Harris Narrows Down Vice President Shortlist

Published Jul 29, 2024, 7:39 PM

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Bloomberg Washington Correspondents Joe Mathieu and Kailey Leinz deliver insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy. On this edition:

  • Bloomberg Senior Reporter Iain Marlow about tensions rising in the Middle East between Israel and Lebanon-based Hezbollah.
  • Siena College Research Institute Director Don Levy about new polling data and undecided voters in the 2024 election.
  • Former Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney about the state of the Presidential race with Kamala Harris at the top of the Democratic ticket.
  • Bloomberg Politics Contributors Rick Davis and Jeanne Sheehan Zaino about Harris' vice president shortlist.
  • Former Director for Syria and Lebanon at the National Security Council Hagar Chemali about possible retaliatory actions from Israel following the alleged attack from Hezbollah over the weekend.
  • Bloomberg Government Congress Reporter Jack Fitzpatrick about the work ahead for the Senate prior to the August recess.

Bloomberg Audio Studios, Podcasts, radio News. You're listening to the Bloomberg Balance of Power podcast. Catch Just Live weekdays at noon Eastern on Applecarplay and then roud Otto with the Bloomberg Business App. Listen on demand wherever you get your podcasts, or watch us live on YouTube.

Welcome to the Monday edition of Balance of Power on Bloomberg Radio, on the satellite and on YouTube. Where you can find us right now search Bloomberg Global News. We have a lot to talk about. I hope you had a great weekend because we have a lot to catch up on here from the presidential campaign. New numbers coming from Kamala Harris that are I popping two hundred million dollars since Joe Biden endorsed her last Sunday. Matter of fact, if you just stop down here and think for a minute about what has happened in the last two weeks, you might lose your breath. We're going to be spending some time with Don Levy from Siena College. Remember he was out with the first numbers on this race last week after Joe Biden dropped out. The Sage at Siena College will join with Remarkable News as well abroad, and this comes on the heels of Donald Trump speaking at the Crypto Conference. We were watching an election over the weekend alongside the Olympics. We were watching an election in Venezuela. And now a redhead on the terminal Venezuela, SOB says, Machado is suspect of electoral sabotage. We're going to get into this a little bit later on here with real questions about whether Maduro in fact won that election fairly. And then there's Israel. This is something that with all of the other news swirling around here, has not gotten enough attention. As Israel, weis this response to this attack and the goal on Heights and whether to open a new front essentially, or to wage a new war against Hesbalah. And that's where we start our conversation now with Ian Marlow, Bloomberg's senior reporter with his eye on geopolitics for US. Ian, it's great to see you. Welcome Anthony Blincoln, warning that this could very quickly spin out of control if Israel in fact decides to declare war against Hesbelah. Talk to us about the delicate nature of this moment and when we might know Tel Aviv's and Jerusalem's intentions here.

Yeah, this is something we've seen. Over the course of the war. Hesbolah on the Northern Front has been keeping up the pressure on Israel, and this so far both sides have managed to avoid the sort of escalation that everyone has feared with most of the you know, most of the carnage and tragedy happening down in Gaza. This is is obviously an exception to This is something I think no one in the US, Israel, or probably even Hesbola and maybe even Iran wanted to see. It's hard to see this strike on on kids, you know, twelve dead being something that's strategic or in Hesbelah's interest. And obviously, the last time Israel and Hesbelah tangled, you know, it didn't go well for Hesbelah, it didn't go well for Southern Route. So this is something that I think the US has been focused on making sure that Israel keeps a lid on the northern Front. There's a lot of heated rhetoric, especially from the far right, who have wanted to expand the war in Gaza to the northern Front. Yes, right, obviously there's a bunch of people displaced from northern Israel and they want to get those people back, and these types of attacks mean that that's impossible right now. And then I put a lot of pressure on Israel to do something.

Well, you put that in great context. It's started to feel like maybe things were cooling on the northern border here where there's been continuous shelling for months and months. I mean, how you kind of frame what is a war and what is not is its own question right now. But what is Benjamin Ettnya who considering in terms of options? And if in fact Israel did make a pronounced strike against Hesbelah, would that not draw Iran into the fight?

Yeah, it's a great question. I think there's already been a couple of sort of targeted strikes deeper inside Lebanon, and those were sort of aimed at weapons cachets and things. It's not clear. I mean, that's obviously not the main response. They're still pledging and looking into some kind of much bigger response. I mean, Israel has a sort of retaliation calculus when it comes to, you know, losing their civilians versus what sort of you know, fatalities they want to inflict on the enemies around them. And I think that's really worrying for US officials who are trying to keep this, you know, tamped down while they pursue cease fire negotiations, you know, with Israel and Hamas, which is sort of a separate issue. But right now, I think there's probably going to be a lot of pressure growing on Netanyahu. He himself has you know, spoken out harshly in terms of the retaliation he's promised. Yes, So we're potentially looking at probably air strikes of some kind, whether they go into Beirut, whether they're aimed at leaders or sort of Hasbala installations. It's kind of yet to be seen. So I think everyone right now is sort of just waiting, you know, waiting to see what sort of shaped this takes.

