In this special podcast-turned-game-show episode, Hector puts Frankie’s SpongeBob knowledge to the test, throwing him up against two of the SpongeBob crew’s biggest trivia experts: Writer Danny Giovannini, and Network Executive Lianna Cohen. Danny, Lianna, and Frankie play a series of nautical quiz games to compete for the one and only Golden Pineapple.
It's not about winning, It's about fun. What's that fun is when fun is It's like, it's kind of sort of like a what is fun? Let me spell it for you. Half is for friends who do up together. You is for you and me, and is for anywhere, in any time at all the Brucy Welcome to the first annual SpongeBob binge Pants Trivia Show. I'm your host, Hector Navarro, and today we're gonna be diving into some delightful trivia all about the first season of our favorite show, SpongeBob square Pants. I'll be going over the rules in just a sec, but first let's meet the contestants. First up, we have Danny Joe Vannini. Danny has written for all three SpongeBob show of the first episode he ever wrote, Potato Puff, just recently aired on Friday, April two thousand, twenty two. Oh Mrs Poff, it's been so long. Did you miss me? Yes? I missed you so much and it's so good to see you. From here. He started in production that became script coordinator, and is now a writer across the SpongeBob universe. Danny grew up a huge SpongeBob fan and loves this first season. Danny, how are you feeling today? I'm feeling fantastic, Hector, and I have to say that is a equally fantastic game show host voice. I love that well, Danny. Thank you very much for that compliment. So happy to have you here. Let's meet our next contestant. Leeanna Cohen has worked her way up in current series development and is now a manager that helps keep everybody in production in check. She gives network notes throughout the various stages of the show's creative process, outline scripts, autematics, and storyboards. She also helps with the development of various news series from the network side. Leanna grew up a huge SpongeBob fan as well and also loves this first season because who doesn't, Leanna? Are you in it to win it? Oh? Absolutely, Hector. I've been training my whole life for this moment. We love that enthusiasm, Leanna, thank you so much for being here. Our last contestant is Frankie Grande. Frankie enjoys making people happy and watching SpongeBob square pants. Frankie, what do you think your chances are today? My friend fingers crossed for a third place finish. Today head now here are the rules. The name of the game today is crabby Patties. That's right. Points are patties, and you've got to win as many as you can to take home the golden pineapple. I will be spinning a wheel between rounds, signifying a change in the game that we are playing. Each round has three questions, one opportunity for each of the three contestants to earn herabby patties. I will only provide a clue if the contestant really needs it, and will dock points if I do so. If any contestant cannot answer the question, it goes to another contestant for an opportunity for bonus crabby patties. Time for the games. The first round is who said that? The reward is three crabby patties for a correct answer and to bonus crabby patties if you can name the episode. So we're starting with Dan jovi Anny. Here is your who said that? I the hooks They dangle down and draw you close with their pleasing shapes and beguiling colors, And just when you think you've found the land of milk and honey, they grabbed you by the breeches and haul you weigh up high and higher and higher and higher, until you're hauled up to the surface, flopping and gasping for breath, and then they cook you and then they eat you or worse Danny who said that Hector, I literally just watched this episode this morning, So that was Mr Crabs in the episode Hooky that is correct, for three cabby patties and two bonus crabby patties, for a total of five crabby patties to Danny. Nicely hungry Hector five? How five? Nicely done well, Frankie. That's because he got the question right. Plus he was able to name the episode. Frankie named the ampisode. Frankie, now realizing he is in way over his beautiful head. Here we go by books. They dangled down and draw you close with their knees and shapes and their begoiling colors. And just when you think you found the land of milk and honey, they try to find the bridges and holly were Upie, they'd hire and higher on hied, hold up to the surface, flopping encustin for breath, and then they cook you and then they eat you. The next question, Leanna are you ready? I'm ready. Here is your who said that perfect patties are made with love not magic? Oh, King Naptune says it because SpongeBob said it to him in Neptune's batula. Leanna, that is absolutely correct. You have just been awarded five Crabby Patties for the correct answer, as well as the episode. Nicely don Leanna the couse it stove as boat my finger field line on the raft stove? What did I tell you about using your powers? Trainee? Perfect Patti's all made with love not magic. Now we're moving on to Frankie Grande. Your line is I'm crying because I've got these two ice cream cones, but I only need one, sobbing. I don't know what to do with the other one. M h. I can provide a clue if you need it. It's SpongeBob and he's talking to Patrick. Is that not right? Everyone's like, no, no, wait what? Oh? I am so sorry Frankie. That is