Another stadium proposal for Auckland has hit the headlines today.
Nick Mowbray, Ali Williams and Mark Foley want to build a new 12000-seat stadium at Western Springs.
NZ Herald Auckland reporter Bernard Orsman spoke to D'Arcy Waldegrave on Sportstalk about whether this idea has a snowball's chance in hell of ever happening.
You're listening to the Sports Talk podcast with Dancy Wildergrave from News Talks'd be.
All right, we're going to talk about yet another stadium there. They're everywhere. They are breeding all over Auckland. None of them seem to go to full term though, do there, which is the right shame? That's really all we're after this time around. This information has been released prematurely around what happens at Western Springs once they managed to clear away the speedway. If indeed that happens, that's another story. But Western Springs has got a truesd place in the heart of most Aucklanders for a number of different reasons. Three various organizations have come across the table and said to Auckland City, we'd like to put something there. There are three of them, and we'll talk about those three applications right here, right now as we go to senior journalists at the New Zealand Herald, A man who covers things has been around covering these off for a long long time. His name is Bernard Orsman. He joins us now, good evening, Bernard, good evening. Interesting, yet another set of proposals coming out for yet another stadium. We've always known that Western Springs was looking like moving. That's another argument, isn't it. And we thought that Auckland Football we're going to try and climb into that. It's come out now that that's one of the applications. There are three put forward for the future of Western Springs Stadium. There's one from CRS Records, a privately funder a transformation of that venue to a premier live entertainment venue and activities with a capacity of what forty five thousand people. You've got the one from MWF, which is basically the one that Ali Williams is promoting, a twelve and a half thousand seat stadium, sports facilities and Ponsumi Rugby Club are looking to a venue to enable fifty thousand concert goers. But the big asterisk here is redeveloping the site with proposal to the council for further funding. Out of those three propositions, what one do you think the council would lean toward.
I really don't know, Darcy. At this stage the Council is taking a neutral position on the three proposals they've come forward from expressions of interest that were sought last year to manage Western Springs going forward, and the councilors will make a decision as to which option they prefer in early May.
Which way do councilors tend to lean in decisions like that, like what are their most relevant concerns, their biggest considerations?
Well, I think their biggest consideration in this case is what they think is best for the future of Western Springs. Proposal sort of offer different options for the future of Western Springs, and at the stage I couldn't tell you which way the councilors are going to to lean if there's a majority behind one of these options, I really don't know.
When you look at the lack of money that everybody seems to have in this day and age, is the fact that there's a couple of billionaires behind one of these proposal, is that likely to maybe give them an insideline because it's not going to cost anyone anything.
Well, that the council's made it, it's very clear that whoever gets selected to manage Western Springs in the future can't expect to get any council funding with their proposal. I guess you've got to say that the proposal put forward by Ali William Williams and Co. Does have serious financial backers. We've got billionaires involved, so perhaps you know that gives them the inside running. I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see.
How long do these decisions normally take. Look, I think that this ball has been led out of the gate a little early. I don't know who's responsible for that, but I've got an idea. One's already been considered, two are coming up next week in the fullness of time. From your knowledge and dealing with counsel, these decisions aren't made in a hurry. How long do you think before there is I suppose a blue tech if you will.
Well, the process is the councilors decide a which one they prefer in early May. Then the issue goes out for public consultation. Then it will probably come back to council for confirmation or otherwise, and then it's a matter of sort of working through the various resource consent processes. One factor at play here is that Ponsonby Rugby Club has a lease at Western Springs until twenty twenty seven, and if they were to be unsuccessful another proposal was to come forward, they would have to wait until twenty twenty seven before they could get spades in the ground.
What about Western Springs Speedway. For as long as I've been in Auckland, I think over twenty years, this has got a zombie like state. It returns from the dead. It always seems to be coming up to the last dance at Western Springs. It won't go away, So I suppose they've got to be confident that it will go away. But we know of recent conversations. Is that Western Springs dead in the water as far as you're concerned, Is this definitely the end or they'd still rise up and cause a ruckus.
Well, the last race at Western Springs is on Saturday night, and I think all the indications are that will be the end of speedway of speedway at Western Springs and it will move to Waycaraka Park next season.
I suppose that's what's written. But whether it happens, you've been around long enough. They've got a really good bit of not releasing, have they. They're pretty good Westerns brings it starting where they are.
Well, there's a couple of possibilities there. One is that the works at Wayaraka Park have to be ready in time for the start next season. If that doesn't occur, that could possibly give Speedway another season. There's another possibility. There's been talk of a judicial review being taken against the decision to move Speedway to Wayaraka Park, but that hasn't been lodged yet, so I'd say at this stage it looks almost def that Speedway will will bring down the curtains, so to speak, on Saturday crying shame.
I love that place, but so be it. You've got to advance. It's the nature of the human race, always looking forward. Are the points of influence around here? People like or can transport for example, EWE involved too. What are the other big mitigating factors here around getting something like whatever this is that gets given the tech to be established.
Well, I think they really they just have to go through the normal resource consent process of lodging a consent that involves talking to various stakeholders, talking to EWI and so forth. I can't really see any any difficult issues to overcome. I mean, so long as they sort of abide by the conditions that are laid down by the council. Because the Council will have to issue a lease for Western Springs, there'll be conditions around that. What they can and can't do. And I imagine if the successful body, if you like, abides by those conditions, go through the normal resource consent process, then it's all go.
Does Oakland City need a twelve and a half thousand seat stadium, but yet another stadium to add to the mess of stadium we have scattered it well all around the nine Well.
One of the ironies of this is that back in twenty twelve, Auckland Council unveiled a stadium strategy and one of the guiding reasons for that was they thought that Auckland had too many stadiums and there should be fewer stadiums. If say, the Eli Williams proposal goes ahead, well Auckland will end up with a new stadium of twelve and a half thousand. It seems to me to be a good size. You know, twelve and a half thousand will sort of suit a number of sporting codes, a number of franchises, and you know, it could could turn out to be a huge success.
It could be nice to have a roof on it. Or is that asking too much, do you think, Bernie?
Well, if that is Ali Williams and co. You know they might have to stretch their wallet a bit further and if they want a roof.
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