Right the administration the US has made clear that there are going to be limits to our involvement if in fact this does cross over the northern border. John Kirby said earlier today at the White House, I saw a headline on the terminal that there is no sunlight between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris when it comes to our policy in Israel. Joe Biden will still be the president obviously for the next many months, I Kamala Harris did win. Would we see a difference in this relationship.

It's a really interesting question because the Middle East is the one area of foreign policy that people have pointed out. You know, when you look at Kamala Harris's statement since the war began, she's always been a little bit out in front of where Biden has been with the rhetoric, with the sort of pressure on Israel, sort of emphasizing policy and civilian casualties and the rest of it. So, you know, but when it comes to policy, they've been in lockstep, and she's part of the administration, so it's hard to see, you know, at least in the moment, especially with Biden' Still.

It was an interesting element last week with her talking, saying almost word for word the same things that Joe Biden has been saying, but having them being interpreted very differently from her supporters. I guess it's something that we'll keep an eye on them.

Yeah, and the Israelis also were very upset.

By her that right. Yeah, even though we've heard the same statements from Joe Biden. Ian Marlow covering some pretty heavy stuff for us here. Bloomberg Senior reporter. Great to see me, and thank you for joining us on balance of power, something that we're going to keep tabs on for you here both Venezuela and Israel as we follow this presidential race, coming off another rambunctious weekend veepsteaks playing out on Sunday morning, Donald Trump promising to fire Gary Gensler in his crypto speech over the weekend. That's something that's been reverberating here a bit in Washington. And then of course just the lay of the land. I remind you where we were here it was what so today's Monday. Two weeks ago j d Vance was announced as Donald Trump's running mate. Two weeks in a day it was or I guess two days the assassination attempt. This has been unfolding so quickly. A week ago yesterday, Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race. And now look at the campaign by the numbers here, Kamala Harris pulling in more than two hundred million dollars since last Sunday. A weekend fundraiser here helped to do a little more in the Berkshires, but two thirds of the hall coming from first time donors. I believe it was sixty six percent. These are remarkable numbers. One hundred and seventy thousand new volunteers since last Sunday, and so we've got a lot of noise out there and clearly a big shift in the race that we want to talk about with Don Levy. He's back with us, director of the Siena College Research Institute. Don, your poll is still reverberating from last week. You were the first credible poll to come out after Joe Biden dropped out of the race. As an experienced a political hand and polster like yourself, are you amazed by what's happened in the last week? Put it in context for.

Us, Well, everything changed very quickly. I mean we immediately went into the field last Monday to get a pulse on a nation, and certainly we see an amazing change. You know, what had pulled to about a six point advantage for former President Trump over President Biden is now really a dead heat. You know, we looked at it in a national poll. We have Trump up by one over Harris. However, it's even closer than that when we look at voters on their first pass when we asked them the question, and we have RFK and other third party candidates in the race.

Actually Harris is up by a point.

So right now this national race has turned into one that was really looking like Trump had a very significant advantage into one that's clearly a toss up. And in fact, what we saw in our three days of polling last week that as each day went on, Harris picked up a little bit more esteem. So clearly the Democrats are very excited about being excited when they had been really, really quite unhappy with the Biden candassy. In fact, when we asked voters did the Democrats make the right decision? Did Biden make the right decision pulling out of the race, eighty seven percent of voters said absolutely, that was the right decisions.

Incredible. You and I have talked a lot about the double haters. They're a much smaller group all of a sudden, now, aren't they really?

The devil haters have shrunk. They're down now. When you look at double haters of both Trump and Harris, it's only eight percent of voters. I've got a new group for you. We're going to call them the persuadables. We talked about persuadables before. Those are voters who do not say, either Trump or Harris on the first time we offer them the horse race, thirteen percent, about one out of every eight voters fall into this persuadable. When you look at the folks who are not persuadable right now, in our most recent national poll, eighty four percent of voters are locked in their mind is made up. So we're down now to between thirteen and sixteen percent of voters who either may not show up or truly are the persuadables at this point in time, a slight advantage for Trump over Harris amongst these persuadable voters.

Amazing, this is really good stuff. That was one in eight, right, the persuadables, right, one in eight. Fascinating to hear this.

Now, look at these persuadables and we ask them, can you assess these two candidates on a series of attributes, their ability to unify the country, their temperament, their intelligence, which one is a stronger leader? And there you see that these persuadables are struggling a.

Little bit far and away.

They see former President Trump as a stronger leader. Certainly that's going to be something that I'm sure that he will stress in his campaign. He sees that as a strength and odersee that is a strainth Interestingly, on the issue of intelligence, while persuadables and voters in general field as though both candidates are intelligent, they give the nod on intelligence to Kamala Harris rather than to Donald Trump. Harris also has small advantages over Trump on empathy, her ability to care about people like the voters, and also in having the appropriate temperament to be the effective president. So clearly Harris has jumped up to be a very formidable candidate. In fact, we interesting we saw Trump get a bounce in his favorability also in this poll, up about a net six favorability. So despite the Trump bump, Harris clearly has caught him and pulled the even.

Wow, all right, Don Levy with us from Sienna. There's something called momentum that she's experiencing this sort of campaign on a speed boat. That's how much has happened in the last week. And while the momentum is taking place, Don Levy, how do you pull that?


I guess the answer to that is again and again, you know.

Will you be in the field more often? Is that? The answer?

