The Bolt Report | 10 December

Published Dec 10, 2024, 10:35 AM

Anthony Albanese was humiliated today for making Jews feel unsafe with his inability to confront anti-Israel radicals. A senior Liberal quits politics, cementing Peter Dutton's leadership. Plus, Dutton makes a controversial national flag vow. 

He's the bold reform it.

Tonight, yet another senior left wing liberal quits politics, leaving Peter Dutton even more in charge. And bang he makes.

Use of it.

He says, no more flying of three flags? Is he right? The last Matt Canavan also tonight. Now even a friend of Aboriginal Australiansys has his home invaded in Alice Springs. Plus the Reserve Bank governor tells us just how much more you are paying under labor? And bad news for my bosses and bad news for me and you as well. But first the Prime Minister is finished, his moral authority is destroyed. Today was a total humiliation. There's anything the halpen is he paid the price for making Jews feel unsafe by his some principled weakness in confronting Muslim and hard left ant Israel radicals. Albanez, he finally visited the Dusk Synagogue in Melbourne, was firebombed five days ago, looking like he was on what police call a purp walk, the walk of shame, with Jewish worshipers heckling him stay for tennis.

Back the Prime ministering Dame calls antibio.

What are you doing for us?

As he then gave a very short and rush statement and fled, refusing to take questions from reporters or the crowd in scenes of chaos and.

Your response to perpetrators beyond us.

Of the car.

As you can see, the visit was a disaster. It was just a ticker box exercise. Been there too late to insincere ticker box. The man who preferred to spend Saturday playing tennis tennis before terrorism and only now flew to Melbourne to confront the consequences of his leadership. And I'll show you another example of Albanese's tiny you today, his inability to connect with the gravity of this moment. I mean here we have a Melbourne synagogue torched as Jews face a wave of anti Semitism never seen in this country until Albanizi became Prime Minister, anti Semitism so bad that the US based Sarma Wisenthyl Center now warns Jews traveling here to be careful, blaming the danger on the failure of Australian authorities to stand up against persistent demonization, harassment and violence against Jews. So to today, the leaders of the Ada Synagogue introduced Albanizi to one of the two men who'd been praying in that synagogue when it was torched and could have been killed. Albanese turned this in the tragedy into a bit of joshing.

Why were you here at that time in the morning?

What is going on every day?

Yeah, sitting alone in my parents.

Danish very early. I get up early, but that is very early.

That's it. Oh, I get up early too. I mean, seriously, the Prime Minister, do you get up early to find someone's just burned the building with you inside it. I mean, the anger towards discovering from Jews is quite understandable and now off the charts. I mean, many feel not just frightened by this anti Semitism, but betrayed, betrayed by a labor party that many ones supported but which now demonizes Israel and plays down the anti Semitism, whereas for too long often bracketing it with Islamophobias. If Muslims, of course, face exactly the same dangers Josh Burns was with the Prime Minister today. This is a local federal member there Jewish himself. His office is also set on fire and vandalized by an anti Israel extremist. Yet last Sunday, even Josh Burns was abused by fellow Jews at a ceremony of the same synagogue, abuse for being almost mute as his labor government sat on its hands, and on the ABC today he sounded chain faced.

When your community says it's taken your government too long, do you concede the point.

I concede the point that it should never have gotten to this and that right now.

And that the government is responsible.

We're all responsible, Patricia. You know I take personal responsibility as well.

Burns today to try to pivot and blame opposite leader Peter Dutton for some of the heat, accusing him of playing politics by not letting Liberal front bench of James Patterson read out a statement written by Burns at a joint event to show solidarity to the Jewish community. Burns, at a hoarse voice, couldn't read it. But really give me a break, as Patterson and Dutton both you know, as I said, why was it some senior labor figure there to read out a labor statement? Why hide behind the liberals?

Josh is a nice guy, but Josh lost his voice long before the weekend. Josh hasn't stood up to a week Prime Minister.

Peter Dutton told James that he wasn't allowed to read out my words. I wanted to stand out with James and you know, and present the United Front on this, and Peter Dutton decided that it was more important to play partisan games.

Oh how dare the Liberals play politics with this anti semitism? Says the Labor Party. Maybe, but such hippocrisy given that Labor inflamed an anti Semitism in the first place by playing politics with the Muslim vote. So I repeat, why should the Liberals help Labors? Josh Burns as if the two parties are as one when it comes to Jewish Australia. No they're not. And we saw that again today. We saw two senior Labor ministers responsible in part for the Albanizi government, pandering to Israeli haters, to anti israel haters. We saw these two ministers just double down. I mean, at the very moment that Albanezi was visiting this at US synagogue, burned out Industry minister at Husick was on Sky News arguing that our eight hundred thousand Muslims faced just as much hatred as that one hundred thousand Jews. They've actually been attacked with fists and rocks, and synagogues and officers touched and vandalized. I've been boycotted and openly threatened with violence. But look, said Husick. Eleven months ago, one person left a container of petrol on top of the car with a threatening note.

