The night started with such promise for the MonkeyDad and his young padawan...
The long-awaited, much-anticipated, heavily-hyped return here! And no better time than now to resurface with an extensive conversation about a little movie called; Star Wars: The Force Awakens - because you don't have enough white, nerdy males talking about Star Wars in your life. Join Matt Johnson, Mike Ambers, Alexander Morgan and me for an extensive, geeky, nitty-gritty breakdown of J.J. Abrams, new characters, old characters, The Force, insta-bread and other MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!!! ***Seriously - if you have not seen SW: TFA and plan on it, DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS until afterwards. Then we also do some major conjecture and relate some rumors associated with future chapters of the saga. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! And then leave comments about how wrong we are.*** You will also hear about the death-defying and harrowing adventure that Monkey-In-Chief Larry Morgan and his Monkey Offspring had in the attempt to attend the movie opening night. It is not for the faint of heart...
Hard tickets were acquired and celebratory beers were consumed...
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Follow Alexander Morgan @AlexMorganMusic and listen to his new album "For The King" now on iTunes here
Nerdy discussion ensued...
And that's when the descent into movie-going hell began....