Absolutely? I mean, we're going to be in the field quite soon now going to take a look at the key battleground states. And then typically we see a candidate get a bump after a convention. I think former President Trump got that. I think the assassination attempt yielded a slight bump. So it was just remarkable to see Harris, you know, jump into the race and pull even It's likely that Harris may very well see a bump when we go through the Democratic Convention. Then we really get down to the nitty gritty as we hit Labor Day and go through that really sprint to the finished line, where we'll be pulling almost NonStop from Labor Day until the election understood.

And that's how you capture I guess, a moving target in that case, I don't know what they're gonna call it done, kamalamentum. I haven't heard anyone go for that yet. But you know, in that world, there's a question about the honeymoon. I think Politico calls it the sugar rush this morning. How much time does Kamala Harris have to enjoy the good feels in the media and by her supporters.

Well, I think what.

We see is the her base is extremely excited, committed the fundraising, as you point out, has been traumatic. Now we're going to start going to war over these persuadables. Both camps are going to try to paint Harris with a certain brush and we're going to have to take a look at these persuadables, these independence in the swing states to see which way they end up going. That's going to be the ultimate decider of this election. Still, at this point in time, the momentum of the Harris campaign is impressive. You know that the Democrats had campaign really that was, you know, maybe to use a bad metaphor on life support. Now it's an entirely new campaign, and I think that this momentum will ease and then the true battle over the persuadables will take place from Labor Day right until the election.

Wo the persuadables, I could see that being like a new streaming series or something done. It's time for your million dollar moment. Great to see you, welcome back. We're always watching what Sienna is up to, and of course the great Don Levy. Thank you Don for helping our way through this campaign. Siena College Research Institute.

You're listening to the Bloomberg Balance of Power podcast Ken Just Live weekdays at noon Eastern on Applecarplay and then Roudoto with the Bloomberg Business app. You can also listen live on Amazon Alexa from our flagship New York station Just Say Alexa playing Bloomberg eleven thirty.

We continue to assess what continues to be history making news cycle when it comes to both the current president and of course his vice president who is running to replace him come January of twenty twenty five. And of course the other candidate in this race is former President Donald Trump. And joining us now here in studio someone who worked in the Trump White Houses, acting Chief of Staff mc mulvaney is with us. He of course, also is co founder of the Freedom Caucus as a former congressman from South Carolina, former director of the OMB. We all know you have a very long resume. Great to see you in person. Not much going on these days.

We caught up with you.

It has been a while. So much has happened in such a very short period of time, including for Donald Trump, not just a surviving an assassination attempt, then selecting JD. Vance as his vice presidential candidate.

Happened before Busy a couple of weeks.

Joe Biden dropped out of the race, and Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee. Knowing what you know of Donald Trump, do you think he regrets that choice or would have decided differently if he had the knowledge we now have.

Listen, I'll preface this by saying, Look, anybody who says now they know exactly what's going to happen has been proven wrong, right, because we're way through the looking glass now and no one ever expected any of this. So if you sit here and say well absolutely X y Z, I could be proven entirely wrong tomorrow. So with that caveat, I don't think there's much chance they're even having this conversation.

Here's why.

Let's say that that I'm Donald Trump and I'm thinking about Joe Matthew for position X.

Kaylee, what do you think about Joe? You think about Joe? He's here, He's a good guy. What do you hear about him?

Okay, if he's asking those questions of somebody that he hasn't hired yet, it means he's thinking about hiring them. If he's asking similar questions, Kaylee, what do you think about Joe? What kind of a job is he doing.

What are you hearing?

And he's already hired that person. That means he's thinking about firing that person. Okay, that's that's how that dynamic works. Sure, I've not heard any of that out of the Trump team.

Right now.

Trump is not asking people what do they think about JD. Evans? You know, how's he doing.

I do have some questions about whether or not the vetting team knew about these things that we're now hearing about.

The lady exactly did they hear about that? And listen, there's a pretty good chance they did.

They got a pretty good social media team and they probably just didn't care. Again, JD was was a selection born of supreme confidence.

They thought they were going to win.

They still think they're going to win, and they just wanted somebody that Trump likes to work with, and they didn't want to worry about any of the other dynamics of picking up states or demographics. It's the only person, remember that he can't fire after the election, Cabinet secretary's chiefs of staff. Whatever you can get rid of, you can't get rid of of your VP. So they took him because they liked him, and they still think they do so. Look, he could get fired tomorrow. I get it, but I'm just not hearing it.

So what's your view on the way this race has changed. Don Levy from Siena was on with us earlier telling a remarkable story about momentum in the polls. It's been a game changer, certainly coming even with Donald Trump here in the states that matter, two hundred million dollars in a week, getting enormous amounts of free media. Should Donald Trump be more worried than he was, Well, he could go more.

Worried, I think if he was going to waltz into the into the White House against Joe Biden.

So how do you describe Is it still his to lose?