There have been incidents too where people from either an Arab or a Muslim background have been targeted in the last twelve months.

I mean, there was an incident and in New South Wales.

As you may be familiar, where a bomb was placed on the car of a person who had displayed outside their home a Palestinian flag. That matter had been taken up subsequently by police. Now that's as equally bad.

Not a bomba container of petrol. And then there was Foreign Minister pennywo today, I mean last night, she chose exactly this dangerous, explosive, tense time to give another speech painting Israel as virtually a rogue state. She even bracketed with China and Russia, implying that Israel was another rule breaker as it fights for its survival against terrorists. I mean, how inflammatory was that? Now offensive? And then having poured more of her petrol onto the anti Jewish flames. Wong today delivered this patronizing platitude.

What I would say to the Australian Jewish community is this, you are a valued part of our community. You are entitled to be and feel safe.

Jews are entitled to feel safe. So as a senior minister of the government making Jews feel so unsafe that human rights groups are warning Jews, watch out for Australia, watch out for the Australian government. It's weakness. And today Anthony Albanezi showed that this is a weak government that rots from the head. There's just quickly the economic use today the Reserve Bank has no surprise that started again not to cut interest rates. Inflation is still too high and said but slowly coming down, so Australians might get lucky early next year. And the Albanizer government desperately needs it to. It really really needs a rate cut before the election, probably March April. But the Reserve Bank government today wasn't giving any promises.

I honestly don't know if we're going to be cutting in February. We're going to be looking at the data and be dated.

The two other election related news. Peter Dutton is a lucky man last election. It's true costs the Liberals a lot of seats, more than it could afford, but at least many of the Liberals who lost were of the liberal left, almost indistinguishable, some of them from Labor. That left Dutton free to take the party back to where it should have been more conservative voted against the Voice for instance. Now more luck Dutton is losing two of the most senior left wing Liberals left that some Birmingham, the Senator, his Foreign Affairs spokesman. Two weeks ago he said he was retiring, and today Paul Fletcher, as manager of Oppostion Business, said he was going to as well to allow for a renewal. He said, which you know and of course believes now. I know it's not ideal to lose a sitting member at the last minute in a very tight election, but at least Fletcher delayed long enough to stop forming New South Wales Treasurer of Matt Kean a globe warming streams from replacing him and causing more instability that in fact, I think it was part of the plan. But now that it's quitting, well, that suggests that Fletcher did think that Teal Independent Nicolette T. Buller was going to beat him this time after his small margin and the Sydney seed of Bradfield was halved with the change of its boundaries. A Buller, by the way, it is one of those very confused global warming teals who think you can get rid of gas and coal and still miracle have cheaper electricity, and she's amazed to find that prices have gone up instead.

There isn't that I'm standing for election in twenty twenty five is. I feel, like so many people in the community that career party politicians aren't getting the job done. And we're seeing that when we go to tap on to pay the grocery bill each week, we see our energy prices continuing to rise.

We joined the Dotsmiths Buller, but back to Dene. Losing so many leftis has been meant. It's been freer to campaign, like I said on the Voice last year and yesterday, to say no to flying three flags as the prime always does. He always flies three flags, string flag and two race flags.

We are a country united under one flag, and if we're asking people to identify with different flags, not where the country does that, and we are dividing our country unnecessarily. Now we should have respect for the indigenous flag and the Torres straight hole in the flag, but they are not our national flags.

They were in peace that they tried to dismiss Dunton's call as proof that he's dividing the strands. Joshu Burns said it too, which is a laugh. When it's labor flying flags of just two races, that's dividing us. And then oh look it's often a frolic.

I think this says Peter Dunn, just doing what he knows how to do best, try and get a headline with no substance, no real policies about, for example, tackling cost of living or things that really matter to the Australian people.

Pretty simple policy, mister, rush with it flag not three flags, okay, pretty simple. Joining me every Tuesday is National Center, the Mat Canavan, the former Resources Minister Matt. This country has never seen so divided. You just have to ask our Jews. Of course, is it a time governments did emphasize instead the things that you notice, like one flag for all races.

