Psalm 143

Published Jan 19, 2025, 8:00 AM

Fall asleep to special Psalm devotionals at

Tonight's prayer is from Psalm 143:1. 

Welcome to "Sleep Psalms with Bishop T.D. Jakes," a tranquil oasis of serenity for your weary soul. In each episode, you'll embark on a soothing journey guided by the wisdom of the most popular book of the Bible, the book of Psalms. Bishop T.D. Jakes' calming voice and gentle prayers will lull you into a peaceful state of mind, perfect for restful sleep or deep meditation. Allow each profound devotional soothe your soul every night. Let the verses of the Psalms cradle your thoughts and provide solace, allowing you to drift into a night of tranquil slumber. Let the Lord be your shepherd tonight, and fall asleep to God's word. Join us as we embark on a profound exploration of these timeless scriptures, nurturing both your spirit and your dreams.

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I'm Bishop T. D. Jakes, inviting you to unwind your mind and spirit with tonight's sleep. Psalm Hear my prayer, O, Lord, listen to my petition. In your faithfulness and righteousness, relieve me Psalm one forty three, Verse one. Dear Heavenly Father, as I prepare to lay my head down to rest, I want to ask for faithful refreshment. You are like rain falling on parched land, washing away my weariness, stress, and anxiousness. You are a refreshing rain, coming down from heaven even to replenish and revive my soul. You have been faithful in the past, and I know you will remain steadfast in the future. When I face trials and tribulations, Your love and grace guide me through the storm. Even when I fall short or may have strayed from your path, you are there to lift me up and bring me back into your divine embrace. I've put my trust in your unchanging love. I embrace your presence like scorched land to gentle rainfall as I lay now tonight, helping myself to receive the showers of your mighty love. In Jesus' name, I'm Prairie I'm Bishop td Jakes inviting you to unwind your mind and spirit with tonight's Sleep Song. Prepare your heart for this devotional from the Book of Psalms, guiding you into a RESTful embrace under His muchful eyes. Thank you for joining me, Bishop td Jakes for tonight's episode of the Sleep Psalms Podcast. If this episode blessed you, follow the podcast so you never miss a knightly encouragement.

Hello, I'm Grace. For tonight's Sleep Psalm by Prey dot Com. We will be meditating on Psalm one hundred forty three. The silence of the night can leave us alone in our troubling thoughts. Tonight, let's invite the presence of God into our darkness and allow his light to relax our body and calm our mind. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. As your lungs fill with air, Ask God to fill your space with his presence. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Exhale slowly and feel His presence fill your room and rest upon you. Breathe in and out slowly. Relax your neck and shoulders. With your next exhale, release the tension and in your body, softening your muscles and joints. Resting your hands gently by your side, focus your thoughts on God, reflect on his faithfulness. Know he loves you and wants to give you rest tonight with your next inhale, lift your burdens from today with your next exhale, feel his strong hands free you from your stress and anxiety. Breathe in and out, and get ready to meditate unto Night's psalm. In the darkness of our despair, we can call upon the Lord for his help, and he will comfort us with his presence. Psalm one hundred forty three from the King James version says, hear my prayer, O, Lord, give ear to my supplications in thy faithfulness, answer me and in thy righteousness, and enter not into judgment with thy servant, For in thy sight shall no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul. He hath smitten my life down to the ground. He hath made me to dwell in darkness as those that have been long dead. Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me? My heart within me is desolate. I remember the days of old. I meditate on all thy works. I muse on the work of Thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto thee. My soul thirsteth after THEE as a thirsty land. Saylah hear me speedily, O Lord, my spirit, faileth, Hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning. For in THEE do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk. For I live up my soul unto thee. Deliver me, o Lord, from mine enemies. I flee unto thee. To hide me. Teach me to do thy will. For thou art, my God, thy spirit is good. Lead me into the land of uprightness. Quicken me, o Lord, for thy name's sake, for thy righteousness's sake, Bring my soul out of trouble and of thy mercy. Cut off mine enemies, and destroy all them that afflict my soul. For I am thy servant. Meditating on the works of the Lord, remembering all that he has done for you, will help you put your trust in Him and will fill your spirit with hope in the middle of difficult times. To night, be comforted by the goodness and the faithfulness of the Lord. Take a deep breath, surrender to the Lord. Meditate on all his works and consider what his hands have done. Exhale slowly and focus on the mighty deeds of the Lord. As you relax your body and settle your heart. May your meditation fill your spirit with hope and your heart with joy. Know the same God that has moved in mighty ways in your past is the same God that will move in mighty ways in your present. Breathe in and out slowly, close your eyes, and imagine walking through a parched land without any inhabitants to care for it. In difficult times, you might feel like a parched land, but you are not desolate. You are not alone. No God is with you, and he will let you drink from his springs of life, where your thirst can be quenched and your soul can be refreshed. When we fall into the darkness and enter a state of hopelessness and depression, it can be hard to find our way to God. Think of a time where darkness took over your life and let you down a destructive path. Acknowledge any unconfessed sin, Confess any fears and doubts that are keeping you from pursuing God. Ask for his forgiveness and for his help to keep you focused on His light in the middle of your darkness. Think of all the wonderful things the Lord has done for you. Praise him for his faithfulness. Praise him for his goodness. Thank him for the times he has helped you and delivered you. Thank Him for being your strength and comfort during difficult times. Think of a person who is struggling with depression. Pray God will fill their hearts with his hope and will rescue them from their despair. Pray they will turn to God and find rest in His promises to comfort them and help them. Lay your requests before the Lord. Lift your fears and worries to him. Know in his goodness he will hear your prayers. In his faithfulness, he will answer your prayers. Pray for the Lord to teach you his ways and to guide you in the way you should go. Pray he will keep your feet from stumbling in the darkness. Pray for the Lord to deliver you from your fears and worries. Pray he will help you find rest in His hope. Pray for the Lord to renew your spirit and refresh your mind as you sleep. Pray you will wake up to the joy of His love and mercy in the morning. Take a deep breath, be filled with the hope of the Lord. Exhale slowly and release any tension in your body, any anxious thoughts in your mind that are still lingering from to day. As your body relaxes and your mind quiets, allow God to refresh your mind, body, and soul and bring you peace to help you rest through the night.

Sleep Psalms with Bishop T.D. Jakes

In a world that often feels chaotic, finding solace and rest can be a challenge.’s "Sleep P 
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