I think it's a I went from an eighty twenty kind of race to a fifty two forty eight kind of race. Keep in mind, and there's an axiom in this business that you know, you're never really more popular than the day you announced you're running for office, and it's all downhill after that. In fact, that happened to Kamala Harris back in twenty twenty. She had that fabulous rollout. Whereas at Oakland or San Francisco, I can't remember and I remember watching our and TV going those are Trump type rallies. That's a tremendous rollout for a campaign. This is when she was running for president, and then six weeks later she's gone before Iowa even opened up. So you're never more popular than you are in day one. You expect a bounce. Look, I get the Democrats credit. I never expected them to get their act together this quickly. I was sort of, you know, buying popcorn and getting ready to hunt her down in front of the Democrat National Convention and just watching the fireworks, thinking it was going to be a wide open sort of rodeo.

It's not. And you give them credit. They have done better than.

I think a lot of folks, including some Democrats, expected them to do. But this race is far from over, and I think you're gonna hear a lot of things about Kamala Harris from Republicans over the next ninety nine days.

Well, so as we think about the excitement her candidacy seems to have generated. To Joe's point, a big part of this is money. The Kamala Harris campaign has raised more than two hundred million dollars, a lot of that from first time small dollar donors. We aren't necessarily hearing much fund raising news out of the Trump campaign to counter that, And I just wonder how you think about the cash part of the equation here and the ability to spend money in the states that matter.

Yeah, look, it's no question about it. It's absolutely critical. It's probably more critical down ballot than it is for anything else. But at the end of the day, I.

Mean, look, Trump had a great news cycle. I think the last time they put out numbers, how we outraised Biden. Kamala Harris has had a good number this time. Both of these teams are going to have enough money to do everything that they want to do. Now, down ballot's a different story. So if you're Hakim Jeffreys or you're Michael Johnson, you're fighting it, slugging it out for every single seat in the House form majority down there. You know, if there's enough money is a question that still remains. But at the top of the ticket, they're going to have enough dough to do what they want and keep on. You never know, is money that comes in today money that was going to come in tomorrow, or is it really new money? Is it just money that came in earlier. Was it money that was held back last time? There's all sorts of all sorts of variables when it comes to money raising.

But there listen, no one's going poor in this race. That's for sure.

That's for sure. I don't know if the campaign cares at all who Kamala Harris is going to run with. I suspect that there's some consideration there. But if you take the red hat off for a minute, who do you think Kamala Harris if it's down to this three, does she go with somebody like a rust belt governor? Does it need to be a swing state? Why are we talking about governor of Minnesota?

For If you fall back on the basics right on how you usually pick a vice president. You pick a vice president based upon a need for your campaign. Is it money, which is why Reagan took Bush? Is it expertise, which is why Ducacas took Benson. Is it a swing state which is why Romney took rhynd didn't work out that well, but that was the pick. I think you're back in that world, right, that's a swing state type of thing. Shapiro So well, no, no, no, because you've got what are the swing states?

Yeah, Shapiro's in the list.

Well, you could do Kelly in Arizona.

Kelly in Arizona, Whitmer in Michigan. Walls and in Minute Soda is.

A state they'd love to lock up, no question about it. And really they're a geographic advantage to Walls of Minisi.

Absolutely, much much more so, say than Cooper in North Carolina, who I really don't think the Democrats think they can win. And Basher, who's a very talented guy Democrat who wanted a red state whose name has sort of fallen off the map already because it's not a swing state. So I think that's where they're looking at.


We also understand that her campaign is considering not just who they want to be vice president, but also the kind of policy that they want to pursue. There's been reporting in the last few days, especially in the aftermath of Donald Trump's appearance at the Bitcoin conference in Nashville this weekend, that the Harris campaign is looking to court the crypto industry a bit more for a reset, if you will. We've heard the same from Democrats who support her, like Congressman Wiley Nickel, who's pro crypto. Do you believe that, and do you believe Donald Trump, who used to call bitcoin a scam, is actually going to be friendlier toward the industry this time around.

The answer to the second question is yes, easy, because I don't think this is not one of the things that Trump is married to.


Trump feels very strong about immigration and tax and regulation. Okay, that he really really does. I don't think he cares really one way or the other about crypto. So if you say, well, he's changed policies from last time in he's the office, Yeah, and I buy that, And he could be the greatest defender of crypto in the world.

I absolutely believe that's possible.

To your first question, do I believe when it comes to the Democrats, Eh, And here's why I'm not just saying that because I'm a Republican and they're Democrats. They've got Look, we're both parties are big parties, right, you only got two parties in country of one hundred and three hundred fifty million people. They're not going to be monolithic. But within that Democrat party on this particular issue, they have a wide variety of issues.

Who are the most.

Anti crypto people in this town? Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders, maybe certainly Liz Warren, maybe Dick Durbin.

I can't remember. Yeah, I mean I forgot about Gary Yeah hy Gary see it? Yeah.

So I mean that's are there democrats like Wiley Nicol who are are strongly pro crypto, absolutely, But the big names in the anti crypto world, the people that really would love to ban it if they got the chance, are Democrats. And I think that's a problem that that that Kamala Harrison is going to have to navigate that Donald Trump doesn't.

So if Donald Trump can have an evolution like that on crypto, does Elon Musk help him find religion on EV's?

You know, the thing on EV's I think is probably less is less the concept of an EV and whether or not we're doing it in what Trump might be able to describe as an America first sort of manner. Are we making them or is somebody else making them?

You go back to the speech that he gave.

About the car industry in Mexico that got, you know, wrongly attributed as that blood bass, right, I think that was that was not an anti EV speech? Is what was an anti China?