Well, look, Andrew, I think that division has grown under this Prime Minister, and principally that's because he has shown a lot of weakness in response to some grave challenges that have emerged from around the world. Those challenges weren't of his doing, but it comes with a job to respond to issues like the rise of terrorism in the Middle East and the flow and effects here. But put simply, this Prime Minister has always spoken with a foked tongue on these issues. He has seemingly always had one eye on the electoral implications of very simple things like visiting an affected Australian community, the Jewish community in this case, that have been terribly struck by this shocking firebomb bombing, and the promise just hasn't been able to give the kind of leadership that would unite this country. And I think that's the principal reason why that division is growing. Now to the particular issue here, I think that Peter Dutton is exactly right. We are one nation, we have one flag, and we should unite as much as possible around that flag. Now, I say that with great respect for our indigenous heritage, just as many other aspects of our heritage. There will be a role and a place for the Indigenous flag, the Torres Straight Islander flag.

To be used.

But I actually think the overuse of Indigenous and Torres straight Alander symbols, the overuse of welcome to countries, acknowledgment of countries, has cheapened our respect for that heritage. We would be much better to save those symbols of our history for the special occasion that uniquely and distinctly mark our indigenous heritage. That would build I think, more respect across the Australian people. But make it a special thing, and we would have other opportunities to respect our multicultural heritage, our British heritage. And of course we all then unite around one flag in this great nation of ours. We are so lucky to live in what I think is the greatest nation on earth.

And I don't get the implication that to say we're all one, we're all equal, we're all under one flag, is to somehow disrespect someone else, will treat them as inferior. No, it doesn't. It lifts us all the up. Paul Fletcher now quitting some Birmingham before him. Is this because the liberal left realized the party has changed and their time is gone.

Look, I think that's probably reading too much into it.

I mean, I say someone here and I know everyone thinks the old trite I want to spend more time with my family is co for something else. But I'll tell you with someone in the mix of politics that sentiments all. Every time a politician gets up and says that, you know, for me, it's like, yeah, that does pull me. It palls me in that direction. I mean, it is a huge sacrifice being away from your family. I'm not coming on your show for any kind of pity or poor me.

I chose this. I'm a volunteer. My wife's the conscript my kids are the conscripts. But look, I think there.

Probably are the reasons that politicians make these decisions.

I think we've got an excellent shot of being.

In government, and I'm sure Simon Birmingham Paul Fletcher would have been very, very tempted.

To stay for that prospect.

But look, I don't know their own personal circumstances, but I think in these situations usually most people put their family first.

Labor is complaining that Peter Dutton stopped living from bench of James Patterson of reading out a statement bout laboring Pete. Josh Burns are rally supporting Jewish Australians with Burns that are lost his voice. It was bitty. Don't playing it too hard?

Well, I think what you said is right there. It wasn't there a Labor member of Parliament to make that statement. I mean, Melbourne's a big place. I mean it might be a bit different where I'm from up here in the country where you've only got one member of a parliament for an area of the size of Western Europe in some circumstances, so you sort of have to work together a bit more. But there's a lot of other In fact, you know, the Labor Party have the majority of members from Melbourne over us. Why couldn't someone else have deputized for Josh? I think the answer to that question is we all know that while Josh is a good blike I think he's a good guy, there are a few and far between like him in the Labor Party at the moment that are willing to do very simple things like defend the right of a democratic country like Israel to defend itself. I mean, it's a complex such people can have very different views on it.

But I think the the.

Tell here is that the Labor Party can't even bring themselves to stand in solidar or some of them can't saddenly do that when a synagogue has been firebombed. I mean, it should be a very simple thing. So look, I don't think I think it's been blowing over a proportion. I don't know the details either behind it. But even if I were to take Josh's account at face value, I think you're absolutely right.

Where are the other labor MPs at this event?

Where are they? Where are they? Defence Minister others? Where are they? Mcanavan? Thank you so much for your time the Northern Territory. It's changed its government, but the biggest problems still there and terrible crime rates, especially among Aboriginal youths. The latest victim is a territory legend, Ted Egan, the well known singer's storyteller, former administrated the normal territory administrates like a governor in state and someone who's worked in Aboriginal townships and learned a couple of Abaginal language as a friend of the Aboriginal people. Joining me is Scarne New's Lord and Australia correspondent Matt Cunningham. Mccannahem, great to see you again. Look what happened?


This was last Tuesday morning about four am in Alice Springs.


Now I've spoken to Ted Egan today. He says, at that time, his wife ners.

Was in bed.

She was woken to find two intruders were in the bedroom of their house. Now, she screamed when she's seen that these intruders were in there. She's eighty four years old. You've got to remember Ted Egan, he's ninety.

Two years old.