actually incorrect. Let's go to Danny for the steel. Do you know the correct answer for this? Who said that? I do, Hector. In fact, I believe that is Plankton who said that. Nicely done, Danny That is from the episode Walking Small where Plankton was trying to trick SpongeBob, so he was using two ice cream cones. I'm crying because I've got these two ice cream cones, but I only need one. I don't know what to do with the other one. All eat one of those ice cream cones for you. Nicely done, Danny. You've been awarded a bonus grabby Patty for coming in with the steel. Here we go, it's time to spin the wheel. The next round is bikini bottoms behind the voices four crabby patties for a correct answer, Leanna, here is your first question. What do Scooter, the Dude, Atomic Flounder, and Nabby Narwhale all have in common? I'm gonna guess they're all voiced by Carlos alaz Rocky. That is correct for crabby patties. Nicely done. The next question goes to Mr Frankie Grande. Frankie, are you ready? I'm ready? Here's your question. In the episode help Wanted, when SpongeBob first burst through the doors of the Krusty Krab, whose voice did actor Tom Kenny impersonate? Wow? I can also provide a clue if you would like. Yes, please give me a clue. I'll take it. Here's your clue. Tom Kenny is doing an impression of someone else who also works on the show Sponge Oh, I got it. Okay, it's Mr Lawrence. Too crabby Patties for Frankie. I'll take it. I'm mentioning a Kamabart captain. I've been trending my whole life for the day I can join the Krusty Crew and now I'm ready. Last question in the round is gonna go to Danny, and your question is who voiced Bikini Bottom's favorite geriatric superheroes. That would be Ernest Board nine and Tim Conway. Danny four crabby patties. Nice, are you? Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. We used to be but now we're retired. But you can't retire. There's evil afoot and that is the Bikini Bottoms behind the Voices round. Before moving into the next round. Just to recap, Danny is currently in the lead with the most crabby patties. Leanne is in second place and trailing in third place. Still not out of the game is Mr Frankie Grande. No, I'm right where I said I was going to be and I feel great. There I'm on the podium respectable bronze. Here we go next round, and we have landed on finished that one. In this round you will be awarded five crabby patties for a correct answer. Frankie Grande, you are up first. First question, would you like to know the character who says the line or would you like to not know the character for an opportunity to get extra crabby patties. I will take the opportunity to get extra crabby patties, Go bigger, go home. As we say, I'm not going to read the line in the character's voice then, so we don't know who says this. But remember the question is finish that line and I can still provide you a clue. Here's the line. I'll take a double triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft four by four animal style extra blank with a shimmy and a squeeze light axle, grease, make a cry, burn it and let it swim. That is bubble bass. That is correct for three bonus crabby patties. Now, Frankie, can you finish that line or would you like to move to the multiple choice options? I can do it. What is the word we're missing. I'm not sure about this one. I would love to get a clue on this one. No problem, Frankie. The question has now been downgraded to a three point rabby patty question. The clue has now morphed this question into a multiple choice question. Here are your options. Option A cheese, option B fries, option CE shingles, option D sauce. Wow, that didn't help at all. I I extra extra shingles sounds interesting. Yeah, let's go with shingles. Frankie, that is correct for three crabby patties. Able to guess the correct character as well, so that was a total of six grabby patties for this first question. Nicely done, Frankie. Coming back still in the game, brother, I'll take a double triple body DeLux on a raft by four animals styles extra shingles with ishumi and a squeeze like axle grease, make it cry, burn it and let it swim. Way served food here. Moving on to Danny for the next question, Danny, would you like to know which character says this or would you like the option for bonus patties. I don't need to know, I'll already know the confidence very confident Danny, here we go, your finish. That line is horrey hooray. That was great squid word. All those blank notes you played made it sound more original. That's SpongeBob and the missing line is wrong. All those wrong notes you played made it sound more original, Danny. That is correct for a total of eight to pratty patties. Danny has now achieved his final for me. Has never been more powerful. Nicely done, Danny, great squid word. All those wrong note you play made it sound more original. What I didn't play any wrong note. Moving on to the next contestant, Leanna, you are still in this game with a strong second place. Would you like to know the character or would you like to not know for an opportunity for bonus patties? I think I need to not know to even be close to Danny and Frankie right now. Well played, Yanna. Here we go, Leanna, you're finished. That line is if I don't make any money today, I'll surely break out in a blank that's Mr Crabs. That is correct for three bonus crabby patties. Leanna, can you finish that line? That