The version that he'd.

Like to say I think I think if TESLA could make an argument that you know, they've got a way to provide low, low price, good quality, non government subsidized electronic vehicles, why would Donald Trump care? But yeah, to your point, because I could see the twinkle in your eye. If you spend forty five million dollars a month or whatever, do you get an open door passed to the White House. The answer is yes, you do. Wow, he was there. I think I bumped it.

And he used to be the gatekeeper at I met him.

Half a dozen times. One of the most.

Strangely intelligent men you've ever met in your entire life. I'm not sure I understood a thing that he said, but I'm pretty sure he's a lot smarter than I am.

Well, they didn't get an invite the day GM Chrysler Ford Stilantis.

I don't think he needs when you've got when you've got the private number, I don't think you need to come in with the rest of the crowd.

Fair enought let another month ago or whatever.

It's well, it's you know, amazingly people all around the world want to talk about our election.

About that.

I had no idea. I'm huge in Australia by the way.

Case yes, yeah, wow, all right, well they have good taste. Let us know what they're asking you next time you're on. Mick Maulvaney always a treat former Acting Chief of Staff Trump Administration's co founder of the Freedom Caucus. Kaylee, we've looked forward to this conversation for a minute. We'll get him back soon for you here and we'll assemble our panel coming up next, Rick Davis and g. D. Shanzano. Hold forth, You're on the fastest show in politics and it's only Monday. I'm Joe Matthew alongside Kaylee Lion. Stay with us on Bloomberg TV and radio.

You're listening to the Bloomberg Balance of Power podcast. Catch Just Live weekdays at noon Eastern on Apocarplay and then Proudo with the Bloomberg Business app. Listen on demand wherever you get your podcasts, or watch us live on YouTube.

We pay attention to the happenings here in Washington, yes, but also around the world when it comes to politics, and certainly there is a lot of political news coming from Venezuela after the country's presidential election on Sunday, the country's electoral Council has just certified that Nicholas Maduro, of course, the incumbent president, won the election yesterday and will have another six year term, his third. However, this comes after the opposition cast doubt on the actual results of the election. Exit polling has suggested that Maduro's challenger was actually pulling far ahead of him in Venezuela. Of course, earlier this afternoon, Joe named and opposition leader Maria Machado as a key suspect in its investigation into alleged electoral sabotage, and this has taken the notice of many countries around the world, including the US. We heard from Secretary of Saint Anthony Blincoln earlier today saying that he had serious concerns, yes about these results in Venezuela.

Serious concerns. The result does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people. That's where we are here. And Maria Carina Machado, who Kylee mentions, called the result impossible, saying we won and the whole world knows it. So the question, Kaylee then becomes about us response, and Bloomberg has a really important story just up on the terminal. Eric Martin writing that the US will determine future sanctions on Venezuela based on whether Maduro's government releases fully releases voting data here, So we're just at the beginning of the story.

It scenes, Yeah, and of course it was in part the US's own data in the exit polls that it were seeing that were mismatch with what actually came out of the Electoral Council invest So this is, to your point, show a story that is certainly far from over. The US not the only country that has a lot of drama around true election these days.

Yeah, how true. Let's talk about the drama in our own with our signature panel back with us today on the Monday edition of Ballots of Power. Rick Davis and Genie Shanzo Bloomberg Politics contributors holding forth here as we try to make our way through the deep steaks in the next week or so. As Kaylee mentioned, they've got it down to three here, and we'd love your take on this story and of course, some of many of the other cross currents in the campaign. Genie, what's your take right now on the big three that Bloomberg has highlighted The governors of Minnesota and Pennsylvania as well as the Senator from Arizona. They each bring their own promise. But in the case of Tim Walls of Minnesota, not a swing state, what do you think Kamala Harris is considering?

You know, I was surprised that he is on the top three to a certain extent, because I think, if you're gonna go swing state, you might as well go big with Pennsylvania or Arizona. But of course they would like to lock up Minnesota. So and he does have an important record out there. He is well known, he is well liked. He was auditioning this weekend on the Sunday shows, So certainly he is in contention. You know, one thing that I think is worth noting is this drive to go with a white man and leaving a side Gretchen Whitmer, who said she doesn't want to be considered. But Michigan and Whitmer is a really important state. And I keep in the back of my mind wondering does Kamala Harris surprise everybody by going with Whitmer. She is a very good politician of you know, well liked in her state. It's a swing state, it's one the Democrats need, and I think to count somebody out due to gender is troubling to me. So I just want to put that out out there. But that's what we've been hearing there, looking for a white man.


Well, and certainly most of the list does seem to be comprised of that. But Rick, what do you think about Genie's point on Governor Whitmer, who herself has says she wants to stay in Michigan in the job she currently has. Is this about America's perhaps lack of readiness to have a female president and vice president or is this just about someone saying, don't pick me please.