So that's woken Ted up and he's seen the intruders in the home as well. Now he started to chase them out. He chased them through the living room. Ted Egan's a man Andrew as you know, who spent a lot of time in Aboriginal communities across the Northern Territory in other parts of Northern Australia. So he actually started yelling at these intruders in the indigenous languages of Walpury and Pigeonjarra.

He said that they were saying to him, you know, give me some.

Money and we'll go away, and he was basically telling them to get the hell out of there. There was a third intruder who was in his yard. They've eventually taken off in a stolen car that was later found burn out. So The police were then called to the home. He said the police came very quickly. He's very complimentary of how they responded to this incident, particularly given the number of incidents they're having to deal with in Alice Springs at the moment. But he gave them a statement. He said that he had lost his wallet, his phone. They'd also taken two sets of spare car keys, and that meant that the next morning he in fact had to get a locksmith around to have the locks change in the ignitions of those vehicles, because the concern is, of course, once they steal your car keys, they're going to come back and steal your car. So, I mean, this is the latest in a number of serious incidents in recent weeks in Alice Springs, a crime situation that has been escalating. On Saturday night, there was a twenty nine year old woman I've been told that she was a doctor who was allegedly raped by someone who invaded her home in the suburb of East Side in Alice Springs. There was another incident at the weekend Andrew where I've been able to confirm there were stolen cars that were traveling around the CBD and a police officer in fact, had to draw his gun at one stage, and that was what eventually saw those cars disappear from the CBD and out into the suburbs of Alice Springs. So, I mean, we've talked about this being a crisis for a long time, but it's not getting any better. I know, the government's come in and change some laws, but we're not seeing any improvement at this stage on the ground in Alice Springs, and we are coming into the summer of the Christmas New Year period where traditionally things get worse.

This is just incredible, Matt. You can't really just click your fingers and expect much change. I mean, I was shocked by that recent Currenter's report in the Northern Territory that said something like one in hundred people spent time in jail. I mean, that's that's just an incredible imprisonment rate like that, with incidents like yeah and.

Let's remember someone who is let's remember sorry if I can cut you off, is it sixty five percent of those people are in prison. I mean, there's always this discussion about how many people are in prison in the Northern Territory, and I think there's this narrative that people in Melbourne and Sydney have that they're in there for are unpaid parking. Five and sixty five percent of the people who are in prison in the Northern Territory are Aboriginal people who are in there for committing an offense of violence against another Aboriginal person. So, I mean, I'm probably not telling you anything you don't know already, but I just worry that sometimes when we're banding around these statistics, you know, people get the wrong impression of what's going on here. There is an epidemic of violence that is happening in the Northern Territory.

It's continuing to happen, and it's getting worse.

Well, in fact, i'd go further. I was shocked to find that many of those that those assaults or forms of violence or whatever it was against another person, we're talking family members. A lot of it's domestic violence. Is when I hear activists here say don't lock them up, it's just systemic racism and thinking you're wanting people to stay out there to assault other women or children. Seriously, how does that help anyone these simplistic complaints that you hear from down south, that does all racism and white man's justice and all that. But given what's happened here with even ted Egan, a territory legend, I don't think many people outside on the territory will know just what a legend he is and what's done for the average and community, et cetera, et cetera.

What's this telling you, Well, it tells you that there's a serious breakdown, societal breakdown that's going on now.

It's interesting. I've been in I've interviewed as well.

Marrion Scrimger, the Federal Labor MP Andrew and she's been in contact with Ted Egan since he's happened. But I mean, I mean, she said to me that she is really concerned about growing racial division that we are seeing in the Northern Territory at the moment. And in fact, she said she has concerns that now there are non Indigenous women, in particular in Alice Springs who are deliberately being targeted in some of these instances. Now, Marion Scrimt and Ted Egan are talking about getting together and trying to find some solutions to these problems. It's clear that what we're doing at the moment is not working. But you know, when you hear a federal labor politician talk about the fact that we have serious racial division here in the Northern Territory and her concerns.

About where that's heading.

You know, you've got some real problems and also a real lack of respect for authority. There was an incident on the Tiwi Islands last week Andrew where police at six o'clock in the morning, we're trying to execute an arrest warrant for a known domestic violence offender community a Miller Carpety and those three police were assaulted.

One of them was knocked unconscious.

There was an attempt made to steal the firearm of that officer while he was unconscious on the ground in that home. One of those police officers had to be flowing back to Darwin. He had a broken jaw, he'd lost teeth. He was in a really bad way and remain so now. So you're just seeing these terrible incidents. There's been a lot of focus on Alice Springs, but it's not just happening in Alice Springs. We've really been at a crisis point for some time here in the Northern Territory. We've got a new government now that they've introduced some tougher laws, but I'm not seeing much change at this stage.

