people just know they can't embrace him.

What is it with Novak Djokovic.

It's interesting.

I saw him in his early days courtside of the Australian Open one time, playing I think, and I wasn't very impressed with his attitude with his parents rowing him up and him rowing up and he just looked like an upstart, like a lot of the players. But he just annoyed me. But then slowly but surely he started growing on me.

But every now and again.

The whole thing about him is he loves He seems to love controversy.

He loves the friction, but it actually it makes him better.

And that's a dangerous thing, you know, coming in for Olcarez in this matchup that's coming out tonight, when there's nothing worse than a Djokovic that's fired up, had controversy around him about all this stuff, and I think a tough thing for him, a bit of a chip he probably has, is that he's undeniably the goat on stats, on winds and Grand Slams twenty four and ten, Australin Opens and what have you. But it's always been Nadal and Federer who have had the more response to the people they like the more that he has more affinity with them. Jokovic has always not quite had that same feel about it, and you've got to say, well, has he changed the game. He's made it a lot better, of course with the match ups, but Fedder and Nadal have.

Just been liked more with the public. It's just the way it's been.

He's a lightning rod for controversy, though, isn't he. He tends to make decisions or find himself on broad and situations that just increased that friction between himself and everybody else. Now that's not deliberate. Some people are just liked this, aren't they, or they suggest some of his moves he made. I don't know if he did it for the controversy, but he's stuck to his guns.

Yeah, yeah, he did that, you know.

I mean, you know, you go back to the COVID thing and he had his response to that and what he wanted to do. And he's always been very strong and opinionated on what he believes in, and he holds.

That in spite of anything, you know, with all that controversy coming about, with the gentleman Tony Jones from.

Channel nine saying stuff, you know, mock the Serbian fans and no, that actually has been all.

S stuff and kicking out.

I mean, that's that's actually ridiculous. He even said that, but he said he was doing tongue in cheek and joking. Well, that didn't sit well with Jokovic and he made a call and said he wouldn't do the interviews on court, walked away from Curier on court at the Open, said no, I want to apologies and I'm not prepared to do any more press stuff, even though we probably get fine for it. He stuck to it and in many ways he was right, but he tends to always go a bit further than other people would go. So but in the end he's been apologized too. He's accepted that he's moved on. I mean, some ways some people have an affinity to say he shouldn't have had to be of that. So Djokovic is coming into this as a four to three matchup and wins. The last time they played, I think it was at Wimbledon w Akaraz one. But that's a different surface, of course, and this is Jocovic's favorite event where he's had the most success at. Honestly, you know, Ezrodiks said on one of his podcasts, he said he's just looking forward to wants to sit down and watch this match.

You'll be enthralled tonight. He just doesn't know which way it's gonna go. Djokovic's got the ability.

Al Karaz has got the ability Alcarez has the younger legs twenty two, but Djokovic is incredible with his training patents. He's thirty seven. Honestly, it could go either way. I in my heart, I'd like Alcarez to win that, to be honest, But then again, maybe you prefer the great Djokovic.

People would say, David Master that his behavior is precious. He sat at the top of the world for so long. Shouldn't you just let things like a commentator regard his words a little wrong, just drift past and not make so much of an issue, Because without him doing that, the issue wouldn't have been so big, would it. He could have gone behind the scenes and I'm done and add again, give me an apology. But there's something about him that made it blow up.

I don't know. Well, as you said, maybe that works for him.

He wants that, and that will put him in a better state of mind to take on out and the rest of the tournament.

He seems to like a cause. He's stubborn, but he's always been like that.

I would have thought it would just take a lot of energy having to even do this cause and say on a Polis and all that. Why didn't he let it go. I actually kind of agree with you. Why why take all their energy about this? But then again, that doesn't seem to make him tie, that seems to fire him up.

What do you say?

I wonder what Andy Murray thinks of all this. I wonder if he's in the same quart as Djokovic. I don't know, but look, it's really interesting this matchup coming up. Because also they didn't I didn't realize this until a bit more research. You know, they have the analytics courtside though, so the coaches can see it all the stats on the matches coming through all the time, so they can look at the first set. You know, if Jokovic loses that, he goes did he serve to most of the time our careers, where's he returning to him? They can see all the stats and they can all of a sudden make it adjustments to certain tactical situations.

So it's quite amazing.

How much will that play to be and how much do they look at those stats?

It's not tennis, guy, I need to do it on the City of Pants, surely. Maybe that's another argument for another day. Hey, just on on tonight, and we know the crowd favorite will be Alkareth. He's the new young gun, the new hope. And you know, the Aussie's relationship with Novak probably not great. A lot of complaints around the Australian crowd and their desire to boo and to bring that kind of energy from from the seats cheap seats, expensive seats where other How much is that going to get into the heads of both players, our craz and Djokovic when this Ossie crowd start going, because they will, won't they, David?

Who are they going to? Who are they going to go for? It's interesting are they going to? It'll be cool to see that earlier on, to see what of them? Are they happy with Djokovic?

Do they want them to keep going the older feller against the young buck.

Maybe I shouldn't put it.

Like that, but Alcarez has been very passive, whereas Jokovic is fired up. Do they like Jagarez because they see the changing of the guard and he's actually got quite a bit on this particular torment because they always keep talking. I wonder how much he believes about him getting that.

You know that winning would have won all the slams, you know, at his age, all that sort of stuff.

So the dynamics on how the crowd feel will be quite interesting, and I think it will actually be quite beneficial to whoever they are a little bit more, have a bit more favoritism.

To be honest, well, I'm.

Going to enjoy it regardless of what happens. He'll be a late whole night.

I don't see this being done in straight sets. Let's hoping it doesn't because I want all the entertainment I can clap my eyes on regardless.

Of the time and night.

It is all morning, David must have as always, thanks for your time, your expertise, in your opinion.

You enjoy the rest of this fantastic tournament.

I will thank you very much, have a good night.

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