Yeah, I think that we have to believe Whitmer that she doesn't want to be picked. So she's not on a list anymore. I think she was on an earlier list that had been circulated. I think Gina Ramundo was on another earlier list that had been circulated. I mean, I don't think they're not looking at women. I think they're finding that they have other options. And I think they're clearly looking at targeted states like Arizona, you know, and Pennsylvania, and by the way, Minnesota is not a chip shot for Democrats. At one point in time, right after the convention, the Republicans came out. They're saying, we're putting all these states in play. We're gonna put Minnesota in play. We're going to you know, put other states that are sort of you know, Democrat leaning states in play. And so to be able to lock up Minnesota, you know, with Tim Waltz is not a bad option for the Democrats. Takes another you know, chess piece off the board and and gets the focus back down to where the Democrats I think always wanted it, which is there are only six or seven states that matter. Let's keep our focus on that. We're not looking at Minnesota, We're not looking at New Hampshire, you know, these other border leaners. So yeah, I think they've got the trading range down to where they want it. I think they've done it effectively in a very short period of time.

Now you've got to pick them.

And they all have advantages and disadvantages. They all have different personalities. Uh and uh. And I think all of them though, tend to benefit the ticket. And I'm you know, like you think that's kind of obvious except JD.


I mean, in retrospect, everyone's in the Republican are scratching ahead and going, how in the world did this benefit the ticket?

You know, it's really interesting you say that, Rick, The Washington Post reporting that in the last two days before Donald Trump picked JD. Vance, quote, an array of senators, donors, conservative media personalities, and other supporters unquote urged Donald Trump to pick someone else as we consider childless cat ladies, Rick, where are we on the idea here that Donald Trump may have made a poor choice and buyer's remorse throughout the GOP.

Look, when Don Junior is calling the shots, this is what you get. And I think that there's such a close link around former President Trump and his family, and I'm sure that the family echo chamber is strong that JD. Vance was the guy all along, that he's the one who can continue the march for MAGA. And that may be true on its own right. Whether MAGA, you know, can expand beyond Donald Trump's you know, current constituency. I don't think anybody who believes Vance can do that for them. But look, I mean, there is a portion of the Republican Party, or at least the MAGA party where you know he is. He's wildly popular, regardless of some of his cat lady mentions and things like that. So, uh, it may be weird, but it is the current state of play within the Republican Party.

Well, we should hear from the Senator from Ohio and vice presidential nominee himself, because he was asked about the cat lady thing last night on Fox. Here was how that went.

Down, Nons and priests aside, do you agree that there are people who very much love this country and are invested in his future, but they also happen to be childless?

Oh, of course I believe that, Tray, And if you look at the full context of what I said, it's very clear the Democrats have tried to take this thing out of content and blow it out of.

Proportion, which is what they always do.


Genie blown out of proportion or not? The genie's kind of out of the bottle on this one. Are Democrats going to be able to keep up this line of attack on Jdvans or are they going to have to come up with something else as we still have four months to go, and a lot of the enthusiasm and energy we've maybe seen over the last week isn't necessarily sustainable for the next ninety nine days.

I think there will be more. This was a doozy by jd. Vance to walk it back. He goes and talks to Trey Goudy and Meghan Kelly. That's not going to do it, and so he just keeps stepping in it more and more. The reality is to win this election, Republicans rather cannot discount suburban women, and that's what his movement into the vice presidential pick has threatened to do with statements like this. I mean, is there a way to come back from it, for sure, but we haven't seen them do this yet. But the reality is this is all about Donald Trump. Donald Trump not listening to the establishment. Talking about how everybody else makes VP picks is nothing new in my view. He wanted somebody who would do his bidding in a way Mike Pence wouldn't, and that's what he was going for, and hence he turned his back on people that may have made more sense, like Doug Bergham and some of the others on the list, and doubled down with JD. Vance, which doesn't reach out and get him the votes he needs to win some of these swing states.

All right, Rick and Jeanie, we thank you, as always our signature panel with us on the Monday edition of Balance of Powers. Genie Schanzano and Rick Davis will join us as well a bit later on in the later edition of Balance of Power that starts at five pm Eastern. Tim Kayley, that'll be right around the time that Joe Biden is talking about the Supreme Court, which will be potentially newsy, although it's hard to see the path on the proposals that he is putting forward when it comes to term limits and a code of ethics. I've got an interesting headline here we should mention before the news the House announcing the Bipartisan task Force to probe Trump shooting being comparing this to a Warren Commission, essentially following what happened, and the reporting today on the fallout of this assassination attempt is remarkable. The New York Times publishing text messages showing that security officers at the rally identified and talked about Thomas Crooks for more than an hour and a half before he opened fire on the former president.

Yeah, more details continuing to come to light. Remembering that this happened just about two weeks ago, it was not that long ago, as we all have been living in what feels like warp speed in American politics, and surely more details will come to light as we have this task force looking into the assassination. It's actually being led by Republican Congressman Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania, who of course had been pushing given the proximity of Butler to his district. So we'll have much more on that of course throughout the day here on Bloomberg, specifically on Balance of Power.

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Welcome to our TV and radio audiences worldwide. This is Balance of Power. I'm Joe Matthew alongside Kaylee Lions, talking politics with our eye on the financial markets as well. A big week for both. Kaylee. We've got a FED meeting Wednesday, We've got earnings. This is the big one, right Microsoft, Apple and the rest reporting this week with a lot of questions about the future of our economy and the future of this presidential campaign, and so it makes it easy to miss some of the headlines internationally here with the news today from Venezuela, but also Israel, as the Biden administration warns Israel that if it continues to target Hesbala and in fact opens a new war with them, this could spin out of control. Kaylee, We've discussed this before with Hagar Shamali, who's going to join us in a moment here. The question about a much wider conflict in the Middle East is very real right now.