Well I've seen a change, but it's not like what you're suggesting there. When I grew up in the territory, the sort of stories we're hearing, they were almost unknown. Now you're telling me stories like this. I was told by a relative who served as a police officer in Darwin about the kind of violence that he's had to deal with over there. If you're talking about a racial problem, if you mean if the people telling you about racial problems mean that there are a lot of non Aborigines frightened of Aborigines. There may be a reason for that, and it's just something he's got to be done. Matt Cunningham, always great to talk to you.

Thank you so much, Thanks Andrew.

After the break, Donald Trump is welcome back like a hero by world leaders. What had changed from last time? And I'll tell you why. You know, it's not just the Jews who are in danger from this sickness in the left, this romancing of violence. This is Jordan van de Lum, a former public servant and the Socialist Party is Victorian candidate for the Senate. And this is one of his recent posts make Capitalists Afraid Again, showing the man in New York last week he shot dead Brian Thompson, a health insurance execus. The father that killer is allegedly Luigi Mangiani, who was arrested earlier today following can tip off from a worker at the McDonald's. Now Angeooni allegedly wrote a manifesto to justify this assassination. And what it's so sick about this killing is that it's been backed by many people on the Internet, or at least sympathized with. Even Taylor Lorenz, a former Washington Post columnist who then moved to Fox News now being sacked posted and people wonder why we want these executives dead. She later said, no, she didn't really advocate murder.

But still, when you see the entire internet, left and right, united around one thing, and that is celebrating I hate to say to you the death of a healthcare CEO, you have to ask why they're celebrating because it feels like a victory. It feels like somebody stood up to this barbaric, evil, cruel, violent system.

Jeremy Sean Spice and the first White House spokesman of President Donald Trump. Sure spikes. Great to see you again. Look, we've already seen the lift demonised Donald Trump for it is so bad that it's absolutely no wonder there were two assassination attempts on him during the recent campaign, and now the glorifying of this murder of a health executive. What's going on?

Yeah, I mean, look, I think that it's interesting. Well, obviously, this particular case in New York is unfolding as we speak. We'll find out a lot more about the individual. But I'm particularly intrigued that for all that I mentioned this last week to you, that for all the concern that we have from the left about guns in this country, they just let off Hunter Biden off on a gun charge without a peep lack of concern of President Trump.

You know.

The hypocrisy on the left is something that I've always taken note of, and I think it's exemplified in what they say and what they don't and when they.

Do about Donald Trump. He was at the reopening, Sean. I was just absolutely stunned by the pictures I saw because it was such a contrast to me. I'm interested in your opinion. He was at the reopening of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris that got burned obviously five years ago on the weekend, and it was astonishing to me the welcome that he got there and by the way that he also gave to the Ukrainian president. That's interesting, but lots of warmth. There were smiles, handshakes, hands on his back, including from Prince William, smiles, even from Joe Budden's wife. This is a very different reception from the first time that he was president. What say you?

It is?

And I loved watching this because if you closed your eyes and fell asleep and woke up and saw some of these image you would think he was president right now. The reception that President mccroan rolled out for him is one that a sitting president would get. You forget, not just because of how Donald Trump is being received, but the lack of Joe Biden being on the stage that he's still president. And it's something that was noted here in the States. This is an event, by the way, Andrew, that Joe Biden normally would have killed the go for it right, he's you know, he says he's a Catholic.

This is a world stage of world leaders.

This is sort of like writing Joe Biden's wheelhouse, and instead it was the first lady who went.

You have to wonder why, And I.

Think it's partly because I just wonder if he's still up to the job. Frankly, but you're right, the reception that Donald Trump got was very different, and I think it's because the world leaders last time took it as a fluke. We don't know where this guy came from. Now they know that the American people have spoken loud and clear. So if I were a world leader, I'd be doing a lot of sucking up.

And I get why they're doing it.

I think they're very, very concerned about how he's going to treat them going forward.

I think there's also going back to the first part of your answer, there has shown a sort of relief that there's someone in charge that they can deal with, that America has got a firm hand on the tiller coming along. But it's such a it's also you know, the first time he was there, you would remember this very well. For instance, the famous photograph of then Chancellor of Germany, Angela Mercle leaning over him like he was a counsel. Tran's student giving a lecture all these other leaders joining her. There seems to be now a respect which he could well have done with in the first term, but seems to me to promise some real action in this second term.