would want to move to the multiple choice option? I don't make any money. I think it's rash. He'll surely break out in a rash, Leanna, that is correct, for a total of eight Crabby Paddies. Yes, yes, not a customers site. If I don't make any money today, I surely break out in a rash. I just want to point out that their words were rash and wrong, and mine with shingles. I wanted to. I just wanted to point that out, as we know that is correct. The game is stacked against you, my friends, and you're still hanging in there, which means you're a true slima bungebomb fan. You're you're up against some big players right now. Frankie, you're holding your own so that's true. I'm on the podium, still good. This is this is Texas. Hold him Poker in Las Vegas. The chips are down, the stakes are high. Let's go ahead and spin the wheel for the next round. The wheel has landed on the impossible round a k a. The Dutchman's detailed game. That's good, that's terrified, all right. Ten Crabby Patties for a correct answer. No clues in this round. The are ridiculously hard, soul sucking SpongeBob Trivia questions that nobody should ever know the answer to. And if you do know the answer, you're insane, Danny. We're starting with you. I'm not sious. Good reference, Danny, but no bonus Grappy Patties for being adorable. Here we go. How many months in a row did SpongeBob win employee of the month. Oh, this is impossible. Wow six, Steve five, my cold warm You are as cold as humanly possible. You are wrong, Danny, and you should be ashamed of your lack of knowledge. I'm kidding. These are impossible and turning in my two weeks. Now, let's go to Leanna for this deal. Do you know how many months in a row SpongeBob one employee of the month from the episode employee of the Month? Um? I actually do, because I remember noticing that it was just over two years that he had got an employee of the month in a row. It was twenty six months. Leanna. That is impossible, Crabby Patties, you are insane, very impressive. There might be a new face on the wall this month. That's right, SpongeBob, I might sneak up on you. Well, lo and behold, we are now moving back to Leanna for the next impossible question. Leanna just successfully stole Danny's question for ten crabby Patty points. Wow, are you ready? I don't know if I can top stealing Danny's question. If anybody can do it, anyone can do it, it's you, Leanna. Here's your question in the future, how how many letters of the alphabet are there? I think it's like fire, oh, so close, but that is actually incorrect. This is, of course, from the episode s B Dash one to nine where squid Word goes to the future. Frankie. We're moving to you. Can you steal the impossible question? Do you know how many letters of the alphabet there are in the future? Okay, I know Leanna was close, but I think she was a hundred off, so I think it is four hundred and like eighty something four eighty two. No, it is incorrect, but it is so so close. We're moving back to Danny. Danny, can you guess correctly or do you know how many letters in the alphabet there are? I'm going off of the other two now, so four d and so close. Actually less close than Frankie. The correct answer was four hundred and eighty six. Frankie, since you were the closest to the correct answer, and it was an impressive almost official steel. I will give you five crabby patties, not the full ten. Nicely done, though, just ask my clones A bunch, trowns, X, Y, and Z. Are they other letters of the alpat involved here? Sure? All four six of them. So Frankie, you now have an impossible question before you. Okay, though mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy have blank fingers as young men, they have blank fingers as old men. I have no actual idea, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that as kids they had five fingers, and then in as adults they have four. Frankie Grinder, you just got an impossible question. Correct, that's ten crabby. I thought I remembered that as adults they had four, and I just had to decide whether they would gain one or lose one. But I think they fight crime, so they must have lost one. Date duck reasoning. I appreciate the backstory lore that you've created, but apparently it's just a design choice detail Formade Man and Barnacle Boy nicely dun freaking And you thought that you had no skin in the game and look at you again, beautiful skin aided by his young one, protecting the sea with feats of strength and a jilney through the cropractor. Now it is time for the final round and the final spin of the wheel it landed on as you can see here behind me nodded it all the nautical know it all around our general SpongeBob trivia questions going for five crabby patty points. Leanna, We're starting with you. Your question is which episode marks the first appearance of Larry the Lobster. I think it's muscle Bob buff pants. Excellent guests, Leanna, but that is actually incorrect. We are going to move to the next contestant, Frankie Grande for this deal. Do you know which episode marks the first appearance of Larry the Lobster. I can provide you a clue if you need it. I am going to take a guess because I need the points, um and I think that the first episode that was on a beach, which means Larry the Lobster was there because he's always there is ripped pants. Frankie. That is correct for five crabby patties Living Frankie or a genius Hey, Sandy, Hey, SpongeBob