Yeah, especially after the events of this weekend, a rocket attack that notably Hesbela has actually not claimed responsibility for it has denied this, which is an unusual move for the group, but it ended up killing twelve young people, and net Yahoo has vowed a harsh response. The question is how will the harshness of that response actually be calibrated, especially considering the input of allies like the United States. So for more, let's turn to Hagar Shamali, of course, formerly of the National Security Council where she was director for Syria and Lebanon, but now CEO and founder of Greenwich Media Strategy. So are always great to have you here. On balance of power. Obviously, this is a region of the world that you know incredibly well. It is worth pointing out that this did happen and what is many internationally recognized as Syrian territory. This isn't necessarily somewhere where you would expect Hesbelah to strike. So what is your read on what exactly happened here and what you think Israel might do next?

Well, from what we understand from both the Israelis but also by the way, from the US government that said that all signs indicate that Hesbela is the one that launched these rockets. There were a barrage of about thirty rockets, thirty missiles that hit that area that you talked about, that soccer field where nearly a dozen children were killed. And since then, Israel has promised a retaliation. The Defense Minister, the Prime Minister have promised that Hesbelah would pay a very heavy price. We've we've seen strikes along the border since then, but that is not the response to this.

So we are waiting now. Everybody in Lebanon is nervous.

The airports have been all airlines have been shot have been suspended to and from Lebanon. From Beirut because everybody is anxiously awaiting the step that Israel will take. And I anticipate a very hard response, very strong response from Israel, probably against weapons depots in the south of Lebanon, key infrastructure like roads and bridges again in the south, and also wherever they may know that Hasbela leaders.

Are what happens if Israel does target Hesblah in Beirut, Hagar, what would the posture b.

Well, Beyroot is a little bit different and not a lot of people are expecting a strike in Beirut.

And let me explain why. The reason is that neither side actually wants a war.

And I know I've said this a number of times and it may seem odd since you've seen these strikes go on between both sides for the last nine months, But neither side actually wants a war.

Otherwise you would have seen them by now in.

A full scale war. It's just that the pressure continues to mount more and more. And when that pressure mounts, and when you have strikes that go on back and forth, you always have the risk of miscalculation. And I would argue that the strike that happened against this soccer field, and I believe. Like I said, I believe that when the US comes out and says that it's hisbella, I know what it's like. What standard they have to meet to say something like that publicly. So when Habela makes a strike like that, whether or not it was a mistake, is a major miscalculation, and Israel's going to respond. But it might respond the way, for example, that it did against the port of Hoodeda and Yemen, when the Houthis after the Houthis sent a drone that killed and Israeli it is an intel aviv, or the way it responded after iransa soult of three hundred missiles and drones against Israel. Is A responded in a way to respond in a strong and loud fashion, to send a message that they need to stop once and for all, or to stop at least for the time being. And then the other on the other side, they kind of sit back so that it doesn't escalate further. Beirut would escalate things to another level, though it would cause something reminiscent of the two thousand and six war you saw between Israel and Tespola.

Well, and of course this isn't happening in a vacuum, Hagar, this is actually happening. Is Israeli negotiators are in Rome, together with other mediators from the US and Cutter in Egypt, looking toward a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas. We have just gotten within the last fifteen minutes or so a headline out of Prime Minister Benjamin ett Yahu's saying that Hamas leaders are obstructing the hostage deal, that they're adding new demands. But how do you view the knowledge that those talks are ongoing, and how it's likely to color the response we see from Israel.

Sure, well, I think one of the things that's fascinating that you continue to see through this conflict is that whatever flare up you do see, whatever horrific story that happens or scenario that happens, it doesn't affect the ceasefire talks as much as one would expect. And that's because that's unfortunately typical in warfare. It can be very ugly on the ground. While you have negotiators and they don't talk directly to each other, they have mediators in between, obviously Cutter, the United States and Egypt, as you mentioned, But.

Those talks, this entire time.

While you've seen sometimes fanfare in public, you know, or bombastic remarks saying that they're going to falter, they don't.

And the latest is that the Israelis have given a new some.

New details and changes to the latest proposal because they want additional security Israeli eyes on the border between Egypt and Gaza, in particular, in any kind of proposal deal. As per usual, Hamas is obstructing that. And so it's kind of the name of the game in these ceasefire talks. So no matter what happens, I expect those talks to continue, even if you have something more full scale in Lebanon, because on the country that would only underscore further why as cease fire is needed. And I'm sorry I didn't were totally respond to your last question about how the US will respond. The US, while they came out and said that they want to de escalate tensions and they want everyone to earth, they urge restraint at the same time, they know Israel has to respond otherwise it would send the wrong message. And they've already said a number of times to indirectly to Habella that they don't hold Israel back, that they do have Israel's back in this whole process.

Just lastly regarded what did Benjamin Attanya who accomplish, if anything, on his trip to the.