I would be I would clear your calendar for the afternoon of January twentieth. Donald Trump is coming back to office with a vengeance. He's had four years to understand the people, the process, and the policies that are going to drive the next four years. I think that these world leaders and initially kind of thought that Donald Trump was a fluke in twenty sixteen, and we're going to lecture him about how the world works. And after Donald Trump frankly learned the system, if you will, I think they're very concerned about him coming back in office because he knows exactly the buttons to push, when to push them, and how to push them. And he's not going to have a bunch of people to put the brakes on this. He's surrounding himself with people who understand that they're coming back into this administration.

To implement his policies.

And I think like it frightens some of the folks in the left at in this country.

I think for some of these world leaders, especially NATO countries.

That have been getting away with not paying their obligations under the Article five treaties that they've obliged themselves to. They're worried that Donald Trump is going to enact stiff penalties off the bat in various ways, whether it's trade or other means. And I think that they know that they want to curry favor as quick as possible.

He's not kidding this time around.

He knows he's got four years and he's going to play with every second that he's got.

But there's one thing though, Siria, right, You've had the full of the dictator that has fled to Russia. The opening of his prisons, saw stories of the torture of prisoners. You see the explosion of joy that this butcher who used chemical gas against his own people. You see the explosion of joy that is gone. I reckon this creates a problem for Tulsey Gabbard, who is Donald Trump's nominee for Director of National Intelligence. She has in the past suggested that ah Well, Siria is not an enemy of America, suggested she even wasn't sure that the dictator Basha al Assad was a war criminal.

As I have said before, if there is evidence that he has committed war crimes, he should be prosecuted as such.

But you're not sure.

Now, Everything that I have said requires that we take action based on evidence.

Given these statements of hers, does that make her a problem for Donald Trump? Her nomination? Will he go through the Senate? Given that she seems to have been so wrong in Syria.

I think she actually probably caught a break Andrew by aside being you know, fleeing the country, there's a lot less concern about him being there and how we would deal with.

Him, et cetera.

So she may have actually caught a break on the timing of that. She's going to have to answer for her comments and her policies when she meets with these senators. I think that's something they're going to press her on. But I've said this before, and I just want to make sure people understand. She is a military officer here in the United States, and by virtue of that, maintains a minimum secret and from what I understand, a top secret clearance. So any conversations or concerns that she had by others have been I should have been at least rectified by our security clearance process. So if there was grave concern about interactions that she's had or positions that.

She harbors, those usually get flushed out in that process. So I would just argue that that there's a little bit of.

Preclearance that's been done by the very virtue of her serving in the military at the level that she has, I would hope.

So although her softness on Putin two has been a concern, so we shall see all this all plays out. Sean, It's been fantastic have you on the show this year. This is our last time together. I really appreciate the insights you've brought and what a right it's been with this election of Donald Trump. So thank you so much for all you've done for us, for the viewers, and good luck to you with the have a happy Christmas.

In new year, I will thank you you too as well. It's always a pleasure to be with you and the folks at Sky.

After the break, Queensland's new premiere lets power go to his head. His gag is in piece of four years plus, Peter Dutton says, notifying three flags the panel. After this has power gone to the head of New Queensland Premier David Chris Fooley and why are so many liberals, even liberals, so scared of free speech? Christophool's run through Parliament a ban on any debate on Queensland's ab abortion laws, plus a ban on any change to those laws for the next four years. He's trying to shut up not just Catter's Australia Party, but his own party, just like Jeff Kenneth Disasterully tried to do in Victoria, gag his MPs when he was premier that back far and this may as well.

This motion today ends the disgraceful campaign. Queensland has said no to a US style scare campaign, Queenslanders said no to politicizing a sensitive issue, and Queensland has said no to the re election of a very bad labor government.

The Premier is a weak and frightened man who does not want to hear thee of anyone that contradicts him, and that's why he's seeking to gag.

Not just members of the LMP, not just members.

Of the ALP, He's seeking to gag every single member of the House. Join mister panel. Will Kingston, host of farat Will, a podcast from The Spectator on politics and culture, and Scoene, your host Anika to Georgio, Denika and James. Every Sunday at a PM. Will a premier banning his own party from even debating abortion for four years? What do you make of that?

Well, Andrew, you know that no one is more frustrated with the inability of Australian Conservatives to argue for free speech than I am. But in this instance, I think the fault lies more with us than with the politicians, the media and the public. There may once have been a time where we were capable of having mature discussions on important issues as a society. I think that time has passed. Unfortunately, now, what would happen if he does open this up? The media would say that he is running a divided government, which is always a ridiculous notion when no one is when a whole party is never going to agree on everything. They would say he lacks vision, They would say that he is indecisive, and ultimately it would be a political liability for him. I'm, of course all for free speech, but I don't think we are enabling politicians to have nuanced discussions on issues like this, which is why the premier has done what he's done.