Y Larry, you guys want to go lift someway. Next question is going to go back to Frankie. Frankie, what is the name of Mr crabs pet Worm? I'll take the clue. The question has now been downgraded to a three point rabby patty question. Your clue is it rhymes with poodles? What is the name of Mr crabs pet worm? How about noodles? That is incorrect, Frankie pet We're going to move over to Danny for the steel. I'm going to put it all on doodles. Danny, that is correct for three crabby patties. Mr Doodles, we will accept doodles. That is correct. Sometimes it's doodles, sometimes it's Mr Doodles. Now I'm going to move back to Danny for the next question. According to Plankton in the fun song, what does the U stand for? Singing? U is for uranium bombs? That is correct, A fish for fire that burns down the whole town used for uranium bombs andervive. And now we're gonna head over to Leanna for the next question. Leanna, what kind of organism is squid word? Squid word is an octopus, a six legged octopus. That is correct for five crabby patties. A six legged octopus. Thank you for the clarification, Leanna. That is absolutely correct for five crabby patties. And now we're going over to Frankie. Okay, Frankie, your question is on what day are SpongeBob and Patrick worst enemies? I think I'm gonna take a blue on that one. The clue is it starts with the letter oh oh, thank you when there worst enemies. That makes a lot of sense. On opposite day, that is correct for three crabby patties, Frankie, nicely done. Sports book doesn't work. That's right, you're my worst enemy. Patrick, You're not really not my friend, it's just opposite day. We have made it to the end of our first annual SpongeBob binge Pants Trivia game and it is now time to announce the winners. But before we do, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our guests, Danny, Jo Vannini and Leanna Cohen. Thank you so much for joining us. You guys were fantastic. Uh Frankie and I love that you're on the show, love that you working on the show, and you have such passion for the show. I'm using my real voice now. I would love to ask Danny what has been your favorite memory of getting to work on SpongeBob so far? And then Leanna, you're going to answer the same question when Danny is done. Danny that that is a tough question because it's I've been on the show a long time. There's a lot of memories. UM, not quite as long as some of the other people who have been on the podcast, of course. UM, But I would say just the other day when my very first episode that I wrote premiered, that had to be I mean, that's one of my favorite memories of my entire life. And I you know, that episode is really special to me just because I worked really hard on it. I got the opportunity to write something for all of these artists who did such a fantastic job of bringing it to life. It's incredible what they did with that Scriptum, the storyboards, the character designs, they if everybody really went above and beyond on that one. Um. I also have to say being on this podcast is another favorite memory. I'm not just trying to flatter you. I am a big fan. I listen to every episode as soon as they come out. Okay one bonus crabby Patty for Danny. Okay, thank you a wonderful answer, Danny, and seriously, congrats on being a part of the show and we're so happy that you're working on it. Leanna, same question. What has been a favorite memory of yours getting to work on the SpongeBob SquarePants Universe. I love it. I mean the whole experience. I think Danny and I can agree, like having grown up watching it and now getting to work on the show is like I never would have dreamed when we were eight years old that we were going to get to do this. I think some of my favorite SpongeBob memories are when we get to go to comic con with SpongeBob. I've been to San Diego and New York comic cons and it's like so cool to get to be with the cast and crew members who were there and to interact with all the fans or it's just so excited and it helps me think about, like, what a cool and fun and exciting job I get to have to work with these people all the time. Beautiful answer. I love the convention experience. Bonus crabby Patty for Leanna. That was an excellent answer. Nicely done, Leanna. Thank you. And now it's time to announce the ranking of the first annual SpongeBob bench Pants Season one trivia show. Coming in at third place with twenty eight and a half crabby patties. After that donation is Danny Joe Fannini with the respectable third place. It's Danny. Yes, the crabby patties were out of control in this game, and Danny has come in in an amazing third place. Coming in in second place with thirty one and a half crabby patties, It's Frankie Grande second place, which means our first place winner with a whopping thirty crabby patties is Leanna co and Leanna congratulation. Oh my goodness, I can't believe it. Have one the golden pineapple. Thank you, Thank you. All three of you played beautifully. You were so much fun. My cheeks hurt from laughing so much. Thank you both, Danny Leanna so much for being on the show. Thank you. This was so fun. Thank you so much, and don't forget to listen in every Thursday for new episodes of SpongeBob binge Pants. Wherever you get your podcast, and if you like where we're up to over here, spread the word, write a review, and keep watching cartoons. Thanks, and we'll see you next week.