US, Well, I mean, his trip to the US was largely about speaking to the American public and I'm not sure how far it went there. But what he did accomplish is having meetings with Biden, with Kamala Harris, Vice President Harris, and with Trump allows him to lay the groundwork no matter what direction things go domestically here. He has cemented relationships with all three he has they have and even though Vice President Harris came out with a more with a stronger tone, it also showed no change in policy, and I think that's what that's one of his interests ins with Trump. Obviously, it was about mending a relationship that had frayed during after Trump had left office and had said a number of disparaging remarks about Natanyahu, and so he cemented that relationship further. So that's largely what he what he gets out of this is just to make sure that the special relationship continues and that his unique relationship with each political official also remains intact.

Higar Shamali, Greenwich Media strategies. Thanks as ever, Hagar for bringing your experience to us here on Bloomberg's TV and Radio. This is Balance of Power. I'm Joe Matthew alongside Kaylee Lions, and we want to take a swing past Capitol Hill before we call this episode to a close. Here, Jack Fitzpatrick from Bloomberg Government joins us from the Capitol right now, remembering that the House went home an extended summer recess, but the Senate is actually still in and in fact getting some work done. No one's talking about it, but of course Jack is there to cover it for us. And Jack, we could see a couple of things here. I'll ask you about appropriations, but also social media. With some bills set to pass today.

Yes, first this week, they're supposed to finish their committee work in the Senate on government funding bills, there is a question of how much work they can actually do. They've got five bills left that haven't had committee votes and haven't been released yet. Just this morning, it came out that they are putting off work on the Homeland Security funding bill in the Senate because, as one of my colleagues reported, citing a Senate aide who's familiar with what they're negotiating. There are questions as to how to address the Secret Service budget, which is within the Homeland Security funding bill. In the week of the failed assassination attempt of former President Trump, so many questions surrounding their response in the oversight to the Secret Service. After that, there there are now questions about do they need more money, can they use that money successfully? And so they are putting off work on their Homeland Security funding bill because it has been at least in part because it has been complicated by those questions.

So we are.

Getting into campaign mode, but there's some significant work left to do in funding the government and in answering all the questions that lawmakers have about what comes next after that assassination attempt and oversight of Secret Service.

Jack I asked this question knowing that it is literally the job of these lawmakers to legislate and to get the government funded. That's why they were sent by the American people to Capitol Hill. But I do question why they're trying to do this now when they know the House is gone. They're not coming back until September ninth, when we're going to be what three weeks from a potential shutdown, and the prevailing thought is that they're just going to end up passing a continuing resolution anyway. So is this all just a charade?

Everything they do now is with an ion setting the stage for realistic, bipartisan, bicameral, tough negotiations as soon as the lame duck session. If everybody sets their marker and says this is where House Republicans stand on funding the government, and this is where Senators stand on it, there's at least a hope that they can have made enough progress so that maybe in December they can strike an actual funding deal. If they could do that, then whoever the next president is will not come in with a shut down deadline on their plate and they can focus on getting cabinet officials in place and on their legislative agenda. It's not clear if they will do that because the House and Senate have a huge gap between their approach and funding the government on all sorts of bills. So it's not just a charade. It is largely for show, but that show can set the stage for the real negotiations with an eye on hopefully striking a deal before another president has to come in and clean up the mess.

Who says regular order is dead. Jack, We've also got the Kids Online Safety Act and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, these two attempting to regulate social media that are apparently moving in the Senate here looks like they're going to pass. Do we have any sense of whether they could pass the House?

That is an interesting question. The bipartisan interest on this in the Senate sets the stage for possible passage here, but as we mentioned, as we get toward campaign mode and a limited opportunity to legislate in a bi cameral way, it's a little iffy if they can actually enact something and have bi cameraal negotiations on that. Again, a vote to pass that in the Senate that sets a marker that shows there's bipartisan interest in it could be a significant thing. But we're really dealing with a compressed schedule in terms of enacting legislation for the rest of this year.

And Jack, before we let you go, we are expecting to hear from President Biden a few hours from now, when he's going to be speaking in Texas outlining what he would like to see in terms of Supreme Court reform. What we're talking about here is an actual ethics code that isn'tforceable, term limits, potentially even a constitutional amendment when it comes to presidential immunity. For all of these things, he's going to need Congress to cooperate. The House Speaker has already said it's dead on arrival in that chamber. Does it actually any of these things face any real prospect in Congress?

Not in the near future. In Congress, this has become as much of an election and campaign issue. It's one thing for the president to communicate about his proposals, and that's something that some high profile Democrats in Congress have done, like Dick Durbin, but it's not something where there's a lot of bipartisan overlap. Republicans have put the kebash on that, so at least in the near term, this is more about communicating proposals than anything that has much of a chance of moving forward and being enacted.

Does feel like we're in a bit of a messaging era, and Paul right now, as we're in the August before the election, Jack Fitzpatrick a Bloomberg Government joining us live from Capitol Hill as always, thank you so much, and it is worth pointing out, Joe that We're about to have a real absence of news from Capitol Hill after the Senate leaves this week. It's going to be what five weeks before Congress coming back, leaving August, to just be essentially dominated by presidential politics.

Absolutely, and to your point, we'll come back and have a whole argument about whether we're going to shut down the government. So keep your countdown clocks. Thanks for listening to the Balance of Power podcast. Make sure to subscribe if you haven't already, at Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts, and you can find us live every weekday from Washington, DC at noontime Eastern at Bloomberg dot com.

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