I think there are other ways to shut de bait down without so obviously acting the little tyrant. But that's just me. I guess what do you think, Danika Well Andrew.

Only a few weeks ago, Labour's misinformation bill was shut down because of the threat to free speech, and here we are with a liberal premier doing the exact same thing. I personally find this absolutely bizarre and unbelievable move because gagging debate on what is a divisive topic, it actually annoys everybody from both sides of politics, the left, those who agree with abortion all the way to those who value speech, free speech and value it in our democracy. You only see this sort of shut down of debate in places like communist China or other communist regimes. And let's not forget that Queensland's abortion laws are some of the more extreme.

In the world.

You can even get an abortion over twenty two weeks if it's approved by two medical practitioners.

That's my understanding.

But I just think, Andrew, there are a number of factors that lead women to make this decision, and I think that we need to have an open and honest debate on it.

Whether you agree with it or you don't.

And I just think it sounds to me he's either got an easy conscience or is scared that he doesn't have the numbers to restrain a debate. But I mean, that's democracy. I would have thought to another leader of federal officer, usually to Peter Dutton, he says, when or if he becomes Prime minis who won't fly three flags? Just the Australian one. It's you, right, Will Kingston, doesn't matter.

Does matter? And he is right. I was at an event at the Australian High Commission in London the other day, Andrew and there were three flags flying. You had Torris Straight Island flag on one side, you had the Australian flag on the other side, and you had the Indigenous flag in the middle. And it really irritated me. It was like the Australian flag was an afterthought. And I think Dodd has been very clever in dipping into these culture wars issues selectively but with intention. He's recognized that the winds have changed. He's recognized that people are sick of the welcomes to country, of the Australian days, squabbles, of the multiple flags that every possible identity group and they want to return to common sense and a bit of a good old fashioned patriotism. And the left in Australia and overseas actually haven't recognized that the winds have changed and it is starting to bite them at the ballot box.

No, you're lucky. I've been to Australia House when it's not only all those flags you mentioned, but there's the gay Pride flag. I think it might even be the trans flag. It's just fester outside every flag virtually but a couple of teddy Australian ones. Denika, what do you make of this debate?

Yeah, you can't keep up with how many flags there are these days.


Look, a couple of months ago, I was emceeing an event and there was all this fuss about the Aboriginal flag which was behind me, simply because apparently it was upside down.

Never mind what the Australian flag looked like it was.

We must get this Aboriginal flag right otherwise somebody is going to be upset and somebody is going to be offended. And this is the notion that we've got in our society when it comes to welcome to countries flags. If we're not flying other flags or we're not doing the welcome to country. Oh we can't because you know it's going to upset someone, so we absolutely have to do it. So good on Peter Dutton for taking a stand. And I've got to say this is the Donald Trump effect, Andrew, because Donald Trump stood up against the woke and we're slowly seeing people pushing back and long may it continue.

Yes, I think it has the effect of saying to people, why labor so hooked on all these minority issues and neglecting the big one. But we shall see. The Reserve Bank has given the premise a bit of hope that it's going to cut interest rates will just before the next election. Could that save the government? When the Reserve Bank governor today pointed out just how much higher prices have gone under alban Easy and she says they won't come back here she is.

It's also important to note that prices are not going back to where they were before this high inflation. The high inflation over the past couple of years has permanently increased the price level. Fact, prices in September quarter twenty four were sixteen percent higher than they were three years earlier.

So will will an interest rate cut in February March save the Albanizi government.

Not necessarily because voters aren't stupid, and they don't they have longer memories than goldfish. Andrew and I think it's a really good parallel with the US, where the American electorate had struggled for years with high inflation. Now, admittedly inflation was going down by the time of the US election, but it was that pain over a long period that ultimately led to the downfall Biden and Harris, I think you'll say the same thing in Australia.

That's it absolutely spot on. Thank you very much to Nikkas Georgio and will Kingston see you next year after the break? Serious dictator has now gone so well, the merry millions and millions of Syrian refugees now go home? Can we make them so? Dictator Basher Alasadas fledged Syria new rules there are promising tolerance and the country's prisons have been open to three thousands of political prisoners. So will the Syrian refugees in Europe now go home? Germany alone is almost a million of them. Britain took in forty thousand Syrians in a decade. Well, for now, Germany, Austria, Britain and others just frozen any more assylum applications from Syrians joining me from London is colinists, author and broadcaster. It's the cracker. It's the great to see you. I thought. Refugees they just want a place to stay until it's safe to go home. So how many do you expect to actually go back to Syria?

Well, I would make a conservative guess of not even one. And the reason for that is because of international law. So legally, countries are not allowed to return refugees back to their countries if they even if they become safe. It's called a refoulment and it breaches international law. And the real crux of this issue is the fact that refugee status and asylums granting asylum status to individuals, it's given out too freely and too readily. The reason why a lot of refugees will go back to their countries even if they become safe, is because they will lose all benefits that they receive in their host countries. They're now countries which will either be Germany or the UK. Now what Germany did after receiving one point two million Syrian refugees at the beherse of Angler Merkel. Much of the sugar of much of her the electorate was they gave them visitor visas, and I think the UK should do something similar, having sort of temporary visit to visa so that when the countries they come from are deemed safe, like places like Ukraine for example, when the war ends, they can be returned without falling foul of international law, which is a complete headache and has the support of an industrial charity complex with many highly paid, well paid human rights lawyers at the like the likes.

Of Kiir Starmer.

It should be you know, a normal expectation to expect people to return back to their countries when they will come safe. But unfortunately, the way international law works and the way that you'll hear the media screaming racism, it's just not worth all the hassle. You just have to change the law, so you change the status with which these people come into these countries. And we have to remember that, you know, there are significant risks with absorbing huge populations of people on a permanent basis and it has you know, repercussions in terms of domestic politics. So for example, the Turks Turkey, you know, took in three million Syrian refugees and that's had a huge impact on sort of domestic populist politics. The Germans of course at one point two million.

The UK.

Now we have about thirty thousand left. I think about ten thousand of those that came have returned since twenty nineteen. But they do have some significant ramifications. We have to remember here in the UK. Since nineteen ninety eight, a quarter one in four of all people committed of terrorist offenses here in the UK are from a refugee background, many of them coming from place like Syria and North Africa. Remember the Manchester bombings of the Ariana Grande concert a few years ago. That was someone who was of Libyan heritage. He was a refugee. So there are national security threats of just absorbing such huge populations from these kinds of conflict with the regions in the world.

Yeah, So this is the last time we're going to talk this year. I hope to see you back next year and I got to thank you for all your efforts here. Looking back over this year, how's Britain changed? I Mean I would have thought what you're talking about, the immigration issues become front and center. And that's one of the reasons that the previous Becauservian government got thrown out for because it promised to do something about the boarders. It failed got chucked out. How has Britain changed, Well, I can.

Say that Britain is a tipping point and I think one of one of the instances this year that made that very clear with the Southport riot. I'm sure you remember the three girls that were brutally stabbed at the Taylor Swift dance class in Southport, North England, and this year and people had just had enough. You know, the riots became worldwide news because the government. Subsequent governments have just refused to listen to the UK population. You know, the Conservative government under David Cameron promise to bring immigration down to the tens of thousands.

He didn't.

That led to Broxit, then Boris Johnson governments really just blew the doors open. And last in the last two years immigration figures have been revised upwards. So we've had basically almost two million people in the last two years. It's completely unsustainable. And kids Starman now his great reset speech last week, he didn't even mention immigration. He talked about you know, clean energy and the economy and all of this and didn't even mention the big elephant in the room. So Britain is at a breaking point and I think this is why you're saying a resurgence of you know, the likes of Niger Faraj and his Reform Party in the council elections next day. You're probably going to see a huge wave in Scotland and Wales for the Reform Party.

But we have to wait until.

Twenty twenty nine to really make the kind of change that's necessary in the country to stop this unsustainable wave of not only immigration but declining public services and you know, cultural issues as well. It's really quite significant and unfortunately we're going to be sort of the last in the world to have our trumping movement, if you will, just because of where our elections.

Cant wait till you stand for election anyway, it's the correctly thank you so much to do for your time. Love to have had you this year. Thank you. One of thaying I've got bad news Rupert and Lachlan murder my bosses have lost their bit of change with school then irrevocable trust so that Lachlan stays the boss of this company in Fox Corps. Once Rupert is no longer with us, it's a change it so that Ruper's had the sun the very lift wing. James and daughter of Elizabeth and Prudence count vote Lachlan out that if irrevocable does affect mean irrevocable and it's bad for this reason. James is made clear that he doesn't like what Fox News does, doesn't like what people let me do here in Australia, like challenging global warming scare that's driving as broke. And if he takes over, can you imagine a world without the Murdoch media. Someone say hooray, but where's the debate gone? Without a debate, you don't have people saying but wait a minute, you might be wrong whichever side it is. And I just think if this becomes like a CNN boy, oh boy, oh boy, you will be the loser. So fingers crossed that we have better news from that. It's going to appeal and let's hope it wins. And after all, no Murdock, no me anyway, that's it from me. Coming up next Shary markson good note

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